Truth Set Free!!

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[Music] hey you guys welcome to true set free this is pastor steve wintery if you guys have questions email me crosswalk radio leave me a text or voicemail if you're listening 707-872-7677 the radio welcome so glad that you're tuning in if you're on social media youtube or facebook just post your comments uh if you're watching live and uh we'll try and get to them if you're not watching live don't post your comments on there just waiting for steve to get phoned up i'm live okay i have i do have some announcements for you the first one is for our normal sunday church we will be outside what this means is we have three services our 7 30 is inside the sanctuary our 9 15 and 11 second and third service is outside in the amphitheater the weather is super nice last week was really good um so if you're wondering that's our schedule for now we are also starting this sunday night at 6 30 p.m which is our normally our sunday night bible study we're going to the first sunday of every month do a worship night so this is going to consist of worship that's in the title but just a time to come together as a body of christ worship the lord i haven't actually talked to the guys but i'm assuming maybe they'll do some like after glow type stuff or i'll probably do communion and stuff yeah so it's gonna be that vibe and um for you know however long but just plan on first sunday of the month at 6 30 that's what we're going to do i have to tell you something else nope that was the worship night do you have anything for these guys oh okay let's do it so first thing out of the gate is um apparently we made it big we finally got censored on youtube they took our video down i was excited um the secretaries were or christie was like this is so messed up i think it's how we titled it for you guys that are asking um what we do is we'll take questions from true set free and we'll just post them on youtube one at a time because of search uh content but also it's a lot easier for people to watch a five or ten minute clip than a whole hour show so that's what we try and help you out on social media if you wanted to listen to that and you didn't get to because they took it down just go to our show on facebook the whole live show and it's in there so you guys can still watch it it's just not cut up for you nice on the five minute clip so find it on our feed and and if you want to listen to it you can do that all right my first uh facebook knows i know i just told them so you just told them but they're gonna have to watch this whole video you facebook censors you need to repent man yeah you give your life to jesus because you got a messed up life and you got a messed up head too now they're really bad okay um i think that's everything let's jump into some questions here okay this first one um i'm going to read it it says this i want to practice being able to present the gospel using only the old testament but so far i'm pretty unfamiliar with how to do that effectively and what passages to use could you give me a bit of a guide or outline on how you might do that um you know when when i when i look at this there's i could go go through and give you a bunch of verses uh and you know different chapters and stuff like that um let me let me give you something that's a little bit simpler so everybody can take off with it number one the book of hebrews book of hebrews is a defense of the fact that jesus is greater than uh the angels then abraham then uh the little levitical priesthood then uh the sacrifices all of that kind of stuff and uh what paul who most likely is the writer of hebrews does is he goes through and he quotes the old testament extensively and so going through and studying the book of hebrews is going to give you a good outline on how to deal with all those different issues and and he takes you back to verses in the old testament that are talking about jesus so that's a that's an automatic kind of cheat sheet on on that whole idea um the the other thing that i would point you to is isaiah chapter 53 uh actually you start in chapter 52 but chapter 53 is is the main one and just go through and do a study on that i've i've used that witnessing with people um i typed out the uh the that chapter of isaiah on a sheet of paper um you know back that's what this was back years ago and when i would go out excuse me talk to people you want to be witnessing to them uh i would on purpose you know just take them give them the sheet of paper and have them go through and read that chapter you don't even have to do the whole chapter but just go through and read major portions of that chapter and ask them who it's talking about and then they obviously say that's talking about jesus and then uh i ask them when they think you know what part of the bible they think it's in and uh usually because they're not familiar with the bible is they'll go that's gonna be the new testament because that's about jesus and uh then i tell them no that's out of the old testament and all that stuff was written 750 years before the events and then they're pretty much blown away and and so that's a really good way to uh share the gospel because it's all right there in uh isaiah chapter 53 other other chapters that you can go to uh genesis chapter 22 is a story of abraham and his son isaac uh being offered up as a sacrifice and it's a it's a type it's a picture of the sacrifice of jesus by the way is the first place in the bible where love is mentioned and god says to abraham take your son your only son whom you love and offer him as a sacrifice and that's that's a key into the fact that that's going to be something that's speaking about the coming of christ and his sacrifice that was made for us and so a study on uh uh genesis chapter 22 also a uh study on psalm 22. psalm 22 is the crucifixion from the point of view of jesus from the point of view of jesus on the cross and so do a study on that and uh those those will be really good to get you going so my first understanding that this is one book and i still remember as actually mistler but his key thing of his ministry or one of his phrases was 66 books written by over 40 different authors i still remember it's an integrated message system you know that transcends time and stuff and really if you're looking at just the things that jesus said he is saying things expecting you to know a baseline of the old testament to understand what he's saying right and then if you don't have that baseline when you go to hebrews when you go to revelation when he goes other verses you're like this is some abstract you know word picture