Truth about Ferrari ownership no-one talks about!

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so [Music] hi guys welcome back to the channel today is the day that i talk about the ferrari and i'm going to talk about the car like no one else does because most people who have these cars they don't talk about the issues they experience with them they only talk about all the good stuff because it's a general belief that if you talk about your car in a negative way or if you talk about a brand in a negative way it will devalue your car your investment first of all cars are not investments but now i'm making this video because this car is going and another one is coming in its place but as much as i've enjoyed having this for a while i think the number of issues i've had with it are far more than the enjoyment so the car spends at least one week every two months in a garage and it's for trivial small things it's not big issues uh something majorly going wrong simple things like you know when you get in the car you switch on the engine the comfort entry mode should bring the steering down and push the seat forward stops working the steering just stays up and you're like driving a tractor and you can't even bring it down so i took it back several times they couldn't fix the problem i asked them to take the battery out and put it back in to reset the whole system and that fixed it then the passenger seat when you push the back of the seat forward it slides so i'll show you but that stopped working so this basically when you pull this lever and push this forward the seat is moving forward to make space for the passenger to get in and once that's done you push it back and it goes back into its place very simple electrical feature stopped working so i had to take it back one dealership said they had to take the seat out take off all the leather and everything and then figure out what's wrong with it and it's not covered under warranty so this car has only done 8 000 miles it's very very low mileage car which is in really good condition and they're telling me that i need to pay for the seat to be ripped out and then fixed i said no so i took it to another dealer and then these are all ferrari authorized dealers and i said can you reset using your computer or unplug the seat and plug it back in and they did that and it started to work so generally so as you can see from the inside the car looks very beautiful and same thing in pictures and videos that people make it's a beautiful car but in reality when you own this you realize that this stitching it's okay it's nothing amazing the supposed leather here i don't know if it's real leather it looks like it but it's not very well done generally overall the car is not beautifully finished especially if you've come out of an aston martin the steering for example this piece feels really cheap this feels okay this is carbon fiber so of course that's the same but generally this alcantara looks beautiful but when you touch it it's a bit rough not very nice and soft to touch the leather is very ordinary so people keep telling you oh ferraris are amazing and they are beautiful and it's italian leather in italian this in italian that unfortunately the truth is that most people say that because they want to keep the hype of the brand the marketing machines have done a very good job at this because they have made people believe and accept that it's okay to have faults whenever i have a problem with the car i talk to someone and they say but it's a ferrari that's okay since when is it okay to accept faulty products and that's what annoys me that you pay a lot of money for this car and then you don't get the value for money you don't get the quality that you need or expect or deserve and then when there's a problem people say it's okay it's a ferrari i don't understand that maybe this isn't the brand that i should have bought in the first place and a lot of you will probably say well you shouldn't have bought a ferrari but i would say back to you maybe you should expect more from ferrari to give you a product that works so the guy who bought this car before me ordered it brand new he paid 190 000 for it he drove for 1500 miles and then he sold it and i bought it for a lot of money because it's very highly spec'd car and then i have been unhappy with this car for so long that i've decided that it's very beautiful to look at on the outside but on the inside the drive the comfort it's not nice what's the point of having a car that just sits there and i don't even feel like driving it whenever i want to go out i end up taking the rs4 because that's feels like a solid car so the biggest gripe i have with the ferrari is the front of this car doesn't seem to be connected to the back so when you're going over bumps you can feel the front is kind of like moving like that while the rear is stable and it seems like there's a lot of flex in the chassis because the car should go like that at the front not like that it's very hard to describe it you need to drive it and you need to compare it to even uh ferrari roma doesn't have this so the california tea and i haven't driven a california long enough to know whether it has the same problem but this car i've been really unhappy with that that feeling you don't feel like you're connected to the road you don't feel like you are you have enough road grip the other problem that i had which cost me so much money and so much headache was whenever i went over uh 70 75 miles an hour uh and mostly i was doing this in germany where on the autobahns where i was accelerating and going fast the steering would start to shake so i had the wheels front wheels balanced six times six times from different places including ferrari problem wasn't fixed they said the front tires are worn slightly but maybe you should change them they might have a problem so i changed both the tires the problem was still there then it went to ferrari and they kept it there for two three weeks and they started removing each one of the wheels one by one and then they would ask me to come and i would go and test drive the car to see