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i got like a whole bunch of people gave me money to buy a microphone for god's sakes see but now i lost everybody no one's here well how can i log in well yeah but you have to take your computer some where's your computer or something yeah well yeah i guess i could log in too oh my gosh you people are amazing thank you for hanging in there oh my god you guys i don't know like how i'm such a technological nightmare why something always get everybody back well there's coming back now are you got you got the sounds yes they're saying they hear me thank you okay yeah yes we're all there okay there we go all right thank you okay oh my gosh why i get so sweaty this happens i don't know why this happens too loud oh my god i think we should just go with it i will try not to talk so loud oh my gosh okay oh my god you could hear me after the fact there were a lot of curse words there you guys sorry yeah so the drunk robot thing this happens sometimes when i call home and i'm talking to mr much more patient on the phone i'm like you sound like you're straight out of some sort of weird video thing keeps me humble oh yeah technology i'll do that okay seriously now i'm all for clumped i am so sorry you guys are dear dear souls for sticking with me thank you okay yeah the plan so yeah he comes to running in here i'm sure he's thrilled i'm like um you're on live right now he says i know it's okay i was a transformer yeah that's what it sounds like i have no wine yet first of all it's a little early second of all i'm trying to flush out the system a little bit okay i'm so glad you guys think this is funny at least okay all right let me just talk to you quickly so this was the big joke my whole family thought this was hysterical it's all botanical names it does have some great botanical illustrations in it too but it's all botanical names and it's got phonetic pronunciation so um that's really helpful because i never know exactly how to pronounce things and i don't think there's a big deal hi from croatia hi nada i think you were here last time too hi um you guys are so kind i can't tell you how kind you are okay sullivan you got it too right did your um did everyone laugh at you for wanting that um yeah i still don't say i'm right either but um but it's interesting because they all it also tells you like what the derivation of the word is and then there's um and then there's also these little tips in there so like you can you know get an idea for where was it there was a really cool one in there the book is called the gardener's botanical it's an encyclopedia of latin plant names so eric says he's been to croatia so have i actually had a lovely time there um and then book wise you guys i have a whole bunch of book reviews coming up um i just have like a stack of books one more thing that i got behind um two books that i'm gonna show you guys i'm super excited about these are both by people do you guys follow savvy gardening um it's a group of gardeners there's three of them um they have great there are at least two of them if not all three of them are horticulturalists they they just have great science fact-based stuff i trust if they say it i trust it so these are two new books from them so plant partners is by jessica walster she's written a couple of great books on bugs she's really into and is it entomology is that the bug thing one's about words and ones about bugs anyway um plant partners so this is companion planting but it's science-based complaint companion planting so i'm really excited about this because you know most companion planting is like kind of old wives tale type things there's some of it has got basis in fact but so plant partners and then um also another person from um savvy gardening this just came in the mail today this is nikki jabor she writes these fabulous vegetable gardening books she gardens in nova scotia and she grows vegetables year-round so this is gardening uh growing under cover so if you're a northern gardener and you want to like extend the harvest this book should be really good i have not cracked either one of them yet but they are in line yeah nikki is is so inspirational um she's just she knows everything about vegetables and then um yeah those are both from savvy gardening yes um and then somebody asked me the other day for a recommendation for a garden design book and i don't have a great if you guys have some great garden design books that you like leave them in the comments because i don't have a great one because i feel like so many of them um i feel like they just narrow in on us on one type of design so they're not like i mean they're helpful they're just not very broad-based so i said to somebody i said when it comes to design information and inspiration i go to magazines um so this you guys this is i don't know if you're familiar with this this is gardens illustrated it's a british gardening magazine it's my favorite gardening magazine i also get fine gardening and horticulture the only problem with gardens illustrated is that it comes late so this is the november issue and i just got it this week so that's the only problem is that it's always a little bit late and it doesn't need to be they could speed that up but it's beautiful and it's super inspirational this is where i find about great plants and there's always a great design feature in it because so that's helpful so that's where i go for design stuff a lot of times is the is the magazines so um yeah it's worth and it is expensive it's not a cheap magazine i think i think it costs what is it you guys 50 or 60 bucks for 13 issues but i i save every copy it's well worth it so marilyn says my garden design see a pretty plant to the garden center buy it and then find a home for it i i'm i'm with you um okay so gardens illustrator is available in um app oh interesting okay that's interesting i i have to tell you guys i um i really am a paper magazine person i don't love um i don't i just i enjoy i spend so much time staring at a screen that i really enjoy looking at them on paper so um there's that okay let's talk about um garden plans for next year i don't know what i'm gonna do because i'm just kind of getting to that part where i'm really like um full of all the information so um hey you guys you know what i'm just gonna quick pop on too i'm gonna pop onto instagram because i just got a message from somebody saying hey you're not on but i'm on so i'm just gonna quick do this is so meta i can't believe i talk onto my phone while i'm talking to you guys okay this is so weird okay hey everybody i just want to let you know that i had a little problem with the first live stream so i'm live streaming right now on youtube but not at the original link but there should be a live under the impatient gardener right now so if you want to go over there so there's there's everybody right there so okay see you over there i don't even know what's i don't even know what's going on okay um so carla is adding a 16 by three foot raised bed fabulous so how tall are you going to make that carla is that because i assume that's three feet wide so how tall are you going to make that and what are you going to grow in there um cheryl says this is better life of an influencer oh such a terrible term isn't it um so i'm just gonna try with the computer that right that'd be my my route here um 30 inches tall for vegetables oh my gosh carla that's gonna be fabulous are you bracing it across the middle so that it doesn't bow out on you too much that was the one problem i had when i had kind of taller beds was that they bowed quite a bit and i always wish i put more cross spacing in the longer beds um yeah