Tropico 6 - Max Difficulty Map of DOOOM! - Part 1

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[Music] 18. back for some more tropico 6. i just did well did and failed to do really the uh referendum mission um over here in tropico 6 afterwards and i was trying to avoid spoilers right so afterwards i went and looked up what people were talking about with the referendum like what's the trick a lot of people talking about how this is probably one of the hardest missions looks like the thing to do is probably to get the coliseum as early as possible so you only have to work on two things for happiness but it's still like a big a looks like it's going to be a big pain in the ass to get the um the um the factions but in any case what i want to do is i want to play on sandbox mode today i want to do that i want to set the political difficulty to aggressive the opposition difficulty too strong um a large island with high land mass is probably okay i don't know i guess leave the rest the way it is sure i don't know fine so we're gonna start this just oh oh did i set a did i set a victory condition i don't remember well i guess we're gonna find out in a second i don't remember if it saved my victory condition from last time which is just a quarter of a million dollars in the swiss bank account is what i want there perfect excellent that's exactly what i want over there i like this goal because the thing with the swiss bank account money well the other thing would be like maybe population but that's not something you can set you know if we set like a thousand population as a goal that would be something the swiss bank account money is interesting because accumulating swiss bank account money isn't something that's necessarily helpful um yeah you can do some broker things but that's spending it right actually just having swiss money doesn't do anything for you except it feels cool and very thematic for tropico and as a goal for victory it kind of makes sense because you know it's something that'll make things a little bit harder for you so we've got our little start we've got okay we've got four islands now we won't be able to build the highways across to these for a while but that's gonna be okay that might be what we do there's a pretty big distance from here to here i don't know if it's so far we can't bridge we may actually have to get boat service off our starter island but these three other islands can be connected by roads which tends to be pretty good for flow um so what we're going to do is we're going to have to figure out first of all ways to make money because we need to not go bankrupt then after that we babysit our mandate and then make sure we've got enough revolutionaries who are interested in flipping over if we were to go first of all let's check out the mining situation we've got two patches of gold and two patches of coal which is very interesting um i mean the coal's not worth that much but it's still going to be a good initial kickstart to our economy the gold of course is worth quite a bit okay first of all i think we can probably assume we're going to build roads around our palace [Applause] here i think i might be able to double up on the gold here i'm trying to figure out if there's like a road path that makes sense no i think i think the gold mine is going to lead to a slightly wonky road regardless so we'll just accept it you're going to be connected that way and then we'll do something like that so it's going to be a little bit out of whack but that's just going to be it's going to be oh we also have to extend the road so that it actually connects up to um our dock otherwise things are going to be quite poor let's bring the speed up it's a couple of gold mines um hopefully yeah there's a gold export route we'll probably get missions to complete these the first one i'm gonna go for the max over here because we're gonna want maximum value from exporting the gold plus it'll give us the crown boost which will make future routes slightly more attractive now i'm running with a lot of dlc that i actually haven't really played with because we didn't have it before okay we got plenty of unemployed systems so they will get work there that's gonna be okay we've got some ranches for some early food although if we can get um fishing warms [Music] not the fishing spots aren't terribly close to our current building area what kind of um farming might be able to do i mean first of all if we can get corn for food that's something but we could go for money crops the thing is we can eat bananas we can eat pineapples you can also sell them for decent money this actually looks like a decent banana plantation over here 97 efficiency let's do it and okay we don't have a banana export route which is too bad and then this road is going to be going that way which is going to be great i want to build it right now now we still have lots of unemployed citizens so really we want to keep actually we do want to keep developing our business as much as oh sugar that's only 77 89 89 over here 85 there's a couple of missing spots but i think it's worth it we're gonna go into the rum business is what we're gonna do corruption is so arrived governor that we have revolutionaries want a pirate code that sounds fine so we need a certain percentage of our people to be revolutionaries so that we can advance to the next era that's going to connect okay that will come looks a little bit wonky but that's going to be okay all right so yeah we want it the thing is we want a population increase as quickly as possible um early on because we want lots of workers for various work