Triune Healing - Bill Johnson (Full Sermon) | Bethel Church

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thank you beautiful all right you did good you did good all right there we go all right uh let's let's get going open your bibles to isaiah chapter 53 i'm going to take you through a number of portions of scripture tonight so just get your gospel track shoes on and get ready to go through some through some scripture isaiah chapter 53 what i want to do tonight is i want to talk to you about healing more importantly i want us to pray for the sick and watch people get healed so um you know what we uh we were just at the send we've mentioned how many of you were there at this end i mean oh good how many of you were able to watch on on bethel tv we had like over 200 000 people watching on bethel tv if you can believe that around the world and uh i i think it it may have been the most important event i've been to in my life it was it was that uh it was that significant and i i believe that the the uh the fires of revival the fires of the new jesus people movement were ignited and uh i one of the one of the gentlemen if you guys could get that little video ready i'm going to play that here in just a heartbeat thanks one of the guys there heads up campus ministries across high schools around the country and took him 10 years to get 100 campuses set up with ministry uh on the on the high school campuses in one day it went from 100 to 175. one day one day it just leapt forward as uh as the lord uh just ignited the hearts of so many people and miracles were just uh commonplace um one of i mentioned this morning one of the things that you don't see left behind very often in a stadium is a wheelchair i mean people will you know leave their wallet leave their bible but they don't tend to leave their wheelchair unless they don't need it anymore and we actually have a picture of a woman she leapt out of her wheelchair she's holding it in the air uh stunning stunning miracles took place all through the event i know the uh our school of ministry had a a booth or a tent or something there and and throughout the day we're praying for the sick and jesus was healing people so this thing's just spreading so so rapidly power's increasing which means holiness must increase because it's got to be the container that uh that really holds this that god wants to do so um why don't you show this video and uh and let's just watch this for a moment all right come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] beautiful thank you lord andy andy byrd from circuit riders sent that along and therese actually ingall sent it to me just to give just a little brief testimony of some of the things that took place there and i believe that the lord is going to heal a number of things tonight i believe there's going to be as brian nickins has mentioned to me just a moment ago some creative miracles um i have a friend who was missing a kidney and the lord recreated a kidney he has he actually has x-rays from from the doctors the lord the lord replaced his missing kidney he was born with three and two were bad so they took two of them out and he was left with one and received healing for i think it's back or something i forget now and when the doctor went to x-ray to see what had gone on they found that both kidneys were there and healthy so randy clark's team pretty cool but there's going to be missing cartilage in the knees restored tonight i believe that sugar diabetes is going to be driven from people's bodies in the name of the lord jesus migraines there are people there's at least one or two that have children i know of one specifically who have children that suffer with migraines uh and it's connected to trauma and the lord is going to heal uh the trauma and the migraines if you have a child that has reoccurring issues with migraines i want you just to believe for their miracle tonight we're going to see a number of conditions healed lyme's disease we just had a gal in the circuit writers ministry has been mostly bedridden in the last 10 years been under affliction for 38 years was just healed behind the scenes on the stage at this end and i have a video of her five days afterwards running around her pool which was absolutely impossible from bedridden to running around the pool because absolutely healed so uh if you in fact i'm i'm just going to tell you if you have lyme's disease or you have a friend or a family member we're going to pray for that in a little bit but i'd like for you to send him a text right now now it's legal to bring out your phone and just tell him we're believing god for your miracle where god heals lyme's disease tonight tonight tonight isaiah 53 verse 3. he is despised and rejected by men a man of sorrows acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we did not esteem him it says he's a man of sorrow he's acquainted with grief the literal word there for sorrow is pain and the literal word for grief is sickness so let me read it again verse 3. he is despised and rejected by men a man of pain acquainted with sickness and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised we did not esteem him surely he has borne our grief so the word sickness he has carried our sorrows or pain we esteemed him stricken smitten by god and afflicted he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed here's where i want to start tonight i'm going to take you through a series of verses that illustrate that in the heart and mind of god healing was to be offered in the same redemptive brush stroke as was the forgiveness of sin in fact i have this feeling that in heaven we're going to look back and discover that the prayer for healing was no more complicated than the prayer of repentance for forgiveness it takes no more effort on our part it's not as though we could perform forgiveness or could we perform a miracle it's the same prayer it's the same redemptive work of christ you know we've gone through this through the years that the word salvation actually points to the forgiveness of sin the healing of disease and the deliverance from torment the forgiveness of sin the healing from disease the deliverance from torment in the book of uh romans um the apostle paul taught us something about the kingdom of god and he said in verse 17 of chapter 14 he said the kingdom of god is not meat or drink but it's righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit the kingdom of god is righteousness peace and joy righteousness is god's answer to the sin problem peace is god's answer the answer to the torment problem and joy is his answer to the sickness problem in laughter laughter is good medicine and so the kingdom is a it represents a tribe a triune healing for the whole person spirit soul and body in fact the word evil in the lord's prayer to deliver us from evil of course evil refers to sin but it comes from a word that means pain and that word comes from a word that means poor and so we have sin sickness and poverty we're all dealt with with a redemptive brushstroke of jesus the shedding of his blood never again were those three areas to ever have authority over a believer's life again and if in ephesians chapter 2 it says that jesus bore on his body the dividing wall so think think about this with me jew and gentile there's never been a group of people more diverse or separate than those two there's the haves and they have nots and jesus took and bore on his flesh the dividing wall between these two groups that means he has destroyed the power of division i don't care if it's a family division if it's a division in in a business if it's a racial division if it's a division that's political doesn't matter what it is jesus bore the brunt of the power of division to the cross and it was