whatever but it's not it's actually you know tied to things in the old testament that we're supposed to know it's quotes from the old testament or it's illusions to the old testament or uh yeah so one book and this is something that i think nowadays in the church christians forget in fact even have these pastors that are like oh well we should only teach out of the new testament because you know we're new testament believers and we want to reach people in a modern way they don't understand that this is one book you you're really cutting out most the new testament by not teaching the old testament exactly you know some of the some of the most radical prophecies that you have in the bible are in the old testament and they're about jesus and so like i said isaiah 53 is one of those but you have uh passages in the old testament that are speaking about our times and so you know you you ditch the old testament you're ditching three quarters of the bible yeah uh basically and um that's silly yeah and the idea that the old testament is outdated in the new testament is is uh new the new testament's 2 000 years old in the old testament now yeah it's only 3 500 years yeah you know total yeah and you know so i mean our god doesn't change right so if he said it in the old testament it's not like he changed his mind we got to figure out what changed or how how to deal with that stuff yeah and if you can't figure out old testament stuff and you and and you've got issues with that you're going to have issues with the book of revelation because in the book of revelation jesus is an old testament guy because grace has been you know grace has been given and grace has been rejected yeah and now it's judgment yeah you know that's what that's that's the stories that you have in the old testament grace was given grace was rejected and then judgment came the description of christ in the book of revelation is one of the scariest uh pictures that i think you have in scripture of him returning just eyes flame of fire you know like he's ready to judge so yeah there were times when my mom was really mad at me her eyes would get big i could see all the you know the whites around her eyes flame flame of fire that's what i always think about when that's happening i don't know why my mom would get mad at me because i was perfect yeah practically perfect in every way okay it's adorable i threw this one in there because i've talked to probably half a dozen people this week who've asked me the same question but it says do we say anything to the people who are ruining the religious exemption and so the question goes like this is with a religious exemption all sudden you have this onslaught of people who are just sincere about their faith and now it's like oh yeah i'm i want a religious exemption and uh christians are like how do we deal with that because they for sure never said anything didn't go to church didn't know the lord in that way before but now they're you know born again so to speak do we let it go do we say anything is it none of our business is it part of just walk up to them you take their religious exemption and you tear it up and say you a hypocrite yeah and whitewashed wall anathemathy [Laughter] you know i use that stuff as as an opportunity to witness to guys and and so all of a sudden you know they got religion and uh and that's exactly what they've got because you know you got to have a real relationship with christ not just a religion and so if they don't have the relationship uh before that point they just don't you know they're using jesus as an excuse for for that kind of thing um then i would use it as an opportunity to just talk to him had some had some buddies of mine that i worked with and this is an old story that i've told but um i had some buddies of mine that i worked with and uh led him you know just doing doing my thing take my bible to work and i've worked in construction and uh you know didn't didn't talk with them a whole lot and uh until they started asking questions they started asking questions i'm witnessing to them a month after i started working with these guys they both come up to me they were they'd been living with her girlfriends they both come up to me on the same day and say hey we're getting married really and i was like wow that's great congratulations and then i said you're not doing that so you know because you think that it's going to make you okay with god are you and then they got really quiet and they didn't say anything and i said because that's not what makes you okay with god and then started talking to them again about having a real relationship with jesus and didn't dismiss that at all at all i said i think that's a great thing and i i think your girlfriends probably think it's an awesome thing yeah that you're that you're doing that but that's not what's going to get you to heaven and you know just just did that so if i had a guy on on on my crew or at my work that was all of a sudden going and getting a religious exemption i wouldn't be picking on him about it i just go go up to him and say hey so you're a believer [Laughter] and then start into a conversation with them how's it going how's your walk with god you know that kind of thing you're going to find out pretty quick what's going on and yeah that kind of thing i uh when i was a young christian i i was in a period of time where i was having a really hard time with my walk and one of my buddies at the job i was at came up to me and said uh steve i need to talk to you and i was like okay and uh he starts talking to me and telling me that he got saved that weekend and he gave his life to jesus and then he starts telling me about jesus and stuff and i said well i'm a christian and he goes you are [Laughter] and i said yeah like that and then he goes well what church you go to and i go well i go to calvary chapel and he goes that's a church i got saved at you go to calvary chapel and he just just that kind of attitude totally convicted me and and uh it was a beginning of a great relationship [Laughter] turning things around in my life all right good stuff yeah uh parenting question how much privacy seems appropriate to give kids from their siblings uh you know i don't i don't really have a bible passage for that that i can think of um you know if you're if you're if you're asking me my opinion on that um it depends on what kind of privacy you can give and and what's reasonable you know i i grew up in a house where uh i had uh a brother and two sisters and never had my own room and so i i grew up that you know the whole time that way when i uh actually when i was in high school my last two years