sites and we need revolutionaries so that people actually flip now this road position is a little awkward but we can fit some buildings in there [Music] something like that because it'll line up this way i wanted it as a bit of a guide we can build some housing over there although i don't tend to build a lot of the housing in the colonial era because generally speaking the approval of the revolutionary is fairly easy to get um and um we can get better housing options in the second era depends sometimes we get missions as yet only marginalized glorious revolutionary immigrants yes please and okay we can start some raids now a lot of times i do like to do these rescues to get population but right now there's they're not necessarily going to be revolutionaries and they might dilute the number of revolutionaries we've got so i don't think i want to do these rescues right now um i'm not going to heist a wonder yet because they're fairly expensive what i'll do is i'll do a treasure hunt we might get money we might get more raid points we'll do that the looting ones we might get missions for loots but i'll queue up two treasure hunts because it'll be useful um in terms of research we're gonna prioritize there's nothing really we actually have to rush here i think we'll just queue up whatever and then we'll build a library at some point i don't need to rush it um because none of the research is something that we critically require at this time we might get a mission for a library though in which case well then we will do it let's kick start time again 89 population boats ready to come in and out we've got a few cash crops ready to go plus you know a little bit of extra maybe food happiness is going to be a thing um our farms are up we have nine unemployed citizens the first sugar harvest isn't in yet but it might be a decent idea to get a rum destroyer plan now can i fit it in here [Music] i think i can without blowing up anything it's fairly skinny isn't it yeah it is good okay so we'll get that started now our teamsters we can't second shift i can add yeah i can add more hands to the construction office in this era but we are going to need a second teamsters office relatively soon i think i don't suppose we've got uh okay hold on you can do a rum trade route [Music] let's get that set up and then if we get a mission from the crown to do an export we can do a really short corner report that some foul blight has swallowed thanks game fair wins that's super duper appreciated ugh i ask myself governor all right well we'll see what we can do the other thing is we're gonna get pirate attacks which i don't think used to be something in just vanilla tropico but pirate attacks are gonna start to be a thing so we're gonna need military a little sooner than usual although the other thing you can do is just make sure you know what let's do this more guards at the palace oh as i say heart attacks right there um we'll have a few more guards to fight back i think what i might do is i will go and build in this little awkward area i'm gonna like four little guard towers to be ready to defend one here that's hopefully what they'll do is they'll blow up the pirates fast enough palace guards are going to come out and defend us at some point too attackers have been defended good so we got four towers it's next to the palace it's also going to defend our gold mines which i think is going to be pretty high value later on they become watch towers we might want to fort as well planks going down shellfish going up quite right governor so there you have a powerful so our revolutionaries are going to like us that's not going to be we just mostly need we need 60 of our people to be revolutionaries which means we have to keep doing the uh revolutionary missions now we could pull um a circus down here let me just check the sort of crop situation in that area is there good would be bad for tobacco would be okay coffee would be okay [Music] it looks to me like this location just next to the palace hold on was there a minable spot over there was there coal yeah so i don't actually want to farm here um i just have to remember there's coal there all right i'll you know what i'll just put down a circus over here i realize that you know it'll be overlapping some things not too many that would leave us enough room for a clinic and still have a good block shape which seems okay i mean we don't build clinics now right that's not even an option it's going to be next air but yeah we can put a clinic right in there and that wouldn't be too bad so we'll get a circus which i mean will provide entertainment happiness for the entire game because we'll probably leave the circuits there i suspect but also yeah we need to do these missions for the revolutionaries so we get more revolutionaries that's the only button i want to hit from her raids are ratifying you know what i'll probably do actually is i uh i'll shift-click the raid the treasure hunts so they go on forever we can insert other things but they're pretty useful there we're at 50 percent of revolutionaries again we need to get up to 60 percent how's your employment okay we've got a few unemployed people not many though so we could go and build maybe we could consider building via coal okay the blight has ended so our crops are going to start working in that's good you're waiting for sugar over here you do have some rum which is nice any upgrades we can do yeah i may as well decrease sugar consumption and for the sugar plantations nothing i can run at this time [Music] what is this we have banana and nothing i can do over there okay i mean we can do some