Troubleshoot Ram - Pt 5 How To Test Ram If Computer Not Turning On Or PC Turns On But No Display

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so this is part 5 of my troubleshoot series and today we take a look at RAM issues whether Ram is responsible for your computer with no display not turning on or not booting up coming up over intro idiom tags and welcome this is actually my tech helping you go from a newbie to techie if you've stumbled on this video this is part 5 of my troubleshoot series check because above all the description below I've done an introduction and previous four parts to explain how a computer works and we're showing 10 different components of any computer and if you can identify what symptoms is being shown you can easily go to that part and easily swap it and replace it for a quick fix so make sure you go and check out those videos and then come back here unless you're really tech savvy ok so moving on today we're gonna deal with a ram issues RAM or random access memory or memory as it's simply known is one of those components without any moving part which means it's actually quite long lasting false you do ok on Ram but there are more rare and they are a lot more easy to troubleshoot and repair sort of because there's not much repair you can do apart from you know if it's a background always is faulty you can have to replace it does the actual easiest thing to do now I do want to profess this by saying some people what we've done if they've had a background they've used some sort of alcohol rub and like an you know eraser to be able to just kind of clean it and it did work you know that's one fix you could try if you really want to okay so bear that in mind all right let's move on there are two stages full Ram failure why are we talking about that the RAM is actually preventing your BIOS to complete the post so it will not be booting up and the other one is it does allow you to boot up but then while using your Windows application or it could be Linux or Mac whatever there are a lot of bizarre behaviors your computer will display like you know windows freezing up you can get blue screen of death you can have corrupted files you can have weird colors on your screen there's all sorts of problems in fact RAM problems so many different symptoms is difficult to know for sure that when you look at something all that's definitely RAM issue because many of these issues can also be caused by your hard disk like bad sectors or even about power supply or a dying motherboard you know there's a lot of issues however RAM replacement is one of the easiest and quickest and fastest and probably cheapest way to fix many problems of your computer both before it post and after its posted and booted up on to Windows and because many people they know where the RAM is they can easily access it or can find some tutorials and then you can easily just swap out the Rams without even knowing the exact cause of your problem just trying to swap Rams with a good non-working Ram will usually fix a lot of problems but it's like again shooting blind and we've talked about this before I'm going to refer you to this video this was a laptop repair I did on a laptop which was displaying some form of life though there was some LED lights caps locks was flashing but it wasn't booting up and he turned out it was a problem with the RAM slot I believe and what I did was swapping the RAM into different RAM slot and that fixed the problem so check it out the cards above or the link below if you are going to test for RAM if you suspect your RAM is a problem I don't want value to buy new Ram just to test things out you will have people in your friends in your family who have the same system and I will advise just borrow from them because we again it's it's fairly easy to just take RAM out as long as you're a little bit careful you know make sure you're discharging your static electricity from your body and from the device you're taking from then it should not be a problem just swap out the Rams do bear in mind there are four generations of RAM we are currently on ddr4 and you will have all the way from DDR ddr2 ddr3 and ddr4 so you just need to make sure which Ram version you're using and the motherboard or your system or the vendor that you solve from will be able to tell you that just a quick google search into this case we've got a ddr2 platform this is an Intel platform now there was some issues between in Dell and M the compatibility on ddr2 platform's maybe even to the up I'm not aware whether this happening on ddr4 I haven't seen it on ddr3 I'm not well-versed on whether still in issue some AMD grams would not work on Intel platforms something like that but they're not very common if you're buying all the rams just make sure there are the right forms that you're buying I don't think it's a problem anymore and the actual speed all the size of the RAM will not really matter if you're just doing it for testing as long as it's the same platform you should work okay like in the laptop video that I showed there are two physical problems with RAM it could be the RAM itself or it could be the RAM slots in which you plug in the RAM and you have to test for each it's a lot easier to test for the RAM than their arm slots and we will come to that but today's test we are mainly talking about the RAM being responsible for your laptop or desktop not booting up not posting and no display on the screen we're not talking about finding for RAM failures what happens after you boot up on to your system for that there are plenty and plenty of software you can use one that comes to mind I think is ma'am 86 plus it is a really reliable and trustworthy application you can use I'll put a link below if you want to download it and if you have some issues with your RAM but it's not much help if you can't actually get into your system if you've got bad RAM and a lot of you may have this problem so we will tackle these problems when we look at a different series after we managed to actually get on to our screen logging so let's go back to my little system here and still the same one I've not connected a hard drive still not working to hard drive problems we just want to know if it's going to post also I do have an issue about the clock on there the CMOS battery a bit of an issue so don't worry about that part as long as it posts we're gonna look for the beep so let's see what happens when a complete working system is posting and beeps so let's put it on and we've got fan spinning on the CPU cooler