Murdering The Nanny (True Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

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in September 2017 a young French nanny was tortured murdered and thrown on a garden bonfire fire brigade turned up one of them was putting the fire out and stamping it out he realized that there was a body in the ashes they cooked chicken on a barbecue nearby to try and hide the smell fingers limbs and part of a nose there are no words it's monstrous she beats her with an electrical cord and she personally slaps her okay be quick 21 year-old Sophia nee had also been interrogated and tortured whilst being filmed by her killers Sabrina qui dare and we simmer Dooney what you were listening to was a quiet and unassuming girl being her and threatened and intimidated it was a video Sopheap had been subjected to what can only be described as waterboarding she had four broken ribs and a broken jaw don't believe what they done to her she could have walked out I don't know why she was stuck there she would have felt absolutely trapped both psychologically and physically how did we not notice it's unbelievable this is one of the most tragic cases that I've ever covered [Music] [Music] Southfields a well-to-do suburb of London just next door to Wimbledon it's a safe place where people move to bring up their families we've lived in all our lives it's a very friendly placed in there very safe place to live people know each other because they stay here a long time it's a unique part of London this feels like a village we call it the Southfield village basically you cannot not know a person how about you guys what I was sharing with him good friends maybe in their 14 years I see the whole world passing by so we know each other everybody knows moms the nannies this is what Southfield is family orientated but in September 2017 a series of disturbing events unfolded in South fields they took place at the home of glamorous mother of two Sabrina qui dere and her partner huisun or Sam Madhu nee what happened was so gruesome so disturbing that it shocked residents to the core the charred remains were discovered by firefighters they could chicken on a barbecue nearby to try and hide the smell I saw the smoke coming from the guard and it was directly on the street so you could not see it my husband he went to the corner shop and as he passed the house he noticed the smoke and he thought it was very close to the end of the house so he was alerted on a safety level then he just looked through the gate and he noticed the gentleman standing there throwing sticks onto the fire and thought someone's there monitoring it it's there's nothing more that he can do so he carried on the fire was in the garden of cuida and Madhu knees flat on the corner of pool bra and Wimbledon Park roads directly opposite the newsagent a couple of customers said that there's a fire around on Cobra road somebody's doing a barbecue or he's too close to the patio and this smoke billowing one neighbor whose house backed onto the garden was so concerned about the fire she rang 999 I disappeared at the back for a while and when I came out it was carnage Nancy called winds at all Fire Brigade two here and I was passing by anyway so I stopped we were chatting and as we were chatting the police turned out the roads been sealed off there's about at least five or six police cars two fire engines and they put up the white tent and a blocked off the road we can go what's happening then eventually another plane mark van came men in white suits got out and that's when realized that something is quite serious here we can understand why there was the tent there why the police were there over a fire didn't make sense to us and then we saw Sam being escorted out of the house with her cuffs the man who'd been arrested by the police was Sam Madhu nee partner of Sabrina qui dere as Madhu nee was driven away for questioning forensic officers arrived it shocked the community who couldn't understand why they were there but then forensic investigators carried out would look like a body we saw a big red box not coffin-shaped but quite large coming out after the forensics had done their work [Music] there are lots of rumors going around we heard that they'd found a body police later confirmed there were human remains in the fire but the body was so badly burned they couldn't even identify the victim remember about a week later when they identified the body we had worked it out by that point in yeah I think most people knew quite quickly through the process of elimination who it was neighbors had guessed correctly the charred remains in the bonfire were those of the 21 year old nanny who worked for Sabrina qui dere and Samba Dooney when I had the reporter coming in to me straightaway and saying do you know so-and-so and I was like yes I know so-and-so and you know she was murdered and I couldn't speak not only had Samba Dooney been arrested but so had his partner Sabrina qui dere within 36 hours of the discovery of Sophie lynnae's body on the bonfire both had been charged with murder it's it is a definitely an astonishing thing to happen especially in Southfield the whole community was very taken aback and shocked completely shocking we couldn't understand what was going on it just seemed bizarre really weird for months sophie had suffered a palling abuse at the hands of her glamorous employer she actually started to cry and then I had to ask what happened and that point