Strawberry Shortcake πŸ“ Sporty Strawberry! πŸ“ 2 Hour Compilation

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[Music] everyone [Music] good morning Barry can bloom good morning Strawberry Shortcake what are you up to today I'm creating ways to make flowers different sizes both very big and very small even if you don't have a whole lot of room you can still have plenty of flowers in blue that's a very clever idea [Music] thank you good morning raspberry hi strawberry it certainly is a fine morning to enjoy the flowers oh well I'm not just enjoying them I'm going to make a new perfume with pieces of the petals [Music] oh nice yeah nice but it's going to be part of my new spring fashion line my very best ever so I want it to be really super special well with all these flowers to choose from you should have something really special in no time goodbye oh my God [Music] [Music] that's so strange but it does smell nice foreign [Music] what can I do for you you know I'm always happy to help the bearkins with anything at all large or small you girls have to try this new berry pudding I made [Music] sounds delicious where's raspberry I haven't seen her all day there she is foreign ready to get quilting no more sewing please I just came by to say I can't come to quilting club today but quilting Club is your favorite is something wrong yeah this I promised the princess I'd make waders for all the barricades for their annual Jam stomping dozens and dozens of them and I thought it would be easy because the virgins are so small but it turns out making something so small is actually so hard you see to make them water tight they need a little itty bitty teensy weensy stitches too tiny for my sewing machine and they're so hard to see oh dear oh that's too bad or raspberry oh oh dear oh raspberry if only those spinny barricades were the same size as us at least then I could see what I'm doing foreign [Music] [Music] s were bigger Not only would this job be easier but bigger barricants could stop that much more Jam [Music] okay everybody they're too big but I have just a way to make them fit perfectly just hold still while I know oh nice ah did I smell bad or something no uh patience oh [Applause] now try the waders on [Music] um sure here you go [Music] great wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] my perfume [Music] what is all that commotion [Music] I can see halfway to the very words from here [Music] [Applause] [Music] to no time thanks to raspberry [Music] until you're all back to normal size [Music] raspberry did you see what's happened to The Berry kids [Music] say is anyone else a little chilly Burr we should go inside sorry raspberry here's your perfume that made us bigger [Music] thanks how about that funny story [Music] huh [Music] goodness me my spray must have done this somehow [Music] so that's what happened I don't know why the Pro it just does that doesn't make sense perfume doesn't make things grow Berry can bloom what about him he was working on a spray to make flowers bigger right near where you were gathering petals for your perfume and it was pretty windy my special spray somehow got away we think we figured out how somehow your growth spray got into my perfume and when I sprayed it on the berrykins you sprayed it on the berries oh yes who's having trouble making waders that were so small so but raspberry did you think how you were gonna make the berry can small again well I thought they might like Bean big hmm But Barry can bloom you have another spray to make flowers smaller right I do indeed for whatever size you need so maybe if raspberry makes more perfume and you mix it in with the other spray but what does he need to mix it with my perfume my spray doesn't work that way it takes more time so something about the perfume must have caused the change when it was mixed with berry can bloom spray then it's up to YouTube we need you to mix some special perfume [Music] let's go [Music] foreign [Music] let's hope this works [Music] oh nothing happened hmm it smells better is that the sprayer you used this morning no that one is American sparkles well I don't see anything too small for you to see but not for me oh so it wasn't just your growth spray my perfume but the Sparkles too it's a good thing you're so small or we'd never have figured that out Sparkles I can make but I don't know how many it will take [Music] this time for sure [Music] foreign [Music] but it might be best to try another test we did it we did it bacon Bloom and I found a way to shrink the bear cans back to normal terrific great news we knew you could do it way to go raspberry yay raspberry [Music] in no time [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no no [Music] we need lots of sparkles [Music] strawberry are you here there's a problem idea [Music] I never thought I'd be looking up at a very looking way up [Music] how's it going raspberry well we've been trying to make more but bear can bloom hasn't been able to match the right kinds of sparkles let's try again this time blue goes first you might want to sort of duck [Music] oh I hope he figures it out soon the Americans are too big to keep the berry Works running if they can't run the berry works then no one is making glimmerberry juice what happens to berry bitty city when the juice runs out oh this is absolutely awful I thought making the bearkins bigger would be helpful I didn't think I'd be affecting all of berry pity City right now we're the only ones small enough to run the berry works you know you're right just just show me what to do I helped cause this problem now I'm gonna help fix it I'll help too me too me too let's go girls I'm all right raspberry we're going to need more of your perfume oh but the princess needs me to help run the berry works and besides I'm much too small to reach any of the flowers that's not so even though we're Betty we can do big things especially if some of the Americans reach the flowers for you oh I just thought of something well we're running the berry Works who's gonna run our shops as soon as I figure out how to make it [Music] let's go [Music] look at all of these what do we do where are they supposed to go I know we'll sort it by color he's right dips on green what a great idea [Music] so what do we do whatever the Americans used to do come on [Music] I sure wish we could do it the way the berry kids do it they make it look so easy I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh dear oh my God [Music] thank you [Music] be next no me we're glad to be little again it was fun to be tall but we're more used to small I should have realized you were just fine the way you were I'm sorry I tried to change you just to make things easier for me I ended up making things awful for all of berry bitty city and now we'll mix another batch to change you and your friends back to normal [Music] oh I can survive and back to normal [Music] [Music] so who here is ready to be normal sized again [Music] I'm sure glad things are back to normal you know I never wish the Americans were bigger but I didn't really appreciate how important it is that everyone in berry bitty city is