and the PSU and beep one beep display on the screen and it's doing its thing and there you go again it's telling me Simoes check somebody does the battery don't worry about that right so we know it's posting and we know that if I had a hard drive with an operating system I could boot on to Windows fairly easily now at this stage I can also go into setup if I want to change anything so this is good news right so this is a normal working system now I'm gonna leave this video uncut and I'm going to remove the two RAM sticks on there okay and discharge of my static Rishi Steve right and let's see what happens if for some reason you had a system with no RAM sticks present it could be something you've bought or you've swapped that part you forgot to put Ram and it's you know it's covered you haven't opened the panel and you turn your system on let's do that right now let's see what kind of signs come up right I'm going off that so with the RAM sticks away from the RAM slots we've had one long beep and then two short beeps beep beep beep and that will continue I have not left it long enough to know if it carries on forever it makes stop after a certain number of series I'm not sure but I'm guessing you will keep doing that it's quite annoying now this little thing the speaker cable remember I showed you in a previous video I put a link for where I actually showed you I think I was on the motherboard one this little cable not this one sorry my bad this little cable the speaker cable is the most valuable piece of diagnostic tool you can have and I would seriously advise you if you don't have a speaker cable that goes onto your motherboard by one they are so cheap I've just bought myself a pack of ten of them for I think under two pounds and because obviously I need to test a few systems also many of my computers don't have them it's really handy now the reason is because the beep code and we've talked about it before the beep codes will tell you a lot of troubleshooting problems including CPU problems RAM problems video card problems and the whole load of other issues and in that one it signifies to me that there is no RAM present on the RAM slots so there's no room in the system now do bear in mind that the one long beep and two short beeps is specific for this motherboard with this type of BIOS chip and you need to really check with your manufacturer of the board or the chip of the BIOS whatever it is for specific bit codes one long beep and two short beeps may mean something else for your specific motherboard do bear that in mind ok right now we'll leave this video uncut again and one-shot now oh no put the RAM sticks back but this time I'm not going to click it in I'm just gonna place it on top right without pushing it down to firmly secure it just so visually if I was looking into a system I would see there is RAM present but it's not click didn't and I'd see what happens this time when we turn system on I won't stop it here we've had the exact same beep cause the one long beep and two short beeps right that because it's not plugged in properly it's not been installed or inserted properly and it's giving us the same code and the way to prove that is we're gonna just click it in and let's test this do bear in mind at this stage sometimes your computer may not display or may not pause you're gonna have to do the discharging the static electricity and go refer to the video a free port one where I showed how to do that all right so let's turn it back on again and hopefully it should work with one short beep display bingo right and the CMOS crap we don't care about that right so that sorry that is a very simple normal functioning test and like you seen when I've took out the ramp this was the issue to other issue that can happen on some motherboards and again you have to refer to the manufacturer to know the exact composition the exact slot you you need to be placing in the Rams all the board's have worked on some boards where they had like one black and like three blue colors and you needed to place specific Ram configuration according to the slot colors so you have to check with the manufacturer so that could be a reason why also the RAM may be causing your computer not booting up because it was wrongly insert although you may have the right Ram but it's not inserted in the right slots that I can't tell you what's the exact sequence you can have to check with the manufacturer details okay now and last on this one is we've tested for the RAM our RAM slots are working but how would you know if the RAM slot is not working unfortunately it's gonna be very difficult to do that without doing the only thing you can which is you're gonna take your RAM sticks and place it into a known working motherboard of same compatibility of course and just to make sure place it in a second one just to eliminate every possibility and if those RAM sticks work in those two systems or at least at one system then big chance is the RAM slots on your motherboard is faulty and the bad news is that you're gonna have a hard time to find someone to repair that for you best thing the cheapest one the less hassle if you're convinced is the RAM slot that's causing the problem is going to be to replace the whole motherboard but sometimes what can happen is only one of the slots or more than one of the slots can be faulty in that case do the logical thing and take out all the RAM and get a nonworking Ram and insert only one at a time and every time rebooting and we're starting to check whether there is any of the rams loss causing issues a bit long-winded but that's the only thing you can do but do also bear in mind that this is a troubleshoot that you can actually do from the very beginning of suspecting a problem with hardware I have started with you know power and then motherboard CPU RAM but RAM is one of the easiest thing to do so you could actually start there and like I said there's a big chance it will resolve a lot of problems however if you have started just with that just with the RAM and still not giving you a conclusive result and you haven't tested for your things I don't vies you to make a conclusion just yet you still need to check for power supply check motherboard CPU you know I'm just saying it's not as straightforward as you think just because you can start with Ram and then it's not giving you a conclusive result don't just assume why it must be the RAM slots it may not be the Ram so maybe something else it's just you know it's a bit of logical thing comes with experience and sometimes