in high school i slept on the couch in the living room and so i guess that was my own room and that kind of thing and and so uh my sisters slept together uh sometimes in the same bed sometimes separate beds uh depending on what we had and uh my brother and i had separate beds um and you know we just we just did it that way um you know as far as privacy goes i i would make sure that uh my sons and my daughters were separate as far as taking showers and baths and and that kind of thing when it when it becomes age appropriate there was a you know quite a while that my my little ones ran around naked in my house just laughing and screaming so uh but you know there comes a point where that where that needs uh needs to stop but uh i don't know age-appropriate uh you don't want them in the in the same bathroom with each other uh taking showers and and baths and that kind of stuff anything you know you just gotta know that uh satan is gonna use anything that he can to wreck a kid and so just be aware of it just be ahead of the game and i don't i don't think that um you need to be freaked out by that kind of stuff but just watching out for the kids especially the girls yeah so uh with technology um i'll ask you this um you know you have like cameras baby monitors have cameras you have uh like my little one um my wife put a alarm doorbell thing on her door so if she wakes up in the middle of the night it goes off and she's not wandering the house or actually it started with my son who was a sleepwalker and so the door would open and it would ding a doorbell or whatever so age-appropriate uh the world we live in you have christian parents including me and my wife who really want to protect our kids from the world obviously where we want to train them to do battle in the world so we don't just shelter them but we want to keep them from junk how much of that stuff i mean is overboard versus okay is it an age appropriate timeline thing well i think i think it depends on you know it depends on everything so size of your house so uh when my kids were younger um i had uh basically a two bedroom house uh we've we've since uh done a uh remodel on it and so you know we have a master bedroom suite and uh that kind of thing and so it would be different you know my the door to my room was open the door to the kids room was open and so i i sleep pretty light and my wife for sure sleeps light and so um you know we didn't have to worry about it that much that was back in the days of uh audio uh baby monitors and so we you know we had that stuff um and that kind of thing when uh i move you know when when we got the bedroom suite the master bedroom suite uh if i was in the situation now then i might put up a baby you know a baby monitor with a with a video and that kind of stuff if my kids were smaller and they're you know they're they're down a ways from me and uh i i would just do whatever is appropriate um i think i think that sometimes people get you know people freak out about things and it's because of the world that we live in you know lock the doors uh you know make sure that your kids are safe and and let them be children but you know on the other hand again i just i just stay ahead of the whole thing as far as uh internet access you know there's programs that uh you know little kids don't need to have cell phones obviously my kids didn't get cell phones until they were in high school and uh then it was you know they didn't take them to school with them uh and that kind of stuff so we were pretty on the the cell phone stuff and the same thing with internet access you know if i had a kid today my kids are growing and out of the house but if i had a kid today i would be doing programs that let me know where they're going and what's happening and blocks and and that kind of stuff and i'd be on top of that because you know they could be smarter than you as far as uh computer stuff goes and um i never want my kid to be smarter than me i always want to be ahead of them and uh you know i used to i used to be a kid i still remember being a kid and uh you know i've got a good memory that way and so in most instances i was ahead of them there were there were times when i knew uh that they were getting into something that they shouldn't be getting into you know and and uh blocked you know just short-circuited that whole thing there were other times when they got older and i knew that they were getting into things that they shouldn't be getting into and i waited till they got into it and then i you know then i talked to them after the fact and uh you know it was just a back and forth thing trying to get them to make right choices and that kind of stuff reap consequences and and those kinds of things so uh with little kids it's one issue with older kids it's another one so so if i had to summarize what you just said uh awareness yeah uh i before i was a christian in high school i remember me and my friends went over to this gal's house i didn't know her my friends knew her like you said the size of your house she had like a three level house parents slept upstairs or second floor whatever it's like 12 o'clock at night we walk in through the bottom basement and we're all just hanging out and the parents have no idea right i'm in high school i'm a dumb kid and i'm thinking if this is my daughter and i come downstairs well first of all you're not coming to my house without knowing because i got dogs and cameras and guns and warning systems and it's a compound with bar noms the guns are pointed at the door with a little string on the trigger you will trip the laser uh but i'm thinking man if i come downstairs as a dad and these people are in my house you know and so it comes down to just being aware of what's going on with you with your kids yeah and uh your kids are sinners and you need to remember it yeah and so you know they're they're not golden and and so i love my kids but they're little sinners so all right good on that yep oops i hope so i hope that helped um okay so this does god hold us accountable for things like abortion or other atrocities if we sit back and do nothing but talk about it uh from a christian philosophy point of view when we are as uh believers required to take physical action against sin or are we supposed to let the lord handle all question marks same question goes for genocide or war type events where innocent people are being killed i you know i i think that's uh that's a personal thing in the in the sense that um when you go through when you go through the bible especially in the old testament you you have all kinds of awful things that are going on in the culture and you don't