First Hay Harvest: the ups & downs (and dangers!) (#128)

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foreign hey you guys I am up on our East field and as you can see the hay behind us has grown so nicely and we are about to cut it for the very first time because it is hanging season and we're going to try out our equipment and hope it all works so that the animals have amazing winter [Music] I am very excited to see what this whole deal is going to look like when Chuck is done [Music] hey God it looks awesome wow wow it smells delicious I love it fresh cut grass [Music] do you have the capella yes [Music] hey buddy hi capella got some dinner for Dad I'm gonna have a little picnic so we can continue getting the work done tonight my amazing farm wife exactly [Music] we're like what you asked for I know [Music] just taking a look at my handiwork from last night mode till about a little after 10 and got this field mode for the first time now we just have to wait for it to dry enough to rake it and then we'll get our round baler out and bail it up and hopefully have some really good hay for our cows I know I promised you guys a update on the interior or what have we have been doing with the log home and so I thought I would take you inside and just show you a little bit [Music] thank you we got a couch I mentioned that in the previous or a couple videos ago so this is making it very inviting in here to be able to sit down and enjoy the view and then eventually enjoy the fireplace so as you can see that still needs a lot of work we got we got Fred in here um Chuck is still trying to figure out the configuration for the stones on the Hearth and then obviously we need it to do all the stoning around the fireplace and place our big wood mantle in position so that is definitely something that will be put on hold probably until fall but we want to make sure it's done before winter because we want to be able to have some fires in the fireplace and then in here is the dining room as you can see we are using our patio furniture we plan on building a table from wood from our property at least that's kind of what the goal is right now and um but so in the meantime we're using this and some folding chairs there is no light above the dining room table that is still a thought process work in motion so that will be coming eventually and then here is my kitchen with my lighting and I have a ceiling fan which I love and it's just a great working space I'm very pleased with the oven and stove top the spices obviously we don't have a hood yet so we will be getting a hood and we will be building shelving on either side of the hood and so spices will go up on those shelves so they'll come off of the countertops here and then we'll obviously put some more framing around the window there to case it out and my sink I love my sink so let me show you down here it turned out perfectly so I'm very pleased with that and then my dishwasher love it love it lots of counter space over here and then my refrigerator with the uppers in this area here we are going to be building some shelving from wood from the property and along the walls here so that all of the plates and glasses and all that kind of stuff and plants can go there in the meantime I have everything kind of tucked under here and then all the cabinets over here that are storing food the very end one has the vacuum [Music] as you can see we do not have any doors we are building barn doors so there will be a big barn door here and then we're still unsure what we're going to be doing for the closets we do have pocket doors that will be installed for the bathroom and the toilet area but here is the master bathroom Chuck and I worked on getting the shower door and a glass wall installed it is not perfectly set in place we still need to work on that but it's been put on hold it's definitely usable right now and then the other thing I love about my bathroom is that it has drawers living in the yurt with no drawers for a couple years it definitely made me appreciate having them have our bed set up so I am planning out a big headboard that I'm going to build that will attach to the wall there and kind of break up all that wood in the back it's going to have some fabric and then a little bit of our wood as well from the property to frame things out the next project inside is to finish Chuck's closet and then framing out the windows of course [Music] foreign here is my loft area and I am digging it oh so so cozy so over here I do in storage have a large love seat with an ottoman and I just can't get to it yet So eventually that will be there still need to frame everything out all the windows and trim all the walls but it's turned out to be a really nice space and I love it when I ride my bike amazing so this morning while I'm waiting for the Dew to dry off so I can get started raking I took on another small project and that's to build in the Hogs pen an area where when when the sows deliver their babies in just a few days when they roll against the wall they won't squish their their little ones and that's something my dad taught me many years ago when I was a little boy that especially in those Corners so we've created like a an area here that the Hogs the little piglets can get up in there and not get squished by their mama so hopefully this is done correctly I'm only going from