Trombone Champ is way more than just a Trombone Game

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it's the new Timeless classic you've all been waiting for it wait what ages ages Brave so one day you will stand before two baboons what's happening go to your trombone brave soul I don't know what happened with like uh the new Lord of the Rings the Amazon series the truck Peter Jackson really let himself go it couldn't recover after The Hobbit trilogy choose your trombone that's not a good term this is just the warm-up they're between two and four spiders living inside the average truck that's a depressing fact [Music] [Applause] all right foreign [Music] oh my God how are you supposed to do this no I need I need a control no so with a controller this just lets me move the mouse cursor I don't know if this game is optimized at all let's try Oh Canada hang on [Music] oh it's harder with a controller you know those people who just like they only play OSU and like that's it this may be a game for them so all the trombones on Earth and end they would wrap around the solar system four times how many trombones are there [Music] you can kind of hear it oh my God oh my God [Music] Jesus Christ only 186 nasties shaking my head streamer can't even play a 200 year old son I'm not [ __ ] Beethoven click the sack who's in here we gotta glissando next and dick slidehide okay all right you can throw the card I oh no this has like a hard stone dust system why the [ __ ] is this even in the game we gotta save up our packs explore the Forgotten chamber that houses the treble clef vessel okay hello I don't know what to do I think I think that's lore we don't quite understand yet oh no [Music] I know what this is now [Music] you just get some time to think about what you're doing [Music] go get a drink you know you got a few minutes use the bathroom [Music] it's just baboons it's made in 2021 oh I see what's going on here I feel like there is no control scheme that would let you play this game in a satisfying way I'm so bad with the mouse on it this looks so fun from the trailer I didn't think it would be this difficult oh just whale [Music] the trombone is really difficult to play apparently that that's what I'm learning from this game let's try this [Music] [Applause] oh no [Music] oh God [Music] it's just he's here [Music] so hard you have to have a laser focus [Music] it said Ben to use the circus animals okay all right that's a that's a bass trombone classic for the Baseball fans it's just like being back at your eight-year-old Music recital this is what the slowest scroll speed and I'm still struggling okay this sounds kind of drunk today [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it gonna be like a legendary one I decided okay keep clicking the transom card wait what the [ __ ] is happening in real life there are over nine songs that feature a trombone I mean they're not wrong well this is actually quite [Music] [Applause] [Music] didn't expect the remix [Music] Jesus this is the hardest game I've ever played holy [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] ha ha ha ha ha ha the Dark Souls of Rhythm games like the candle on the collect screen greetings knowable tromboner thank you for summoning me my name is well maybe some things are best kept secret for now the current require wooden caravizi one Tres arm and one Ruddy can you give me these cards I I want to keep that one though he's got a secret okay I need to collect like the trio of cards I only have one of them at the moment blue eyes white one of the most powerful trombona cards the blue eyes white baboon is the representation of the treble clef as it relates to Babi the Egyptian deification of the Sacred old world Haber driest baboon trombones related to the trumpet they are cousins I actually did always think that [Music] come on [Music] [Music] no no no [Music] come on [Music] okay that was actually pretty good son that was pretty good I got an A on that [Music] Jesus Christ it's so damn so fast is this physically possible in real life to play the trombone this quick because I don't think it is name one person has done it Jesus is the right to left input it makes it so high it's so hard to read what's in front of you it's [ __ ] Guitar Hero but there's like 16 different notes you need to turn your screen not eat the grease I think that would help I actually think that would help I actually kind of want to try that I kind of want to try I don't think I can unfortunately with my stream set up here I'd reckon that would actually help you perform better [Music] any Americans in twitch chat you got to stand up for this one let's see how I'm action [Music] the [ __ ] vertical drops you can't get that oh no oh please God stop the pain [Music] just whale [Music] I can't get to the other end in time God damn in America that's just a hot dog music itself that's another hot dog all right we have a few blue eyes but we might need three of them we might need three uh this one has a satanic circle on it let's craft it Jesus it's the one we need before my Magics immediately what is happening [Music] gotta go quick okay [Music] congrats you played the video game a lot and unlocked a thing it's a silver trombone Gustav malor I I can get another reward oh I gotta click the Box again can actually take a while you really gotta work for it the red trombone can we do anything on this critical section of the game yet get four S ranks oh no you might be right click the bass clef card it's jumping was it this just takes me back here there's gonna be a game theory about this the untold