Trisha Paytas: From Internet Liar to Downfall (and beyond)...

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hey trisha here hi i'm trisha paytas okay so we're gonna bring out our next guest she is a youtube sensation with over one billion views everyone please welcome trisha paytas oh my gosh hi okay thank you so much [Music] i am stepping back from a persona from a person that is trish trisha paid it up this morning feeling like a chicken nugget i am a transgender female to male but also like a drag queen i'm crazy crazy too like get over it none of it felt right [Music] oh my god [Music] this video features trisha paytas being trisha paytas and other offensive and maybe triggering things and acts viewer discretion is advised clips and audio are slightly altered to avoid false copyright claims enjoy the video you call me money hungry and it's like literally all you do is just obsess over money you're kind of the worst but that's okay you guys are such bullshit you guys are so fake and it's like like actually annoying like retardation not to be wait you just called her retarded i am so sick of people using mental health as an excuse to be like a shit person or not know what's going on in the world because i have a lot of mental health problems and i know not to lie about people not to be delusional not to accuse people of stuff that they didn't do trisha paytas youtube's biggest liar trisha paytas is an internet personality that has confused their viewers for years from endless contradictions and lies why do you lie about shit to outrageous statements we don't actually need gravity what if it was never invented trisha paytas exemplifies the saying if you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything and the story of trisha paytas is like the story of the boy who cried wolf trisha paytas's entire history on the internet is filled with so many lies and tall tales that their audience no longer believes anything they say and no one knows what the real truth is or who the real trisha paytas is so let's talk about the twisted world of trisha paytas and the many lies and scams that have led to their success and subsequently their downfall [Music] towns hey trisha here hello friends and internet acquaintances welcome to another video on my channel covering the wheel covering the weird world of influencers and influencer scams and today's video is yet another huge video project i do not know why i continue to do this to myself it seems like every single video i come out with gets longer and longer with more and more research and resources but i'm having fun with it and i hope that you're having fun watching and if you are having fun watching then don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you want to and also give this video a thumbs up if you like it and you want to and today's video topic is the twisted world of trisha paytas or trisha paytas youtube's biggest liar but before we get into this video i have some really exciting news this video is sponsored by an amazing company who i thought would be the perfect sponsorship for this video adam and eve i think if you know trisha paytas you know that i had to do a sponsorship with adam and eve it's just the perfect sponsorship for this video and thank you so much to adam and eve for sponsoring this video it's adam and eve's 50th anniversary this year which is amazing and goes to show they're a reliable company that has been bringing joy to many adults for quite some time i'm also very thankful to them for sponsoring this video considering this video is very likely to get either demonetized or copyright claimed so if you want to help the channel out considering the possible monetization issues on this video yikes or just want to get yourself or a loved one something nice for the holidays you can use my code cruel for fifty percent off one item at and free shipping in the us and canada some exclusions apply 20 of adam and eve's profits go towards fighting the spread of hiv around the world which i think is pretty cool so again thank you so much to adam and eve for sponsoring this video and thank you so much to everyone who checks out their online store and uses my code and back to the video trisha paytas is a well-known grifter who has been on youtube and the internet in general for a really long time and has participated in pretty much everything that you could possibly do on social media yeah but extreme tradition because then you could do the botax injections drugs raves and boyfriends like all of it that would be like the extreme and then you would literally be crying at the end of the video like you would have a break like you i would break you that'd be everything trisha paytas has participated in some scams but the life of trisha paytas is also just a really interesting one so i thought in today's video i'd kind of mix it up and go into the very complicated life and history of trisha paytas and their time on the internet as well as cover some of the shady businesses and scams that they've participated in so first in this video i'm going to be covering trisha paytas and their time in the spotlight and how they rose to social media influencer fame and stardom and then i'm going to be covering some of their shady businesses and questionable business decisions that gained them all the wealth that they have today because you kind of can't have one without the other when it comes to influencers you have to have power and influence in order to promote shady businesses but also a lot of influencers make most of their wealth through the shady businesses that they promote so they're kind of symbiotic in a way i want to put out a quick disclaimer this video is not meant to villainize anyone or talk about every single wrong thing they've ever done ever these types of videos on my channel are simply for educational purposes to help educate more people on the dangers of scams and the power of influencers mainly i just want to help more people learn how to avoid scams and social media charlatans today's video subject trisha paytas is someone who has done whatever it takes to gain fame and attention no matter who they hurt along the way no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied along the way yeah i don't care about legacy or anything that's all i care about really and they have hurt a lot of people the past two months has been helped all the hate messages and the bashing but none of you even know who i am i've always been there for trisha paytas day one i was really hurt i was mortified in front of thousands of people i was made fun of i don't even know why i don't know what i did to deserve this this hurt a lot more what i went through with trisha and i'm so sick of people asking all these years to leave her i'm gonna be real she's a liar and she's manipulative i'm just gonna say trisha paytas like you have your own problems please stop worrying about mine please stop talking about me you're not a very nice person this is a person who i considered you know family a close friend someone i trusted i really feel like she tried to ruin my life it's just so bullshit you guys are such bullshit you guys are so fake and it's like like actually annoying but the trisha paytas that's presented online is all a facade an illusion like the wizard of oz but who is behind the curtain or the camera that's what we're gonna analyze today i do think it's important to mention that trisha paytas identifies as non-binary and uses they them pronouns so i'll be respecting that today and using they them pronouns though many feel trisha pays being non-binary is another troll or lie and after all the research i've done for this video i can totally understand why it's not really my place to say i wanted to abide by trisha paytas's pronouns mainly so other non-binary individuals watching this video know that they are valid and respected trisha paytas has also publicly spoken about their mental health um i also was recently diagnosed twice as schizophrenic this year 2021 i'm on medication for it and while i do think that mental health is an important factor to consider in one's actions i also don't think it excuses anyone's actions as trisha paytas themselves has also pointed out i'm so sick of people using mental health as an excuse to be like a shit person or not know what's going on in the world because i have a lot of mental health problems and i know not to lie about people not to be delusional not to accuse people of stuff that they didn't do not to say someone was an essay so for those of you who don't know who trisha paytas is and have been very alarmed by what they've seen so far let's talk about it who is trisha paytas and why is there a petition calling to remove them from the internet with over a hundred thousand signatures well trisha paytas is a youtuber hey what's up this is trisha i'm super fun super bubbly have many talents but one hidden talent i'm a rapper all right stop a reality tv starts i can't even watch my body properly because there's a watch plus a darman impersonator don't scam anyone scammers never win and the truth will always prevail an arthur this is something you would write or even read as like a 14 year old whose first boyfriend had broken it with her you know an internet personality hi guys [Applause] most known for their youtube channel and interesting youtube videos as someone who's put on youtube longer than all y'all because they keep saying i've been on longer than you and like i've been on longer than all you all so how did trisha paytas become this internet anomaly an infamous internet personality in order to understand how trishipatus got here we have to look at where they came from [Music] hollywood it's the land of the self-absorbed i'm very like narcissistic the starlets the comedians the wannabes a lot of people have compared me to gaga some say i was the original gaga the lovers of drama drugs and endless glory a place like hollywood is meant for a person like trisha paytas trisha paytas grew up in illinois but from an early age had big dreams and tall tales i remember developing my love for entertainment and acting or as my mom referred to it as mine and what little child wouldn't dream big when their childhood is far from perfect from their dad leaving them at a young age my dad decided to stay in california which is um where my abandonment issues at the end to their mother entering an abusive relationship and four divorces bush's mom would bring guys around them all the time and had been married four times by the time trisha was 10. trisha seemed to have an unstable childhood with no strong father figure until later in their life so hey everyone today i'm here with my father my dad what do you think of me making youtube videos uh well as long as you do good things that's good luckily trisha paytas and their mom were very close as well as their siblings