funky um farm and ranch designs to maximize bonuses uh last time i think we played how about a quest yes let's do this and we will schedule you we will schedule a loot of some kind um i don't think it matters i know maybe more sugar so you can turn into rum and then there you go we'll shift click this again um i think last time we played the range of like the fertility boost with like the ranches and the farms uh oh and the um uh the multiculture i think used to still be map wide they have fixed that now it's no longer map wide uh which makes you know maximize that a little trickier but we do have a map that's sort of flat enough it's not too bad um you know whether or not there's enough fertility in places to make it worthwhile we will see how much actual farming boost we want to do i don't know the treasure hunt just got us more raid points which mostly means the next raid will start right away um it's not great but it's not the worst actually of the things you could hit it might literally be the worst other than maybe a really cheap blueprint so it's not ideal it's sort of the consolation prize here you get raid points back i think it costs 2 000 to start this raid so you get more raid points overall but unless we had multiple rating buildings so that we can run multiple rates simultaneously we don't really need to generate the points like that shellfish no longer trending that's okay i would like to get our fishing plants up at some point how's the employment six unemployed citizens it's not so bad you've got lots of sugar we could probably build a second rum distillery actually three sugar farms right sugar sugar and then the other one over here and if we've got the discount you know what i think we can and i think it's probably worth doing right over here we have to make sure to inc give it the the dunder still at some point pirates are attacking in they're going to go over here they're going to walk by right by our towers rum export mission completed i mean we could take the sugar export because we might be exporting some and not turning everything into rum these are pretty lame though let me just not run anything quite yet we'll see what kind of mission we get and then we'll we'll play it at that point but yeah i'm betting these pirates are just gonna get obliterated by the turrets perfect absolutely perfect well depending on how much defenses we set up we might be able to defend against the crown we'll probably just buy them off because i think our economy is going to be really good yeah so you're waiting for sugar delivery which is going to be okay i suspect we could probably make do with a second um teamsters office right away although we don't really have the citizens for only three unemployed people but fairly soon yeah we still haven't built any housing again we might get missions for it but mostly i'm not going to concern myself until because the next era we unlock apartments tenements come later which is too bad because they're really space efficient so i guess we will need some baseline buildings but we'll see we haven't done a mandate extension yet hopefully we get a mission from the governor or the um the crown soon because it's basically impossible it's it is possible but it's fairly unlikely that we can finish this era without a mandate extension how come we haven't gotten a mission yet we're about to get the warning that our mandate's starting to run low told you a year and a half you get the warning um okay now we're starting to loot which is good yeah yes yeah i forgot there was an extra thing in the queue i could have canceled but that's fine-ish uh seriously the how'd you crown of life food to the people is really good you know food quality yeah the capitalists get upset but the communists like it um as this levels up i think the food quality bonus will go up all the way up to 15 and mandatory siesta i like as well because job quality keeps people happier decrease pollution which is nice you do take an efficiency hit but as it levels up it goes um the efficiency hit goes down to eight percent and that's not so bad and we do have you know hard mode for political stuff so um it might be pretty useful for us to uh to keep people as happy as possible no unemployed citizens we need to like kick out the um what kind of stuff can we do to people right now in this era are you lost we can't just arbitrarily kill people [Music] so i mean we could just start bopping off loyalists so that their percentages get fixed but as soon as the loot job finishes which theoretically is going to be soon hopefully we might have enough revolutionaries as a percentage i don't know we just got some more people in the freighters um seriously the crown why am i not getting a mission from you [Applause] um i'm gonna do a super cheap wool import because it'll increase the at least the mood of the crown i don't know if that's gonna affect the mission i don't think so [Music] um uh what game what are you doing to me game we should have gotten like several crown missions by now usually do an export route we're just gonna lose because the crown never gave us a mission so we never had an ability to increase our mandate i've never seen this before i mean maybe we can if we can finish the loot and get a boat just in time let me increase this because it'll increase the speed at which we get our next cargo ship this raid's nearly finishing for 58 i don't know why we're getting more revolutionaries maybe people are converting over okay mostly we're going to be super reliant on this ship oh [ __ ] the timing the timing timing timing our revolution is boom 10 migrants did