"True Faith Works!" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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james chapter 2 in just a moment we'll begin reading in verse 14 james chapter 2 verse 14. how do you tell if somebody is what they say they are how do you tell a male man how do you tell know whether somebody's a teacher a preacher or a surgeon or a musician if they just say well i'm a i'm a mailman or i'm a preacher or i'm a musician does that mean that that's what they are not necessarily the way you know somebody is what they say they are is that they do things that show that they say what they say is what they are if if you're a mailman i i need to see you sometime taking mail to somebody's house if you're a teacher i need to see you sometimes stand up in front of some people and teach if you're a preacher i need to see you in a pulpit preaching the word of god if you're a surgeon i kind of need to know that you go back there and you put your outfit on and you put your mask on and you were doing that before it was cool and so you uh you go back there and you can operate on somebody and if you are a musician like these folks are i expect to see you pick up some type of instrument and play it it's not just what you say that matters it's what you do that matters and if you say that you're a christian do i need to believe that right off the top not necessarily what do you do that shows that you are a christian do you ever read the bible do you ever share the gospel with lost people jesus said follow me and i will make you say it out loud with me fishers of men if you are not telling people about jesus if you're not fishing for lost souls you're not following jesus as closely as you should and to be frank with you you might not be following him at all you say i'm a christian i prayed way back in the day i understand all that but did you really mean what you prayed and then is there any fruit to show that you're a real christian i'm not talking about a perfect life there's no such thing except for the lord jesus christ but i am talking about a christ-like life do you enjoy being around the people of god or do you just hang out by yourself all the time and you never get around god's people you never go to church you never sit under the teaching of the word of god and you can do that without it bothering you i want to say this to you christians can live in sin but they can't enjoy it very long christians can live in sin but it will eat them alive the holy ghost will eat them up i'm telling you if if you're living in sin and it's not bothering you that should bother you that should bother you because the spirit of god if you belong to christ he's going to make sure that you're constantly aiming toward jesus and if you're not he's going to be dealing with you on the inside james says exactly that in our text we know that we're christian not merely by the words that we speak but primarily by the good works that we do the works don't save us but they show that we are saved they are evidence for the fact that we know jesus i want to ask you is there any evidence in your life that other people can see and they would say you know what i don't know that person but i'll just almost assure you they're a christian the way they act if somebody finds out that you're a christian would they be shocked or would they say that doesn't surprise me at all the way they live the way they act the way they are no doubt about it their faith is backed up by their works well let's talk about the title is true faith works it works if you've got a genuine faith it will produce good works first of all james says in our text faith without works is profitless look at verse 14 what use is it my brethren if someone says he has faith but he has no words can that faith literally that kind of faith save him if a brother or sister is without clothing and is in need of daily food and one of you says to them go in peace shalom go in peace be warmed be filled and yet you don't give them what is necessary for their body what use is that in modern vernacular what's up with that even so faith if it has no works is dead because it's by itself verse 14 he gives just like his brother jesus did he gives two questions he asks two questions not to get an answer but to make a point it's a teaching method first question what use is it my brethren if someone says he has faith but he has no works what use is that it's profitless can that faith or that kind of faith save him in other words they have this profession of faith but it produces no christ-likeness and no christ-like words it's nothing except deceptive pretentious religion and religion won't save you look at verses 15 and 16 he gives a superb illustration of what he's talking about if a brother or a sister we're talking about christian people if they're without clothing and in need of daily food many of the christians in this day because they were becoming christians their families were abandoning their jewish families were abandoning them that's who he's speaking he's speaking to jewish christians they would abandon them they'd lose their jobs and all of a sudden they'd be out he said if a brother or sister is without clothing without daily food and one of you just kind of pats them on the back and says oh you go on in peace now you be warmed you be filled but yet you don't give them what is necessary for their