FIRST Mowing! 10' Flexwing, 46 Horsepower Tractor, Heavy Fescue, Small Trees!

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[Music] we're gonna try to finish off this uh Tower Property mowing project today I got the ts10 Johnny three I'm expecting to have a good time let's get started you're mowing down beans I don't have any choice he just keeps planting closer and closer I actually think the property line for this tire property is out another 25 30 feet but I don't really blame the farmer for trying to encroach here and get as many soybeans as he wants [Music] you know this property is not being used for anything productive so he might as well be using it according to my speedometer I'm going 2.1 miles per hour right now I haven't had a chance to look at the cut quality yet you guys will have to see for me until I get to turn around yeah that's too much pain to turn all the way around there right but typically one thing I really like about this combination is how the mower picks up lifts up that grass and doesn't leave much of the tire tracks it does a great job I'm gonna mow around the whole property here a couple of times maybe so so that I can kind of get it opened up and have some place to turn [Music] what do you think of that cut quality yeah some of this uh I don't think we even mowed it last year I left some of this uh for uh just left it grown up last fall thinking it might be a good just good for the Wildlife so I'm gonna mow it all this year I'm not having any issue with Johnny 3 having enough power at this speed whoops skip there Christie's making fun of my skip here so I better get it fixed put her as an eye in the sky is not always helpful I can't even make a mistake when she's not within eyesight okay so over here on the right was mowed four days ago four days ago with the ventrac flail mower I just think that looks fabulous got a lot of good comments uh on the ventrac Flail Mower and I'm glad you guys saw that because Christy and I were both very impressed we really enjoyed operating it and we just well we were surprised it was supposed to be the more lawn-centric version of the flail and yet it performed wonderfully in these big well big weeds and then some small trees here out to my right here was mowed with the moscioga sparto rear flail mower [Music] behind the 1025r and these first two strips here were mowed four days ago again with the ventrac and then the rest of it was mowed two days ago with the rear Flail Mower and you can see the major difference is the tire tracks in between the tire tracks you can see that both mowers were about the same really they were about the same but the tire tracks themselves are just just proved more than than the rear mower could handle now I probably could have improved that by lowering the mower deck some or I call it the mower deck lowering the rotor and uh then it would have picked that up a little bit better but I kind of wanted you to see it at comparable height I just thought that would be more informative for you but what I hear from basquio is a continual recommendation to mow a lot closer a lot shorter with a flail mower now I'm really sacrificing for you guys today that's right it was very tempting for me to get Johnny 5 out today and hook onto this ts10 air conditioning that would have been nice but I just felt like I had never tried the Tes 10 on the 3046r in really tough conditions like this so I thought it would be useful for both of us and it is I can go let's see I'm about 2.5 right now two and a half miles an hour right now I can do that in most of it sometimes I have to slow down to about two miles per hour but I can do that 2.5 for most of it go around the inside I'll go around the building and those trees and everything to kind of get a scope of what we're going to be doing today I tell you that this would be really scary to me if I hadn't mowed this before great place for something to be hiding and I don't mean an animal I mean a big old piece of Steel but I have mowed this before so I'm a little more comfortable I do know there's some stuff back here so naturally I'll go right there and see if I can get into it and tear my mower up [Music] foreign saw this spring and I never did get back here and clean up any of that so there's some fairly big trees in there even on a property that you have mowed before this is the most adventurous part still kind of the most uh well you better be on your toes there could be something that's fallen in here or somebody's dropped in here and this stuff's just really tall it's hard to see what's going on I just have to raise up over some of that that's what happened right there I just had to raise up I know there's some uh trashing all in there you can see I hit that one orange thing I don't know what it is I hit it a little bit every year I guess I ought to get it out of there by saying why don't you get it out of there instead of just hit it every year we really don't know how long this uh Tower project will last we don't know how long that uh the tower will even be here I still don't think anybody has leased it I think it's not being used and most of this property on three sides of this Tower is a part of the 2200 Acres that's going to be in that new subdivision assuming it happens of course it you know given the housing situation interest rates and all the economic issues who knows whether it'll happen in the near term either you know I I hate to wish ill on anyone but in this particular case I'm kind of hoping for a housing collapse I hope you understand what I'm meaning I just don't want to see those 8 000 homes any sooner than I have to now this strip right here and right over there are the test strips that I left last year when we did the single spindle versus Flex Wing test by the way that video is doing really well right now might be a video that if you missed last year you might want to go see we showed this Flex Wing versus a six foot single spindle same day same manufacturer it's a very fascinating test it's really hard for me to figure out how to mow this most efficiently I usually like to mow back and forth find the longest rows and just do some good straight back and forth oh my goodness look at these big trees I don't think I'll have any trouble but it didn't even hiccup no it was that was fine wasn't it it those trees were two years old but here I've got all these guy wires and just it's it's hard for me to find um a good straight path that I can just just cut straight all the time and so I end up just kind of mowing in chunks just a little piece here and a little piece there and sometimes that works out because we're using different mowers for testing but then when I get ready to finish it like today it it just feels like for only five acres I'm mowing in like four different directions to get it done oh well yeah I think I got all those trees they're gone thank you would think it would be the heavy trees that would pull the hardest but it's not it's the Fescue where it gets matted down in it's very heavy Fescue right back there these trees won't cause it any issue but I think I am proving that the 3046r is a large enough tractor to handle this machine in essentially any conditions you can put out throw at it I I would say that yeah I could go faster with the 5075e in really rough conditions like this but overall I would I would say this is a