Trusting God In Difficult Times

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[Music] you know my name help me say you know i [Music] said you know my name oh my god oh how you are and know how you'll talk how you tell [Music] that i am [Music] hallelujah come on and lift up a praise all over this place come on he claims us as his own you can do better than that come on give him a praise in this place he deserves all the glory he deserves all the praise father we bless your name hallelujah hallelujah [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] good morning family this is noah newhouse and welcome to g-stop committee join us tomorrow with our very own minister roger benjamin with our monday school motivational message an extension of our sunday school but with a twist on monday at 7 pm join us at g-stop to usher in our new week with inspiring message join us on tuesday for our g-stop youth mystery all you have to do to stay connected with our youth ministry is go on facebook type in g-stop youth ministry that's g stop and the youth mystery to stay locked in and connected with our youth ministry and join us every tuesday night at 7 pm join us this wednesday at g-stop for our mid-week service this is a great opportunity for the whole family to get together and take an hour out to serve god as a family the old preacher used to say much prayer much power little prayer little power so join us every thursday at 7 pm to get the power you need during the g-stop prayer conference call all you have to do is dial 516-597-9006 just two years ago god bless us with our second church campus check out our west campus on social media by searching g-stop west campus on facebook instagram or youtube or by visiting here at gstop we have three ways to give online number one the text to give option text g-stop to 542-4444 number two the cash app option which is dollar-sign g-stop church number three the zell option which is giving that's all family thank you for watching g-stop connect y'all be blessed [Music] we will honor our 2020-2021 graduates amen so if you have a graduate that graduated in august of 2020 december of 2020 or may or june of 2021 we want to recognize um them in our service so any graduates if you would um if you would monitor our facebook pages and and look look at that there'll be a link for you to fill out for your senior spotlight and then from that link we'll pull your information and it asks for your number and some other information and we re we will recognize you on the fourth sunday amen and next sunday is father's day amen we have some wonderful fathers in our g-stock ministry so we will honor you next sunday so we ask that you would bring your fathers out and we just want to we have a sweet treat for you we honored our mothers and we would be amidst to miss our fathers amen so we want you to bring them out next week so we can honor them as well amen and i give you our first lady [Music] well amen this is the day that the lord has made i will rejoice and be exceedingly glad in it amen amen i rose to welcome our guests this morning but before i do that i have two things that i want to say and first you saw on gstop connect that today is the west location's birthday their second birthday amen amen and a lot of times when our birthday come around we want a birthday gift and most times it's monetary amen so if you don't mind you know the length so just send g-stop west a birthday gift amen amen pastor didn't tell me to say it so i'll take my whooping afterwards you know if i get in trouble but send him a little birthday gift amen amen and the next thing is it's spring time and our sanctuary ladies need some touch you know the pews we need to clean them real good so if you don't mind right after service we ask that you would meet um i went black we asked that you would meet right up here on the front and taisha is going to get everybody's name amen tyson stand up for me yeah so meet right up here and if you don't mind we'll set a date and we're gonna clean our sanctuary man amen and after we finish i'm sure the men are gonna get together and do something on the outside amen give god praise right there amen amen do we have any guests worshiping with us this morning any first time guests amen i see your hand amen amen amen amen we're so excited that you chose good shepherd to worship with this morning and if there be anyone online we ask that you would give us a away online and uh as well you can text the keyword g-stop to 5-4-2-4-4 and just say i'm a guest a man and it ought to be a link that you can um fill out a guest card and we would love to connect with you amen amen so are we ready to go higher in jesus amen don't just waste your time coming to church and don't give him praise amen amen get dirty for jesus amen because he is worthy amen come on christ's team yeah i said dirty yeah there's something wrong if you stay clean the whole time [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] we gonna make for you [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] today is [Music] [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] how many people came in here to receive on the day they say you ain't seen nothing yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] two [Music] let us pray father god we thank you for all that you are doing we thank you for your anointing and we thank you for your presence in each one of our lives now father god as we prepare to hear the word of god we pray that you will come in first and bless the man of god to be able to stand boldly and proclaim the word that you've given and then father god reacts that you would open the ears of the receivers so that they might receive your word dear god so that tomorrow might be a better day than today father god we remember every ministry that stands open in your name and we remember every man woman boy girl that will rightfully stand and declare the word of god and so father god right now we pray for those that are on our sick list dear god we pray for healing dear god and we pray for a manifestation of