TryHackMe Tutorial Room Official Walkthrough

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hey everyone welcome to try hack me today we're going to be going over the tutorial room and how to get connected and get up and running so we can start attacking machines and completing rooms on the site so first things first you'll need to navigate to the tutorial room i will have a link to this in the video description as well otherwise it's up here at the top and then we can go ahead and dive into task 1 starting your first machine on try hack me you'll learn by starting and hacking machines let's start your attack box a web-based machine used to attack other machines you start on tasks so if you're not familiar with it the attack box that we have is a calling linux machine that is in your web browser so you don't have to have a powerful computer to be able to complete things on try hack me or really need to do anything other than just using the attack box we can go ahead and start that by clicking the button up here in the top right just that blue button here and then we also want to start one other machine attached to the tutorial room so let's go ahead and go through the steps here so click the blue start attack box button at the top of this room again that's going to be up here in the top it's not showing for me because i have the screen split and the attack box already starting the attack box is what you'll use to access target machines you start on tasks such as this one so try hack me the machines that you deploy are on the tryhackme network in order to access them you either need to connect to the network with your own machine or you can just use the attack box that we provide as a free user you get one hour per day so every 24 hours of the attack box as a premium user you get as much as you want if you're subscribed to the website now a couple things to note as a free user you do not have internet access from the attack box however you can still use it to attack machines and by and large it's going to be updated to the point where you can use it for pretty much every room without issue with that one hour per day be careful not to close this between rooms you want to leave it running you close the machine that i'll be showing you in just a little bit which is attached to this specific room or to a specific room that you're doing which is going to be this green button here the attack box will go between rooms for you though which is really nice because you can keep things up if you've already spun something up it's already there for you so start the target machine shown on this task and wait one minute for it to configure it's going to be this green button up here so we can go ahead and click that um i might need to refresh my page it might not be super happy with me we'll give it a second so refreshing the page it won't kill your attack box or anything and you can see that i'm connected up here and there we go i needed to refresh it sometimes this will not be clickable if that ever happens you just need to refresh the page nice and easy and we can see that up here at the top we have our target machine for this room the tutorial room deploying now we have the title over here which is the name of the machine this will be indicative of whatever you're attacking keep in mind that as a free user you can only have one target machine open at a time so you can only have one of these machines open and again you get that one hour of the attack box or that kali linux box uh that you have again without internet access per day so uh with this you get as many of these machines as you want per day but you can only have one up at a time for as far as the target machines go but one hour of the attack box per day we can see over here that we also have the ip address there is a small timer on this because we need to let the machine start they to take a little while to spin up especially windows boxes the windows computers as you've probably noticed just from outside of tryhackme they take a little while to load and then we can see our expiration time here so all the machines for the target machines default to i believe two hours if it starts to run low we can add an hour and we can terminate it once we're done with this room again make sure that once you're done with the room you terminate the box that is attached to that room um don't terminate your tack box don't terminate your attack box until you're done with the day because you can only want launch that once all right so we've got that up here we can see our target ip address and we'll go ahead and start interacting with it at a moment so copy the ip address of the machine you just started on this task you can see up here on the top this will typically travel with the top it doesn't travel because i have my screen upscaled so it's more visible on youtube we can go ahead and go over here on the side with our tack box press enter to close that dialogue it's just a please don't do illegal things with this please use it only for try hack me things nice and straightforward we can go ahead and open up firefox if this isn't showing up you can just move your mouse over to the side it's going to be that right hand side by default we can launch the web browser it's also up here at the top too nice and easy so we'll give that a moment and then on the attack box open firefox and paste the ip address into the url bar so if we go up here i'm going to open up just a new tab close that first one and we want to type in this ip address so we can do that with 10 10 189 47 this will be different for you this is just the box that i'm attacking so make sure you copy what's up here for you go and enter that in and we can see that we have connected successfully to the try hacking network which very easy with the attack box because it's already on the tryhackme network for your own machine you need to have openvpn running which doesn't always work for most people i recommend using the attack box it's very very easy it's what i use for filming videos and just doing all my work on track hack it makes it nice and easy and this is very very fast because it's on the same network so we can see open the attack box uh on the attack box rather open firefox and paste the ip address we can see that we've got that pulled up and if we scroll down we can see that we've got our flag i'll just close that firefox warning and we can type it in over here actually let me show you how to copy it out of here real quick because this is a good thing to know we can copy this so highlight it right click select copy and then go over here to this arrow on the left hand side and we can see a clipboard icon here we also have the full screen option if we want to make this bigger uh we can make it an entire tab in our web browser which is really nice if you don't really need to see the room i do that a lot for if i'm doing a challenge room and i just want to have more screen real estate we also have uh extra keys so if we need to send a key combination such as control alt delete we can do that with this button up here however we want what uh what is currently on the clipboard we can go over here highlight this again then copy it with ctrl and c and then i'll paste it over there with control v and then hit submit and there we go and we can see that i've got a streak from uh a two day streak there let's go and go into task two next steps now you've managed to start and access to try hackme machine let's get you hacking go ahead and join a learning pad so here we have our learning paths we have um several paths depending on the level or the skill level that you're currently at i personally recommend joining the complete beginner path because even if you are a little bit beyond where this starts you can just immediately start blazing through this this is meant to get you up and running from the ground up so you can start by just learning core linux skills even if you've never used linux before this is a really nice way to get involved and get started with it and you can get straight into pen testing in the later part of this path if you are looking to move into getting some certifications you can do the offensive pen testing this is meant to really prepare you for stepping into industry and being able to start performing pen test or penetration tests against company computers and start being able to find vulnerabilities yourself and then on the defensive side we also have the cyber defensive path down here at the bottom which is meant to get you up and running on a defensive track to be able to step into such as a malware analysis role or working on a sock a systems operations center and start hunting down threats and other things like that very very cool additionally we do have our discord community as well as the subreddit which is our slash try hack me and then the discord is discord dot gg forward slash try hack me you can also see a link down to it here below you can ask questions in here uh this is my favorite place to hang out for try hack me i can't recommend it enough uh one thing to keep it this in mind it is an educational environment so please treat it as such you can also find matches for other things such as king of the hill and so on and so forth via that so we can go ahead and mark this as completed since we've read the above and we're ready to explore try hack me if you're looking for a next step after this make sure that you terminate this machine because we don't need it anymore and then you can go up i'm not going to close my attack box make sure you keep this open and you can click on this button which is going to be a little bit bigger for you i'm going to go ahead and minimize that we can click on the learn button or go straight into a path learn is going to give us the option to explore modules paths are going to give us a guided path to short learning and get up and running very quickly otherwise if you have any questions feel free feel free to hop in the discord or in the subreddit and start asking and until next time happy hacking
Channel: DarkSec
Views: 14,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infosec, tryhackme, box, hacking, learn, darkstar, darksec, educational, darkstar7471, try, hack, me
Id: Yp3tKw2kvr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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