fine tractor for this mower I always thought it would be the 2038r could I go through this yes but I would have to creep I'd have to go really slowly and take my time and and be on and off the Hydra step pedal varying speeds but yes we could mow it with a 2038r and the ts10 and who knows we might still do a faster job than what we would with a five or six foot single spindle mower I know we would do a better job of cutting I've only got two passes of Headlands on this end so that's not enough for me to turn around well I might be able to force it to turn around from the tractor standpoint but I'm nervous about that CV joint on the mower I don't want to stress it anymore and I have to now I said this was a good sized tractor for this Mower and of course a cab would be nicer but having said that since the mower is a quite a ways back from the tractor I'm not getting that much brush up up on me so it's it feels better than a three-point mower where it's throwing brush right up under you all the time so it's it's not bad yeah it's hot and and yeah there's some you know some Grasshoppers and stuff around but then a cab would be nicer but this is entirely entirely workable and still enjoyable it's amazing how much ground we can cover with this 10 foot mower even going slowly it doesn't take long to mow a decent sized patch well I'm always impressed with the cut quality of this Mower and today's action is not proven any different yeah there's a few sticks sticking up but I think this is doing a great job is it cutting as good as the flail well it's cutting as good as the rear rear flail that we were using on the 1025r a little better than that I would think well maybe it's not chopping it up as much the front mounted flail I believe it's still got an edge and cut quality here didn't run over the material first and that's fixed up yep it's fixed up it's pulling the tractor down some raised my mower a little bit here I I know there's trucks rocks out here I hit one didn't I couldn't have been better timing I said rocks right as uh right as I hit I just don't know exactly where they are right it's it's hard to tell and they do not make themselves obvious until too late it's sticking way up I really need to get back here and dig these out foreign [Music] materials lighter out here I'm going three and a half miles per hour here without issue I'm just gonna turn around and Skip what I have to skip I'll pick that up later now this was all covered with with brush trees that were over our head a bunch of Cedars we show this in some early episodes we've been working back here for I believe this is at least the third year and so we've cleared a lot of it up we do have that one area of trees left kind of waiting for some other Miracle attachment I guess to get the rest of those not sure what it is yet brush removal attachment that you think will solve that let me know bid mowing here a good while and if I were mowing with the 1025r I would have had to have checked the radiator because I would be overheating but no overheating here the coolant temperature is staying exactly where it was when I first started so uh this one's this one's got some sort of better cooling system or a better way of filtering I'm not sure what it does differently around last year we mowed this area with a 30-39r our friend Randy brought it up to play with us and it's kind of fascinating because it it shows the difference now I realize it's a year apart but it shows the difference to me in Horsepower and I definitely can notice that this tractor these 3046r has a bit more horses than that 3039r I think these guy wires are the lowest that we have anywhere here this is the hardest part of the trimming you see I can't get too close when I go under foreign we have quite the setup going on right now this is probably one of the more complex uh audio and video setups we've had for quite a while let me see if I can explain Christie's flying the Drone that's the only camera we've got in the field right now is the one I'm looking at here waving hello hello Christy and I are talking to each other with our isotunes we have a regular phone call between us controlling the audio I've got an audio controller here where I'm controlling the levels of each of each audio now I know a lot of you are probably saying I have trouble hearing you over the tractor well yeah I'm sure you probably do but uh hey it's amazing to be able to hear anything over a tractor pulling a mower wide open throttle it's been the prior episode that he deserved an encore and besides Christy was getting itchy well she's probably getting itchy because of her allergies and all this stuff but uh she was getting itchy to drive the mower she'd been running the camera all afternoon you know I think the next time we need rain we need to come back here and do something on this property because seems like every time we're back here about the time we get done with our project it starts to rain and that's happening this time too but I think we're going to make it you know one other thing I should mention about our audio setup is we can totally separate Christy's voice and what's going on with her microphone from my microphone it's it's quite fascinating now a lot of you are probably going to ask well what audio system you're using quite frankly we just don't want to get into that it is very pieced together a lot of different things and uh uh it's multiple thousands of dollars and most of you're not really interested in those that are well you can figure it out for yourselves well I think uh we have a few Awards to give away for this particular mowing project I think Rookie of the Year definitely goes to Vinnie on the fine cut 72 inch flail mower cut quality again goes to Vinnie and the Flail Mower I think the overall most efficient mower will go to the ts10 although this particular entry didn't do as good as what it might have last year when we were running with the 5075e and cab because uh that uh that made a much more comfortable and much more efficient operating platform I mean that that made it that made it really enjoyable I think we had Ken from bolt-on hooks here for running that tractor and I couldn't get him out of it overall this year I don't think there's uh anyway but to give the grand champion to Vinnie and the 72 inch flail more you agree Christy I agree then he's really pulled his weight here this on this particular project folks I hope you've enjoyed it I think this is the last of it thanks for watching Everybody we'll see you next time on the name of the Lord is a fortified Tower the righteous run to it and are safe [Music] I'm going to show her up a little bit on trimming here foreign
Channel: Tractor Time with Tim
Views: 2,198,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tractor Time with Tim, compact tractor, John Deere, Kubota, Mahindra, Kioti, Yanmar, DIY, rhinoag, rhinoag ts10, batwing, batwing mower, rotary mower, john deere 3046r, utility tractor, mowing big grass, rhino ag, ts10, bush hog, brush hog, how farms work, outdoors with the morgans, farm vlog, bush hogging, mowing brush, land management, country life, brush mowing, mowing tall grass, tractor time, tractor tim, ttwt, farm videos, landscaping, pasture mowing, field mowing
Id: 1kqzezjfz0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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