Trying Harry Potter Sorting Hat Bath Bombs • Saf & Tyler

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Hello friends and welcome to another video. Today we're going to be trying out Harry Potter Sorting Hat Bath Bombs. And I'm jazzed. Tyler: I'm jazzed, too. Safiya: We're jazzed. So I saw these bath bombs both on Instagram and in a bunch of articles written about them. Basically the way they work is that they- you can't tell what's inside from the outside. And then you dump them in the bath, and then they turn a house color, and they sort you. I have taken the Pottermore Sorting Hat quiz probably like five times- Tyler: Wait, why? Safiya: Just 'cause it's fun. Tyler: I think it's because you get sorted into the wrong house and then you have to take it agian. So you might identify as a Ravenclaw, but really you're only a Ravenclaw like two out of five times- Safiya: That's not true. Tyler: Three out of five times. Safiya: I've taken it about five times. Tyler: Fake Ravenclaw. Safiya: I've gotten Ravenclaw four times and Slytherin once. Tyler: Oh! That's pretty good. Safiya: The reason that Tyler hasn't taken the Pottermore quiz is because he took the Patronus quiz and he didn't like his result. Tyler: I got a pheasant. Safiya: I- you know, I got a black bird which I'm fine with. Tyler: Like what's the pheasant going to do? It's just going to be like "[bleep] you, dementor." Safiya: I think Tyler's a Gryffindor. Tyler: I'm a thunderbird. Safiya: I think Tyler- well that's a different question. We're Americans so we actually went to Ilvermorny but just scrap that for now. So Tyler is going to take a bath, try out that bath bomb, and then we're going to take the Pottermore quiz to see if the bath bomb was right. Then I'm going to take the Pottermore quiz once again to show you guys that I'm truly a Ravenclaw, and then I'll get a bath bomb as well. Tyler: Look at this. This is my first bath in like a really, really long time. Safiya: We're shower people. Tyler: We've been dating for two years. I don't think you've ever taken a bath. Safiya: I've taken like two- one bath in that time. Tyler: You're not a big bath fan. Safiya: I just- I like the shower on- I like things getting washed down. I pee in the shower. You can't pee in the bath. Tyler: You can't pee in bath. Is my chest hair on full blast right now? By the way, I'm seeing a lot of kitty litter in this bath with me, so yeah. Safiya: I tried to clean it out. Tyler: Oh, it's on my foot though. There's just a layer of kitty litter everywhere in our apartment. I'd be fine with any of the houses. I kind of self-identify as Gryffindor. Hufflepuff has been growing on me lately. So much power in such a small thing. Safiya: Oh my god! Tyler: What? Safiya: This is the second bath bomb that just completely disintergrated in my hands. Wait. What the hell? So I ordered a six pack of these Harry Potter Sorting Hat bath bombs, and I tried to open one and it disintegrated in my hands as I was opening it and it was a Ravenclaw. And I then tried to open a second one and it fell into the sink and disintegrated into my hands and it was also Ravenclaw. So I'm pretty sure there must be no Ravenclaws left. Tyler: Because some of them disintergrated- I mean, they come from England, right? Safiya: I don't know where they come from. Tyler: Well, they've come a long distance to be at this place. So I'm just going to open this guy over the bath so we can at least figure out what it is. Oh. [smells the bath bomb] This thing smells incredible, dude. Is it- is it edible? Safiya: I don't know. Try it. [yells in disgust] Tyler: Bombed! I guess I'm a Slytherin. The Dark Lord has chosen me. Safiya: It smells really good over here. Tyler: It smells amazing. I smells like Slytherin, man. It feels great. It feels like there's a thin layer of candy on my body. This is interesting because I never thought of myself as a Slytherin, but I do like Slughorn. I said that I was open to any of the houses and I'm going to stick by it. You have to embrace what you get. My dad always said to me, "You just gotta be Joe Whatever You're Doing." So I'm Joe Slytherin right now. [sings] You know, I'm kind of embracing this whold "Dark Lord" thing, babe. Avada kedavra! Crustini kill. Safiya: Literally how deep is this water? Tyler: It's like two inches deep! Safiya: You feel soft and you smell pretty nice. Tyler: Softer than usual? You know, I'm committing to Slytherin right now. I hope I get Slytherin here. Safiya: So maybe it was fat that I ruined the first two bath bombs. Tyler: Yeah. Would you have liked it if I was in Ravenclaw? Safiya: I would have liked it. Tyler: Yeah? Safiya: I mean- Tyler: You and your Ravenclaw obsession. Be sorted to discover your house. Moon or stars? Now I like stars, but I do love a big pale moon. Safiya: Like a butt? Tyler: Okay. Here we go. You're attending Hogwarts, which pet would you choose to take with you? Tabby cat, saimese cat, white cat- you know what? I don't actually need to do this. I know it would be a tabby cat. Right? I think Crusty would love Hogwarts. Safiya: Crusty is definitely a Slytherin. Tyler: Okay. After you have died, what would you most like people to do when they hear your name? Miss you, but smile. Ask for more stories about your adventures. I don't care what people think about me after I'm dead. It's what they think of me while i'm alive that counts. Well clearly one of those is Slytherin. It's funny when they try to plant the questions and they're painfully obvious. Safiya: Yeah. Tyler: They're like, "Are you cool with horcruxes?" Heads or tails? Ooh. This is a big one. Oh god this is hard. I'm going tails. There we go. OOOH-- what?! Safiya: I thought you were going