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- [Skip the Tutorial] These are the Minecraft monsters you've never seen before. From the deadly final boss Lord Pumpkinhead to the glutton fish and the special item it drops all the way down to various bugs that made my friend Dan so creeped out he couldn't look at the screen. And speaking of not looking at the screen, YouTube tells me it's impossible to subscribe to the channel behind your back. So turn away from your tablet, your TV, or any other screen you're watching this on and try to press that white subscribe button down below. It's free, and it helps out a ton. Bonescaller. - [JayMoji] Bonescaller? I hardly know her. It's the babies from before that you referenced! Oh God! - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my gosh, and it shoots out the intoxicating bombs. - [JayMoji] Oh God. This is awful. - [Skip the Tutorial] Get rid of him! Ew! He's a bartender! - [JayMoji] Ew, gross, gross! - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives you the seed of chaos. - [JayMoji] Okay? - [Skip] You can make the spirit divider. You can also make the dark metal upgrade. - [JayMoji] Ooh. - [Skip the Tutorial] Let's make the staff of magic arrows and the potion of rampage. Dan, summon a pig or a goat. Whatever you choose for your rituals. - [Failboat] Oh, here's an axolotl. (echoing boom effect) - [Skip the Tutorial] Ugh. That gave me regeneration and strength. - That's awful. - [Failboat] What does the camel give you? - [Skip the Tutorial] Uh, a ride. (laughs) (all laugh) - [Failboat] You're right, you're right. Here, here. Here's a goat. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ooh. - Ooh. - [JayMoji] I don't feel good, I don't feel good about the things we're doing here. What is that? That's not, no. Get rid of that. - [Skip the Tutorial] Do you guys wanna eat some eternal candy with me? - [Failboat] Oh, please! - [JayMoji] Uh. - [JayMoji] Yeah naturally. Willy Wonka. (Skip the Tutorial mimics eating sounds) - [Failboat] Is this like a blood brother kind of thing? Look out, Jay. - [Jay] Ow, ow. - I don't think it does anything. Oh! It's infinite food! - [Failboat] Oh! Oh eternal candy! Look it has cooldown on it. - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa! Dude I can just chow down at any time and not get any cavities! - [JayMoji] That's pretty good, yeah miraculously. - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm gonna take away my potion of rampage. Light rampage. So am I on like a kill streak? What's my rampage do? Oh my God, and it can kill younglings. Um. (laughs) It gives me permanent strength and speed. Sick! - [JayMoji] Permanent strength? - [Skip the Tutorial] My rampage is awesome, dude. - [JayMoji] That's awesome. That's really good. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, staff of magic arrows! Here goes! - [JayMoji] Ow. Why is it always me? - [Skip the Tutorial] I don't know, you were here. - [JayMoji] Except for when it's not. (both laugh) - [Skip the Tutorial] Your schedule's available. Dude, this has insane range! - [JayMoji] What does it do? - [Skip the Tutorial] It just shoots a projectile. Pow! - Ow! Oh wow. - Hey. Skip. Skip, Skip. - No kidding. - [Failboat] Hit me up here. (Skip mimics charging up, then releasing) Maybe like, a little bit higher. Ey! - Ah! - [Failboat] There ya go! - [Skip the Tutorial] And then I get Jay first try, are you kidding me? - Ow! - [JayMoji] No! (all laugh) - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, we'll save the supreme bonescaller for later. Let's go into the bone imp first. - [Failboat] Aw, it's got a little tail! Aw! - Oh, he's cute. (Skip the Tutorial mimics animal sounds) - [Failboat] Get it, get it! - Love your videos. (Skip continues mimicking animal growling) - [Skip] Mom said it's my turn, ow! Dude this is just iPad kids. (all laugh) - [Failboat] Ow, ow! Wait, no no! Ah, intoxicating bomb! - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, Dan, gettem! - [Skip the Tutorial] It didn't help. - [Skip the Tutorial] Well. (laughs) We'll do the supreme bonescaller now. Yah! - [JayMoji] Whoa, he's got orbiting femurs! Kill him! - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude that's sick. That's actually what Saturn's rings are made out of. - [JayMoji] Really? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. (laughs) - [Failboat] He's shooting the arrows at you! - [JayMoji] He deflects my shots from the staff of magic arrows. - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa! Get rid of him. - [Failboat] Wait hold on, if, Saturn's made of femurs? - [JayMoji] Yeah, did you know that? - [Skip] No? (laughs) - Oh, no. - [Skip the Tutorial] Minecraft facts guy strikes again. Perish! - [Failboat] Perish. Kinda like an apple. - [JayMoji] Me when I see a fruit. (all laugh) - [Skip] We got another seed of chaos, and we've got its like, orb. The orb of the summoner. You can make lamps with it? That doesn't sound as exciting. (all exclaim) - [Failboat] Close the door, close the door! - [JayMoji] It came in the form of a lantern, I thought it was a lantern. It's a scary horse. - [Skip the Tutorial] (laughs) Okay? - [Failboat] Hey, I can ride him! - [JayMoji] Whoa! - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa! It's so fast! Oh my. - Look at you go, dude. - [Failboat] This dude has so much health. - [JayMoji] That's the Lamborghini of horses. I don't know why, I don't know why I said that. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, it's like the Ferrari of horse logos. (both laugh) - [JayMoji] Hey! That's a very large, why is yours different than mine? - [Skip the Tutorial] This is a new one, this is the bone caller staff. Which lets me call in my bros. Ta-dah! - Whoa. - [Skip the Tutorial] You mess with me you mess with my bros. (laughs) (JayMoji laughs) - [Failboat] Wait if I attack one do they all attack me? Nope. They're, little babies! What if I attack you guys? - What if I attack you? - [Skip the Tutorial] Wow, thanks guys. You're really helpin' out. - [Failboat] Wow, they just, they just chill! - [Skip the Tutorial] They just don't care? - [Failboat] They just chill. - [Skip the Tutorial] Thank you very very much. - [Failboat] My boys are not loyal. You'll find out quick. (JayMoji laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] The shy spirit. - [Failboat] Hey little guy! Aww! Holy! It hit me a lot, stop! Ah, ah, ah, ah! - [Skip the Tutorial] Attacks extremely weakly and disappears at the first blow and under the Sun's rays. - [JayMoji] That- - I can't see anything. - [JayMoji] Looks like a floating paper bag in the wind. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my gosh, you punch it and it gives you blindness and slowness. - [JayMoji] Much like a paper bag. - [Skip the Tutorial] Scarlet persecutor? Sure! - Ah. Okay. (Skip laughs) - [JayMoji] It was you! - Whoa! - [Failboat] I preferred violet- ah! - [JayMoji] (laughs) Oh God. I'm out. Scared. - Oh my gosh. - [Skip the Tutorial] I don't like the sweep attack through you. - [Failboat] This also has another little hip swing going on. - [JayMoji] Oh, God! It's so fast. Make it stop. Make it stop, get him away from me. I don't like him. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, this is terrifying. - [Failboat] Jay's surrounded by baddies. - [JayMoji] I'm, no, yeah, this is not good. Oh my God. (Failboat laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, the way that they would come to be is if you were to fight the fallen chaos knight. - [JayMoji] This guy that you just sent upon us? - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude he took an arrow to the back. He's so fast! - [JayMoji] He's very fast and very aggressive and I don't like his walk stance. He has no weapon. - [Failboat] Got a little arm! - [JayMoji] I think the fact that he has no weapon makes it scarier. He's just coming at me with full confidence that he is the threat. - [Skip the Tutorial] High damage and