different from one another me too same here yep so thanks to you and your potion we actually found out what a big contribution The Berry kids make no matter how small they are and how better they could run the very Works than we could that's true everyone has their own special contribution to me no matter how big or small The Berry kids have theirs and we have ours I know you've had a busy day but we still have to stomp Jam tomorrow and I did promise you very king sized waiters maybe I can get very confused to make me small again so I can move out if we just help you make more Waiters hmm [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] monster maybe just a water plant huh oh [Music] look what is it a little fish he is kind of cute kinda our first the cutest fattest most adorable cheeks you've ever seen hey little guy hey sweetie I think oh my scared are you all by yourself you're too little to be all alone oh poor little guy oh well I'm sure he's fine and uh what are you doing taking him home but someone's got to take care of them they're a little guy all alone in the Big World orange wait we are little split you could trust me yeah how old are you huh [Music] orange listen for a sec okay I'm listening I'm listening he's going to get away I just asked that you consider something dead he might be cute and little now but he's going to grow and then he might be harder to take care of you are most but you all the things I mean someone's gonna take care of them hey where is he he wants to come home with me think I'll name you Butch Butch it looks like a bunch he looks like trouble cute as he is but it's up to you orange oh come on strawberry don't you trust me of course but well I'm gonna prove it to you I'm gonna take better care of this fish then Ash has ever been taken care of before I'm going to feed you and read to you every night oh I can't wait to read you my favorite stories and we'll give you a beautiful home however you'll be safe and warm oh I mean cool just wait till you see you're gonna love it there [Music] what's his name Stuart isn't that the cutest name you ever heard for a fish Stuart [Music] where's yours oh look he's super cute hi lemon hello Plum hi raspberry hi lemon what a doll where's your fish [Music] his name is Todd I thought it was Stewart oh catchy and cute and dignified to boot and look what I thought [Music] [Applause] laughs hey my goodness Todd you've outgrown five tanks in two days [Music] here you go boy [Music] that's a good boy if that one doesn't work for you strawberry I have one with pictures oh I love the ones with pictures blueberry oh hi strawberry I seen blueberry I'm right here emergency Todd's sick I need books on fish care fish diseases fish cures fish medicine oh no what's wrong with him list the symptoms please well if he has growths where did I go wrong I've tried to give him everything a fish needs I know you have everything a fish could want I know you did everything a fish she's not a thing he's a tadpole uh a tadpole what's that a baby frog what is a fish he's a frog Todd's a frog well he will be soon he'll grow arms and legs and lose his tail this process is called metamorphosis so um so at least he's not sick but it might be best to take him back to the stream huh what do that I promise to take care of him but that's when you thought he was a fish it's just that well is it a frog more than you bargained for I am not going to turn my back on him just because he switched species he Dad can't help it if he's a frog [Music] okay we're ready and lift there that's the front panel front panel of what raspberry oh I didn't show you you didn't see well here come here come over here this is great I know I know you don't have the words um fabulous maybe inspired tremendous Cutting Edge see um orange appointed me fashion designer I'm designing all the outfits for her and Tad see you next week she'll ride him in a dressage and jumping show with both of them sporting raspberries frog forward Fashions orange says it'll be great publicity you know I'll probably most likely will hopefully well maybe you know have a have my own pet apparel line in stores by next fall aha [Music] huh please close the door orange thinks they'll do great business if I Branch out into pet grooming huh and now some cologne he's kind of stinky all right wait a minute [Music] thank you sorry orange you look perfectly adorable than something scare him maybe he doesn't like berrylicious lavender maybe the bow is too girly for him maybe he doesn't like the color or maybe frogs don't wear bows huh Orange it's just that I don't think frogs are supposed to be washed or dressed up maybe it would be best to let him go in the wild out there all alone oh no no no no no no he's much better off with me come on dad [Music] uh thanks lemon I'll bring him back tomorrow okay I'll have a talk with him he'll be better behaved I promise I can't wait [Music] what is that I promise it's not my stomach we believe you I have a feeling I know just what it might be all right oh no Tad doing his night croaking how can we do our night's sleep maybe the croaking is just a stage and he'll grow out of it that'll probably be the only thing he doesn't grow out of where's Orange she turned in early she was tired from chasing tat around come on girls let's think of a way to get him to go to sleep uh hot milk no not that oh a blanket no never mind oh a lullaby uh wait what was that a lullaby sing a lullaby to a frog I like it get it [Music] [Music] pleasant dreams [Music] what is he let's go oh [Music] back in five minutes it's been more like five hours I wonder where she could be uh I need to get some light bulbs for my reading lamps still closed huh yesterday too I want to paint this beautiful tulip in the middle but I'm out of brushes well I guess I'll just have to make a sculpture of the Tulip instead I wish you could sculpt me a light bulb [Music] make sure I wouldn't want him to hurt himself having to hop too much Orange what are you doing building a swimming pool for Tad isn't it great Orange um promise to let me use it to teach water ballet classes if I help dig well I gotta admit orange you're sure giving him the best everything he needs and then when Mrs Drew Barry came home and discovered the kittens had unraveled her yarn oh excuse me strawberries Cafe hope you're having a very nice day strawberry speaking oh my yes right away princess berrykin [Music] really [Music] I'm very sorry Princess I'll talk to Orange the graceful lift with the left arm please everyone this is water belly not wood chopping and now everyone with Grace and style I'd like you to look out over here uh yeah I think oh strawberry orange promised to let me use this pool but every class gets interrupted by Tad I'll talk to her I promise [Music] oh strawberry this is the very worst I mean I can't tell you it's it's what is it raspberry what's happened I'm upset see that you are what upset you my sewing that your frog forward Fashions let me guess Tad didn't like them no no of them so much heat my goodness French said was he's just a frog he didn't know what he was doing that doesn't sound like the orange we know