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yo guys what's going on and welcome back to more original content on mini Vince's channel we're reacting to more tick-tocks good ol reliable we can't leave the house it's true yeah this is fine right we're live this is not okay this is was it two meters away this to me is camera tricks okay before we start I'd like you to choose a country any country yes China China okay we're gonna watch all these tic TOCs from China we can't watch in China we're gonna watch in Italy thanks to supress VPN we can watch in Italy Wow so what's the difference so you're probably wondering what is the VPN well a VPN three routes your location to make it look like you're somewhere else when really enough for example you might be in Hawaii with in reality you're just in my living room this is obviously extremely useful when you're trying to watch region-locked content such as YouTube videos or Netflix expressvpn also offers a wide range of security benefits such as a secure impenetrable tunnel between old data going in and out of your devices say which is crucial as especially in the UK ISPs have to keep logs of your data for at least 12 months basically Forex and the government can look at anything you're looking at online another great thing about the expressvpn it does not reduce your internet speed which a lot of other VPN companies do so expressvpn have actually hooked me up with a deal for you guys so you can get expressvpn for less than seven dollars a month and for three months of free checkout expressvpn com forward slash mini Mincy you can also get 30 days money-back guarantee what you gonna do expressvpn calm for such mini man so I'll just click the link in the description down below check out guys is genuinely something I use so that's why I'm promoting it with this and yeah I have in my living room still but yeah that is it for today hopefully Gaza will keep it safe and um I should get back into the chair I would've hit you but come on in it yeah distant singing [Laughter] [Music] yes yeah I gotta find that so if I was not hilarious at all that wasn't funny you're talking kind of weird I'm fine you're sounding like you found that funny I think we should continue towards the other tic TOCs when you're getting bullied at school because you're blind why should get bullied surely doesn't anything they jump on their bed yeah yeah I'm sure they're like oh it's only like that you're young enough for them you're picking someone out because their lines yeah so then why would you want to believe them I just think you should include everyone and everything bunny me say something I could take your promise say something just call me a wanker no please you know that's wrong no I tried I tried what yo what the Koopa does straight to the comets oh I see [Music] app has 1207 in so I can assume that she is at least 813 years oh gosh how I look at him after he loses the game why does that have likes yeah I guess I get it cuz I like yeah yeah yeah what what noise does a cow make well what noise does a cat make yeah yeah yeah what noise does a dog make one noise do you make him bed one noise does a cow make a cow one noise does a doggy door without that well what noise do you make him bed they make some noise I'll a she's taking piss on that I don't like that she's made manager she's trying to make a comedic vine about a pain she will never understand yeah I mean I think that pain is way worse than pregnancy oh it's like you trying to say something every time just say well we're doing the Seidman game yeah the pain I felt I was like no woman saying children night it's Owen 14 at the same time 14 clips I don't know what the 14 term is okay but either way it's bad see the first thing that comes to your mind are you ready yeah LeBron Travis meeow meeow do you know we don't know who else is he meant to say who's he meant to say Mia Sharapova yeah even if he's another mere like she'd still get annoyed yeah like he was never gonna win its could being polite before I put it in ice mass before I put it in ice my dance mat he forces back in what's in this recruit on some stuff bra every animal can what name one take on a horse a horse you've seen horses like go up like that oh my men stood there like this I ain't stayin like this it goes yeah that were [ __ ] wet look ready 1 2 3 yeah Karianna half horse no I'll give you another snake ha ha ha a snake a snake is standing up most the time no it's always doing this and then it comes up calm look wait wait no no alright no Donald shark how do you know a shark's not standing up it's in water would you really happen when it swims up so where do we when you're standing up you're like this yeah if a shark swims up there like this what a shark is like this yeah but effectively landing a shock is just chilling like this though no it goes up yeah oh yeah you know what save that yeah oh you know what put it towards animals that can't stand up yeah ass about right I better see sometimes okay little it every now and then Oh waive your control isn't connected what are you gonna do then what yeah that's it yeah cool right back you know if my control is not connected I plugged my controller in and then press the controllers [ __ ] it but then that's just this is stupid what why did you have to plug it in anyway no you don't we just on press the buzzer people and himself and then was like what cousin [ __ ] tarnation Alabama Betty Crocker miss [ __ ] Betty what [ __ ] is this holy [ __ ] someone modified a Fiat 500 to do that like there's so much extra work yes for no benefit in any way [Music] oh that's that is really gross sharing someone's razor and using it nah that's disgusting that's disgusting I even using it for your beard anyways toothbrushes this is cause of social distancing no cuz yeah yeah just sharing toothbrush is so wrong hello fossil Phoenix the neighbor you've probably long [ __ ] now say Mike hello parcel Phoenix the neighbor you [ __ ] all the way all the way keep pushing Dino y'all Isis got one of those really well I'm not that similar this look there you go no thank you for I'm holding it normally they grab it in slight sprint yeah it's just I've run this block see okay what up [ __ ] what now give me one huh what a [ __ ] you won't go your real [ __ ] so bad so bad yo I've never seen that I thought the bear would just be like no I mean you know yeah just lift his head up okay now I'm gone before fresh moves he stands up and gets out so quick Oh Oh see how quick you stood up and go out yeah I mean that birds definitely see some [ __ ] ya seen how he went to go go down the way it stood up as well and then bears can stand up and you know the bears can stand up yes oh okay let me give you another awesome dog now I that's all cartoons based off in it I know the cartoons day the frogs that stand out show me a what type understanding Onoda actually are they actually are looking like that's what Kermit is based off this shut the Kermit is based on us standing up ropes all right a pig a pig standing up I yeah you may got me here why not a basis of real life okay I'll give you I'll give you the heavier weighted ones like a pig in there hippo have their doubts yeah like it stands up its breaking its legs giraffes they don't stand up because they'd lose consciousness because they're too they be too high in the air atmosphere if they stood up they're touching the moon how tall and I am they're touching the moon think how tall is your office yeah so they have you have you ever seen Cal for easy jump no oh thank you guys watching as always don't check out Jay Jay since second channels about so it'd take me eight point three nine oh I'm storming away bro eight point three nine eight point four five oh [ __ ] 60k it was about two mil before the start of the year really no huh I was like a solid like 300 400 K though yeah yeah cuz your post enough it's true though it smells weird yeah this was weird you guys watching and yeah peace [Music] [Music] you won't give me your heart I guess some stealing
Channel: Miniminter
Views: 8,047,097
Rating: 4.9257178 out of 5
Keywords: simon, sidemen, miniminter, mm7games, random, vlog, tik tok, ksi, jj, react, try not, laugh
Id: UzrPz6TLsRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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