Planting new shrubs | It's a great time to plant!

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hi everyone welcome back to my garden so we are officially entering i guess early fall it's been a long time since i planted anything so it's nice to um bring some new things in and do a little bit of planting because i always think that's the fun part of gardening is the planting part so i'm going to be planting several different shrubs today which run a very wide range of varieties so the first one is along here now this is a part of the yard that you guys don't see very often this is my neighbor's shed behind us and so this is right along our lot line along the driveway and right behind me we actually have to have a spruce taken out maybe a month ago or so mid-summer unexpectedly we actually had our neighbor had our favorite tree cutters in because they had a big storm rip through and lost a whole bunch of trees and all of a sudden happened to me while he was here we looked up and saw this spruce with a giant hook on the top of it like the whole top of the thing was at a you know a pretty good angle it sort of looked like a dr seuss tree so we talked to him a little bit about it while it was here and basically it might have been fine but it might not have been fine and if that spruce tree which is one of our really big spruces fell it was going to fall right on our neighbor's shed and along a lot of other trees and cause a whole bunch of other damage so we took the opportunity while he was here to just quick have him take that tree down so suddenly we were left with a rather large gaping hole which is the hole that you see behind me so that actually is okay because i sort of had a rough plan for this area anyway so let me move the camera out a little bit so you can get a better feel for what's happening over here so the road is over here now so you get some perspective of where we are this is the south edge of our property and behind me you see this is a quite wooded area and this is just where um you know our neighbors keep some of their equipment over here and have a mulch pile over here all of which is totally fine we don't look at this area that often and you can see that we actually have a mulch pile here anytime we have trees cut down we always have them leave the chips and that is sort of just where the chips the chips have landed so to speak ideally i would keep these in a different spot farther away so i would never have to look at them especially when i drive into the driveway but this is a very convenient location for moving them around so if someday we finally get around to getting some sort of tractor type equipment this could be moved and this wouldn't be an issue but that's not happening anytime soon so let's talk about what we're doing now and that is planting three of these this is bottle brush buckeye i'm going to show you where i put them and then we'll talk more about the plants so the first one is going to go right here which will shield the shed a little bit and then then we're going to put another one right about here and one more further down the road towards the driveway garden that i built three years ago so this is aquila's parvoflora also known as bottlebrush buckeye which is much nicer to roll off the tongue so this is a native shrub to the southeastern united states but it grows equally well in northern areas as well it's pretty it's not a very fussy plant it wants some pretty consistent moisture and my understanding is it will grow in almost any soil but it would prefer a slightly acidic soil so i will be amending my soil when i plant this to add in some soil acidifier for the time being and hopefully over the time it will acclimate to our more alkaline soil but i will continue adding the soil acidifier if need be over the years so this gets to be this is a big plant and if you haven't heard of it that might be why because you need to give this guy room to roam in fact it spreads by suckers and i think you can see that a little bit um just by the habit that you see in the pot which is the stem sort of popping up on edges of the pot so that's what you need to know is this thing is going to sort of almost colonize which in this area is exactly what i'm looking for but don't put this in the middle of your garden and expect it to not take over because it will so definitely this is one of those times you want to make sure you are putting this in the right place now this is just the straight uh species there is a version a cultivar called rogers which my understanding is is extremely similar except that it flowers a little bit later than this one i couldn't i'm just lucky to have found these it is not an easy shrub to find and i think because it's not super glamorous and obviously it needs to have the right place for it and so my guess is that garden centers are a little hesitant to sell this to people because next thing you know they will it will take over the yard so it is a pretty slow grower though so there there won't be anything happening super quick but i think once it gets going uh it'll do its thing it has these great uh leaves on if you're familiar with with any of the buckeyes um you know they have these great sets of five leaves it gets long pointy flowers on a white pointy flowers on early in the year is said to have great fall color and if you're lucky you might get some buckeye nuts out of it i am a wisconsin badger so the only buckeyes that i approve of are the chocolate ones i had a roommate in college who was from ohio and her mother would bring these peanut butter chocolate balls and i was a ohio fan from then on however when we're talking about football that's a different story in any case this is what i think is one of these sort of underused plants because it's it's really good and what's i had always had an interest in this plant last year when i went to pennsylvania it was planted in a lot of places and it is an eye catcher and it keeps those flowers for a long long time so to me it just was a really nice possible plant to grow over here oh here's the other thing it can handle a wide variety of sun conditions from full sun to you know pretty shady and this area is definitely a part sun or part shade location because it does get a fair amount of sun now we're in the sun's pretty low in the sky these days in mid-summer there's a lot more sun in this area um so i think this will actually do really well here if there is any concern i