it count i think it did buzz people of tropical love almost as much oh my god [Laughter] wow game this game was trying to make us lose i greet my fearless leader for the first time as you're listening sorry i'm freaking out here because i might just set some uh some reasonable defaults professional soldiers that's gonna be cool um wow i don't know if we've ever made it to the next stage without doing a mandate extension but because usually you do at least a couple maybe three you know just to play it safe um wow that was insane but we just barely snuck in with the revolutionaries luckily the the loot happened or finished just in time let's go back to normal prices over here um set up some trade routes uh some seaguars to the axis well we'll do a maximum or sorry it's not cigars we're making it's a rum we're making remember seriously this is an import of rumble we don't want to import rum okay well we're gonna need to diversify our economy but we did make it to the next era that much is good at least um we are gonna start having to work on our housing and various happiness things because we're gonna need to do some elections we're also gonna want people to not die from disease we've got a little bit of money let's get a clinic oh there's room for oh no no i did calculate that correctly let me get that i would also like to start getting some education especially if our soldiers need high school education it might pay off to get our high school started as early as possible that's fairly expensive though how many unemployed we have not very many maybe we don't need to kick start the economy exactly now housing it might be worth okay yeah the building permit edict we kind of need to get going did we ever build a library on this game no we didn't i queued up the research but we don't actually have a library okay well we need a library for some tech it's definitely time perfect we can fit you in there and we can have an road going somewhere over here i guess i won't build it yet the support is still relatively good that's going to start changing because there's not enough of well anything um i need to unlock the audience actually it's probably the first thing we're going to unlock let me cancel all this we're going to unlock audience so that we can we can trigger this for demand from our crankiest factions and then probably literacy program and then we probably want a building permit as early as possible so we can start boosting the swiss bank account i don't necessarily do it immediately because um it takes money away from our regular treasure right makes all our buildings more expensive and some of that we funnel to our swiss bank account so until we've got our island's economy up we may not be able to support it but we're actually not doing so bad here i feel like we've got some good trade potential happening we've got a bit of an industry with our rum distillery which is good uh well to keep an eye on their uh inputs here the sugar is going down currently we may need more sugar farms can we build more plantations as sugar plantations on the starting island okay there's a nice green area over there which is good a little bit more over there potentially but yes the answer is yes we can have a stupid amount of sugar production and basically just become rum barons which pleases me greatly there's still a coal mine we want to build over there we did just get a freighter i think with more people nope that must have been the last freighter this one's coming in now i did bring in a few more people so that'll be more jobs although okay clinic we actually i'm gonna hire a couple of foreign educated college workers and i'm gonna hire some foreign educated high school workers for the library as well for the next boat i should have i should have clicked it before this one came in so we just want to get those buildings running seriously why aren't we not getting demands from like all kinds of factions here is there a glitch rockets the newest threat raining death from the skies oh their palace assures all its citizens that no country thinks tropical is worth sending rockets against i will just supremely definitely increase health perhaps way down low right now to think that you would stoop the negotiations with me uh we've got a clinic building so that he is going to help here we go we can improve the service quality as well oh right it's a new era well electricity i don't think we're gonna have quite yet let's get canaries in all of our minds it was a control click the banana plantation yeah we'll go ahead and increase the job quality as well oh and the teamsters office can have the second shift there we go so we may not have to worry about building a second actual teamster's office at the moment when we add the extra guard positions we did okay at the palace which will hopefully be enough to keep us safe for a little bit [Music] healthcare happiness should be going up now that we actually have doctors around quick presidente we must choose a side and so we need to set a couple more either the allies are the axis we will see what we can do but that is gonna have to wait for a little bit all right um let's get high school started this one we'll see we will see i'm going to build an apartment because it'll fit perfectly right behind here that'll some people will go there the apartments not everyone's going to necessarily have money but it's going to be a struggle for housing i am inspired i think communists want us to have a prison well i don't mind that because i think we're going to do a lot of arresting because of our difficulty settings which sounds like a good time to