have people going out and and just going after you know every awful thing that was going on in the culture and um but there were times when god had had enough and he would send a prophet and uh or a judge or or that kind of thing and they would go and take care of issues most often that was happening when the when the whole nation of israel was under um bondage to a foreign power and so god would allow the foreign power to come in and and take over and there would be all kinds of atrocities and god would raise somebody up to free the people and so you see that a lot in the book of judges it was just a mess uh basically and and so when i look at that stuff i i think that um we live in a world that is uh pagan and uh getting more pagan as time goes on uh i i think that uh christians need to be aware of what's going on around them and be a light to the world uh i i think that you know as far as the abortion issue goes i would rather reach a girl who is going to get the abortion than try to blow up an abortion clinic we need to change hearts you know the reason that there are abortion clinics is because there there are people who want to get abortions and they uh you know sometimes they don't know what an abortion consists of and that's just giving somebody uh giving somebody information and a lot of this stuff needs to be happening on a personal one-on-one basis i don't i don't know a lot of girls who walk in and get an abortion who don't have somebody in their life who's a christian somewhere and i i think that if the church is doing its job as far as as far as being salt and light um that you can reach a person in that situation a whole lot better than uh just going out and trying to get rid of uh the places where abortions are are being performed now having said that i don't you know it's like every time i go by the abortion clinic i kind of throw a spiritual bomb at it you know i i drive by that place all the time and i'm praying for the people in it and praying for god to take it away same thing we had a strip club down uh on the way to my to my house and it's the only one in town and it's on the way to my house it was irritating and so i would go by and pray for that place and ask god to just just take it out and that kind of stuff and when covet hit you know they went out of business and so i'm the reason that kovit hit the united states but the strip club's gone so that's cool in any case you know that i'll i'll do that kind of stuff and so um people who pick it at abortion clinics i think that's a valid uh type of thing but again we're representatives of of christ and and uh uh we need to um one of the things that uh people have a tendency to to point out you know and say and i've even used this before is that you can't legislate righteousness and that's absolutely true with a caveat that you have to legislate a deterrent to evil and that's what governments are for and so um i don't want to completely depend on the government and laws to get rid of these things on the other hand i i don't want to ignore that um i think that if you had a nation that was full of people who actually followed jesus and did what the bible said we wouldn't have to worry about abortion and that's what it really gets down to and so uh i want to be light and life to the people who are around me and be reaching people that way and at the same time be somebody who vocally has has an issue with abortion and i i think that that's something that needs to be paid attention to in a number of different arenas so yeah all right this is kind of coming out from that left field uh but we have a few minutes so i'm going to ask you we know the end of the book right we know we're going to a tiering tyrannical one world government where they're going to control what you do what buy and sell all that stuff you see what's going on the world right now this is like seems to be a precursor with the covet thing with australia on lockdown where they can't leave the country some cities are hour out of your home a day nine to five lock down can only go the grocery store stuff we've just never seen at least in my lifetime you know maybe maybe world war ii type stuff but never in my lifetime when it comes to this issue as christians do you think that we're just going to transition into this antichrist ran uh tyrannical one world government or do you think that there's going to be more uh little skirmishes and wars to go through that process and the reason i ask that is because up until 2020 everyone was like oh that won't do that it's going to be a civil war in america and i'm looking at the point we are now and no and i don't mean nobody and like nobody at all but there's no civil war there's no people in the street with you know ar-15 saying this is we own this town don't step in do you think to sum it up that there will be that stuff until they overtake it or we're just going to slide in with like no resistance well you know when i when i go through and look at my bible jesus talked about the fact that there would be wars and rumors of wars and famines and pestilences plagues and various places and uh so kova it's not even a plague i know and we got this um when you when you got a 99 uh survival rate that's not a plague yeah and we got this you know we've got we got what we've got here the plagues haven't come yet and so i i think that uh what what uh politicians do and especially politicians on the left democrats specifically i'm not giving these people cover anymore i'm not going to be nice to them what they do is they use anything that they can to get more power and so um you know if it's if it's global warming they'll use that to get more power if it's uh uh coveted they'll use that to get more power um when we have these wars and rumors of wars that come along they're gonna use that to get more power and plague famines and pestilences obviously you know people who want to run your life take any problem that there is and make it some something that you should be absolutely afraid of and let you know that they're the only one who can fix it and that's what we see going on in our political system and they're doing it because they love you and for your benefit yeah and you need to be safe and and so the best way to have people give up their freedoms is to trade their freedoms for safety and security and so you know cradle to grave will you know we'll pay you we'll take care of you we'll watch out for you and we'll make sure that you don't die uh and until it's time for you to die and then we'll decide that too and and so that's what that's what tyrants do and so we have we have people we have the worst people on the