have for over here in addition to the alkaline soil issue which i don't think is going to be that big of a deal our soil over here is really quite sandy so i will really have to keep up on the watering but i am going to rather than amend the hole with much which i'll show you what i'm going to put in there i'm just going to keep organic matter going on top of this as a mulch over the years which will eventually get worked in so that'll be compost as a mulch i will obviously today i'll use some of these great wood chips that i have for a mulch for now and that is how i will hopefully get some more moisture uh built up in this soil and some more moisture retaining soil over the years so three of these are going in so i have already dug the hole for the first one because i am planting this an area with a lot of tree roots and if you've ever planted a shrub near tree roots you know that you might have to change your position so let's get that first one in the ground so i forgot to talk to you guys about size for this plant so again the range of sizes varies i would say it's likely that i'll be on slightly on the smaller side growing it here if you were growing this in its native area i would definitely sort of lean on the side of the larger size so six feet tall i would say i'm seeing in various sources anywhere from six feet tall to 15 feet tall and for width i'm seeing anywhere from six feet up to almost 20 feet now of course it's a suckering shrub so when they say with they're meaning all those suckers and that's in who knows however many years so we're i'm definitely thinking probably for height this is probably going to end up in the six to maybe eight foot range i'm just guessing over time but i am keeping this away from the lot line uh because it is gonna i mean obviously you can't pick which direction it spreads in so it is gonna spread a bit and i don't wanna um i don't want my neighbor to have to worry about this growing onto their property so i am sort of placing this out a little farther even though i'm envisioning this as a lot line planting okay so i'm not going to put much in this hole now we've talked about this before this is the organic mechanics biochar blend uh you've seen me throughout this summer putting this in with some of my plantings i incorporated into the new garden area and we'll do a tour on that soon i don't know if it's the biochar blend or what but that garden has grown so amazingly well those plants have grown so much this year that if it is the biochar blend i'm all for it but this is a great um a great amendment to anywhere and i don't this is all i have left of it i wish i had more left this is all i have left so i'm going to put a bit of that in the hole this will add nutrients over the long term and moisture it's not a fertilizer but it will have moisture retentive properties in there and you only have to add it once you never have to add it again so if i had more i would have i mean technically that hole should have had a little bit more now this is the soil acidifier and i am going to put a couple handfuls of that in there as well as we mentioned and i'm just going to mix that in a little bit otherwise i don't ever really talk about amending planting holes it's really not something that's recommended anymore it used to be but it's not anymore and i have already taken this one out of its pot because i wanted the pot for i wanted the pot to put the soil in now this is a big deal for me i always as long as i can like to put the plant in and fill the entire hole with water i think this is a really good way to get the roots really nice and well soaked before you do this and then we'll water again afterwards but i think this is really key to planting and it's particularly helpful if you have a situation where you can't easily get water to an area frequently to water that so you make sure that these roots are really well saturated when you plant so that there's not that initial stress so we're going to fill up this hole and i anticipate it will take a long time to fill up because this is really well drained soil here so i forgot to tell you the best part about this at least for me it's deer resistant so i can plant this over here and not have to worry that the deer are going to decimate it probably i will say my neighbor has one of these down the road and they have no problems with deer with it so i feel pretty good that our deer here will not develop a taste for it i'm not sure i could switch more dramatically to something else in the same shrub category from that bottle brush buckeye to this new rose from proven winners it is literally the antithesis of bottle brushed buckeye which is wild and crazy and gets all spready and out of bounds and then you've got this really nice new rose so this is ringo rose new this year from proven winners it gets yellow flowers single flowers with a bright pink center and then the flowers fade out and you can see these few flowers that are on here right now have faded out to cream basically hardy down to zone four which is fabulous and there is a scent to these flowers which i find more and more and more important for me when i'm looking at a rose this is new for proven winners this year but it's been in europe for a long time and has won all kinds of awards over there so this should be a really good performer now uh this gross gets to be a pretty big rose three to four feet i guarantee you it will not get three to four feet for me no rose ever gets as big as it's supposed to get for me so i am putting this uh in a full sun spot along the path so i'm gonna tuck this rose in along the path i've got white wands veronica growing over here i've got some penstemon over here and in between all that i have a bunch of annuals growing some celosia i had to actually pull some out there is a cosmos down here that still hasn't bloomed and then i've got this self seated into oceana here so i'm trying to make this particular part of the garden be filled in with more perennials and shrubs this year i am trying to limit the number of places where i'm relying quite so heavily on annuals i will always have areas of my garden that are specifically reserved for annuals and dahlias and things like that but this little area i'm trying to find some more easy care items to put in this area so i'm going to tuck this rose right in here this is the blue magoo spruce and i think this will work tucked right in here by the white wands i think that