If You're Doing This, NO ONE Will Buy Your Book (Amazon KDP)

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if you want to make more book sales for your Amazon KDP business then watch this video because I'm going to show you exactly how to do that what's going on guys welcome back to another video so if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built and sold a seven fig publishing business and now I'm building my new KDP account so if you want no OBS publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built a publishing business to that level then the link to the training is in the description below all right so this is going to be another subscriber book review and Analysis type of video I've done a few of these so if you guys want me to do the same and review your book for future videos then make sure to follow me at shondo 13 DM me the Amazon link for your book and I will review and analyze it in future videos also just a heads up that if I don't respond to your message doesn't mean that I didn't see it most likely I just can't respond to it because I get way too many all right so let's get started with the first book this is soundtrack your story from Ab North unlock your creativity with writing prompts powered by music so looking at the cover it looks pretty nice it's a very professionally made cover but the book is not selling it is in the Millions in the BSR so it's not selling at all even though you have you know good book covers really nice A+ content design-wise I think you've done a great job and you also have some positive reviews as well so the biggest reason why this book is not selling is I'm assuming is because of positioning when I look at this title I don't understand what the book is about immediately like I don't know what the book is about the title soundtrack your story is very vague once again I don't really know what it is about and the subtitle is unlock your creativity with writing prompts powered by music so I'm assuming it's a book on helping you write better but the problem is it is is very vague and on top of that I'm really not sure how many people are looking for a book on using music to write better so when you're selling a product not just books and anything you have to solve a problem in the market if people aren't even aware that this is a problem right they need music to write then no one will even think about buying it because they're not even aware of the problem so as a publisher you have to identify the problem of the customer and you try to solve that in your book and you also want to position your book title to clearly explain that the book is going to solve that problem if that makes sense so a better title would be something like how to write a book for beginners very simple very straightforward and if somebody reads this you know they will immediately know that okay this is a book on how to write a book or how to write better right for beginners you know compared to this soundtrack your story you have no idea what the book is about so a lot of times with book titles especially with non-fiction you don't want to be cute you don't want to be fancy you want to be very clear and straightforward in doing a little bit of keyword research it looks like how write a book for beginners is a decent keyword decent book topic right there are some books that are selling you know with a decent BSR like this one is $74,000 this one is 21,000 so it's making some money and we have a few more like you know how to write your first book $54,000 making $20 a day so there is decent demand if you position it as a how to write a book for beginners now what you can do if you really want to talk about your Technique with using music to write better what you can do is to position the book as how to write a book using music writing prompts or you know whatever your concept is exactly like this book right here how to write a novel using the snowflake method right so the positioning is how to write a novel and then they have a unique angle which is the snowflake method and you can do the same thing so once again the cover you know you're getting good reviews although not so much so I would probably supplement this with a website like pubby if you want to check out pubby I'll leave a link in the description but once again you have good review average uh just need more reviews the book cover is nice your A+ content is nice so it's really just a positioning issue all right so the next book is hopeful heral and his haunted home by Rory Ria so just like the first book what is this book about right you're missing a subtitle you know I'm assuming based on the title based on the book cover it's a children's book with a haunted house theme right so you can kind of assume that but you can be a lot more clear by explaining that in the subtitle so this is a good example of someone that's you know doing a better job with positioning and subtitles in the same Niche so we have scurity bat and the holiday Mysteries and this is where you're missing here the subtitle explaining what the book is about and who it is for right it says a mystery short stories collection for kids so it clearly explained that it is a mystery short story who it is for it's for kids so you want to be crystal clear on that in your subtitle now going back to the book cover right here I think it is okay but I think it can improve right so what I want to see mainly is the title text uh pop a little more I think it's blending in a little bit because the background is red and the text is also red right so or it is white and red so it's a little harder to see what you want to do is something like this super clear text right the title text right here the color contrast is excellent with the background color and the you know the title font so you want to do something like this where it's super easy to read I would recommend you go and update the cover if you need some recommendations on high quality cover designers then I'll leave a link to a few in the description below all right so the next book is