planet in government as far as i can see you know and again not every single one of them some of them are are decent people but the vast majority of these people are just egotistical and ridiculous and um so we're getting we're getting what we vote for uh basically in the united states and and so you voted for this stuff and and that's what you want and you got it here it is and uh so i i think that there's a whole issue that's that's going on with that and that's not even the big stuff and so the world war three is going to happen uh at the point that the that the tribulation starts yeah it's going to be world war three is what the bible indicates a quarter of the population is going to be destroyed a quarter of the people in the on the earth are going to be killed at the beginning of the tribulation and so again we're we're sitting here looking at covid 99 you know percent survival rate and world war iii is going to be a 75 survival rate depending on the nation you're in and so one quarter of the people on the planet are going to be killed imagine what politicians are going to do with that and the indication in scripture is that's how the antichrist rises to power out of that whole thing he's he's somebody who fits the modern example of what a political uh operative is to a t just manipulative and uh somebody who who uses any situation he can uh to get power over the people who are around him and so what you see going on right now is going to be exacerbated over time by uh other things that the the jesus said are coming and um so you know like you said we've we've got this thing going on and there's no people in the streets saying no we're not going to do lockdowns and stuff and uh you know i don't i don't know exactly why that is maybe it's because they're all working but well i don't know uh or it's because of apathy and um you know but but again this is this is where it's going to go and if you have most of the people who won't do anything and a small percentage of the people who want to go in a certain direction then you're going to go with a small percentage of people that's that's how revolutions happen revolutions don't usually happen with the majority of the populace once you know once a government out usually it's um small some small group of people and the rest of the of the uh population just goes along with it and that's how again that's how you get communism that's how you get totalitarian states and and that kind of stuff so i think it's a combination okay yeah but it's going to get more gnarly as time goes on be ready buckle up folks all right where did where am i here uh in the judgment against pharaoh the fifth plague was against livestock including horses and they died where did pharaoh get the horses for his chariots to pursue israel to into the red sea and also what was the time period over which these plagues occurred okay first question fifth plague is in exodus chapter nine and it says then the lord said to moses go into pharaoh and tell him thus says the lord god of the hebrews let my people go that they may serve me if you refuse to let them go and still hold them behold the hand of the lord will be on your cattle in the field on the horses on the donkeys on the camels on the oxen and on the sheep a very severe pestilence and and so uh when you get down to verse six it says so the lord did this thing on the next day and all the livestock of egypt died but the of the livestock of the children of israel not one died um a couple of things in in that passage uh one of them is that the plague was not on all the livestock in general it was specifically on all the livestock in the field and so god it looks like god did something with the cattle in the field the horses in the field the sheep in the field is what the passage talks about and so that would mean that cattle and horses and sheep that were in pens may have been excluded from that whole thing the other thing is the word all in verse six um that's a that's a word in hebrew that can mean uh basically so all sorts or from all over or it's been uh or all over the place that's that's uh hebrew and uh the hebrew languages is kind of more general than uh for example greek or even sometimes with english and so uh obviously not all the livestock died and so those are those are the two answers to that question um when he says all the livestock of egypt died um he would be talking about all the livestock in the field not every animal obviously because like you said later on there's horses pulling chariots so okay yep there you go all right oh the second part of the question uh how long were the um how long were the plagues i don't know i there's uh there's not really a way to um calculate these things um you can go through and get a general idea so for example the plague uh on the river nile lasted for seven days uh plague of frog lasted uh gosh was that well it would have to go a couple of days plague of ice was three days the darkness was three days and so you can go through and you can kind of catalog all these things and give some time in between and it was probably a couple of months um i i've i just not too long ago did a study through the book of exodus and uh you know you can get it done in 50 days if it's if it's pretty much one thing after another after another after another um it could it could be up you know i i would say at least a couple of months to to do all these things but you don't have a specific timeline okay oops continuing i guess it can be end times uh theme true set free but it says if i understand it correctly the lord will save israel in the ezekiel 38 39 war his purpose being to show that he is the lord if this event is to convince them in the world of who he is then i would think that the timing of this event would fit better at mid-trib rather than at the beginning if it happens at the beginning of the tribulation how is israel fooled by the antichrist please explain okay um well first off mid-trib uh if you're talking about the midpoint of the tribulation it's three and a half years in and um one of the things that you have the the one of the places where we get the the uh basically the calendar for the tribulation period is in daniel chapter nine and so in daniel chapter nine it divides the seventieth week in uh basically that's a that's a period of time a seven year period of time that's prophesied uh for the nation of israel it takes that period of time that seven year period and divides it up into two parts and the midpoint of those two parts three and a half years into that is the point where the offering and the sacrifice are taken away and the abomination which which