Top OSINT Tools in 2024 | Are These Too Creepy?

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opsource intelligence or more frequently known as ENT it involves the collecting and analyzing of information from publicly available sources to gain insights into potential security threats vulnerabilities and adversaries and in this video I'm going to discuss some of the tools that I use daily while conducting ENT investigations some of the tools I mention in this video may not be categorized directly as ENT tools but they do help you achieve the outc you're looking for when conducting osint please do remember that this video is for educational purposes only and if you do enjoy it please do leave a like down below now in this video I will be talking about five different tools we'll be discussing firstly showan which is often described as a search engine for The Internet of Things URL scan which is a web-based service designed for scanning and analyzing websites and web pages to uncover potential security threats spy OT which is essentially a reconnaissance tool that simplifies and streamlines the process of collecting information from various sources and then fourthly multigo which excels in entity link analysis and helps users map relationships between them and then finally Recon NG which allows you to conduct open-source web-based reconnaissance quickly and thoroughly everything is time stamped down below so if you're here for a specific tool feel free to skip ahead however if you just want to know generally about ENT and the best sources I recommend watching the whole video as each tool provides something unique to help you in your ENT investigations so let's begin with Showdown out of the list that I have here this is probably one that you most likely have heard of already and as I said before it's a search engine for the internet of things and it plays a crucial role helping us gather information about internet connected devices and and services so what can it actually do well it can heavily assist you in device Discovery as it can give you a vast and searchable database of all the Internet connected assets so you can search things like devices servers routers webcams all those sorts of things and it achieves this by conducting port scannings and service enumeration it identifies open ports on these devices and retrieves data about the services running on them the this information can be invaluable for understanding the exposed services and their configurations another essential aspect of showan is its ability to collect Banner information these banners often reveal details about the software and version numbers running on these services so for open source intelligence professionals this is a gold mine of information as it offers you an insight into the technology stack used by the Target it also allows you to SP search for specific vulnerabilities and miscon configurations so we can query showan to identify potential targets that are running the known vulnerable software or have misconfigurations that can be exploited so that can of course be dangerous in the wrong hands and then finally the one point that I wanted to mention is that Shen can also provide you geolocation data including coordinates that pinpoint the physical location of the Internet connected devices this is crucial for ENT investigations as it basically helps you understand the geographical context of the targets here is an example of what you can see on showan you can see some general information web technologies that are in use the vulnerabilities and then on the right hand side you've got open ports open SSH and all the information that would be helpful in an ENT investigation which nicely leads us then on to our second Point here which is URL scan excels in website analysis it basically allows you to submit URLs or domains for in-depth examination the magic basically happens when the Tool loads the web page in a controlled environment because it looks at its behavior and takes a snapshot of the page the snapshot can be a gold mine of information which will help you understand the content and structure of the website in question but what makes URL scan particularly powerful is its capability to perform behavioral analysis it basically tracks the behavior of the website under scrutiny it keeps an eye on JavaScript execution records HTTP requests and responses and meticulously monitors what transpires on the web page this feature is essential for detecting potential threats and identifying hidden content or activities that you might not really realize or see on the first glance which is probably what makes this one of my favorite OSN tools and that I use the most out of the five that we have here today then another also good reason for using using URL scan is for threat detection it excels at identifying known vulnerabilities and security threats on the web pag as it analyzes it can then alert you to potential dangers and help you make an informed decision about that website that you're investigating here we have a screenshot from a scanone on and you can see a wealth of information here that's all available for free this is not paid for information you have a summary which tells you how many contacted IPS there were in how many countries across how many domains the main IP address and who that belongs to you can also see how long the TLs certificate is valid for and if the URL scan has a verdict on whether this is malicious or not and one of the most useful features is the snapshot on the right hand side which you can click on to without actually browsing to it yourself you also have a lot of other information in terms of the HTTP requests links Behavior and indicators so I definitely recommend checking this out and just popping in a few websites to play with the data and see what you get back next up we then have spyer foot now spider foot is more of a reconnaissance tool that automatically queries over a 100 public data sources to gather intelligence on data points like IP addresses domain names email addresses names and many other points you simply specify the target you want to investigate pick which modules you want to enable and then spider will collect the data and build up an