your holy spirit dear god we pray that you would go in a sick room right now dear god and do what you do best we know you to be a healer dear god we know you to be a deliverer dear god and so right now we ask that you would deliver us from anything that's in us that separates us from you dear god father god allow us to look deep into this word on today and then to make application of it to each one of our lives we thank you for our praise team we thank you for our musicians dear god we thank you for the audio video ministry dear god then we thank you for the people of god that are joining us by way of social media dear god and thank you for those that are right here in the presence of your anointing now father god decrease us [Music] and increase within us so that the words of our mouth the meditation of our heart that it might be acceptable unto you father god we thank you now in jesus name we pray thank god amen come on let's give the lord some love as we take our seats in this holy place amen amen amen another day's journey hallelujah i've got a question that i want to access as we begin to go into our message is anybody trusting god in your difficult times hallelujah you know we learn how to trust god we're gonna be all right there's some stuff that used to take me out i don't let it bother me any longer because i'm trusting god for the outcome and when you trust god for the outcome you know it's to be a good outcome it may not come the way we want it to come but it's going to be a good outcome and so we we're going to minister on today from luke 1 26 through 31. and while you find that let me just tell you how the devil works brother galen went check the air conditioner they don't ever go out to sunday praise the lord they just done some work on it two weeks ago so but whatever you know it ain't gonna happen but one week and we're gonna be back up praise the lord now in our message on today it's not a christmas message but you got to pay attention to it amen we're going to go back to the birth of jesus but you got to pay attention to it you got luke 1 and 26 through 31 and i'm going to come out the new king james version it says now in the sixth month the angel gabriel was sent by god to a city of galilee called nazareth to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was joseph of the house of david the virgin's name was mary and having come in the angel said to her rejoice highly favored one the lord is with you blessed are you among women but when she saw him she was troubled at his scene and considered what manner of greetings this was then the angel said to her do not be afraid mary for you have found favor with god and behold you will receive in your womb and bring forth the son and shall call his name jesus and we're gonna talk about trusting god in difficult times how many know that this was a difficult time for mary here he is the angel is talking to her and she's not really understanding what's going on in her own body that's a difficult thing when you don't know your body and then uh the angels start talking about you gonna bring somebody into the world mary began to look at herself and say i've never been with a man but the amazing thing was mary's spirit was troubled so i stopped to tell you there's going to be some times when your spirit will be troubled all of us are going to face some difficult times don't fool yourself a difficult time may be the loss of a job it it may be the death of a family member it may be a relationship problem with another person maybe there's some disease working in your family ah but all of us are gonna face we're gonna have some difficult time you might make yourself believe that don't nothing hurt you but there's something that hurts all of us some of our difficult times uh will be emotional and some will be spiritual some physical and then we're gonna have some financial issues life why because life has its ups and its dimes and going through a very difficult situation is never easy when we go through a financial situation we stop getting along with our mates oh it's okay to say amen you may not be in one now but you've been in one all of us been to the place where all we could do was pay our bills some of us could only pay half our bills i can remember when we had mobiles then we had money and it made life difficult when you used to buy new cars and you can't buy a new car when you used to shopping for clothes and you can't shop for clothes bless you brother anthony life can become difficult but we have to understand that the god that we serve never gives us more than we can bear in fact the bible said that god will always make a way of escape for us everything that god allows us to go through there is a reason and there is a purpose behind it i need us to understand that when i'm on the rough road that don't mean that the devil is in charge see what god is god is a good listener and he said don't just be hearers of the word he said but i'm looking for some duels and so god hear all that talk we talk then he says they serve me with their but their hearts are far from me and so sometimes god allows us to go down a dark road so that we'll realize i made god some commitments god heard everything i hear you i'm talking to somebody the law picked your son up and you promised god if you just let my boy get back on solid ground i'm going to do this some of us promise god god if you move the burden from me i'm going to give back to you but then when god do his part we find ourselves reneging on our point so god does allow us to go through and god has a reason why we're going through and there is a purpose for us when we go through we have to realize that we're in the hands of a man who has defiled nature who has calmed the storm and he's familiar with storm we're in the hands of a man who can call dead folk the life then you hear him say lazarus he just called his name lazarus come forth some of us are living dead lives and god is calling us you know we so caught up in sin and when we're caught up in sin that means we're living a dead life with our eyes wide open