Tristyn Bailey Case Analysis | Is Aiden Fucci Guilty of Murder?

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this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the case of tristan bailey just a reminder i'm not diagnosing you by this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel consider supporting me on patreon and check out my podcast i will put the relevant links in the description for this video first i'll look at the timeline of the crime then i'll move to my analysis starting with a timeline this case takes place in saint john's florida we start on friday may 7 2021 a 13 year old cheerleader named tristan bailey is seen at the durban crossing food truck friday event along with fellow classmates tristan's mother reported that the parents of a friend drove tristan and the friend to the event and picked him up afterward now moving to saturday may 8 2021 at 10 51 pm tristan sent a text message to a number with a 407 area code her phone is never used again after this at 11 45 pm members of tristan's family arrive home after going to dinner and visiting one of their adult daughters just 15 minutes later so now midnight on sunday may 9 tristan's sister observed tristan speaking on a video chat in the garage tristan was talking to a white male wearing a white baseball cap backwards her sister did not know the identity of the male moving to 12 25 am tristan receives a phone call from a number that was later identified as belonging to a 14 year old male named aiden fuchi at 12 30 am a friend of tristan's named trey absher said that tristan arrived at his house he said that she had snuck around to the north side of the house to avoid the security cameras she left at about 1am with aidan fuchi at 1 24 am surveillance video picks up two individuals walking on the sidewalk past the main entrance of the durbin crossing north amenity center these individuals fit the description of tristan bailey and aiden fucci at 1 45 am two subjects were spotted on another surveillance video walking east on the sidewalk of saddle stone drive toward a pond again it appeared as though the individuals were tristan and aiden at 3 27 am that same surveillance camera picked up one subject who looked like aiden walking west the individual was carrying a pair of white shoes at 9 40 a.m tristan bailey's family members discovered she was missing tristan's mother called 9110 am after talking to tristan's friend trey and hearing about aiden fuchi the police go to talk to aiden he said he was with tristan just like trey indicated after leaving trey's house they walked to north durban parkway aiden said that tristan then turned to go toward her house and he continued walking north along the parkway he arrived at his house between 3 and 3 30 a.m the police weren't buying aidan's story according to his timeline it took him about two hours to walk from trey's house to his house but the two houses were only about 1.4 miles apart aiden decided to change his story now claiming that he and tristan continued to walk on the parkway together aiden made an advance toward tristan in the form of kissing her she grabbed him and rejected his advance aiden became angry he pushed her to the ground she struck her head in the process aiden walked away from tristan as she was on the ground he was not sure if she stood back up because he had been smoking marijuana aiden said that tristan probably met up with her drug dealer after he walked away from her aiden was advised of his constitutional rights he invoked these rights and did not make any further statements at 606 pm the police received a call from a man who was jogging who said he found the body of a female the body was located 80 feet from a retention pond on racetrack road it had been stabbed 114 times there were injuries on the back neck arms and hands the body was identified as tristan bailey at the crime scene the police located tristan's cell phone a vaping device a twenty dollar bill a bottle of power aid and the shoe impression a folding buck knife believed to be the murder weapon was located 140 feet away in the pond the knife was missing its tip that tip was located in tristan's scalp there was also a hand print on tristan's leg at 8 pm aiden was picked up for questioning the police found a folding knife with a blue handle on his person an officer inspected a knife but didn't think it was suspicious or important he gave it to aiden's father jason fucci evidently jason placed the knife on the bumper of his truck but forgot it before he drove away the knife was lost aiden was in an interview room with his father jason fuchi and his mother crystal smith jason and crystal told him not to talk to the police until his attorney arrived the room they were in was recorded with both video and audio we see this unusual exchange occurs crystal indicated that tristan was found in their neighborhood aiden asked her is she good crystal said no she's dead that's why it's very important it's all on you right now aiden responded how is that my problem his parents then admonished him for posting a snapchat while he was in the back of a police car that afternoon his parents said they were receiving threats because of the post jason and crystal both continued to question aiden asking him where tristan went after he left her did they kiss was his dna on tristan why were his shoes off in that surveillance footage at one point during the conversation which again was recorded aiden told his mother he had been wearing jeans the night before she asked him if there was anything on them and aiden whispered the word blood crystal then suggested that aiden had been wearing khakis instead of jeans she said right aidan agreed with her his parents told him to find a story and stick with it i find this interesting his parents told him not to talk until his attorney arrived yet they kept asking him questions in a room that was clearly being recorded aiden was arrested at 3 30 a.m on may 10. he was initially charged with second-degree murder but the charge was upgraded to first-degree murder later he will be tried as an adult crystal smith would later be arrested for tampering with evidence allegedly she had hand washed aiden's genes the investigation would later reveal more potentially inculpatory evidence for example aiden fucci had on multiple occasions talked about killing people to his girlfriend he said he would find a random person walking at night drag them into the woods and stab them aiden's girlfriend also said that aiden would sneak up behind her with a knife and pretend it cut her throat this happened a few times she said that aidan claimed to hear voices in his head when he was angry the voices would state that he was worthless and a disappointment and go on to tell him to kill people when he was angry aiden's cousin said that aiden once told her that he might go to jail for something