body what's up with that what use is that what good does it do to profess faith in jesus if you don't act like jesus you know when jesus saw somebody that was hurting he helped them when somebody was hungry he fed them when somebody was sick he healed them when somebody was in need he tried to meet the need lip service faith doesn't meet the need it doesn't feed the hunger it doesn't clothe the naked it doesn't help people out and then he shuts the door on it in verse 17 he says even so if it has faith that if it has no works it's dead it's dead being by itself it is profitless years ago i heard this story bear with me it's a little bit long but you'll understand why i think it's pertinent to read it at this point if you'll just stick with me it came about to pass that a group of men existed who called themselves fishermen and lo there were many fish all around them in fact the entire area was surrounded by streams and lakes filled with fish and the fish were hungry week after week month after month year after year those who called themselves fishermen held meetings and talked about their call to the to fish the abundance of fish all around them and how they might go about fishing year after year they carefully defined what fishing meant defended fishing as an occupation and declared the fishing that fishing is always supposed to be the primary task of fishermen these fishermen built large beautiful buildings for local fishing headquarters the plea was that everyone should be a fisherman and every fisherman should fish one thing they didn't do however they didn't fish in addition to meeting regularly they organized a board to send out fishermen to other places where there were many fish the board was formed by those who had the great vision and courage to speak about fishing to define fishing to promote the idea of fishing in faraway streams and lakes where many other fish of various different colors lived also the board hired staff and appointed committees and held many meetings to define fishing to find fishing to and to decide which new stream should be considered for fishing but the staff and the committee members did not fish large elaborate expensive training centers were built whose original and primary purpose was to teach fishermen how to fish over the years courses were offered on the needs of the fish the nature of the fish how to define fish the psychological reactions of fish and how to approach and feed the fish those who taught had phds in fish ology but the teacher and the teachers never fished they only taught about fishing furthermore the fishermen built large printing houses to publish fishing guides presses were kept busy day and night to produce materials solely devoted to fishing methods equipment and programs to arrange and encourage meetings to talk about fishing a speaker's bureau was also provided to schedule special speakers to speak on the subject of fishing after one stirring meeting on the topic of the necessity of fishing one young man left the meeting and actually went fishing the next day he reported that he caught two outstanding fish he was honored for his excellent catch and was immediately scheduled to visit all the big meetings possible to tell how he did it so he quit his fishing in order to have time to tell about his experience of fishing and catching two fish to the other fisherman he was also placed on the fisherman's general board as a person having considerable experience in fishing now it's true that many of the fishermen sacrificed and put up with all kinds of difficulties some live near the water that bore the smell of dead fish they received the ridicule from some people who made fun of their fishermen clubs and the fact that they claimed to be fishermen but never fished they wondered about it about those who felt it was little used to attend and talk about fishing after all were they not following their master who said follow me and i'll make you fishers of men imagine how hurt some of them were one day when someone suggested that those who do not fish are not really fishermen no matter how much they claim to be you're not a fisherman just because you talk about fishing you're only a fisherman if you fish and you're not a christian just because you talk about it you're a christian by living like jesus herschel hobbes said many years ago if there is no fruit it's because there's no root god wants your faith to go to work and if it doesn't go to work it is not a real faith he wants you to fish for the souls of lost men he wants you to live in the word and share that word with other people he wants you to pray he wants you to worship him he wants you to live a christ-like life he doesn't want it just to be something you say he wants it to be something you do if you say that you love the lord but you don't ever live like the lord you don't love the lord if you say that you love bellevue baptist church but you don't support this ministry with your presence and with your participation and with your prayers and with your financial giving and with your ministry you don't really love this church if you say that you believe the bible but you rarely ever even pick it up much less read it much less memorize it do you really love the bible and do you really love the author the lord jesus christ if you're prejudiced toward anybody because of the color of their skin is it even possible that jesus christ who