dismembered which means when we pray in communion we have the authority to declare an end to division in any situation that we know of because he took care of it in the same way that he settled the issue of sin so he settled the issue of division so it says that he bore our sickness and our pain to the cross the father poured out his wrath upon his son why would he do that because his son became sin jesus became sin so we could become righteous yes so he took if you could imagine sickness disease pain poverty evil all the junk he wore on his own flesh the father poured out his wrath and killed his own son jesus became a curse so that you and i wouldn't have to bear the curse you'll hear people say well this sickness whatever it might be is just a curse it is but jesus became a curse so we wouldn't have to bear the curse he actually became sin and took the wrath of the father in our place so that we would be qualified for forgiveness qualified for deliverance qualified for unity qualified for healing qualified for blessing and increase the redemptive work of jesus is to heal the whole person look with me at psalms 103 and we're just going to repeat the same theme over and over again until i think you got it as soon as i think you've got it i'll let off psalms 103 smile at me fake it if you have to but just smile all right [Music] psalms 103 verse 1 bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord all my soul and forget not all his benefits now listen carefully you have just been commanded we have just been commanded in scripture to not forget his benefits how many of you remember when you were small and your mom and dad would give you instructions and command you don't forget don't forget to take the dog out to the bathroom before you go to bed don't forget to put your stuff away don't forget to pick up your toys don't forget to write a thank you note to grandma don't forget there's always these commands don't forget well that's our father right now he's saying don't forget don't forget the benefits jesus qualified us to receive his benefits if he deserves it in christ you deserve it don't forget his benefits verse 3 who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases look at isaiah 33. isaiah 33 verse 24 and the inhabitant will not say i am sick the people who dwell in it will be forgiven of their iniquity the inhabitant will not say i am sick the inhabitant will not say i am sick the people who dwell in it will be forgiven of their iniquity all i want you to do is see the connection it's repeated over and over and over again it was never meant that forgiveness is easy and healing is heart we create something in our thinking that makes healing near impossible or the big mountain to climb so to speak who among us can heal anyone and the inhabitant will not say i am sick and the people who dwell in it will be forgiven of their iniquity let's look at one more passage no we'll look at two more two more go to malachi chapter four or if you're italian malachi bad joke malachi the italian prophet i'm sure you've heard that verse 2 of malachi 4 malachi is the last book in the old testament so if you get to matthew turn left verse 2 but to you who fear my name the son of righteousness will arise with healing in his wings you shall go out grow fat like stall-fed calves you will trample the wicked there will be ashes under the soles of your feet on that day i will do this says the lord of hosts here you have a picture of healing of prosperity and victory now i want to go back to verse 2 again you who fear my name the son of righteousness will arise with healing in his wings the son of righteousness will rise with healing righteousness rises with healing righteousness demonstrates itself with healing the righteousness of god is manifested in the healing of people's bodies the healing of people's minds it is a holiness issue it doesn't mean if you're sick you're unholy it means that if you're sick god wants to demonstrate his holiness into your body into my body in the same way he has my heart the same way he has my mind sickness is to my body what sin is to my soul if we can stop creating mountains out of mohils if we can stop creating large obstacles out of things jesus has dealt with swiftly and thoroughly then i think we'll find it much simpler to pray the simple prayer of faith and see jesus do what only he can do this is essential because what is about to happen in the earth cannot happen just in the big stadiums or on the in the sunday gatherings it has to be through a group of people that carry the burden of the lord into culture into society so that it can be said of our city there's no one in the city that will say i am sick there's no one there what because they've been forgiven now i don't want to imply it would be easy right now to to make the mistake to imply if there's a problem in your body there must be hidden sin no no no it doesn't work that way leave that alone don't don't do the guilt shame thing if there is repent and get healed but but there are two different issues the authority to pronounce forgiveness over people is the same authority as is needed to pronounce healing i want you to look at one more passage i think this will be the last one and then we'll pray it's out of matthew chapter 9. i was this particular story we're going to look at is where some friends brought a paralytic to jesus by peeling back the tiles on the roof lowered them before before the lord and jesus healed them and i know that this is one of the great stories of scripture and i've always had great respect for but i rarely rarely see people healed when their friends bring them it's just my history it's i'm not saying it's everybody's i'm just saying it's my history and this last week to see this gal healed at the send it was actually a friend that asked for her to be prayed for it wasn't her requesting it and very seldom do i see a miracle take place there there's several things that i think become hurdles through the years and i don't know why that is i don't have an explanation i just uh i was just encouraged to see to me that means there's a whole other layer of breakthrough that is being released into the earth when when you see people can bring a friend and that friend will be healed what eric's been doing with us the last year by just having you send a text to somebody with autism or various kinds of bipolar or whatever it might be and they've been healed just simply through a text there's a whole other layer being peeled back of the revelation of god's power and his love for people that healing is coming that easily and that quickly and i think we just have to brace ourselves for what god is about to release into the earth but make sure that we carry it with fear and trembling and i i mean that sincerely with fear and trembling because we're we we are handling something that could be um can be misused it's it's happened all through history to be honest with you if you look at the healing revival the thing that scares me the most about the healing revivals it turned into a competition and it's not a competition this one i don't believe this will happen that way and the reason is it's not going to be one major person competing with another major person it's going to be the members of the body of christ that pursue this thing together to demonstrate who jesus is to cross that chicken line so to speak and lay hands on somebody and watch the most extraordinary miracle take place in public places in our homes neighborhoods workplaces etc let's take a look at this story and then we're going to we're just going to pray for people in verse 1 of matthew chapter 9. so he got into a boat he crossed over and came to his own city and behold they brought to him a paralytic laying on a bed