makes desolate is performed and so that jesus calls that the abomination of desolation and that's at the midpoint of the tribulation period okay so the antichrist reveals himself to be the antichrist at the midpoint of of the tribulation period and so there's um uh you know when you're when you're when you're talking about the the timing for all this stuff it's it's at that point that you start seeing the major judgments from god uh specifically from god coming down on the planet not that the previous judgments weren't uh but in the previous judgments they're more naturalistic in the sense that uh it's a war and a quarter of the earth's population dies and it's an uh looks like an asteroid or a comet impact and a large portion of the earth is is burned and the sea is destroyed and that kind of stuff you have these things that are going on that look like uh they are beginning at the at the very beginning of the tribulation period and that period of time all culminates with this situation with the antichrist revealing himself and so up until that point the antichrist is going to be deceiving people right and so he's got a he rises through a war specifically in uh revelation chapter 6 in verse 1 it talks about a guy riding on a white horse carrying a bow and has a crown on his head and he goes out conquering and to conquer and it's in that battle that a quarter of the earth is destroyed okay so that's the that's the beginning of the tribulation period that looks like the ezekiel 30 38 39 battle at that point that would be basically what we would call world war three unless there's something in between now and world and in that battle and so uh it looks to me like that's the beginning the um uh one of the things that's telling about the ezekiel battle is that when you get to chapter 39 it talks about the fact in uh chapter 39 verse 9 that they're using the weapons that come from that battle as fuel for seven years and seven years is an interesting number there because that's exactly the same amount of time as a tribulation period that's why most people put this at the beginning of the tribulation and not any other place why would you be using the weapons for fuel after jesus comes back okay so he has a second part to this question so i'll just read it now since you're talking about it but he says which conflict uh also which conflict results in the seven year cleanup contamination destruction of damascus ezekiel 38 39 armageddon just prior to the millennium or something else i'm not completely clear on this one so you can well the the cleanup that you're talking about is also in chapter 39 and it has to do with this battle specifically and so um further on down uh in verse 11 it says it will come to pass in that day that i will give gog a burial place there in israel well that's from this battle and the valley of those who pass by east of the sea and it will obstruct travelers because there they will bury gog in all its multitude therefore they will call it the valley of ham and gog and it talks about a search party going out and you know anytime a bone is found you have these specific men that parties that go out uh take up the bones and they bury them downwind from the rest of israel and and so that's telling in the sense that it looks like uh nbc stuff nuclear biological chemical warfare uh type of stuff because the bones themselves would be radioactive uh or uh chemically reactive or you know biologically also and so these guys will take and bury them in specific places well it all has to do with that battle and that's um uh that cleanup uh is not going on for the full seven years it's going on for seven months specifically after that battle but that's in the in the same context and so i you know i put the ezekiel 38 39 battle at that point um when when you're when you're talking about uh the the point of the battle being that god reveals himself to israel well the fact that god's revealed himself to israel doesn't mean that they're all saved on that day what what what's going to take place is god it's going to be plain to the people of israel that god is still with them and that he's really there and that he's the one who saved them from this juggernaut that was coming down upon them and again it says then they shall know that i am the lord their god who sent them into captivity among the nations but also brought them back to their land and left none of them captive any longer i will not hide my face from them anymore for i shall i shall have poured out my spirit on the house of israel says oh lord well you know any time that you're talking about people coming into a relationship with god it's a process that they go through and so this is the beginning of the process god shows him exactly who he is then he pours his spirit out on the people of israel and the the work of the holy spirit is to point to christ and by the time that you get to the um to the end of the tribulation period you have a whole group one-third specifically of the nation of israel according to the book of zechariah one-third of the nation of israel that actually comes into a relationship with christ and so it's not all of them in the first place but again god is going to be using this stuff to turn them you can you could see somebody recognizing and again when it talks about them recognizing the lord here it's you you have a situation now in israel where most of these people are atheists they don't believe in god at all and so at that point they're going to recognize that the god of israel is really the god of israel and then there's the issue of who the who is the messiah and so you you could see people going through a process there and so they recognize that god has done something for them and you're going to have some of those people thinking that when the antichrist comes in and brings in peace after world war iii that maybe he's the messiah that the bible talks about but then he reveals himself to be exactly what he is the antichrist at the midpoint and then you see this major persecution of the jews and it's at that point that they're going to be recognizing that they've missed it with jesus and the last chapters of zechariah specifically speak about that and so they're going to recognize that jesus is the messiah and they're going to come to him at that point so so and then it's kind of an overview since we're talking about ezekiel 38 39 um there's like this really this is my opinion but there's like this really weird calm before the storm where uh we talk about you know the countries uh that the bible talks about in times where you have gog magog as we assume is russia you know china being kings