she said Sabrina bata abuse that would end in a murder trial described by the judges stranger than fiction I'd been a reporter for twenty years this is the most bizarre case and also one of the most tragic cases on 20th September 2017 farmer discovered a body on a bonfire in a suburban garden in South London man and the women had been arrested on suspicion of murder after a body was found in a garden in South fields it soon became clear that the remains were those of Sophie Leonie a 21 year old nanny working for mother of two Sabrina qui dere and her partner we sim or sanma Dooney cuida and Madhu nee had lived in the rented ground floor flat in South fields since 2013 [Music] they appear to be a successful and glamorous young couple qui dere was a fashion designer Madhu nee a financial analyst local chip shop owner Michael Crona immediately liked them fish & chips I'll recall him Sam that was the name he actually introduced himself saying I'm Sam and then he introduced me to Sabrina she was very polite soft-spoken she was very glamorous every time I see her she is very dressed but qui dere had a dark side she was erratic volatile and prone to mood swings and had a delusional obsession with her celebrity ex-boyfriend mark Walton founding member of the Irish boyband poison Walton and qui dere had a passionate and turbulent relationship they separated in 2013 but qui dere became obsessed with and fixated by him goes back about 5 years when Sabrina career day stopped going out with Marc Walton she appeared to him to be a volatile character and prone to mood swings but she also had something of a hold over him she was prone to outbursts - shouting at random people in the street and acting in a strange and volatile manner they had an acrimonious split she left and he didn't know why [Music] at the murder trial it emerged that Mark Walton had helped cuillère financially by paying the first few months rent on her Southfields flat but when he stopped supporting her qui dere became enraged when the relationship between cui day and Mark Walton broke down I think that was the catalyst for all of the things that happened subsequently she didn't take the breakdown well she wouldn't have taken the breakdown while it's the kind of person that she is and she became fixated on either getting him back getting control back over him or if she couldn't do that getting revenge not long after the break-up cuida started making serious allegations about Walton the court heard she claimed he was stalking her that he'd harmed her family all the allegations she made about him were totally untrue Sabrina a queer date got it into her head that he was stalking her she said that he was controlling her with black magic and all sorts of things so the background to the murder really goes back a long long way well before they even met Sophia vionnet it was heard in court that qui dere made more than 20 calls to police and social services about Mark Walton in every case please concluded that the allegations were not true the cui dare was a Fanta cyst she even received a police caution for posting defamatory statements about him online no one knows why cuida developed her obsession it would appear that Queen a has certainly developed a range of delusional thinking she certainly viewed the world in a different way her approach to relationships was very different it could be very very impactful and significant life events for her that might have changed her approach to relationships affected her self-identity and I think it's much more useful to think of cui day from from that trauma informed perspective cruda also had a dysfunctional relationship with sama Dooney whom she known since childhood and although he lived at her flat he would often disappear for months at a time they did seem odd the whole setup working out who was related to whom it was all a bit strange she was hardly ever there very glamorous he always wore a flat cap looked very shabby you wouldn't put them together as a couple at all no one really seemed to know them as far as I was at work sociable no no they didn't come to street parties they didn't sort chat or introducing themselves you know they didn't they didn't want to be part of the community which is quite an unusual thing around here they didn't want to partake in anything although the couple were thought somewhat strange by neighbors it was qui des behavior in particular that stood out sunny Patel remembers her causing a scene in his shop following a disagreement over a mobile phone voucher she was quite volatile and vocal in her mannerisms with this dispute it was always probably her way or no way [Music] she called the police and two police women turned up one of them took Sabrina outside because she hadn't calm down then the police woman said to Sabrina look this gentleman hasn't done anything wrong but he's making an effort to assist you and you not appreciating that by December 2016 a deluded and obsessive cui dare was about to welcome a naive young nanny from France into her family sophie lien--a grew up in the village of Paran in rural France it's a couple of hours drive south of Paris she lived there with her mother and stepfather sophie is a nice girl or way so smiling who loves life and had a joy of living she was shy yes we spoke very little it was always necessary to tear the words from her mouth so that she could speak with us sometimes she chatted well with us but she was a very shy girl Sophie studied early years child