Excavator Clean Up

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[Music] good morning everybody it's a beautiful day in Nebraska and a very very special one today is FFA drive your tractor to school day and I'm going to go with Gage to school Gage is going to be driving the combine to school and his friend is going to be taking the 8335 there is something so perfectly small town about drive your tractor to school day that I just absolutely love Grant is getting the full tour of these tractors here hi I'm kale uh it's a 2013 New Holland T9 uh do 450 Dino Tunes around 600 horse it's got a fresh built motor so it's Sky zero hours I think the rest of the tractor has like $2300 on it and it's our biggest one in the fleet we have quite the showing of tractors small green ones we got a little case with a loader on it whoa I love the tracks and I like that step shape there that is super cool got an 8320 with a pusher on the front front oh and look at this this is what I hope our 4020 to look like all cleaned up Gage would really like that Chrome stack Gage would love that Chrome stack okay oh man we got another John Deere on tracks here loader we're missing attachment up front here we need a bucket or something New Holland 8520 old style Hood there 8335r one of my favorite tractors right there and I love the duels a third tractor with tracks older version wow okay 8420 loving the representation we have a 4620 here check this this out with the Cal still on it and finally the cutest little what is this a Massie Ferguson with a little blade on the back what a lineup I love seeing the Hometown Pride and it's so fun to see kids get involved with something like this FFA week I believe you were a [Music] success Chief is a family-owned Nebraska based company comprised of seven diverse Brands Chief trusted tested true while Gage is at school Grant and I wanted to take you guys around and show you a couple different methods of corn storage it's a very important part of our operation we grow this cool commodity corn but it has to go somewhere once we Harvest it so I wanted to show you a couple different things that you can do with it come along with us this is what happens when kids grow up playing in sandboxes with their dirt toys this is just the adult version of that on a super large scale how fun 10 yard bucket check out these hydraulic cylinders kind of reminds you of a dumpster looking thing with the bottom just opens up corn flows out what a cool job look at this corn during Harvest when we were dumping corn at the elevator and it was in a big ground pile people really concerned about the quality but it's kind of cold and smells great just flows nice it's dry covered up with this nice thick tarp looks pretty good to me here's the inside of it check that out just attached couple big pins you guys know excavators are like Grant's favorite thing in the entire world watching something like this work it's a dream come true and here comes another truck ready to be loaded it's just afternoon they've already shipped off 30 trucks best day they sent off over a 100 trucks with this thing as big as this excavator is he was saying that it's actually could use a bigger one with that bucket full and all the way extended it is heavy so it'd actually do better with a heavier excavator over here so it doesn't tip over so like I said this fall when we were dumping corn this is kind of similar to what they were putting up so there's this big thick concrete Wall Bunker and then this is the tarp they pit over it's real thick stuff can imagine someone lining a pool or a pond with this this should look familiar we've actually seen this loader or one very similar to this in action before this is another tool that they can use to load trucks and this is actually a 16 yard bucket here which I cannot even describe how large this thing is in person I mean it is just monstrous Grant stand in that I'm 64 another method of storing grain is in these enormous concrete bins as you can see there's that tubing on the outside so you can keep air moving through them they're located very conveniently by a railroad track so that you can very easily unload the grain right into a train and send it off to wherever it needs to go in between the bins that thing you're seeing Grant walk up to that's the dryer so you can have trucks pull up here dump into into that pit they can go into the dryer and then into the bin things are massive so tall another method of corn storage this was very popular many years ago it's quite literally just in a building so you can see all that electrical stuff running all of those fans again to keep air moving through it but you just dump the Grain in the top and it sits in the building until you are ready to move it so you saw the building from the outside now we are in the building because they are actually storing beans in here so you can dump in that pit it goes up the elevator and then the drag takes it all the way over here and dumps it in a big pile but instead of being covered by a tarp it's covered by a building and then they also they didn't use this whole building they only have it about half full and so they were keeping some tractors in here and they actually use this International 986 they put an augur on the back of it they Aug the grain out that way or they'll bring a loader in here and load the trucks on the street over here so it's really cool to see not only an old grain storage facility still being used very actively to this day but you also get to see the old equipment that was probably kind of around when this building was built still being in use right alongside it which I think is pretty cool tractor's in pretty good shape actually it's a big pile of beans is a big pile of beans wow you can see there's a big augur up there that they load it from the top from across the street keeps the beans nice and dry I suppose you could walk along that little part up on the ceiling huh there's a catwalk up there but yeah so we've been working on our 4020 quite a bit this is probably same era as our 4020 well this is a diesel 756 may we got to add a red tractor to our Fleet maybe it might be about time what you guys think of that huh Red Tractor on Lura Farms what do you guys know about these tractors anything good bad about them looks like the tires are in good shape on this one what you what you do you think these are another method of grain storage is in bags so during Harvest when the corn or soybeans comes out of the field it's harvested with the combine goes into a green cart then the grain cart dumps it into kind of a funnel type system and it walks along with a tractor and it fills up this plastic bag full of your grain then when you're ready to haul it to town or wherever you're taking it you come out here you open the bag and you have kind of an augur system hook up to a tractor that unloads it into a semi- trailer which is pretty cool so this material is really thick keeps the animals and the weather out and I believe there's soybeans in this bag and it just sits on the ground until you're ready to haul it in it's a little bit slower of a process than other methods but it's fairly cheap as long as you have the equipment to get the grain into the bag uh this is a pretty cheap way of storing grain we saw a lot of this when we were down in Argentina this is a way to store your grain if you do not have a grain facility on your farm so it's really simple you don't have to have a super high horsepower tractor but you just put it in neutral and then the attachment that you have on the back has hydraulic rollers that's rolling that bag up as it's taking the grain out and just the act of it rolling the bag up those Hydraulics just pulls the tractor back so you just move the truck forward when it need be but uh this is really cool during Harvest it also really speeds up your operation because you're not waiting for a truck to leave the field and come back you're not waiting in line in an elevator you're not waiting on a grain leg at your grain system you just pop the corner soybeans right into the bag and keep on harvesting I've never done anything with grain bags this is our neighbors operation this is actually my first time seeing a grain bag being being emptied I see them loaded all the time during Harvest so uh thank you Kevin for letting us video your operation this is super cool I hope you enjoyed today's video this video would not have been possible without my neighbor Kevin the guys down at the Harvard aora Co-op Derek Reed thank you so much for letting me film for following me around for teaching me things and of course couldn't forget the boss man myself Chris at Aurora Co-op we really appreciate you guys thank you for everything that you do thanks for watching today's video I hope hope you learned something and we'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 252,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farm, Agriculture, Equipment, Vlog, John deere, tractor, machinery, construction, truck, informational, learning, work
Id: hDgowFQvczI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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