Trucking Corn With Laura

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[Music] Chief is a family-owned nebraska-based company comprised of seven diverse Brands Chief trusted tested true good morning everybody we have a fun thing to do today we harvested a lot of corn back in the fall and in instead of taking it right into a co-op and selling it we've been storing it in a bin now that it's February it is time to sell it and haul it into somewhere the weather is kind of cleared up the snow and the ice has melted off the roads it's not super warm outside but I'm hoping that it's not too cold and the truck will start so we're going to be hauling some corn today but before we can get out on the road hook the trailer up all that kind of things we need to go through the truck we need to check the oil check the water check the tires and then ultimately see if this thing starts so first thing we're going to do is pop the hood if you remember was probably last year about this time Grant and I had been looking for a semi- TR for kind of a while and we found this thing on an auction and uh if you remember correctly Grant bought this accidentally this wasn't exactly what we were looking for but Grant was just trying to test out his account and see if it would actually work a bid and uh he only bid once and this was the winning bid so we ended up taking this thing home put some work into it and it's not what we had in mind like I said but it definitely gets the job done come on might need to gain some weight let's try from the side this might be easier there we go okay we hauled corn with this um last year in the spring and then we also that's not the dipstick thanks Kate um let's see we hauled corn with this um last spring and then we used it all Harvest and it worked pretty well for us I think we might top that off let's crawl up here here we go we are good all right grab a hammer and check the tires so I am not any kind of super trucker by trade um this is something new to me and I'm learning so this will be probably probably the next couple weeks the First full year of me hauling corn and just driving a semi-truck in general anyways but this is something I learned this Harvest when you check the tires hit with a hammer and it should bounce right back at you kind of a lot of tires on this thing might as well check the trailer tires while we're at it Grant does a very nice job packing things in here tightly as you can see our other trailer is right up to the hitch of the green cart it's like Tetris getting things in and out of here just try to make the most of the space that we have I think we'll probably need to put some air in that one before we head out but one more here we do have an air compressor on the fuel trailer out here so we'll probably use that okay all the rest of them look pretty good we will add some oil now oh oh full service my goodness it is full service I'll trade you off here one of the odds I can do this without spilling any I would say slim to none it's taking immense strength and focus I like that that's better that's much better all right let's get this closed up and get some air in the tire nice right probably should just unplug it while we're here why are we plug in this so we don't forget okay I think we're ready P the batteries charging up when was the last time this thing was started Grant um probably when we washed it and put it away after I was probably oh man so it's been a couple months yeah mid no probably mid November okay well you just tell me when you're ready she's ready oh easy easy peasy that's a lot of smoke nice turn this off all right so it's been a while since I've actually driven this thing probably 3 months I drove it a lot during Harvest but it takes me just a little while to get used to it so take the brakes off put it in gear try backing up just to fuzz okay and then we'll see if maybe the trailer tire braks or locked up or something okay okay go forward go forward building has gravel floors they spin out so easy this one's spinning go forward oh yeah we might have to pull pull you out of here have our faithful jgt Handler ready to go got our uh yankum rope here I went with a small one cuz the truck's not full and it's just it'll just need a little bump to get out so I got some shop Shackles on there should be pretty easy ready hopefully this is oh we go good to go let's get out of here stretch oh look at all the water come out of that rope there we go nice that wasn't too bad you feel that water come out of the Rope was insane I used it this weekend to uh pull the side by side out of the snow and it got all wet it wasn't too bad we just needed a little extra encouragement I think it's Monday so I just need a little something to get it started forward yeah this way a little bit yeah just barely squeeze by and we'll air the tire up I want to forget to close the traps get the trailer opened up this thing is really nice for mobile fuel pumping and air compressor work but also it's just really nice to have all this stuff in this building thank you tool Master go Appreciate It just fits by the weights do I have to get in between the tires to fill this thing up I don't think I like whoever designed that now if the tire explodes it can hit all three of us instead of just one of us yeah like 100 100 and that's only at 50 yeah oh man yeah we need to get after this here a while we're going to be here a long time don't let me lose this I'm putting it in my pocket let's give it a check here look at that right on the money can't forget about the cap now see if I can get it put back on I've got skinny fingers how do regular people do this all right now we're ready to go stand [Music] back [Applause] sh [Laughter] a rookie mistake right there I told you it's going take you a little while all right now close them how's that corn look this is our profit right here here's our crap that we work so hard for [Applause] awesome [Music] [Music] for for all right are you guys ready to see something really really handy it is this remote control that kind of looks like a flip phone turns on when you open it up and you can see 100% open that's our tarp on the front but if you go to your main menu here we can go to our front Hopper and start opening it up I better check just to be sure that I'm actually over the grate first though oh yeah all right ready okay okay front Hopper is all the way open and empty going to close this one and we can just start closing it as we're pulling out I don't have to be cranking it's super [Music] nice I always get just a little bit nervous pulling out of this cuz it's pretty close but I haven't hit anything [Music] yet all right we got our ticket and it looks pretty good just over 1,000 bushels put this in here for safekeeping and back to the farm to get another load I am grateful to have a semi that runs well though Grant and I put a lot of money into this thing we got it for super cheap on auction um and that translated into super high repair and maintenance bills but I think we finally have it to a point where it drives nicely so that's good severe lack of people waving at each other when I'm in a car and a semi- waves at me I feel so cool come nothing what's the point of driving a semi TR no one's going to wave at you the first time I unload and I know I'm lined up correctly I always try to put some kind of marker like a piece of wood or a big rock so I know that this is the first place I need to stop and I'm lined up and then I do the same thing for my second spot that log up there all good always double check that my tarp is open and my traps are closed and we do it all over again when I'm out here by myself oh look at all the chaff in my hair it's just a lot of back and forth up and down slowing it down it kind of takes a while if you want to know why the farmers you know always have dandruff cornchaff or some people call it bees wings not too shabby back to town we go before we take off off on the road I want to be sure to close my tarp I just have to press one button and it goes automatically which is really nice just have to be sure to leave this open make sure it actually closes [Music] it's really cool everything is done through electronic tags so I just have a little tag hanging in my window and when I roll up and they probe me then they already know who I am and who this corn goes to it's really cool you get probed and it essentially just takes a very small sample of grain puts it to a person in a scale house and they test it and then that determines where you dump your corn they're testing it for the moisture and the quality of it then you just proceed onto a scale where they weigh you before you dump and then a scale after you down I have to say I take great pride in having my name on each scale ticket hauling corn went really well today and we still have a lot more to do I did just want to tell you guys about something really cool in March I'm going to be going up to Utah and competing in Matt's Offroad games I don't know if you've heard of his channel but he does vehicle recovery in Utah Matt is a very cool guy and I am so excited to meet him and I just wanted to give you guys a quick message from the person who I'm going to be partnering up with for the games all right so we got invited to the off-road games March 14th 15th and 16th we ended up getting teamed up with Laura from Laura Farms we're super excited now we got Trail Mater Trail Mater is a little Technical and difficult to drive it's a standard this is what we plan on taking we have to do some modifications to it to make it fit a shorter driver and we are very excited to do this event looking forward to seeing all you guys out there so you can cheer us on and have some fun with it I could not be more excited to be on Rory from Trail Mater team I think we are going to do great so tickets are on sale now for the event I would love to meet you guys I'm going to have a booth set up there you can come say hi you can watch me drive around and there's going to be a lot of other really cool contestants there as well so thank you for watching today's video if you haven't already now as your chance to subscribe and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 223,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farm, Agriculture, Equipment, Vlog, John deere, tractor, machinery, construction, truck, informational, learning, work
Id: 3WowKhFH96w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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