of the east iran um obviously israel persia turkey all that stuff and i and i know like uh you know cold war type era it was probably more intense as far as what russia was doing and stuff but there's just like this calm right now the war on terror whatever is over so they say and yet i've never seen in my lifetime the intensity of these countries moving into position where you have russia and what he's doing with his natural resources and they're flexing in our foreign policy as far as taking over the zones and areas that we're in what china is doing everyone always said oh yeah kings of the east they have a 2 million man army and stuff but it was always 200 million man army but it was always like the news headlines they are now like strategically moving in their military in the economy they're searching for natural resources because of the way the world's going and it just seems like this quiet intensity that i've never seen before and even them and turkey talking together and stuff do you think that the ball is being moved forward like it never has before do you agree with what i'm saying or do you think that it's a pause right now well no i i think that you know when you when you look at all the the nations that are listed in ezekiel chapter 38 it's it's turkey and libya and um uh iran and um uh gomer and you know what else do we have here yeah gomer and all its troops house of tokarma so i pretty much named them all in any case when you when you look at all those nations whether you're talking about ethiopia or you're talking about libya or you're talking about house of tagarma which is turkey or you're talking about persia you have all these inroads specifically with russia russia's uh um uh making inroads with libya because we destroyed you know any kind of relationship that we could have with libya by uh killing off muammar gaddafi for what reason i i don't know because actually that was one of the things when when that took place i was like uh right before that took place because when moammar gaddafi saw what we did to saddam hussein that guy backed it all down and he got rid of nukes any nuclear programs any chemical warfare programs he backed it down and i was like wow that's interesting because that's going to put off this stuff and then you know we go in and and strategically and and diplomatically kill him and now it's it's just a huge mess and russia's russia has moved in there and it's the same thing with ethiopia and obviously these other these other nations and so you have these alliances that are going on many of the military that are taking place that are advancing that whole thing so yes i think that the the ball is moving forward and um one of the things that you have with the ezekiel 38 battle is it's a surprise attack so that's kind of the vibe it's like we've never been seen as weak as we have as we are now and it's like the rhetoric the things they're doing it's they're they're laughing at us at the same time that they're strategically moving into place to do a surprise attack or or to you know go at it and so it just feels like spiritually it's all yeah so the united states has to be out of the way and so that can happen because uh we make uh you know we have a civil war that's a possibility it could happen because um we have a change in our foreign policy and that that could happen or it could happen because we're incompetent and i think that's what's happening right now and um you know it could it could be any of these things and there's other things that you come up with too including you know half of us get saved and the rapture happens yeah that'd be awesome please jesus um but um in any case uh obviously the united states is um moving out of uh the leadership position in the world yeah uh and and that's where we have to be um scripturally speaking i don't like it i i hate it that it's happening in the way that it's happening but uh that's that's what's that's the implications that you have from these passages because we're not mentioned uh except in in you know offhanded and it's probably a diplomatic protest yeah and so that's that's all we got so all right at that point um so maybe we'll give her away the rest of our armaments you know so dumb i i have family you know that fought the war on terror you know specifically on my uh dad's side three three brothers marines and uh to watch uh al qaeda roll down the streets on cnn in our humvees with their night vision on you know with the with the 240 bravo they're just their jaw dropped they're just like i mean to say they're upset is like an understatement you know to watch that go down it's pretty crazy yeah incompetence yeah yep um there's so much going on you know this is being recorded september 2021 you have covid you have the american situation this liberty what we're trying to figure out stuff the vaccines the way they're pushing trying to be a dad a mom what the job place looks like like everything's turned upside down and stuff but for christians what should our primary focus be as believers even we're living in these strange distracting times if you had to hone it down on no matter what's going on i should have my focus in this area what would you tell chris well first uh you know nothing's changed the world changes but but um the priorities that that we have as christians don't change they're exactly the same we just need to learn how how to pivot and be able to do the things that god's called us to in the context of the world that we live in and so the first thing that needs to be happening is i need to be close to christ i need i need to be somebody who's in love with jesus and so there's nothing more important than that and so i have to have a walk with jesus where i'm talking to him and he's talking to me and i love him and and i i recognize his work in my life and i'm i'm walking in obedience to him and so that needs to happen and then the second thing that needs to happen is i need to be um salt and light to the world and so you know we're still in in a situation where people need to know jesus the the reason that this whole thing with vaccine mandates and all and and the situation with pitting one part of the populace against another part is working is because you have a bunch of people who are scared to death of dying and they have every reason to be afraid because if they die they they they don't know what's going to happen to them and they're afraid of you know they're probably afraid of one of two things either they're going to cease to exist and not many people actually believe that or they're going to hell and so this is the this is the only life that they've got and so you