True Dinosaur Sightings From Across The World! (Did They Really Go Extinct?)

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strange but true stories tales from the light side the dark side and the other side I'm Steve White strange creatures have been featured on lots and lots of programs including ours for a long long time cryptids or animals with questionable origin or lack of hard scientific evidence to support their existence have been debated for many years and yet sightings of these strange creatures still appear all over the clothed large sea creatures that beats themselves just last year in fact one in Indonesia and one pulled onto a Texas Beach by hurricane Harvey later identified as a demon fish have shown that lots of strange-looking creatures lurk in the depths and take the rediscovery of the coelacanth in 1938 long thought extinct since the Cretaceous period more than 140 million years ago it confirmed coelacanth was caught off the coast of South Africa and December 1938 other coelacanth fish were captured of the next several decades proving this prehistoric dinosaur of a fish found a way to survive into the 20th century so does that mean other dinosaur-like creature survived and yes crocodiles and alligators and some birds and fish can all trace roots back to dinosaur ancestry but what we are talking about today are about the creatures long thought extinct that may still be lurking these stories were collected from cryptozoology news the Lake Norman monster for more than 40 years the people living in recreational Lake Norman in Morrisville North Carolina have claimed to have seen a strange creature living in the depths of their waters Lake Norman has been a popular place for boaters swimmers and Sun worshipers for many years but some of those enjoying themselves on the waters say they have seen an unknown creature appearing occasionally on the surface Ted Hill told cryptozoology news that he was on the lake one afternoon in search of a beach when he spotted a creature breached the surface grabbed a duffel and carry it under he claimed the sighting lasted about two minutes as the creature continued to preach he described the creature as looking like the pictures of the famed Loch Ness monster only smaller about 12 feet long he said a fisherman reported a similar sighting the following day saying he was fishing from a boat and noticed a ten-foot dinosaur-like creature circled his boat and then dive back down he also said it looked like the Loch Ness monster the people who live and enjoy the lake don't seem to be scared by a potential lake monster instead they have embraced this creature over the years creating a website dedicated to its sightings and giving him the nickname Normie a report from the late 90s tells of a sighting by some high school kids diving into the lake from the Duke power trestle near the dam we had been there for about two hours and making a lot of noise I went to dive in and decided to make a huge splash when I arose to the surface everyone was like get out of the water yelling and screaming that something was after me I struck it off and then after realizing that the water 20 feet behind me was rippling I decided to swim like crazy I reached the surface and climbed up the rocks to see a giant shadow under the water it was at least 14 feet long it surfaced a little more before finally going down it looked like an alligator gar but I couldn't imagine a fish getting that big it looked like two people holding on to each other swimming so who knows what it was needless to say I haven't been back to jumped on the trestle anymore in 2007 a father and son from Illinois were enjoying the lake when they had their own sighting I was tubing being dragged behind my dad's boat I just fallen off from a quick turn and I was floating in the water waiting for the boat to come back and pick me up as I was waiting I saw the neck of a large creature emerge from the water and rise up about five feet I was terrified because it was only about 40 yards from me and I don't know if this thing is mean or not I quickly turned and started swimming towards the boat as my dad sped towards me because he saw it too when I got on the boat he said it disappeared right after I turned around what do you've had a pretty good story to tell ever since Lake Norman is the largest man-made lake in North Carolina with 520 miles of shoreline and 50 miles of surface area its deepest point is 130 feet and there's lots underneath the water to provide protection for a lake creature there's an old textile mill a town and a grand estate that was called Elmwood when it was above water those little ghost towns and abodes could be the hangout for the creature everybody calls Normie but what could this creature be some have speculated like one of the accounts above that it's an overgrown alligator gar the alligator gar is a slender fish with a pointy snout and is pretty scary-looking but the largest one that has ever been recorded was only eight and a half feet long so either there's a world-record gar and the waters of Lake Norman or it's something else others have speculated that what people are seeing is an actual alligator alligators are certainly not native to the area but several have spotted it nearby Lake Wylie since the mid-2000s but most people can recognize an alligator even under duress still others speculate that it's just a big old catfish it is suspected that left to thrive a catfish can live for 30 to 35 years and while these old boys may get big around the middle they don't tend to get much longer than five feet long at the most so what are people seeing