education at college because she loved children and children always came to her so she chose to do this job Sophie found it difficult to get a childcare job locally so when a friend showed her a NAPA for a french-speaking mani to work with a family in London she decided to apply she had never left France her goal was not to go abroad to work but this opportunity would open doors for her to find work so she said to herself that since I cannot get work in France I'm going to England because it would be temporary it would give her experience which would help her to find work in France plus it would improve her English there then in January 2016 just after a 20th birthday she came to London and started working for cuida full-time as her nanny when Sophie first arrived obviously I didn't know who she was I can remember when she first asked for cigarettes I had to ask for ID because she looked quite well under 18 I think she was very very shy you know and timid she was quite petite I don't think she had a social life at all I never seen Sophie with anyone there's so many nannies around in Southfield they are very happy you know they meet up on weekends they even come to my restaurant they bring the kids they all grouped up they have a social life as well but Sophie never had from day one I knew where she was by herself or with the family we assumed that she was just a part of the family just an aunt or a cousin you know a relative because she was with children all the time the amount of hours the time the efforts the patience she had you could not pay someone to do what she did so it was just a natural assumption that she was a member of the family not the hired Opare for the first year or so no one outside the family took much notice of Sophie as this home video filmed in the South fields flat shoes she seemed happy he spoke to the children she could speak to them easily but with anyone else she just seemed to be very withdrawn but Sophie did open up to qui des friend Yolanda it was my dream to learn French and she offered for me to help me with that I had a good chance to speak with Sophie and she told me that she came to London to improve her English skills and she was planning September to come back to France and to study something related with cinema it was her wish in the summer of 2017 of the Sophie been with the family for 18 months qui dares obsession with Marc Walton took another bizarre and twisted turn by now he was living in Los Angeles and totally out of reach so qui dere transferred some faux rage and frustration onto her young nanny she exerted more control over stopping up a meeting whenever she comes I offer food she only has a portion of chips and a drink and she eats it so fast the way she eats either she's not fed or she is rushing back to work she was pulling down you can see I used to see her with the same top same jeans and she never brushes her hair quitter who was now broke didn't pay Sophie's wages when Sophie was offered part-time work by Atlanta to help out cuida stopped all contact between them I was just knocking to the door and Sam open the door and I asked him or Sabrina is at home and he told me sabrina is not at home and after that I heard her voice and I said why you lying to me she's at home I think that sophie was controlled by Sabrina she couldn't decide by herself where she can go and I haven't even noticed that he she had her own free time not only was cui dere starving and isolating Sophie she was also stopping her from going home to France even to visit her mother I had to ask Sophie couple of times how are you and I can feel you know she had eyes very teary and suddenly she started to tell me you know my mom is not well I need to go and see my mom I said what if it is that why don't you fly to France and I can even buy you a ticket when you appear you can give me the money I offered that to her she didn't give me a positive ones neither yes on either no she was just nodding her head and I didn't want to push air on things [Music] back in France Sophie's mother had received texts and Facebook messages from her daughter saying she was unhappy and wanted to come home she sent me a message saying that she needed a little bit of money to finance her return so I deposited the money in her account as soon as I got my pay so that she could buy her ticket to return Sophie's mother then received two unexpected phone calls from qui dere in which she made some strange allegations about her daughter Sabrina had told me she that she was keeping Sophie because there were disagreements and problems she wanted to solve I said to Sabrina listen do your best to make her come home the situation between qui dare and Sophie was getting worse qui dare was making increasingly wild allegations about Sophie accusing her of stealing a diamond ring and a plotting against the family she actually started to cry and then I had to ask you know what happened at that point she said Sabrina beat her so I asked why which I shouldn't I didn't want to but I had to ask her why and she said the way she said it the butter fell off and Sabrina beat me all this was raising alarms you know something is not right I said Sophie if you want I'll find you a job so I even spoke to a friend of mine and he said cinder immediately I can sort something out a couple of days after Michael made this offer of help qui des stormed into the chip shop dragging a terrified Sophie with her I was just setting my table chairs outside and she started