one older brother and one younger sister trisha paytas claims that apart from that they didn't have many childhood friends and were bullied at school what kept trisha paytas going through all this turmoil was their dream of being a performer and entertainer in la a hollywood starlet many people try to bring me down i was okay they're already determining their dreams by just wasting energy on me instead of like trying my back or wasting energy worrying about it i would put my energy into what i knew i wanted to do which was perform and entertain and get l.a trisha paytas has idolized hollywood starlets too from britney spears trish idolized britney spears since middle school i would love to just join brittany i want to be her friend to anna nicole smith and that's our anna transformation true spot baby so today i wanted to channel my inner and nicole smith shrimp spa baby to marilyn monroe trisha paytas has always been enamored with hollywood's most glamorous and set out to create an iconic story that would rival the ones she idolized a lot of her stories of addiction and mental health struggles mirror hollywood starlet stories which begs the question did trisha paytas accidentally stumble upon a similar story to those of her idols did she base her real life off of these women or are all of the stories of trisha paytas's past simply that just stories i don't want imagination too i just like makeup stories and then i lie but it's like i like to embellish a good story all the people that are legendary died young yeah i don't care about legacy or anything that's all i care about really so eventually trisha found their way to la to start their life and make their dreams of becoming a star finally a reality only that's not exactly what happened when trisha turned 18 they moved out to la to live with their dad but after a major fight their dad kicked them out and with no money and nowhere to go they turned to stripping and escorting five pull-ups were you instituting at the time yes unfortunately this is also allegedly where trisha paytas began to abuse various substances they claimed during this time they started seeing high-profile clients who would give them various substances but i did meet him through the person who booked me for escorting okay so it was that situation but i told him i didn't want money i was like oh i'm like really excited to like hang out like i don't i don't need money i was just like into drugs and stuff i was like can we just dress up and for a little while their life went majorly downhill because of it but trisha paytas dreams of being famous were still alive and they got small acting roles and developed a myspace following and that brings us to the social media era of trisha paytas [Music] trisha paytas created their main youtube account we have a friend hi trisha paytas created their main youtube account blonde sun doll for mj in 2007. hey everyone pedes is mainly known today for well honestly the drama surrounding themselves i hate people just like that are you you're the person i hate in this world though the content that they primarily do on their channel are mukbang videos [Laughter] vlogs that show their incredibly bizarre life i can buy anything and most infamously their kitchen floor videos trisha paytas is definitely one of if not the biggest troll on the internet me and ben made up i love you he got me an ice cream sandwich thanks babe food is the easiest way to make up with me i love you so much but we'll get into that a little bit more later on in the video trisha has also gotten into more public feuds than pretty much any other influencer can i say that confidently yeah i can i have one issue with gabby just in this last year trisha paytas has feuded with david dobrik he's a soulless little chipmunk i don't like he's the worst guy ever ethan climb i don't think i'm the worst you're kind of the worst that's so fake and that's why a3 is not what it was because you guys are fake as fuck holy cow that's crazy charlie d'emilio she's boring like i can't even like get through she's like a young girl but she's like the biggest influencer right now like so boring [Music] you're not a very nice person you can't they keep my name out of your mouth when your whole career and livelihood is based on social media and dixie emilio okay it's not a low blood like like retardation after you mean like i don't know that's why you can't say things like there is something a little off with her right but you just called her retarded like maybe awkward [Music] mental retardation which is like a lot of people think that's crosstalk i have you know mental illness i have some form of retardation in me i don't think it's to me it's not an offensive word i was just like oh there's something there's a there's something off jeff whitaker these are the powers jeffree star he's just not a good person to me like like he just wasn't jason nash he's such a piece of shit no one disgusts me as much as jason shane dawson they're liars but they're so fake so fake and probably way more that i'm currently forgetting gabby hannah trisha paytas has been on youtube for more than 14 years which is crazy to think about i was literally eight years old when trisha paytas started their youtube channel and they grew their main youtube channel to more than 5 million subscribers and gained more than a million subscribers on their vlog channel patis also just recently started their tick tock account within the last what is it year two years and already has six million followers on tick tock am i remembering that right wow but this growth was not without and maybe even because of endless controversies and some of them are really bad so prepare yourself trisha paytas has been filmed wrapping the want to n-word cake creating racist characters on her channel [Music] a disturbing normality of early youtubers which like why out of all the endless content you could make why did you choose to do that trisha paytas has also been accused of making mockeries of gender identities and mental disorders i'm a transgender female to male and now i'm realizing that i'm actually gay so today has been very draining as far as my alters ago and their videos have really only stayed consistent in one thing throughout their 14 years on this platform trisha paytas's videos continue to cross the line between satire cruelty and concern for trisha's health and safety in the words of trisha themselves in an interview they did with insider i never cared about being rich or anything still don't i just have this need for constant attention maybe that's a bad thing maybe it's not but it's how i thrive and i mean one could say it's impressive the way that tricia has been able to monopolize and capitalize off of attention one could say that but should one so before we dive a little bit deeper into the twisted world and mind of trisha paytas here are some even more bizarre facts about trisha paytas trisha paytas started their youtube channel as a dedication to their hero at least at the time quentin tarantino um just real quick i want to give you these top booklets ever like you must must read these books first one quentin tarantino the film geek files quentin tarantino raised by wolves quentin tarantino the puppet essentials [Music] quentin tarantino they basically created a fan account before fan accounts were even a thing in 2010 trisha paytas attempted to beat the guinness world record for speed talking but sadly failed nevertheless from this attempt trisha gained appearances on the ellen show and america's got talent [Music] trisha paytas has also made appearances in pretty much every single reality tv show in 2010 they claimed to be a tanning addict in an episode of my strange addiction my name is trisha and i can't stop candy i mean i could stop tanning i just don't want that they were on big brother but decided to leave early on wait if i left right now do i get no money or can i at least get like two days paid you know what i mean or like five days because i was over here early like 100 serious they were a guest on dr phil and they also appeared in the tv show's modern family who wants to be a superhero trisha has also appeared in several music videos for popular artists like eminem amy winehouse and the all-american rejects their imdb page has definitely got to be the most diverse that i've seen trisha paytas also makes their own music and has nine albums in total and is also a writer and has written 11 books in total which i've heard are just awesome grammatically well written and captivating books trisha paytas has also come out with multiple money grabs i mean businesses that we'll cover more later in this video businesses like a subscription box multiple skincare lines merch but we'll get to all of that in a little bit basically whenever there's a money-making opportunity trisha paytas takes full advantage of it a theme with quite a few youtubers and influencers hence why i make this video series patis has dated several people publicly with very public breakups most people who follow trisha in recent years know about their very public relationship with vlog squad member jason nash and their very messy public breakup hey guys i just wanted to pop in here and just ask you all to not send me stuff about jason anymore um we've been broken up for three months in 2016 patis also dated the performer sean vanderwilt and posted about their relationship on their youtube channel when the couple broke up pedes posted that's a tongue twister patis posted a breakup video on their kitchen floor kickstarting the infamous kitchen floor videos the video was titled he cheated i'm done either he's out with another girl or you know everyone says he's gay i don't know you know he's at a gay club but you know i don't know patis then posted a follow-up video titled sean vanderwell is gay alleging that their ex is gay which is either outing someone or a lie and i'm not sure which one is worse probably outing someone so i'm hoping that it was just a lie then a few days later after that breakup video series trisha paytas posted a video titled i'm a chicken nugget this morning feeling like a chicken nugget you guys you feel like a chicken will get you [Music] you feel like not delicious well you feel delicious but you also feel like fried and fake on the inside because the chicken now that i feel like it's mcdonald's chicken nuggets in their face trisha paytas also got married to a cardboard cutout of brad pitt after teasing a mysterious engagement i'm engaged i'm getting married next friday november 1st the chapel is booked [Applause] so the history of trisha paytas on the internet is very bizarre and out there and um diverse i would say but lately much of the news surrounding trisha paytas has to do with their latest internet fallout with ethan klein the former co-host of the podcast frenemies that the two did together