if it has the same problem then i would bring it back then they would remove the wheel so through the process of elimination they figured out that the front right tire the new one was faulty so i don't really understand the old one was faulty but then the new one was faulty so i then replaced the tire again it cost me a good fifteen hundred 2000 pounds in just finding that this problem and then it's kind of still there about 10 15 percent the steering is not solid like in one place it still has a little bit of vibration when i drive it at high speeds and never had that with any of my other cars and i was driving through netherlands to the south of france this summer and all throughout the on the autobahns i was swearing and shouting and angry at the car because i couldn't drive it faster than 70 75 miles an hour because the steering would start to shake and i took it to several places along the way i think we went to one in belgium uh one in netherlands um one probably in switzerland i'm not 100 sure but we definitely went to one in germany and then to the south of france the ferrari dealership there just to get the wheels balanced every time and every time they say oh it's only 20 30 grams it's not a big thing but we'll fix it and the problem was still there so in the end i just wanted to get rid of this car because it's just a pain in the backside the thing is if you tell someone this it doesn't seem like there's any problem with the car they'll say oh you're just being fussy and these are little things but like this plastic here along the window you have to grease it or oil it or put some leather bomb on it because it starts to squeak from time to time and then you're driving and there's like squeak squeak squeak squeak in the back the seat belt has a little thing that you can't really see probably but it's got a little clip at the back and that keeps falling off so whenever there's someone sitting in the back they'll pick it up and say oh what's this and you're like pieces falling off the car and again when you talk to someone they say oh it's a ferrari well what exactly are we paying ferrari for to give us substandard products and then not even complain about it so i don't know if i'll buy another ferrari maybe at some point the customer service is great which i love people are really lovely the dealers are very nice and the car drives like in a straight line is quite good it's fast i've had some fun but in the last couple of years that i've had it it's just been one thing after another in the end i just got fed up and thought you know what i should buy a car that doesn't have these little niggly problems all the time maybe i'm not designed for these kind of cars that are constantly breaking down and if the rest of the world accepts it it's their business i don't really like to have faulty things in my life there are enough issues and stresses in our lives that these little toys and things that are supposed to bring us joy should not add to the stress um so i thought i should make this video because everyone just raves about how amazing these things are no one ever tells you the kind of issues because everyone is scared that oh if we talk about this the brand will devalue and i would lose money you lose money no matter what because cars are very bad investments anyway i hope this was not as disappointing but uh i thought there should be some truth out there on the internet about these things because everyone just says positive things and raves about thing cars and ferraris and things so maybe it's time to show you the other side of course if you want to know great things there are plenty of videos that you can go and watch by these uh journalists who'll tell you how amazing these cars are but they're not the ones who are living with them and paying for them when you paid so much money for something you want to have quality for it if you i don't know bought a tap and i keep going back to basic things if you bought a tap in your house for the bathroom or the kitchen it kept dripping every day and sometimes you turn it on and there'd be no water coming out would you be happy with it no you wouldn't say oh yeah it's ferrari so it's okay no you want things to work so why is it different with the cars it's because the marketing machine from these companies has created this image that oh these cars are so amazing that you just accept the little niggly bits that you have with it well i've had so many porsches never had a problem with them i i had uh the aston martin never had any problems with it this car time to time i have to turn it off and turn it back on because the sat nav won't work or some of the electronics will some light will come on and say there's something wrong and basically it's nothing wrong just it needs a rest the reset ferrari is the only car that i've ever bought which comes with the battery conditioner why i left my porsche for six months and there was no problem the battery didn't die this car you leave it for two weeks the battery drains so you have to keep that trickle charger plugged into the electricity basically the car's electric circuitry is not very well built and it's obviously leaking current and that's why the car goes into this low battery mode instead of fixing the root cause and fixing the circuitry they've just added a battery conditioner as part of the product i think it's just unbelievable that people say it's okay it's a ferrari anyway most of my videos have started becoming rants or maybe they all are so but they have to be honest there's no point giving you because some of you will benefit from it because you you might want to go and spend a lot of money on something that's not really worth spending money on so i hope you enjoy this and more videos to come thanks for watching
Channel: EthanFromLondon
Views: 1,184,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cars, Ferrari, Audi RS4, California T, Truth about Ferrari ownership and issues, Owning a ferrari, Issues with Ferrari, Ferrari breakdowns
Id: -JgeU3X-2AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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