to scream at me very loud and she didn't let Sophie speak and she went screaming at Sophie in French which I didn't understand nothing and then I knew this has got nothing to do with me so I said Sabrina you gotta excuse me I got to go back and you know open my shop and I left them then I walked away Michael suspected something was wrong but he could never in his wildest dreams imagine what qui dare and Madhu nee were doing - Sophie behind closed doors imagine yourself every day in a cage like an animal or what they were planning to do with her next [Music] in September 2017 the body of French nanny Sophie lien--a was found burning on a garden bonfire in South London mother of two Sabrina qui dare and a partner Weesa Madhu nee were arrested immediately and taken into police custody six months later their trial began at the Old Bailey with both defendants facing charges of murder the first time I saw Sabrina cray day I thought she was very beautiful and very glamorous but also quite troubled she looked indignant she looked at me she shook her head at me I think she'll most enjoyed the interest in her and I just thought how dare you not be full of guilt or remorse for what you've done saying all tell them I didn't do it I didn't murder anyone it was quite fraught we knew right then that she was going to be a difficult defendants my impression of we said Mooney was that he was very much the quieter one silent brooding even and meek figure in the doc Silla it was the first time I saw them it hurt me because they had taken my daughter they had broken everyone's heart and all the hurt they had done to Sofia I could not accept wah both cuida a Madonna admitted to perverting the course of justice by burning Sophie's body they both denied murder both defendants had essentially the same defense that the other person did it they both argued that they were asleep whilst the other person had carried out the murder [Music] while no one knew exactly what had happened to cause Sophie's death the prosecution was to reveal a key piece of evidence which clearly showed the extreme cruelty she been subjected to behind closed doors in the weeks before her death Sophie been the victim of a series of brutal and violent interrogations unbelievably these sessions were recorded by cuida and Madhu nee on a mobile phone until you tell me the truth is this clear you understand these recorded interrogations were all centered around cui derres obsession with her ex-boyfriend mark Walton career day obviously couldn't get to mark Paulson because by then he was living in Los Angeles and she diverted all her anger and anxieties and obsession onto Sophie and she got it into her head that Sophie Lyonnais was working with Mark Walton to spy on her and to wreck her life she concocted in her head a bizarre idea that there was a plot against her and Madhu nee and so over time she began to question Sophie for many many hours on end about what exactly she thought had been going on extracts of these interrogation tapes were played to a shocked Court you will not go back to France until you've told me the truth I'm going to spoil your life as you have spoiled mine she started coming out with all these accusations about Sophie meeting Mark Walton secretly and plotting against her what you were listening to was a quiet and unassuming girl in her and threatened and intimidated they said that she'd be locked up for 40 years she was like a murderer all of this was to make her confess whether you speak or you don't speak at your trial you will do so you will beat Yale free day was the one really who was instigating this whole thing and she was the one that was keeping control that's very unusual in 95% of cases it will be a man especially in this type of case you better know that we will not let you go back until we know the whole or all truth nothing but the truth I think module II probably would have been willing to do anything for her it's not even a case really of whether he believed what she was saying is that he believed he wanted to do something to please her the tapes contained evidence not only a verbal abuse but violence which had now become more and more extreme I think there were about eight and a half hours of interrogations in the weeks leading up to Sophie's death and they got progressively worse with evidence that Sabrina Creed Abita Sophie at least three times she beats her with an electrical cord and she pushed and slapped her gotta be quick you can hear on the recordings noises that sound like slaps although Sabrina said that they they were they weren't her slapping Sophie but it did certainly sound like she was being physically abused think carefully about forty years in prison close your eyes for one minute okay imagine yourself every day in a cage like an animal I couldn't sit through all of it because it was it was really it was really too much Sophie's mother particularly you struggle to contain her emotions and at one point during this harrowing footage sheet she broke down in tears and had to leave the room there are no words it's monstrous its moral harassment what they did I cannot stand it they destroyed the family they destroyed their life they hurt my daughter there really are no words to express how I feel young men and more boys premiered us cantos on sale on the 18th of September after five weeks of interrogation cuida and Madhu nee made a video recording of Sophie as they attempted to get her to confess to working with Mark Walton this is