Trump says he will appeal against his criminal conviction

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count one guilty count two guilty count three [Music] guilty jubilant New Yorkers had been waiting for this moment and gathered outside the courthouse in Manhattan as news of the jury's momentous verdict trickled in it took them just under 10 hours to pronounced Donald Trump guilty of all 34 charges guilty branding the former and still perhaps future president the highest office in the land as a common criminal 26 only this criminal lives in a golden Tower if they can do this to me they can do this to anyone Donald Trump predictably cast himself as the Marty today in a 40-minute monologue where he claimed he'd already raised nearly 40 million in donations off the back of his conviction it was a rig trial we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial we didn't get it we wanted a judge change we wanted a judge that wasn't conflicted and obviously he didn't do that uh there's nobody's ever seen anything like it the salacious case of the former president and the adult film actress stormmy Daniels was a risky bet from the very start other New York prosecutors had poured over the evidence years before and concluded they could not bring charges against Donald Trump and yet New York's district attorney Alvin Bragg made the Bold decision to bring the case anyway last April it was a stunning moment in American legal and political history the first ever indictment of a former US president to win their conviction though the prosecution persuaded the jury that Trump had engaged in a cover up falsely classifying hush money to stormmy Daniels as legal expenses to silence her allegations of an affair that Trump believed threatened his chances of winning the 2016 election everyone wants to pick on the fact that he slept with a woman but it's really not about that it's about keeping information from the American people in advance of an election unsurprisingly in heavily Democratic New York there was celebration that the Brash billionaire appeared to have got his comeuppance finally some accountability he is not a Teflon Don anymore he's a convicted don don the felon but there was visible pain for the Trump devotees America he was wrongly convicted the man is innocent who cares who he sleeps with who if he goes to see prostitutes I don't care I see you bought the wig oh yes I'm trying to support my guy draw attention to our side too so he's your guy you must be feeling pretty glum yes we're we're in shock I I still don't believe it people love Trump the jury of his own peers has convicted him it's New York it's clown show where you at in a divided country facing an election the verdict now presents Americans with a stark question can they back a convicted criminal as their next president it's been five weeks in the making but today the jury has spoken and Donald Trump is today leaving this court the former president as a convicted criminal not an understatement to say that that is history right there in the melee we ran into the cour artist who captured Donald Trump's face the moment the verdict was read the jury for person read the verdict and as soon as the foreman said guilty he looked he shut his eyes and he looked down and then he shook his head so he looked emotional oh he he looked angry and uh depressed and aggravated Donald Trump is furious but we know he'll try and wear his convictions as a badge of honor and it doesn't stop him running or even becoming president in November so I don't think this conviction will ultimately have an effect on the outcome of the presidential election I don't think it's a good thing I'm sure he doesn't didn't want you know to have a guilty verdict but he will somehow turn this into a a campaign uh Speech but for those maybe sitting on the fence he could actually lose some support potentially yeah I think that's right maybe those sort of tweeners if you will um who will now be less inclined to vote for someone who has a criminal record as this country's president that's the million dooll question that Trump no doubt will be agonizing over as he remains holed up in his Manhattan skyscraper today guilty gu how if at all the guilty verdict will impact him in the polls ahead of election day it's still too early to say but one thing though is for sure this first conviction of any president current or former in US history will reverberate not just in November but for decades to come well in the last half hour or so Joe Biden has broken his silence on the verdict saying it reaffirms the American principle that no one is above the law what happens next for Donald Trump well he is due to appear in about 6 weeks time on July the 11th in that Court there behind me for senten of course that will be about 4 days before he is due to be anointed as the Republican Party nominee to run for president at its convention in Milwaukee in Wisconsin setting up the bizarre split screen moment where he will no doubt be hailed as the hero just as he has been sentenced as a convicted criminal the judge could give him anything up to four years as you mentioned but that is seen as unlikely Trump is a 77y old man this is his first offense and it is a nonviolent ENT crime but the mayor here in New York says that the notorious Rikers Island prison is ready to receive Donald Trump if that's the way the judge chooses to go it is more likely though that he will face a fine or some form of uh community service or the indignity more likely of probation where he will be monitored but most likely allowed to continue to carry on campaigning um one thing that we do know for sure his he has confirmed today is that he will appeal uh the conviction and the sentence and that this is likely the only case that will be heard between now and November because the other three far more serious criminal cases against him around January the 6th and stolen documents Donald Trump has successfully managed to kick into the long grass sioban Kennedy well I'm joined Now by Mick mulany who was chief of staff at the White House under President