Trump threatens Americans, Fox Host calls it "somber"

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our country is going bad and it's going to be  changed on November 5th and if it's not changed   we're not going to have a country anymore Brian  uh looks like the president was really balanced   a somber tone Speaker 1: Failed. Former President  Donald Trump gave an interview on his plane to   Brian Kilmeade to Fox News right after going  to the wake of a New York police officer killed   in the line of duty. Trump's entire presence  there was, of course, one of these contrived   moments that Trump is using to bolster himself  above others. And you really have to see this.   I watched this three times to see if I'm really  seeing what what I think I'm seeing. Trump goes   on an unhinged rant, threatening that if  he doesn't win in November, it's going to   be certain destruction for the country. And then  they cut to Fox and Friends host Lawrence Jones,   and Lawrence Jones goes a very somber tone  from President Trump. It's an it's a completely   unhinged screed in which he threatens the country.  And Lawrence Jones goes very somber, very somber   from Trump. Here, look at this November 5th. Speaker 3: That's Election day. It's going   to be November 5th. That is the most important  period of time. It's the most important day in   the history of our country. Our country is going  bad and it's going to be changed on November 5th.   And if it's not changed, we're not going to have  a country anymore. Brian, looks like the president   was really balancing. It was a somber tone. Speaker 1: A somber what are you talking about,   a somber tone. He he's leaving the wake of  a slain officer killed in the line of duty,   and he threatens the country with if he doesn't  win, you're not going to have a country anymore.   Very somber. Very, very somber. Trump. Also,  by the way, facing 88 felony charges and,   is jumping in on I support the police  and others don't he pulls that one with   Brian Kilmeade during this interview as well. Speaker 3: And politically, he can't support   the police. I think he's also making a mistake.  But I think politically is his, base won't let   him support the police and I support the  police. I would say at the highest level   of any president by far, maybe double or triple. Speaker 1: Trump supports the police. Double or   triple what anybody else does. But understand, of  course, that these are also lies. Joe Biden has   not defunded the police. Funding for police is not  up to Joe Biden. Joe Biden has not advocated for   defunding the police. No high ranking Democrat has  advocated for defunding the police. I don't really   know anyone other than some people on Twitter,  I guess, who want to defund the police. I know   lots of people who want to reform. I know  lots of people who want to improve, retrain,   reallocate all of those things. And it is actually  Republicans who have made it a habit of saying,   we need to cut funding from the FBI. They're not  exactly the strongest defenders of, Washington,   DC, Capitol Police after the January 6th riots.  But the rumor, the idea, the talking point   persists that it's Democrats that want to defund.  More from this sad excuse for an interview. Take a   look at this is the start of it, Mr. President. Speaker 3: This is what we got up to today with   the New York Post. Prime of  his life? Yeah. This officer,   taken out. You place the call earlier this week.  Why was it important for you to talk to Stephanie?  Speaker 1: Well, it's really important for my  campaign, Brian, to be seen as doing these things.  Speaker 3: Stephanie's incredible. And they wanted  me to be there, and I wanted to be there. And   I came in from Florida. And what a family.  The Diller family. And they lost a a hero,   really. I mean, just a hero. They're devastated.  The family is devastated. The police forces   devastated the whole country, you know, this way.  And, it's happening more and more and it's really   a lack of respect for law and order. And we  have to have law and order back in our country,   and we're going to do this. This can't happen.  This was a brutal murder. Not only is he a   police officer in the prime of his life cut down.  This guy had 70 collars in three years. He loved   doing the job. And this is a blue blood fan. Speaker 1: All right, so you kind of get it.   First of all, Trump is lying that the number  of that that it's happening more and more that   police officers are killed. It's a tragedy when  police officers are killed, particularly since   most of them are just trying to do their jobs  and improve their communities. Most of them,   that's the reality. And it's a tragedy when they  are killed. But it's not happening more and more.   You can actually go all the way back to 1996,  almost 30 years, and you can see that essentially   officer deaths bounce between 100 and 140 per  year. It once went as low as 80, by the way, under   Barack Obama, it was as high as 140 under George  W Bush. By the way, right now that we're talking   a relatively small range, but it's not happening  more and more. It's just not a reality that it's   happening more and more. We have data on this  and Trump is lying. And then lastly, with regard   to this interview, here is Fox News anchor Dana  Perino in response. Bonds to this Trump interview,   playing up the growing criminality in the United  States despite the fact that crime is down and   it's down in a lot of places, and significantly. Speaker 3: It's really a lack of respect for law   and order. And we have to have law and order  back in our country, and we're going to get   this can't happen. It's getting getting worse  and worse for police because we're not we're not,   taking care of them. We're not, we're not we're  not allowing them to do their job properly.   Former President Trump giving voice to what so  many Americans are thinking after attending the   wake for NYPD Officer Jonathan Miller, who was  fatally shot in the line of duty, a sad reminder   as surging crime and devastating violence  are transforming the nation's once vibrant   cities into fearful danger zones. Welcome to a  brand new hour of America's newsroom. I'm Dana.  Speaker 1: That entire thing was a lie. That  entire thing was. First of all, if I recall   correctly, this is the first NYPD officer killed  in the line of duty in more than two years. So   the idea that this is even an epidemic in New  York is a lie. New York's violent crime rate.   New York's murder rate. They are lower than those  of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. And they love to talk   about the dangerous Democratic cities and blah,  blah, blah. They are. And it's funny how she says,   as many Americans are feeling it, it's probably  true. Many Americans probably are feeling that.   But facts don't care about your feelings. I  remember being told, and the facts, of course,   are that officer deaths are basically flat  dating back 30 years. Tragic when they happen,   but basically flat violent crime is down,  the murder rate is down, and New York is   safer than Oklahoma City. Those are the facts, the  feelings you can get from Dana Perino on Fox News
Channel: David Pakman Show
Views: 293,566
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Keywords: trump threatens america, trump plane interview, trump interview on plane, trump cop funeral, trump new york funeral, trump attacks america, trump fox news, 2024 election, 2024 primaries, trump 2024, biden 2024, trump vs biden, republican primary, trump, desantis, biden, nikki haley, voter fraud, chris christie, vivek
Id: yXXIl3o3Eb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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