laura says oh oh laura you teach virtually 10 devices going at once oh my gosh you're an angel that's amazing um finish vintage garden since i finished the walkway in my new 36 by 60 foot partier garden oh that sounds amazing oh my god that sounds amazing hi guys thank you for coming back um that wall color called summer night i looked it up summer nights by benjamin moore it's like a it's a navy blue with maybe just like a hint of like green in it almost to go it's not teal by any stretch of the imagination but it leans just a touch green sherry is adding another two beds for dahlias oh how do you teach kindergarten virtually how do you do how do you do that oh my gosh i don't even know how you do that hey shadow says she she wants a impatient gardener jacket uh yeah so now that we've got some time i'm gonna work on the um on the merch situation um i told you guys that that all went south on me um but i think i found a company that looks good it's still gonna be one of those print-on-demand things though i can't really find anybody otherwise without taking a big stock in merchandise which i don't really want to do so um okay heather says i had terrible results starting next year i need details recommendations um so heather specifically what were your problems like things not germinating or things dying after they germinated like was there a specific problem that you were seeing because that might is might be a little bit easier to sort of nail down some of the issues then okay suburban garden couple uh how do you prioritize what you want to do first in your garden plans for next year yeah um i think i'm a bit of a masochist when it comes to gardening because sometimes i will save the thing i want to do the most for last as like a reward for getting to it and then a lot of times i don't get to it or i'm burned out by the time i get to it so i don't recommend that but so that's probably not a great way to prioritize but um okay i gotta have to scroll back now because sometimes i miss these questions um okay when do i sell poppy seeds so uh joe here's the thing about poppy seeds i first of all i've only had success growing um bread seed poppies which are also known as opium hobbies and the only way i've had success personally growing them is to sew them outside in january and february i sew them right onto the snow and they just sit on the surface of the soil now i do know a lot of people have had success winter sowing those in like milk jugs so maybe you want to maybe you want to think about that by the way i just had a great thought which is that i'm so glad i didn't change into sweatpants like i was planning to since i had to like run out of here to get a microphone i literally was like i'm gonna put some sweatpants on and then i didn't thank god okay side note um okay kathleen o'connor first thing you would do with a brand new yard new construction a butt's a wheat field uh put trees in here and there but that's all so far you know the first thing i do and the thing where i this is so boring um what i'd spend my money on is making sure that you can get your soil right because sometimes in new construction they scrape away everything and you're left with just weird fill so i think if i were prioritizing especially for money i'd start trying to get that soil right and then i would and then i would honestly i would start with a plan and i would consider going to if you can't find like a garden designer to work with and then you're like somebody who just helped you with the plan you could look for somebody who says they're a garden coach or um i think this is not totally uncommon we have some independent garden centers near us who will help you design your property and or a garden area and you get a disc if it's free if you buy the plants from them if you don't buy the plants from them it's like a small fee i think it's well worth it to come up with a plan before you start putting stuff in because it would stink to put in like expensive trees and shrubs and then not want them there and have to pull them out um yeah idea overload for next year right uh favorite any favorite purple dahlia yes thomas edison i grew up this year actually uh laura from how's it growing new jersey sent it to me primo i don't like purple either by the way but it's primo um oh hey peonies and palomas here hey kathleen um yeah if you're gonna do like longer i actually i think any longer bed think about putting cross bracing in it because they will bow especially taller beds how do you combat disease for dahlias you know i haven't ever really had a ton you're in seattle yeah so i suppose the the you know i would say airflow that'd be your number one thing especially where it's kind of moist like that just make sure you don't i probably plant them too close you'd probably want to make sure you have you know good airflow around them don't crowd them too much yeah so small garden museums yeah direct soap poppies that's what i do is i save my seeds from the year before and i will go out there in january or february and just sprinkle them on the ground i haven't i can't get them to grow any other way than that it's the only way and then i walk away but i literally have had no success doing it any other way um okay let me just i just want to go back and catch some of these um yeah yeah new build soil filled with crap they just you know that's what they do those construction guys they don't care they just want it they don't care sometimes you can't even grow grass in that stuff easiest seeds to direct sow other than poppies okay you guys help me out with some of these um i have pretty good luck with um zinnias i'm trying to think of what i direct so now because some things really want to be direct sewn ironically nigella are supposed to be super easy to direct so and i can't get them to work but i'm going to try again because i want nigella um come on guys help me out with the you guys come up with some ideas because my brain is i'm i'm flubboxed from the voice problem um okay adding a malt tamara tamara or tamara sorry i never know people pronounce that different ways adding a multi-level berm to break up my view across my backyard that is cool you know what i do like level changes in gardens i think they make it very interesting i think that's that's a good call oh yeah oh broadway gardener thank you so much for helping people get back here i really appreciate that oh calendula thank you yes thank you cosmos thank you guys there we go there's some great suggestions cleome yes that's a great one for direct sewing um have i ever been able to fudge zone requirements yep um i have grown so i'm zone five and i have grown a few zone six plants my best experience with the zone six plant was growing my venus dogwood but it eventually succumbed i mean i think i had it for six or seven years and it was pretty great but i think you know you push your zones and you got to understand it's an experiment i don't mind doing it sometimes i do think everyone's zones are kind of adjusting a little bit but you never know um larkspur yeah you want never grow that from seed oh nasturtiums thank you yes the ultimate the ultimate so plants nasturtiums are these plants that i stick in if i have a hole in the garden i stick a nasturtium seed in there and then it just takes care of itself from there um kathleen do i have a plan for when i built my vegetable garden yeah if you go on the blog um i've got you just type in raised beds you'll find all the posts there i kind of um talked about the whole process on there okay uh gareth do you have any tips for transitioning a flower bed from annuals to perennials i've planted a few areas in my garden with annuals previously i