me my prisoners may not agree but you know the beatings will continue until morale improves etc etc let's let this complete first now these some of these things aren't things that are boosting our economy here so we have to be a little bit careful with our inputs we've got a little bit of rebel threat parade complete which is going to help us with some tech as well you know it's unlocking some tech trade routes um and yeah you want an import trade route i mean maybe so i mean we get we can import coconut and milk at a base cost so i don't know we'll we'll import a minimum amount of coconuts because we could always turn around and sell it or maybe our population will eat it then we'll be selling other things you know all in all it's okay we actually i don't know about our food situation here um let me check food death by starvation zero uh i mean food happiness it'd be nice to know like what our food kind of balance situation is we need to we need a chapel soon too [Music] well that's that protest but we're still this is the one we're still working on right no is this a new one which we will get to working on [Music] okay hold on first so what is this public services um let's ignore the chapel let's go straight for the church you can build it here and actually it's a good place a good spacing for another oh hold on no [Music] atomic bombs fact or fiction scientists pull it from the other side i don't understand the physics palace says try harder you don't understand so we'll build a church which will provide some faith happiness hopefully enough mandatory siesta going up that's good trade routes are happening i still want prison as well this two by two area might be a little awkward i don't know we put in there maybe a restaurant maybe we'll wait until we've got a demand for fun happiness our support is still pretty good [Music] high school you have a high school it is operating and we do have a worker so at least the church is going to happen which should help to actually generate some faith happiness how's our unemployment situation zero unemployed so we're still looking for some uh immigrants do we have a customs office or sorry not customs immigration office we do we can't have that going on now that seems like a huge win i always like to put the customs office near the dock just because thematically it makes sense it makes no difference and in fact there might be better things to put here is the mansion two by two no i think it's two by one i don't remember it is two by two oh it's two by three in fact [Music] um well i guess it fits there they might not be happy being next to the gold mine or maybe they will be because it'll be easier to do some like scrooge mcduckian dives into the big pile of money maybe like there's a one gapper over here well you know what i think i'm gonna throw down a tavern in there right away to start off with we can fit another clinic or more taverns or just a bunch of statues we will see we'll get that down it'll please them still need to get a prison faith happiness people are starting to come in here oh let's do the pompous bells so they don't have to spend as much time there it'll help cycle people in and out and make sure they don't spend too much time away from work which is all very good afraid to bring in some decent money we are adding a lot of services so these are things that are increasing our expenses without increasing our economy pleasure doing business with you presidente um i think right now we're gonna take the money right now our support's still pretty good so whenever there'll be an election we do okay currently you're waiting for sugar now are any of these loaded with sugar and the answer is very much no so it's not a teamster shortage although you just got some delivery and then you're out again yeah and you're pretty low too so really we need more sugar generation why don't we keep protesting here i will promise to raise faith happiness by zero oh i think that's that's the same protest over here and i guess it's rounding down it's like probably we've probably got like point five to go or something next time someone goes to church they're gonna be fine there we go 27 still rounding errors that's gotten completed lovely now is there still a product to protest we will see it might rise on its own here we can also increase the service and things but i suspect people are just going to keep going to church and it's going to end up being fine [Music] everyone has friends right prez and it's right to help friends right okay the broker now we can abandon his job without any penalty he's asking for us to produce nickel the thing is i don't think we have nickel on our starting island that's not true we do have nickel on our starting island i didn't realize we had a little minable area over here there's no time limit on that i might use up one of the slots and limit things okay we complete an import route with the axis i understand our request we need more immigrants for to run our jobs here [Music] exports i mean we'd produce sugar but we want to turn it on to rum so we're not really looking to export that um maybe we'll we'll set up a nickel export and usually for these i want to go max out because um you can see the the penalty the reputation penalty goes from minus two to minus three so it doesn't really change but the the reputation gain goes from plus five and plus five so ten total to a total of twenty so we'll go ahead and run that um a listener wrote asking how can i help our president are we gonna get more immigrants in a second house replies something like that but what's the housing nearby i don't think