and god is called in our name hallelujah somebody we talking about a man ah who one day turned water in the wine who fed 5 000 with a few fish and a few loaves of bread and the deal was he used a little to feed 5 000 but the bible said there was plenty left over for the next day we're in good hands church because we're still in the hands of a man who was crucified a man who died and was buried and just when satan thought he had him have you ever been there just when the devil thought he had you god opened the eyes wide open so we could see that we won't fools him satan thought he had him salem thought he had defeated him but the bible said he rose the devil forgot that he said and in three days i'm gonna get up and he rose from the dead triumphantly and declared that all power was in his hand so i say to you no matter what your difficulties are to take heart and don't be discouraged because uh in joshua 1 and 9 we find the words it says be strong be courageous then paul said i can do all things through christ that gives me strength if you're a quitter you'll never be a winner and the devil takes control over quitters but god blesses winners so i can do all things through christ that strengthens me joshua said be strong be courageous don't tremble in other words joshua will say don't get scared you on the lord's side anybody in here on the lord's side when it looked like you're dealing with darkness just know that the sun is about to shine in our lives he said for the lord thy god is with you wherever you go god is with us he is on our side and god is able to see us through every situation every storm and every difficulty that arises in our life so in our text on today the great position luke writes us a prescription of encouragement for trusting god in difficult times as we look at 1 we find that uh that mary that the angel had came to galilee where mary was and the angel reminded mary that god has some work for you to do not only that but the the the angel said you got to know that you are blessed and you are highly favored bible said in the 28th verse but when she saw him she became troubled have you ever had a conversation with somebody and you didn't really know what they were talking about sometimes god comes to us in a vision and we don't understand why god want a fool with somebody like me i've already made my mind up that i'm lost i'm a sinner i'm shame of my game but god sees something in me that i cannot see in myself that's where mary was god saw something in her but she was troubled she had difficulty trying to understand why me that's the way we are by me god why me why me why did you single me out why did you call me to minister your word i was enjoying myself i was popping and hopping and doing everything that i ever desired to do mary said god you got me troubled hallelujah then that angel said don't be afraid mary so you gotta understand that mary was facing a difficult time and she didn't know what to do somebody somebody you on the verge of quitting but god got you here today because god wants you to know that he'll operate in your difficult time that he'll operate in the dark moments of your life all you got to do is call him when you're in trouble he's the same god yesterday today and forever more but when we have a connection with god and when we fall off the side of the river we can call god and god will put us back into right standing some of us some of us here uh i cuz i've been there we're just like mary mary she had to face the fear of people rejection people rejection hurt and when folk know they got the goods on you am i talking to somebody when you know you messed up and you start gaining a little weight folk would begin to reject you she realized that she was faced with an uncertain future she faced being talked about in a negative way oh we love it when folk talk about us in a good way you know every achievement that i make every good thing that i do somebody loved to be patted on the back but folk don't remember the good that you did folk always remember the one thing that you messed up on and so here mary is here mary is she know that she followed the law she knew that she had never been with a man but now she would be talked about you know how we do it that's the church mother but also brother someone so over her house [Music] but even though she knew she would be talked about in a negative way and i need you to understand some folk don't talk about us in a negative way but god will give us courage and he will give us direction to face our difficulties i tell you god just don't fix me and god if he did it for me he'll do it for you i don't care what i hear about me it can't do any harm to me because i know i serve a god minister alvin said that's got to erase and why are you talking me dying i'm praying and god and took the eraser out god's erasing jealousy he's erasing malice he's erasing hatred god knows when we face difficulties god knows when we're in a trial he knows when we're in a test and not only does he knows but that's the time god want to show god wants to show up in the darkness in fact god does his best work in the dark satan can't deal with god god works better on us you know why god does his best work in the dark because we sleep and we can't complain to god we can't challenge god god began to move and we talk about i had a dream last night no no no no god came into your life last night and god began to reveal some things in us that he needed out of us look at how the encouraging news that he shared with mary while she was receiving shocking news ah that she was a virgin but the shocking news was i'm gonna give birth to the son of god somebody's already talking some of mary's family already was talking about her i knew she wore a long dress but i knew she wasn't about nothing every time the synagogues opened up mary was dying there worshipping and praising god but in the night time won't folk do you like that in the 29th verse we read the words that mary was troubled when we're a child of god we get troubled when things happen to us out of the ordinary but i