have no idea how to start incorporating perennials um you don't have to do anything special at all i mean i think it's probably easiest from a budgetary standpoint to um do that maybe gradually if it's a big area because buying a whole bunch of perennials all at one time could get kind of expensive so you might want to do some annuals and some perennials i would say i would say just maybe come up with a little bit of a plan and this is not new information but i've learned this lesson over and over and over again plant a lot of whatever you're gonna plant i mean i used to hear this advice about threes and fives now i think sevens nines for perennials i just think the whole thing looks it looks better to my eye typically you just but it's hard to pare down on what you want for sure um okay so mary wants to know about taking away the mulch that's a really good question i don't generally have a lot of mulch in my garden because i'm sort of anti-bark mulch just because i don't like bothering with it um so i would probably if you have a thick layer i probably would on the other hand if it's just like what's left over it's like say you mulched in spring and you're now like the following winter it's probably broken down enough that i wouldn't bother taking it away i mean one of the things with those poppies is these are so small and they sort of work their way around so i mean if you ever pop plant a poppy you're probably always going to have poppies because they're going to self-sold like crazy unless you pick them up so um they just kind of got to think that they're going to do their own thing yet cosmos are really good in fact cosmos are another one that i've had very poor luck with trying to start ahead of time um sherry would like a bud leah but appears only zone 5 and above yeah i think that's probably true um i don't have actually i don't actually have great luck with budlias here in zone five either i sort of soured on them because they emerged so late like sometimes it's like july 4th dude summer is too short here for me to bother waiting for a plant until july 4th so um uh leah says did you drain your stock tank water garden fluid yeah i do i drain it for winter i just clean that whole thing out scrub it out flip it upside down and leave it right there upside down um any ideas for squirrels in designing a garden fence like mine but with the fence holes are too large well squirrels are going to crawl up anything you have anyway so unless you're going to do like a big almost like bird netting situation i don't think you're going to keep squirrels out i think it was a very uh a bad year for powdery mildew some places um and and um this is kate uh kk is saying uh this year they had the worst luck with powdery mildew killing vegetables um i think it was very bad in some places this year and i don't think there's much you can do about it other than other than airflow or looking for powdery mildew resistant varieties okay you guys get my husband's monitors sitting at his desk keep flashing on and on that's why the color gets weird um let's see um okay so don't have room for seven or nine plants that's okay then you just kind of scale it down that's fine but i mean definitely don't plant in in ones for sure tips for planting in a rudy garden bed okay so what i would say is i generally don't cut roots that are bigger than almost an inch that's probably even pushing it um what i would suggest is buy small plants buy like plugs if you can find someone to sell you sometimes you can buy those online plugs or smaller plants or if you can buy plants that you can divide into smaller plants that way the roots will work their way around rather than having to dig a big hole that's really the only way to deal with planting under trees where there's a lot of roots um okay luke i think i missed a bunch well i'll try to get back to luke says thoughts on how to go about creating new garden beds from existing lawn weeds west bay to approach that moving on to a new property with no beds yep um so i would go like no dagger lasagna gardening on that um actually uh yulia over at you garden she did a great extension to a bed doing exactly this she just does newspaper you can just kind of smother out the grass you can also if you want to do it if you want to get going right away rent a sod cutter and do it that way i've done that but if you want to get going uh if you've got a little time you can do the smother thing julia if you're here i don't know i didn't see if she came back or not she did a great video this year where she made beds bigger and she just all she did was just newspaper um and kind of let that that grass die out you just kind of layer that put some mulch on top and then you get more planting more planting room there hi susan thank you for saying that um what about rocky garden bed hang on i gotta go that sounds terrible me and my partner spent a stupid amount of time moving rocks from one place to another you know honestly if you're if you're interest if you're okay with getting a little creative you might want to look into something like rock gardening look for look for plants that will do well in sort of rocky soils and then go with it you know rather than fight it and have to move rocks around your whole life go with it that way um oh my gosh look at this nicole is editing part two of steve's sunflowers now so if you guys follow um nicole at flower hill farm ny um she there's a wisconsin gardener who made these amazing sunflowers and she's kind of got the exclusive on showing him off and they're amazing um okay what else do we have okay what am i okay this is a good question kristen says what are you most excited to plant this spring or summer um i don't know i don't know i think you know i'm going to retool the not retool i'm rethinking what i'm planting in the vegetable garden this year potatoes are out they take up too much room i might plant ginger i used to grow ginger in pots but i might plant some ginger in the vegetable garden this year um what else was there i'm trying to think i haven't really gotten down to like exact plants i'm gonna extend the horn beam hedge that we have i love it when i point as though you guys know what i'm pointing at on the east side of our property we've got like a horn beam hedge that we've kind of started i'm going to extend that so i'm going to get five more of those i want to show i'm trying to show you guys a find a picture for you so i can show you this this is a picture that i saved see if i can find it quickly in my instagram saves um some of you guys follow me on instagram you know i became obsessed with this photo i hope i can find it and i actually showed it to my friend that she goes you've showed me that photo like three or four times you should probably just do something about it so i have this idea i'll show you this as soon as i find it but um we've got a second set of stairs that go off our deck that are quite wide and quite long um and they face east we don't use them that often but there's plenty of room on those stairs for a line of pots on one side i had them make them purposely wide in order to accommodate that and i just kind of have had this image in my head and this is one this is what happens i get these things in the middle of the night where i of do you think i can find that picture right now um where i think about it and i'm like well how could i make that kind of thing work at my house and if i find this picture i said you guys organize your saved pictures on instagram because i don't so they're all in one giant folder this is this is another character flaw oh my gosh if probably not gonna be able to find it well this is not it but you're good you guys are