TRUE definition of HOME : Jay Shetty and Trevor Noah 🏠

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do you still feel attached to a sense of home like what is home to you today like how would you how do you think about the word home for me the true definition of the word home is familiar of the family it's a repeated interaction that's all home is to me you know the reason you call it my home is because you go back to it every single day if somebody flipped all the furniture and the house every day you find you wouldn't you'd say it doesn't feel like home yeah but it is your home yes you know I think your house yeah exactly yeah my friends are my home the languages you know I speak are my home the food I eat in South Africa is my home but my home starts to grow it starts to change you know I I said this to a friend of mine when I got back from India I said man it felt like home and he's like what are you India I said it's crazy but it felt like home wow you know there were parts of Delhi where I was like this feels like home wow you know the parts of Bangalore Bengaluru where it's like this feels like home do you know what I mean it's like yeah and people like how can it feel like home it's like well maybe because part of it is reminiscent you know it reminds me of South Africa we have an Indian population it's huge one of the biggest in the world we we have Indian culture but also it's just it's it feels familiar it feels like home and so for me that's that's what home means is is a sense of the familiar you know you can even experience randomly if you travel in a hotel that you always frequent It Feels Like Home yeah so that's what you know that's what home means for me yeah it's just that you know and you feel that in New York too and you're here like you find that you have that because of that familiarity yeah you feel like I've always see you and always it seems to me like you're always home I don't know why that's that's a nice thing for you to say genuinely it always seems like I never feel like you you're uncomfortable I never feel like you but I don't know if that's just what you put out no I I I I would it's I was gonna Define it it's contextually sharing now but I my definition of home have has always been where I feel I'm living my purpose oh so that's always been my purpose so and I genuinely feel like that where I could wake up and be in another city or another country or another seat and as long as this is my like I feel this I'm doing my purpose tonight with you and that's why I'm here I hope you understand so how would you because I I can try to understand but what would you say you feel your purpose is so my purpose is to help other people find their purpose okay and to me my purpose is to be a vessel of being able to expose people to a number of different ideas insights paths stories walks of life so that they can find theirs I don't think everyone's purpose looks like mine I don't think everyone's path looks like mine because I think one of the best things I got when I was a kid and again it goes back to my childhood experiences my dad was really worried that I didn't read enough and I would never be interested in Reading fiction books at school so we'd get the fiction books like Goosebumps and then later on Harry Potter and all these books and I would never read them and I wouldn't have any interest in them so my dad was worried my mom were worried that this kid's not gonna read and now I was all about Club 13 Going on 14 and I still wasn't reading a lot and so my dad started giving me biographies and autobiographies and so I read like by the time I was 16 I'd read Malcolm X uh Martin Luther King wow I was also reading like David Beckham and Dwayne The Rock Johnson because I was a massive soccer football fan and so I started just like collecting all these stories and then as I told you when I said on your show like I met a monk when I was 18 and that was the story that my purpose felt connected to got it and so now I feel I'm like well someone's gonna listen to Trevor's story and feel far more connected interesting and that may spark this kid out there to say hey maybe that's the kind of Direction I want to go in I feel like today we're we're exposed to the same people online and on TV and streaming and we're also exposed to the same parts of them that's true and my hope is that this podcast even if you're seeing someone who's famous and popular like yourself hopefully people get a deeper insight into someone famous and popular or they get to meet someone random who's not famous and popular but it's interesting so anyway that's that's my purpose wow so I feel like if I'm doing that in a city in a country I'm home and it's because uh one of the famous scholars in YouTube about your mother being a scriptural scholar and like such a Avid Reader I never met this scholar but my monk teachers would often quote him and he said that the only place higher than like the spiritual realm uh and it would be poetry but also you know literal as well that the only place higher than being in heaven or the spiritual realm is a place you live your purpose and I and that idea always like connected with me because then I was like oh so I could be in the middle of chaos but still feel at all right and so it gives me a sense of comfort and you know that's what keeps me going when the day is tough when things are going whatever they are it's it's something that comforts me and it works for me that's a really great purpose to have because I mean there's always people to help there are always Journeys waiting to be embarked upon that's yeah
Channel: Jay Shetty Fan Channel
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Keywords: jay shetty podcast, jay shetty, true definition of home : jay shetty and trevor noah, jay shetty inspiration, jay shetty : true definition of the word home, jay shetty motivation, trevor noah : true definition of the word home, trevor noah, the daily show, comedy central, true definition of the word home : trevor noah & jay shetty, daily show with trevor noah
Id: KdAHNG3rb80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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