will be a nice combination for some reason i'm sort of settling on yellow and white and dark foliage in this area i don't really know how i ended up going that direction but it's just what my eye has been sort of drawn to for this area so this will be a good addition right here wow so the next shrub i'm going to be planting is this one this is uh my monet purple effect now you guys might be familiar with the my monet why gila it was a really really popular still is a very popular white giola and this is another one in that series this one's going to be slightly bigger it's going to grow 18 to 30 inches and the purple effect i believe is because the edges get a little bit tinge more purple and i believe the flower is a little bit more purple on this one it's hard it's got a pretty narrow hardiness range it's only hardy in zones four to six so this is definitely one for those of you who garden in colder zones and it's part sun to full sun both the my monet takes even a part shady spot in my experience it doesn't flower as well but obviously this is something that you're growing a lot for the foliage as well as for the flowers so i'm going to be growing this on the north side of the house and i'm going to show you why i picked now when i say the north side of the house by the way it's still a fairly sunny location over here it's just it's not attached to the house it's just north of the house basically so let me show you why i'm going to be putting this plant here okay so i've showed you this part of the garden before although not recently not this year yet and this is mostly shrubs here so we've got some great spireas in here this is a glow girl birch leaf spirea in here there's a couple of those those got a hard pruning last year they had gotten quite big and i thought that they could use a good pruning so they got a hard pruning there's another spirea beyond that and then i've got two over here both of these are blue kazoo spireas which is a much rangier spirea than these other ones but a great plant and i really love it so you might recall that there used to be a venus dogwood growing right over here i loved that tree it did so it was so great but in our really tough winter two years ago i lost about half of it it barely came back i finally decided to get rid of it and what we've planted in its place is a tri-color beach that's new this year uh it had a rough ride home it was super windy it was the day actually that we had that big flood [Music] so i'm driving on the side roads because i can't stand watching that tree whip around in the wind behind me it's the worst i've joined 30 miles an hour in a 55 mile an hour area there's a car crash he is just going to have to go around the day i brought that home from the nursery it's actually a little crispy right now i think you know i think it'll be fine i'm just keeping up really carefully on the watering it does have protection from hot afternoon sun so which is key with tri-colored beaches and one of the reasons i picked that plant was that last year or the year before when i mentioned that that venus dogwood was not doing good several people commented that i should put something with a red leaf there and i completely agree it was a great suggestion so it looked like the perfect spot finally for that tri-color beach i'm not happy with what else is going on scar now one of the reasons that that tri-colored beach is over there and not right here on this corner where it would be great is that we have a portion of our septic system is here i don't know some sort of tank i don't try to learn a lot about septic systems but we have a tank underneath here and that tank is getting older and there is a good chance that one of these years we are going to have to dig up this area to repair or replace that tank so i am very cognizant of never planting anything in this area that can't easily be lifted and obviously a tree would be among those so i only really put shrubs or perennials in this area in case because i think it's probably inevitable that at some point we'll have to do that so when we do do that it's pretty easy for me to just lift things up and temporarily temporarily heal them in and i won't lose anything major they have a big investment with like a tree now let me show you what's going on here on this corner right here are three very van ordinaire hostas these are hostas that i got from another gardener probably my mom right when i started gardening she was getting rid of them there's nothing special about these hostas in fact there's a lot wrong with these pastas one they're in too much sun right here two they're just not very healthy plants they get a ton of slug damage they always look terrible the deer eat these first out of all the hostas in the yard they always eat these first i have never really liked these plants here but i have not removed them because i've not had anything like really better to put there well i'm done with that attitude because what i've learned is that if i have a plant in a spot even if i don't like that plant i'm less likely to go seeking out a replacement for it and we desperately need some color in this area this is just even with the nice brightness of the spirea this is just all way too green right here it's just kind of a big green blob so um we're going to and you do have to be careful with variation you don't want too much variegation but this has a lot of the same it's got that pink tone in it it's got that dark green in it this picks up some of the coloration from the tri-color beach and i thought if i pull out these hostas now there used to be five now there's only three if i pull these hostas out and put this in this corner and then i've got some room to plant some other perennials around there i'm thinking about maybe like a pink salvia would be great in there then this corner brightens up so anyways we're going to pull these up and these are just going to get dumped this is these are headed for the compost pile these are not worth plants worth saving as far as i'm concerned so dig those out we're going to plant this set it back a little bit and then we'll have some nice area for some perennials in the future but i think it'll be a huge improvement in this bed and a way to bring the colors from the tri-color beach over here maybe make this bed a little bit more cohesive and a little bit more interesting particularly at this time of year it will get quite beautiful once we get some fall color