spectacular space Sam also from the same person uh Rory Ria and this one you have a subtitle which is good right you're explaining what the book is about it is a rhyming in Intergalactic fairy tale adventure picture book so I do like that you're kind of more clear on what the book is about in the subtitle I would recommend to capitalize each word to be a little more professional as well as you don't need a period in your book title so just remove the period and for the book cover I think it's okay cover but it can definitely improve specifically the same issue that you had with this book right here the title text is blending in with the background because it's the same color right the color theme so you want to kind of you know work on the color contrast there and besides that you want to get more reviews because you only have one review all right next book we got Unleash Your Business Mojo start and run your successful business by Mo obadina first thing is kind of the same issue with past couple books that we reviewed is what does Unleash Your Business modu mean what is this book about right your subtitle is start and run your successful business you can guess that it is a book about growing a business but starting and running a successful business is like extremely broad it's super vague what business right who is it for is it for managers is it for leaders is it for salesperson is it for CEO right like what aspect of the business cuz if you just say start and run your successful business again it's extremely vague and you know it's really really something that you have to Niche down and call out to specific segment is it a dropshipping business an online business a physical store business right so Niche down there and once again call out on who is it for right so is it for you know business owners that are busy and don't have a lot of time but want to find ways to grow their business I don't know what it is I didn't read your book so I don't know what it's about but you want to be super clear on that you do have good reviews which is good you got 25 reviews at 4.9 average so that's very good you still want to get more but it's a great start so going back to the whole positioning issue of the book I looked up how to start a business and there are so many different ideas on how you can Niche down rather than just saying how to start and grow a business right so as an example this one right here LLC beginner guide so how to form an LLC that alone is a book topic that you can Niche down to how to write a business plan with no experience that's a book topic that you can Niche down to and both of these are doing really well this book is about young entrepreneurs guide to start starting and running a business so you can have a business book for young entrepreneurs that is a way to Niche on and call out your audience and this book is specifically on how to start a vending machine business so these are some examples you know just to give you some ideas but again try and avoid being super Broad and super vague like how to start and grow a business besides that I do like the text based cover that you have but I just think you can do a little more with the color contrast and the font style I think it can improve a lot more like all these top books are basically text based S as well which is good it's working but you can see that the color contrast the text you know style the designs is much more professional I would say than this one so it's just something that you can work on so if you need a suggestion on a cover designer that specializes in business non-fiction self-help those kind of niches then you can try this one I'll leave a link below this video but you can design a book cover for $25 finally you want to work on cleaning up your book description so book description essentially has five parts so you have the headline you have the lead section you have the bullet point section explaining what the book is about and then you have a little bit of like overcoming objection and then you have the call to action look at your competitor books see how they're structuring it and then kind of copy it you can also ask chat GPT to write a book description for you and chat GPT will naturally kind of write it out in that format so it's really really good and then you can edit it from there right so the next book is from the same author we have the time wasters guide to time management this book will help you get things done make you more productive and successful in life so I actually like this better than the first one just because it is very clear that it is a book about time management I like the book cover as well and you also have the benefit driven subtitle where it's clear that the book will help you get things done make you more productive and successful in life because that's exactly what it says here one thing I would say though once again you want to capitalize each letter of the word to look more professional as well as I recommend you kind of incorporate power words and numbers into your title because right now the benefit statement that you doing is get things done make you more productive and successful in life besides that you want to work on adding power words and numbers in the title to make the copy stronger so current benefit statement is get things done be more productive and successful in life but those are like the most vague benefit statements in a self-help you know time management book so to improve this copy and to be more specific what you can do is First add numbers adding numbers uh especially odd numbers help uh with the copy so something like seven steps to being more productive 21 days to be more productive something like that then you can add power words so Google power words uh some of the examples are like proven bulletproof you know free simple fast quick easy groundbreaking or something like that so if you combine all of this the title can be something like this seven proven strategies to effortlessly get more done be more productive and catapult your success so you