when jesus saw their faith this this just is a mystery to me when he saw their faith he said to the paralytic son be of good cheer your sins have forgiven you i don't understand that at all how can jesus pronounce forgiveness of sin to somebody when it wasn't his faith it was the faith of the people that brought him moms and dads you have a wayward child use this one as legal president when he saw their faith he said son be of good cheer your sins are forgiven that was a better point than your response but it's all right i'm not going to take it personal be of good cheer your sins are forgiven you verse 3 and at once some of the scribes said within themselves this man blasphemes but jesus knowing their thoughts said why do you think evil in your hearts which is easier to say your sins have forgiven you or to say arise and walk but that you may know that the son of man has power on earth to forgive sins he then said to the paralytic arise take up your bed and go to your house i don't know there's very few stories in the bible that that that get me swirling in in a positive way but that provoked me as much as this one that you may know that the son of man has power on earth to forgive sin he said to the paralytic take up your bed and walk all i want you to see is that if you qualify for one you qualify for the other if you qualify for one you qualify for the other what is easier for jesus to announce you've been forgiven or you're healed what is easier in the mind of god they are in the same redemptive act they are in the same they're they're in the same prophetic decree be released from your sin be released from your healing it doesn't mean we we carelessly walk around just making pronouncements it means that we we pay attention to the heart of god and we listen i i i had lunch with a gentleman uh a few months ago i think it was our our fall conference our open heavens conference and he told he told several of us sitting around the table up in the great room told us a story he he a very famous healing evangelist back in the day he thought was a phony and he told him so and the guy said what are you doing tonight at five o'clock and he said i'm free he says meet me at such such a corner and he actually picked him up this healing evangelist did and took him to his tent crusade and the guy who doesn't who believes he's a phony is sitting on the platform because there was nowhere else to sit and this guy would lay hands on people he'd pray he'd pray for another pray for another and then he would say you've been healed go your way you pray he'd pray pray for another said you've been healed and so this guy on the platform saw that happen and he saw this young lady actually it was twins i believe two young girls that were both born deaf and couldn't speak and he saw this healing evangelist say you're healed and so he snuck off the back of the platform and followed him out into the parking lot and there was a crowd with a big commotion around him and he tried to find somebody who wasn't all emotionally caught up and he found somebody who looked rather reasonable and he started up a conversation he says do you know what's happening here he says yes these are my brother's children they were born deaf and mute and they were just prayed for and they are now both speaking and hearing the point was he could see it and he declared it he could see it and he and he declared it and in the decree was the miracle in the same way that jesus would say to you go your way your sins are forgiven in the same way he says go your way you've been healed the scripture says psalms 107 verse 20 says he sent his word and healed them there's somebody right over in here that is missing cartilage in one or both knees who is that right over here just stand up there's three of you standing right close to each other three four actually anywhere in the room stand up but i could see it right over here and the lord jesus heals you just start bending down check him out the lord jesus heals you as soon as you can tell you've been healed i want you to wave your hands over your head just check him out real good do what you couldn't do just begin to move him around really challenge him is yours already yours is already healed all right just check it again another one right here all right just move around real good another one right over here all right now we bless your keep checking just keep moving around just keep doing what you couldn't do the lord is lifting off migraines somebody came in tonight with a migraine who is that stand up and it dissolves you already you are already healed all right already healed of migraine tonight anybody else migraines those of you with the knees just keep standing if you would i i don't want anyone to hurt themselves but i do want you to challenge because we haven't prayed yet all we've done is just decreed so we're going to pray in a moment but um migraines do you have a migraine now yeah somebody lay hands on them yep the lord is healing how about sugar diabetes stand up if that's you is that migraine here yep migraine somebody lifted off her head just declare it ends tonight just lift it off it ends now in jesus name now spirit of god restore everything that's been stolen we just declare in jesus wonderful wonderful name right now wonderful wonderful name of jesus lymes disease anybody with lyme's disease i want you to stand just keep praying for the people that are standing just keep praying for them just keep praying for them lyme's disease who has lyme's disease or you have a family member with lyme's disease all right all right i want you to stand in their place if it's you stand up and uh church family i want you to look around the room right now i want you to go to somebody who is standing and i want you to find out what the what the situation is if you're praying for somebody that's missing cartilage in their knees we need a creative miracle we don't need a healing we need something created that wasn't there sugar diabetes i believe the lord is healing diabetes tonight my friends there's somebody here that has uh i don't know if it's an infection in the lungs there's an issue in the lungs who is that the lord is healing somebody is that you over here is it an infection in the lungs is that what it is it's an infection i saw it this afternoon so we just declare the lord jesus heals you somebody lay hands on her right there right now anybody else is it an infection in lungs same here all right oh goodness there's a bunch okay there's wholesale healing on lungs and the infection in the lungs put your hands on your own lungs and have people just lay hands on you and pray church you know what to do i want you to speak to the condition and command it gone now in jesus name is there anyone that is missing a kidney is there anyone missing a kidney put a hand up if there is you're sisters all right all right a friend all right do you just pray for them stand in proxy for them just pray just a moment longer there's someone who has who suffered a blow to the head and it's affected the right side of your head and i believe down even down your arm who is that a blow to the head it's affected this side of your head perhaps eyesight could be hearing but it's this whole side of your head is that you back here the lord jesus heals you the lord jesus heals you that right side of your body yeah amen amen the lord jesus heals you the right side of your body the shoulder area of the lord is healing uh right now another one over here just lay hands if you see a hand go up as close to you that's your responsibility just lay hands on them someone has been having nightmares just recently frequent nightmares and it's not normal for you it's just been the last i don't know last few weeks maybe a month or so is that