big at some point during his life aiden would talk to his friends about two knives that he owned one of those knives matched the one found in the pond the police searched the residence where aiden lived they found bloody clothes and bloody sneakers eight pocket knives a handmade shank a sheath for a folding buck knife and drawings depicting satanic images and violence perpetrated against women a friend of tristan said that aidan had no feelings toward anyone or himself she would say that he was the type of person you would see as a murderer he just doesn't care the police caught up with tristan's drug dealer the one who aiden indicated that tristan must have left with after he walked away from her the drug dealer denied having anything to do with her death the police cleared him of any wrongdoing perhaps he had an alibi like maybe he was dealing drugs i could picture him saying something like i could not have committed that crime because i was busy committing another crime now moving to my analysis there's really not much information available about the potential mental health factors as they relate to aiden fucci as the court proceedings continue it seems likely that aiden will be subject to a mental health evaluation if not several we see some disturbing behavior from aiden that could point to a few mental health and personality characteristics for example pretending to kill his girlfriend and telling her and others he wanted to kill people this seems to suggest he was dangerous and looking to be lethal this is something we see in other killers for example gary ridgway the green river killer used to sneak up on his wife and place her in a chokehold the references to aiden not having emotions could indicate something like a lack of empathy many killers are psychopathic they cannot feel what other people feel although they can usually understand what other people feel so they don't have affective empathy but they do have cognitive empathy there was mention of aiden hearing voices this could point to something like psychosis i imagine this will be something the defense will explore thoroughly especially considering the voices allegedly told aiden to kill people aiden told his girlfriend that he knew something was wrong with him and he wanted to find help perhaps this is a case where aden needed treatment and could not or would not receive it for whatever reasons moving to the next question is aidan fucci guilty well of course i don't know at this moment he has the presumption of innocence i don't think it looks good for him based on the evidence so far for example his prior statements about violence the witness and surveillance video that puts him with the victim around the time she died the physical evidence including the knife the bloody clothes the bloody sneakers and there was blood found in the sink of his house apparently the handprint on tristan's leg was connected to aiden as well the only thing he really has going for him is that there are no witnesses to the murder i think he is probably guilty but we'll have to wait to see what the outcome of the trial is next question what about the allegation against aiden's mother crystal smith she allegedly tampered with evidence by hand washing aidan's jeans she knew about the blood on the jeans because she discussed that with aiden when they were in the recorded interview room i think what's worrisome about this is here we have a person who discovered their teenage son may have murdered a girl and that priority becomes destroying evidence instead of something like being concerned that he may be a killer if he killed somebody he needs to be held accountable and he could kill other people safety should have been the priority i'm all for protecting the rights of someone who is accused of a crime the parents made a good move by getting an attorney but destroying evidence is not a legitimate way to protect someone's rights this appears to demonstrate a lack of empathy for tristan bailey and her family they of course want justice they would want tristan bailey's rights protected here we see that crystal smith allegedly is only looking to try to protect aiden fuchi moving to the next question when looking at this case do any themes emerge one of the elements that stood out to me in this story is how no one seemed to know what their teenage children were doing here we see a 13 year old and 14 year old who are using drugs and sneaking out at night what did any of these parents do to monitor the activity of their children there's this idea that they may have all been surprised like they didn't know what their kids were up to but that excuse can only cover so much ground maybe they were legitimately surprised like this was a new behavior so the parents didn't have time to realize it or it could have been that their supervision wasn't as diligent as maybe it could have been unfortunately there is an epidemic of parents who don't pay attention who don't actively monitor but rather wait for some incident and then say look you need to stop this behavior it's important to be proactive and not just reactive another worrisome part of this story is how teenagers unrelated to this case have been posting on social media that they are the real killer they are taking responsibility and saying that aiden should be set free this is a bad idea for a lot of reasons it may seem humorous to toy with the police to force them to investigate each post but this plan can backfire first the police may be able to charge them for interfering in the investigation and second if some piece of physical evidence happens to connect them in any way they could become a suspect they really are playing with fire one of the main problems we see with teenagers is impulsivity this case features a lot of it murder drug use possessing knives sneaking out at night unmonitored electronic devices unrelated parties using social media to confess to a murder i think the reality is that it's very difficult to manage impulsivity and teenagers one of the keys to keeping them safe is to deny them access to dangerous items and situations so if you can't lessen the impulsivity you have to create environment that is safer i know parents are sometimes reluctant to supervise because they don't want to deny their children learning experiences and freedom but some bad things that happen are irreversible they are not so much learning experiences as life in prison experiences so there really is a point where parents have to regulate and monitor the behavior of teenagers that type of monitoring can save teenagers a lifetime of regret those are my thoughts in the case of tristan bailey please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 245,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eUp4kiVLzn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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