no it sounds like the orange who's got a pet that's become more important to her than than manners I'll talk to her strawberry orange what's the matter it's time [Music] now don't worry everyone's out looking I'm sure the berry kids will find him any minute now he couldn't have gone very far I did everything I could for him I kept him cool when he was hot why would he was called made them sheltered no frog has ever been so loved it and and now he ran away orange I found your pet oh [Music] you're wearing up there you come down here this instant [Music] now he's asleep oh wake him up um I don't think that's such a good idea hello wake up oh foreign [Music] all right I think we should talk orange everyone knows you to be so kind and considerate but I think maybe you've been trying to be so kind and considerate to Tad but you've forgotten about everyone else my friends my very best friend forget you what I mean is Tad has caused a bit of trouble and but he doesn't know any better exactly I think being responsible for a pet means taking responsibility for any trouble he causes because the pet really doesn't know any better I know I need to do a better job of being responsible for Tad I'm doing everything I can think of I don't know what else to do well maybe the best way to care for Tad is to not care for Tad what do you mean orange I just don't know if Tad belongs here oh strawberry please give him I mean me another chance I promise he'll never be any trouble to anyone in very bitty city again but how you'll see oh I'll train him you said even though we're bitty we're capable of big things and I know I can do this I won't turn my back on my responsibility to tat well mmm [Music] wow I've never seen it so neat and tidy in here before I wanted to do something nice to make it up to you for Chad eating the Fashions thank you orange really mine I promise Tad will never bother your classes again thank you orange I'm hoping the Americans will accept some frog rides to make up for all the trouble we caused [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] not having much fun huh big guy yeah oh hi strawberry hi orange I came to tell you everyone is so pleased about how you apologized for Tad's troubles everything is back to normal in berry bitty city oh oh good I know it's been difficult but I know if it meant doing the right thing for Tad you could do something even more difficult of course I'd do anything for Tad what is it that's more difficult than all the things I've done so far I mean those were big things what's bigger than that letting him go oh strawberry sometimes the very biggest things we have to do are the things we can't even see do you think he's going to think I don't love him oh I'm worried he'll never get over it oh Tad I know this is difficult try to be strong [Music] he didn't even say goodbye but did you see how happy he was yeah you're right you're right wasn't just happy he was the happiest I've ever seen him oh and that makes me happy too how about a picnic I think that is a very good idea Glitters no glittery glittery no no no no no no Glitter ring it her ring oh that sounds best what do you think pupcake Rock custard oh why thank you hmm now what rhymes with star I know far um up in the sky so very far oh look what's that oh a falling star one wish to make what will it be a lot at stake you must agree little white light a glittering ball with great Delight I watch it fall soon as it's gone my wish comes then to to see Before Dawn one fall again delightful Miss Shortcake simply delightful oh Mr long face I'm so glad you're here it's only a week until the next Story Time corner and you're the perfect person to help me with the poem I'll be reading for everyone it's almost there I think but I would be grateful for some help with these two words oh thank you just those two words are all that I oops excuse me strawberries Cafe hope you're having a very nice day strawberry speaking oh that's great I'll be right over raspberry um do you mind watching the cafe Mr longface just running over to Raspberry's Boutique be right back oh why certainly or take your time [Music] oh no no no no no glittery yes I'm so excited a custom designed one-of-a-kind raspberry for my own Pottery night okay I have all of your Merry measurements now I know what size to make your dress so you can relax oh would you like to see my preliminary you know my first sketches and you can make any changes you want surprise me I just love surprises well okay then I guess so then I'll just uh you know go with what I had I mean have in mind if that's what you have in mind sounds terrific well I've got to get back to the cafe thanks I'll have it ready for you by story time [Music] star from outer space huh don't I wish to see your face oh falling star up in the sky I see you twinkled with my eye don't fly away you'll make me cry oh ah Miss Shortcake would you know a word that rhymes with cry why why of course perfect I mean why change so much of my poem didn't you like it oh oh no my dear I simply adored it I merely made a few changes to give it more of that sense of well being there the actual moment when you saw the star well to tell the truth I haven't ever seen a shooting star I was more imagining oh my but to be a true poet you must write about what you know to write what it feels like to wish upon a falling star you must experience it for yourself hmm hi guys hi Plum Pudding were you off to Strawberry on a campout I'm trying to write a poem about Wishing on a shooting star and Mr longface says to write about something you should experience it ah yes just like when I dance one has to feel it from within uh yeah I think it might be a little cold tonight for a campout well if this will make me a better writer it's worth it oh wait I have some glow Berry sunflower energy bars they're just the thing for a campout thanks plum looks like raspberry is working late maybe she could use the munchies well do me a favor will you make sure she's not working too hard on that dress she's making for me sure thing [Music] come on [Music] hi raspberry how's it going oh well I started out with a design I liked but then well I wasn't so sure so I made a couple changes and pretty soon I'm changing my mind back and forth but now I'm thinking I really like what I started with best but now I'm worried I won't finish it in time oh you poor thing can I help I can cut stuff or you could show me what to do that's so sweet of you but it's really important to me that I do this by myself know what I mean I guess are you sure I'm sure I just hope I can thank you [Music] oh my goodness what are you saying that I'm not fashion expert Always In Style always in fashion and it only took me a couple of minutes what's that not strawberry Style no problem I'll just pull another model out of my sleeve Fair um strawberries no dress how do you like me oh dear did I cheer you up oh yeah but now I really have to get back to work I like this so much I just want I just hope I just wish I can make it in time you'll do it you just need a good night's sleep a fresh start in the morning and I know you'll make your wish come true I'll