we have a grocer yet which actually would be pretty useful for us public service yeah let's get a grocer is that i don't know what we're gonna fit in that building slot that fits okay over here though so let's do that faith happiness continues to rise i think we're going to be fine i think people are going to get very satisfied faith-wise as they keep cycling through here yeah and and we're just going to hit that goal the protest will stop and that's going to be great [Music] still no unemployment although you know oh we have an immigration office now we've got two workers we've got open doors which is going to increase immigrants which is good i mean we can increase skilled immigration and things but i mean we've got a high school so hopefully people will get themselves educated quickly enough nickel mines are up we'll get canaries over here we don't actually have a fire station set up so hopefully nothing happens but we've got some cash we can do an emergency quick build should it pop up they call me would any of these be of interest i don't have any swiss bank account money yet although once we produce nickel we'll get that and then we're also selling it at a slight premium which is good boom faith happiness completed okay so prison that's expensive blueprint um since it's not timed we might just wait for the maybe we'll get a blueprint from a raid we keep running those hold on over here um we keep doing these they can lock blueprints they can give us tons of money so we'll just keep doing that for now what i might want to do is like manually unlock any cheap blueprints you know so we don't get those in the raid but i mean the cheap ones are still going to be a thousand 900 over there i mean it'll suck if we hit those but i kind of don't want to spend a thousand either i don't know if we had more money sitting around here i might just go ahead and unlock all the cheapos you're waiting for a food delivery now that we've expanded over here because if i recall correctly i'm just thinking food there was a fishing spot over here actually there's a couple [Music] yeah without people having cars we don't do we have buses is that a thing we can do right now um actually okay parking decks although a lot of our people won't be able to afford it but the bus garages are actually seem like a pretty strong idea we'll need some employees for that but we can get one here you can tuck one in over here because there's the hill there that might impose problems for some of this um and there was a mine over here right if i put it there it doesn't block any roads but then i can't double up on the coal mine that's still that might be okay any case i think that might be a good place for another bus garage [Music] right here which won't block the road and actually will leave us enough room for maybe a tavern over there or a second clinic video everyone has to do their bit for the war efforts they want me to import from the allies why do they keep wanting imports that's really annoying all right allies import of rum seems kind of backwards although we can get it at a slight discount that's not going to boost our relations either i guess the imports don't really do that um okay and that's axis okay let's go ahead and do this and i'm completing the mission is going to be useful and again we can just turn around and sell the rum which side we are currently on it takes a little bit of time so it hits our bank account temporarily but we'll get the money back from turning around and selling the room immediately i mean potentially more so depending on our trade route situation i really want some more citizens research is happening it's slow but it's happening we'll do is we'll pop a few of these actually if we do get a prison up we can do penal colony tricks which is kind of nice oh let's increase the efficiency of our library please i also really like the uncensored portfolio for liberty but right now we need the attack generation from this ah that treasure hunt didn't really do anything just generated break points we could we can do commandos now generate more raid points run more things simultaneously actually might not be a terrible idea rebel threat decreased to none we do have it on super high modes it's actually pretty impressive actually i just looked at time what a great place for us to put in a cut um we are in the world war era we're still on our little starting island out of all this but the economy is going fairly well i say as we've gone negative here but um our economy is actually not in terrible uh terrible states uh if we've got ten thousand bucks waiting for the next trade well ninety one hundred right now um so we should be able to bounce back we've built some more industry mostly the problem is we have uh what's in zero vacant jobs i don't know if that's accurate it might be actually surprisingly that might go to some vacant jobs relatively shortly but we actually as it turns out our buildings are working pretty efficiently which is nice considering we're doing the expansion and yeah this is annoyingly far away from everything else uh although the bus garages will help should i just boost them actually might not be a bad idea now i don't remember if the bus garages um travel buses will transport between both stops oh right you have to put down the stops i don't know if i need three i try to set these up manually well let's deal with that next time folks thanks a lot for watching i'm gonna see you then bye-bye
Channel: quill18
Views: 80,111
Rating: 4.949791 out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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