you back here another one over here i want you somebody to lay hands on them and just declare over them that this is an illegal assault on their life right over here gather around her we cancel this assignment of darkness we send it back to its its source in jesus name it's an absolute it's a terrorism thing and we just break that assignment of the powers of darkness and declare healing and protection over the over the night over the night the night watch would be protected in jesus mighty name there's also uh somebody i think it's in the third and fourth uh lumbar region uh the lord is healing who is that has an issue right in that part way in the back over there somebody lay hands on the lower part of their back and declare the healing word of jesus over their body right now another one back over here is that is that why you're raising your hand some of you lay hands on them right here send many way hands those who are watching uh on bethel tv you might as well get in on this because we're going to be praying for quite a few things tonight because i believe the lord wants to release people from affliction infirmity in the mighty name of jesus there are a number of folks that have suffered with confusion and it's not normal for you but you've really had a battle with confusion in just recent days and it's a spiritual matter who is that put your hands up high you've thought it's probably spiritual put your hands up high somebody lay hands on these folks here lay hands on them right now put your hands on their head and break that assignment send it back to its source right now in jesus name we declare clarity of heart clarity of mind in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name thank you lord all right now i want everyone just to give me your attention if you would we're we're still going to press into a bit more because i believe that the lord wants to do something but just give your attention don't sit down yet don't sit down everyone that received prayer i want you to try to do something that you either couldn't do or was difficult to do right now i want you to discover i realize some of you made phone calls you text people uh for you're standing in proxy for somebody else to be healed i get that but every one of you that receive prayer for yourself i want you to examine yourself right now and as soon as you discover that you're at least 80 percent better i want you to wave both hands over your head like this because i want to see who you are look around the room all right we've got people all over the room thank you look for that wow look at that thank you all all right now go ahead and be seated if you would go ahead and be seated now who who has the handheld the mic oh it's right here sorry all right now any of you that have uh words of knowledge on the team down here tom help me up tom tom help me out all right all right and if you guys that have words of knowledge i want you to call them out anyone here on our team words of knowledge if you have any conditions that are called i want you to put a hand up we're going to do that in just a moment but right now i want to find out how many of you just got healed of the migraine uh headache pain issue put a hand up jesus just healed you we had several just healed all right right here all right how about um the lower lumbar area of the back who was who was healed of that is that you right here yep right over here is another another one back over there all right uh what were some of the other conditions the cartilage in the knees how many of you you have uh you have uh full use in motion painless movement of your knees i want you to stand up and show people just stand up and show people yeah beautiful thank you awesome come on that's good way to go thank you lord for that yeah what else what else did we pray for who limes lungs lungs lungs who got healed in their lungs right over here we've got a couple over here wow right over here's another one i'm interested how can you tell your lungs were healed tom go back there just you can breathe that's that's a good sign breathing is my my watch every once while just buzzes and it says breathe i'm thinking do you think i'm stupid how do you think i'm still here i i'm always breathing what tell us tell us what happened i can i can breathe i i'm serious i came in barely being able to breathe just really sucking in the air and rumbling yeah and i told these ladies last night jesus told me he was going to give me new lungs today yeah that's beautiful wonderful beautiful someone else or the lungs who was it let's go right back over here yeah tell me what happened i want to know what happened how do you know you were healed um i've had chronic lung infections and i was at the emergency room friday night and they looked at my lungs on x-ray and diagnosed me with copd and um i've been extremely weak have not been able to stop coughing um have had um burning pain and inflammation and after they pray tonight's the first time i've taken clear breaths inflammation is gone in my lungs i can feel mobility i didn't have in my breathing an hour ago that's beautiful thank you lord thank you thank you lord wow beautiful well if you're through then he'll be through but if you're still ready for more i believe jesus wants to heal some more people are you ready for some more all right i really do i really do believe that he wants to touch people's bodies here's here's what i'm here's what i'm thinking i'm thinking he wants to heal our thinking so that we're no more intimidated by a disease than we are in leading somebody into our prayer of repentance for the forgiveness of sin because all through the scripture it was wrapped up into one thing what does it mean to seek first the kingdom we quote the verse we love the verse it's a profound profound verse because it outlines our assignment our priority but what does it mean to seek first the kingdom i'm glad you asked if you're talking to somebody who is tormented in their thinking what does the kingdom look like for you to seek it first for them that means that they get free yes if they have an addiction what does it look like to seek first the kingdom there's no addictions in heaven if they have cancer what does it look like for you to seek first the kingdom it means that you come against cancer for them to be healed seeking first the kingdom in a business that's going bankrupt means that we seek for god to give wisdom insight favor prosperity what does it look like when you have a friend who husband and wife are separated hate each other to seek first the kingdom what does it look like there it looks like we're pursuing reconciliation and healing see seeking first the kingdom means to seek first the king's dominion over a broken situation but here's what jesus said he said seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added i'll be honest i if i look back over my prayers over the last 10 years a lot of the time i have spent praying for those things to be added and not for the kingdom he said seek this first and i'll add this if we find ourselves wrapped up in praying for the things that were supposed to be added instead of the things that was the primary focus then there will always be lack he said seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and his righteousness is righteousness in addition to the kingdom romans 14 17 again the kingdom of god is not meat or drink but it is righteousness peace and joy righteousness is part of the kingdom so why does he emphasize righteousness seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added because the kingdom is comprised of three basic realities righteousness peace and joy we naturally seek for peace and joy we don't naturally seek for righteousness he emphasized something that