loves all people the same is it possible that jesus lives within you if you don't have good works talks cheap talks cheap you never fellowship with believers and yet you're a christian talk is cheap never share your testimony never even have a feeling of concern about lost people talks cheap preach a sermon but don't live like the lord during the week talk is cheap say you're for racial reconciliation but you hate people of the other color talk is cheap amen faith without works is profitless number two faith without works is and i invented a word here proofless you say is that a word it is now we invented it verse 18. but someone may well say you have faith i have works okay show me your faith without your works and i'll show you my faith by my works it's interesting that both faiths and faith and various kinds of works are listed as spiritual gifts in the premier text on spiritual gifts first corinthians chapter 12 verses 7 through 10. but to each one is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good for to one is given the word of wisdom through the spirit and to another the word of knowledge according to the same spirit to another faith there it is by the same spirit to another gifts of healing by the one spirit to another the affecting of miracles the performance of miracles the actuality the acting out of miracles and to another prophecy into another distinguishing or discerning of spirits to another various kinds of tongues and to another the interpretation of tongues faith is referred to clearly in verse 9 and then various actions various works are referred to in many of the other spiritual gifts when he talks about in verse 8 words of wisdom and words of knowledge what has to happen a work you have to speak those words of knowledge speak those words of wisdom and you might you might have even had that spiritual gift and you didn't even know it maybe god gave you a word for somebody and you're just burning in your heart and you know that you're supposed to tell them and you say i don't know if i'll tell them man listen if it's the spirit of god lovingly tell them and just speak a word into their lives it might be a word of knowledge it might be a word of wisdom and it might be exactly what they're praying about but you have to do it it's a work perfecting miracles it's a work healing you lay hands on people and it is a work speaking prophecies that's a work distinguishing or discerning various kinds of demonic spirits so that you know how to bind them in the name of jesus through his shed blood by the power of the holy spirit the word of god and you cast them out and you bind them and you ask god to plunder their property plunder their house and to loosen their stead the holy ghost you have to discern that that's an action that is a work to distinguish those various spirits and then speaking tongues you have to speak you have to interpret those are actions so both faith and works are mentioned in spiritual gifts and he says go ahead you try to show me that you're a christian without your works just with your faith and i'll show you my faith by my works what i do shows that i really am who i say that i am now you think about the apostle paul paul would call com compared to him there is nobody in this room that is suffered even close he would probably in a loving way call us wimps because we just have not you say oh brother steve now wait a minute uh somebody talked ugly uh about me at school because i was a christian paul would say you got any scars on your back have you been beaten paul was defending himself one day about his christianity some people were questioning whether or not he was even a christian much less a god-called man and you know what he pointed to not just his words but his works he said listen let me let me tell you about this in second corinthians chapter 11 look on the screen are they these people that are accusing me of not being a true servant of christ are they servants of christ i know i sound like a madman when i say these things but i have served there it is works him jesus far more i have worked harder i have been put in prison more often i have been whipped times without number i have faced death again and again five different times the jewish leaders gave me 39 lashes and all those were done in synagogues by the way before religious people watching him being beaten three times i was beaten with rods one time i was stoned three times i was shipwrecked once i spent a whole night and a day adrift at sea i have traveled on many long journeys i have faced danger from rivers from robbers i have faced dangers from my own people the jews as well as from the gentiles i have faced dangers in the cities in the deserts and on the seas and i have faced danger from men who claim to be believers but they are not i have worked hard i have worked long i have endured many sleepless nights i've been hungry i've been thirsty i've often gone without food i've shivered in the cold without enough clothing to keep me warm then besides all of this i have the daily burden of my concern for all of these churches who is weak without my feeling weakness who is led astray and i don't burn with anger if i must boast i would rather boast about the things that show how weak i am god the father of our lord jesus who is worthy of eternal praise knows i am not lying when i was in damascus the governor under king arethus kept guards