Randy Stair Case Analysis | Animated Ghost Girl Delusion

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Used to watch Randy’s vids in 2010 when he collaborated with makemebad35, never could’ve imagined something like this happening.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/PostError 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

You beat me to it. I just watched this and went to share only to find that someone already did. I love this man's videos and insights. Grande points out something I didn't think about. That Stair made his videos believing people would actually care. When I watched those videos I just assumed he had a fan base when in reality he was probably just talking to a couple hundred people had subscribed to his channel over the years but weren't necessarily fans. I also think the "gender dysphoria theory that the medical examiner came to was a bit controversial.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/hondaguy1998 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the case of randy stare just a reminder i'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoy this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video so first i'll look at the background of randy stare i'll move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis randy stayer was born in pennsylvania on september 17 1992. he worked in a supermarket called weiss markets in eaton township pennsylvania for about seven years randy was active on social media and started uploading videos in 2007. he started with short sketches and appeared in a few videos with other content creators in 2014 he talked about a number of unfortunate events that occurred in his life and he said he was changing directions he created something he referred to as embers ghost squad these were animated videos based on a series on nickelodeon called danny phantom through video uploads post on twitter and other social media posts randy communicated information on a number of topics like his mood his beliefs about crossing over into an animated world and conducting a shooting on june 8 2017 randy went to work at the supermarket he was carrying a duffel bag containing two mossberg 500 pump action shotguns fitted with pistol grips around 11 pm when the store closed he made his way to the back of the store and blocked an emergency exit he then continued to work which included cleaning and stocking shelves at 12 10 a.m he used twitter to publish a number of links to files and videos related to the shooting he was planning on executing in a few minutes he talked about how he had brought two shotguns in case one failed randy went to the back of the store and blocked the remaining exits then went to the main entrance of the store and locked the automatic doors at this point he produced the two shotguns and started walking around the store he had approached a woman named kristen newell who was stocking shelves as she listened to music on her headphones at that point she did not see him because he was behind her and she did not hear him because of the music randy stood next to her as she continued working after about five seconds she walked into the next aisle randy moved on he continued through the store he would shoot and kill three employees two men 63 and 47 years old and one woman 25 years old right after he shot one of the victims he looked right at kristen they locked eyes kristen fled and hid in an area for employees eventually escaping the store and calling 9-1-1 after committing the homicides randy went throughout the store shooting various objects including merchandise glass and propane tanks probably in an effort to create an explosion he was unsuccessful after walking to the deli area of the store he used the shotgun to bring an end to his own life during the attack he had only used one of the two shotguns he fired it 59 times when the police arrived they would find the victims and randy dead the autopsy revealed that he had taken quite a bit of benadryl before his death a search of randy's home would reveal seven boxes of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition drawings cartoons external hard drives and other electronics before we get to the analysis let's hear a word from today's sponsor felix gray over the last few decades people have really started spending a lot more time staring at screens in the studio i spent hours looking at three computer monitors my laptop under the camera not to mention my smartphone in many ways all these different screens have made our lives a lot more efficient but as far as our eyes are concerned the abundance of screens has also led to more eye strain five years ago felix gray realized that blue light from screens is tough on eyes and disruptive to sleep they design glasses to make daily screen time more comfortable by using lenses that filter 15 times more blue light than regular glasses the carver style of felix gray glasses i'm wearing here are made from acetate and hand finished for a durable lightweight frame that fits comfortably these are available in prescription and non-prescription mine of course are prescription if you can feel your screen time and you're not sure if blue light glass is right for you start with the best in blue light try felix gray they make glasses for the 21st century which are designed for modern hard-working eyes with their 30-day money-back guarantee there's nothing to lose except perhaps eye strain now moving to the analysis what really stands out about this case is all the content that randy produced before his crime here's some items featured in social media posts including videos these are some of the things he stated and believed he talked about how he was depressed which became particularly bad for him in 2013 he experienced a number of tragedies which he believed explained his low mood like when he totaled his car and two people close to him died that same year he thought about his own death for years and did not imagine living past his twenties he had been contemplating his demise for the last four and a half years he had other emotions as well including boredom desire fatigue hatred and anger at one point he started identifying as andrew blase so this was a character he made up and he assumed the identity randy had questions about his gender identity he indicated that on wednesday nights when his parents went bowling he would dress up as a woman the autopsy report for randy indicated he was wearing female garments under male clothing he felt as though he was a female soul trapped in a man's body and a girl inside of him was clawing to get out he believed that after his death he would cross over into the animated world he created and become an animated ghost girl he thought that the animated girls in his series were real they had lived and died on the planet earth he said that one of them was his eternal soul mate and talked to him all the time he was destined to be with her until the end of time so they were going to be together forever i'm guessing that was his heaven and her hell for most of his life randy didn't really feel like he fit in he didn't know what his purpose was he became stressed about developmental milestones like finding a job and graduating from high school he had trouble with the loss of loved ones he said he never had a