have people who will capitalize on that including satan uh to try to uh to try to keep them in fear and move them in certain directions and and so that's why this stuff works the the reason that this isn't a big deal to most christians in the sense of you know uh uh i've never been anti-vaxx i've you know i've been a little worried about mrna vaccines but again that's because i don't like medicine in the first place but i've been vaccinated you know more more than most of you because i was in the military family and you know overseas trips and and that kind of stuff and and uh but when covett came along and you know i wasn't really worried about it 99.8 chance of making it through was you know i thought those p were pretty good odds and so i'm not too worried about it i got coveted and now i'm really not worried about it because i'm i'm 27 you know times have you guys had it yet oh well doggone it we're all in the same boat anyway i'm uh 27 times more um or less likely to get it than somebody who's been vaccinated so we've got that from israel studies interesting that israel is doing all the interesting studies on these things in any case you know um i know where i'm going you know and so even even when i had it and i was in the hospital and i was like you know i'm sitting there in bed and i'm like you want to take me this way i'm good with it you know i i wouldn't mind going home to be with the lord um and god didn't have that for me and so cool in any case most people don't live that way they live in fear and satan drives them like cattle and that's that's really the the problem that we've got in our world and we've got the answer and the answer is a relationship with christ you don't have to fear death anymore and you don't have to fear life anymore you know jesus is with you and and uh he works in you and you and he makes you like him you don't have to fear your own failures anymore you know there are a lot of things that people fear and so we've got the answer and so in the midst of all this stuff you know again i'm getting sick of uh certain types of politicians and i'm just like you in in all of that and maybe a little bit more rowdy with that but i'm getting sick of them because they're just wicked and uh and so i can make those kinds of statements but that doesn't change the fact that i want to be a witness and you know if i was sitting in front of nancy pelosi um my my my go-to move would not to be rebuke to rebuke her for all the junk that she's done necessarily i would be talking to her about jesus first and then if she got snotty with me then we'd have a talk but people need jesus and and so the reason that these people are like they are is because they need jesus jesus said that i'm to do business and until he comes and the business that we're to be about is uh sharing the love of the lord um with the people who are around us um not the politicians because you're not gonna know them you're not gonna be around i'm never gonna talk to nancy pelosi most likely and so it's the people who are around you and uh we we change hearts um one person at a time and uh that's that's what we're supposed to be about and so um and then obviously taking care of my family and and that kind of thing there's balance to to all that stuff um family does not trump jesus right and uh it's important but it doesn't trump jesus and you know the you know the the same thing you know we balance uh family with our witness on this earth that kind of thing we're not in a place where they're trying to kill us for being christians people in afghanistan are yep yeah but we're not we're not in that place and so um you know there's things going on in people's uh business situations uh you know they're threatening to fire people and that kind of stuff and um that's fear once again they're using fear to to drive people in certain directions and so if you don't do what i say then you're going to get fired and your family is going to starve and you know those are all the implications of it you're not going to get unemployment nobody's going to take care of you and blah blah blah that's where the world sits and if they think that uh what their uh you know where their paycheck comes from the boss and that the only way that they're going to feed their family is if they have a job if they if they think that then that's going to force them to go to move in certain directions and these people know that that's exactly the situation they want you to do certain things and so they're going to drive you that way but if you understand that my boss doesn't feed me the lord feeds me and the lord is the one who takes care of my family then then you're free to make biblical stands in situations that the unbelievers are not i i don't live my life by fear and and so again you know i just i just keep all those things in mind i want to i want to live a a principled life and um the things that i do uh whether you get the vaccine or you don't get the vaccine that's a principled choice you need to be praying about those things and and uh that kind of stuff and um uh you don't you know you're not you're just not driven by fear and so we've got stuff that that people in the world don't have and they need and so i i need to be a good witness of who jesus is some of that witness is going to be the stands that people make in in the situations that are going to come up and you know not a lot of people on this planet that are willing to make stands that cost them something and the ones that do are notable i think that we're supposed to be notable amen to that yeah all right we're out of time thanks for hanging out with us guys we appreciate it uh we like what uh answering bible questions with you and fellowship with you uh if you're looking for a church we'd love to have you i talked about the beginning program we have three services on sunday morning 7 30 9 15 11 the two uh the second and third service is currently in our outdoor amphitheater just so you know we also have a wednesday and a sunday night service pastor steve's going through the book of john on wednesday night if you guys want to come on out tonight 6 30. we'd love to have you if not we'll see you guys next week uh wednesday at 3 30 to set free you guys can email crosswalk radio or text me at seven i just messed this up sorry 707-872-7677 that's all i got god bless you guys
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 460
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Id: Nwi88eBWUFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 34sec (3634 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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