a bit of luck good so we're done with the RAM on this board this is they did the auto system I'm gonna take you to a different system because I've actually got some faulty ddr3 rams and I'm gonna show you what happens when we insert 40 Rams on a nonworking system okay so this is a ddr3 system it's actually a gaming PC and it's going to feature in a future video because I bought this on quite cheap you know it was used pass but it's working quite well so stay tuned for that video coming up so we got it connected to an old money Marcin keyboard and inside we've got two sticks of ddr3 RAM four gigabyte each as a gigabyte okay and I'm gonna turn it down to show you the boot sequence and the symptoms right computer turns on one beep check the monitor sorry about the fitness or quite pale display because an old monitor and it's booting into Windows so we're fine we heard the one beep so that's not a problem now I'm going to do I'm gonna off the system ok of this and again I'm going to leave this in one shot and cut okay so I've got with me two RAM sticks and just broke that apologies and these two M sticks come from a bad system they are not working already tested them so motor swap these sticks in with the existing working ones just take this off so we're leaving this one cut to show some sort of you know transparency and Trust and more originality I guess and we're going to insert these ones in because we know they don't work if I can do this in reasonable time right okay just show you so I've got these green ones here and these are the ones I took out all right so uncut one shot let's turn it on this time and see what happens okay fan spinning lights coming on there is no beep sound there is nothing on the display okay and these green drumsticks are still there so that's definitely a problem I'm going to stop the system from the back I'm just going to take these RAM sticks out this time I'm going to leave them out so one there and the other one right take them out let's check in there there's no Ram sticks anymore and now we're going to turn it on again see what kind of beep pose we get LED on her dad okay this time we got a single long beep at intervals and he might continue until I switch the system off which is different to the other beep cause is why I told you that every beep code for the same symptoms will be different on different motherboards okay now just to kind of test this whole theory we're gonna replace the good non-working Ram stick into the system and as a precaution I'm gonna discharge this static electricity before I plug it in because you may have had to build up with all these different random changes plug it back in turn it on and we've got so I'll put the proper RAM sticks in there this time and these are the 40 ones okay all right so let's turn it on and cross our fingers is that a thing okay fan spinning Elda lights one beep and we've got movement on the screen there you have it so I'm just let that boot up and I hope I've made my point with an actual real live application of RAM test ok some final thoughts on the RAM troubleshooting thing now it's very easy it's probably one of the easiest things troubleshoot and to replace and it will fix many problems I can actually recommend you to buy use RAM sticks in this case because of non moveable parts for the most part unless you have a dodgy seller or from a dodgy website then if you go on Amazon or Ebay and buy from a reputable seller or even any retailer of your choice online or otherwise as long as you've got some sort of warranty or return period you should be okay of what many mini RAM sticks used and it's been fine and sometimes it's quite cheap you can actually take the risk would not advise this form of boards or hard drives for the most part all right so we're done with part five of the series so next part is going to be part six we're gonna be tackling a think the graphics card and no display so I want to know what you guys think of this type of series and I know is far from being perfect and I couldn't improve the production value a lot more practical applications a lot more b-roll even better filming techniques better lighting and even better audio however you know I'm trying to put some sort of order in this otherwise very chaotic platform and us you should content creators especially how to channels are quite happy to oblige but what I want to know is do you enjoy this type of series could I make it better I'm sure I can make it better but I would need your feedback I do want to complete the series and after this I've got a lot more different themed series to tackle look behind me see these desktops all of these have been with me for probably over two years and the most of them are all the system's couple of ddr3 systems but they all need i've repair or an upgrade and my main aim is to turn each and every one into a gaming desktop of some sort you know some of them obviously won't be the high-end gaming but we'll work on that in fact hard at least make it serviceable enough and workable enough so that someone can use for some sort of productivity tours do you guys want to see this series will be a long detailed one and each case will be different and I will be able to showcase a lot of the troubleshoot that I've been showing you probably a lot more in actual real life situation so I think it might be worth it let me know in the comments below if you want to see this kind of troubleshoot series ok guys you know what to do as usual leave me a comment or question below give me a like it is like and share this video with those who you think might benefit from it also please consider subscribing it does help me a lot if I know we're building a community and I do encourage you to engage in the comment section once again guys thank you so much for watching this was Ashe forming my tech helping new core from newbie to techy until next time peace out [Music]
Channel: HealMyTech
Views: 341,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: troubleshoot ram, how to troubleshoot ram issues, ram, troubleshoot, ram not working fix, ram not working in laptop, ram not working in pc, ram not working no display, ram not working properly, faulty ram, how to test memory ram, how to test ram, how to test ram memtest86, how to test ram performance, how to test ram slots, how to test ram stability, how to test ram working or not, error, how to test memory, memory, repairs, tutorial
Id: LkjqsCVKx_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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