Why I Regret Buying My Ferrari

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what's going on guys this is chandler smith and in today's video i'm going to share with you why i regret purchasing my ferrari 458 spider so with all of that being said let's jump into it [Music] all right guys if you're new to the channel i'm going to give you the quick rundown my name's chandler and i love investing in real estate and the reason i love investing in real estate is i use my active income to buy assets that then pay me a passive income now this passive income has given me the ability to purchase my home my tesla my truck and then last year i kind of react on a lot more passive income so it gave me the ability to go and purchase the c8 corvette from the strad man and the ferrari 458 spyder i want to be very upfront in telling you that i have absolutely loved these cars especially the ferrari however with owning a ferrari there are tons of things that make it a very negative experience and so in this video i'm going to share all of the negatives however you need to understand i'm not being ungrateful i absolutely love this car and the opportunity i've had to be able to purchase it and drive it and experience it but when you purchase a ferrari there are a ton of hidden expenses and a ton of things that you just don't really think about that end up being pretty negative now a lot of people ask me chandler which car do you prefer between the c8 and the ferrari and the honest answer is i love both of them however if i have to pick one to drive i'm always going to pick the ferrari and the only reason for that is this car is incredible it's faster the performance is unreal and it's very safe when you get into the ferrari you literally feel like you're getting onto a wild animal and because of that it's an experience that uh i really enjoy because it's just wild the sound is incredible but when you're on the road there's definitely a part of you that doesn't know what's going to happen now i know that sounds funny it's just fun it's exciting it's different that's how i felt in the c8 but when you go from the c8 to the ferrari the ferrari is older which is part of it but it just is a raw animal and it's such a fun experience so i've talked up the ferrari a lot but now it's time to share with you all of the negatives negative number one i live in idaho and the majority of the year it's very cold and it's either icy or snowy now i watch all strad man's videos and when you watch his videos and his super cars you're like oh you can totally drive these in the snow well this car is a little different the cars that he drives in the snow are all-wheel drive and he'll put on snow tires i could put on snow tires on this car but from everything that i've read with the rear wheel drive it just sucks in the snow and it's very hard to slow down in the snow even if you have snow tires and because of that i decided hey it wasn't worth investing in snow tires i'll just take it out and mess around and i can at least go do some cookies or something and play around in the snow well i tried to get the car out and i literally could not get it out of my driveway actually i made it out to the road and then i was worried i was gonna get stuck so i had to bring it back in so that leaves me with a car that the majority of the year i can't drive it the second major issue with this car is with it sitting in here for the winter and i did try to at least start it up or do something with it every couple weeks a little ways into the winter it was dead if you read any review they say you should hook it up with a trickle charger i should have known that originally but i just didn't do it so i'm left with a car that was dead in my garage so i've gotta go on i've got to research i've got to purchase a trickle charger and then i have to keep it consistently plugged in so that the battery functions properly for the whole winter uh james did that sound good yeah that sounds great okay um and actually i think you did all the research and purchased the trickle charger didn't you yeah because i drive a prius [Laughter] third major complaint this car was definitely a purchase that i did not need it was a purchase that i wanted to enjoy and because of that i didn't really think through the parking situation that i would put myself in so as you can see my tesla's on the far wall this is only a three-car garage so i have to wedge my tesla in over there i uh and sorry for the mess still gotta take the huggies inside i've gotta put my truck right here and then we have to jimmy rig my corvette in and by jimmy rigging it in i wanna make sure i leave space so i can get kids in and out of the truck which then leaves me with no space to get into the ferrari first world problems i know with it being parked like this i'll come out here and i'll be like oh i want to go for a five minute drive and just have a little fun i'll look at that i'll look at having to squeeze in the door and go across and i'm like i'll just go spin around in the tesla i know that sounds stupid but for those quick little drives it's just a pain and it's very inconvenient to have my garage like this when i want to clean my garage i have to move four cars that's why i haven't cleaned my garage so that's one of my frustrations i'm gonna show you how difficult it is to squeeze into my car oh also this is