gonna get the um you're gonna get the gist when i show you this picture let's see what you guys can see okay let's get that off there okay all right so do you see here how like these boxwoods are like um kind of sort of burping over the that walkway i was sort of thinking that maybe i could plant boxwoods in pots on that deck and sort of have them grow enough to sort of build into the steps and prune them i don't know why that's in my head but maybe okay sorry i'll get back to the questions now okay um okay so starla's once said lavender is dying from the center too much water um could be lavender is pretty fussy um it also might just be too old in that center and just be dying out um you could divide that and replant those chunks that are doing well eric when growing seeds i'm told to start with seed starter soil but then what do i switch to and when so i would switch to like if you're going to start in a small cell and then pot up when you pot up use regular potting mix but i prefer to use potting mix that does not have fertilizer in it because sometimes that can be too strong okay mr rogers trolley you've inspired me to try planting dahlias i went to swan island tend to get a couple and wound up with an order of 13. whoops that's what happens with dalias um kathleen you said you didn't get all your bulbs in the ground can i keep them for next year probably not they don't generally store very well if you can get the ground at all if there's any way you can get them in the ground get them in the ground or else maybe throw them in some pots and try to grow them that way because they're probably going to be a loss anyway i mean they might be okay but it would either way you're taking a risk um do i have any problems living so close to lake i live on a farm and wind is a big problem um we actually are really protected believe it or not because we have a row of houses between us and the lake and then we're actually at the bottom of the hill on the west side so actually we're really protected from the wind here our neighbors who live on the lake have to be very careful in what they select to grow on the east side of their houses because they'll just get pummeled by wind heather why not start season a bigger pot hey that's a really good question actually so one of the problems when you start seeds in bigger pots is that it's very very very easy to over water them so what happens is even if you keep the soil just moist it just it just leads to root rot because there's just too much moisture in there for that tiny little root system so that's typically why you see people starting um seeds in smaller cells or smaller pots or you know and then working their way up um that way the exception to that is things like vines most like most vines that i grow from sea dice start in like a four inch pot and um and they'll stay in that pot the whole time until i plant them in wherever they're gonna get planted um let's see yeah so cheryl says she's gonna try yulia's method for a new gardening bed yep it's per perfect how much earlier can you sow seeds with a hemet you know it's not as much about sowing your seeds earlier what it is is that a lot of seeds need a certain amount of heat to germinate so if you're going to start early inside sometimes you need that extra bottom heat in some way it doesn't have to be a seed mat you can stick it somewhere else but sometimes you're just never going to get things to germinate if they don't have like some things want to be at like 70 degrees to germinate and then they want to be after they germinate then they don't want to be that hot so you have to kind of work with the temperature a little bit um any particular online or hard copy resources you would recommend for diagnosing diseases pets um that's from dawn that's a really good question uh i will tell you that jessica wallacer who wrote this book about plant partners she has a very good book about bugs so that would be great i'm trying to think of plant diseases i'm sure there's a book for that i typically honestly um what i'll do is is google that with an edu so i get university sources um in the results starla wants to know how wet my winters are kind of wet this year we haven't had any wet at all but like i don't know not nothing extreme in either direction um okay heather had trouble moving her seedlings so like when you're potting them up so that could be a situation where you maybe did it or or like moving them outside that you have to go super super slowly on it's called hardening off you have to go very very slow um because if you give them too much sun or too much exposure outside too quickly they're dead it's probably the more harder parts about starting seeds is the hardening off process leah what vines do i grow from seeds thumbergia in the past i've grown that this year i grew um purple bell vine which i absolutely loved um purple hyacinth bean i like growing annual lines from seeds a lot um cup and sauce irvine another great one sweet peas so juan says can you skip the cold stratification when it's recommended no probably not because that's how those seeds know uh varieties that need cold stratification that's how they know to germinate so you have to replicate replicat replicate that in some way gardener how to choose between a david austin climber i got no advice for you buy them all bathsheba eden james galway wedgwood or iceberg i don't know how to choose uh personally i would go for the one that has the best disease resistance whatever they say you know of all those if there's one that they say has better disease resistance i'd go with that because that's never going to go wrong on you um yeah struggling at harding off oh yeah so you bought one of those temporary greenhouses this is laura says she's bought one of those temporary greenhouses it does help and just because it's such a bore to bring that stuff in and out and i think people get bored with it um yes uh edgy gardner asked if i've had good luck or any luck growing amaranth from seed yes uh it grows quite well from seed for me last year i did have a rabbit come through and mow down an entire flat of them that i had sitting on the grass which sucked rachel have you ever tried the milk jug seed starting technique i have i have very mixed results with it extremely mixed results with it i have very good luck growing um verbena bonnariensis that way i have not a lot of luck growing a lot of other things that way i don't know if i'm going to do it again a purple bell vine okay for zone 7b yeah that should be good there um yes so tinker's wife is talking about the cold stratification as well yep dornancy won't break how deep should you plan to bare rose it depends where you live so here in zone five it also depends if it's an own root rose or a grafted rose if it's a grafted rose and you're in a colder zone you want to plant the graft about two inches below the soil to help protect that graft so it actually feels like you're planting it very deeply if you're in a warmer zone you don't need to do that any thoughts on cutting gardens how uh how much planting your per seed packet uh that's a great question from terry and i'm hoping somebody else can help because i don't have a lot of good information on that i go a little i mean the thing with cutting guards is that sometimes people it depends what you're looking for so sometimes you will plant things a little bit closer together so that the stems stretch because they're searching for light in there and so that you get a longer stem because that's desirable for some cutting garden some cutting gardens really looking for that so um i think that it's common to plant things a little closer together um but by the same oh