Try These On Your Next Camping Trip!

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using a tarp for your shelter is such a great way to change things up but also such a unique way to experience an overnight in the back country probably the thing that holds you back the most is that feeling that you might not be actually super well protected so today i'm gonna share with you three new tarp shelters to me give you my first impression of how it would feel to sleep under there so that you can maybe take those out on your next camping trip for the adirondack shelter the first thing you're going to have to do is set up a really strong ridge line the height of the ridgeline matters a lot for me i have a 10 by 10 tarp and i'm 510 and what i found is about shoulder height to be the perfect height to set up so on one side i'll do a classic siberian hitch once i have a fixed anchor on one tree on the other tree i'm gonna set up a trucker's hitch with an auto locking mechanism next step i'm gonna set up two prusik knot on my ridgeline now because my prusik knots are the same diameter as my ridge line what i have to do is a triple process knob if you have no idea about all the knots that i'm talking about go check out my knot video that i put up there i'll also link it at the end of this video so you can go and refer to it because in this video i'm just doing the shelters the next thing we're gonna have to do is set up the tarp over top of the ridgeline and what you want to find is a corner of your tarp like this fold the corner of the tarp over the top of the ridgeline so this is the corner of my tarp and what i want to do is i want to go to the second attachment and find my process knot here and i'm going to use a toggle to secure the tarp to the ridge line like this go to the other side and do the same thing so corner first loop second loop now adjust your tarp as tucked as possible on either end for the next step what we'll do is we'll come around to the back we're gonna grab the second attachment to the corner again and we're gonna go right backwards and pull taut and peg the back of the tarp down to the ground repeat on the other side now we're going to come around to the corners and we're going to take the corner of the tarp we're going to peg it down and make our walls repeat the process on the other side obviously and then to create extra space what you can also do is guy out the middle of the tarp and use a trekking pole to really create an immense amount of space in that shelter so i'm simply going to do lark's head knot to the tarp lark's head not on the on the trekking pole and guide out and use a tot line hitch to really give it as much tension as i need for this part of the tarp to be honest you can guide out attach it to a tree set yourself up with a really nice awning if you want to for the purpose of this video i'll just fold it over like that my first impression of the adirondack shelter is i really really like it it's a very roomy one-person shelter you're you can really tuck in at the back really well to to make sure that you're nice and protected if ever it rains there's plenty of room for you to have your gear you have a little bit of a ground sheet to put some of your gear back here it's also really nice and tall so that i can sit up really comfortably and not have to worry about my head having to be crouching or anything like that and i can enjoy a really nice fire in front of my shelter in a way that would make me feel actually really comfortable really cozy and really secure of course like any any three-sided shelter or like any tarp shelter that you'll ever do making sure that you pick the proper orientation for the win is gonna be key if the wind is coming right at me from here like it is right now it'll be a very cold night but if i was to turn it around make sure the wind hits me from the back i would do just fine for the plow shelter now our second shelter we're going to be testing out today the first thing we need to do is fix a rope to the corner of our tarp i'm using a lark's head knot right now because it's simple and fast and then we're going to tie the other side of the rope as high as we can on a tree which will act as our anchor and i'm going to go and use an adjustable nuts knot so i can adjust that and i'm going to do a taut line hitch to the tree to anchor myself in now once your tarp is anchored to the tree you're going to take the opposite corner and you're going to stake it out as far back as possible then you take the other corners and then you fan them out you stake them out to the ground and we're almost done for a little extra room inside the shelter i'm gonna tie a ridgeline to the middle loop to open it up like we did with the adirondack shelter and there you have it the plow shelter my first impression of this shelter is i feel extremely protected and it is extremely roomy in here it's very impressive how much room i have in here i have tons of room for my gear at the back i could easily sleep too if we went like look at this if you go like that if you set yourself up side by side like this if you set yourself up side by side like this you could easily sleep too in this shelter and be very protected i mean like this is nice and low at the front you get to really direct the opening of the shelter the way that that is useful for you and right now it's positioned perfectly and the wind is just blown right over here and uh even if you were two you'd still have some room for your gear this is a really really interesting shelter i've seen many times online but never gotten gotten around to using it and i'm really looking forward to it because you just feel really protected before i get into the next shelter