high range. Protection from arrows and sunlight. - [JayMoji] Thanks for telling me that now! Shooting my magic arrow's not doing a single thing to him. Time to summon my boys! Go, my boys! They're gettin' him! Hey! - They are! Oh! - [Failboat] It's (mumbles) for hostile, like, creatures. (Skip laughs) - [JayMoji] Ah, there we go. - Hah! - [JayMoji] Now we're doing somethin' to help. There we are. - [Skip the Tutorial] Direhound leader. What? - Excuse me? - [Skip the Tutorial] So this summons itself and dread hounds. - [JayMoji] (laughs) Look at the little babies chasing you! - [Failboat] Wow! The little puppies! - [Skip the Tutorial] This is my husky. Oh, dude I smacked him in the face and he was like "what in the world just happened?" (laughs) - [JayMoji] He's a good boy, he doesn't bite. - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. - Good boy in question: - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow! It does seven hearts, sure. It also breaks my bones. - [Failboat] He's just a big fella. He's just a big guy. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the graveyard dog from Scarlet and Violet. - [Failboat] Oh, yeah yeah yeah! - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my gosh I can't punch it when it breaks my bones! - [Failboat] Speaking of bones he drops his ribcage! - [Skip the Tutorial] What? - Wow. - [Failboat] Yeah! - [Skip the Tutorial] Gnawed bones. Ew! Jay, protect me. - [JayMoji] Trying. - [Skip the Tutorial] Creative will protect me, no it won't. (laughs) Gives you monster flesh, we can make smoked monster flesh. Delicious. - Mm. - [Skip the Tutorial] Monster skin which can make the dark armor that we saw earlier. As well as the rest of the nightmare set. And the fangs can be made into a hound trap. Hey look I got you new shoes. Just step into them! - [JayMoji] Really? (laughs) Wow! These look uh, these are really nice- - Ow! - [JayMoji] Oh no! (Skip laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Wither scuttler! Eugh! More spider-y spiders, bad! Ew it, it's a spider that gives you wither effect? Gross. - [Failboat] Can I activate the (indistinct) with this one? - [JayMoji] Why would you of all people wanna do that, Dan? - Hey, look! - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, the jockey is very funny. That's like, sitting on a cushion and it starts moving. - [Failboat] Oh, God- ah! Jay I'm not gonna lie- - You did this to- - [JayMoji] You did this to yourself entirely. - [Failboat] I did this. It's way too realistic. I'm not gonna face it anymore. - From far away. - [Failboat] It wasn't a problem until I saw all of them just start moving. (all yell in excitement) All right. I got rid of the problem. Got rid of the problem. (Skip laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] All right. Dark vortex. - [JayMoji] What? - [Skip the Tutorial] This kinda looks like the new mob that they're adding. - [Failboat] Oh yeah, the breeze. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah the breeze. Dan can you shoot the breeze real quick? Ow. - [Failboat] Shoot them? Uh yup. - Good shoot the breeze reference. (Failboat laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] What do they drop? - [JayMoji] Souls. - Black dye. - [JayMoji] Black dye? I guess that's all they're made out of. - [Skip the Tutorial] (laughs) That's our garbage disposal? - [Failboat] Yeah yeah. (laughs) Do they not like, fly upwards? - [Skip the Tutorial] I guess not. That sound is terrible. - [Failboat] I was kinda hoping to make, like, a smoke pit. - Wee! - [Failboat] Oh my God! - [JayMoji] Oh you did. - Just launched a- - [Failboat] Launched a missile! - Look how far they fell! - [JayMoji] Why did they fall so fast? - [Failboat] Oh my God they go like one at a time! Actually very odd! - [Skip the Tutorial] That was sick. Oh, dude, a spirit guide! - [JayMoji] I'd like my spirit guided please. Hopefully this guy is friendly and cute looking. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my God! - [Others] Whoa! - [JayMoji] Oh I love him! - [Failboat] Not what I expected but awesome! - [Skip the Tutorial] It's a Día de los Muertos thing! - [JayMoji] The Day of the Dead is today for you! - [Skip the Tutorial] Impose the effect magic depletion during the battle and will also call on its help- - [Jay] Oh he had kids! They're so cute! - Aw, little guys! - [JayMoji] Aw. - [Failboat] What? They're so adorable! - [Skip the Tutorial] I think this is just the plot of Coco. (Failboat laughs) This is hilarious, I like this guy a lot. - [JayMoji] Marigolds! He drops marigolds! - Really? - [Skip the Tutorial] That's sick. - [Jay] That's beautiful. That's lovely. - [Failboat] It's not even Monday! - [JayMoji] Dude, this is beautiful. Why don't we spice this place up a little bit? This is great. - [Skip the Tutorial] You wanna spice it down with the zombie clown? - Uh! - [Failboat] Are you kidding me? - [JayMoji] That was one of the worst things you've ever said to me. - Ey. - [Failboat] "It's me, Bombtonio!" - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa! He gives you poison intoxica- oh dude. - [JayMoji] What's so funny, ey? - [Failboat] What you lookin' at? You want a piece, too? - [Skip the Tutorial] Hey bozo, how 'bout another one, huh? This is just Danny Devito. (all laugh) Gives you the intoxicating decoction. Okay? - What? - [Failboat] Have a sip o' this! - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow. - [JayMoji] I'll give you a sip of my intoxicating decoction. - [Skip the Tutorial] Swarmer. - [JayMoji] Ugh, that's awful! - Oh! - [JayMoji] What happened to you? - [Failboat] Ew! - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh it gives me the bug effect! - [Failboat] No! Not more! - Not more dude. - [JayMoji] Oh my God, why did it, why did one fly drop two maggots- - Ah! - [JayMoji] Oh, God, it's awful! That is such a Binding of Isaac type enemy. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yes. - It is. - [JayMoji] It's gross and disgusting and you kill it and it breaks into flies that break into- - Thanks Dan. - [JayMoji] Maggots. Ugh. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right. Zombie fisherman! - [JayMoji] Oh! - Hey there buddy! - [Jay and Dan] He's got a fish! - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, he gives me more rotten bug effect. How quaint. - Go figure. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, nice death animation though. - [JayMoji] He dropped a river mint! - [Skip the Tutorial] A river mint? - [Failboat] Oh, there's one! Found it! (glass breaking) - [JayMoji] Nice, Dan, - Got it. you really took care of that! (laughs) - [Failboat] I'm on pest control today. (Jay continues laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, mint candy removes bad breath. That gets rid of the bugs! - [Failboat] Oh! Thank God- I'll just put this away. - That's hilarious. - [Skip the Tutorial] And zombie bruiser. Ta-dah! - [Failboat] Oh nice hair, buddy! - No no no, - [Skip the Tutorial] Not ta-dah! Not ta-dah! - [JayMoji] I do like that he has a toupee, he at least cares enough to do his hair in the morning. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is so funny, he looks like the town fool. - [Failboat] I love his walk cycle, "bum, bum, bum, bum." - [Skip the Tutorial] Hit me, buddy. Yup. Okay. Ow! Okay, okay I didn't mean to say that about your wife! Look dude, it was just a, whatever- Whatever happened in the bar I promise it wasn't me! - [Failboat] "What'd you say about my hair?" "What did you say?" - Oh, he's holding a- - [JayMoji] A barbed sword with barbed wire on it. - [Skip the Tutorial] Nice. It gave me a- Ew! I hate the bugs! - Ew! Ew! I hate it! - [Failboat] I hate- I hate it. Why? - [JayMoji] Hate it so much. Oh God. Bury it in a hole and don't look at it ever again. - [Skip the Tutorial] What about a crab? This is just a pokémon. - [JayMoji] This is a safe measure. (Failboat laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] I wonder