at the city gates to catch me i had to be lowered in a basket through a window in the city wall to escape from him and what he's saying is this look i know that i'm a christian i know that that god lives in me i am not perfect but i got news for you my works show that i have faith i know that i have faith because i have served jesus i have worked hard for jesus i've been imprisoned for jesus i've been whipped for jesus i have faced wrath and death for jesus the jews beat me with 39 lashes several times i have been beaten with robs i have been stoned i have been shipwrecked i have traveled abroad on long journeys i have been floating out on a piece of wood wondering if a shark was going to eat me and i did it for a day and for a whole night i have traveled long journeys i have faced dangers from many areas i've worked hard i have worked long i've been hungry i've gone without sleep i have gone without proper clothing i have gone without water i have shivered in the cold i have the daily burden of the churches on me i even had to be lowered out of a window in a basket to get away from a wicked king don't tell me i don't have faith paul said i'll prove it by my words my works i didn't do that for me he said i did it for the lord now you tell me how do you know you're a christian where are your works well i come to church good what else you got there well i give a little money sometimes okay what else you got i read my bible once in a while oh that's big of you what else you got well once in a time i i i try to pray before i eat oh great what else you got that's about it that's it that's all you got i'm coming that's all you got you ever shared your testimony with anybody god ever laid it on your heart to pay somebody's rent one month if god ever laid it on your heart to give that used car away instead of trading it in on a new one giving it to somebody doesn't have a car ever thought about maybe just fixing a meal for somebody and taking it to them you ever thought about laying hands on somebody and praying for them have you ever thought about forgiving somebody that wronged you whether they ask for it or not you ever thought about calling your own mother who lives by herself and is lonely i sure wish i could call mine you know why it's quiet in here because the holy ghost is talking to people and you better drink it up because i'm telling you faith without works is nothing talk is cheap this is real christianity right here if you have a faith that you can't prove by your works you don't have a faith thirdly faith without works is popular this is what most people have they believe in god oh i believe in god well that's wonderful good for you look at verse 19. you believe that god is one you do well the demons also believe and shudder how many of you believe the demons are going to heaven please don't raise your hand but they believe in god but hell was made for them but they believe in god i know and that's not enough you believe that god is one you do well the demons also believe and shudder that is they tremble but are you willing to recognize you foolish fellow that faith without works is useless it's popular but it's useless he's talking to jews and they had this wonderful theological concept back in the old testament way back in the day of moses and even beyond they said you know what there's not many gods they they came out of a land you know abraham and all those guys came out of land of pantheism and polytheism when there were many gods and all these multiple gods a god for this a god for that over here over here there there and they said no no no no there is only one god he is jehovah god and it is in deuteronomy 6 4 the shama hear o israel read it out loud with me the lord is our god the lord is what one the only one god oh they got in trouble over that only one god and he's jehovah he's our god and so the jews took pride in that yes sir we are monotheistic we believe in god we're not like those pagans that believe in many gods james says you believe that god is one wonderful so does the devil and so did the demons that's not enough and then paul would write timothy there's only one god and there's only one mediator between that god and all of mankind the man christ jesus there's only one god believe in him that's great but also believe in the one that can get you to him and that is jesus christ not buddha not allah not any other so-called god the only way to god is through jesus christ our lord and so james comes right along paul and they say believing in one god is not enough that's popular but it's not enough i talk to people all the time and i say do you know the lord oh yeah i believe in god i said i i didn't ask you that do you know jesus well i i think so i didn't ask you that i said do you know jesus well i don't know about all that well let's talk head knowledge of existence of god not enough not enough you got to know it and and by the way you know this whole thing demons a lot of people don't believe in them well jesus did and he believed that they believed in him and they believed in god but they weren't going to heaven jesus if i just want you to go read sometime go read right after jesus calmed the sea at the end of mark chapter four he then landed on the western shore of the sea of galilee and he comes right into a graveyard a gentile graveyard where two demonized men were and mark only talks of one of them but we know