close up your shop really okay good night plum thanks again what are friends for [Music] foreign [Music] it's plum [Music] oh I missed it okay no more yawning and so that's the deal ah poor raspberry and you know how she wants everything she makes to be the very best it can be that's why I say we've got a finished strawberries outfit ourselves tonight what plant's talking about us doing sounds like this story The Shoemaker and the elves while the Shoemaker is asleep these owls sneak in and make the shoes to help them out we could be like the elves raspberry secret helpers deal deal [Music] okay no more sleeping foreign [Music] [Music] oh better Breeze what next up perfect oh my God [Music] morning raspberry we were just walking by and wow would you look at that what a great oh it but but where'd it come from didn't you make it um I don't remember making it I don't think I could have oh night I dreamed about sewing but I don't remember I mean this really isn't my original design so like well you see we thought well it was it was the fashion elves fashion elves yeah you know like the story about the shoemaker's elves blueberry has a book about it huh oh uh yeah kind of like um the berrykins but with pointy shoes they know when you're in need and they come at night and help really can you see them well um you can I mean you can't I mean you can but you shouldn't those are the rules you spy on fashion elves they run away and never come back that's right elves what are you gonna do it must have been because you were wishing so hard for your dress to be made your wish came true it isn't that you couldn't have done it on your own and your design well not really this is a much more of a complicated but wow if these fashion elves can make a design this complicated in one night think what they could do with a little more Direction huh huh now I can really go wild and design something for strawberry that is extra extraordinary [Music] Health oh something like that like this I'll leave a new design up for the fashion elves tonight and see how they do with it um maybe there are only one night else possibly yes but in case they are here to stay I better get designing because strawberry deserves the very best keep your heels on the floor as long as possible don't you think we should tell her the truth probably gonna stay up another whole night I was going to until somebody said fashion elves I'm sorry [Music] first position foreign [Music] [Music] look let's divide the design in four parts and each take a section good idea see now if it drizzles we won't get wet we'll just climb into the tent oh muffin crumbs it's stuck [Music] don't tell me [Music] oh morning raspberry we came to cvl's latest and greatest hi is exquisite especially this area I really love this lace down here hmm But see it only goes part way around the Hem hmm it seems like the elves have gotten off track off track I think this outfit is a smashing success it's fabulous just look at the placement of these buttons so uh policingly unexpected but but but girls this dress doesn't look anything like my design [Music] but I like this detail here oh and this lights over here and these buttons aren't clever but the whole thing seems like too many of different designs in one I know huh what are you doing you're not doing a new designer are you oh no no no I'm writing an elves a note well you could just tell us dear elves please concentrate on one idea and go with it gratefully yours raspberry tart foreign so you see the problem you really think the best solution is to go with my idea but I don't know how to tell the girls in the nicest way so I don't make them feel like I'm you know putting down their dress designs and how many nights have you girls been fashion Sprites elves sorry I've lost count um four I tell you what I'm about to open the cafe so why don't you come back at five today and we'll talk it over I think I'll have an answer by then oh that's great okay thanks strawberry [Music] let's go with my idea again I'm having trouble hearing can you come by the cafe at say five o'clock and I'm sure I'll have an answer for you five great thanks [Music] oh you've got to help me my idea is just simplest that's all but I don't want to appear bossy you know I have to get back to the cafe but come by and say five and we'll talk it over strawberry you said five o'clock right oh hi blueberry I'll be with you in just a second how are you hi all tea muffins I know movies but I thought you said we'd be meeting in private no I didn't I'm sorry girls but I just don't feel comfortable taking secret meetings feeling this is something that we need to get out in the open I mean none of you would like the idea of something being done behind your back would you but it was only me too strawberry we were just trying to it's okay it's okay I know you wanted to help raspberry which is very sweet I just think being Secret fashion elves might not be the best way but we had to I offered to help her but she wanted to do it all by herself helping is good but oh well pardon the interruption but here are three of my latest versions of your poem for your review Miss Shortcake what were you saying strawberry oh It's just sometimes you want to make something your own way you know it's nice to know you can do some things all on your own all on your own library's right we should tell her the truth oh but how looking together let's all agree on one design and start over [Music] [Music] recipe up and Adam rise and shine sunshine morning's a wasted I've gotten used to over sleeping now that all my work is being done for me wow oh it's perfect it's absolutely amazing then why do you look so sad hmm because I didn't make it I really wanted to make something sweet for strawberry that was all from me to her my own design all made by me I can't take credit for this though even if it is really fabulously fantastic although the elves could surely use some practice with their cross stitching see but I'm worried I'm going to hurt the elves feelings but I have one more day to make strawberries dress and I'm going to ask them to let me do it all by myself listen raspberry you don't need to write the note there's um something we need to tell you it's just that I really want to read everyone a poem of my own oh of course you're perfectly right Miss Shortcake I'm afraid I got a bit carried away I hope you know how much I always appreciate your help Mr longface as I appreciate yours Miss Shortcake your poem reawakened my long lost love of poetry oh oh girls I know you were just trying to help well if I fail at least strawberry could wear the dressy you made well I've got a lot of work to do [Music] Sperry huh [Music] foreign you know if it's too simple strawberry I have a backup dress that is I know a raspberry design anywhere it's beautiful I've done a lot of things so far I never wished on a falling star I've heard they're sparkly fast and white with glittery tails that light the night maybe they look kind of freckly or furry someday I'll know but I'm in no hurry who knows where I'll see one or when I guess I'll just save up my wishes till then in the meantime I'm just