my other problem this is my wife's car which now has to be outside [Music] all right [Music] that was easy so as you can see it's kind of frustrating to pull the car in and out of the garage other mistake i made when you leave a car in the garage i'm used to just leaving them in there and then washing them later but it's probably bad that the ferrari's covered in dust and other stuff so i need to go and purchase a cover all right let's go for a spin all right on to my next complaint one of the things that drives me crazy is the sticky buttons in a ferrari now i had a toyota corolla that was like 2005 or something like that never got sticky buttons even after 200 000 miles on the thing but these cars for some reason the way that they made the buttons is they'll get all sticky and almost start to like melt off i know that sounds absurd when you've got a you know a couple hundred thousand dollar car and that's what i thought too but if you call ferrari they don't do anything about it you have to pay this company to come and resurface them and it's like a couple thousand dollars which is again really frustrating but i did find a life hack and uh when i took it out to dipped autoworks they were able to fix them up and we only touched the ones that were having major issues because we didn't want to ruin the ones that were still kind of working that you don't use that regularly so if you look over here and i'll actually take the camera if you look at these buttons you can see that they're super shiny that's because we cleaned it off and you have to be really careful because otherwise they'll scratch and you can see on these ones we cleaned them off but you can see a little bit of scratch marks there it almost looks like just like fingerprint but it doesn't come off and that's because when you clean off the sticky stuff it leaves this bare and it's easier to scratch it up now if you look up here you can see these have been cleaned off but these are still the original stick so if you touch this your fingers like stick to it and you can see it's kind of like sloughing off we also left these ones over here because i don't use these buttons and you can see that the button looks just kind of gross and it's got this really sticky tacky texture and as time goes on they'll start to slough off i wish i had before pictures of some of these buttons but now they look much better but with the shine again you're just at risk of scratching them up time for some of the more major complaints then we're gonna take it for a ride and help everyone forget all the complaints which is exactly what i did when i purchased it however they are pretty stressful issues when you're having to deal with them the check engine light on this car will randomly come on now when i pulled the code on it it was because of the exhaust we put on but there's also some weird thing that keeps going on and off especially when the lighting isn't good saying that the back light over the license plate isn't working so then it'll make these weird pop-ups they just stress you out it probably doesn't matter it's just a light to the license plate but if i need something fixed i'm kind of screwed because the closest ferrari dealership is in utah which means i'd have to drive this you know 350 miles to get to a place where i could actually get a service and when i'm getting oil change when i'm getting the fluids looked at or anything else i could do it on my own or i could try and find someone that i really trust here but there's not really a company here that's trustworthy enough to get it done and when you're selling this car i'm hoping it holds the majority of its value and i want to be able to show paperwork that hey i got everything done properly because if you're looking to buy a ferrari and i know i'm this way too if i'm looking to buy a nice car i want to see that it's been done properly at the right mileage and consistently when it comes to oil change and checking out everything else that i don't really know about but i want to see that they're checking on it and so if i go to someone here locally you know maybe they could print up a receipt but if i go and see that there's some ghetto company working on the ferrari that would stress me out and i'm sure that's going to stress out potential buyers in the future if they're going to drop 150 160 000 on this car when it hasn't been checked up properly oh before we go for a spin i forgot one other major complaint i didn't really think about this when i bought the car but there's no aux cord and the bluetooth only works for phone calls and it is absurdly obnoxious and loud so a lot of times when i forget to turn off my bluetooth the call will come in and literally blow out my ear drums but i've never been able to listen to music in this car unless it's on the radio because you don't have an aux cord and you don't have bluetooth which means you're stuck with whatever current radio station is on now when you buy a car like this you're not usually buying it to listen to the radio you're listening the engine and the experience and everything else but i like just zipping around listening to music while i'm driving in my car so it kind of sucks that this car doesn't have the ability to do that i know that's just an old tech thing but the tech was here when this car was made i mean this is a 2015 and so it's just kind of stupid