for Slytherin. Tyler: I'm all twisted up now, guys. Because I went into this thing like, you know, I self-identify as Gryffindor. I didn't get it from the bath bomb. I find that the bath bomb is a more official test. And so I was like, "Okay. I'm team Slytherin." I'm very conflicted. Safiya: Okay. So lets do mine. Tyler: Are you going to have to return your robe if you're not Ravenclaw? Safiya: Dawn or dusk? Dusk. How would you like to be known to history? The wise, the good, the great, the bold. Tyler: They're literally in the colors! Safiya: So this is when you're like, "Saf, you're just choosing what will help you get into Ravenclaw." Tyler: "Authentic test taking" over here. Safiya: Which of the following whould you most like to study? Centaurs, goblins, merpeople, trolls. Tyler: Troll in the dungeon! Safiya: Thought you ought to know. Left or right? Tyler: I'm on your left. So. Safiya: I think it's gotta be left. I think left is interesting. Safiya: Ravenclaw! Let him go! We freaked him out so much. Tyler: I'm trying to! He just wants to hang out. Safiya: We just freaked Crusty out so bad. Okay so I got Ravenclaw. Tyler: Do you find that on your sixth time taking the test it's easier to get Ravenclaw again? Safiya: I mean... Tyler: We'll let the bath bomb decide! Safiya: Oh no! My lint from my feet just got everywhere. Just don't zoom in on the lint. I swear I cleaned this tub. Tyler: Do you want a sip of a Caprisun? Safiya: I'm not nervous. Yeah I want some Caprisun. I mean, I really did have two Ravenclaw ones. So maybe I was meant to be a Ravenclaw. They just broke. Or maybe Tyler is meant to be in Ravenclaw. Or maybe Tyler is meant to be in Slytherin and I was supposed to break both. The only reason I don't want Hufflepuff is because it's just going to look like I peed. Tyler: This is destiny right here. Safiya: Ready? [music] Tyler: Oooh! [music] Safiya: What is it? What is it? Tyler: I can't tell! Safiya: Wait what is it? What color is it? Tyler: I don't know, man. Safiya: What color is it? Tyler: Oh there you go! It's yellow! Saf's peeing, man! You knew you were a squibs, you just decided to pee. Safiya: Listen, Hufflepuff has the best location for their house. Hufflepuff is like next to the kitchen. It smells great, it feels nice. Let me see. Tyler: But it's a nice bath bomb, right? Safiya: Yeah! It smells nice. It smells just kind of generically sweet. Like kind of vanilla-ish. And then in general, I feel like the nice coating. There's like some lotions or moisturizers in there. The interesting thing is that I've never gotten Hufflepuff on any quizzes, so like maybe there is a part of me that's Hufflepuff. The part that likes to take baths, and I don't nourish it enough. Maybe Hufflepuff is like, "Yo. Take some more baths, dude." So we wanted to do an extra bath bomb for Crusty, and we're not going to be able to get Crusty in here. Tyler: Not able to. We're not putting Crusty in here. Are you crazy? Safiya: Oh shit! Tyler: Ooooh! [laughs] Tyler: Did that just fall apart? That just happened to you! Safiya: So it sorted Crusty correctly. Tyler: What that means is that clearly this thing is correct. Tyler and Crusty match made in heaven! We're both Slytherins. I have evidence, you guys. Here is one of the ones that Safiya dropped as she was cutting it open. You want to go third bath bomb there? Safiya: I mean, we already ruined it. Oh just kidding! I'm a Ravenclaw! Ahhh! Actually turned into a very nice color. Tyler: Yeah that looks good. Safiya: Okay, I'm going to enjoy my bath. Tyler: Stop being Myrtle over there. [Myrtle giggle] Safiya: In general, I feel like this was fun. There's so many essential oils on my body now. I just feel like really moisturized, so that's awesome. So this could add some magic to your bath. But, you know, I don't know if that it was accurate. In general, I think the only true sorting happens in Hogwarts with the Sorting Hat, but Pottermore is probably, you know, the second after that, and then I would trust these bath bombs. Tyler: Here's my list. It goes bath bomb, bath bomb, bath bomb. TEAM SLYTHERIN! Safiya: Thank you guys so much for watching! I hope you enjoyed that video. Let me know if you tried these bath bombs or if you're going to try these bath bombs in the comments below. If you like that video, make sure to sha-mash that like button, and if you want to see more videos like this, make sure to sha-mash that subscribe button. If you are already subscribed, make sure to sha-mash that little bell icon in the middle to turn on post notifications so you get a notification every time I post. Here are my and Tyler's social media handles. Make sure to check out my Nextfeed. I do a lot of daily blogging and Q and A's on there. And make sure to check out Tyler's YouTube channel. A lot of you guys have been asking when we're going to start posting on that again, and we're going to start posting very soon. So make sure to be there or be not there. A big shoutout to Jen for watching! You put Ravenclaw in your bio, Jen. Smart move. And I will see you guys ah next time.
Channel: Safiya Nygaard
Views: 4,760,941
Rating: 4.9670553 out of 5
Keywords: harry potter sorting hat bath bombs, harry potter sorting hat, harry potter, bath bombs, nerdcore, nerd, potterhead, potter, bath, beauty, etsy, trying harry potter sorting hat bath bombs, safiya and tyler, safiya nygaard, tyler williams, hogwarts, gryffindor, ravenclaw, hufflepuff, slytherin, the dark lord, voldemort, saf and ty, saf & tyler, safiya buzzfeed, safiya ladylike, safiya, tyler buzzfeed, safiya and tyler buzzfeed, pottermore
Id: vgbbvJj3k-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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