you're the person i hate in this world trisha paytas is also engaged to ethan klein's brother-in-law which makes him soon pedus's be brother-in-law my brother-in-law many criticized trisha for the way that the fallout happened on the podcast and the subsequent video after video that pedes posted that just completely demolished their business family and friendship relationships with ethan klein and eli klein i have this feeling in my heart that i need to um that i need is that my memories [Music] i probably could never fully explain the enigma that is trisha paytas but that was my best attempt at unpacking the fever dream of a background that trisha paytas has [Music] so how did trisha paytas become a social media sensation and a multi-millionaire with a cult following of both dedicated fans and equally dedicated haters trisha paytas youtube channel though it started out as a fan page for quentin tarantino really started to take off when they started shit posting and trolling [Music] is [Applause] something they were surprisingly really good at i think this was because trisha unknowingly encapsulated everything that was entertaining about the internet drama always surrounded them they carried on this train wreck trope they were publicly messy but you just don't want to look away from them they made shocking and surprising content that contained a lot of click bait but was also really engaging so it got the clicks and then kept people watching i'm a motherfucker [Music] i am stepping back from a persona from a person that is trish trisha paytas this and that she cries she eats she gets lipo she's fat she's gross she's skinny she throws up she's a bad ambush she's problematic i have no identity and they also seem to really really like outraging people which in a way gets people talking and engaging with your content and is definitely one way to promote yourself saying that they're voting for mitt romney and trump with very interesting points hello to all my fellow young americans yes young america we are like the votes we are like the generation that is picking our president basically yeah so i wanted to make my official video slash support for romney ryan 2012. yay we haven't really had a hot president since like kennedy but we all know how that ended so then another reason i'm going to vote for it well my kitten is named mitch so i think it's well it's actually mittens but we call them mitts for you know short um so yay that's like a sign i think right and um it rhymes with tit everybody's been asking me what i think about donald trump running for president of the united states from america peachy i think it's superb actually what are we getting mexicans that are dishonest i don't even know this was a thing oh okay you talking about immigrants illegal immigrants right right not what they're sending us over i agree with that we do not need illegal immigrants in here i'm over the mexicans trying to smarter but i say that out of fear because china's smart isn't that where kim jong-un is like china smart to posting bizarre and out-there videos seemingly meant to confuse and concern people eating thai pies is it a joke or as a snack eating thai pods will not get this fast initially and even still to this day many people who came across trish's content believed them to be serious there's an endless debate about whether or not what trisha posts on the internet is real or not and whether or not trisha knows what they're doing which they have admitted to being a troll in the past but even to this day whenever they post content there's that sort of question of is this the trolling tricia or is this the real trisha and what is real and what isn't and to me it's clear that trisha paytas knows exactly what they're doing and sort of enjoys people speculating on their sincerity it seems that their own identity on social media is a performance that's what captivates their audience ever curious about who is the real trish so through trolling and posting bizarre content that question concerned and engaged their viewers trisha became a massive social media success i mean well it depends on what you define success because technically a ton of people that were following and keeping up with them hated them but it seemed that tricia loved being hated [Music] and all of trisha's success and large following also came with a lot of monetary gain trisha paytas became a multi-millionaire all off of being a troll on the internet and capitalizing off of that in pretty much every way possible literally all you do is just obsess over money i like money i like money in 2021 trisha paytas's net worth was estimated at 10 million dollars which is a lot when you look at first off trisha paytas's quality content and kennedy okay sorry about that um where was i kenny was there's a plane okay i don't know where i was going with that so anyways um i can't edit can we just talk about how trisha doesn't edit any of their videos really at all but we can peek into the sheer massive amount of wealth that trisha has accumulated through a video that they filmed with insider where they showed off their massive closet that's bigger than my bedroom maybe even house and in their closet are countless bedazzled items like bedazzled toilet paper a bedazzled pizza box and others all besides a designer shoe collection the closet definitely encompasses all that is trisha paytas this is my closet it's my first like grown-up closet i feel really cool and bougie with it it cost like 70 thousand dollars my style is definitely it's definitely tacky i am the definition of money does not buy style or class trisha paytas just bought a house as well and you can see in vlogs just how extravagant and large and lavish their house is so basically trisha paytas is living large patricia pedes's lavish lifestyle comes with a price because they built the fortune they have off of being hated and a lot of people hate trisha paytas and feel they spread so many harmful and dangerous messages that they need to be removed from the internet entirely the petition currently has a hundred and two thousand signatures and the description reads this person spouts racist homophobic and all-around disgusting things that if anyone else said they would be ridiculed and targeted their youtube career has been a joke they're well known for being a domestic actor r-wording their partners and harassing people on and offline they glamorize manipulative relationships and domestic they have used unaliving themselves and drama to get more views on their music videos and their merch sales almost daily they use mental health issues as an excuse for every bad thing that they do they've been claiming over the last few years that they've been diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses then go on to harass and make fun of others that have mental illnesses trisha loves to say hurtful things but whenever a drama channel or a person on twitter says anything negative to them they threaten to have them sued by their lawyers or they just go and put claims on all of their videos so that they would get their revenue for all of the hard work even when the videos and other information is fair use so we'll see how this video does this person needs to be off youtube and stop their promotion of hate on the internet to impressionable young adults and children too many people are getting hurt by them because of their jealousy and need for constant attention [Music] [Music] i wanted to try something fun i've been at home a lot with spit up and dirty diapers and i just wanted to dress up a little bit for once so this is this is the thing in recent years trisha paytas has been praised for being body positive all bodies are beautiful your body is beautiful the most beautiful thing is being happy and if you're with a guy a girl or a non-binary that tells you anything other you leave them before they can leave you but this has not always been the case and in the past trisha paytas has spread so much dangerous diet information and i want to put a trigger warning out there if you are sensitive to topics related to eating disorders this segment might not be the best for you so if you are struggling or have struggled with disorder eating or your relationship with food i would avoid trisha's channel at all costs and i recommend skipping this chapter which you can find the chapters for this video in the description there are videos of trisha paytas drinking water for 10 days straight and showing how much weight they lost so that is where the water fasting comes in it's tough it's rough i'm starving this is what i do i fill up my water supply in the morning breakfast lunch and dinner that you're filling up if that's helping release toxins i guess that's part of the water fast is getting out bad toxins in your body patis has also posted videos on the other extreme end where they do mukbangs and binge on pizza and fast food [Music] sometimes mounting to 10 000 plus calories in one sitting hey what's up everybody today i am doing the ultimate eating show it's called the 10k calorie a day challenge um 10 000 calories in one day of course anyone can make any sort of diet life choices that they want to personally but it becomes a sort of different situation when you're filming yourself and you're filming your eating habits posting it for millions to see and to interact with and engage with and a lot of people especially experts feel that there's a certain responsibility there when you have a large platform to not spread dangerous information i personally am not an ed expert nutritionist or dietitian so i can't weigh in on how dangerous this type of content is but i will include clips here of experts weighing in on trisha paytas's content and the possible harmful effects now if we looked at trisha's channel from about a year ago we'll see back to back episodes of her trialing some pretty extreme fad diets so she did the five day water fast cleanse where she consumed well just water she did an egg diet where she actually ended up gaining weight eating only eggs and she did the joker diet where she ate an entire head of iceberg lettuce but what i do take issue with above all else is trisha messing with a very vulnerable subsect of her following and that is those currently struggling or those with a history of disordered eating and eating disorders i thought today i would show you a what i eat what i've been eating in the past five days to lose eight pounds apart from sharing messages that could trigger eds once in a blue moon trisha patis goes on a weight loss journey which is of course their prerogative if they want to do that but the problem is trisha paytas uses this as an opportunity to advertise a ton of different and super super random diet products hey guys so today's video i am super excited i'm doing a review of the tummy tucker the slim shaped leggings and the slim gel