would be essential for us to live under the mandate of carrying the reality of the kingdom into the earth make sure that you prioritize righteousness that's where i am positionally righteous before god and it becomes manifested through my behavior that i am in my behavior what i am by position the father sees me as his son jesus that does not give me an excuse to not pursue righteousness this is this is more important than you think for all of us because that righteous lifestyle will not take the glory to themself as the miracles increase that righteous lifestyle will find no pleasure in competing with a brother or sister for greater breakthrough or for greater recognition for what the lord wants to release over us it's essential that we think about the righteousness of christ being experientially demonstrated in how we live and that focus is to be a priority and i believe that as we embrace the mandate of god for the hour that we live in he will surpass all of our prayers and requests and dreams for the all these things because it was his plan in the first place he's the one who gave us the capacity to dream we're going to pray for some more people is there anyone here tonight with cancer i believe we're supposed to go after just put a hand up if that's you you know what let's do cancer right now stand up just stand up where you are i want to have a half a dozen people or so around them the rest of you i realize um you we can't all get to him but you can extend a hand i want you to join your faith right now this is an enemy it's an assault on government property these people belong to the king of kings and the lord of lords i want you right now as you pray for them i want you to rebuke cancer command it out of their body every cancerous cell dies now in jesus name you are forbidden to remain forbidden to remain don't stop don't stop church i want you to announce this over them jesus became a curse that you would not have to bear this curse you are released from the curse of cancer in the mighty name of jesus you are released from the curse of cancer amen amen amen all right now [Applause] we have a party going on back here is it good [Applause] looks like somebody just got touched by the lord you did sir yeah you did yeah that power of god's all over you that's awesome come on yep yep wow all right we're going to call out specific conditions if you have them i'm going to ask you to stand quickly any any of you guys that have any conditions call them out now bring the mic on up just bring the mic up here and and and uh just down here is fine but just have have the conditions called up thanks yeah i believe the lord's healing uh fibromyalgia all right who's that fibromyalgia stand up great and then i i heard the word endo and i believe maybe you have a condition that has endo in it i didn't hear the rest of it so maybe he's reaching wide any kind of condition with endo as part of the medical name for that condition all right endometriosis how many how many of you have that endometriosis all right there's several all right all right those are cataracts select cataracts in your eyes cataracts all right stand all right so a couple things um there's like a piece of your heart that was like torn or a piece missing off of your heart does that make sense to anybody some kind of a tear in the heart right back over here all right lord jesus yeah the lord's just restoring yeah he's just restoring your heart beautiful yeah there's someone watching uh on bethel tv with the same condition too the lord is healing that condition amen go ahead um and then uh your tooth cracked and then i think the tooth right next to it cracked like you don't know why just your teeth cracked all right does that make sense to anyone stand up this is yo come on okay oh wow correct yeah so the lord's just healing cracked teeth tonight just wow right back tomorrow and then one more one more and uh you had gauges in your ears your earlobe big gauges and you've taken them out and you've been wanting to have your ears sewn back in the holes and i believe the lord's restoring the hole just healing the gauge beautiful beautiful is that anybody yep if that's you stand up get in on it just get in on it yep amen uh we've been seeing uh lately um [Music] lots of people in fact at the sand there were a lot of people that were healed of scars scars just disappeared scars from cutting um some suicidal attempts that sort of thing if you have any scars in your body from from any abuse that uh that either was given to you or you did to yourself just stand get in on this one because jesus erases the scar of the heart and the scar of the body yeah go ahead um really felt muscles growing back tonight especially tendons strengthening i still am thickening and i just feel where you've had muscles atrophied where muscles aren't growing where there's disease i saw it growing back tonight all right so that's you is that you stand quick stand quick now some of you you have permission to get healed while you're just standing there before we pray i just want you to know ahead of time go ahead the other one is is cystic fibrosis the lungs yeah is it yeah i kept hearing that tonight so if you if you're fibro if that's been something you struggle with i feel like the lord is healing your lungs tonight all right all right go ahead uh neuropathy where your feet go numb all right another one back over there um and then all right having a hard time having children just heard this phrase like you should pursue other means of having children okay so stand for that okay and then i'm not sure how to do this one but i felt like the lord wants to heal sexually transmitted diseases yes yes absolutely so you can stand whenever you want that's embarrassing to you i get it you just stand for another thing but the lord is healing that yes yes yeah uh uh all we want is for you to be well we're not interested in embarrassing anyone when jesus forgives sin he doesn't forgive the heart issue and leave the physical issue they're they're both dealt with at the same time you know there's there's there's no sense going to the car lot driving out with half a car you might as well get the whole thing and uh and so the lord the lord heals the whole person and uh i tell you what we've got to get used to this because this was his intent from the beginning this was his intent from the beginning to heal the whole person go ahead peter yeah we were just at a meeting last week at a brazilian church in orlando and saw deaf ears open so i feel like that was happening again tonight so that deaf ears um or partial deafness yep yep if that's you stand up we actually had somebody that was at the send that woke up the next morning and their ears popped open the next morning yeah yeah and then we we saw we saw metal disappearing as well i felt that again tonight metal disappearing so if you have metal anywhere in your body a fuse together screws um any sort of metal metal or even uh sometimes they put some other kind of material in there to hold the parts together so wires plastic whatever it might be if you want to get rid of it stand yeah and then the last thing i saw was bones that haven't healed correctly or are fractured or have had tiny pieces that aren't quite right just bones that are not quite healed together yeah all right this is going to be fun this is going to be fun go ahead okay i had uh ongoing sinus not just a cold but ongoing sinus problems okay um also had sensitivity in the soles of the feet for some reason and there was another one which came from outside which was um problems with uh the reproductive system and stuff okay all right let me go back to the sinus thing there's there are several people who deviated septum stand up if that's you if you're not already standing