Trouble On The Ranch #tractoraccident #farm #agriculture #farming #accidents #tractors #justmakingit

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[Music] [Applause] thank you all right girls on the count of three one two three [Music] hi there my name's Matt and welcome to just making it today we're going to cut some hay and then we're going to go and we're going to take a look at the corn see how it's doing so sit back and enjoy the ride this is the tractor I'm going to use today it's a 6115 D John Deere uh that's what I use the mow with it's about a hundred and fifteen hundred and eighteen horsepower and it took to a moco 530 John Deere every time I get started making hay right before I leave I like to get underneath and I like to check the blades to make sure they're you know not doll chipped or broke and there's one on each side one here one over there these are called Turtles and to change these blades it's very simple you just loosen the nut bolt falls out change the blade or you can flip it over so you can use the back side but I checked them all out and everything everything seems to be looking good okay on this particular mower we've got three grease fittings on the main shaft that goes up to the gearbox I like to pump some grease in there right before I cut any hay field just to make sure it's it's nice and lubed up and grease is a farmer's best friend okay I'm at the field I'm getting ready to mow this field was planted in the spring and I have oats fescue red clover Orchard Grass and Timothy and what I plan on doing with this field is I'm going to round bale it I could chop it it's really not that thick the first year when you plant it you know it looks a little shaky but after you keep mowing it it should come in good this is what the field looks like this year I just seeded it in the spring so we're going to go ahead and mow it down so let's start cutting okay we got some of the field cut and boy let me tell you if only you could smell this smells so good I almost want to eat we're getting there [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] well that's not too good uh looks like the rear end froze up snapped the wheel off or the lug nuts just snapped but I know they were tight so luckily nobody got hurt okay we got the mower still connected to the Tractor it doesn't look like the mower is hurt at all it just went into the ground right there I unhooked the PTO um now one thing that boggles my mind here is that the lug nuts okay if they were to snap they would have still they would still be in on the Hub here you would still see them so my guess is they work themselves loose they must have all fell out and the wheel came off so I'm gonna get little green here uh it's got the loader on it we're gonna lift up the back end and I'm gonna block it up and get it all straight and look things over and make sure that everything's okay I should be able to lift this tire myself it doesn't have liquid in it so I should be able to stand it up that's unfortunate but accidents happen I just didn't want something like this to I got a lot of hay to cut well I had to order the studs from the John Deere dealer so I'm on my way to go pick them up but I found two of the studs and I'll show you what they look like um but I'm gonna play you the video of me going around the field and you're gonna see the back left tire starting to wobble right after that that's when the tire fell off so here's that video okay watch the rear left tire see it wobble here's one of the studs that I found that I found two of them you could see how the threads are all flattened out um and when I think happened was they started to loosen up and then he when I went around a turn they eventually pushed out and then the tire fell off that's what they look like right there okay I got the tire standing on end here I'm gonna have to wheel it over I got it blocked up I had to use bottle jacks and floor jack to brace it up I tried the front end loader my little tractor wouldn't lift it the backhoe lifted it up high enough for me to get a jack underneath it so okay let's put the wheel on well I got the tire on we're all set I got it tight enough I'm gonna get it back to the garage and I'm going to torque down the studs and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to Mark the studs I just use paint nail polish and I'll put lines on them and we'll I'll keep watching this as I work when I get off the tractor when I get on the tractor I'll look at the lines make sure the studs didn't move but it's a good thing that this didn't happen on the road it happened right here in the field so okay we're gonna get back to cutting hay here pretty soon okay I made my way home here and I torqued these studs and I put those lines on so I could see if any of them move in the future so it's all ready to go okay this is one of my corn fields it's doing really good this year and this is one of my hay Fields here I'm probably looking at about 13 acres and it's mainly Orchard Grass it's really thick it had a slow start because we had a little bit of a drought here but now things are picking up we're getting a lot of rain so over here is my corn and let's see how it's doing here I haven't checked it for a while and it looks like cob's coming on nice uh this is 97 day corn um where I'm located we don't want to really go over a hundred because we get frost a little earlier than other people um I sort of live up in the mountains and uh the frost comes a little bit earlier boy it looks like it's doing pretty good let's get inside here and see what it looks like okay I'm inside the cornfield and it's looking real good uh I'm not on my knees I'm standing up and this corn must be 10. maybe 10 11 feet tall it's doing real good this year um like I said this is 97 day I stick under a hundred and what I'm gonna do with this corn is I'm going to basically I'm going to pretty much chop it this is uh corn for the cows we make silage Mounds we cover it up with plastic we throw tires on it um looks like it's doing pretty good though looks like two cobs per stock the weed control looks real good I'll show you that down here there's the ground looks real nice and clean just we started out real dry like I said and now we're getting a lot of rain and it just shot up and I uh I still plant 36 inch rows I'm not 30 inch so it's got a lot of space and I do no-till no till on the corn but yeah it's looking really nice we'll come out here in a few weeks and we'll take a look and see how the cobs look once they get more mature and stuff there's a lot of deer damage in the back of course I'm sure everybody gets that all right well it's been an interesting week and uh I hope to see you on the next video thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Just Making It
Views: 39,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #farmlife#agriculture#cows#ranch#ranching#accidents#tractors, #tractors#accidents#crashes#
Id: zEDgfcok0A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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