from 100 centers as you can see it helps tighten skins reduce fat cells and melts away cellulite and also reduces the appearance of stretch marks a lot of people ask me why you don't have stretch marks on your stomach or my thighs which tend to grow larger than the rest of me and this is my little secret i just could not live without this this is my everything that is it like i said all the information will be below don't forget my code 60 trisha will get your 10 off but omg look at the difference in my tummy since using at flat tummy cos shakes they are three times more effective than diet and exercise alone and filled with protein fruits and vitamins and 20 off today check them out in a completely different body position one photo much less tan than the other one photo completely done up in hair and makeup one photo where she looks sad in another photo where she looks happy the side-by-side photo comparisons are pointless because you can't compare those two photos at all not that you should anyways and trisha paytas has advertised a ton of different products like this usually using those standard manipulative tricks to make it look like they're losing all this weight or in the best shape of their life but they continue to go on this cycle of gaining weight and then using that as an opportunity to promote weight loss products this is another garbage product that no one should use that's actually interested in losing weight healthily and properly i love you trish but this type of marketing is part of the reason you yourself have so many body image issues congrats on passing it on to generations of girls to come these products are not safe these products are not healthy these products are not good for you and let alone from people's perceptions or ideas or opinions on lipo and all those things it's being completely dishonest dare i say a scam they're such standard like fakey scammy weight loss ads with the before and after photos and completely different lighting angles clothing even timelines like for one of these ads trisha shows a photo of her from like years ago compared to recently which obviously over time your body just goes through natural changes i personally feel that most diet products are kind of just money grabs preying on people's insecurities and society's unrealistic beauty standards the youtubers swole normis also did a great video on these diet products and why it's all pretty misleading and scammy this is from miriam webster definition of a scam a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation would you call putting a before and after a before picture that's very very old before liposuction and putting it after when you're sucking in your stomach smiling tan with your shirt off with your top off holding a product saying you can save 50 off now this is amazing i lost all this weight using this product would you consider that deception would you consider showing someone and telling them look i use this product look at all this weight i've lost you can lose weight too buy this product but that's not how you lost the weight that's not how you improved your health or lost body fat that's not at all what that product actually does it won't work for you would you call that deception fuck yeah you would it's absolutely deception it's an absolutely fraudulent or deceptive act i believe giving people false information lying to people about before and afters and doing so to sell a product i believe that classifies as a scam offering up results and giving people the tools that will not get them the results that's not delivering you're delivering someone some kind of bullshit supplement to get them the results that you're showing but it won't give them that result it won't help them achieve that that is a scam so i mean i wouldn't say it's surprising that trisha paytas has participated in this kind of stuff and it kind of just makes me sad the sheer amount of influencers who push out products like these and prey on primarily their young audience demographic by making them feel like society has always made them feel which is your body isn't good enough you're not attractive enough and you need this product and to pay money to this company to make yourself look better and be accepted by society [Music] i know a lot of people criticize when commentary channels bring up things that people have done years and years ago as a sort of criticism against them but i do think it is important to mention that trisha paytas has done a lot of racist things from her character [Music] a true fan and trishy also not racist because i eat rice that's right [Music] to a video they posted saying they think they're black i feel like for the wrong race i'm not gonna get into it i feel like i was i'm sorry cultural culturally i'm a black person oh yes i am an interracial whore what do you got to say about it let me guess a lot but first let me one thing people love to criticize me for is fetishizing the black man racist a thousand times a day like i probably like oh i'm racist but okay but i have like 500 black men oh well you've got to sign them like i can't win and i'm never going to win i thought i'd just make one more video on this because it pisses me the fuck off two anti-semitic jokes okay this is the one i had a problem with no nutrition you know you can't she says raiding my jew lunch uh-huh do you not see what's the problem with that i put fish in there but jew is like a derogative no my jew lunch i think it's the way if you say it i was writing like oh my good lunch i can tell you with on with 100 certainty you cannot say that it's offensive and telling ethan klein that they're being jewy in a text message even if all of these were trisha paytas trolling they're still spreading really harmful dangerous ideologies and people who actually feel that way may latch onto that and the main reason why i presented this information is because it's really up to you as the viewer to make your own educated opinion on someone with the full context and background and i try and give that as much as i possibly can in an hour-long video let's examine a little bit more some of the really offensive things trisha paytas has said regarding gender identity and mental disorders i kind of mentioned this earlier but i feel like i just sort of brushed over it and needed to circle back to it trisha paytas claimed they were transgender once in the strangest way possible in a very very odd series of videos that pretty much outraged everyone in my head i feel like i'm a transgender female to male but also like a drag queen i've always been drawn to the transgender community in the movie just admired them and i just love that they could just be out and open people like a lot of them trisha paytas also claimed to have dissociative identity disorder back when creators who had did were trying to bring awareness and around a similar time that anthony padilla a larger creator on this platform made a video featuring people with did trisha paytas claimed to have did and even made a video showcasing their alters i don't i don't give a fuck if people call me crazy like fuck i'm crazy bitch you're crazy too like get over it like it's just girl bye like this is the internet like okay you're gonna tell me what i am who i am and where i live no thank you no thank you not today not today youtube videos [Music] um [Music] i think it's i think it's a parrot if you've watched [Music] and this really outraged a lot of people for good reason it was obvious that trisha paytas was trolling and really seemed to be making fun of or making light of a really really serious condition anthony padilla spoke out about how ridiculous and offensive these videos were and trisha paytas immediately latched onto that for some more drama content and came out with drama videos against anthony padilla a youtuber named anthony padilla recently made a really informative video on did he actually took to instagram to respond to trisha and said claiming you have the idea is not a cool excuse to mock people in the community and call them crazy you can watch my video to learn about did from people who have the id and actually know what they're talking about when trisha saw anthony's response calling her out on her behavior she absolutely lost her shit and uploaded a video response called dear anthony padilla it's just so disgusting to be like we'll get diagnosed first like have a doctor you don't need i don't need to tell anybody concrete proof evidence is what i have i don't need to go into detail what i talk about doctors and stuff as trisha paytas has said in the past controversy brings them money so all of these offensive trolling situations are clearly just a cash grab made off of disrespecting people's identities and serious conditions they may be dealing with for a while it seems that the internet was convinced that trisha had become a new person and had changed and grown 2021 seemed to be trisha paytas's year of redemption until it turned into the year of their biggest downfall trisha seems to know the internet pretty well and seems to know that people move on and forget things fairly quickly with enough time it seems that people will forget pretty much anything which is why jeffree star still exists on this platform the complicated truth is no one really knows who trisha paytas is it's all smoke and mirrors and capitalizing off of trends for a little while trisha was seen as the anti-hero of the internet that people kept watching because they were curious who is trisha really and will the mask ever slip the performance ever end or is the mask and performance itself the real tricia meanwhile while more and more people have watched and tried to understand trisha tricia continues to laugh their way all the way to the bank in a buzzfeed interview trisha paytas admits that their trademark move of addressing scandals and drama by posting a series of videos back-to-back filled with mid-roll ads can be a way to obtain a sizable income spike for example through getting into a scandal with dixie and charlie d'emilio you just called her retarded aka children pedes claimed that their tick tock went from making a hundred a day to sixteen thousand dollars a day at the height of the back and forth and she's literally the most followed person on social media that's what she signed up for um the fact that getting into drama allowed trisha paytas to make in a day what some people make in a year is mind-blowing to me what the heck i guess the free market has spoken and what does trisha do with all that extra money they spend a lot though allegedly trisha paytas brings in 800 000 a month they also have a thousand dollar monthly mortgage to pay around a hundred thousand dollars a month goes to taxes trisha paytas also spends thousands weekly on getting their hair nails and face professionally done padis also claims that one of their music