having fun Imagining the time when I do see what [Music] [Music] what [Music] well I'm off to the Garden here you go Mr long face pomegranate tea and apple slices thank you Miss Shortcake you're very welcome and thank you for watching the cafe for me my pleasure and how is your garden growing oh I'm hoping my flowers will be at their best in time for the flower festival come on ah yes the flower festival the event of the year [Music] foreign hi everyone hi Berry can bloom well your roses look very lovely this year as usual you just might win again as usual thank you lemon meringue Strawberry Shortcake they hear strawberry your flowers might want some water before the day gets any hotter oh why thank you those are beautiful lemon I think that this year your flowers are going to be the ones to beat I mean oh no you can't mean my virus then a chance against your award-winning roses oh I'm telling no lies you could win the first prize you're you're so kind to say so first prize to Sunset the most perfect flowers I award first prize too lemon meringue [Music] [Applause] lemon huh oh what it's getting late are you coming in we were worried about you you've been out here for hours I'll be right there as soon as I tuck them in for the night [Music] good night see you in the morning [Music] thank you my Violet is awful tragic you're weird when we're so sorry lemon my poor Violet what could have happened it's certainly a mystery we'll find out how it happened but such a thing who you think someone took your violence a flower Thief oh good morning Miss Marie you're here early today so are you hello [Music] lemon oh my oh me is that sadness I see I uh a lemons had a misfortune Mr Bloom one of her violets went missing oh no but but how we don't know oh that's so sad for you now I feel bad too I'm sure you do come on Lemon I'll make you a pancake breakfast and wake me up fruit juice surprise at the cafe [Music] lemon you don't really think that nice Mr Bloom would do a thing like that do you it's not but oh well didn't you see what his Guardian is right next to mine that's true well it's also true that we've known bear can bloom a long time lemon you've got to be careful of accusing people you could really hurt someone's feelings I never want that to happen huh you're right strawberry bear can bloom would never do a thing like that what is it whispering [Music] when oh goodness me I didn't see I was here the whole time but I I witnessed no crime well we're actually not really sure there's been a crime if Barrick and Bloom didn't see anything there must be another explanation good I can kind of see lemon's point though strawberry no one else was around all day except Barry can't Bloom and he told me I'm his biggest competition maybe he's only complimenting you he is nice that way why do you think he would steal your violence anyway because his roses when the flower show every year and he wants to make sure he wins this year too oh you you come back here you little troublemaker [Music] [Laughter] oh lemon I'm so sorry about your violets I know how much you care about them and how awful it feels to lose something so special thanks strawberry but it would feel pretty bad if someone accused you of stealing when you didn't I know but why is he there all the time when no one else is Maybe he's there all the time working on his roses because he cares about them so much just like you care about your violence that's true just don't make up your mind about what happened until we can figure it out for sure okay okay strawberry I'll try and in the meantime hope that whatever happened to your flowers doesn't happen again [Applause] mine are gone mine are gone too how could it who did this just like lemons everyone has flowers missing not everyone bear can bloom did you lose any thank goodness all my roses are here I'm so sorry for your flowers my dear sorry very serious hello my garden is like yours it's just as I feared my very best roses face they've disappeared [Music] oh bear it can bloom I'm so so so so sorry you don't know how sorry [Music] what would we do flower festival is two days away we're going to get to the bottom of this princess [Music] foreign [Music] find well with all the flowers missing whoever carried them off if someone carried them off okay if someone carried them off they are either really big or there is a lot of them but we didn't find any tracks yeah no tracks except ours no that's spooky maybe the thief flew in could be at this point anything's possible where were you on the night when this terrible tragedy occurred [Music] oh asleep huh that seems Mighty suspicious uh lemon they always sleep at night oh uh I'm sorry [Music] why hello there Miss Meringue yes my favorite my precious violence Mr long face how could you oh oh but they're not your violence I read it and watered and went for weeks they're not oh no I grew them myself I'm afraid they're not fine enough to enter into the festival but good enough to eat huh I'm sorry Mr long face okay [Music] strawberry it's just I can't get over this bad feeling I have from hurting Mr longface's feelings and after you warned me too I know sometimes it's hard not to jump to conclusions I won't do it again I want to get all the facts that's what we're going to get yep Ready for Ketch of thief campout this is gonna be so scary can't wait [Music] and get out we got him cupcakes the thief it's always the cute ones funny he's too small to be the thief not to mention too nice so let's you know check the pictures there's a great one [Laughter] ew look at me you look at me hey lemon this shot of your violets came out great nice one strawberry thanks buddy come here look at this what is that I don't know but whatever it was from the angle of the photo it was right over there [Music] come on Lyman if you want to check it out don't you huh uh-huh sure [Music] why it's very quiet careful do you see it yeah there it is [Music] now don't be scared there's one of it six of us yeah but five of us I told princess Barry can we get to the bottom of this and we're gonna do it right now just Shadows I should have guessed like when we think we see animals in the clouds so um now what do we do I know what I'm gonna do [Music] you're coming home with me where you'll be safe [Music] hand over that Violet you know what oh what's happening oh my oh [Music] well at least it wasn't another flower Heist next year let's have a Ceramics Festival instead guys I'm telling you it's like something was under the ground things were going up and going down inside the end of the world not the end of the world close to the end of the world no the day before the end of the world when it's getting into the part where all Life as We Know It cease is too Plum huh come come everyone please it is something under the ground it's over there that's where the garden is come on [Music] blooms roses are missing oh he'll be so upset I calculated that three of mine are gone two left here good thing I moved my best Violet inside there's only four Violet plants left out here I could be wrong but I'm thinking the missing flowers and the ground shaking have something to do with each