horrors of trombone champ I'll be the guy with the trombone but like there's no pupils in his eyes and it's like he's crying blood for some reason so if I get a S rank will that unlock one of them I could do could try the one I'm good at again [Music] foreign [Music] I think we're very close on this oh damn it his song is going on my sex place why would you share that okay we gotta play it again we gotta get a nest rank even true tromboneer in chat [Music] come on that's gotta be enough [Music] there we go foreign [Music] we blew it off the screen [Music] oh no it's possible to get a mod to just remove this from the song list for me please at least it's easy okay that's that's our four s's so that should hopefully be enough what has that done is this allowed me to introduce myself I am the primordial baboon toot Seeker Tom I'll be honest like trombone champ is not the video game that I thought was gonna be like a a running commentary on like the video games at large and like just reference and [ __ ] everything well the vessel with toots are the treble clef May awaken sure I can't wait for this turn to open the world action adventure game honestly it could it could [Music] oh here we go [Music] character polygon chest of treasure pop it out fascinating however I feel there's more hidden within that vessel I'm certain that the two vessel couldn't be on can be further awakened will The Vessel would toot so that the treble clef May awaken does that mean I can if I unlock the other one via the trading card Jesus hello there don't know to discover me my name is base Master Ben oh so this this we can get the alternate ending of course this is a little hidden route clavi the first true Lord created artifacts which would allow one to control the nature of music but these artifacts and used in proper technique one could change the very nature of Music itself of course there were those who would abuse his power so it had to be kept secret of course the Seal of order is held fast by that miserable doppelganger that stop you would you like me to not stop continuing not to stop stop and stop in the story don't stop the story please oh don't [ __ ] not yes boom Master Tom yeah it's a tooth vessel which symbolizes treble the power it contains the high base Master Ben guide the turd vessel which symbolizes base and the power it contains the true champion of fully awakens both vessels May restore music to what it once was a free Power without order yeah there's the trombone it's unlocked we're gonna need some more good God [Music] no there's too many notes [Music] oh my God [Music] Jesus RT stopped butchering my religion I tried I really tried Advanced info this section will teach you how trombone chat works and excruciating detail section is intended for competitive players who want to know how the score system works in detail so they can achieve the highest possible scores over players who want to learn baboon facts there are only six weeks of baboons despite appearing in the trombone champ van drills are not technically baboons Boons have been around for over two million years moving to omnivores which means they can eat anything probably eat hot dogs and we would not recommend trying to feed a baboon Hot Dogs Wait Allegiance baboon quantity Inferno give me give me the mandrel give me the mandrel oh I'm gonna have to click the Box again doesn't seem to be a time limit thankfully sound set in the club [Music] oh that's it's improved it's an electric trombone I didn't think it could get better [Music] thank you [Music] heard vessel awakens oh I gotta do this again oh wait we are Plants vs Zombies vibe off this game just with how weird it is especially with these animation bits that's what it kind of reminds me of bound set gassy okay one more box gameplay character okay servant of Bobby character unlocked gassy sounds that actually no I shouldn't I shouldn't as an Englishman you can't all right he gave me permission all right [Music] good lord it's a shame I'm so good at playing this one it was almost perfect the entire way through that's some good suits that's some good foods the mysterious red key okay so I think that means I'm gonna need even more tubes we need a lot more Jesus enjoy the enjoy the trombone I gotta warm up [Music] oh God [Music] the final boss what the [ __ ] [Music] game has never been so brave that to offend absolutely everyone who has their national anthem as part of it don't care I'm allowed to that one I'm Canadian just if you ignore this song it's just I got so my intestine hasn't come out yet oh I'm gonna be slick is that the long forgotten friends no there's some guy just stops in the symphony orchestra thanks for [ __ ] another blue eyes wipe red eyes black baboon the alternative one you feel the same stuff to hide when in this great dick deck anyways you heard me I said deck you said a funny word he said a funny word what an accent right deck dick [Music] ah Jesus I've got a right deck now polygon trombone incredible wait what oh no does he want everything the one of every single card All 50. I'm gonna I'm gonna need to trade all my dudes if we want to get to the end of the trading card section we'll have to do pretty much every song in the game again I'll do it flawlessly why are you good at this uh my skills are very specific and I'm completely untaloned at the rest of my life you know some people are blessed to be like an engineer or an artist I was like wow like you got such a you're gonna make a great doctor uh but with my DND character was being made the universe decided it's like you're just gonna know how to use