at North Carolina's Lake Norman a really big but known fish species an alligator or could it be something strange and undiscovered our own Nessie lurking in the deep waters of this popular Tar Heel State tourist destination people have been telling these stories since soon after the lake filled up with water until somebody pulls up Normie and says here he is the world may never know could it have been a pterodactyl they were the largest creatures to ever attain flight with wingspans reaching nearly 40 feet pterosaurs ruled the prehistoric skies for over 100 million years until they died out with the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago or did they there have been many modern-day sightings of creatures that by eyewitness description sound like pterosaurs there are also intriguing rock carvings and even photographs that suggest that this species of amazing flying monsters could have survived extinction could have soared through the skies and small numbers in remote parts of the world africa's kongamato while other reports of pterosaur like creatures have come out of Arizona Mexico and Crete it is out of central Africa that some of the most interesting anecdotes have come while traveling through Zambia in 1923 Frank Mellon collected reports from natives of an aggressive flying reptile they all tango moto which means overwhelm er of boats the natives who were occasionally tormented by these creatures described them as being featherless with smooth skin having a beak full of teeth and a wingspan of between 4 and 7 feet when shown illustrations of pterosaurs Mellon reported the natives identified them as most resembling conga motor in 1925 a native man was allegedly attacked by a creature that he identified as a pterosaur this occurred near a swamp in Rhodesia where the man suffered a large wound in his chest that he said was caused by the monsters long beak in the late 1980s noted cryptozoologist Roy Mackel led an expedition into Namibia from which he had heard reports of a prehistoric looking creature with a wingspan of up to 30 feet pterodactyl in California but Davis a 54 year old IT executive from California told cryptozoology news he and a relative were driving to Winnemucca when they came upon the unusual site we noticed the creature in the median of the highway he said about the encounter it was about 3 feet off the ground and about 20 feet from our car on the driver's side Davis believes that the animal had just begun to take flight right before their vehicle approached at 11 p.m. as it was reportedly having problems getting off the ground it was struggling to get enough lift to be able to fly over the car once it saw us the creatures wings cleared the front windshield by only inches so we both saw the thing very clearly as it blew across the front of our vehicle left to right and out of sight the man describes the bird is being grey in color and at a long and thin neck its head says Davis was also thin and pointy with a long beak he remembers it had a crest on the top of its head the body was hump like and appeared to be heavy thin long legs the wings were diamond-shaped and had claws at the end of each wing a long thin tail from tip of beak to tip of tail it was longer than the windshield was wide so we'd estimate the overall length at four to five feet the wingspan was wide when in the open position the left wing tip was positioned beyond the hood of our vehicle the bottom half of the right wing was not visible it was covered by the roof of the car so we'd estimate the width tip the tip to be six to seven feet explained Davis the IT executive thinks the bird looked like a pterosaur a flying reptile believed to have lived during the Jurassic and went extinct by the end of the Cretaceous about 65 million years ago Thunderbird also known as rock is the nomenclature used by Native Americans to refer to bird-like creatures with reptile features that are believed to be related to the extinct reptile in 1890 the Arizona newspaper the tombstone epitaph reported that two ranchers had allegedly killed a winged monster similar to an alligator in the desert between the whetstone and the Huachuca Mountains the article about the pterosaur in particular made me curious when I looked up some images for those I realized that is what we had to have seen said Davis Davis says that he knows what he saw was real but the sighting which lasted about 15 seconds didn't allow for any picture or video taking up until this evening I had never heard of a pterosaur before but the image I looked up is exactly what we saw it was awesome and frightening at the same time he said Interstate 80 in Nevada cuts across the Lahontan Valley a desert some people still refer to as the 40 mile desert a minister claims she and her daughter saw an unidentified flying creature that looked like it was straight out of Jurassic Park in 1994 the minister a 50 year old Texas resident and avid bird watcher said they were at Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge south of Sacramento when the creature showed up on a clear spring day we were hiking and looking for blue herons and other migratory birds the woman told cryptozoology News my daughter and I saw the bird first and we both pointed to it stunned and in shock as we tried to come up with a logical explanation for what we thought we were seeing it was not a kite it was a real animal she added about the alleged 1994 encounter she says they observed the animal for about 20 minutes as it circled an area and then veered off in a different direction she explains that even though it makes her nervous to have to admit it