understanding of all the entities and how they relate to each other and you know that in cyber we always love automation so this is a tool that's very popular spider foot can then be used also offensively EG in a red team exercise or a penetration test for reconnaissance purposes of your target or defensively to gather information about what you or your organizer ation might have exposed over the Internet spider clearly excels in data collection it automates all the queries ac across multiple data sources ranging from search engines to also social media platforms DNS Records who is databases and obviously a lot more this exhaustive data is a foundation of Open Source intelligence meaning you can construct a comprehensive profile of a Target but it doesn't just stop there because spiderfoot will also allow you to uncover relationships and connections between various data points so that not just individual data you can see and understand how the intricate web of associations are together which will reveal potential links between individuals organizations or even just online entities then after this it also provides a critical service by conducting risk assessments it identifies vulnerabilities misconfigurations and potential threats that associated with the target so you can see it's another very powerful tool which helps you in multiple areas of conducting open- Source intelligence depending on what you need so it's a tool that I also recommend you definitely have a look into as as many tutorials online of people using it next we'll go on to our fourth one which is multigo so as I mentioned at the start multigo excels in entity link analysis and just what I mean by entities they can be individuals organizations websites or even just social media profiles like Twitter or on Instagram Migo's primary function is for information gathering it Aggregates the data from a wide range of publicly available sources like social media platforms or websites which I just mentioned it will scour the entire internet collecting data points related to a specific entity and transforms this into a structured graph which then leads to one it big one of its biggest advantages which is to be able to provide a visual representation of the collected data as you can see now on the screen it will look to present this data or information in the form of a graph or a chart making it easier for oin analyst to understand the complex relationships and patterns you can see if you've got hundreds of data points understanding the relationship between them is very important in oin as you need to know how they link together and what each of them mean in terms of each other it will reveal relationships that may remain unhidden if you didn't have this availability of the tool for example at first if you've got a 100 data points you might not know what links to each other so this will make it more apparent and lead you to potential leads and targets for further investigation as you might see a scenario where you see a connection and think that needs more investigation like let's say you're working for an organization where their server is being targeted mult too will start with the server's IP address as the initial entity and then start to explore Associated domains and uncover their roles and find potential threats it'll be very useful for you in understanding all of those connections and if they're linked that then takes us onto our nice and final point of Recon NG and again as I mentioned at the start it's an open- Source reconnaissance framework written in Python that plays a critical role in gathering intelligence about targets so pretty similar to some of the tools that we've already mentioned and it also has an interface that's pretty similar to Metasploit so if you're already familiar with Metasploit then you're already in the best starting position Recon NG's primary function is to automate the process of collecting data from various sources on the Internet it's like having a skilled detective at your disposal sifting through vast amounts of information and one of its biggest strength is its support for custom modules cyber Security Professionals can create their own modules to fetch data from specific sources which allows you to tailor Recon NG to your unique ENT requirements which is really really advantageous these modules allow you to extract the data from search engines social media platforms DNS records public databases and many many many more I could be here for days naming them all the beauty of Recon NG usually lies in its adaptability and extensibility so you can even create your own modules to fetch the data from these custom sources and because of this it can be really useful and be used to search for threat indicators like IP addresses domains or email addresses which are associated with known security threats or vulnerabilities so again another really useful tool used within ENT that I recommend you check out that then brings us to the end of the video which I hope you found really useful and gain some more knowledge about the ENT tools and if you have do join our disc ORD Community below where we talk about cyber security and all the types of videos that I create it's completely free and Everyone is always asking questions just to get help from other people in the cyber security space the link is down below in the description and also the comment section please do leave a like if you enjoyed it it massively helps it out and I can also look to create the top five ENT tools which are paid for as all the tools in this video were for free which you can access straight away by just either creating account or browsing to the link in the description
Channel: iMentor
Views: 64,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMentor, Help, Explained, investing, How to get into cyber security, Cyber security explained, Learn cyber security, Most in demand jobs, Is cyber security in demand, OSINT, Open source, Open source intelligence, Maltego, Shodan, Url scan, Recon-ng, Spider foot, Virus total, cyber investigation, whois, cyber security tools, splunk, python, computer science
Id: 6OBTZyKybhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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