10 Things Trevor Noah Can't Live Without | GQ

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so this is one of my essential items um i carry this around because i found this on a movie set one day and it's really cool because whenever you want to like end the conversation with someone you just go you know i'll be like hey let's start the conversation about how you owe me money and action hey what's up everybody i'm trevor noah comedian and host of the daily show and these are my essentials [Music] first item my electric toothbrush i know it doesn't seem like an essential thing but this is my real toothbrush this is my road dog see those scars look at that there's battle scars that's traveling that's ohio that one over there is tucson and one of there's austin power oscillating pulsating i used to brush my teeth with a normal toothbrush and then when you discover this it's like moving from a horse carriage to a car that's what life is all about you forget to brush your brush twice as hard the next day that's what i do all day every day my grandfather used to say to me he said trev if you don't brush you brush when you can that's what i've been doing ever since brushing as much as i can there are a few things in my life i consider more essential than headphones these are easily my favorite things ever i think bose has done the greatest job of creating noise cancelling headphones if you fly you know what it's like to have a baby crying these no baby like i even forgot that i had a baby on the flight i left the baby behind then they called me later they're like yo did you leave a baby and i was like oh snap and then i came back then i realized it wasn't my baby and i was like what just happened here that's how good these headphones are and then these are great little airpod pros they go straight into your ear these are great for like short trips you know like a little 15 15-minute noise cancellation thing i see some people wearing them in the streets in new york and i don't do that because i don't want to die you got to hear what's happening in new york because sometimes like a bicycle is flying by sometimes cars jump the curb it doesn't happen a lot but it's enough for me to not want to noise cancel i want to hear my death coming i'm not going to avoid the death but i just want to be able to be like [Music] this is an essential if you live in a city where there is rain california you can skip this part i know you guys don't know what rain is but the rest of the world as a little kid i loved umbrellas i loved mary poppins i loved spies that could shoot umbrella things you know like they shoot the little thing out of the tip that thing so i found one of these this is my essential it's an umbrella that opens the other way it's like magic look at this huh what what what what what you see that other way and then when you're getting into a car you just do this move you just do this and then i meet people at my destination and they're like oh weren't you in the rain then i'm like no i was but i had my essentials and that's why i'm good and you're not [Music] this is just an essential i don't like traveling with a laptop it's too cumbersome it's heavy on my back also don't like just having like a tablet because then sometimes websites are just like are you using a big phone then i'm like no i'm using like a big device i want to see the full website but then they don't want you to see the website so this is a surface pro x and it's basically a tablet if i need it to be one and then it's a laptop if i need it to be one and then what's cool is that i have my little pen that hides on the inside over here see that has a little camera which i don't use i don't ever understand how people use the cameras on these things it looks a bit weird taking photos like but it's nice to have a device because it makes you feel like a professional and then when people see you typing they're like wow what is that person doing you know this whole thing yeah but if you on this side you would see all i'm typing is google how fast can superman fly wow [Music] this lip balm is easily like one of the most essential things in my life i have one of these everywhere i've tried like a bunch of things but i like the bliss deck specifically just because i feel like it stays on your lips for long some chapstick feels like a scam you know what i mean like some of the like you put like a lip balm on and then it feels like it makes your lips dry so you need more and i find this doesn't do that they say it's medicated as well i don't know what that means but i just like the sound of anything medicated just a quick tip though it's gonna break when you drop it that always happens see that over there but that's i mean that's life you know i'd rather have cracked lid than crap lips simple essential this is one of the quirkiest essentials that i own i think it's one of the most underrated pieces of technology that's ever been invented a pair of glasses known as spectacles and these were made by snapchat they may not be everybody's style but i love them when i travel because when i'm on vacation i don't always like to have my phone out i feel like it takes you out of the moment so what's great about these is you can wear them and you can just like press a little button see over there and right now i'm recording you recording me like i've used these when i was fishing for piranhas in in the amazon jungle uh i've used these when i was like like hiking through peru and what's great is you don't stick your phone in people's faces because that's what i hate about like traveling a lot of the time is people just you know also makes me feel like a spy because deep down inside i'll always be 11 years old this is what's known as project xcloud i have been playing video games since the very beginning since i knew how to use my hands my mom was a pac-man champion a lot of people don't know that and so whenever i leave the house i always regret that i don't have my console it's a service from xbox where you play all your games like at home or just any game you want wherever you are so i'll be like playing like a full-on driving game i'll be playing gears of war if i've got internet i can play like a real game you know what i mean by like a real game like if you play video games you know what i'm talking about i'm i'm not like a fan of like the mobile version of a game i want to play the real thing and so this is it by the way people who play video games in movies and tv shows stop doing this that's not real that's not a real thing video games people are very calm most of the time when you're really playing a video game this is what it sounds like that's real this has become an essential in my life i suffered a vocal cord injury a few months ago hemorrhagic polyps and my doctor told me it's because my voice gets too dry that's from a lot of flying that's from not drinking enough water etc and so i got one of these a portable humidifier like makes steam whenever i fly on like up every few hours i'll just use this i put this over my face it like lubricates everything and then it's like cool and if you're on a flight where people can choose their seats no one will sit next to you because you look like you're going to infect everybody on the plane so i just sit there and everyone i'm like please join me join me nobody sits next to you one final item my timepiece grew up in a home where i always loved watches my father is swiss so it's almost a prerequisite he would bring me two things from switzerland every time he would come back home to south africa he'd bring me a watch and he would bring me the chocolates and so i've loved collecting and this is easily my most essential piece if i had to keep one watch in one watch alone it would be this patek philippe 5650g the advanced research one of the most beautiful pieces ever made in my opinion it's got all of the work of a patek philippe a beautiful design but at the same time it doesn't take itself too seriously you know you've got this like fun rubber strap you can wear it whenever you want you've got the open face i don't know if you can see that right you don't see that on any other particularly this was the first time where they showed you a few of the internals of their timepiece i'm not a big fan of like diamond watches or anything i think that's weird because i actually want to tell the time but i want to look down and be like what's the time diamond past two so this is one of my essentials and it reminds me of my dad because that's what we always shared was a love of time and time keeping and if you know any swiss people you'll know that it's not a passion it's what they have in their bones they're obsessed with time a bit crazy if you ask me i just like the watches [Music] well that's my essentials thank you so much for having me gq and thank you for watching if you like any of the stuff i have you can send an email to my website and i won't be able to help you but i will now have your mailing address which i will use to invite you to all of my comedy shows don't email me actually i regret saying that don't email me about any of these items please
Channel: GQ
Views: 4,340,629
Rating: 4.9127674 out of 5
Keywords: 10 essentials, favorite stuff, gadgets, luxury, menswear, trevor noah, ten essentials, my essentials, trevor noah 2019, trevor noah interview, trevor noah gq, trevor noah 10 things, trevor noah 10 essentials, trevor noah funny, trevor noah favorite, trevor noah favorites, favorite trevor noah, trevor noah 10 things, 10 things, trevor noah explains, trevor noah breaks down, 10 things trevor noah, trevor noah top 10, 10 essentials trevor noah, gq, gq magazine
Id: P83nKaqEILo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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