here nicole can you answer that question about a spacing for for cutting gardens that's nicole from flower hill farm um where do i store my dahlias i store them in the coldest corner of my basement against the brick the cinder block walls which is still a touch too warm but i sneak by something is eating my hydrangea leaves not a slug holes everywhere i don't know what that would be that's interesting i don't i've never had that problem yeah so lacey says a bit closer than the recommendation on the seed packet favorite thing to do in the garden favorite first thing to do in the garden in spring i'll do anything in the garden in spring because i'm so happy to be out there um including weeding but i just i just love just sort of anything i can do the first time i'm able to dig my hands in the dirt there is nothing better than like digging in the dirt it's the best to me it's like rejuvenating oh gareth says could be leaf cutter bees um so edgy gardener you can have between cool or dark so what i would do is i would choose the cool and create the dark by whatever you store them in store keep them dark that way so deborah says i live in southern michigan didn't protect my hydrangea bushes this year hope they'll be okay depending on what kind of hydrangeas you have they should be fine um if you've got macrophylla which are the type that can go blue or you know they have kind of like you know rounder flowers not annabelles but rounder flowers that can go blue or pink a lot of times you have to protect those buds the plants will be fine but the buds will freeze out on you sometimes you could still do it by the way it's not too late to do it if you want to get out there um buy water in the gallon jugs and use for winter zone yeah that'll work too i think i did that too actually um no uh so nimrod asks if it's better to plant the bare root rose deeper even if you live in a warmer climate no i don't believe it is yeah so and sullivan's right if you want a plant you want to check the zone you're in any place you buy bare root rose from will probably send pretty specific planting information so you know follow them because they probably have a guarantee on their plants and the first thing i ask you is how you planted it um by the way did you guys know that david austin has a five-year guarantee on their roses i don't know anyone who does that um and i have had one rose replaced through that method um i'm very respectful of plant guarantees and if there's any chance that i did something wrong i don't use that guarantee i don't call the company and say i want a new plant but if like all the other like in the david case the david austin rose i had five of the same rows everything was done exactly the same on all of them four of them were great i lost one and i just talked through they have a whole questionnaire you just answer it they give you some tips they say yep we'll replace it in the future you might want to try this it works out great um diane how did your says how did your fruit trees grow this season will you expand um generally pretty good i only got one pair that's a pollination problem that i have to solve in some way i bought that pair because it was supposed to be a pollinator for my asian pear was supposed to work with it well they didn't bloom at the same time so that obviously is not a good pollinator then so um but somebody last time recommended that i just get like a branch from somebody else's pear tree that's blooming at the same time and bring it over which i think is genius um so i have to work on that problem i would love more fruit trees i would love to do more fruit trees i like it's very fun um starla has a david austin that is too healthy such a problem but i know how that can be frustrating when things aren't exactly what you were planning there do i bother with siri wants to know if i bother with acidic living plants not really if there's a plant that i really like a road like a rhododendron or an azalea i could probably do a rhododendron i don't think i could do an azalea here so i don't bother um and blueberries it just required would require so much soil amending that i really have to be in it to but i mean i'm okay doing that for a plant that i love um but yeah so oh see nicole had a few plum trees but her cross pollinator died that's a bit of that's why self-pollinating trees are pretty nice yeah so small garden museum says i bought some gardeners cloth to cover my hydrangeas in case of a late cold snap that that can help um dawn i don't i i think they only as far as a zone limit on the david austin guarantee check their website but as long as the as long as the plant is listed for that hardiness zone then that then that um uh guarantee would apply laura johnson fig is in my future mine too what's happening this year mr much more patient is not going to like that because we're going to haul it in and out and he doesn't like that um mr rogers can you handle recommend any outdoor planters that handle wisconsin winters um i like those ones that are sort of part fiberglass those do okay in my experience at least so um elainey i hope i'm pronouncing that right last year i tried watering all my seedlings from underneath but the top always dried out um i would have them in water for 15 to 20 minutes never seem to come to the top so something can happen sometimes when you plant seedlings is that you almost get like a crust on the top and then that dries out and it it gets almost hard one of the things that i do to prevent that is i put vermiculite on top of most of my cells or soil blocks and that keeps that moisture in that very top layer and then when you do your bottom watering it should make it all the way up to the top and be and be okay susan do you have hellebore and if yes when do you expect yours to move yes i have some mine bloom late like late april may sometimes it's probably the variety i have but it's just they they there's no winter blooming hellebores in my yard nothing there is trying to think the very first thing that i see blooming when that would be march probably oh somebody asked earlier about snowdrops i have planted a few snowdrop bulbs but what i really need to do is buy some snowdrops what they call in the green because that's the best way i think to establish them hoping to get some of these bulbs going to establish them and then spread them around because they're so charming oh eleni how do i elainey okay tell me how i say your name right so i know next time sorry about that um so uh nicole says gloria the snow is first for her so that's a hellebore i'm assuming edgy gardener i ordered peach fox glove seeds from eden brothers should i start them in jugs or flats i start foxglove in usually in soil blocks or cells is how i do them and that's how i have best the best luck with them but like i said my winter sewing jugs is very sketchy um yeah laura said we loved your outdoor christmas christmas yeah um we got that fire rolling and we just stayed close to the fire we got enough time for to do a little gift opening and a quick toast and we all got to see each other and it worked out just fine oh so nicole you were talking about you were talking about snowdrops or oh a tiny crocus i'm like sorry i didn't know what we're talking about talking about too many things um so brad is listening while he drives i can't possibly go wrong um kathleen tully yes uh can i grow chinese witch hazel yes i believe so i mean we can grow witch hazel i'm assuming yes yes i can grow witch hazel's for sure um i had one once i mean technically you can curl them i mean i had one once and it died but it was under loved my mom has a beautiful huge one and she's close to me i mean physically i mean proxy