all right two things dyslexia and learning disabilities all right and then um i was in brazil last week year and uh i had a word of knowledge about somebody's liver that had been destroyed in a previous lifestyle of drugs and alcohol they got saved but needed healing and then he got healed from that night in that meeting okay and was able to drink cokes anybody who has a damaged liver okay from a previous lesson all right all right make sure you get in on this go ahead yeah i kept my tongue something about your tongue i don't know if it's taste uh i just keep on feeling in my tongue so is there anybody with something yeah tongue tie i don't know if it's uh bringing back taste as well but literally my tongue's on fire so i feel like there's healing for your tongue and then just fingers i don't know is arthritis but particularly my right hand my third and fourth finger they're feeling crooked or that i feel uh something in them discomfort my fingers are great so anybody with finger issues it might be arthritis but i don't think it could be that as well as that but it's something else either an injury or an accident in your in your fingers particularly your right hand but take it in your hand in general all right now hold on just one second those of you how many of you you need god to heal your taste i don't mean you have poor taste and it says you choose bad boyfriends i don't mean that although that might need to be healed too [Applause] your tongue don't work who's that your tongue don't work your tongue don't work right who's that i want to see who you are so i have a real burden for this because i love to eat all right listen to me the word of the lord this is the word of the lord psalms 34 verse 8. taste and see it's a command from god you've been commanded by god to taste and it'll open your eyes all right go ahead i feel like there's people in here that have problems with your bones specifically your bones maybe have grown there was an injury or something that grew wrong um anything with your bones yep all right and then double vision you know cn2 like blurry double vision okay god's gonna do it double vision all right chronic headaches okay chronic headaches put your hands up let's get rid of all of it all right a generational mental illness that a specifically generational it's like it's it's in your family line and it's almost like you just expected it to happen to you all right yeah put your hands up if that's you man let's let's come against that because there's been a lot of that insanity thing i don't know how or why but it's been released over i think over the nation and uh we've got to break that thing and if you have that in your family line there can be that fear like oh no am i going to be next kind of thing and we're just going to break that thing send it back to its source it's not the lord you have a new bloodline when you got born again and in your bloodline you get the mind of christ you don't get the spirit of insanity you get the mind of christ so all right we have a bunch of people standing the good news is there's going to be a lot of miracles and the really good news is some of the people that will get healed are going to be the ones that are doing the praying for others [Applause] so here's what i'm going to need you to do i'm going to need help all of you that are standing put a hand up wow those of you that are sitting you got work to do i want you okay don't start praying till i tell you to go to someone with their hand up have them pull their hand down but don't start talking or praying until i tell you to all right some of you are standing next to each other some of you are standing next to other people with their hands up we may need you to pray for each other okay look around the room crawl down the road do whatever you need to do okay let's go after this folks shh okay don't start yet if the person you're about to pray for still has their hand up would you pull it down for them okay shh wave your hand at me if we missed you okay right down here all right gentlemen over there all right i got a gal right here i need someone to to get down this road right here all right wave okay pull your hand down somebody's with you now wave your hand at me there's a gal right over here here with her you got two hands for a reason all right there's no lack of power in this room to heal through both hands believe me now you've got to do three things you got to find out what's wrong those of you that need the miracle do not give a big story just give them a target number two i want work there's many ways to pray for people tonight i'm going to ask you all just to lay your hands on them if it's an appropriate place to touch then put your hand on it if it's not to put your hand on their shoulder their head and pray the third thing as you pray i want you to rebuke the affliction out of their body i want you to speak to it command it gone let's pray together holy spirit we do welcome you to come even now with power and release healing and deliverance to the people of god in the mighty name of jesus right now in jesus name amen amen find out how to pray so lord increase the anointing for breakthrough here tonight we ask increase even on bethel tv our friends scattered around the world that release a power into homes into churches small groups healing and deliverance be multiplied in jesus mighty name deafness begone now in jesus name ears open lord we call for creative miracles in people's bodies that should restore what's been destroyed been replaced by metal plastic release that miracle now we speak to arthritis in the mighty name of jesus be gone let bones be reset now in jesus name let bones be reset old injuries okay we've got about 20 more seconds okay go ahead end your prayer but stay with the person don't leave them please just stay with them okay shh stay with the person you prayed for just give me your attention for a moment when you pray for people stay with them because you sometimes you want to be a part of their journey of discovery to find out what god has done sometimes it's so obvious a blind eye is open the deaf ears open other times it's not so obvious it takes movement to find out actually what's happened you want to stay with that person i don't want anyone ever pretending you're well if you're not that's this is too precious to do that but i do want you to find out right now what the lord has done so i'm going to ask you even if it seems silly i want you to move or do something to find out what the lord has done and if you're at least 80 percent better then i want you to wave both hands over your head like this do it for about 15 seconds so that we can look around the room and see who you are examine yourself right now as soon as you know that you're at least 80 percent better wave your hands over your head yep check yourself out real good right now check yourself out real good okay shh okay just look up at me how many of you jesus just healed your body wave a hand at me i want to see look around the room beautiful wonderful wonderful let me ask this how many of you just got healed of more than one thing wave a hand at me because some of you kept putting your hands up all right good beautiful now [Applause] we're going to have you turn and pray again if the person is 100 you don't need to pray again don't mess them up leave them alone but if if they still need more prayer i want you to turn and pray again we're going to pray at least one more time right now turn and serve them with your best prayer right now if you were just healed then you should join someone else and pray for them freely you've received freely give amazing thank you lord increase this anointing for breakthrough increase this lord god increase this lord okay you've got about 15 more