if they, how long it takes for them to notice the crab. - [JayMoji] What, what's the issue? Oh! Ey! - Aw, he's having a lil snack! - [Skip the Tutorial] He's chill! He's a, he's an- Ow. - [JayMoji] As in you'll get a piece full o' him. - [Skip] What? You can feed it rotten flesh. (imitates eating sounds) It gives you stuff when you feed it. - [Failboat] Aw! - [Skip the Tutorial] It'll give you pieces of its shell. Which you can then use to make spiny shell armor and shell maces. - [JayMoji] Where the "hey now, you're an all star" is the rotten flesh? There it is. - [Failboat] Oh, what do these do? Oh! Okay, yup! - [Skip the Tutorial] This is like my model city. - [JayMoji] Yeah. How lovely. - [Failboat] Hey. Nice mohawk, bro! - [Skip the Tutorial] Thanks man, I can't see. (laughs) (Failboat laughs) I'm gonna walk across hot fire. Oh it's fine! - [Failboat] Wait, if I like- Oh! Nope! Okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's my armor, dude. - [Failboat] Oh! I see! - [Skip the Tutorial] Die! Ew. Rotten fish. Here's another one. This is the corpse fish. - Well. - [Failboat] Oh! Now it's drowning and dying! Okay. - [JayMoji] The fisherman was carrying one of these in his hand. - [Failboat] Oh yeah! - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm guessing they're gonna do a lot more in water. Let's, put that to the test. - Probably, yeah. - [JayMohi] It's safe to say. - [Skip] It's like poetry, it slimes. - [JayMoji] Yeah, kind of. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's a barracuda. - [JayMoji] Look at how fa- yeah. Look at how fast he is! I hate that there's a maggot in the water. Dude. When there's like 40 of them chasing after you it looks like a horror movie scene. - [Skip the Tutorial] That is scary. Yeah dude. (gurgling noises) - My turn. - [Failboat] Clean up the pond a little bit. Biodegradable. - [Skip the Tutorial] Glutton fish. (Skip exclaims) - [Others] Oh! - [Failboat] Well. Anyway! - [JayMoji] Dude. Can we go to the ocean and just spawn like 40 of these? I love him. - [Failboat] You love? Look at the front of him! - [JayMoji] He's my favorite little guy! - [Skip the Tutorial] Yep. He breaks my bones and he does a whole bunch of attacks. - [JayMoji] Yay, there's so many of 'em!. - [Failboat] Oh my God. (Skip groans) - [JayMoji] "Welcome to adventure aquarium- Ah!" (laughs) (Failboat laughs) - [JayMoji] They're so scary. I love them they're so scary. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is what Dasani water tastes like. (all laugh) - Yeah. Just about. (JayMoji laughs) - [JayMoji] This is where they, where do you think, where do you think they get it from? Is it really worth it? - [Failboat] Here's one for the road. - [JayMoji] Oopsie-daisies. Whoa! - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude. Now we get to like, study it in a museum! (Failboat laughs) - Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] What does it drop? Glutton fish stomach? - [JayMoji] Whoa! The stomach like gives you stuff! - [Skip the Tutorial] Ew, it's a loot box! - [JayMoji] He ate the things I guess. - Wait, it's a loot box? - [Failboat] I'm suddenly interested in this thing. - [JayMoji] "A gacha system? Count me in!" - [Skip the Tutorial] You can eat the glutton fish eye to give yourself oxygen. Mm. All right. Next! Mister Pumpkin! - [Others] Mister Pumpkin! - [Failboat] Aw look at him! - Aw! - [JayMoji] He's cute. - Hey Mr. Pumpkin. - [Skip the Tutorial] How's it goin' bud? Are you doin' all right? - [Failboat] Don't hit him, don't hit him. - Ow! - [Failboat] Oh nevermind, hit him, hit him, hit him. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's just Pumpkaboo. - [Failboat] Aw! - [Skip the Tutorial] They're still cute. I, I'm gonna hold to that. Like the little spiral away Casper friendly ghost, Casper the unfriendly ghost. - [JayMoji] Yeah, definitely. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ugh, dude! This is like if the vines started attacking me! I like that they're all bobbin' up and down. - [Failboat] Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. - Its just like a cloud of pumpkin chasing after you! - Oh God! - [JayMoji] They refuse to separate. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right. Sir Pumpkinhead! - [Failboat] Oh! - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude he laughs! (mimics evil laugh) - Oh! Oh he gallops! - [JayMoji] My God it's the horse apocalypse, horseman guy! - [Skip the Tutorial] It's the headless horseman! Whoa! - Whoa! He makes little dudes! - [JayMoji] That's scary. - [Skip the Tutorial] Get rid of this joker, I'm sick of him! - [JayMoji] Get rid of this joker. (laughs) - [All] Oh! - Okay! (all talk over each other) - [Failboat] Oh my God! - Ah! - [Skip the Tutorial] Ah! - [Failboat] Joker's flyin' and shootin' explosives! - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude it's raining now! This is ruining my bit rate! Thanks, Dan. - [JayMoji] Oh his head's off! - [Failboat] Oh my God, yeah what! - [JayMoji] Kinda weird. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow. Señor Pumpkin. (gasps) Aw! - Ah! - [JayMoji] (laughs) I was gonna say, nice hat dude. - [Skip] This is like your next favorite Dreamworks character. Maybe not. - Yeah. - [JayMoji] I like that he's got the nice hat, he's like a regular one but dressed nice. Oh he's dead. Oh good! More of 'em. - [Skip the Tutorial] He's got his Halloween costume. - [JayMoji] Yeah! - [Skip the Tutorial] All right. Ready ready? - [Failboat] Yep. - Maybe. - [Skip the Tutorial] Fresh and Freddy? Lets do, the boss. - [Failboat] Oh, great. - [Skip the Tutorial] Lord Pumpkinhead. Ta-dah! - Whoa! (Skip screams) - Whoa! - [Failboat] And take your shots, oh my God, (stutters) don't take shots, he does nine and a half hearts of damage. - [JayMoji] Can he summon a giant pumpkin to chase after you? - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, what did it put in the floor? Ew! It put a green stink in the floor! (Failboat laughs) - Ew, he took a doodie! - [Skip the Tutorial] How do you hurt him? - [Failboat] Attack his character? - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh I got him, you have to, you have to go after his horse. - [JayMoji] (laughs) Attack his character? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah dude, bring up his old tweets! - [Failboat] Oh! I see what you mean by the bombs! - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow. Dan? Let's start to hit it with some damage potions. Okay. - Oh God. - [JayMoji] Oh Lord. Wait no I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it. (Skip screams) - [JayMoji] His head, it dissociates from everything else. - [Failboat] He becomes three different entities! - [JayMoji] And his horse is still attacking you. - [Skip the Tutorial] I had someone do this to me at MAGFest once. Ah! (others laugh) - [JayMoji] I'll get him. - Oh he's- - [JayMoji] I got him! - Possibly dual wields too! - [JayMoji] Ey! - [Skip] No. - [Jay] Oh he's over here! - You got rid of the idea of him! (Jay grunts) - Die! - [Skip the Tutorial] Nice. (imitates cocking gun) Boom! - [Jay] Whoa whoa whoa watch where you're pointing that thing, dude! You're gonna, stink! - [Failboat] He has a gun? You (stutters) you got a blunderbuss? - [Skip the Tutorial] I got a, "I got my classic blunderbuss." I got my pumpkin pistol. (Failboat laughs) - [JayMoji] Wait let me see that. I'll handle it responsibly. I mean jeez, dude, it looks like Sea of Thieves out here. - Yar! - [Skip the Tutorial] My soulbane burns out the target's soul. - [Failboat] Ow, ow. Counterpoint. I'm gonna burn out your soul- ow. (Skip laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] And with that, folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video, so see if they're right and have a good one, all right?
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 306,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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