other oh see that how could how how did it look I'm coming to the conclusion that the flowers are not being picked up yeah they're being pulled down grab it foreign girls I just want to just want to say I'm sorry I got us into this and maybe we need to know what's taking the flowers and ending the world after all don't you want to figure this out come on we're all here with you yeah what could happen when you have your friends with you uh how about a lot lemon it's about time we shine some light on this mystery hey strawberry if you say so [Music] monster oh why did you have to say that [Music] thank you [Music] you think it's got one header or two sounds like three or four oh my goodness is it horrible we're really horrifying horrible really really horrifying it's really really cute [Music] hey little one are you afraid of us we won't hurt you oh are you hungry um let's um like build a pyramid yeah that's good give me your hand there we go we did it [Music] I think we found our Thief I think you're right thank you well lemon your violets are sure first prize with somebody just my luck it's a gopher wait it's cute and all but what will we tell princess bearkin with this Critter around we won't have any more flower festivals or flowers for that matter I think I have an idea [Music] thank you lemon you're the best but I feel bad that you don't have any flowers to enter in the festival so do I know can I help you with that Mr Blue hello lemon thank you Mr Bloom I wanted to say I'm sorry about well you see I thought maybe you took my violets because he wanted to win in my whole I know you'd never do something like that but somehow I let myself think it before I found out the truth will you forgive me of course lemon you know I do want to win but what fun would it be if I was the only one in the contest I heard how you gave up the flowers you loved best by doing that you saved mine and all of the rest thanks and good luck I hope you win thank you lemon second prize goes to hurricane Bloom for his lovely roses second prize she didn't win first prize I can't believe it I think his roses are the nicest and now the first prize for the most beautiful beautiful flowers in very embarrass City the first the first two lemon meringue congratulations lemon congratulations your violence really were first prize but I didn't even enter a flower strawberry entered it for you oh thank you strawberry you're very welcome lemon but it was very conblooms idea [Applause] [Music] easy slow slow lemon you make her nervous don't worry I'm already nervous this is history the world's first rainbow smoothie here goes [Music] oh congratulations strawberry wait [Music] something's missing I forgot my very favorite flavor strawberry okay quick quick gotta make a strawberry smoothie fast what this is supposed to be strawberry [Music] lemon this is the Lemon spout isn't that the orange spout this is orange flavored but it's the wrong color what's going on [Music] what flavor is that kiwi honeydew spinach uh-oh I'm running out of time look oh no oh well I wonder what's wrong with these juice spouts maybe something's up at the berry works [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow what's that incredible amazing pretty ah strawberry princess berrykin what's causing all this oh him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] where'd he go over there after him he is changing the colors on everything oh yes indeed maybe but his Berry Sparkles are the best hi hi but I thought your Berry Sparkles only worked on berries yes Sparkles work on eggs we've never seen anything like it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oops thank you you're welcome [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] the problem is the berry harvest is just one day away does tomorrow what he's doing today what could happen oh my I don't want to say uh oh just like at the cafe oh no one will know which flavor of berry juices which what if I was to Baby Barry can sit for a day [Music] that would be a big help it would save the Harvest but but I couldn't ask such a large task I'd be happy to princess Barry Kim yeah good idea he's so cute that'd be fun we'll all babysit them that is if we can catch him I would be ever so grateful it's my pleasure looks like our work's cut out for us girls what's the plan chase them till he's so sleepy he takes a nap yeah ice cream and when he comes up to get it grab him hmm separate and encircle yeah [Music] over here oh [Music] my God oh I was sure I heard him right around here me too did he just disappear [Music] Ed baby berry can is too smart for us you're so right huh oh yeah um I guess we better be going home home going home that's where we're going now right now wait look at that Berry why the color is all wrong my my it certainly is I think it should be blueberry blue oh you are so wrong orange is prettier lemon yellow that's my favorite plum purple raspberry blue orange yellow blue orange pretty nice I like it hello there baby berry Kim my name is Strawberry Shortcake and strawberry is my favorite color adorable well that sounds like fun but don't you think we should ask the princess if it's okay house uh-huh that's when you want to do something and you ask how somebody feels about it huh I feel it would be fine baby bear can might learn a thing or two if he was to spend the day with you [Music] all right then what do you say to Strawberry strawberry you're very very welcome [Music] [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha strawberry that has got to be the cutest kid in the world it should be no problem babysitting he's such a darling maybe Berry kid did you change the color of this water baby berrykin oh [Music] hi girls what was that my hair's so greasy baby oil what no this is a hair conditioner bottle wait it is baby oil but the baby oil is supposed to be in a blue bottle what's going on [Music] sorry lemon he must have changed the color of the conditioner bottle now how am I supposed to tell what's what huh let me rinse your hair again Plum sorry baby berrykin now lemon has to redo Plum's hair why I don't think he understands oh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh you are a champion Mr long face you've just about won well this would be the first time I think I finally gotten the hang of my own bitty mini golf course I must say this is marvelous fun huh what's happened to my ball disappeared vanished before my very eyes who's mine somehow it's turned green but this is the wrong color you can't see it isn't this strange [Laughter] you there did you have something to do with this oh now I've lost it again oh you poor deer looks like our game is ruined so but I was about to win [Music] what do you think raspberry well I like it great color on you I like it too but the other one is very nice as well if you want to try it on again um yes please [Music] come back here wait for him strawberry [Music] what do you think I like this one too but oh I just I just wish I had a bunch more colors to show you [Music] thank you ready [Music] Kim yeah you need to ask before you make things change colors that really clashes well for example