TrueNAS SCALE - How to generate Let's encrypt Certificate with ACME Shell Script (

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hello guys in today's video i  will show you how to generate   let's encrypt certificate with the  acme shell script on TrueNAS Scale so first thing if you haven't  done so you have to change the   local domain to the fully qualified  domain name so in order to do that   you can navigate it to a network and  under the global configurations settings from here you can change the host name or the   domain name to the fully qualified domain name  or FQDN so my uh FQDN is uh hostname I'm going to change this to  something else since I already assigned   TrueNAS to another VM. I'm  going to call it truenatscale102 and we will go down and we're going to save  it. All right, so in order for this to take a   effect you have to restart truenas so  we'll go ahead and do that, restart all right now that it restarted  we're gonna go ahead and log back in okay, notice how the host names it changed  to the FQDN so now you can log in using that  FQDNinstead of using IP address All right, the next step we're gonna go to uh  Credentials and then Certificates. So as you see,   iXsystem actually included ACME DNA Authenticator.  However uh the only two a DNS API they included.   This is for Cloudflare and the other one is  rout53. Cloudflare is a common uh DNS uh or   a Domain provider for most of um commercials and  so is route53 which is AWS not a lot of it's not a   popular choice for a personal use acme shell  script actually supported a lot of DNS API.   I don't know why iXsystem decided that  they only included two in the GUI for the   DNS authenticators if you have a Cloudflare or  the rroute53 which is AWS uh you can use the   GUI to set up your let's encrypt certificate, if  not uh we're gonna uh we're gonna go to the next   step all right in the next step we're going to  install the shell script so in order to   do that you're going to have to uh system  settings and select a shell all right I'm   going to make the font size a little bit bigger  so it's easier for you to follow along there we go so I'm going to go ahead and head to the  acme official github and copy the command   to install it online so i'm going to  copy the first command and the email   use any email that you want to get notified about  the certificate it gonna let you know whether the   certificate about to expired whether it  failed to renew or the certificate that   already expired okay i'm going  to go ahead and paste it in here and the email i'm going to use  uh all right all right next step we're gonna  provide a credential for the   acme script to authenticate our DNS  so it really depends on what kind of   service provider you're using for me i'm  using the ClouDNS so in order to provide the credentials I'm going to use the  command export CLOUDNS_SUB_AUTH_ID= I'll paste it in here and get my SUB AUTH ID from  the ClouDNS so for ClouDNS the API it have full   access to our domain and settings the SUB ID it  did have a little bit more limitations a limit by   the amount of zone or the amount of mail  forwarding it have access to so it's better   for security so the sub id is 16097 okay 16097  actually put in the quotation mark "16097" 16097 yep enter and next we're gonna provide a password so  password is gonna be export CLOUDNS_AUTH_PASSWORD= okay and the password that that sysadmin102@@@ 102 there we go all right now that we've provided  the um credential for ClouDNS, the next step is to   issue the certificate so the  command gonna be a --issue and then --dns dns so for this one you're going to release this  with whatever your dns api is so for me at the   dns_cloudns for the api and it's going to be you  can specify the key lens by using --keylength   to customize the key length otherwise you  can use the default setting which is fine 4096 and -d for the domain  and we're going to put the   TrueNAS in here  make sure you to check your spelling if it's   wrong then it's not going to be working  and once you've done that hit enter all right if everything runs smoothly you have the   you should have something similar like this  on your screen if you get the time out just   rerun the script again and it should be working  just fine and this is where the location that   the let's encrypt certificate stores on your  TrueNAS the next step is to generate a new API   key so we can deploy the certificate on TrueNAS so  you can navigate to the settings and then API key   all right and we're going to add the new  API key we're just going to name it Cert   deploy add a new one all right and we're  going to copy that API key to clipboard   and I'm not going to open up the text file and  paste this in there let me go ahead and close   this we can go back to the system settings and  then shelves all right I'll make the font bigger so next step we're going to launch the copy the  python shell that made by the user danb35 on a   TrueNAS forum to deploy the certificate so I'm  using this command to download the python script okay All right you can use the list command to  see if it actually successfully downloaded   okay you can see that it successfully downloaded  on the deploy under the deploy-freenas   folder next step is we're going to change the  directory to that folder so cd /deploy-freenas   do a list command again so in here you have the  readme file it's also have a deploy_config.sample   and for python so in order to  view this script, you have to create a config file   so we're gonna use nano text editor and open the   deploy_config_sample so we can create a config  file from that i can click on the Control   O to write out a new file and I'm going to  use the backspace to delete out .sample and   enter yes to save as a new file ctrl X we can use  the list command again and as you see now we have   the new file called deploy_config we're going  to edit that file using the nano text editor okay and it's not recommended to you the  root username and password in plain text   so we're gonna disable that using the hashtag icon and we're gonna delete that one to add  edit the API key that we generated earlier enter and put the new API key in  there remove the space here all right okay and ctrl X, Y to save it okay  next step is we're gonna deploy the certificate to your uh to uh the TrueNAS so the command gonna be --install-cert -d okay and it's gonna be a and then we can add the reload command --reloadcmd quotation mark deploy -freenas and then it's gonna be a and quotation mark again and enter okay so the certificate that imports successful all right it should restart a web interface okay we're going to log back into the tuner okay now that you head over to  the credentials and certificate   you'll see that it have it now have the  certificate generated by less encrypt   and up here you still see that red icon that is  because this is http not https so in order to   redirect https we have to go to  system setting and then general and under settings we're gonna change uh enable the web interface  http to https redirect and we're going to save it and confirm all right and now that it restart we log back in and there we go is no longer read because   the certificate that certified by  um let's encrypt or is zero ssl all right and lastly we need to create a cron job  so that is automatically renew the certificate   we don't have to manually run the script so  in order to do that you can would navigate it   to a system settings and then select advanced  under cron jobs we're going to add a new one   and we're gonna call it the let encrypt renewal and the command dan already  provided command for us so   we're just going to copy and paste that command and we're going to run it as a root  user and we're gonna run this weekly and I'm gonna go ahead and set the crown shot  and we can test it out by running the job okay it's completed successfully all right and that's it for uh today tutorial  guy if you think the tutorial is helpful don't   forget to subscribe like and if you don't like  watching video you can head over to my uh blog uh   or forum I will be posting the tutorial  for this in my Blog and as well as my forum   thank you for watching and I'll see  you guys in the next tutorial bye bye!
Channel: SYSADMIN102™
Views: 14,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Syadmin102, Nhan, Nguyen, Nextcloud, TrueNAS, FreeNAS, ClouDNS, Tutorial, how to, cloud, Data Storage, Networking, NAS, Remote Access, A record, DNS Record, owncloud, SSL, Let's Encrypt, HTTPS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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