Trump's Impeachment Lawyers Are Very Bad: A Closer Look

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Bet ya he fires them and asks for a do-over

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/notyourordinarybear 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
-The vast majority of Senate Republicans are sticking with former President Donald Trump at his second impeachment trial despite powerful evidence presented by the House impeachment managers and the fact that Trump's lawyers are very bad. For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look." ♪♪ So you know how Trump is currently facing an impeachment trial for trying to steal the election? Well now, it turns out, he's also under criminal investigation for trying to steal the election. -Breaking news, the<i> New York Times</i> is just reporting that prosecutors in Fulton County, Georgia have launched a criminal investigation into former President Trump's January phone call with the Georgia Secretary of State, remember, the one where he told Secretary Raffensperger to "find the votes," and also, Jim, threatened him. -Yeah. To find just enough votes, notably, to overturn the results in that state's election. -Wow, first he lost Georgia now Georgia's investigating him. It's like getting dumped then finding out your ex blocked your number, filed a restraining order against you, and immediately went to Paris with your brother. Trump was already under, last I checked, 30 different investigations, and he has no plan to get out of any of them. I mean, even El Chapo had that tunnel built under his jail cell toilet so he could ride a motorbike on a built-in track all the way to a safe house where the tunnel went upwards, so he could crawl out of another toilet. if that were Trump, he'd just be found half stuck in a jail cell toilet trying to download Parler. And, by the way, people close to Trump have been worried about this happening. Not just because he could end up in jail, but because his lawyers, to quote the great Clarence Darrow, "suck major butt." -People close to the President have been increasingly worried that he may face criminal charges as a result of his actions. The concern here is that Donald Trump has largely exhausted his legal options when it comes to representation. No reputable attorney, at this point, was willing to stick their neck out for President Trump in this impeachment case. Allies to the President, one of them telling CNN that's "he's effed" if he faces criminal charges. -It's true that Trump is effed, because he's always had very bad lawyers. Such is the price of being an impossible client who ignores the advice of counsel and also doesn't pay his bills. No one wants to defend you. Trump probably got his last duo during a two-for-one sale at Lawyer's Warehouse. You're gonna love the way I leak. And it's not like representing Trump leads to bigger and better things. You know, Rudy carried his water and not only did he get stiffed, he also got hit with a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit. And I tip my cap to Dominion, because it's very funny to sue someone like Rudy for over a billion dollars when you know he doesn't have it. I feel like Rudy buys his pants with the pockets pre-turned inside out, like a 1930's vagabond. Also, do you guys have any of those wallets that moths fly out of? But when it comes to embarrassing Trump lawyers, it turns out Rudy is in good company. Trump's original impeachment defense team quit en masse, when he demanded that they repeat his election fraud lies during the trial. So, he had to settle for two guys named Bruce Castor and David Schoen, who I'm assuming he saw in a local Palm Beach commercial while he was watching a relay of the 1996 Masters on the Golf Channel. "Have you inhaled asbestos? So have we! What was this commercial about again?" And this is a fun fact, Bruce Castor is a cousin of the GOP counsel from the last impeachment, Steve Castor, do you remember him? The bumbling dufus. The bumbling duff-ess, who showed up to hearings with all of his files in a grocery store tote bag, like he was dropping off a delivery order from whole foods? Just make sure you freeze the sprouted whole-grain bread. As a client, you know you're in a bad spot when your lawyers don't even have briefcases. It's like, showing up to a potluck with a handful of loose crab cakes. Sorry, I couldn't find the Tupperware, also it was pretty hot in the car, so we should eat these now! But we shouldn't judge Bruce Castor just because his cousin Door Dashed an impeachment trial. I'm sure he's much more professional and detail oriented, as evidenced by the very first words out of his mouth, as the ex-President's defense lawyer. -My name is Bruce Castor. I am the lead prosecutor -- or lead counsel for the 45th President of the United States. -I'm the prosecutor, I mean witness, I mean accomplice, I mean defendant, no, wait, what's it called? Juror. Am I the judge? Case dismissed. Wow, that was easy. I wish that he had called his cousin like the guitarist at the enchantment under the sea dance in "Back to the Future." "Hey, Steve, Steve, it's your cousin Bruce Castor. Remember that new stupidity you were looking