don't want to just say get things done you want to add power words and say effortlessly get more done don't just say be more successful you can you know kind of say something like 10x your success or catapult your success so those are some improvements on the copy itself uh besides that you want to get a hard cover version and an audiobook version if you can do audiobook but hard cover definitely and besides that you want to get more reviews using pubby or other methods and increase your book price because $77.99 for paperback is way too cheap you want to aim to be around 101112 minimum but overall the main focus is to improve on copywriting learn about positioning work on your book titles and go from there all right next book is handwriting practice paper landscape it is at 2 million BSR so not selling at all uh you got three review Ed I think the cover is pretty nice so the biggest issue I see is when I look up handwriting practice paper there is 50,000 search results and I get that you added the landscape to try and Niche down from this but the thing is when I look at handwriting practice paper you know the books that are selling none of these books that are selling is landscape version it's uh the ones that are selling are all like vertical version like this so you can try run some you know low Biz ads and see if this takes off more and see if it sells but I'm not sure because you know all the ones that are selling is vertical version not landscape so it might just be a demand issue where no one's looking for this book all right next book we got quick and simple wall Pilates uh workouts improve your flexibility strength and balance in 28 days just by looking at this the title looks amazing it is a good keyword good Niche subtitle is very clear with the benefits so improve your flexibility strength and balance in 28 days super clear you have the numbers there to be more specific and kind of give a timeline to the customers with clear step-by-step Illustrated exercises for women seniors and beginners so so typically I think it's better to just Niche down on like a book for women a book for seniors book for beginners combining all my work I'm sure uh it's not too bad to do this so overall title is excellent the book cover is epic I don't really see how you can improve this I think it's a super professional book cover the title is clear color contrast everything and you have some good reviews 4.6 average 20 ratings and for the pricing I think is adequately priced as well so currently the BSR is at 475,000 so you're selling a little bit here and there and only 20 days old now I also want to add that the book description looks really great as well it pops right you have the Bold text you have the you know very very expanded benefit statements right here with Emojis I really like that as well as your A+ content is epic as well it looks super good and I like that uh you're using these images cuz it definitely catches uh your eye so really product wise I don't see any issues here you know I think the only issue that you have is you got 20 reviews and you just published this so I'm sure you're going to go through a launch process hopefully and you're going to Market it hopefully you're not going to just publish and forget about it because this book has so much potential all you need is more reviews and Market the book and the niche itself is super profitable uh because I'm looking at you know other books I looked up W Pilates workouts and there are a ton of books like this one is at 48,000 this one is 36,000 this one is $18,000 BSR making $145 in royalties every single day this one's $36 it's pretty good it's a pretty profitable Niche the product is really good now you have to Market it I can see you easily do doing $11,000 a month just from this book just by you know getting to 100 reviews and running some ads then once that's done you can expand into so many different books in this series uh which is crazy right this Niche has so many different books that you can publish in you can build a whole brand around it you have the skills to produce an epic book you know design-wise everything is perfect you can do that now it's just marketing and I can really see you doing like $10 to $15,000 a month once you crack that side of things so awesome job all right guys I'll end the video here but we got a lot more books that were submitted uh so keep an eye out and I'll be doing more of these in the future if you want me to review your book once again follow me and DM me your book on Instagram at Shawn do 13 I will not respond to the message but I will see your message and I'll make a video like this so before you go if you guys want to take your publishing business to the next level then I do have a complete publishing program the link is in the description below so you get step-by-step video lessons that's going to take you from complete beginner to knowing what you have to do to make six or seven figures a year in your publishing business like some of our students are doing as well as you get few free one-on-one coaching calls with a coach that's doing over 10K per month which I don't know anybody else offering something like this you also get weekly live group coaching and a private Facebook group that you can ask any questions and me and my coaches will answer it so it is a complete publishing video and coaching program so it is a hybrid of step-by-step video lessons as well as coaching program so if you want to check it out the link is below this video but for whatever reason if you can't join that's okay that's why I'm making these videos for free to help you so that you can start making money with KDP and once you do so hopefully you want to come back and work with us to scale that even further so that is the goal here and you know hope you enjoy these videos If You did leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 28,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: p4eBwCBsGz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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