the bird was very pterodactyl in shape that is the point of reference I have for it I remember I said that's impossible they are an extinct species my daughter who was well read on extinct birds kept pointing out the unusual features of this animal she says her daughter described the creature as having a featherless long thin tail and a pterodactyl like had it's wings she explained were not shaped like a bird's wings and a long neck long hadn't long pointed beak area it had a large wingspan bigger than a blue heron it was gliding very high up with very little flapping movement of its wings the minister admits to being a little freaked out at the time and wondered whether the creature would attack them I couldn't wait to get back to the car when we got back we couldn't stop talking about it the two family members say that even though to this day they cannot positively identify the bird as a dinosaur they know what it resembled while talking to my daughter we both googled photos of pterodactyl sightings and some of them are similar to what we saw she confessed being birders we were familiar with most Birds I didn't think I could call Audubon Society and tell them about the sighting because this bird was not on their checklist they would have likely told me that I misidentified it because it was up in the air and it was probably a crane or Heron believing that would certainly solve things but my brain wouldn't rest what we saw was neither a crane nor a heron we saw a real living animal that was not familiar to us and looked like it was straight out of Jurassic Park and the sighting she explains also carries social problems in the risk of ostracization I did tell a couple of people I told them factually and they just stared at me saying hmm Wow I don't want to be exposed to the ridicule and have to defend my story which I finally got brave enough to share my daughter and I talked about it sometimes discussing it is like self counseling it gives us an opportunity to share that experience again and validate each other at least we know what we saw and discussing it is one way to try to keep the story alive unravel the mystery in our heads and find some kind of understanding and clarity as time passes it does help to read online that others are seeing these animals too this is what gave me the idea to come forward and share our sighting said the minister Raptor in the Georgia woods a young man and his grandfather see a creature that looks like a living dinosaur this happened to me and my grandpa on a hunting trip in July 2008 I don't see my grandpa very often so I always take the chance to take trips with him he's pretty much an outdoorsman and enjoys hunting fishing and just being out of nature we were in the woods about three o'clock in the morning we were on grandpa's land in Georgia it's a pretty place with the typical Georgia woodland and a few grassy plains you were walking on a little rocky road heading for a site where Grandpa often sees deer as normal there were a lot of sounds going on at night in the woods we ignored most of them and remain quiet do not scare away anything we heard an unusual noise we had never heard before what are many hunting trips grandpa looked at me and listened and he raised his finger in front of his mouth to show me that we should make anymore movements I heard a lot of movement and more of that noise I can't really describe the sounds but I sure can't describe what I saw even when it was pretty dark we just kept listening to the sounds as suddenly something came walking slowly under the bushes and onto the road maybe 150 yards in front of us my eyes got really big and at that moment I wasn't even scared just amazed to see this creature we didn't move as crazy as it sounds it looked just like a raptor from the popular Jurassic Park movies I just froze because I thought things like that lived many millions of years ago it had a long stiff tail walked on two feet and had short arms it looked lizard like and had a huge claw on both of its feet and smaller claws on its arms the creature appeared to us that it might be able to run fast so we decided to just not move at all it raised its head in the air and it seemed like it was smelling the air I estimated its height about 5 feet at the shoulders after sniffing the air it made those sounds again when he turned around and ran off in the bushes and paw and I waited until we felt safe again and then quietly made our way back to the truck and drove home in the truck we talked to each other about what we had just seen and decided to not tell it to Grandma because she would think we were crazy I've never believed in stuff like ghosts and creatures and paranormal stuff and I still don't believe in ghosts but since that encounter I believe in creatures that science doesn't know about that's my story as odd as it sounds I know what I saw this has been another strange but true stories have you ever had a run-in with a creature that you can't quite explain we would love to hear about it send us an email too strange but true stories - at I'm Steve white thanks for watching until next time
Channel: Strange But True Stories!
Views: 546,312
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Keywords: scary stories, true scary stories from reddit, terrifying true scary stories, scary stories compilation, true scary stories compilation, dinosaurs, extinction, stories, extinct, dinosaur, paranormal, prehistoric, velociraptor, extinct animals, dinosaur still alive, dinosaur sightings
Id: Z_fpPEUOK24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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