because you can go and buy it but it costs i remember looking it was like a couple thousand dollars or something absurd to get it put in here with ferrari i'm sure there's some off-market setup i probably just need to look into it so if you've got any ideas on that let me know the other thing everything for this car is just stupid expensive like i wanted to get a new key because this one's kind of janky and it was gonna be like fifteen hundred dollars for a key so i'm like i'm okay with the janky one now i probably sound like a total cheap one but it's just kind of frustrating because there's nothing special about the key it's just them up charging because they're ferrari now with all of these negatives would i give it back no i love the car it's absolutely incredible however there is one more negative that you don't think of that's actually been really frustrating but first let's go [Music] the next frustrating part about this car is i went to get it insured and i shopped it out with a couple different places and the main place that i used for the majority of my stuff called me back and they said hey chandler i feel bad but we can't insure this car you're gonna have to go and use a different company and here's some options i said well why can't you insure the car you insure all of my cars you insure all of my stuff and he goes well we passed it up the line and we don't do a lot of ferraris and because it's a ferrari they checked you out and they saw that you were racing it i'm like what the heck i don't race the car what are you talking about and then i remembered this and so it made a little more sense but one thing that's frustrating about a ferrari is you just get a lot more attention and because of that they were unwilling to insure the car now granted i have a youtube channel with 100 000 subscribers so i probably added some unwanted attention that is going to cause me issues but it is what it is the last major complaint is that this car goes really fast and it's really fun but someone is always watching whether it's the cops or just people around town it's impossible to do anything crazy in this car and it's probably good because i should obey the law and i do everyone is looking and so if you're doing anything even somewhat unreasonable and even if you're not you definitely get a lot of negativity when it comes to people just assuming you're doing something inappropriate and so that's one thing that's been a bummer as everyone's looking the other bummer is it is impossible to just run errands in this car and the reason is that if you go to the grocery store you go to the gas station or you go anywhere and you park this car you get bombarded with people no not a construction worker thank you man hey you too but people will circle you up they'll want to ask questions they'll want to sit in the car they want to talk about the car and so a lot of times i'm just like look i don't want to be jerk but i'm going to hurry to get stuff done and i wanted to just enjoy the car go to the grocery store and get home or go and fill up with gas or do whatever i want to do and probably one of the reasons that ferrari owners and other supercar owners get this you know reputation of being a dirtbag or a jerk because a lot of times they don't want to sit and talk they just want to get where they're going and they're in a hurry and they want to do what they want to do in their car without getting bombarded so if you come up to me and you say chandler can i take a picture with the car can i sit in it or can i do whatever else the majority of the time i'm going to say yes and try and do whatever i can to give people that experience because i love that however if i'm in a hurry and i'm like i i'd love to another time but i'm going to get rolling i'm sorry don't be offended that's one thing that really makes me feel bad when i really want to give people that experience but sometimes i just can't but those are the negatives of a ferrari and the reality is they're totally worth it because the car is absolutely incredible however there are lots of things that i didn't really think would be frustrating that they really can be when you're trying to go and get stuff done or you're trying to just enjoy the car without being the center of attention with everybody looking all right guys if you enjoyed the video make sure you remember to smash like button subscribe to the channel and hit the little bell and i know the majority of my channel is spent focused on investing in real estate and that's because that is what has provided me with the cars and fun stuff so if you like the real estate investing that's always going to be the core of the channel if you like the cars make sure you let me know in the comments and smash that like button and i'll look forward to seeing you in the future videos where my goal is to help you to build a huge passive income thanks guys we'll see [Music] you
Channel: Chandler David Smith
Views: 100,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graham stephan, meet kevin, real estate investing, biggerpockets, grant cardone, real estate for beginners, ryan pineda, Ferrari, Ferrari ownership, Why you should not buy a Ferrari, Ferrari negatives, Ferrari 458 spider, Ferrari 458, Stradman, The Stradman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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