proximity wise um uh katie where did i get the veronicas i got that from um basically look for like a natural or native nursery um those are gonna catch on more i think in the future but look for somebody that sells like native plants and they'll have those 25 witch hazels in the ground about two feet now so when did you plant those nicole um how do i deal with plants covered in powdery mildew once a plant has powdery mildew i mean i think there is like a i think there is like a fungicide you can treat them with i personally i mean it depends what it is if it's a perennial i just live with it and deal with it i mean it doesn't hurt the plant so um i would just live with it and when it's done clean up the area really well at the end of the year shama you once mentioned dark leaf basil where can i get the seeds ah my favorite dark leaf basil which is one that i grow for as an ornamental although it's totally edible but i grow it as an ornamental it is called wild magic basil it is a sterile variety so you cannot buy seeds for it um it is only developed by cuttings and tissue culture basically the only place i have found it is annie's annuals so i order it from there every year however i have heard that there are a few other places that have it and i can't think of any of them off to my head but i've had had other people tell me they've seen it elsewhere so um try that one i think dark is it purple opal basil is also one that seems to grow pretty well okay so laura from hauser growing says she uses that copper fungicide spray and laura um because i have not ever really had a major problem with that do you apply that do you apply that ahead of time to prevent it or do you wait to see it bye sullivan good luck with those christmas lights um yeah that that basil it's outstanding i i just it's one of my must-have things i wish i could grow it from seed it would be far more economical but that's part of the reason why it looks so pretty is because it's sterile oh uh terry a wants to try ornamental oregano this year where did i buy yours i believe this past year i got some from bluestone perennials in the past our master gardener plant sale always has it but um the one that i like a lot is kent beauty and uh it's not that hard to find anymore so just keep an eye out for it i don't think you'll have a big a hard time finding it there's a new um [Music] hi down in chicago thanks for saying hi um there is a new peru winners has a new ornamental oregano called drops of jupiter and it's a perennial out this year and i've seen pictures of it i don't know anything about the plant other than that i've seen pictures of it um it could be really interesting in a perennial garden i think um you know um i have tried to bring that basil inside i have had no luck with it but i'm not a good i'm not a good tender of plants inside um uh kent beautiful 7b yep be perfect there um in fact uh laura you grew kent beauty this laura how's it growing you goo kent beauty this you're right and you're 7b aren't you um uh daisy says thinking of taking master gardener class of michigan state's offering would you recommend taking on absolutely absolutely you learn it's it's you learned a ton but even better than that you get connected with with gardeners which is fun um oh yeah looking forward to re-watching video planting seed starting yeah we'll get some more of those going this year too oh can you imagine what a stunning cocktail wild magic basil make why don't you get on that cocktail girl um so lila you saw plant trials of drops of jupiter are you but you didn't think it was anything special yeah i don't know i would like to see it in person oh and brad says he's gonna grow drops of jupiter so we'll get we'll should know this year uh marilyn yes you can absolutely uh no you can't eat the er i think you can eat the ornamental oregano but you wouldn't want to because it's not going to have a lot of flavor it's not going to kill you or anything the basil is absolutely edible i just choose to grow that one as an ornamental because i like the way it looks in my like patio garden and then i grow other basils for eating in a vegetable garden um yeah so lila grew kept beauty from seed so that's good to know i would think that kent beauty is perennial and ap i actually had it over winter one year in the ground surprisingly must have been a very mild winter um because it says my inside plants need to have a will to survive on their own that's about how it is here oh winter aconite yes joyce you are right winter aconite is the is probably the first thing that i see blooming in my garden yes thank you see i can't even remember what grows in my garden anymore um deb i just saw jewels of all par i saw them on floret's list they haven't started their sale yet i think it's in a couple of weeks i saw them there check select seeds too pretty sure i got them at select seeds last year i think select seeds opens up their like new offerings on january 1st oh and someone says johnny says it too laura i'm so happy that you that your mom got some use out of my christmas recommendations that was nice culture beekeeper here oh i want to i want i don't really want to be a beekeeper i just want a beekeeper to live next door to me we do have actually somebody who keeps bees down the road so we do actually have pretty good pollination here and but i i don't get any free honey i feel like i should i'm feeding them um okay so i just want you guys to make sure that you don't miss this so laura from how's it growing is this is about the um pottery mildew she says she usually waits until she starts seeing some sign of it but not very long so once i see a spot i spray them and then do it every couple of weeks laura nicole you can grow jewels of opar right um i was told it's going to reseed everywhere i grew a lot of it last year and i was told it's going to reseed like crazy so we'll see yes see dawn says jill's oper coming everywhere yeah someone told me once you have it you are never getting rid of it which is fine with me it's quite charming um yeah um deb floret's gonna show everything out of stock right now because their seed stuff isn't open so just put it in your wish list and then make sure that you if you want something from them go and buy um go that day and um grab it of your wish list um yeah see lots of people saying once you plant you never have plant again i guess i probably won't buy seeds because i assume it's just going to be everywhere and i'll just move it around if i have to mr rogers charlie i have tried the amazing gray poppy i've had zero luck i don't know what it is yeah so betsy says get a reminder for your phone i think especially this year that's going to be really important to just pop on there immediately i tried to get uh some dahlias from triple run sale and i had my whole order all set to go and i couldn't even access their website until 20 minutes into that until when they had opened the door and everything i wanted was sold out by then so i'm hoping that doesn't happen with floret i hope their website is flying that day um yeah nicole that's fine um we're just gonna guys everyone's gonna let nicole buy whatever she wants from floret before any of us buy okay um oh golden hour do you know i had that last year so golden hour zinnia i had it last year and i don't think any of them grew or i lost track of them um hello from portugal well hey thank you for coming you see everyone says let nicole buy first that's fine yeah and and sullivan is mentioning that a lot of other places do have many of the varieties that floret offers so um you know don't give up hope if you can't get it from there or feel free to look elsewhere um by the way the one you guys