TRY NOT TO LAUGH (African Edition)

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whoa well well lucky you guys you get a ksi video two days in a row am i back i'm about to post it daily we'll see this is uh a glitch in the matrix but we moved today we're doing the try not to laugh obviously i'm getting the easy videos out before uh i have to try and think of new original ideas but we'll get there anyway before we get started your boy obviously has got his own flavor gpu on that thirty percent off of use my code ksi link is in the description down below have fun with that i let's try not to laugh if i'm being honest i'm always just entertained by these videos either way what color is a carrot carrot i think it's a i think it was uh i think it's a carry uh uh i don't know i don't know about that oh it's orange if you dig a six foot hole how deep is that hole six i like 20 feet one minus one equals equals 35. okay what is a bmw b w is a car okay spell bmw he didn't say words he did say what was that how can man say one minus one is 35. like i love how confident he is let's do this again one minus one equals it goes 35. like he my my mind didn't even think about it he was like one minus one oh yeah 35 come on man that's easy might struggle to find out what the color of a carrot was come on man put the money in the bag yo look at this one over here no no i want to mess with him man for what look man look at what we doing okay we is robbing the place okay this dude right here he's just standing there like nothing's going on okay he's chilling all right that's a whole anime protagonist i wouldn't mess with him no no i'm telling you look at the way he's sitting right now he gonna end up killing you and then i'm gonna have to run i'm not gonna be able to get away he gonna catch me because they're overpowered and i'm gonna get killed this looked like the pilot episode to his anime i'm telling you we should not be doing this man you watch too many of them japanese cartoons i'm gonna go beat em up what no why would you put the money in the purse oh man sometimes i wish i was an anime character i'd be so sick if someone pisses me off i'm just kind of a guy you're not a problem anymore you're you you've been destroyed [Music] the holy spirit faster touching the woman i i feel it i'm feeling the holy spirit [Music] oh bro i've been to plenty of churches what happened it always used to freak me the [ __ ] out you just see a bunch of people just shaking on the floor and i'm there like yo should we get a doctor like someone should help these people i think they've all got a few problems right now and then my mom's just there like no no they just need holy water the blood of jesus that's all they need and they'll be fine she's falling from the mouth mom i don't think she's okay i don't think war is gonna save her right now i remember uh we used to go to this church i won't say the name but we went there for years and uh we used to give so much money through offerings and uh it turned out the pastor that everyone like loved um you know worshiped was a rapist so yeah that was a bit mad okay so apparently when someone's on the phone you can get them to hold anything so i'm gonna go try that on my mom she's on the phone right now [Music] how long has she been on this phone cover what i should do yo what's up when a kid speaks in the search and destroy the way i got a snake in my boot it was when i er oh mate if you thought that was bad you should go in cod 4 lobbies back in the day man man used to hear all types of bad words we're talking the n word we're talking the c word we're talking monkey this it'll go back to your country that kids wouldn't survive the kids wouldn't survive and con 4 lobbies or modern warfare 2 lobbies hello my name is jamal every 60 seconds in africa a minute passes together we can stop this please spread the word thank you for your attention wait what why would we want to stop time in africa i cannot confirm or deny let's go you see the star when you look up bad [ __ ] and she got pulled up these just look like workouts these just look like workouts you can just tell that african parents are just inspired by gym workouts ah do you uh do you work in this gym yeah i'm a personal pt ah good uh i want to know uh what is the hardest the hardest workout that a person can do well i mean i guess the plank is pretty hard ah i see that's what i'm going to do to punish my child huh wait what ah oh my baby i want you to plank if you droop i will beat you you're the star i'm not yes you are i'm the moon i'm gonna do stuff like that all right you're the star oh so bad you know what in life man don't cover the church by oh don't judge the the cover touch the hook iron man don't don't put the cover punch don't whatever don't do it just don't do it don't just don't do it you know the thing you wanted to do don't do it you want to breathe don't do it you want to see don't hey man i got your text what was so urgent that i needed to be here just tell me are you straight yeah man i have a girlfriend you like her yeah man what are you gay are you trying to hit on me yes i'm gay what what so are you what you like a girl yeah that girl used to be a baby right yeah babies used to be sperm oh my god what are you doing technically speaking if you like a girl that means that you like her father's jizz which makes you gay oh god she makes every guy gay it makes every woman straight you think they're a lesbian thank you keep your voice down okay what do we do now what i don't know i'm panicking okay have you ever told anyone else about this no no you're the first person i call right just keep the doors and windows locked and i'll although spend the night okay you're gonna spend the night yeah that's it's pretty gay i never really thought of it like that damn we all get no no no i can't i don't i haven't even seen my girlfriend's dad yet so i don't even need to envision that so we're good we move me boy this is my mom joe this is my dad when i was six we moved from nigeria to america and the transition was tough you're an african so how was school what's good just good next time it must be great what do i always say about or nothing smell it it's so uh specific thank you now what's this jonah franklin go to meets me i wonder if you um have um i'm gonna go now and lord we like to thank you for this delicious food and god please bless the house that fertilize the ground that put the corn there for it to grow for that goat god please bless the house that position every bit of seasoning the thing is we we we try not to eat um goat hey yo go is delicious i don't care what anyone says i'll eat me some goat left right celebrate go to me it's very tough i love it we we try not to eat a goat it's okay i i just spent all night preparing all of this for you but it's no problem but it's never too late to try something new remote everybody at this table god bless them give them blessings we will continue to succeed in this house bless my child i your digi when the theater is teaching in chemistry mathematics engineering he will internalize it hey yo that's about mumbai i remember back in the day when um i used to live my parents my mom oh my god whenever it was new year's eve and we did the countdown fam we prayed for like two hours like we prayed for two hours for for whatever reason my mom prayed for everything and then my dad then had to pray and they were there for another two hours you and digi's turn i'm there like dear god thanks everything in it safe all right i'm quick with my prank wait you got all links n1b plus trust me that's all my parents will care about my parents would throw me a parade if i had grades like that just give it a chance you got a b a b oh my god why was i not a barren woman you disgust me it died it wasn't eating dude did i come to america for this nigeria is calling this boy you'll be selling a gay gay break for a living every day video games playstation x playstation [Laughter] it was always going to be hard to not laugh at this one but god said playstation x xbox one twenty huh playstation 32. anyway this was your boy case how the gwt obviously gpu on that five percent off down below description and uh i will see you guys in a bit in a blip let me know if you guys laughed at the clips uh if you did uh put it in the comments down below if you didn't put it in the comments down below and i'll be sure to [Music] until [Music] [Music]
Channel: JJ Olatunji
Views: 18,885,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksi, ksiolajidebt, ksiolajidebthd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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