seconds all right you did good good end your prayer stay with the person though now listen carefully everyone that received prayer listen to me i personally believe that what you do after the prayer was as important as the prayer i've actually seen visibly seen the miracle not released until there was an action i actually saw it happen and so i want to encourage you right now examine yourself move do something to see what the lord has done and as soon as you find that jesus has healed your body then once again i'm going to ask you to wave both hands over your head like this because we want to receive testimony of what the lord has done so examine yourself right now and then respond by giving a physical testimony of what jesus has done wave those hands over your head like this right down here there's a bunch over there some more way in the back over here yeah we give you thanks lord all right go ahead and be seated if you would i would like to hear shhh to me every healing i don't care if you just had sinus pain and it's gone i don't care what it is we're thankful for every measure of breakthrough and we celebrate everyone but i also know that in this room tonight there are people that just experienced something pretty pretty extraordinary and um and i want you to give testimony let me ask you a question when i told you tonight about the woman who was bedridden for 10 years and she ran around her pool after being healed how many of you gave glory to god for that miracle you're amazing do you know that that glory that you gave him he never would have received had i not told you the story never would have received it the reason that we share the goodness of the lord everyone who's had any the lord do anything for you tonight you need to tell somebody but i would like to hear from at least four or five of you tonight what jesus did for you if the lord did something uh unusual or extraordinary in your body healing you tonight i want to ask you to come give testimony but before you come to the front i want to see everyone that was healed just stand to your feet just stand to your feet right now look around the room come on somebody wow come on let's give a shout of praise to the lord we bless you lord mighty god mighty god wow all right i want at least four of you to come down and give testimony something that you've examined you can testify jesus healed your body come on down wait i want to get some more down here what did jesus do here let's i i need i need somebody else to come down here jesus just healed your body come tell us what he did all right i got to have a guide down here too i mean i'm thankful all these women want to tell us what jesus did but certainly jesus healed a man too all right we got one there we got another one there all right that works for me you know we got another one all right i feel better now so we're equal opportunity employers here all right what did jesus do for you um my teeth cracked from the top and i went to the dentist he said how'd it happen i said i don't know it just cracked and he said well we're gonna shoot you guys no that's all right i'll come back later i can't stand needles and so my my upper gum swolled up and i couldn't chew on the side at all because it hurt it i was eating on my left side and the young lady babe wasn't right here yeah there she go she prayed on me and i felt a tingling and then this the swelling went down and then i noticed i can do this i couldn't do that first and then i took my fingernail to make sure and and at first it's like uh you can feel the nerve in it it's very sensitive the sensitive part left then i got a piece of peppermint and broken on the side no pain at all that's beautiful come on i love that just chomp on the peppermint that's the test right too come on i love it what did jesus do for you um i have a constant nasal drip i everywhere i have kleenex in my pockets and now my coat and my jeans everywhere at at least 20 years it's i don't know i'm 49. and um they were praying for me and my nose is not dripping like which is [Music] [Applause] as far as i can remember i'm 49 and it's been forever it's just yeah like it's big for me so thank you it's huge like there's nothing and i think it's um when they said chronic headaches i think that's all been part of it i've been diagnosed with cluster migraines and and i just i don't take medicine and i just live with it but i just know that it's gone it's great i just [Applause] so for gosh 20 years or so i've had a deviated nasal septum i fainted one day and just landed flat on my face and broke the nose and in the last several months i haven't really slept more than three and four hours a night and when they started praying for me at first i didn't sense anything and then all of a sudden it started being cleared up and i can breathe freely that's beautiful i love it thank you so um i have i had numerous things wrong with my eyes i have still glaucoma and i had cataracts and i was extremely near-sighted and i can't tell you scientifically what's happened but the room is now so bright it's hard to even look at it it's like there's so much more light coming in amen and and this is the eye that has the glaucoma which is not different but this is the eye that was so nearsighted it was hard to see out of it and i can't tell you the percentage but things are a lot clearer continued from hungary it was my hip and it's like sharp pain a barrier for training i couldn't cross my legs and so they started to pray and like no change for the second prayer no change the third no change and bill told like let's practice because maybe the miracle is coming then when you practice so i started to do that and the more i did the more it was loose the pain was going so it's now like gone it's loose i can move it it's like ridiculous jesus that's beautiful that's beautiful um when i was little i had a lot of basketballs hit me in the face and just caused a lot of trauma to my sinuses and every time the weather changes i get migraines and i'm pretty much bedridden and and so tonight i got prayer for that and the first time the girl prayed um i didn't feel the release yet but i saw jesus going back to those memories the trauma and healing it like it didn't happen and so then he said pray again so another girl came up and they both prayed and i didn't feel the release and i was like all right so he starts talking about work your miracle so i'm like all right i'm going to work with saucer taking these breads and i mean it just cleared up i mean it's just like particular it's just it's released yeah uh because of an if infection during a surgery i took a lot of antibiotics and that affects some bones and yesterday in healing rooms they were praying i feel really better but i but the pelvic pain continue and i can't be see that right now they are beginning to pray about the lumbar and the pelvic pain was gone and i was seated without uh and specialty that was i i was using beautiful wonderful beautiful so i had a pretty bad ear infections in the inner ear and pretty much wiped out the hearing in my ears and i've had four ear surgeries but the result of it has been that i didn't have a lot of hearing in my left ear my right ear is not too bad but there's a constant ringing and so your ears just there's just like constant sound so they began to pray and the first thing that i noticed was there was somebody behind me then i don't hear noises behind me and all of a sudden i began to hear her praying behind me and i was like wow thank you lord and so for the first time and i don't even know how long i don't have ringing in my ears and it's really awesome is there anyone here that has hearing loss because of your service in the military stand up if that's you stand up [Music] stand up stand in a place