need us understand that god is a possibility god god takes the impossible and god makes it possible somebody said you never quit cussing god took the impossible and made it possible somebody said you were going to keep on being with somebody's husband or wife but god took the impossible and made it possible so in verse 29 it reads that mary was trouble now you got to do is instill your name right there the living bible says she was confused and disturbed the new revised standard says she was perplexed the god word says she was startled that's what happened to us stuff happened to us that we thought we were greater than it happening to us somebody said i can do a little bit of it on the weekend and i'll still function on monday morning well it started out like that that's what the devil want us to believe but it begins to get good to us and we get so troubled till it overtakes us but she was startled mary said how can i be pregnant and i've kept the laws of the land and i've never been physically touched she was troubled because she was engaged to joseph she was about to walk down the aisle and now she didn't know what joseph would think about her she didn't know what he would say or if he would even believe that she had been visited by the angel but regardless of how we said she was facing a difficult time but god gave mary the courage to face this and i want you to notice that god gives us the carriage so i'm going to give you three points but let me tell you what they are the angel of the lord said to mary the lord is with you second thing angel says is do not be afraid and the third thing the angel says is you have found favor with god so let's look at the lord is with you the angel was a sharing mary of her faith god is not an uncaring god when we mess up and yes even being saved we gonna mess up there are no perfect christians up in here how can you be perfect living in an imperfect world ah we all have some faults now listen i've been delivered from some of them but i'm still dealing with some stuff in my life i wish i had some real witnesses in here somebody got an eyeball problem i love and your sugar didn't have nothing to do with it somebody got a mouth problem my god my god somebody got a thirst problem we all dealing with something but the angel reminded mary that the lord is with you you got to have confidence to know that you got to have confidence to receive that that the lord is with me can i call a few witness the lord was with david as he faced goliath the lord was with gideon when he was called to be the leader of the nation the god was with the strugglers as they went through the valley of the shatter of death somebody may feel like in here that i'm all by myself i'm standing at the graveside by myself somebody else may be saying that i've got to stand alone but i stopped to tell you that folk going to disappoint you sometime all you need is jesus the writer picked up the pen he said what a friend we have in jesus name all our sins and greeds to bear what a privilege it is together hey everything to god in prayer friends disappoint us they may be your friend but they might hurt you sometimes friends get jealous sometimes they get malice in their heart sometimes they have a spirit of carnality relationships may be broken you might have a child outside of wedlock but watch this paul says in romans 8 31 he says if god hallelujah that if means you need to know god if god be for us who can be against us see when god is for us god forgives us so while i'm hating on you while i'm talking you down mary god has already done the forgiving we don't have to be alone in our heart trusting god will bring us comfort and joy hallelujah ah paul said trust god when you're going through false i can do and you got to claim that thing the reason i keep going through because i don't claim as long as i don't claim it the devil gonna keep stacking it on the devil will take me from here to there bring me back over here but we got to be able to boldly stand and say what philippians says i can do all things through christ that strengthens me paul realized he was a fool he had done some stuff that wasn't right before god but his heart had been changed and can i tell you when you get off the devil's side that's when the devil gets behind us see when the devil already got us he just get us and he keep us right there in the middle but when the word of god began to convict us and we move out the middle and we start moving back up top the devil declines to get us and so we got to be able to set things and we got to mean it we got to see it with power and conviction when the enemy rise up against you all you got to say is i can do all things through christ that gives me strength because trusting god will also give us new courage solomon writes in deuteronomy 31-6 he says be strong how many times have we heard god tell us that just be strong god said don't put your lips on them just be strong god said just pray for them just be strong god said yes though they may have stabbed you in the back you keep praying for him you keep speaking to him just be strong he said and be of good courage in other words stop thinking about the negative because the devil will get in the situation and cause you in your heart and in your mind to assassinate somebody my god he said do not fear or do not be afraid of them tell your neighbor the lord gonna fight this battle hallelujah just don't give up just don't give up the bible say but they that wait upon the lord you got to wait on him shall renew their strength then the second encouraging word is do not be afraid mary had every reason to be afraid have you ever noticed when we're living in dark that we always watching behind us everywhere i go i got to observe i got to make sure don't nobody know me i'm in the grocery store i'm close to that box back there where i don't belong oh my god before i put it in my buggy i'm gonna look to my left i'm gonna look to my right am i talking to somebody in here listen i ain't been saved all my life ah we just in a new society but the games are still real mary