Try Not To Smile Challenge #5 w/ MOM

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Mom! *SLAPS TABLE* Hello, welcome! Momiplier: Hi, welcome! Mark: Hello. Mom: Hi, everybody! Mark: How's it going? Mark: Now you know how last time I, um- ...subjected you to horrors On Reddit? *screams of pure agony* (oh my god poor momiplier) Mom: yeah yeah yeah yeah So bad stuff (mom: very traumatic) Traumatic My mom has been traumatized And she will never forgive me. Mom: Maybe, maybe not. Mark: Hm, maybe not. So I've got something special for you today that I think you're gonna like instead of hate. This is called: the 'Try Not to Smile... Challenge' (Momiplier: Oh!) Mom: Oooh, that's impossible. Why? Mom: I'm always smiling. Like right now? Momiplier: Yeh Ok, so what we have here is a sub reddit called "MadeMeSmile". (r/MadeMeSmile) So the objective is- We're gonna look at these things... And we are NOT GOING TO SMILE M: Give me the definition of not smiling Smile :) M: Smiling is showing your teeth Smiling is any upward motion (mark, i could think of a lot of "upward motions") M: So as long as I don't show my teeth It's not smiling, right? Ok. M: Not smiling, ok? Ok that'll be the limiter- So as long as we don't show our teeth... It's not a smile (*silently pulls up every single Markiplier Try Not To Laugh video ever made*) You ready? M: Yesss! M: I'm ready! M'kay. 3! 2! M: Oh, I better not look at your face. Why my face? My face- (because it's laughable-) M: Cause you make me smile (oh whoops) My face is a mask of sorrow and death. (ah, wait, i was right-) Mom: *giggles* *satanic laughter* Mom: Hmm? M: Hm...? M: What smiling- what- M: what to smile about? M: It happens everyday of life M: I've seen it That happened everyday of life? Listen i-i-if I laugh at what you say, That's very different from me smiling at what this is M: *cracking up* M: I'm not smiling! No smiling! mm-mm M: Just everyday crap everyday-- (dude you're not fooling anybody-) M: everybody can do that kind of stuff Everybody! M: Even I can do that! You could do that? That's nothing (mark you cried when you stretched for aerial silks) Right? (M: Mm-mm) Yeah. I believe you. I believe you, mom. M: Just normal everyday stuff Normal everyday stuff. It's nothing M: Nothing to smile about Nothing to smile about (Momiplier: cracks a maybe-smile? OHNO) Oh, this is a post. Let me read it for you *Reads above post* M: Okay. *laughing* M: What's so smile about? What's so smile about. M: Nothing, nothing special. Nah, that's not-- M: NEXT (ah, got the uh, sick roasts, i see) W-Okay, that's not nice at all. Reading: "My daughter got a Walmart gift card for Christmas -and she chose the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book instead of toys." So it's just a kid that chose a book over toys, (crazy lil' coot, why diary of a wimpy kid?) and apparently that's smile-worthy M: She is... weird *laughing* M: She is not a kid. M: She is a... M: too out of ordinary M: Nothing to smile about Too out of ordinary, nothing to smile-- It's sad, really, it's sad (M: Yes, sad) It's a- it's a kid not living their childhood M: Yes. She miss the whole good childhood. *tsk tsk tsk* M: I feel pity for you. *laughing* Do you hear that? My mom feels pity for you. This just says "Made my day". *Reading caption* So it's like a dad, shining his light... on the family. M: Mmhm. :I Anything... anything to say about that? M: I'd rather look at you and smile (does that count against the challenge-) M: Mm-mm Alright, okay M: I have no emotion You have n- *wheezes momentarily* You're DEAd inside M: V E R Y D E A D No heart, no soul, all gone (M: No heart no soul) (she gave it to mark, but dark stole it) M: As long as it's not puppies M: And, uh, Marky, here M-k, well I'm gonna throw a curve-ball, because here comes a puppy This ones says "I will always love you" *piano music in the background* M: Heh M: Mm-mm No? That's not cute? That cute? M: Hmm- cute but uh, M: MmMmMMM *mimicking* mMmMMM M: I'm not smiling at least. No, no, no smiling It's stupid, actually- it's two animals fighting Why would that be any sort of entertaining? No way (you LIE, mark, we KNOW they get you the most) *Reading:* "This is a portrait drawing I made for my Grandma Unfortunately my Grandpa passed away last month so I wanted to surprise her for Christmas :)" Oh that's nice This kid made a portrait... Grandpa and