Trump thanks for joining us um would you agree that whichever side of this argument you're on this is a really bad moment for America because you have a president and a presidential candidate who is now a criminal convict and his response is to undermine the American judicial system and say it's all rigged and it's terrible yeah there's a couple different ways to look at it if you're a trump fan this is terrible because what it means is that we're becoming a Banana Republic where people pursue their political opponents uh using the criminal court system in order to sort of prevent your opponents from challenging you in election if if you're a trump opponent um you're faced now with a a convicted felon possibly running or certainly running and possibly winning the presidency so so regardless of what your politics are this is not a not a happy time in terms of American politics I mean doesn't it also mean that more and more Americans are being encouraged to distrust their own system of government their own separation of powers their own Judicial System you know and a lot a lot of Americans already don't trust the judicial system um and this will make more of them fact you you you've hit on something there that I think is just starting to sink in here in the country in the last 12 hours 24 hours about there are a lot more people here who have a distrust of the system that I think a lot of us myself included believed um there's been several interviews I've seen on TV and I recognize that anecdotes are not data but several interviews with people saying you know what now Donald Trump knows how we feel you know how I feel that I've been singled out in the past that we a minority group for example has been singled out in mistreated in the past and that maybe Trump now has an empathy um for those voters that that he didn't have before so yes I think there's a lot of folks who look at this and say you know what what's happening to Trump is what could happen to me and they're thinking about voting for Donald Trump for that reason it's it's just bizarre do do you actually think this will change votes I mean when you think how narrow the election comes down to just what seven states a small number of undecided voters do you really think this could change things um I think he lost votes last last night there's no question there's going to be a certain group of people who will not vote for a convicted felon for president that's for sure but if there's a large number of minorities of African-Americans of Hispanics who say you know what Donald Trump now gets it he can speak to me in a way that my Democrats can't and I'm going to support him because he's being mistreated just like I've been me been mistreated that is that is an interesting question so he lost votes last night it remains to be seen if he can make up enough votes to sort of still maintain his leads in those in those States but it's going to be fascinating to watch I mean given everything he has said about immigrants um to America um you know he's been widely accused of of saying all sorts of racist things over the years do you think that's a credible thing that that black voters and Hispanics could think he's now on you know he's on their side Mitt Romney got about 4% of the African-American vote in 2012 Donald Trump got about 6% in 2016 he got 12% in 2020 in the last National poll I said had at 23% amongst the African-American Community again don't understand it but I'm a Suburban White married male so it's it's a different demographic group but yet it certainly seems that Donald Trump is reaching into the minority groups in ways that other Republicans have uh not been able to do for a long long time so so do you think he's now looking more likely to be president no I think the jury's still out on that to use a bad metaphor I apologize for that um no I think he again he lost votes last night whether or not he can continue to take his victimization message um to the folks that that would ultimately Propel him into the White House remains to be seen but I I don't think it's safe to say I've done a bunch of media today with people saying well clearly the election is over and Joe Biden has won that nothing could be further from the truth um the race was close yesterday and it's still close today and will be close on November 6th right and and as as more cases come come up uh and there are some you know three big cases still to go um do they have the same effect do you think uh probably not just because it's unlikely that any of those either those any of those three cases will be actually heard in a Jud ated before the election itself so while it still hangs over the president a former president well it will still take some of his time because he may have some pre-trial motions Etc that certainly generate a lot of press we don't anticipate another jury coming back with another decision before the November election while you're with us can I just ask you about another breaking news story that's happening at the moment which is that Joe Biden has announced what looks like a a new deal offer uh for a ceasefire in Israel Gaza if Joe Biden can bring about peace in the Middle East how much of an election boost is that for him um a good bit I think that would help bolster his foreign policy credibility he has struggled mightily um with the situation of Gaza as we refer to it here in the US he's he's got a problem with a three eyes which is inflation immigration and Israel and if he can draw participate in drawing the hostilities to a close that would certainly help him no question Nick mve thank you very much and for joining us thank you
Channel: Channel 4 News
Views: 32,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trump, donald trump, hush money, stormy daniels, michael cohen, us, usa, america, joe biden, democrats, republicans, case, crime, criminal trial, criminal case, money, presidential election, election, us presidential election, 2024 us presidential election
Id: fBdhusbO6a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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