will love this the one pack of the seeds that i ordered actually my mom was putting in order for seeds and sometimes we combine it to save on the shipping i had her pick up for me some cosmos peppermint peppermint twist maybe cosmos and i wanted a lot of them so i had to give me two packs and they were she was ordering from park seed there was 25 seeds or 20 seeds per pack for 450 a pack she ordered them and then i went to the junk seed website and they had 50 seeds for a buck 50. isn't that the way it always goes unbelievable oh shannon i'm so glad that your opal star amaryllis is blooming well um yeah cheryl you know the the thing with the monarchs i have to tell you i just think the monarch i wouldn't think it's anything to do with your milkweed i think it's the monarch population as in [Music] it's in bad shape and i i think it i sometimes i wonder if it takes them a while to i don't know how that works with their migration routes and where they're going to be but it might take a little bit you know my mom has not been in videos we don't want that you guys my mom gets super awkward around the camera like really but i last year i was gonna do a guard a tour of her garden and people really wanted that and then it just never happened and then by the time i said let's do it she said well my garden doesn't look good anymore so don't come so uh we will um i think we'll do that this year and maybe she'll want to be in it to talk about her garden then but she's going gonna be super awkward probably i love you mom if you're watching um oh good dahlia selections there edgy gardener yeah the the monarch butterfly situation is is not oh starla i did the monarch grazing thing just a few of them and yes it's it it can be sad yeah you guys my mom's garden is fabulous part and it's gotten better because she's like semi-retired now there's not a weed in that woman's garden it is mind-boggling to me it's like perfect she did redid her garden well um we'll talk about all this when we do a video but that's probably like six months away so she didn't redid her garden in 2000 and she did work with a local like uh garden designer to get like the basic framework set up and stuff but i i think so much of it has changed since then uh she uh oh laura that yellowish snapdragon what was that one it actually it bloomed forever so in terms of well i think nicole would tell you this too in terms of like bang for your buck that freaking snapdragon bloomed from probably one of the first things i could cut all the way through till almost freeze i actually was freeze i think the color of it just wasn't that great though in my opinion yeah lila says how do moms do that no weeds and not a speck of dust i don't know how that happens there's not a weed in that woman's garden it's she comes here and i can just tell she's like has to jam her hands in her pockets to keep from pointing out all the weeds in my garden uh susan i do have epimedium and the deer do not eat it uh love it in fact i'm adding a whole bunch more up a medium this year in the new garden area love it um but those are good plants so deb wants to know what my plant nemesis is you mean like something that you find hard to grow um for a while believe it or not facing was i couldn't grow a damn zinnia i can't hear what it is it's um it's nigella it's those things that bug me when people say they're so easy to grow and then i can't grow it's nigella this is the nigella year it's gonna happen this year you guys that's what it is oh yeah um and terry says ordered three amaryllis from longfield gardens those bulbs have been amazing just amazing um sullivan says have i seen amber queen up a medium is that one of the ones with a really long leaf on it sullivan trying to think if i've seen that one bachelor buttons will you grow stinky but pretty plants yeah i will you bet you know i grow stinky but pretty plants because if they're stinky the deer definitely won't touch them so i probably grow a lot of them actually okay ilda needs a plant or shrub for shade okay ilda tell us more what zone are you in how much shade are we talking and how big do you want it to be then we're gonna we're gonna um hive mind that for you yes sullivan i have seen that one and i want it i think i ordered i ordered a whole bunch of plugs but i think they're a pink one because i actually think i tried to get amber queen and it was sold out i think um um pink champagne that i think that's the one i tried you guys the brain i think pink champagne is either what i'm getting or it's what i tried to get and had to pick something else kathleen silently judging me well well earned um yeah sullivan let's talk uh once i figure out what i'm getting let's let's talk about that um uh nicole i am a little relieved to hear that you had a tough time with nigella too that makes me feel a little bit better okay amy looking to conceal a fence of plantings under large maples in heavy shade so you need something that grows kind of tall you know that dry shade is dry shade is tough for tall plants let me just stew on that one a little bit okay ilda total shade for corner space in portugal no snow zone that's what do you guys think portugal is probably like zone eight maybe how big do you want it to be ilda um are snaps to your proof probably not they didn't eat mine but i had some of them growing in the vegetable garden so they wouldn't have gotten in there oh my gosh this is hysterical you guys is what leah says she says i used to sneak in and weed my daughter's garden but since coleman son-in-law works from home i can't do it anymore she can't figure out where your garden has so many weeds on spring that's actually hysterical uh brunera uh that's actually a pretty good idea it's shorter um but brunner is an excellent one that can handle dry shade i mean epimediums handle dry shade for sure just not sure like for ilda if they go into um oh dry or red dogwood that's kind of not a bad suggestion maybe yeah we got a lot of good suggestions coming here still be is not gonna like dry shade yeah good yeah ajuga fabulous everywhere i love ajuga some ferns handle dry shade yep great suggestion actually that's yeah ferns for for um dry shade sun king aurelia for ilda uh yeah actually um what's just trying to think what the zone is on that sun king aurelia that's a good one that's a great suggestion let me just google that quick sun if we can find it sink it's funny my my plant brain gets out of practice this time of year because i just haven't been constantly thinking about plants really okay so yeah sun king really is up to zone nine i bet you that'd be that would work oh my gosh this is so funny that people's mothers sneak over to their houses and do stuff that's great deborah i'm the daily queen uh well if if being crazy and obsessive about something makes you a queen that's probably true yeah i can think of a lot of shorter plants for shade it's once you get into taller things but i think that sun king is a is a great um great suggestion although it likes um that one likes consistent moisture just something to think about on those yeah sullivan can we hire out some of these moms and come over um yes so um okay so i'm trying to think about what else is so the way i sort of garden is i do big projects every other year it's not on purpose it's just how it ends up being so last year was the big new garden by the way i think i'm gonna talk about this in a video soon but it was a bit of a blessing for me this year to have you know no ability to have people come over to my house because it just freed me up to to just work at my own place in the garden i mean i would never want to go through this summer again as far as like a pandemic but there were