had every reason she faced a fear of being ridiculed by the public she faced a fear of rejection of her fiance she faced skeptics who would doubt her story folks say you know you telling a lie ah the bible is filled with full of fear not passages genesis 21 and 17 god told hager you don't have nothing to fear your baby gonna live cause i'm gonna make some water isaiah 43 and 5 god said to israel fear not i have redeemed you god is saying that to us we can be the biggest mess but if we don't have fear god can redeem us in luke 1 and 13 the angel told zacharias fear not i have heard your prayer i know your wife don't have no baby but elizabeth will conceive and then in luke 2 and 10 the angel said to the shepherds uh fear not i bring you good tidings of great joy because the king of glory is about to come in a few days i stopped to tell somebody that fear paralyzes fear will stop us from sharing our faith with somebody else fear will stop us from using our gifts to serve god fear imprisons us but faith liberates us fear paralyzes us but faith empowers us fear discourages us but faith always encourages us fear nauseates us but faith heals us phil make us think we are useless oh my god fear creates a paranoia suspicion and distrust but god's trust will build our faith now the third word that he said was you have favor with god i i i i want you to let that simmer in your spirit i want you to think about your situation whether it be good or whether it be bad can you hear god saying but you have faith you have found favor with god what happens is this phrase teaches us the truth of god's grace and to be in god's favor means that we are in god's grace you cannot be in the favor of god unless you are in the grace of god that's why you often hear us tell you that favor ain't fair i know that's bad english but we gotta understand that favor ain't fair those that do right by god [Music] god will always do right by you when it looks like you can't see the way out god will throw some favor up in your situation in mary's situation it meant that mary had been shown grace by god god had chosen her to be the earthly mother of his son it was not because of her excellent spirit but it's because of god's grace that she was chosen some of us feel like i've got such an excellent spirit that god will always open every door that i need open but i stopped to tell somebody god opens real doors some of us want a door open to make somebody else jealous some of us want a door open because i've been hurt and i want you to know that i got it all together ah but the grace of god means that god does the choosing i don't care how hard how long and how much you pray for it but it's by god's will if we receive it it is his sovereign choice that he chooses us when we put our trust in god we'll understand that our worst days are never so bad that we are beyond the reach of god's grace and that our best days are never so good that we are beyond the need of god's grace the bible tells us that i can do all things through christ that strengthens us but i hear the lord saying that we must be washed in the blood of the lame the reason i need to be washed i got to understand that all my help comes from the lord and in understanding that my help is coming from the lord i realized that uh there are some things that i must delete out of my life i've got to learn church how to overcome personal uh selfishness is not always about me do i have somebody i've got to overcome and under surrendered heart and i've got to overcome a doubt filled faith i gotta believe that when uh god speak it that i'm about to receive it do i have somebody then i got overcome like mary had to overcome all the haters in joe like somebody got an oversized ego somebody's dealing with greediness if you got it i got to have it better than you some of our pocketbooks are empty because we're dealing with greediness just because i see it i don't mean have it tell somebody that i'm on my way to heaven and i refuse to be turnaround so today church is a day of change mary accepted what she had to go through because she realized that the prize was at the end of the journey i heard paul said i pressed toward the march for the prizes of the high calling the high calling is in the lord jesus but uh when i go through my difficult time i've learned how to lean and depend on jesus there's a story about a man at the pool of salon they brought him there every day but when the water became troubled up he had no man to put him in uh he was an invalid he could not walk he had trouble difficult times but one day the lord sent an angel by her those of you if you wait on god in your difficult times uh god's got to enhance with your name written on it the water became troubled uh he said i had nobody yeah but the angel said man of god [Music] man of god do you believe us that i'm a healer man of god that's what you will and you shall receive my god god will just tell us god's telling somebody to pick up your pee pick up your baby get up don't let folk press you die god said look toward this heal there's help in the name of jesus listen maybe you're here you're going through a difficult time you get out of one issue one circumstance one situation and you look up and another one is coming your way god is saying i'm seeking for some folk he says because the harvest is plenteous but i need some real laborers god needs some save folk some sanctified folk some folk that are filled with the holy ghost maybe you're here maybe you're joining us by way of social media we wouldn't leave here with offer without offering you an invitation for your life to be changed if that's you and you got up this morning and you said god i'm looking for a ministry ready to give you my life completely i want to save because i know we went through a year like no other so god i understand from reading your word that you're on your way back and i want to prepare my house joshua said but that's for me and my house we're going to serve the lord and i want to give you a moment to look at your own life don't worry about the person on either side of