memory I think I have it about the right height but now I'm going to put some hay in here and get it ready and hopefully the sows will have their babies in here all right I think I'm done hang it the bump boards or whatever you want to call them down here and we have the hay in here I used hay instead of straw it's just what I had um but should be fine and got some nice nesting areas look at this girl look at her she is going to burst any day now aren't you he's Mr rooster your friend [Laughter] [Music] the nice cozy babies to be born in don't you yeah that is crimson she looks big to me they're both huge I think she is the bigger one [Music] big huge her belly looks like it's starting to drop down a little bit so I think she's pregnant yeah yeah we will soon find out okay rooster they are digging the belly rubs my big boars I know look at the Tusk on that point they get belly rubs they're happy yep that's right that's right but I'm still watching out for you now that Chuck is done with cutting all the hay he is going to be switching over to the rake which flips the hay over so it can dry on the other side and then we'll Bale it up with our round baler which is here which we've never done before so that will be pretty interesting that should be done we got the rake hooked on and all greased up and now Chuck is going to drive over to the east field and start raking all the hay that he cut [Music] how's it looking babe great that's awesome great this stuff's gonna be ready this afternoon wow that's cool [Music] foreign [Music] that is some beautiful hay Chuck is going to finish the job [Music] I came to check on Chuck and he is doing his very last row my goodness he got this done within like two hours I am very impressed now it's time to hook up the baler and now can you turn it turn what this thing okay let's turn it out he got it in the PTO shaft is hooked up that is hard this thing is weighs a ton I could imagine once again not something I could do on my own we are about to find out how this works at these puppies they live for this Ranger sit there in anticipation of us driving it hooked up these are so this is the underside and that supposedly picks the hay up and feeds it to the inside I'll try it out you gotta watch out I want to get sucked under so Chuck's a little uncertain how the twine works so for this first one we're gonna let it go without Twining it oh don't fall apart don't don't fall that is so awesome I love it babe oh my gosh awesome um look at that look at that sweet it works this is where we're entering into the unknown so we're hooking up a couple other hoses taking the other ones out so that we can run the twine and see how it works but that's the reason for that is because I don't have four um they call them remotes or two remotes remote one remote two I've got to get on this tracker I didn't realize that the Baler would require two remote Okay so that's why you gotta swap them out yeah so is that something you can get it so these are pretty heavy duty belts here and you can see and then [Music] hello hey it's all bailed up let me see if I can get in here let's see string this is the total mystery to me yeah this is a guessing game nope okay let's see how it works I'm stepping back there it goes now that's why it's moving so Chuck was noticing that the other side was not working so we're still going to um just let it free and see how it looks it's out it has string on one side but not the other [Music] friends this is not a glamorous job and for those who have criticized us and say that we're flexing our spend just notice we work for this it is not easy let's see how it looks there's the baby it's got string and everything sweet that's our first official Bale that is fully wrapped with twine everything nice work baby yep okay drop her down sweet get to see my first baby let us see oh how beautiful wow very pleased that is a nice bale of hay and I made it City Girl making round bales Chuck is taking back over and get another one done this is a pretty exciting day for Chuck and I because it definitely creates one step closer to being a little more independent and knowing it that we can feed our animals without having to rely on someone else to buy the hay from so we are pretty excited about this also because we know now the Baler Works chuck had bought it when we first moved out here almost two years ago we never used it and so uh so now we are very happy that it was money well spent and it's doing its job that is one happy man right there he's living the dream so every time we need to let the bail of hay out we have to switch these hoses so I think it is a definite must that we get that extra little thing that Chuck needs unfortunately for this field he's going to have to do this every time he lets uh bail out so if you have hay fever you cannot be doing this job and oh man definitely making my skin itch so this is our fourth Bale and we got a lot more to do that scared me we're replacing the twine but I'm not sure if it's the right kind lots of extra twine there figuring out how to put that new one on but definitely got both twines working fantastic so this is what happens when you back into a hay bale that you forgot was back there on a side Hill like this that very well could have flipped my tractor over so very lucky we're in a predicament we have got a Baler that's about to flip