videos can cost a hundred thousand dollars to produce and when buzzfeed asks trisha paytas how much they spend when they go on shopping sprees trisha paytas basically replied five thousand a week then on their splurges sixty to eighty thousand dollars all from being an internet troll that gets into controversies i think i have to change content paths look i've got a newborn to take care of if you see me doing kitchen floor videos just mind your business i'm kidding but also like dang maybe i'm not so did trisha paytas accumulate all of this wealth through their youtube ad revenue well considering most of their videos end up getting demonetized i would say a safe bet is no i hate to say it but trisha paytas was actually really smart in how they conducted their business and gained a fortune off of being a troll on the internet because they diversified their income quicker than most influencers do and went into a ton of other businesses that they promoted on their platform though a lot of these businesses failed or exhibited very scammy behavior you all need to know what scam means [Music] trisha paytas did cameo and heavily promoted it for a while um i heard your nickname was dance douchebag but like sounds kind of mean but if that's your nickname okay get it get it um i don't know the song girl code i wish i knew that song but i could sing you kissing you from broadway hi through accepting limits cause someone says there's so some things i cannot change but till i try i'll never know and a lot of people were really critical of how much they were charging for a cameo in a video titled coming clean about my scamming trisha paytas addresses the issue kind of y'all need to know what a scam means okay because i saw another i didn't see the video i don't i don't watch it but another person was like she's scamming her fans for that money like a scam is something like if you pay for a service and that person doesn't follow through trisha paytas claimed that what they were doing was not a scam because a scam is when you pay for something and you don't receive the product which is true but i would say that myself and others use the word scam as sort of a broader term to encompass a variety of bad businesses and bad business practices such as when a business or service isn't quality or worth what is being charged when promotions or ads are manipulative and deceptive when customers and audience members are taken advantage of when customers don't receive what they paid for for example the channel hot tea posted a video on december 16 2019 alleging that she paid five hundred dollars to trish's patreon for an instagram shout out that pedes never delivered on the 500 tier is an instagram shout out [Music] you get a whole instagram story shout out for 500. i ended up actually getting the 500 chair from this patreon which i got a while ago i got it at the beginning of december but she literally just ignored me i mean it doesn't like technically state a timeline but to be honest i don't think she's gonna do it and honestly i don't think there's anything i can do about it i think i'm out 500 us eventually pedes sister callie who apparently runs their patreon reached out to hot tea and refunded the 500 i'm guessing because of all the backlash and comments they were getting about it but soon after hot tea was refunded she received two copyright strikes not just claims but strikes which if you get three your channel is taken down on her trisha paytas videos striking critical videos seems to be something trisha paytas likes to do so we'll see how this video does [Music] i think one of the worst scams alleged scams that trisha paytas was involved in was back in 2017. in fact this scam was so bad that trisha paytas's whole channel was demonetized for five months because of it according to trisha paytas themselves trisha said they inadvertently participated in a scam with a company called style hall style hall was a company that would help people get brand deals but they would take a percentage of your revenue the company allegedly offered trisha paytas alongside other larger creators a premium for participating trisha paytas told a reporter if i made let's say a basic number 10 000 a month they were going to give me a hundred and twenty thousand dollars a month that part wasn't a scam i was getting that from the beginning the scam part came when the company started signing on other smaller creators and taking a large percent of their ad revenue in fact style hall would take 40 of the ad revenue smaller creators would make and redistribute it to larger creators like pedes which sounds like a pyramid scheme or the opposite of robin hood taking from the poor and giving to the rich style halls shut down their us operations in 2019 and their former executive was charged with embezzling 22 million dollars from the company but it seems like youtube actually cracked down on this whole thing from what it seems and trisha paytas's channel at least was demonetized for five months so that's good on that [Music] but i will say i think it's fair to mention that not all businesses that tricia has been involved in have been shady and scammy their sad boy 2005 merch line that sells 85 sweatpants that says it's okay to be sad doesn't seem to be getting any negative reviews i absolutely adore it they also run a pretty large and successful only fans account which their sister kelly helps them run apparently in exchange for a shout out for cali's only fans account huh what oh okay which having your sister work for free in exchange for a shout out is very odd to me is that just me like i personally would also make sure that my sibling was getting paid as well and not just getting a shout out basically working for exposure but you know i don't know the inner workings of that whole deal or what's really going on with that so and apparently trisha doesn't make any new content on their only fans account and instead repurposes their old content for a fee yet according to trisha paytas they're still making like 150k a month off of their only fans [Music] [Music] at one point during the time of like the subscription box era when a ton of different subscription boxes were coming out the whole subscription box concept is interesting to me i think a lot of companies realized if they have this huge discount and promotion for people's first boxes they can get a ton of people to sign up for these monthly renewal subscription boxes forget they signed up and then be like oh crap i'm still paying for that when they see like a 60 or 80 charge the next month for another subscription box at least that's what happened to me with fabfitfun so anyways at one point trisha paytas launched their own box called the glitter box pretty soon after the launch of the glitter box the subscription box community which apparently there is and that sounds so fun and innocent started reviewing and talking about the product the glitter box concept was believe it or not that everything in the sub box had glitter in it shocking i know but apparently once fans and reviewers started receiving the boxes they began to notice how cheap the products were i don't really think it's like the best quality some of the like pleather detailing online is a little bit like ripped and torn in places there's a couple little places where there's like kind of some chunks taken out of the plastic but mine honestly looks like it's been really really scratched up like it's been hanging out around somewhere for a while it's being scooted about there's all sorts of scratches on the top and all the way around the lid it also is like definitely leaked around the outer portion here there's like dried up mask all the way around it there's also mask underneath the spoon it honestly looks like it's been used before i have to say it right off the bat this is looking a little bit like you know like maybe like a target holiday cheap gift section does that sound bad you know something that you buy for like a little stocking stuffer for your fourth niece or like if you have to put together a gift basket for like a santa swap at work for people you don't really like all that much okay so the next item we have here it looks like something you could find um right next to this in the holiday gift section at the target god that's a very disturbing scent it smells very um what's a good way to put this it smells very pukey they're very cheap brushes do i really expect high quality brushes not really to be honest i really haven't seen the value in this box i'd expect more from a 60 box this is something that i would go to like the dollar store or five below um and if i needed stock and stuff or for my daughter or for a kid or something the box was 60 to purchase and the supposed value of the box was 150. this box is a pretty expensive box it is 60 dollars by monthly but people began pointing out how the products really just looked like they were from the dollar store and of course surprise surprise could be found on alibaba and aliexpress for less than a dollar you can probably buy these pins on like alibaba or something like that and get like branding put on them for super super cheap [Music] i would say that these are brushes that you could probably find again on like alibaba or something like that [Music] trisha paytas also ran a pretty similar grift on etsy the youtuber sid talked about this on his channel his content's great definitely check it out but at one point trisha paytas promoted an etsy store on their channel that supposedly featured items that they handmade themselves on may 28 2012 she announced on twitter that she had opened an etsy store hey everyone i just wanted to do a super quick video to tell you that i have a new etsy shop um everything is made by me crystal's on there made by love from me to you the only thing is these exact bracelets could be found on ebay for five dollars and trisha was selling them on etsy for 25 she's hiking up the price five times more than what she likely paid for it i mean obviously a ton of stores buy things at a wholesale price and then resell them at a marked up price but to do it so out in the open and blatantly dishonestly is kind of funny back in 2016 trisha paytas also received a lot of backlash for promoting a ton of different fast fashion scammy type of companies quality that i've gotten so far from one of these affordable like you know wholesale sites sammy dress dot com danny dress dot com sammy dress dot com sammy dress calm sammy dress dot com yummy i'm from here we just dot com tv dress dot com sandy just dot com from she posted sponsored videos for and on august 21st september 19th october 10th october 12th october 18th november 14th november 18th november 22nd november 28th december 5th and december 12th trisha has advertised sammy dress rose gal dress lily transgal twinkle deals zaful rose and nasty dress a lot of customers