you don't worry about the person in front of you are behind you this moment is all about you and god where do i want to be and where do i want to go when the lord comes back after his church so if you're joining us by way of social media and you want to be a part of this ministry text 54244 and the key word is connect one if you're here you can text it if you want to make a state all you need to do is get up right now [Music] make your way to the out we don't want you to leave here if you came with conviction if you came looking don't let the devil shame you there one here i want to give you a moment to trust god if god is speaking to you know that you need to be obedient to the word of god god today i'm giving my life to you i i'm giving up rejection depression god i just need a praying to me i came to receive it let us pray father god we thank you we thank you for the weird the songs in the prize father god the invitation has been issued and you know the hearts of everyone that are here and those that are joining us by way of social media and so god right now touch rule in all of our life dear god replenish your virtue in us god and help us to become the being and the women of god that you've called us out to be and so lord i pray for strength i pray for the one god that had a desire but was enabled to make the stick god we pray that you would keep thee and if it be your will send them back again [Music] give them the characters let them know who said i am with you you found favor in the lord we pray again for everyone that's on the sick list we pray for those that don't know you in the pardon of this god we pray for our g-stop west family we thank you for the work that they're doing on the west side of time bless the man and woman of god that you've placed to be the catholic shepherds of the house then we pray for the first families of the main cameras give us strength god help us to continue to be obedient to your will and to your way we thank you god for every individual that have assembled here oh god we love you we adore you and we say have your way in jesus night we pray thank god amen come on let's put our blessed hands together and thank god again for all that he has done amen amen now we're going to prepare to give back to god but he has blessed us with and if you need an envelope raise your hand there are three ways that you can give electronically amen you can dial five four two four four and you can give the keyword is g-stop amen and then you can cash out dollar sign g-stop church now when you cash out put where you want your money to go praise the lord amen if it's tithes if it's offering just say what it is so we can put it in the right place and then you can give by sale at giving amen and so we we encourage you to electronically give but we'll always be right there to do what we have to do let me say for those of you that uh are just now coming back from the pandemic uh right now we're giving as we exit the building our our preacher that comes will give us the directions after we have decided to give then we're going to ask you to be seated the hershels will come and the urges will direct us out amen amen amen everybody all right amen amen now let me say also we no longer send out invitations the church is fully opened amen the church is fully open we are not we're still online during the week but on sunday mornings the 11 o'clock service is in full force and we're so excited to see everybody and to know that you're still good and healthy amen and allowing the lord to bless you so minister regina johnson is going to come and lead us into our time [Music] just a quick reminder for the ladies who want to participate in doing the spring cleaning on our church please stand up okay i can't thank your name please meet her at the front of the church okay [Music] okay everyone has an envelope right okay we thank god for the preaching word on today one thing that i can say about g-stop over a year ago when this pandemic separated us we still have the the pastor still preach the uncompromising gospel and he's still and taught he did when we were down the word of god lifted us up and we thank god for the pastor of g stop on today let's go and first lady we thank you as well i've been feeling anybody been feeling been cold feeling air all morning i thought pastors just got something mixed up cause we haven't gotten hot let's go to god in prayer father god once again we thank you for this day we thank you lord god for your loving kindness we thank you lord lord god for your favor we thank you lord god for being you all by yourself father god we thank you lord god for each one that came out today father god and for each family member father god as we get on today father god father god we want to thank you lord god thank you god for the ones who have to give thank you father god for the one they desire to give and don't have it on today and as i always pray god for the ones who want to hold on to it just a little bit longer god continue to show them that they just can't beat you giving father god as we leave this place and never from your presence we ask that you leading god a safe sacrifice to our various destinations and in the mighty name of jesus we pray and we ask it all amen we ask everyone to please uh stand and put your seats in flight and repeat after me i'm giving my seed in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost i'm believing for a spiritual breakthrough for money in the bane for checks in the mail to whom much is given much is required [Music] amen [Music] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] for the devilish [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i've been in this [Music] i've been in this thing [Music] [Music] and
Channel: Gstop Main Campus
Views: 55
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #gstop, #iamgstop, #goodshepherd, #goodshepherdtempleofpraise
Id: 13S5oER5kb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 50sec (4130 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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