Grandma, Grandpa passed away Isn't that nice? M: Nice but I'm not smiling No it's sad really, its sad Why would anyone smile at this? M: Actually it's kind of really sad It's really sad M: Because every time she look at that picture M: She have terrible memory of him That is sad M: thats reminding every day M: 'I don't have my husband right now' M: He's mean (asdf momiplier w h a t) *laughing* he's mean M: He's mean That kids mean That kid MEAN What kinda grandchild would do that to their poor grandma This one says 'those poor burglars' 'Macaulay Culkin' *reads above post* That's the kid who was in 'Home Alone' M: Are you sure that he got the facts right? M: There might be someone who really do rob on christmas day You're right... There might be sombody who really do rob on christmas day (M: yes! More gift) Tip to all you would-be robbers out there On christmas, there's more gifts to rob on christmas! (M: mhm) (very word. much eloquent) What're you doing? (M: What are you doing?) What're you doing? *tsk tsk* S t u p i d. This has just been the top of today, lets look at the top of the past month Let's get to the really good stuff *mumbling from momiplier* Oh it's gonna be good, oh okay This one's called 'the strength of humanity' Eh? Sounds pretty impressive *reads above post* *SMACKS TABLE* That's nice. You're not smiling? M: So sad So sad? M: All the trauma she have to go through M: All those years M: Sad Sad no happiness here No joy (wake mark up [wake him up inside]) Alright this one's 'a good father' *reads above post* Sounds like it cost a lot of money (M: mhm) Sounds like it kinda offset all the work that she did M: What was her motivation? Well it's not her motivation it's his motivation That's the father who wanted to be there for his daughter M: Oh my goodness M: I know why (why?) M: He's using the free freq-... the mile stuff Free frackin miles... yeah, that's it M: That's only That's it Yeah, he's not spending his own money M: mm (no way) M: He's cheap He's cheap *long silence as we all await the inevitable* That father's cheap *tsk tsk tsk tsk* *laughter, aka the inevitable happened* M: NEXT 'Always remember where you came from' Oh cool it's the story of someone who came from KFC to house-keeping to nursing, nurse and registered nurse M: Huh, sounds like my story You're a nurse M: I... I did that M: I worked as a nurse aid when i went to the nursing school So that's nice. (M: on the weekend) That's relatable to you M: and I become a RN (so, so this is nice?This is smile worthy?) M: yeah It's nice? M: Mm-hmm Or is it typical and everyone does this? M: EVERYONE does that, it's not just him M: We all do that M: You did too! M: oh my god, Before Markiplier, what did you do? I wiped butts M: Yeah (I did, I wiped- I wiped butts) yeah you did do that M: We ALL do that Mark: We all-- M: it's nothing to smile/smell about Something to smell about?? M: h- No- something to- not -h M: Nothing to smile about Nothing to smile about OR smell about *Mom laughing* *!! noise from Metal Gear* M: (stops laughing) Mm-nn, not smiling! No smiling-- M: I'm laughing! Both: Not smiling! M: I'm laughing at myself M: Different VERY Different, okay M: right? 'Finally debt free!' Credit card paid off... Look at this! No debt! Isn't that good? M: Something is fishy here... (i mean, agreed-) *laughs* That is weird that it's absolutely zero on all of these That is... That is a little odd, I will admit that, yeah M: He just got a credit card, a bunch of them M: He's happy because his balance's zero M: ...and next month, he's gonna have a-- (through his teeth): I think you're onto something, Mother I think you're onto something... Mom: *clears throat to hide laughter* Mom: I know human psychology Mom: That was Mom: *slaps table* Mom: I made A all the way through psychology class Mom: *beats table again* (the poor table, 1 like = $1 for table's physical therapy) Mom: hmm I know human psychology I know how they think Mom: You know how those people think Mark: Those people Mom: ohhhh the credit card and Mark: Those people Mom: Zero Zero balance because Mom: *SLAPS TABLE* Mom: They haven't gone out shopping yet Mark: *SLAPS TABLE* (STOP ABUSING THE TABLEEE) Mark: Hasn't gone out shopping yet Mark: But will, after this post Mark: So much shopping (M: Mm-hmm) 'My face physically hurts from smiling so much today,' ""I love teaching you guys" said my professor who