going i've got some geranium macarizo over here that spyria gets gorgeous color in fall in fact all these spiders do and even the hostas behind there where looking a little crispy those will get that great yellow color so this is actually a beautiful fall bed but right now late summer it's pretty boring so let's dig these out [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so i will fill this area with mulch for now just to keep that soil all protected and get some moisture going for that shrub and then we'll decide what perennials should be through here but definitely some perennials will help spark up this part of the garden i think over here i just want to quickly show you i did change this bed line a little bit this year and i want to fill in this area because i widened this a touch so i divided some geranium mecharizum from another part of the garden and just popped in little divisions that was in spring look how much it has filled in already it's a bit of a weed right here plenty of those here um but just look how well that's filled in now well it does flower a bit but it gets great fall color and i think it's a great texture in the garden but what a handy plant to have around because i have as many as i did before and then i divide it and it's over here so i love spreading geranium accurizem around uh it grows in sun shade dry sun dry shade wet shade it pretty much grows anywhere you can put it so here's that new corner with the new yellow do you guys think you were going to get out of a shrub planting video without a hydrangea involved of course not you know me better than that i do have a hydrangea this one is quick fire fab this is a new version of the quick fire hydrangea which is an excellent hydrangea this guy's big uh gets six to eight feet tall i'm gonna get uh panicle flowers um like the other quickfire but they're going to pink up sooner and they're going to get a brighter deeper pink big flowers on them um and should be a really great performer it wants full sun really in most places and that's what it's going to get here or at least i would say on the border between part sun and full sun in this spot to be honest but this is that tree that we lived up earlier this year in a different video and i'm so happy we did that every time i limb up a tree i wonder why i didn't do it sooner because it always looks so much better especially when you can get some plantings going underneath it so i'm gonna put quickfire on this corner now this is this is what i've always sort of called our pink bed i put a lot of pink flowering plants in here but i've never really designed it and i've and i've mostly just sort of used things as they pop up i've never really gone out and shopped for plants specifically for this garden they just sort of come here and so this garden is evolving differently than other areas of my garden and i think that's okay too it's always nice to just sort of take different approaches with things so this garden is is always sort of a work in progress but i think having something like this as a big focal point anchor in the corner would be a really nice addition so you can tell just how much more sun this air is getting now by taking a look at these crispy ostrich ferns here beyond that back there you can see there are ostrich ferns growing very well behind there in the woods where it's nice and shady but these are just in way too much sun they put themselves there i didn't put them there so we'll pull those out clean that up clean this whole bed up frankly there's a lot of weeds that need to be dealt with in here and i really need to get around here and edge this bed because this messy edge is driving me nuts well it was fun to plant such a range of different shrubs and fun to get my hands a little dirty again you know you can't just survive on weeding alone and weeding and deadheading it feels like that's all i've been doing lately so it was good to do some planting and it is a really good time to do some planting this late summer time the soil is really warm but the days are getting cooler there's more moisture in the soil it's a really good time for plants to get going now there are some plants that i don't like to plant in fall i don't love planting evergreens in fall i haven't had a lot of luck with that that's partly because of my zone because it is so cold here but most things and perennials too you can plant things you really want about six weeks before the ground freezes so the ground freezes quite a bit after you have your first frost usually so we've got plenty of time here for these things to get nice and established the key is make sure you keep up on the watering my rule for new shrubs and trees is i water basically every other day for the first week week and a half two weeks somewhere in there then i go to twice a week and then i go to once a week unless it's a really stressful time and then i'll adjust according to rain or if it gets too hot or whatever but you want to keep watering those plants right up until the ground is frozen not just until that first frost but right up until it freezes because plants will continue to take up water during that time and in my experience the less stressed a plant is going into winter the more likely it is to make it through that winter regardless of what that winter is like a happy plant going into winter it's probably going to do okay as long as it's hardy for that zone although of course things can happen but it is a really good time to throw some shrubs in the garden and some perennials and if i can find some perennials to fill in some of these spots i think i'll do look for that too because i now i feel a little bit rejuvenated about a couple of these areas in the garden that were looking a little iffy so anyway i hope you're having a great day in your garden i hope you enjoyed seeing some of these shrubs and let me know if you guys are doing any shrub planting this late summer and i'd love to hear what you guys are into planting so have a great day we'll see you soon you
Channel: The Impatient Gardener
Views: 43,082
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: shrubs, bottlebrush buckeye, rose, weigela, quick fire fab hydrangea, proven winners, fall planting, shrub, bushes, garden, gardening, planting, plant, ringo rose, the impatient gardener, zone 5, midwest gardening
Id: IFQFi9KX8go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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