what do you think of this color hat with my outfit oh dear he'll never have a future in fashion design oh how do you get somebody this young to realize that what they do has an effect on everybody else well there he is it was him oh I was this close to a winning round oh at my miniature golf course that's it your miniature golf course can we bring baby berrykin to come play yeah yeah but but he'll change the balls the wrong colors [Music] let's go oh but trust me Mr long face I think this will work you'll be doing a great service to berry bitty city [Music] [Music] Queen oh [Music] [Applause] oh now now my Shortcake those are the last ungreen golf balls that I have I know thank you for letting us use them don't worry we'll be very careful won't we baby Barry Kim so what do you say would you like to give it a try [Music] okay baby bacon try and make your ball go up the ramp through the windmill like [Music] thank you now it's your turn [Music] oh don't worry you'll have another chance but first it's blueberries turn [Music] oh dear oh my whatever will I do listen up blue belly I can't play anymore why because it isn't my ball my ball is blue strawberry is this yours oh no it couldn't be mine mine already went through foreign I'm sorry baby berrykin but we can't play if we don't know which ball belongs to which player oh sorry Miss Shortcake perhaps another time come on baby berry Ken I'll find something else to do hooray strawberry [Music] well the only way we can play is if we know whose ball is whose oh if only there was a way to make the balls go back to the color they used to be [Music] promise really oh that's great [Music] yay now we can keep playing yeah you did it oh brilliant very good yes can you help us you did such a good job taking the berry Sparkles out of the golf balls could you do the same with the other things you changed so everything looks like it was before [Music] oh and you see because they're the same color I can't tell the nice smooth flannel from The Itchy burlap until I'm wearing it oh whatever shall I do oh I don't know hey do you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you baby berrykin ah now I know which is a witch what do we say you're welcome raspberry very good [Music] I couldn't tell which was the right hair dye or nail polish just look at me what about lemon parade yes it's good that you think she's pretty but she doesn't think she's pretty oh no no you see Everyone likes different things and lemon likes how she looked before you changed her oh [Music] [Applause] pretty thank you baby bear can [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you're welcome you're the first to try my rainbow smoothie now that the right colors match the flavors again I could finish it pretty and tasty so thank you I'm glad you like it oh that's very pretty thank you strawberry oh the color I want well it's not here I know say can you make this crayon a color that's a little bit more like this one why not using belly Sparkles to change colors is bad oh baby berrykin your Sparkles aren't bad they're beautiful it's wonderful it is yes it is all you need to do is think before you do it think how will it make other people feel Strawberry yes what if I don't know well then you ask them is it okay oh very okay [Applause] oh pretty thank you baby berry Kim you're welcome strawberry [Music] [Music] do you guys like this on me I love it did you try that Newberry shake at the cafe oh yeah hey by the way where is strawberry hi everybody am I early right on time I'm just running a bit behind let's see blueberry can I put you over here let me put you over here T thank you and let's get those pinkies soaking [Music] do we have we're running out of time I wish there was a way to do hair and nails faster I don't want to be late for the special event lemon you're not just the fastest you're the best thank you thank you just doing my job and a very excellent job thanks to you we're all gonna look gorgeous for the opening day of Mr longface's croquet Country Club I've never played a croquet well it's kind of like golf but with wire Hoops instead of holes it's fun [Applause] [Music] [Music] this could be a new look for us [Laughter] I'm so sorry [Laughter] got it oh it's great it looks great never looks better I love it it sure does [Music] wait perfect oh thanks oh I think it's stuck it isn't stuck it's locked oh they're long piece is locked I don't think he'd do that to us just for being late oh Plum raspberry could you please give me a leg up sure thing here you go [Music] oh no this won't do it oh that's wrong well he's in there what's he doing um excuse me Mr log s oh okay have to apologize Mr Wong face it's my fault we were late to your opening oh the apology is mine Miss Meringue the opening of my croquet Country Club is in fact well not opening not opening why oh it has been postponed do you I am ashamed to say to an unsatisfactorily trimmed lawn shameful perfectly shameful isn't it looks very nice to me yeah really good how do you play I mean this looks like fun can I be blue how do we start we each take turns hitting our balls through those wires called wickets [Music] but it's not level oh why if one was to send a ball running across something as rough as that oh there's no telling where it would end up I'm sorry my friends but I'm ashamed to say that I won't be ready to open until later we'd be happy to help you trim the grass yeah I'm pretty good with a pair of scissors oh thank you everyone but help is on the way [Music] oh hello friend Americans and thank you for coming to my rescue no problem let's get to work [Music] well lemon we weren't late after all only because the opening is postponed ah it would have been okay yeah it's okay lemon hey how about we all go for a picnic at the pond [Laughter] [Music] lemon thanks strawberry but to do in my salon but all your customers are going on a picnic there isn't anyone who needs a makeover my salon needs a makeover I want to fix it up so that everything runs a little smoother so I can do everyone's hair faster okay I'll save a sandwich for you thanks strawberry [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] manicures like magic pedicures perfectly Styles hair faster than you've ever seen before your customers will love you but what kind of surprise I don't know raspberry lemon just called and said to bring everyone over for a reopening of her beauty salon reopening what does she mean [Music] where you're in and out faster than you can say hi and goodbye wow uh what is it this is the all-new Solana Matic manicures like magic pedicures perfectly Styles hair faster than you've ever seen before so who will be first well I guess uh sure I'll give it a try okay just that's right sit down here uh what do I do not a thing the Solana medic does it all huh welcome to the Solano Madden in just a few short seconds a new due for a new view [Music] thank you [Music] lemon that's incredible exactly exactly the way you do it thank you oh this new invention thing is great where'd you get it I just called this number who's next [Music] thank you [Music] incredible even the syrup drips are the same amazing