is such a good soul" Mom: *sniff sniff* Mm-hmm M: What's the difference (Mark struggles not to laugh) Mom: What do I need to smile about M: He's smiling! M: Why? M: The only thing I can smile [about] is his leg is kinda funky M: It's to the side (Mark laughs a little) M: Just like your leg, know what I mean? M: It TWIST! M: Unnaturally. M: Is that something to smile about? (yeah, mark, is it) Mark: No, you're right, that's not Mark: It's a deformity Mark: It's sad, really Mom: Everybody's sad, feels-- Mark: Really sad, for this guy Mark: This poor guy with his (Mom: Mm-hmm) Mark: Messed up legs Mark: Ok, "Same tie" (reads above post) Mom (while laughing): Couldn't even afford a new tie *Mark cries in how sad it is* M: No time for shopping M: Excuse, excuse, excuse M: *tsk tsk tsk* M: And he's proud of it M: I feel sad... Mark: You should feel sad, yeah, it's real sad M: Sad! Mark: What a cheap dad. M: Cheap dad! Mark: Cheap. So cheap. M: VERY....penny pinching dad Mark: Penny pinching--That's it, yep M: That's it (Mark: penny pinching..) Mark: He could've bought a special tie, but he didn't. Mom: YES! M: It's sad, see that Mark: It's sad, that's really sad Mark: Very sad Momiplier: Very manipulative, the dad. Mark: Manipulative yup, is manipulative Man's best friend *reads text* *momiplier snerks* Mom: Whats the point, here? Its like, the dog died when this guy was a kid (Mom: 50 years ago) yeah and the dog's been in Heaven, or whatever, this whole time and Mom: Dog had a better life than him Mark: You're right (Mom: He got more spoiled) *more enthusiastically* you're right Mark: Its sad really *laughing quietly* Mom: Its sad... sad. How come dog got the better life *hits table lightly* he just came into hell... and after *hits again* 50 years *says angrily* where you could join him early. *hits table hard* sad *hits again* Mark: Could have died earlier *noises of agreement from momiplier* Its sad the he didn't die sooner (Mom: Mmm yeah) Mark: Reporting *read above* Mom: He is really wanna be famous somehow give him a credit Mom: Someday you'll be famous with that smile its cute too Mark: Its sad really (Mom: really sad) (lmao) (Mom: Really sad) Mark: Its so sad hes just a fame hungry kid (Mom: Mhm) Mark: Just trying to steal the lime life ain't nothin' special 'bout that Mom: Nothing special about that Mark: Anyway... alright whats this this is a video *momiplier slightly weezing* *mom chuckling softly* *dog barks* (give me attention hoomans) Mom: I'm laughing... I'm not smiling Mark: I think you were smiling Mom: No I was looking at the coach I love that coach's... *moves hands weirdly* reaction I was smiling at him not the... not the one actually *pushes up* lifting *dog barks* Mark: Maggie! What are you doin' *mom laughs* Mark: Maggie, you smilin'? Its sad really Mom: I sad but... look at the coach there's more... he's working harder then the boy... than the guy in the front, you see that? Mark: Yeaah Mom: Thats cute ohhh that's adorable... mhm Mark: I think that's a smile and I think we can end it before we Mom: That was adorable Mark: Crush people's dreams more Mom: Yeah.. that was adorable Mark: But everything else was SAD Mom: Everything was sad Mark: Exploitative Mom: Yes Mark: Full of cheap dads (Mom: They wanna be famous) Mark: Wanna be famous Its ridiculous what gets on the internet these days *mom imitates the dog* Bubble: Yeah thats sad Mark: You hear that Bubble? THAT'S SAD Mom: Mhm Mark: I feel sad Markimoo: Well thank you everybody so much for watching uhh... if you smiled down in the uhh comments below... let us know or don't cause' you didn't smile either way thanks Mom for being here We've got more videos that we're going to record soon less wholesome... more silly but uh... you'll see soon So thank you everybody so much for watching and as always we'll see you in the next video buh byyye Mom: Byye *laughing* *Markiplier's outro music* (this was fun staying up until 1 a.m to finish)
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,457,941
Rating: 4.9583683 out of 5
Keywords: try not to smile, try not to laugh, memes, smiling, cute, adorable, cute videos, happy, laughing, funny, funny videos, try not to smile markiplier, try not to smile challenge, markiplier, momiplier, markiplier's mom
Id: QuBFl6eEVs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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