you might notice that i'm actually not even wearing the same clothes as the last two shelters that's because i'm shooting this two weeks apart i ran out of time last time so here we are today for the third shelter it's a shelter that i haven't seen many times online uh i didn't come up with it i saw another youtuber make that shelter and i was absolutely very intrigued with it so i'll leave a shout out here i'm sorry i can't remember uh top my head right now his name but i'll put it at the bottom of the screen it's the ghania shelter and this shelter may very well be my new favorite tarp shelter for all these shelters by the way i'm using a 10 by 10 tarp the one i'm using myself is the guide tarp from aqua quest i love this tarp great tarp if you're looking for it link in the description below but we're going to take the corner of the tarp and we're going to take one side of the square of the tarp and we're going to essentially peg both corners as taut as possible as our first step we're gonna move to the front end of it here and we're gonna take the middle attachment at this end and we're gonna peg it and this is gonna create a triangle that's going to essentially act as a ground sheet for us then take the end of the tarp the other corner match it to this corner here and probably move up a foot and a half i would say here and then peg this down like that moving right along we're gonna start from the corner and we're gonna grab the second attachment you can either use a trekking pole i have mine set at 145 centimeters or you can use a branch and we're gonna essentially use this as a pole to raise up the tarp i'm going to attach a guy line here then i'm going to do a lark's head knot on the pole i'm going to go and peg it to the ground with an adjustable knot to really give me the flexibility of how taut i want this to be and i'm going to use a taut line hitch we're going to repeat a very similar process on the second loop from that corner here and we're going to use a pole and this one i have it set at 115 centimeters what i've found to work the best for the for the guy lines here is if you fan them out to the side as much as possible it keeps the top of the tarp a little tauter and gives you a bit more headroom and as per usual if you want to have more room in your tarp shelter you take the tab at the back and you pull it out and i happen to have a fence here but if you had a tree you could do the same thing you just tie it to the back and it really opens up the inside of the shelter for you and for the last piece here we've got the awning of the shelter that i'm just going to peg down in front of us um but you could tie this up to a tree nice and high to even give you more room dagonya tarp shelter i mean come on look at this thing it is such a neat one-person shelter where you feel extremely protected you don't need any trees to set this up all you need is two poles some pegs you only need a very small footprint of flat ground and you can make yourself essentially a really a nice little tent you have plenty of room for some of your gear back here you have a little bit of a ground sheet if you lay down you've got plenty of room headspace at the back here and the fact that there's an awning here you can easily cook with your camp stove underneath here if it's pouring rain outside you do have to be careful for your tarp but other than that you can easily just hang out in your shelter without feeling like you're in a tar a tent this shelter has one of the biggest power move i've ever seen because well let me show you look what you can do here [Music] you take the corner and you just stake it out come on now you've got a tent so if at the end of the night you just want to close shop you essentially now have a tent with with a ground sheet and room for some of your gear easily for some of your gear on both sides and you are extremely protected and you feel super super safe in this shelter if you've never camped in a tarp shelter before this is the shelter i would recommend as a startup because you have best of both worlds if you have a nice night out you want to sleep with the awning up there's no not too much wind you want to be able to experience what it is to kind of sleep under the stars under a shelter you've got that if it turn if the weather turns on you the wind's not good uh it's raining you can just take the awning put it down and now you've got a tent i mean it doesn't get better than this all you're missing is a little mesh here and you're good to go this is a tarp shelter that i'm super excited about to try my next trips because it's the best of both worlds hanging out by the fire underneath your tarp easily when you're underneath the awning with the awning up and at the end of the night just closing shop if it gets too bad and now you're super protected throughout this entire video i've mentioned many different kinds of knots and if you're not familiar with them i'll leave a link right up here go check out this video and i will see you as always in the next video peace
Channel: Marty Morissette
Views: 41,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, outdoors, nature, Camping, Tarp, bushcraft, bushcraft shelter, shelter, how to set up a tarp, fire under a tarp, Knots, How To, Canoe Camping, canoe, camping skills, camping shelter, camping shelter tarp, setting up a tarp shelter, setting up a tarp, setting up a tarp for camping, setting up a tarp without trees, how to tie knots, tarps, tarp setup, tarps for camping, tarp shelter configurations, tarp shelter camping, wild camping, winter camping, solo camping
Id: Xl0pw4NUVh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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