girlfriend although he was attracted to girls he indicated he had no desire to be in relationships he didn't like to socialize he didn't like it when people acknowledged him he wanted to be alone at the same time he wanted to be liked he wanted friends so we see kind of opposing forces here randy said that he despised the human race developed a hatred toward all human beings and wanted to kill as many people as possible he felt as though it was senseless to try to make the world a better place because everybody would die at some point randy was fascinated with shootings of the mass type and had a particular interest in those involving schools he wished he could have met the columbine perpetrators they were his heroes they understood his pain his homicidal fantasy appeared to be connected to his animated world he talked about how no one could prevent him from killing and dying it was his destiny it was his true purpose he had planned his crime for three to four months and documented everything in various recordings he believed those items memorialized his legacy he went to great lengths to make sure that everybody could view his recorded materials and learn from them he said they deserved to be seen randy wanted people to continue working on his animated series like creating animation for some of his scripts he seemed to be upset that he had not achieved true fame with his videos after his death when he would become an animated ghost girl he believed he would come back to the planet earth as a ghost but not on a daily basis but rather would do subtle things on occasion for the people living on earth i guess like a casual and somewhat helpful ghost as opposed to a demon that would haunt people he also thought there would be an eternal war across dimensions and he wanted to train for that war based on randy's behavior and his various statements hear my thoughts about what was going on with him as far as mental health and personality as far as mental disorders other than a term on the autopsy report we don't really see any information about randy stare the autopsy stated that randy suffered from gender dysphoria this really seems like something the person who performed the autopsy would have heard from an outside source rather than something they decided to put on themselves obviously gender dysphoria is not revealed from examining a cadaver unless the examiner made that determination solely from the fact that randy was wearing women's garments i'd be surprised if he did that because that wouldn't necessarily indicate gender dysphoria that could just be a preference that he had randy struggled as he contemplated his gender identity he didn't quite have it figured out at the time of his death it was an area that was challenging for him for a number of reasons including his fears about not being accepted by family and friends i think he believed he would find peace as far as his gender identity only by dying and going to this animated fantasy world randy stated that he was depressed this is a central theme we see in his writings and in his videos he lost his sense of purpose he didn't take pleasure in activities he was cut off socially he felt like a failure with his video content like he wanted to be more popular than he was one theory says that randy had depression with psychosis when depression gets severe psychosis is common this theory is based on his statements that ghost girls were talking to him it's possible he was psychotic but other than his claims of hearing voices there's no other evidence to support the psychosis theory his claims that the ghost girls were communicating with him may have been more an extension of fantasy as opposed to literally hearing voices like he felt they were communicating with him he felt connected to them almost like a maladaptive daydreaming situation looking at his personality with the five factor model we see he was high an openness to experience very creative and invested in fantasy he felt emotions intensely he had low conscientiousness he was impulsive reckless although at times he was productive we see low extroversion he was reserved unfriendly not outgoing he did not like crowds he didn't like to socialize we see low agreeableness he was antagonistic not modest and not altruistic and we see high neuroticism he was depressed angry anxious and insecure andy appeared to be both narcissistic and psychopathic he had a grandiose conceptualization of his own importance when he talked about his videos he acted like people would care about every detail like they were witnessing something important in history almost like he was a famous actor talking about filming a scene in a movie that was extremely popular he believed himself to be legendary even saying in one video that he always had a big ego was a perfectionist and dreamed big randy thought he deserved to be remembered his attack and his philosophy would be notorious studied for generations he envied people who were successful and who were able to find romantic partners randy lacked empathy for other people he hated people in society he wanted to cause as much destruction as possible so kind of putting everything together here's my theory about what happened in this case i think that randy wanted to present himself as an anti-hero a tragic figure who would go on to greatness after death in reality he was a troubled young man who killed three people for no reason he brought tremendous pain into the world isolated socially from a young age due to depression social anxiety and awkwardness randy became lost in a fantasy world he created in the absence of real friends he developed imaginary ones but he could not shake the desire to get revenge on society for what he perceived as their wrongdoing i find it interesting that he said he hated all people but he thanked his fans clearly he liked people who liked him much of what happened with randy was probably about rejection he tried to make it seem as though he was strong everything was going according to plan he was actually great he didn't need people he didn't care but that wasn't true he was confused and hurting tremendously one of the reasons this case has attracted so much attention in addition to all the content that he produced is the gender dysphoria angle those symptoms may have explained some of his pain but they don't explain the homicides homicidal behavior is facilitated by lack of empathy coldness arrogance a sense of entitlement vindictiveness sadism anger and aggression those characteristics existed in randy separate of anything to do with gender dysphoria he had the potential to be homicidal regardless of what type of pain he experienced in his life i think the real story with randy stare is how a person developed hatred for people of her time he desperately wanted to be loved he wanted attention he wanted people to respect him to recognize his talent but he was unable to achieve that goal in addition he never received the appropriate mental health care those are my thoughts on randy stare please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis of this topic to be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 277,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ya4j2xrxYHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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