over which may take the tractor with it so now we're trying to use the winch on the Ranger to pull it over but the problem is the last person who pulled the winch in there yeah evidence too far got it stuck so there's always something isn't there babe always always overall today's been very good we've figured out a lot of props yep we know how to work this sucker and we know now to not back it into bales of hay I know but if you can get that out the thing that's supposed to stop it from going in there yeah that did not do its job banger the smoker is stuck oh there we go look at you you are a determined man wow last bolt to be put back on and then we can finally use the winch yay Capone's exhausted he's had a big day you guys chasing the ranger around good boy okay now the winch is usable let's hook it on get that sucker back down ready that's pulling the ranger in hold on actually what I want to do okay I wonder I'm gonna give it a little cushion okay that's probably okay right okay you ready okay now how you gonna get the bail out okay now he's gonna pull the tractor forwards good job now let's assess the damage if there is any I don't see anything back to work this is what we do on a Saturday night it's almost eight o'clock we're probably gonna be working till 10. it's supposed to rain tomorrow so we're trying to get as much as we can into the Bales so we can move them tomorrow morning get them covered but I don't know how that's going to work [Music] so I over filled it it started smoking Chuck came running at me and now he he gets to pull all the hay out that got stuck underneath take a nap it's nighttime anyway so the sun is set [Laughter] [Music] oh my God so one more thing just happened oh my gosh how did that happen so I'm guessing when we tipped it over it's probably posted the side oh my gosh so we're done bailing tonight and I don't know where we're gonna find one of those oh my gosh it's never ending oh my God I just would love to have one job like go smoothly just not possible okay getting that tire off it is the next morning and we're getting ready to get the bales of hay that we did yesterday put onto our trailer and bring them over here stab some hay sweet [Music] it's leaning a little bit so he's going to try and push it to straighten it out a little bit before I start driving I don't want a hay bale falling off when I'm driving the truck good [Music] okay so there are four bales one that's looking pretty sad but we're just going to continue doing this until all the Bales are picked up then we gotta cover it up before the storm comes which is coming in a couple hours temporary storage until we get our barn built so not the most ideal because it is still going to get wet in the elements but it's definitely better than nothing we are on our last four bales so our final load of moving them out until we get a tire for the baler all the rest of the hay will just sit here figured out how to manure that the hay drops off pretty good here's another one that didn't get fully twined so it'll probably fall apart yep sure enough smooth is better all right oh it's so close this is a lot harder than it looks folks unless you've been doing this like for years and years learning it is challenging I'm just glad he's doing it not me okay let's see if this will do it come on baby get her dropped on there [Music] [Music] nice one more and we're done that was a mess good job babe first time doing it yeah our stack doesn't look too great because we got a few bales that didn't get wrapped we were learning how to use the wrapping on the on the Baler and so that was a fail a little bit but we did figure it out and so now we have a lot of really good wrap Bales mixed in yes yeah that last one was not wrapped so that's why it completely fell apart kind of looks a little bit like Chewbacca yeah is very high quality it's awesome we have a new tire yay gonna be putting it on and finishing up all the bailing gonna be back in business foreign Balor is back in business and hopefully we can get all of this done tonight so we don't have to stay out too too late the final bail with that our work is done at least for the night we are all done yay good job first Field's complete that's right we do have more fields to do so oh and then we gotta do it all again in a couple months don't we yeah lots of work but uh it's all good it's all good because we're gonna have some happy animals yep we figured out how to Hay on the ranch first time ever and uh and 40 probably 40 years for me since I've bailed hay never for me so I think we did pretty good yeah so well with that we will see you guys later take care take care bye
Channel: Freedom Ranch Homestead
Views: 207,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hay, hay harvest, roundballer, johndeer, johndeertractor, johndeerbaler, country, harvest, countrylife, countryliving, freedomanchhomestead, homestead, homesteading, homesteadlife, citytocountry, loghome, hogs, sow, piglets, pregnantpig, pig, boar, country lifestyle, country living magazine, homesteading off the grid, round baler operation, stoney ridge farmer, baling hay dangers, baling hay accidents, baling hay with tractor, making round bales, john deere 335 round baler, jd 335 round baler problems
Id: dmAkreWsB9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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