for? Well, listen to this --" Don't worry though, he explains the slip up. -I was an assistant DA for such a long time, I keep saying "prosecutor," but I do understand the difference Mr. Raskin. -It's not good when the first thing you say in court is that you know the difference between the defense and the prosecution. It's like your pilot getting on the P.A. and saying "Welcome aboard the crosstown bus, wait, no, this is an airplane. Don't worry I know the difference. I was a bus driver, amigo, so I know what I used to do is different from what I do now. Man, driving a bus was easier. Alright. Let's try to fly like a bird now. Make sure your seat backs are upright and tray tables locked next stop, 42nd street." And then at another point, Castor tried to reference something he saw on the news and honestly, I have no idea what he was trying to get at. -I saw a headline representative so-and-so seeks to walk back comments about -- I forget what it was, something that bothered her. -Well, thanks for the specifics, that was, was very powerful. I thought this guy was a slip-and-fall lawyer, but maybe he just slipped and fell on his head. "My compliments to whoever waxes these Capitol floors, it's like an ice rink in here." This is a historic moment. It's the first time in history a President has been impeached a second time. He incited and cheered on a violent mob that breached the Capitol for the first time in 200 years and injured 140 police officers in an attempt to overthrow democracy. You'd think his lawyers would be a little more prepared. Instead, Castor meandered aimlessly, like he was auditioning to be on one of those sleep apps. -United States Senators are patriots first. Patriots first. They love their country. They love their families. There isn't a member in this room who has not used the term "I represent the great state of --" fill in the blank. Why? Because they're all great? Yeah. But you think your's is greater than others because these are your people. -I left a voicemail on ecstasy in 1997 that made more sense than this, what are you talking about? The House managers just laid out a devastating case against the President with harrowing video footage and you sound like you're vamping at the end of a social studies class. So in conclusion, Rutherford B. Hayes was a President, of the United States specifically. And many people don't know this, but B was actually not his middle initial, it's more like a verb. Like, Rutherford "Be" Hayes. Hayes of course being slang at the time meaning President. And it looks like class be over. [ Laughter ] In fact, the House managers' opening argument was so good that Castor was so unprepared that at one point he turned it over to his partner and admitted they had to change course because they didn't expect the Democrat's case to be so strong. -I think that I want to give my colleague, Mr. Schoen, an opportunity to explain to all of us the, the legal analysis on jurisdiction. I'll be quite frank with you, we changed what we were going to do on account that we thought that the House managers' presentation was well done. -Uh, in my defense, I've only ever seen bad lawyers before. I only hang out with my cuz. Take me out, Schoen, I'm dizzy. I need electrolytes. Tell them about People V. whatever -- Perry Mason crap you're always going on about. Seriously, what was he expecting? Did he think this case was about something else? "When I saw that video I was like, whoa, that's what this case is about? That is real bad." And then Castor turned it over to his colleague David Schoen who, instead of bumming his way through nonsense like Castor, decided to go the heinous ass[Bleep] route. -This trial will tear this country apart, perhaps like we've only seen once before in our history. -I'm sorry are you threatening a second civil war? You know that's basically what Trump got impeached for, right? This is like if O.J.'s lawyers had said, "You better acquit him or I will stab every one of you." I mean, seriously, that is despicable. Impeachment is in the Constitution! These guys all act like it's some left wing conspiracy. I mean, Ben Franklin signed onto it and I'm pretty sure he wasn't some radical Antifa socialist. Dude tied a key to a kite to find electricity, which we were all taught as like a fun story, but really it sounds like something you make up to get out of the house during a fight with your wife. "We just had dinner with your parents last week, Deborah." "Well, they want to stay over this time, too." "You know what? I'm going outside." "Why?" "I need to tie a key to a kite to catch lightning, okay? Get off my ass!" That was a brief excerpt from my rejected Broadway musical "Franklin," which was supposed to be the new "Hamilton," but you know, COVID. Also, they said the rapping was bad. [ Rapping ] ♪ My name is Ben and I'm here to say ♪ ♪ You need a penny saved ♪ Schoen went on to claim that the only reason the trial was even happening was because Democrats were desperate to impeach Trump. -In this unprecedented snap impeachment process, the House of Representative denied every attribute of fundamental Constitutional due process that Americans correctly have come to believe is part of what makes this