Try Not To Laugh Challenge #18

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I’ll find all the source clips and update them in the Wiki when I get home from work today. Sorry for the delay, friends!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheOwlAndTheFinch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I lost it at the last one.... my best so far!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Milospesh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That santa clip reminded me of this Jimmy Neutron meme that uses that whole "short and unexpected" mindset to get you to laugh. I'm pretty sure it'd get Mark to at least do a spit-take and/or laugh.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/48-Cobras πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I found the black cat video here, as I see the source isn't included yet.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/InfernoMax πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't know if you're still taking requests for videos for future Try Not To Laugh's, and the suggestion list is archived, but if you're still interested, there's a funny clip from Toronto:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zratartu4958 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Here we go again... It's another Try Not To Laugh. I'm not gonna lie to you guys... I would never lie to you guys... I only tell you truth. These videos are not funny. There is nothing to laugh at. There's no such thing as "funny" in the world... it all is a farce. A lie... It doesn't exist... and therefore, there should be no reason... for any of us to laugh Makes sense? Okay, let's do this. (Thunderstruck by ACDC plays) THUN DER Not funny.. *CLUNK* (Laughter) Ayyyyy nope! β™ͺ Everybody was Kung-Fu Fighting! β™ͺ HUH! I don't think that was funny at all! It was harassment! or something I don't know (Man playing saxophone) That's the hero I wish I was. (man still playing saxophone) I wish I was half as cool as that guy was, I wish. (Woman speaking in Russian) Translated: So accept this petunia please The prophecy is TRUE The prophecy is 𝙏𝙍𝙐𝙀 Man: Bitch Woman: I see you've grew a couple inches huh? Man: Please, stop. You gotta stop. Woman: You've been drinking your milk? Man: You really gotta stop.. Woman: You've been drinking your miiilk? I feel like that one was a direct attack at me... ...and I feel very offended... (Music) ok bye What? Woman: Hundreds gather today to say their final goodbyes to this fallen police officer. Woman: Dee Dee Woman: Mega Doo Doo That is SO disrespectful and therefore not funny. (Mark snorts) (Opening Suite from "Halo" playing) I don't like this. Oh, I don't like this. Mmmmhhhh... What?? What????? What happened?? Hooper: Don't you remember me? Avery: Get out of the car. Hooper: Don't you reme- Holes: For the very last time, I've never seen you in my life. Believe me, I would remember. Hooper: Can't you remember my face? Avery: Oh god, what the fuck is that?! Holes: Oh hell no! (Screaming) Holes: No, nonono Hooper: Can't you remember my face? Hooper: Can't you remember my face? Avery: Go!! SPDNCholo: Oh yeah, they remember you alright. Holes: Is there something in my teeth? HUNGHH (Inhale) HAAAAAH Not funny. Woman: Has you really been far? Even as decided to use even go want to look more like? Woman: Call 985-655-2500 inside the details for! Go further and even more decided to use! Woman: You can really be far as decided twice as much to use and go wish for it! Woman: When you decide far even once to use and go want then get really far even as decided to use, and look more like and go after. Woman: It's just common sense! Apply today. (...) Did I have a stroke?! (Girl singing "Side to Side" by Ariana Grande) (Thumping) Girl: Oho! (Thumping) Girl: Aho! (Girl falls) Girl: Oof! Well, I can't say you didn't deserve that. Okay, here's the first face where she realizes she came very close to... ...pain and/or death. THIS is the face of a little shit who... realized that they didn't die and therefore are now invulnerable. This is "Shit Level 2" where the shit-lord in question has discovered that, they are indeed not invulnerable. Hmm. Yeah, especially their grundle. Yeah (Man beatboxing) That's real cute. Petite gΓ’terie au poteau means Little "treat" to pole *according to google translate* (Mark coughs) Oh.. *slaps table* What a completely innocent video of a giraffe....and a fence post (Men arguing, inaudible) Man: Are you crazy? Cameraman: You fucking... bitch? Man: YOU ARE FUCKING! You are fucking. Cameraman: You fucking fucking you bloody. Man: Fuck you... Cameraman: Fuck you bloody... bastard! Bitch! (Both said fuck you at the same time) Cameraman: Bloody fuck you, bloody! Cameraman: Fucking mother bloody fuck bitch Man: Bitch why didn't (you)... Cameraman: Fuck you, you... Cameraman: You fucking bloody bastard Off camera: Sir, we gonna we gonna... Cameraman: (Bench?) you bloody... Man: (Bench?) you! Cameraman: You (blender?) Man: Motherfucker why... Cameraman: (Blend?) you know! Off camera: Hold on hold on... Cameraman: Bloody fucking... Man: Then tell me, if there is an accident, Man: then what you're gonna do? Cameraman: Why you fuck me I fuck you bloody! Cameraman: Bloody bastard. Cameraman: You running like that one. You wanna fucking fall in it, hurting yourself (Back to inaudible) Okay, have a nice day! :D *MarkiSnortβ„’* *slaps table again* Aight.. That... is... ...beautiful... They came to a reconciliation, they got all their anger out and no one got hurt. (Man screams) EUGH (Mark sighs) I love sequels. (Man) You're on camera, say something. Last night, and night before, There was three women walking down the street that way I saw 'em and I said "Hey you three women. Why are y'all walking down the street that way? there's nothing down there" And they flew away. I saw them was some birds. (Man behind camera starts laughing) Not. That's a good story negaoryx: That's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life. (negaoryx screams) (Mark Snorts) (Chest Abuse) Ah..... that's so sad. Woman: Is there anything you can't do, Faith? Faith: See (Mark snorts) Officer: I want you to focus on the tip of this pen, so just follow it with your eyes, okay? Man: Mmm hmm. (Mark chortle-wheezes) That wasn't a laugh, it was spastic movements of my diaphragm. (Music and jingle bells) *explosion* (Mark bursts out in laughter and finally loses) Oh geez, oh my god! Oh my go- (Mark laughs again) (Mark continues to laugh) Well.. there.... There, *ahem* there that, there it goes, there goes. poof, my chance There it goes, poof, gone. my only chance. GreekGodX: This eye tracking challenge is going to be the easiest challenge of my life! and I will prove to all the other men in chat! That we don't need to look at boobs We can look at people for who they are! Me! GreekGodX! I will represent all men!! in the chat! And I will not look at a single boob! And I will not look at a single butt in this video! Let's GOOOOOO! *sees boob* FUCK!!! (Markimoo laughs again) (Mark continues to lose) I'm mean- I knew it was gonna happen. I knew what was gonna happen. I knew I knew what was gonna happen! Fuck, well that's it for now. Thank you everybody so much for watching. If you want to see more funny videos that I've... laughed to and also not laughed to, I'll put a link in the description below. or go to the "Try Not to Laugh" playlist There's a bunch of them. Subscribe for more cool videos, ring that bell, comment, like, add to favorites, are favorites even a thing anymore? I don't know. Shout it from your rooftop, write it in the sand, put a link, write out the URL to this video, put it in a bottle, cork it, toss it in the ocean. Then have a good day! Thank you everybody so much for watching. And as always I will see you in the next video, Buh byeee!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 26,583,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try not to laugh challenge, don't laugh, you laugh you lose, ylyl, try not to laugh, try not to laugh markiplier, try not to laugh 18, funny videos, funniest videos, funny, funniest, laughing, markiplier
Id: 3i2WqDxgIyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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