report not receiving their orders at all and if and when the garment finally does arrive it often bears little to no resemblance to the pictures posted online and of course customer service is barely reachable especially when it comes to returns and exchanges and one of the companies in particular had so many bad reviews of people not receiving items or the items being really bad quality now of the customers who were lucky enough to receive their items most said that the sizing was totally off even noting that the items were small enough to fit a child the garment smelled of harsh chemicals and the overall construction and quality of the item was poor i mentioned customers that were lucky enough to actually receive their item because most customers reported not even ever having received their item recently trisha paytas came out with the skincare line which don't you worry we'll get to that but trisha paytas's most recent skincare line was not their first i feel like there's a that's what she said joke in there somewhere that's what she said [Laughter] yes i am re-watching the office right now i know i'm basic patricia pedes had a previous skincare line called feel like trish where she sold bronzers and lube which i guess is more on brand than her most recent skincare line so this is actually not the first time that trisha has dipped her toes into these skincare line waters she actually had her very own skincare line called feel like trish and she sold everything from bronzers to lube and for this skincare line she made like a whole video to promote it as well this brand didn't seemingly have any sort of major backlash it just kind of ended and fizzled out it probably just wasn't really selling well or was only meant to exist for a short period of time so eventually it ended and feel like trish was no longer a thing and that brings us and this fever dream of a video to trisha paytas's most recent business endeavor that went terribly terribly wrong and that's their skin care partnership with the brand glow skin enhancement an independent beauty manufacturer the line was advertised with a commercial and music video i just i just have to mention this and trisha paytas skincare music video they are literally playing the part of a snake oil salesman the entire plot of the music video is that they're a snake oil salesman who's shilling out the skincare in shady and manipulative ways and many were quick to notice well first off some really interesting imagery on the commercial and the use of heavy filters and makeup hi i'm trisha paytas and i feel confident well wearing makeup and a heavily post-production filter no more hiding behind filters or photoshop you don't need it yeah like this commercial has to be a joke right like this has to be for publicity and to get people talking about it some people said the video was just a promotion to get people talking and it was supposed to be a joke not everyone thinking the skin filter isn't a joke it's an obvious throwback to old skincare commercials there's no way that you can think it's a good idea to filter a video that much when you're talking about skincare on june 7th the line launched with a seven piece skin care set priced at 199 why are celebrities and influencers all coming out with skincare lines right now why especially seemingly scammy or shady skincare lines that are deceptive so the skincare is already starting off on a really weird foot but then once people started receiving their packages things got even worse a tick tocker posted an unboxing video when she received trisha paytas's and glow skin enhancement's new miracle elixir lime and in this tick tock she showed how the products arrived broken and damaged so i got trisha paytas's collection so i'm going to do an unboxing i'm not going to try it on today because i have some makeup on so i wish there was a little bit more padding because it looks like my box is a little bit cray cray oh man so this is how it got everything's all over the place some of my things were spilt that's not cool and this is broken what the fuck also look at this paper look how it came two hundred dollars for me to receive a package that has spill like the box came crazy like what the heck i'm pretty sad you guys hopefully they have good customer service because i'm definitely going to contact them charlotte wilson the ceo of glow skin enhancement who is not a doctor dermatologist chemist or esthetician i'm not a doctor i'm not an esthetician i'm not a dermatologist started to receive a lot of online hate for this which the company responded to extremely poorly which i always think it's important to note when an influencer collabs with a company and the product arrives broken and damaged or faulty like obviously that's not the influencers doing they have some responsibility because they're promoting this product they have their face and name on it but also it's sort of the company's job to make sure that all of that is in order it's not like the influencer can be behind the scenes acting like the ceo running things making sure the shipping production all of that is going smoothly you know there's only so much you can do as an influencer who's not involved in the inner workings of a business so i definitely think it was fair that the company was receiving equal backlash for the skincare when the tick tock about products being broken gained a lot of attention the user who posted the video received a very very very concerning comment from the business owner the tick tock said you can lie and hate on trish but when it comes to my business and you want to lie and put this fake lie out answer your door which is kind of threatening and scary considering this customer gave their address for the products to ship out so the company and the owner could actually have this tick-tocker's address so saying something like answer your door is very concerning and scary and not appropriate for a business owner and the brand owner trisha collabed with actually commented under this tick tock and let's just say it wasn't very nice she commented you liar liar who believes her she is hating on trish we are a real company girl i'll sue your little ass you can lie and hate on trish but when it comes to my business and you want to lie and put this fake lie out answer your door what the hell is this lady for real okay guys now i am a little bit upset as a small business owner i don't think this was in any way shape or form you could have approached this situation i restated in my videos no hate to trish no hate to the company at all anything i just received a bad packaged item obviously if the package wasn't gonna have any bubble wrap or anything in it everything was gonna move around in there and break because of the way things ship out and that's the whole reason why i posted that was because i was upset that it arrived like that and i was just updating my followers and i wanted to get a refund or an exchange or something and i did reach out twice via email and i do not want to post those i will send them to you privately on instagram i don't appreciate getting called a liar or anything because i'm just a customer giving my review the owner later apologized for this comment saying that it was left by an employee and not themselves i don't know how to handle all that so i have people to to do my social media i run my company i didn't but i did the right thing i got rid of someone who's been with me for two years because it was inappropriate it was rude and it was disrespectful but overall this is just a concerning situation for many many reasons i don't think very much excuses a comment like telling a customer to answer their tour there was also another tick tock of someone claiming that trish's skincare line caused serious burns to their face well this is how my day is going i get off the phone with the dermatologist this morning and they thankfully could get me in super last minute for this whole fiasco which sounds absolutely horrifying and then the skincare influencers or skinfluencers that sounds weird started reviewing the skincare line and things got even worse james welsh who is a skincare influencer made a video where he called the trisha cosmetics collab the worst skincare launch ever james welsh covered the production of the products the products we're kind of flying around a bit it's all a bit on the tacky side does it like it's curdled it looks like it's separating a little bit the ingredients they also made it very hard to find the ingredients for these products when it first launched i couldn't find it this kind of makes me think that these might be white label products and even tested the sunscreen to see if it was effective again in my personal opinion i'm not sure that that's the sunscreen i don't want to say it i feel really bad but something doesn't feel right about that i don't know something's not right i completely forgot i have this camera called sunscreener that sees unprotected skin in their words so it sees exactly where you've applied your sunscreen this camera is designed specifically to show the invisible uv light since sunscreen's job is to absorb a uv light before it hits your skin it looks dark when you look at it through sunscreen whilst unprotected skin appears light so judging by the sunscreen the camera this isn't a sunscreen allegedly in my opinion just the thoughts the camera could be faulty just trying to cover my back here cassandra benson another skin influencer discussed in a youtube video that the products are badly maybe even dangerously formulated what's actually in these products now when i looked at the website i liked seeing some of the ingredients i liked seeing some of you know sunscreen whatever but looking at the formulation i found it physically impossible that these products could contain these ingredients and only these ingredients where are the preservative systems what is this collagen booster is it a peptide is it vitamin c those ingredients lists don't make sense there are things that are missing or there are many things that i do not know people also criticize the skincare line because trisha is a multi-millionaire who can have tons of cosmetic procedures and skin treatments done by professionals that most people can't afford the fact that she's claiming that these products are what saved her skin was she very publicly sees a dermatologist and has a lot of face pills it's all pretty much one big lie she is just the face slapped on a brand so the company and trisha paytas received this huge influx of backlash for a ton of different aspects of the skincare line and i think it definitely was not something that the company was expecting or prepared for now the product website for patis's skincare line shows an error page and when asked on the company instagram why the collab and products are no longer available for purchase the company instagram