some blessings there one of them was that i didn't feel a need to like rush anything and i was able to enjoy the process a little bit more i really kind of appreciated that um kim vega yeah thomas edison um the one that laura from house of growing sent me came from longfield gardens and it was beautiful did well for me i i don't think you'll have a hard hard time finding that one though um it's i think it's pretty popular by the way um you guys if you're into dahlias this kind of went up right before christmas you might miss it i did put a post up on the blog it's the last post that's up on the blog now which is sort of like um dahlias for specific circumstances so i basically went through it is a partnership with longfield but i went through the long field selections and i picked three dahlias for different circumstances so like if you want to attract pollinators if you want to grow in containers if you have an all-white garden so that might help you if you're looking for some dahlias that might help you okay hang on i gotta scroll back up because someone was asking me so um what is my current biggest gardening challenge landscaping rock here on the perimeter house oh i'm sorry about that that would stink fortunately i've been here long enough that i've undone most of the the nasty little bits that have been left behind um i'm trying to think what my biggest gardening challenge is i don't know i'm pretty lucky in terms of in terms of having things relatively deltan i mean i think it's probably always the deer those are frustrating yeah sarla that that washout was not that was not great bye julia have a good zoom um okay so i need an idea of how to conceal a transformer in the backyard texas zone nine um ten it must be ten feet in front and three feet on the side you know when i think about i mean you have to leave access to it right some way when you're concealing like an electrical box or a transformer or something i mean my thought is always i like the idea of like layered grasses in front of those things if that's your style um because those you can leave state i mean they'll be standing there mostly all year i mean obviously a camellia would be beautiful on a gardenia would be lovely too but i think sometimes those get a little top heavy so you might see something through the bottom i don't know that's always my my inclination is to go like tall upright grasses first if you like that style some people don't care for that okay yeah the only i have to tell you though when i drive through the city where i work which is it's still a small city but it's a city it's you know stores on either side in the main drag i can't tell you the number of times i have to stop for deer it's crazy oh bowls okay um i don't know what to tell you about that except that i have heard that people have had some luck with some of those um i think bonite makes a product repels all is one thing i've heard for voles for things that they really really love i've heard of some people having luck actually planting in a structure so they can't get in there or they don't like it i vols are like my worst i cross my fingers that i don't have moles they're just terrible um okay blue moon acres can i name some prolific dahlias for me if you want most bloom bang for your buck i like the singles i think the singles for me grow start earliest and grow all the way through and as long as you keep deadheading them there are new flowers every single day i mean bar none and i would say they are probably the most prolific plants maybe in the entire garden at that year so i like the singles a lot i also like and so i use the my favorite singles right now are the the hs series stands for happy signal single um and some of the ball dahlias as long as as long as you keep up with that dead heading those ball dahlias a lot of those do really well too um i would deadhead every three days to every two or three days i happen to love deadheading so it's no problem for me but i think that's how you keep those blooms really coming okay i'm gonna try to answer these last few questions and then pop off because once again you guys i always intend for these to be about 45 minutes long and then i have these incredibly embarrassing technical glitches and i'm like well i can't cut it off after 45 minutes after we just spent 15 minutes with me with me signing and swearing and and lovely eric from gardenfork who was always so helpful texting me saying you gotta connect your microphone he's a sweet person he's nice that he's watching out for me um oh by the way i just saw somebody say check on your daily youtubers is on my list for tomorrow i gotta go down there check em i will take my little spritz bottle and spritz them if i need to if everything if anything's seeming a little dry in there um just to keep that humidity going um so betsy has i'll just quickly try to run through these if i start my delis and pasta easy to transplant super easy super easy no problem i mean they're they're fully hardened off by the time because because just to run through how i do it i start them inside i keep them inside i don't water them until they sprout because the the moisture that's in the soil mix is plenty until they sprout once they sprout i move them outside to my temporary greenhouse which obviously manages the heat situation a little bit and so they are technically acclimated to um certainly the sun from the get-go so i don't have to worry about frying them in the sun and then i gradually leave that open more and more and more so they are fully acclimated by the time i'm planting them in the ground so if you are going to start jellies and pots you just still have to go through that um hardening off process but the way i do it they're they're you know they're they're going through it the entire time so i never have to worry about that transition and they transplant perfectly yeah single flowers usually require less digging yes i love a dahlia that looks that's in that 30 that 30 inch range is perfect 36 often you have to go 36 a lot of those will stand up on their own too without any sort of flopping or like you can use a small little just prop a little bamboo stake in there it's like minor staking all right good okay everybody i'm gonna like oh how am i treating my service berry the rust problem i haven't i don't know uh all of the service berries in the area had terrible rust last year like across the board everyone i spoke to um i don't see it's cedar apple rust or you know there's a bunch of rust in that family um i don't know what i'm gonna do i got some time to figure it out i had to think about it a little bit um okay guys i am going to oh god right eric says he loves free jellies he's got this neighbor who always is throwing dahlias at him so that's where eric gets his from all right you guys i'm gonna sign off happy new year everyone thank you for coming once again thank you for being so patient with my technical difficulties if you have any questions that i haven't answered uh drop me an email aaron at the or send me a direct message on instagram and i'll try to answer them for you there thank you guys for being so patient you guys are always so helpful and so nice oh and thanks for everyone who pitched in for microphone that was really nice to you all right you guys have a great night have a fun weekend we will talk soon and let's i'm just so excited for gardening and i hope you guys are too all right talk soon bye guys
Channel: The Impatient Gardener
Views: 14,676
Rating: 4.9221792 out of 5
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Length: 74min 48sec (4488 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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