the last image of Sophie alive taken from that recording me and they ground her down so much that in the hours before her death they filmed her actually confessing to colluding with Mark Walton which was clearly completely untrue so it was a figment of Sabrina curry days imagination the worst part was seeing the the image of Sophie lien--a after everything that had been done to her she looked amazing she looked completely broken when Sophie's body was discovered it was so badly burned it was impossible to know exactly how she died although it was clear from the postmortem that she been seriously assaulted Sabrina Creed a said that she accepted that she pushed Sophia around but she denied being very violent towards her but Sophie had suffered four broken ribs and a cracked sternum three days before her death and on the night of her death she had a broken jaw tweeder and Medina weren't shying away from the fact that they had put this young girl through horrendous questioning for many many hours their case was that each of them denied the murder that had taken place Sabrina said that it was Alma Dooney and he'd become absolutely enraged that he got a pan of water and and the towel and was torturing her demanding to know the truth sophie had been held in the bath and subjected to what could only be described as waterboarding Sabrina woke up in the night to find Sophie dead and said what what have you done but Medini said the complete opposite and he said that he was asleep when all this happened but crucially the prosecution produced a witness who contradicted both these stories one of the key pieces of evidence in the trial was from a third party a witness in the house who'd heard both Sabrina and Sam in the bathroom with Sophy saying breathe breathe that was a critical piece of evidence because neither one of the defendants was really telling the truth also central to the prosecution's case was the fact that the authorities weren't alerted to Sophie's death we know at some point and so they decided rather than to call the police or an ambulance to dispose of her body they built a bonfire in the garden by their French doors by the kitchen and they put safeties body into a suitcase and lit the fire one of the neighbors called 999 and alerted the fire brigade to a fire that was potentially out of control and when the firefighters arrived they found Madhu nee was at the scene apparently in control of the fire they insisted on putting the fire out because they were concerned that it was a bit too close to the doors and as one of them was putting the fire out and stamping it out he realized that there was a body in the ashes I think he describes seeing fingers and limbs and part of the nose it was very grisly he turned to his colleague and said there's a body in the bonfire madhu knee still trying to get away with it at that stage trying to explain away the body as the carcasses are over sheep that he bought at the market but it would have been obvious to the firefighters when they started looking through the grisly remains that this was not a sheep we were looking at it's clear from from the evidence that we heard that had the neighbor not alerted the authorities cuida and Medini could have got away with murder the gruesome evidence about the broken and despairing nanny being beaten and tortured to death were difficult for anyone to sit through but for Sophie's mother it was unbearable I do not understand why they took to Sophie she who is so sweet so charming I mean she's a young woman beginning her adult life it is a dream of all the parents to see that children blossom in life there are no words to understand what they did everybody has been saying that Sophie was very naive and it was easy to manipulate her and I think that that is true but if we think that the only people who get caught up in coercive control are those people who we see as easy to manipulate we'd be making a big mistake Sophie behaved actually in the way that many many people behave when they are being controlled at the Old Bailey after a grueling 43 day trial the jury retired to decide if there was enough evidence to convict qui dere and the Dooney of murder but even now neither defendant appeared to show any remorse really all that mattered to Medini was Medini and career day and no one else counted and I think Sabrina was so wrapped up in herself and her own world that Sophie really didn't matter and they even threw out all their evidence even everything that they said to the jury they never once expressed any regret or sadness that sophie had lost their life 21 year old French nanny Sophie Leonie was murdered after being beaten and tortured by mother of two Sabrina qui dam and her partner we simmer Dooney after a grueling murder trial where each defendant blamed the other for death the jewelry retired to consider the disturbing evidence we'd all been waiting for days for the jury to come back with their verdict it was a full court we were very conscious that Sophie's family was very nearby we were all rather on tenterhooks after 30 hours of deliberations the jury returned their verdict when the verdict came in made unni just hung his head both huisun Medini and Sabrina qui dere were found guilty of murder Sabrina just started crying and safe his mother Catherine devil Oni started crying as well seeing it's inhuman these acts of barbarism they never said a single word of truce it was all lies and contradictions they never looked at me once or apologized