because of the other gospel there were two but one of them was prominent and so jesus the boat lands and you can almost hear the disciples saying jesus they see this naked demonized two naked demonized man running at them with chains dangling off of them that they've broken and jesus is the only one that gets out of the boat i have to imagine the conversation went something like this lord this one this looks like a job for you we're praying for you go ahead lord sick them jesus go get them and this guy runs up and what does he do you read it he falls to the ground and the demons start talking who are you we know who you are you're the holy son of god have you come to torment us before the time don't cast us out of this region demons are territorial go read in daniel how there was a demon for greece and a demon for this other country and they didn't want to leave where they were if you're going to cast us out cast us into those swine and jesus does something that i understand my brother that just died a couple of weeks ago he was my older brother i've told you this before i'll tell you again our routine was my mom and dad both worked my mom my dad worked at the railroad my mom worked at sears and we'd get a little carpool they drive us home and this happened every day for about three or four years almost every day and i remember it being daily and we would walk in we would drink a knee-high n-e-h-i orange or grape oh can i have a witness anybody ever had one of those oh my oh my cold knee-high oh i'm thirsty right now but anyway we would each drink ours and then he'd beat me up every day he just beat the tar out of me he'd sit down on me and hit me in my chest like that anybody ever done that to you i you know what i had a i had a tumor in there i think he did it my brother and i he'd lock my head up and squeeze it until i would say uncle or i give my head be red as a beat and i wasn't gonna sit and i was just thinking i said one of these days i'm gonna get bigger you know i'm gonna beat the tar out of you and i did and it was wonderful [Laughter] it was one i beat the tar out of him one day and i loved it sorry he'd hold my head finally i'd say i give up uncle he feels so good and jesus is saying to these demons when he said what's your name he's got him in a headlock say uncle give up and the demon said our name is legion for we are many now think about it legion an army the devil has an army they're well organized and they are militant and they're out to steal kill and destroy the bible says god has a plan for you and the bible says the devil has a plan for you and he wants to take you down he wants to destroy your marriage he wants to destroy your life he wants to destroy your health he wants to destroy your mind he wants to take you down and he's got a plan for you but listen if you'll walk with god you don't have to fear the devil you can walk with the lord jesus christ amen amen and jesus said what's your name legion for we are many go and he cast them like they wanted into the swine all the pigs died why because he was lord over those demons and those demons knew who he was and james says you believe in god big deal big deal so does the devil it's not enough to be popular and say i believe in god you got to believe in the son of god jesus christ before you'll ever know the father you can't say that you believe and go around committing immorality sleeping with people living with somebody you're not married to you either need to go one side or the other you can't live like that and call yourself a christian you can't live and have foul language all the time and call yourself a christian you can't go out and get drunk or get high on marijuana or whatever else all the time and call yourself a christian because christians don't need to get high on drugs we get high on the holy ghost amen you can't avoid the bible you can't avoid your prayer clause you can't never tell anybody about jesus and really be a christian you can't you can and you can't hate people of another color and truly be a follower of jesus oh faith without works is popular but it is sickening to god all right it's profitless proofless popular last thing faith without works is perfected and i'm not talking about perfection i'm talking about maturity that's the word look at verse 21 very quickly was not abraham our father justified by works when he offered up isaac his son on the altar you see that faith was working without his or with his works and as a result of the works faith was perfected or matured and the scripture was fulfilled which says and abraham believed god and it was reckoned to him as righteousness and he was called the friend of god here's abraham he's a hundred years old he's got this boy named isaac that god miraculously gave him when his wife and he were way past the time of childbearing and the bible says he has this child and he's the child of promise he's the one through whom will come jacob through whom who will become israel jacob's name his grandson would come from isaac and he he would have his name changed to israel and then you'd have the 12 tribes of israel and out of judah eventually would come the messiah so you've got all this writing on isaac being born and then one day in genesis 22 god says i want you to take that son your only son or the one you love and i want you to sacrifice him on the mount called moriah and he takes him to mount