TryHackMe Getting Started Tutorial

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hey everyone welcome to try hack me let me be the first to welcome you i am dark uh my full name is darkstar7471 if you see this symbol on the site that's me i am the content director and community manager here at trying to hack me and let me be the first to welcome you here today we're gonna take a look at the tutorial room and we're gonna learn how to get started and dive right into learning information security and learning how to hack that being said let's go ahead and dive right in to task one deploy your first machine so on try hack me you'll learn by deploying and hacking virtual machines let's deploy your attack box a web-based machine used to attack other machines if you're familiar with um virtual machines this is a virtual machine that's just running in the cloud we provide one hour this per day uh one caveat is the box the one that we provide doesn't have internet access unless you are subscribed um and if you're subscribed you can use it for as long as you can right as long as you want to per day but we do provide this to get easy easily started so let's go ahead we're going to click this blue button here at the top the start attack box and we'll go over that again in a moment because that's a lot to uh take in and we'll deploy our attack box uh this is kali linux for those of you that want to know what's under the hood so it's very very similar it's just a custom skin and a little bit of custom tooling on top uh additionally we're gonna go ahead and click this green deploy button here that is going to start the machine that we will be attacking so again we're going to click the blue button that will be up here on your screen and then the green deploy button here these will take about two minutes to start up so while that's going i'm going to go ahead and continue through this and i'll walk through that one more time so click that blue box the start attack box this is a virtual machine that you can access in your browser you can also open it up in a new tab but you can do all sorts of fun things with this again as a free member you get a one hour per day limit which is really nice because you can get a couple rooms done if you're speedy with this otherwise it gives you a nice amount of time that you can just use the attack box nice and simple uh you can subscribe to remove that limit the attack box that you get as a free member does not have internet access but as a subscribed member does have internet access so do note that that being said this is deployed directly on the tryhackme infrastructure so you don't have to use a vpn or anything else like that and i'll go over how specifically we can do that here in a moment if you want to use your own attack box use your own kali installation for example like i'm doing here so deploy the machine wait a minute for it to configure this takes just a little bit you can see that it gives you a nice timer on both sides and then we'll see that we are going to be given an ip here and then once we have that we're going to go and visit the website hosted at that ip in our tack box and it looks like the uh test machine that we're gonna be attacking is up and ready to go so we'll give it just a moment i'm gonna click this button over here on the side to copy this to clipboard your ip address here will be different you can just click over here to copy it and then we'll go ahead and uh take it right into the attack box so we'll give this just a moment looks like it's just about up and then what we're going to do is visit the website hosted on it and then we're going to get the flag to confirm that we know that we can connect so this is a quick little warning just giving you a heads up that um don't pen test anything you don't own because that's prohibited and that's super bad uh once this machine is terminated all data will be lost nothing saved on these machines they're temporary and this machine can expire you can check the my machine page and it should show you how long is left in this case i have a subscriber box so you can see they give me a full two hours here and there's an extending uh button that you can find if you go over here and then go to access machines click on that and then go to my machine over here it'll give you tons of info about it and i'm going to close that for now because i don't need it additionally if you wanted to do the opm vpn section of this you can download a configuration file for that here and then there is instructions if you click on this so nice and easy all right let's go ahead i'm going to close this because it makes the screen a little cramped for me i'm going to click in here and press enter and then we're going to start firefox and we're going to visit the website on this ip now if none of this is making sense don't worry too much just go ahead and keep following along trust me it'll make sense in the long run so we'll copy that or highlight that rather and then we're going to type in 10 10 17 87 or whatever whatever this ip is and then we can grab our flag here i do recommend doing this instead of just following along make sure that you do go through and confirm that you can get this flag so flag and then connection verified and then we can press enter and it'll submit that awesome let's go ahead and click into task 2 which is going to be next steps and then actually since we're all done with this we can click terminate here because we don't need the box that we're attacking anymore and then you can click this terminate attack box and save your time for later as well so go ahead and click on that and it'll shut it down and then we can go back into task two now you've managed to deploy and access a try hackman machine search for a security topic to learn about on the activities page and we'll take a look at that in a moment additionally you can check out guided pathways that we'll take a look at here in a moment if i don't close my tab uh that was ctrl shift t in case you were wondering how i open that back up and we are going to make sure that that is killed again ctrl shift t will give you back whatever tab you just closed so check out the pathways if you wanted a guided learning experience we'll take a look at that in a moment and then you have some other things that you can check out so there are weekly challenges and walkthroughs that come out at each week right now we have four boxes or four rooms rather that come out each week one on sunday one on tuesday another one on friday and another one on wednesday not not in that order of course that is subject to change but typically it's about four rooms that come out per week you can upload your own vms and make your own rooms here really really cool so you can go in and this gives you an overview of the develop page if this is something that you are interested in i do recommend ask around the discord we do have help documentation and let me grab it here and that is help and you can click on room creation overview and this will give you a bunch of information on how to get started with that we have specific guidelines things that you can use for getting started so like how do you determine what the difficulty level is and other things like that and how do you get things to actually work on the tri hackme infrastructure um additionally you can come to our discord and there are a couple other uh spaces that you can talk with us and join the community the main space is the discord and you can click on that here and you can see that goes to discord dot gg forward slash try hack me that is the official discord that's where everyone hangs out that's where you can come and say hi to me and the other staff and all the community staff as well additionally we have a an official twitter page and if you go down over here to socials you can see the discord we have a form where you can get help and talk to other members we have the official twitter we have our linkedin the subreddit and then you can message other members here as well however if you are stuck on something i do recommend joining the discord that is going to be the best place to get help uh otherwise let's take a quick look over here we've already seen the developer rooms this is the activities page you can find it up here on the top left this gives you all of the things that you can do on the site this is all the public rooms and you can filter by different categories up here so for example if i wanted to click web it just puts it in the search bar here but you can see different rooms like for example if i wanted to learn about burp suite and dive into that and you know become a better web app pen tester things like that and then you can go to newest you can filter by difficulty you can filter by if you want a challenge room or a walk-through room or if you want free or subscriber rooms and you can see that there's a bunch of cool stuff even at the time of recording we have a zero log on the room that came out not too long ago otherwise you can do a guided experience with paths not too long ago at the time of recording we did introduce a comp tia pen test plus path if you complete this path you can get a 10 off voucher for the pen test plus exam which is awesome uh if you are new i do recommend starting here with a complete beginner path and this will get you started if you want something a little bit more advanced take a look at the offensive pen testing path and otherwise you can explore as you go otherwise that's going to do it for the tutorial room if you have any questions feel free to hop on to the discord the form or the subreddit and you can ask us again i am dark on there and i wish you happy hacking
Channel: DarkSec
Views: 151,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infosec, tryhackme, box, hacking, learn, darkstar, darksec, educational, darkstar7471, try, hack, me, tutorial, getting, started
Id: ROO2pDPgja4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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