Domain of
Definition is an important Fusion
concept that can sometimes
help you troubleshoot performance
issues. If you do a
long left click on the Region of
Interest, you are enabling the
Domain of Definition, which is
the area in which computation
takes place. So you can
see that if you have a lot of transparency,
not all parts of the frame
are being used. This is tracked throughout
the flow. For example,
if I add a blur, you see based on
the blur radius, my radius is automatically
being extended. This works
with some tools, but not with all
equally well. For example,
the paint node always resets the
domain to the entire frame because
cloning and so on could
happen anywhere. But you can
manually override it. There's a Set
Domain and there is an Auto
Domain tool. So sometimes
you can just add an Auto Domain
and it will just determine the
transparency again. So this is
how you can go through your flow and
can find out where things are happening
inside of fusion.