they're all identical all thanks to the Wonder wuffler The Cook's fastest friend wow where'd you get it same place lemon got her solanomatic guess what I'm doing right now oh hi guys what are you doing right now um standing uh spending quality time with your talented and Charming friends having a waffle thank you yes I'm doing all those things as well as cleaning my bookstore oh like a this afternoon no right now my new automatic clean-o-matic doesn't know him away keeps my bookstore nice and shiny I don't have to do a thing which gives me time to catch up on writing all my book reviews when can I borrow it anytime excuse me girls hello I'm lemon oh we're all over here blueberries watching her new clean-o-matic hey does anybody need a you know trim a manicure anything trim a manicure a high level no we're good lemon nope we're good huh okay well then bye I guess [Music] hi strawberry what can I do for you new hairstyle manicure oh no I just wanted to see how you're enjoying your time off well it's nice but actually I feel like there's a lot to do here and I'd like to be useful is there anything I could do at the cafe to help you of course guess what I'm doing right now uh drinking a smoothie and [Music] don't tell me I'm cleaning my store can I borrow the clean-o-matic next of course [Music] how are the smoothies um delicious what do you think alive with fruit flavor lemon's a natural oh I think I like the way you make them better strawberry well with practice I'm sure you'll make them the same way I do in no time that's really sweet but I don't want to make you spend time teaching me to do something you can do yourself I'm not sure Cafe work is for me [Music] the bitty city Bop is all about on your feet the beat oh yeah the the beat and step to the left and forward and three steps oh I'm into the right oops you were great lemon Oh Let's Take Five oh I'm sorry Plum you're so nice to hire me to teach but honestly you do this better than anyone and we don't really need two dance teachers are you sure I'm sure [Music] fun huh uh sure but I don't think you really need my help what do you mean well orange I mean how many times can we re-alphabetize these cans uh but I just want to make a special contribution like I used to doing something that I have fun at the way I did with hair styling hmm well you've had so many great ideas about how to reorganize my store I was thinking yes why not come up with an idea for a fun new business start a new business I can't do that sure you can [Music] live in meringue's Berry boat is open for business [Music] step right aboard there you go oh watch your step please foreign [Music] wow another picnic sure we decided to have picnics across the lake every day breakfast lunch and dinner great but three days in a row well sure why not you're all doing this just for me aren't you that's sweet oh we wanted to support your new fairy it's idea such a great service oh thank you but not a very much needed service hello [Applause] now remember it's not a picnic it's bird watching today got it closed for the season oh no but lemon we all want you here we need you here what's big bitty city got that we don't have something for me to do where I can have fun and be useful oh thanks for caring don't look so sad I'll come back and visit a lot promise come on you want us to put honey in our hair but how's that Gonna Keep lemon from leaving watch [Music] [Music] oh no quick quick one I'm not sure what strawberry will think of this plant [Music] let's go [Music] now it won't even do anything [Music] what a bust boy it sure is a good thing we caught you in time can you help us At Your Service but are you sure you can't join us but just for lunch everyone misses you very very much thank you Miss Shortcake but every hour I'm not preparing the loan is another owl my grand opening is delayed [Music] oh that looks wonderful what would we have done without you thank you lemon you're our hero magazine oh how did these get here um how did Wicked where foreign [Music] but it's important the lawn is level isn't the important thing that we all have fun together and enjoy each other's company a nice boat ride oh a nice picnic lunch I'm sure it would mean a lot to Lemon well I I didn't think of it that way I wouldn't want to let Miss Meringue down put my lawn Mr long face we want you back you are so much more important to berry bitty city than this lawn am I of course did you know that oh can you excuse me there's something I need to tell someone I'm more important to berry bitty city than you I know and appreciate what you're trying to do please girls I'm gonna miss the bus good what's happening strawberry she's moving please stomp her strawberry don't let her leave lemon you're leaving oh strawberry I just feel there's no need for me to stay in berry bitty city not unless I can do something useful something that everyone needs I'll tell you what we need [Music] someone to take care of the complaints about this machine What complaints oh where do I begin one the machine is lousy at conversation and boy is it useless at giving advice two it doesn't tell you how nice you look or offer any fashion hints three it will laugh at any of our jokes four it doesn't fit in a sleeping bag for sleepovers and it won't even respond when you send it an invitation how rude five it doesn't have a shoulder to cry on and six and this is by far the worst never hugs yes we love you for who you are as a person and friend lemon and that machine can never be any of those things I sent back my Wonder waffler Too Perfect there just wasn't the individual touch of the cook does this mean I have to send back my clean-o-matic it hasn't cleaned the dance studio yet we don't have to send the clean-o-matic back what I'm trying to say is oh lemon will you please stay with us oh miss Shortcake you're right I've been neglecting you all Miss Meringue oh I'm sorry I never visited your Ferry how can I make it up to you well could you help us push the salon-o-matic over to the post office I'm sending it back at your service wow [Music] foreign Mr long face not at all Miss Meringue your machine has trimmed the grass to Perfection oh I hereby declare Mr long faces croquet Club open forth business Miss Meringue oh would it be too much to ask it's all yours Mr long face Splendid would you do the honor of hitting the first official ball my pleasure let's go [Music] foreign
Channel: Strawberry Shortcake - WildBrain
Views: 20,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strawberry shortcake, strawberry shortcake full episodes, strawberry short cake, strawberry shortcake full movie, strawberry shortcake theme song, strawberry shortcake songs, strawberry shortcake cheesecake, strawberry shortcake cartoon, strawberry shortcake cake, strawberry shortcake movie, strawberry shortcake games, strawberry shortcake toys, barbie, we are number one, anything is possible, cartoons for kids, cartoons for girls kids, cartoons for girls disney
Id: ceFS5GzD-Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 14sec (7634 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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