TryHackMe OhSINT Official Walkthrough

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hey everyone welcome back to another video here on darksec today we're going to be taking a look at the ocean room on try hackme this is a little bit of an older room on the site but it's a very very cool challenge i think this originally came out of uh hack back one i wanna say which was a competition that the site did for uh uk-based universities and we might see that come back at some point however this room poses us with a challenge of putting our ocean skills to the test what information could you possibly get with just one photo so we're given one photo which we can download and we're meant to find seven different pieces of information about this person including it looks like their password which is not great we shouldn't be able to find that using one photo uh otherwise let's go ahead and dive right in and we'll see what we can get so you'll want to start by joining this room and then you'll go ahead and click this download button you will go through and download it looks like a windows xp background and you can take a look at what we've got right here and sure enough this is our beautiful windows xp background and if you remember this from a computer uh from your computer background you are either a hipster or you've lived through the dark ages but um at first glance this is just a background and if you haven't done any ocean or i haven't done any image analysis this might be a little bit confusing and you might wonder where to go next where to go next with just an image however we can actually dive into our terminal and start finding some metadata about this image and perhaps who actually created it in this case i've gone ahead and already run the command exif tool on this image exif tool is a tool that goes through and will strip out um data about the image including image width image height um and in this case we can actually see a copyright the copyright that we're given here is it looks like a username and we can use that to sort of a springboard to find more information and again that is just the exit tool if you don't have it installed i believe you can install that using apt-get install exif tool otherwise it's on github all right so we have a username let's go ahead we will copy this and our first question is what is this user's avatar of so if we go over to google and we search for that username we can see that we have my write-up on this uh but we can see we have a number of interesting hints or hits rather uh when those first came out these were actually quite a bit harder to find um good old search engine optimization is making them a little bit easier to get to uh but we can see we have a blog here with an interesting string there uh twitter profile and then a github profile let's take a look at that blog and see what we have to work with so jumping over to this blog we can see that we have an author name of oh would flint with one message that says he's in new york right now so we have i think one question on here uh where's he gone on holiday so guessing that it fits this structure it looks like he's gone to new york on holiday already something you don't want people to know because if you post that you're going to a place online people can go and break into your house while you're gone that's a big issue uh let's go back and see if there's anything else we can possibly get so we did see an interesting string on this website but it doesn't appear to come up on the main page let's take a look at the source code for this website and see if maybe he's hidden something where he shouldn't be hiding things so jumping into the source code don't get overwhelmed here this is a lot to look at however you can see that most of it is just search engine optimization looks like we have google analytics and some other things right there some basic wordpress things and if we scroll down eventually we can find i think it was penny and actually here we go it's on the bottom of my screen we can see that we have a string here that is in all white to match to the background which is penny dropper that is a very distinctive string and what do you want to bet this is probably a password so if we take this we can go back to the room and sure enough we've got the sixth and seventh questions first but that was their password hidden in white text on their blog which is publicly facing and as we saw google found that password not a great place to find it uh let's go ahead and jump over into the second link here the twitter account and see what we can find so we have a very first off a very interesting username uh oh would flint um with 0x and then a bunch of zeros i like taking photos and open source projects so the second bit is interesting taking photos i would assume this has to do with the wordpress blog that we've already found however the open source project hints at that other github link that we found is very likely his github profile because that's commonly where people will go through and actually contribute to open source projects so we looks like we have his avatar here that it looks like a picture of a cat which means that he's a cat person great choice it also means that he may have a pet cat his pet cat may actually be named penny or something like that anyways we can use that to potentially get more information about this guy uh what city is this person in and it looks like we want the ssid as well so it looks like he has a bss id which is a broadcast ssid that is going to allow us to actually find potentially where he's at because it looks like he can get free wi-fi from his house let's see so we can go back let's take this and we'll click into this and we're probably going to see a bunch of try hackney comments because this room has been out for a little while uh but if we take that we can actually jump over to the site a site called wiggle uh if you're not familiar with wiggle this is a war driving site war driving what is that so war driving is where people will drive around with their phones or other similar apparatuses and they will just scan for wi-fi names it's just something that people do if you are interested further into this you're welcome to look into it just go to and they also have an android app and probably an ios app as well uh you could drive around and it just scouts out wi-fi names and things like that um sometimes this is considered a gray area but either way we have the information here and it's just meant to observe all of the wi-fi hotspots that we've seen uh and in this specific case we can actually use it we'll zoom in just a little bit uh sorry i can't make the website a little bit bigger let's see so if i make it a little bit bigger you can see here on the right hand side we have a spot that we can actually search for a bss id so we have that vss id that we were searching for we can paste that in here and then hit filter and it's going to give us essentially a clean map where depending on where you're at on this map you might have to scroll around to find this however after scrolling around for a little bit we can see we're left with one hit marker and in this case it looks like it is over london which first we can go ahead and jump back and it looks like he lives in london judging by he said that he can get free wi-fi from his house uh let's go back and see if we can find that ssid though which is the actual name of the wi-fi that he's connecting to we can do that by just zooming in a bunch might take a moment wiggles website can be a little slow at times however we can guess so this is already very dangerous because we can see that we have the ssid or the bssid which gives us the general proximity of where he lives especially because he can get this from his house that's dangerous because we know that he lives in this area and that's not something you want random strangers on the internet to know so it looks like we have our bssid if i can zoom in and it is going to be unit lover wi-fi and we can type that in unilever wi-fi and there we go and it looks like we're left with two more questions uh which are also very dangerous especially considering we have their password uh what is his personal email address and which site did you find his email address on so in order to find this we're actually going to return back to google and see if we can dig into that one last link that we had found potentially giving us a little bit more information so if we go back to google we can see that we have a hit for which looks like he has a different username on there with a one instead of an i and then he has a project called people underscore finder which is very ironic considering that we're finding him we jump into that link we can see that we have sure enough it links back to his twitter profile uh his project and we can see that it looks like he has his personal email address here oh woodflint which very dangerous considering that we have his password and likely can log in or this might be an order password and he might have incremented by one still we can probably find it and then we can answer our last question here where did you find his email address on and that is going to be otherwise that is going to do it for the ocean room if you have any questions on this i've linked the try hackme official discord below in the video description otherwise i also have the dark side discord linked and you're welcome to join that and ask questions if you enjoy this content or are looking for more of it feel free to subscribe to me on youtube and follow me on twitter otherwise i will see you guys next time
Channel: DarkSec
Views: 10,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infosec, tryhackme, box, hacking, learn, darkstar, darksec, educational, darkstar7471, try, hack, me, walkthrough, tutorial, ohsint, official, osint, open, source, intelligence
Id: xZPhLEd-tek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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