moriah and he holds that knife up because he believed that even if god the bible says in the new testament he believed that even if he killed isaac god would raise him from the dead to fulfill that promise and he was about to kill his own son and god didn't want him to kill his son he wanted him to be willing to kill his son he wanted him to love him god more than even his own son and god said stop and he stopped and he looked over and saw a ram and i'll guarantee you isaac was saying hallelujah for that ram over there amen and they sacrificed him and that's where we get the whole concept of jehovah jireh the lord our provider god provided the lamb and i got news where god provided us a lamb too amen in jesus christ and what what james is saying it wasn't that he just talked about works he had our faith he had works that proved his faith and then he's going to give us another illustration about a harlot a prostitute listen to this you see that man is justified verse 24 by works not by faith alone in the same way was not rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way for just as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead who in the world is rahab well do you remember moses moses had led right up to the promised land he dies one person went to moses funeral and that was god he buried him and then now joshua is in charge joshua in joshua chapter 2 sends two spies over to the first place they're going to take called jericho and these huge walls are all around it and the bible says these two men go and they find a prostitute not to be immoral with but to hide out and to search the city and the bible says this woman rahab the harlot it was not an accident that went to her house because she had heard about the living god and she gets these guys said you're you're part you're part of this group we've heard about you we heard about how god got you out of egypt we heard about how god through moses led you through the red sea and it parted we've heard about how when the egyptians tried to come in after you and kill you god closed it in on them and wiped them out we've heard about how he provided for you every day manna in the morning and bread and food to eat we've heard about how god has taken care of you how he's killed all these enemies we've heard and we know that he is the true god and we know that we're we're going to be destroyed we know that but i want you to know that i love your god i love your god and i want you to do something for me i'm one of you rahab's talking she's i i'm one of you and i'm sure by now she's quit being a harlot and she said i want you to i've given my heart to jehovah and i want you to do something for me when you guys come in and i know you're going to destroy this city i understand that but don't kill me and my family don't do it she had faith she proved it with her works these guys said okay deal one thing hang this scarlet thread this scarlet rope out of your window so we'll know where you are and we will tell everybody to leave you along we'll kill everybody else that's what he's talking about she had faith that produced works and she did what she was told to do and she was spared i'm telling you your works don't save you but they prove that you're saved and if you don't have good works you have every reason in the world to ask yourself you say i'm saved by grace that's right ephesians 2 8-9 for by grace you've been saved through faith that not of yourself it's the gift of god not as a result of works so that no one may boast but you know what the very next verse says it talks about works ephesians 2 10 for we are his workmanship that is we were saved to be workers for him created in christ jesus four good works which god prepared beforehand that we would walk in them if you don't have any works it's because you're not a christian they don't save you but they prove that you have genuine faith and your faith is bogus without works faith with works is mature it's perfected i'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day i'd rather one would walk with me than merely show the way the eye is a better pupil or student and more willing than the ear fine counsel is confusing but an example is always clear and the best of all the preachers are the ones who live their creed for to see the good put to action is what everybody needs i can soon learn to do it if you'll let me see it done i can watch your hands in action but your tongue too fast may run and the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true but i'd rather get my lesson by observing what you do i might under misunderstand you and the high advice you give but there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live when i see a deed of kindness i'm eager to be kind when a weaker brother stumbles and a strong man stands behind just to see if one can help him if then the wish grows strong in me to become as big and thoughtful as i know that friend to be and all travelers can witness that the best of guides today is the one who tells them not is not the one who tells them but the one who shows the way one good person teaches many people believe what they behold one deed of kindness noticed is worth 40 that are told those who stand with those of honor learn to hold their honored dear for right living speaks a language which to everyone is clear though an able speaker charms me with their eloquence i say