Troubleshoot a PC With No POST or No Display

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[Music] what you guys good another video here for yet now it's happened so it's all one time or another when we built a PC and we get no post what that means is when you power it on you don't get a post screen on your display here and basically this is not classed as a knock boots them because boot not booting would be when you get the windows logo coming up and spinning around then and it goes off that's a not a booting problem this is no post which is probably the worst because it means either the cables not plugged in correctly or something's not right or you've got a bad piece of hardware and that's what we're going to go through in this video now normally what happens is when you're getting a no post issue which is your power on self test basically weapons the bias will determined whether the video card or on ball graphics is working correctly it will move through the next process where it verifies your RAM and then it will move on and check your keyboard and mouse whether that's plugged in correctly and then normally what happens is it looks for your PCI bus and then starts checking all of the cards that are installed and so on and then it will go on to the display and then you get the display it happens very quickly but that's generally basically roughly what happens when you get the power-on self-test so what we're going to do here is take a look how we can resolve the problem so there's going to be two scenarios one you've got an old system which is going to be slightly different to a brand new system now I've got an email from a gentleman who is a subscriber of my channel he basically said that he's built himself a brand new PC and he's not getting any post which is any post of displaying on there now I'm gonna go through some of the things that you should try now some of these are very very simple and very basic but you have to go through these to eliminate to make sure that it's not that is the problem so let's go ahead and start with some of the basics here first and clarify whether it's a just a general cable issue or it's some sort of problem so let me move this around and then we can work out here so I'm going to try and get Miranda back here so you can see the first thing to do is check the power switch on the power supply make sure that is on you also want to make sure the power lead which goes into the power supply is turned on at the wall outlet and also what you want to do is make sure this kick this cable is good and known working if it's bad then you need to replace it you can check it off made videos to show you how to do that but that's the first place to check next if there's a little light on here on the panel supply might see a light power on that doesn't necessarily mean that the power supply is not bad but basically we'll just move on to the next step so make sure you got your your cables plugged in correctly make sure there's no damage cable or bent pins or anything like that check those and make sure unplug anything that's plugged into the back of the computer apart from the mouse and keyboard and what you're going to get an error but basically just unplug any external drives any hubs any sort of flash drives or anything like that unplug them and take them out once we've done that we can then move on to the inside of the unit now what you want to do here is inside here if you've just built your PC you want to make sure when you build in pcs we want to test this outside of the PC before you build it so many times you've probably built a PC over the years and you haven't tested it you if that I've done it myself where I thought it'd be okay and guess what it's not okay and it doesn't work and you've just done all a cable management it's really really bad practice what you want to do first is test this on the motherboard box to make sure you're getting BIOS and everything else is working okay if you don't do that and you go ahead and do a complete build which I'll see a lot of people doing because they can't be bothered to test it it's just too much work for them apparently but if you do that what's going to happen is it's going to save you a lot of this headache because if you've done all the cable management and it's not posting you're going to end up I'm going to take it all apart what I would suggest you do is take it all apart and put it back on to a motherboard box to make sure you're not grounding out the back of the case and making sure that you've done it correctly next up if you don't want to do that and you want to test make sure your cables are plugged in your CPU cable make sure that is plugged in all the way make if it's not plugged in you need to plug it in as it's not going to work your 24-pin power cable from your power supply here make sure if you're using a modular power supply make sure they're plugged in in the all the way at the power supply and make sure they're plugged in at the motherboard so check both of these places okay get down the back of the power supply make sure you've pushed it in all the way and make sure the clip is clipped over same thing here make sure it's seated all the way down if it's not seated all the way down it's not going to work one little teeny bit out and it can cause havoc with the system once you've done that you can move on to the next step which is the front panel connectors which is for the case which powers the when you push the power button up here we just show you up here when you push the power button there's a cable that runs down here and you plug them into the board so basically what you want to do is make sure all the front panel connectors are connected up the right way you can check your user manual and check to make sure now you might be saying to yourself our that's done all right I know how to do that unplugged them and reseat them and make sure they're correct that way you're not going to forget to check this and of course it's not going to work properly check the motherboard to see whether there's any power light on some of the more expensive boards will have a little power LED light on there if you're getting power that means you're getting power to the board also check to see if there's any diagnostic buttons or anything like that or LED diagnostic panel on there some of the more expensive born to have those these budget boards won't have that but you can check ok and once you've checked all your cables next thing you want to do is check your heatsink and yes I did turn this around the right way some people were getting triggered because it was here I said I would do it but it's just basically the outer shroud that you have to unscrew and twist around which I said in the video which I'll do and I've so now it's okay hope them guys can sleep well at night knowing I've thumb there but other than that you want to check the power the heatsink here make sure this is CT correctly you might want to take it off and check to make sure that you haven't left the plastic bit on the bottom of the CPU heatsink and then put it back on because sometimes that can cause problems I've seen people do it online it's not very good and they've been in the business 20 plus years as they say but you want to check that make sure that you check that and also if it's ok put some fresh compound on clean the old one off put some fresh compound on and reseat that down okay and make sure it's nice and firm on there once we've done that you can then start to get to the power switch make sure the power switch on here is working ok so if you've got power on the board you can see a power light on the board and you're pushing this and nothing's happening you can jumper the jumper down here to make sure that it's working there's a little power switch cable here and you can basically just jumper those with a screwdriver and it should power on if it doesn't power on then it's not you switch and you've got some other deeper issues there so next up we're going to move on to what it could be with