country so great. How and why did that happen? It is a function of the insatiable lust for impeachment in the House for the past four years. -Okay, first of all when you use the words insatiable lust in the same room as Chuck Grassley and Chuck Schumer it makes me want to chuck my lunch. Just gross, don't do it. Second, if Democrats truly had an insatiable lust for impeachment, they could've impeached Trump 30 times already. No President in history has given Congress more cause to impeach than this guy. I'd list every impeachable offense he's committed, but I don't have time. So instead, for a full recap of every Trump crime, just flip on over to our other channel "Late Night-2." It's like ESPN-2, we have re-runs of college curling, minor league polo, and every sketch where a writer interrupts me from the audience to talk about themselves. Now, in a way it's not shocking Trump has bad lawyers, because he doesn't need lawyers. he's been assured that the GOP will, with only a few exceptions pledge total and complete loyalty to him no matter how indefensible his actions were. And that cognitive dissonance was no full display yesterday when GOP Senators voted to dismiss the case, and Fox News personalities tried to discredit the trial even as they all complained about just how bad the President's lawyers were. -I thought it started a little meandering. It was sort of like a lot of free associating in the beginning. -I've seen a lot of lawyers and a lot of arguments and that was -- that was not one of the finest I've seen. -I thought I knew where it was going, and I really didn't know where he was going. -I would be screaming if that defense attorney was defending me. He forgot to, I don't know, I put it here somewhere, prepare. -Brian, to your point about Mr. Castor. At one point, he compared manslaughter to murder which both involve culpability. -Thanks. Which, given the fact that they're trying to figure out whether or not the President incited it, it was a bad way to go. -Wow, you know it's bad whenever Hannity, Kilmeade, and Ducey are saying you're unprepared. I mean, I'm pretty sure Kilmeade wears a sign around his neck that says "If lost return to Fox and friends." Side note, Trump's lawyers are so lost they couldn't connect the dots between Brian Kilmeade's extremely close together eyes. But more importantly, my question to the Senators is this, if Trump's lawyers did such a bad job, then why did you vote with him anyway? Lindsey Graham sounds like he's describing a movie he didn't understand, but liked anyway. [ As Graham ] What I liked about "Fight Club" is that, at it's core, it's about a friendship between Brad Pitt and Ed Norton, who play two different people. But I have to say that one of the most galling things I heard about the trial yesterday, was that as House managers laid out damning evidence of Trump's guilt, including harrowing scenes of violence at the Capitol, stoked explicitly by the former President himself, several Republican Senators couldn't even be bothered to pay attention. -While the Democrats were playing their video of rioters storming the Capitol, a handful of Republican Senators including Rick Scott, Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, barely even looked at the screen according to reports. And Rand Paul was looking down at a paper in his lap where he had begun doodling with a pencil. -Of course Rand Paul was doodling. he looks like a doodle that was hit by lightning and came to life. He was probably drawing a prototype for a new ultra weak shower head to give him even weirder hair. But hey, if you were a juror, who had already made up your mind how you were gonna vote, you would doodle too. They should all come to the trial with sewing needles and knit turtlenecks that go all the way up to the top of their heads. The President stoked a violent insurrection at the Capitol and when presented with damning video evidence of that fact, Republicans looked the other way, not just metaphorically, but literally. They do not care that it happened, and we have to assume they wouldn't care if it happened again, they're not even paying attention. If you ask them to recap the arguments, they'd say there were -- -Comments about -- I forget what it was. -This has been "A Closer Look." ♪♪ God's Love We Deliver cooks and brings over 2 million meals a year to men, women, and children living with HIV, AIDS, cancer and other serious illnesses and they need your help now more than ever. If you're watching this online, you can hit the "Donate" button. Stay safe, wash your hands, wear a mask, we love you.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 3,779,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, with, Seth, Meyers, acl, a closer look, NBC, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Joe Biden, President, Inauguration, Inauguration day, Kamala Harris, Jill Biden, Donald Trump, Capitol, US Capitol, Trump, Kamala, Pence, Mike Pence, news, White House, Election, Impeachment, Insurrection, Congress, Senate, House, President Biden, President Trump, politics, trial, impeachment trial, lawyer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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