you're dead all right extend your hand towards these folks if you're standing around them i believe the lord jesus wants to restore what was stolen their service for their nation we declare that to be an illegal thing i speak to the ears the ringing in the ears the hearing loss be healed in the name of jesus now if you're standing in place of a relative i want you to send them a text call them do something to let them know if you're laying hands on these folks lay hands on their ears and just declare over them be healed now in jesus name be healed now in jesus name now somebody who's praying with them i want you to help them to discover what's happened all right just kind of test their hearing help them to test the hearing see what's happened and then give me a report all right give me a report all right go ahead wait hold on how many of you notice a change in your hearing already put a hand up is there anyone that notices a change right here already all right that's it all right is there anybody else notice there's a change in hearing that i felt really strong during this last testimony that the lord if how many of you were at azusa now we had like we had like several three or four guys that lost substantial hearing due to the military due to war and the lord healed them all and and they came up and gave testimony i believe the lord is going to do that again tonight so if if they haven't received it yet then those of you that are standing with them just continue go ahead and get testimony here um after worship i texted a friend in new york and was just saying you have to tune in on bethel tv and this was before i even heard about you praying for healing and after we prayed i sat down and he texted me and said my sinuses literally opened up and the soreness on my vocal cords is gone [Applause] and then my uh the girl i'm sitting next to as well was seeing how she was texting people from afar and seeing healing for them as well so beautiful thank you lord wonderful how many of you how many of you got feedback from a text that there's already been a progress or a healing has taken place way behind we've got down here we've got a couple here anybody else wave your hand back over there's another one another one up here you know it's an it's a new way to get miracles it's text text a miracle texted me miracles by text i don't know it's it's a it's a new app i don't know nevermind go ahead what did jesus do for you thank you several healings when you called out about the right side having a everybody hurt their head and all the way down i felt hot oil poured over me when people prayed for me and then when you called out generational migraines and somebody called it out and rebuked it and i had to come over here to this land because the other land had the spiritual thing over it and uh it was and my eye is like released and the migraine's gone yeah it's gone thank you lord for that wonderful wonderful what did jesus do for you okay uh you said something about scars and so i had a scar here that since i was a little kid i crawled over a heat grate where the heat was coming up and it's been a forever scar and it was huge and now it's really small you know it's like over to here and then this side it's like it's going away [Applause] did anyone else have scarring disappear disappear or is it is it fading has that happened to anyone right down here you did anybody else scarring disappear because i yeah right over here i feel like i feel like we're supposed to have it so we just need to declare it we just declare this is what jesus is doing i want everyone to stand just put a hand on the shoulder person next to you i want you to pray that the lord would complete the good work that he started in them the healing work the bible says work out your salvation daily so just pray that form it's not that we have to be born again it's just that we we work it out every day this devotion to christ perform that perfect work in them now lord we pray in jesus name in jesus name now we're going to pray one more thing i want you to pray that the lord would settle rest upon them all night that it would be as though they were in a holy ghost incubator and what god has started in them would continue all night long wave after wave after wave of visitations of god wave after wave after wave increase this in us lord wave after wave after wave visitations of the lord pray for their household i feel like i feel like dreams visions angelic encounters are supposed to multiply we declared over our family that is watching online that there would be dreams visions encounters that the lord would release the equipping of the saints to us in great greater measure in jesus name so good so good just hold your place there hold your place there there's somebody here who needs to get right with god you're here tonight you walked into this place you're like this is awesome or you're freaked out it doesn't matter god is here and he's drawing you to his heart he loves you this is not a religion where you come and check off a bunch of to do's and don'ts it's where you come by grace and encounter the love of the father he paid the price for you and has pursued you to come to know his heart so who's here if you're here right now listen it's going to take courage in a room like this to respond and say i want to give my life to christ but this is a family this is the safest place where you can come and be loved unconditionally it doesn't matter we're not looking for perfect people it's the love of god that covers sin all of us have been there and god's grace is here to cover you right now so i'm gonna it's gonna take courage but listen you're gonna get so touched by the love of the father you're gonna leave a different person some of you guys drove hours to get here don't leave 30 feet the same person amen so if you're here right now and you'd say you know what i need to get my life right with the lord or you know that you need to rededicate your life to the lord tonight you you knew once knew him and you walked away but tonight is a night of full surrender to the lord so if that's you right now i want you to just raise your hand and say i'm ready to do that i'm ready to just fully surrender right now go ahead anybody here anybody here we'll wait we'll wait wonderful wonderful is that are you raising your hands you get your hands up all right come on come on awesome right right back there come on now's the time come on now's the time we'll wait you're worth waiting on this is not awkward for me to stand here and wait for you this is the most important thing that's happening today is somebody getting born again into the kingdom of god anybody else come on come on come on why wait come on are you praising the lord are you raising your hand back there i can't tell yes come on all right here's what i want to do here's what i want to do if you're raising your hand you want to get right with god i want you to step out of your chair and come down here we're going to celebrate and you're going to step into an encounter with god with people praying for you go ahead come on step out of your chair come down here come on there's more of you come on come on
Channel: Bill Johnson Teaching (Official)
Views: 76,007
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: jesus christ, church, bill johnson,, bethel church, bill johnson sermons, faith, holy spirit, bill johnson 2020, bill johnson ministries, bill johnson bethel, bethel tv, bethel church redding, sermon bethel, is God good?, christian theology, Christian, miracles, bethel miracles, bill johnson ministry, bethel
Id: AAnlRi43VWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 48sec (5208 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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