hardware so once you've checked all of this stuff you're now getting into the meat and potatoes which is pretty much hardware and this is where you've got probably a DOA item on being delivered to you now don't get your knickers in a twist basically this is pretty normal they make so much of this hardware and sometimes you just get a DOA ok and it could be a bad board there are had bad boards on every single motherboard manufacturer there's no one board that's stands out from the rest so just remember just to RMA if it's a bad board now if you've got Hardware around if you're a PC repair tech and you've got hardware and you can swap it out then obviously it's really quick and easy to swap out so if you've got an Intel system with onboard graphics you can whip out the graphics card and turn on the onboard graphics and plug it into the onboard graphics on the back here and see whether it fires up if it fires up then you've got a bad graphics card same thing with your RAM you need to check your RAM if you've got four sticks or two sticks or one stick and you haven't got nothing to test obviously if you've only got one stick of RAM it could be a bad stick and you're not going to know until you switched it out we could do is take you all out and power it on and see if you get a beeping code or any sort of noises and it fires up because sometimes you're going to get a PC firing up and then turning off sometimes you get the fans win it's been in and nothing happens there's a bunch of different scenarios that happens with these as long as we're not talking about video problems like a video issue or windows booting issue if you're talking about post screen not displaying and not coming on make sure that your monitor is basically working that means the PCs booting up you can't see it so you need to determine whether it is that is the problem and then move on so you can test these so basically these will come out these sticks obviously if you built these pcs you can remove this stick I would advise you to and remove at least leave one in and then pair it on see if it happens if you've only got one stick then you know you're in a bit of a pickle here unless you've got a spare stick but I would try to pair it on with one see whether that happens swap the sticks around and then try that try on a different dim slot because one of your DIMM slots on the board might be felt and then you can return the board if the board's bad if it's an old system and it's a more of an older system you need to check your seam or sometimes clearing the CMOS can resolve this issue CMOS or BIOS settings are corrupted and you need to clear it there's a little jumper on the board normally where you can jumper this and it will clear the CMOS and basically help you clear it what you can do is if it's an older system which is very very common for older pcs is the battery is failing or flat or dead and it can cause problems so replace your battery and you can get them on Amazon they're not that expensive they are cr2032 and you just replace them okay just try getting a Duracell ones don't get those cheap Chinese ones definitely get the Duracell or something like that and it should be good to go okay so the next up you're going to have to test your power supply that's very important and older pcs with bad power supplies that's quite common intermittent problems with power suppliers that's another tricky one to diagnose especially if you don't have a spare power supplier to swap it out you won't know you can stick in a multimeter to test all the connectors to see if you're getting good power on each of them but the problem is these intermittent issues are sometimes hard to diagnose and the quickest way to test it is to swap it out the problem is if you spent a bunch of money on all of your computer components the last thing you want to do is start buying other parts to test you're expecting it to work straight out of the gate and that's a the problem for home users you could take it to a PC repair shop they normally charge a bench fee to test all your stuff and make sure it's working okay again they would not have a power supply tester on site they will probably just lose one of them little cheap power supply testers which doesn't put it under any load and it's very difficult to troubleshoot it that way so you're gonna need to test that whatever way you go about doing it is up to you but you need to make sure that your power supply is known good and then you can move on to your next step so once you've checked all those and you've done everything like that you're now determine whether what part has failed you can then send those parts back and get a replacement RMA em okay it's that simple there's a little forum online that you'll fill out they will tell you to ship it back ship both and back don't just ship one back if it's a bad stick around they'll asked you to either send them back all those in a replacement or they will or give you your money back but they normally want them both back and sometimes they're not too fussy about the packaging but sometimes if it's a motherboard and you're shipping the motherboard back this was very important for RMA's that you don't throw away that little plastic cover for the cpu cover if you've got bin pins and all that sort of stuff they are not going to replace bored okay so you need to make sure that you've got the CPU cover the plastic cover that goes over there and cover it all up as they won't return it I've had that issue before so keep all those bits I know there's people online right to throw all the plastic boxes and all the covers around keep that sort of stuff don't do that city stuff put it all into one place and keep it and then you can always keep the boxes until you find out whether the system runs well or not this is why it's so important when you build a new system to do burning test to make sure there was no problems with your hardware before you give it to the person that you've built it for because again you are given them warranty it's always good to test stuff and you want to make sure the graphics cards working okay the CPU the thermals are okay you've got enough cooling in here and everything else make sure if things right before you ship that out to that person okay hopefully these tips will help you resolve your problems again you will just have to go through all of these we'll find out whether it is just a cable issue or whether it is Hardware once you find out what it is you can then return that item but normally a lot of these problems DOAs are normally motherboard related when you start getting that no post and you can normally quickly resolve that very quickly as I showed you there anyway that's going to be about it for this video my name is Ben brine from blood tech computers code okay hope this video has been some use to you if you need any more help or advice you've got a disc or channel you can pop on there and ask for some advice on there and I'll be happy to help you out and if I'm not there there's a bunch of other technicians on there that will help you live your problems I'll leave the link in the video description I shall see you again for another video tomorrow have a great weekend bye for now now if you haven't subscribed yet hit the red subscribe button and hit the Bill notification button and click all to be notified when we upload new videos [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Britec09
Views: 527,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Troubleshoot a PC With No POST or No Display, How to Troubleshoot a No POST Issue, computer turns on but no display on monitor, How to Repair a DEAD Computer, PC Won't Turn ON power, Troubleshoot A Dead Computer Pc No Power, Desktop PC Computer Not Turning On, Computer, PC, Troubleshoot, Fix, Repair, Dead PC, Fix No Display, Fix No Post on PC, Computer Turns On And Then Turns Off, My computer won't turn on, Fix Dead PC, PC Wont Power On
Id: 0wDUN1DqRrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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