account claims it was receiving very disturbing hate messages due to the partnership and that it was best to remove it for now and on that note please do not send hate messages to anyone mentioned in this video it's just never a good idea so these controversies and different business decisions all mounted higher and higher with more and more backlash until it all escalated after the frenemy's podcast fallout we are producing the show and i'm taking a cut i feel like that's beyond reasonable highlight reasonable five percent five percent do you realize how much five percent was of our last one that should be enough i'm giving you 50 of all the members even though we work and do all the work don't think five percent is like enough for the five percent and the highlights was what we agreed to beginning and that's what it is oh my god okay if you think that's what it's worth okay it's worth more than that all right i feel like the deal you get is super fair and i feel like you're gaslighting me to be honest saying that you're not like frustrated because you're thinking i'm guessing you're by saying you're not upset you're perfectly the perfect condition right now holy cow that's crazy just don't see what you just did that's that's really what did i do i need we we have to end it now like really what did i do we got to stop for real even what you just said was you're right trisha everything's fine that's insane like the fact that you did that to me is like it's not insane i shouldn't have to walk on eggshells around everything i say all right i'm asking you you can leave any time many people were really disappointed with the way that trisha paytas handled the fallout and how they pretty much turned it all into a grobble over money um we end up paying for ethan neela which is crazy because he takes that five percent and vip tickets to disneyland is not cheap the nerve of her to go playing about five percent when i'm literally not making a fucking penny at this point it's just so disrespectful it disregards all the hard work we do not only on the crew but now my wife and all the co and all the people that worked on the merch it's like okay well you know fuck you and then seemingly crossed the line in scandal video after scandal video uploaded in true trisha paytas fashion i have this feeling in my heart that i need to step away from my enemies and it's really really with a heavy heart that i say that it's actually just like it's amazing it wasn't using one in this video i will be defending my sister um and just continuing the continuation of this by the way there's numerous i always have skincare at and they'll be partying ads in this video thank you for coming so like i looked at him in such a different light it was a lot of things from using my skincare product like you know up into the last one just talking about my actual health history openly just none of it felt right being skincare please you know none of it felt right many people were shocked and disappointed with the actions of trisha paytas even though looking back a lot of this was really standard for trisha paytas it is kind of how they've always acted on social media it seems that trisha had found a way to convince people that yet again they actually changed so people were hopeful and surprised and disappointed when they yet again went right back to their old ways so the backlash mounted to more than i think even trisha paytas the biggest troll on the internet was used to and then more and more of trish's lies continued to resurface the commentary channel mysterious has really led the way in uncovering a lot of these lies as well as contradictions of trish on tick tock do you believe that climate change is an urgent time bomb that we need to face immediately i have no idea what that is global warming is a hoax you know that the earth is warming i don't scientist even said there's no rise in temperature in the tropical toposphere may make climate change carbon in the air go green conserve our energy less fuel less toxins into our air otherwise we're going to kill ourselves off is it going to happen in my lifetime because i don't have kids global warming as a host i'm going to stand by it i'm going to have my grandchildren stand by this is what really turned me off from ethan when we did the bus tour like he was making fun of like the homeless situation in hollywood i don't know something about it never sat right with me never i repeat never ever ever ever ever ever think about moving to hollywood i moved to hollywood island videos at hollywood highland like hello we want to live here we do not want to live here it's it's disgusting it's not worth something like whoa those are all homeless tents what he said i made fun of him in his tourettes when they were clearly jokes was that a problem i don't know everything was a problem once the show ended he was like oh she's problematic and she made fun of my turrets yeah he has he has like tourette's but i didn't make fun of him like it's the same way he called me this exactly happens he's just saying that to just be cool no i think he thinks it's great to be like woke up i think you're really okay well that's a real problem yeah of course but once that show ended it's like she's showing up so now i'm like an ableist but it's not tourette's tourettes is like when you see i have tourette's syndrome no tourette's when you're like fuck this just isn't that tourette's i love having a friend with tourette's because now i can like have a soapbox or something architect should be about having tourette's and like you know i don't want my whole existence to be defined by the guy with tourette's that's what you gotta do you gotta like go for a thing that people feel sorry for you foreign because you're just as messed up as me i mean you got to read so you got something with your brain so your brain is not wired all the way right what yes it's like blind feeding the blind like the biggest lie mysterious uncovered was allegedly contradicting stories trisha paytas is told about a middle school teacher saying them i have questioned my teachers like hang out like go to the classroom like trying out with them it wasn't anything like the teachers did it it wasn't like teachers were like leaving the honor and you know what i mean like you're coming on something just really really really attracts my teachers um no teachers with me nothing like [Laughter] so trisha is claiming now that she was abused by multiple teachers from school i had incident happen in um middle school where a teacher like grew up in my boobs all the time and we would like heads down and so i finally was so long um at my school growing up i had three different instances with three different teachers in regards to sa r word and m word it happened in the school and one one person didn't leave me two i was too scared to speak up and three the teacher said i was like asking for it so it was like looked over the one that i was too scared to speak up on someone else spoke up years later and ended up getting arrested illinois look it up cp at school so basically none of the story makes any sense major details change every single time on top of that the details trisha paytas provided about the teacher's criminal records don't align with public records i am my first offender when i was in the sixth grade um there was a teacher and it wasn't until a couple years later that he got arrested for cp on a computer at school and i said something and people like to include me but i wish i would have liked a lot harder and said more i want to stress to you guys this teacher was never arrested for cp or any other crimes and the worst part is trisha paytas used the teacher's real name when speaking on these stories and experiences and now the teacher has passed on so they can't really defend themselves it seems like no one will ever really know the real story of what happened except for trisha themselves and the teacher and trisha paytas has been shown time and time again to be a liar and like the boy who cried wolf it's hard to believe someone who lies over and over again i do want to make clear no one knows trisha paytas story and even if things appear like a lie that doesn't mean they are i don't think anyone has a right to tell another person that a traumatic experience they experienced didn't happen to them that being said trisha paytas spread false information about a person who passed away saying they were arrested for cp when that never happened and that is really wrong and irresponsible of them and out of everything they've done that i've mentioned in this video probably the most harmful thing i can't fight back anymore there's no i don't have one ounce of credibility to my name i think largely unwarranted if i'm being honest i do think a lot of it's unwarranted like i don't but no matter what like i will never be able to stand up for people in the future i will never be able to speak for myself like it just it is something that like literally i am a joke i am a punching bag and nicole i remember watching real through her reality show where someone comes up to me like you know they're exploiting you right like they're they're making a mockery of you and she goes well as long as they're paying me right because trisha had told so many contradicting and conflicting stories tricia started receiving a ton of backlash over what people perceive to be a lie and because of all this backlash trisha paytas posted a very public and intense breakdown stop oh [Music] make up your oh my god where's the fucking compassion i stopped i'm fucking stopped if this event that trisha paytas has alleged really happened then my heart does go out to trisha because that has to be devastating for people to call your trauma alive which is a bummer once again it's like the boy who cried wolf when you tell so many conflicting stories exaggerate so many things and contradict yourself constantly the public starts to disbelieve you in response to the backlash and ethan klein the former frenemies podcast co-host taking down the podcast with the allegations trisha posted text messages where they say they were told inaccurate information and misspoke and in a video posted on september 14th seemed to acknowledge that the allegations they spoke on were false saying that they don't fact check those line things come around within the visualize so much there's a difference between miss speaking hearing things knocking on the back right not backtracking versus sharing something you know to not be true for the motion temperature somewhere or making someone look bad i i get stories and i hear things from people and that was awesomely why i've never had five he's never been in front of me but i'm not the only person in the world to do that which is a very very irresponsible use of such a large platform and it makes you wonder if they don't fact check how much