i'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day you look at me you look at me i'm not mad at you believe it or not i pray for you every day i love you i love you too much not to tell you the truth and i'm telling you what james is saying just because you say you're a christian but if you don't have any actions to prove it are you really a christian faith without works is dead say it with me faith without works is dead say it again faith without works is dead may god give you a faith that works amen let's thank god for the word of god let's thank him for the word of god amen amen would you stand please let's all stand up let's bow our heads if you will if you don't know jesus or if you have been living a life you say i i hear you preacher i i don't have the works to back up my faith i don't know if i'm saved or not man don't play rush don't gamble with your soul your soul is going to live forever don't play russian roulette with your soul don't do it give your heart to christ if you're not sure make sure i made sure at a country church with 50 people there and i was the only one that walked forward i was 18 years old and i didn't know if i was saved or not i'm gonna find out when i get to heaven if i got saved when i was seven or when i was 18 but i know i'm saved now because in february of 1976 i made sure i nailed it down and i i've never regretted it so if you don't know that man nail it down right now right now up there in the balcony god's talking to you all the way back in the back god's talking all the way up front god's talking to you if you'd like to pray and receive christ i would love to lead you just like i led my own daughters here right where i'm standing to get married i led them in their vows i can lead you in your vow to the lord if you don't want to pray what i say that's fine you pray what you feel led to pray but let's bow and you receive jesus right now just say something like this dear lord jesus i want to be saved i believe you're the only savior i come to you because you're the only one to come to when it comes to salvation and lord i pray i i repent of my sin i turn i'm so tired of my sin i'm worn out by it lord i'm tired of it i reject it i can't promise you i'll never sin again i know i will but i want to tell you this i'm tired of it i turn my back on it forgive me for my sin i repent and lord i believe i believe that what you did on that old cross when you were crying out it is finished paid in full that you paid the penalty for my sin i believe that lord i believe you died for my sins you paid my debt i believe that and i believe that they buried you but i believe you rose from the dead jesus you're alive muhammad's dead but you're alive i want to thank you lord that you rose from the dead i believe that you died for me and you rose from the dead i believe that with all of my heart so i repent and i believe and now i receive i open my heart up to you i open my life up to you and i say jesus christ save me right now save me right now lord jesus wash me cleanse me fill me take me use me from this moment on may the 2nd sunday 2021 i know that i'm saved now and i'm going to live for you for the rest of my life in jesus name with our heads still bowed some of you christians out there don't you think it's time to start living for the lord what are you waiting on what's going to have to happen for you to get serious about the christian life our world is in trouble it is time for christians to stand up for christ in a loving way it's time if not now what's going to have to happen for you to get on board sir what's going to have to happen for you to be a man of god ma'am what's going to have to happen for you to be a woman of god young people what's going to have to happen for you to start living for jesus man it's time some of you all are 70 years old and still don't know that you're saved what in the world are you waiting on let's get with it let's press on let's recommit our life to the lord if you if you know the lord and you say man i'm not living for praise something like this and i've prayed this many times lord jesus my heart is cold to the things of god right now and i want my heart to be warm i want to be hot for you i want to live for you i want to love you i want to be the man or the woman that you want me to be god i want to be the teenager you want me to be i want to be the person you want me to be i don't want to be half-hearted i want to live for you i want to live in the word i want to be done with the things of the world i want my sins that have been changed to me i want to be set free from these shackles dear god i want to be the real deal i want it lord help me i just surrender i can't get saved again but i just commit my self afresh to you oh god here i am take me i'm your living sacrifice in jesus name i pray and all god's people said
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 1,615
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: True Faith Works, The Book of James, faith vs works, BellevueChurch, Bellevue Church, Bellevue Church Memphis, BellevueMemphis, Bellevue Memphis, Bellevue Church sermons, Steve Gaines, Steve Gains, PastorSteveGaines, Pastor Steve Gaines, Pastor Steve Gains, Steve Gaines Bellevue Church, Steve Gaines Sermons, Steve Gains Sermons, SundaySermon
Id: gIW0t2nNo_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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