for the harm they had done to Sophie I do not understand what happened in their heads to get there like Sophie's mother many struggle to understand what had driven cui dare and madhu knee to such unbelievable cruelty mr. diamond is a forensic psychologist specializing in understanding offender behavior the intensity of the relationship between Medini and cui day is something of vital interest in this case it's certainly the case that we'd a had this delusional belief about mark Walton and Sophie's involvement Medini has bought into this whether he's bought into this as a as a form of delusional transfer whether he did this as a result of dependency on his relationship with queer a is in question pre there was the dominant person in the relationship but Madhu nee was was equally there during most of the recordings and and chimed in occasionally to ask his own questions so he was very much part and parcel of what cui day was doing and what she believed Sophie had done to her when they were interrogating Sophie they were seeking to support their own delusional way of thinking they were encouraging Sophie to confirm the delusions that they had Sophie was quite vulnerable because she had no support network here she had nobody to go to so she was a perfect person for cui day to manipulate I think that cui day was so convinced by her delusions and Medini also buying into this was convinced that these these acts had occurred that there's very little Sophie could have done to appease them now whether she was murdered because the torture got out of hand or whether it was a deliberate premeditated act is really only something that queer a modernity themselves would know Sophie was never kept under lock and key with the full extent of the torture she'd suffered now revealed one question remained why hadn't she left she could have walked out I don't know why she was stuck there she can come out to the street until help people would have helped her people might often ask the question when they hear of a domestically abusive relationship why hasn't that person left I'm sure some people might be asking that question of Sophie we have to understand if she would have felt absolutely trapped both psychologically and physically her emotions would not have allowed her or permitted her to feel that she had the strength of character to leave that household the things that qui des had been threatening her with Sophie probably thought would happen she'd been told that she was a thief that she was a sexual abuser that she was working in cahoots with somebody else she would have been terrified that had she even got to the airport she'd have been arrested despite this there's a sense of collective guilt in Southfields how did we not notice it's unbelievable we would never believe that something like that could have happened it's so incomprehensible to think that that happens never mind so close to you you just don't expect it we feel really guilty but you know we didn't notice what was going on she was such a lovely girl and it's just a horrible horrible thing to have happened right in front of our eyes I feel guilty because we wish that they could have done something - you wanted to go back to France and she only needed 20 pounds or 25 pounds you know we would have given that to her I feel bad I should have gone to the next level I'd made a complaint but that period was too short when that happened I think it's a week I saw after that never saw nobody thinks that this kind of thing is going on on their doorstep and that is one of the things really that helps abusers and controlling people to do what they do is because we all stand around on the outside thinking well it can't be that bad it's knocked our community it really has we're completely devastated by it and it won't be forgotten when you know you have somebody Sophie's mother hopes that her daughter's death will serve as a warning to other young nanny is looking for work abroad I advise that parents go with the children to see the house and to meet the employers if there's a problem bring your children home as soon as possible I said I'm a mother of two kids I think everyone have to be careful she was a bright person and it's so sad that in such young age she needed to finish her life more than two years of driving to work in the UK as a nanny sophie was finally returned home on the 6th of June 2018 she was laid to rest in France the murder of Sophie destroyed everything around us people don't understand the family is very shocked her dad is shocked her big sister to her brother who has just turned 8 he wanted to come with me to England to tell them that they had broken his heart and that they had broken so his life they must be locked up these people have destroyed a whole family and all the people who left so fish [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 1,063,405
Rating: 4.7335281 out of 5
Keywords: true crime stories, nanny documentary, the nanny documentary, nanny killed, real crime, sophie lionnet case, Crime stories, sophie lionnet verdict, crime documentary, true crime, true crime daily, documentary crime, true crime youtubers, Real Stories, Real Stories Full Documentary, Real Stories Documentary, Full length Documentaries, Documentary Movies - Topic, full documentary, crime reenactment, documentary movies - topic, true crime documentary, Crime mystery
Id: icWCCRlKVv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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