like five Pokemon in generation five Pokemon in a competitive format not the official one and that's about that's enough that's enough Talent though I'll probably never be able to play a trombone IRL but apparently I can do it here at least can't do bowling give me a copy of Wii Sports though I can mop the floor with okay one of every single card [Music] the final trade and card collectible what we get champ trombone my God it's beautiful we now need uh seven thousand toots because we have to do this three times to unlock everything there's two sound sets and then it'll be a key so it's time for the ground you can freestyle I've never actually done freestyle do I get any points for this uh this is just practice right there's nothing here play megalovania here how would you do it kind of okay you give me like two hours with this and I might be able to work it out someone has already oh please I I need to this is actually did they actually this game's been out like four days [Music] oh okay it's impossible this is that's too much foreign we could grind on this one we could just do this one like five times and we'd have enough points because it's also really [ __ ] easy to hit the notes is this the speed run category for trombone champ incredible I think we got it last time okay from the top ladies and gentlemen the second class music choir that's the performance they'd like to share I can do it off Keys though laughs oh I went too early too early there we go I got the note keys are stuck I can't do anything else you can clickable it clicks can you oh my God you can't okay thank you and you can click with me almost hang on oh yeah there we go [Music] sounds the 8-Bit we need every version of this one song Oh God let me see your Spotify playlist why is it the same song 500 times we'll join the stream now is it just stuck on Loop [Music] let's go [Music] you know like you remove the cartridge from your Game Boy well it's still on and someone turned that car alarm off that's awful I'm so sorry mysterious bluekey it finally resolve the story we're gonna go back into our Hearthstone collection it's a look at the tresem card enter the portal unlock the psych lock using the keys is there a challenge we prepare thyself tromboner [ __ ] okay dude this is it final boss of trombone chat [Music] oh [Music] oh my God [Music] Jesus [Music] why is it done foreign [Music] blow but was not destroyed thou must embody and fully Allied herself with babby I almost have a power level of at least 10. existing agent source of power used by tromboners of your seek it out what there's more lore we're still not done somehow read the hot dogs card even if not eaten simply holding these imbues one with power of course okay the hot dogs are key do I have to grind again I don't believe this that was a good time to get a cup of tea if you want one but we have to get to the end of it with this fair in who else is gonna do this it's a it's just us everyone get a hot dog Channel your energy right you shouldn't have had the enchilada freaking bad day to drink milk again [Music] no I'm sorry I don't have to build my performance oh [Music] like having a v-trooper avatar here it's like hey guys what's going on thanks for checking out the Stream I have you liked that last number you're in for a treat cause I'm gonna play it again it's like out of shoes as well [Music] it's Chloe who I really feel sorry for because like she's gonna have to listen to all of this through uh multiple times when it comes to the edit so this next one that's the next one's for you Chloe foreign [Music] my poor poor editor I'll get like a message from Chloe like later in the league say hey Daniel like got the latest video for you also go [ __ ] yourself okay we might have enough now we might have enough [Music] why is it no easier [Music] [ __ ] are you you can't press the keys fast enough Jesus [Music] okay wait maybe we can do it [Music] you did it oh okay oh no no the game just ends I guess if you have all the hot dogs all right with ceaseless toots Faded by turds and reeking of hot dogs the very fabric of music was shattered [Music] the ancient rules of Music forged over many thousands of years have been appended and a new era begins an uncertain era the era of the trombone oh thank God okay we're done portion car network from Wikipedia you're not supposed to cite that in the credits good job you played the game a lot and became the trombone champ yeah I never told you my name did I we caught many names throughout the ages but most might know me as it's gonna be Tim isn't it that was close George nice to meet you okay go on one more sky one last guy please we could have played slime Rancher tonight but in the end I wouldn't have had it the other way [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] no no no no no no the final time trombone in the sky and we got a new high score that's the best possible note we could have ended it on highest score yet [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,224,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny music game, music game, rt game, rt games, rtgame trombone champ, rtgames, trombone champ, trombone champ all songs, trombone champ dlc, trombone champ ending, trombone champ final boss, trombone champ funny, trombone champ gameplay, trombone champ megalovania, trombone champ songs, trombone champ story, trombone game, trombone in the sky, trumpet game, rtgame, rt, game, funny, gameplay, rtgamecrowd, stream highlights
Id: p_f-Osl4EWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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