other false information they've spread so all this backlash snowballed and snowballed and got larger and larger until a few weeks ago when trisha paytas deleted 1 300 videos off of their youtube channel totaling an over a billion views a lot of people thought this might have something to do with a video of them resurfacing where they made fun of courtney stodden money and seduced with your pre-best body okay so the first thing it helps to be born retarded because you won't ever know what's inappropriate and you won't even know you're going to be miserable for the rest of your life and if they get sick of your love or your deduction techniques they can just lock you in a basement who is someone who is married off to a famous actor as a minor and the whole story of courtney stauden is disturbing and sad and i really feel for them because at the time the internet decided to just like dog pile on them for some reason trisha included it's good if you haven't gone through puberty yet like mia because they want a girl who they can have sex with and never get pregnant oh bitch is sorry a lot of people thought that trish's video making fun of courtney was done in very very poor taste i personally think that trisha paytas deleted all of these videos because they didn't want to pull a shane dawson where all of a sudden all of their controversial and really bad takes in former videos starts coming out at a time where they're receiving already a ton of criticism and then it just turns into this huge huge backlash that they can just never ever recover from so for better or for worse it was kind of smart for them to delete those videos even though a lot of them are already saved and reposted on the internet with 1 300 videos there was probably so so much more bad content that would have continued to resurface unless trisha paytas deleted those videos and now trisha is claiming that they don't want any sort of drama that they want to move on and live a peaceful life and grow and change and focus on themselves i am quitting at drama and there are no more enemies as far as i'm concerned i mean this very genuinely and sincerely which sounds good but can we ever truly trust the words of trisha paytas that is the question [Music] and that's the confusing web of trisha paytas controversies as of now though i'm sure there's a lot of others but this video has already been long enough most recently trisha paytas has undergone another character rebrand talking more and more about kind of new age spirituality like manifesting let's talk abundance do you need money stop needing it right now affirmations so here's the money affirmations this is all from the uh millionaires of the bible's book series this is from millionaires of moses and it's all financial doors are open to me [Music] all financial channels are free to me the money that is required now appropriately comes to me quickly and in peace and even posts videos on a new channel they just created where they just film themselves meditating [Music] krishna [Music] and watching those videos i can't help but think that it's just kind of another troll situation i'm sorry to say though at least it's a more positive one like even their dharman parody videos seem fairly positive and not as offensive as some of their past content don't scam anyone scammers never win and the truth will always prevail so at least it's sort of a step in the right direction even if it is trisha creating more trolling content so who trisha paytas is is still a mystery and after all the controversies the drama and the different personas it's hard for anyone to know who the real trisha is and i wonder if and when the real trisha does make an appearance if anyone will really ever believe them as i said earlier in this video trisha paytas has been really open about their mental health which i contemplated even mentioning but decided it's important at least mentioning because it is an aspect to the larger picture of who trisha paytas is and their time on the internet in 2019 trisha paytas was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and more recently was also diagnosed with schizophrenia recently there's been a lot of information that has come out about trisha paytas's many contradictory statements regarding her mental health diagnoses tell me do i have my bipolar or some shit and he's like well everyone has traits of like personality disorders because you have like traits have you been diagnosed with something no no because i asked him that was the first thing he said like okay so do you think i'm bored and why do you think i'm bipolar and he goes honestly he goes you have traits of borderline personality disorder but i've never been fully blown diagnosed trisha paytas claims to have schizophrenia but recently that has been contested because of a podcast with dr drew i also was recently diagnosed twice as schizophrenic this year 2021 i'm on medication for it um closely monitoring it for the first eight weeks i didn't feel a change other than not myself and that was scary i understand you had a schizophrenia diagnosis at one time that is not what you have but i could see how these kinds of symptoms somebody might think that trisha paytas has also made conflicting statements about her borderline personality disorder diagnosis i have been i guess diagnosed i don't know therapists have told me about dpt classes say i have traits of bpt i've never really been like this is you but i pretty much think it's me i know two people with borderline are the same no two people with narcissistic personality disorder i've seen no two people with obsessive supposed personalities for trisha they're saying that they have orderly percentage disorder traits what patricia is saying is they have been diagnosed with traits not the full-blown disorder so what does that mean well what that typically means is your symptoms are lower which has led many to wonder if her mental health diagnoses are even real at all or what extent of mental health problems she has and that's another thing that's private information between trisha paytas and their doctor and so it's something that the public will never truly know and i don't know if it really is anyone's business except for just in clarity and understanding why trisha paytas does the things that they do and whether or not their mental health can be used as an excuse or a reason for their actions they also recently got sober after purportedly struggling with substance abuse something tricia claims was sort of a root cause of a lot of their breakdowns both publicly and privately i have been addicted to prescription drug illicit drugs i tried really scary for the first time in my life some really hardcore ones i've never tried before in the past couple months and it all came to an abrupting halt on my birthday may 8th i spiraled in all aspects of my life out of control and at 31 that's embarrassing let me rephrase it may be embarrassing for some but it's no longer embarrassing to me which is why i proudly say my weight my age and what i've gone through because it doesn't matter like depression doesn't discriminate against age and change isn't just for people who are young you know no don't do that there was also an incident with their fiance moses where it seems that trisha hit their fiance and that's just really concerning it was never fucking public well maybe shouldn't hit him now everyone thinks i'm a fucking like a man beater and shit like that because of you a lot of people have talked about that when criticizing trisha paytas and um you know obviously no matter what even if the public doesn't know the inner workings of someone's relationship it's not okay to hit your partner that just you know is not okay trisha paytas has also been to psychiatric facilities multiple times the mental hospital beginning of this year i have been hospitalized twice since then and has publicly spoken about this in videos and has been really open about their experiences because you don't know i was 51.50 it was a as far as my experience goes pretty traumatic in the sense that i felt out of my mind and it was definitely out of my control which i do think is great for dismantling a lot of the stigma surrounding psychiatric facilities and hospitals patis has claimed they only recently have been able to manage their mental health and credit this to a combination of medication and multiple forms of therapy including dialectical behavioral therapy classes an eating disorder specialist a psychiatrist cognitive group therapy and a therapist who specializes in gender and sexuality and i'm working on myself on mental health and seeing a therapist seeing a psychiatrist going to group sessions praying and meditating and also work work work booking because i just needed a change and i can't help but wonder how many other people are going through similar mental health substance abuse problems and identity problems as trisha paytas but don't have all the money and resources that they have to get help and live a fairly stable life i hope trisha is truly receiving adequate help and is working on themselves and growing no one may know the true trisha paytas but whoever they are i hope they're doing okay i hope that trisha paytas mass deleting videos is a sign that the offensive troll of the past is truly a person or character of the past and if there's anything that researching for this video has taught me it's that we are all capable of growth and change and that nothing is ever truly permanent and whether that's good or bad i'll never know but i also hope that trisha paytas is one of a kind and that more people like them don't continue to resurface because i do think it's important to stand for something to have morals and to try and make a positive impact especially when you have a large following because if you stand for nothing you can fall for anything and that's all for today's video thank you so much for watching especially if you made it all to the end if you made it to the end then comment down below chicken nugget and let's confuse a lot of people who haven't watched to this point and i hope you guys are all doing well and i'll see you in the next video bye [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Cruel World Happy Mind
Views: 2,752,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trisha paytas, trisha, trisha paytas liar, trisha paytas lies, scam, scammer, trisha paytas ethan klien, lying, frenemies, frenemies trisha, drama, trisha paytas skincare, trisha paytas drama, trisha paytas trolling, tea spill, tea, h3 podcast, h3h3, mysterious, mysterious trisha paytas, exposed, trisha paytas exposed, cruel world happy mind, trisha paytas youtubes biggest liar
Id: uZ4rpkPTlZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 7sec (6007 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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