Edge Addresses Logan Paul Ruining WWE, Roman Reigns Losing, Turning Down Undertaker - IMPAULSIVE 375

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WWE legend hey you actually do stuff that I look at I blow both hips out bro I see you do a spear off the top of a ladder that was stupid I was put here to be a girl dad you also realize like instantaneously oh I can murder someone are you Scandinavian at all yeah it's like you can watch a movie on my forehead like it's a biking because you get on talk shows and they say okay so can you growl and I'm like I'm not a trained monkey I wear tights for a living sure okay but oh yo Are We Wrong are we actually our sounds like it's me Nick where are you sitting I'm behind you guys no way dude never before first time ever a sound guy all right hold on can I try something real quick Jamie can you pull that up on the screen real quick yeah I got you yo we have a producers why has that never happened before bro that's sick hey have you talked about the uh documentary thing at all are you allowed to I don't think so it's it's a surprise project we got a surprise project it's uh why all these big cameras in the room I don't think you guys can see them but there's a couple cameras like this big the big cameras shooting us right now for for a piece that I think is gonna be like the best thing ever dude for people who really want to see what goes on under the like and I mean really easy I let him in too much I let them in too much so much both of us both of us it's going to be good though guys welcome back to impulsive a show where we talk about nothing it is the number one podcast in the world though that's a fact of ought to make that up if you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button for me uh we got we got we got a big weekend here WrestleMania is coming up this weekend but by the time this show is out you'll have already seen it so hope you enjoyed it I'm gonna do this intro because our guest is in the room he's very busy he's a busy guy he's doing a bunch of stuff ladies and gentlemen he is a WWE legend who holds the second most championships in WWE history with 31 it's according to Wikipedia he's an absolute icon in and out of the ring in seminal moments as one half of a legendary tag team with continued Excellence as a single Superstar he is Edge [Applause] move this bad boy out there we go there we go and that's when the stadium starts singing let's go yeah I am so jealous you got a sing intro song I Came prepared oh yeah I went to Ralph's this morning yes and I saw me some prime and I figured you guys would have a lot of energy so I got me some orange mango a lot of placement everybody let's go learn media dude thank you man take calories zero grams of sugar that's really good yeah that's a that's a good that's a good flavor really good thanks bro I I actually um I used these now as my pre-workout right yeah I I I I mean it's my product no actually [ __ ] that it's an amazing product that I happen to own yeah part of uh but it's good especially for workouts man I've been going crazy this WrestleMania like I'm I'm ready bro I'm trying to impress people like you when I go on the ring because I gotta pay homage to the hard work and Decades of work that you put into this industry well so here's the thing like you know you always have some people that go oh okay a celebrity right forgetting that Mr T was in the main event of WrestleMania one Liberace was there Muhammad Ali was there Cindy Lopper was there you actually get in and go and and do stuff that I look at and go man I blow both hips out right now yeah yeah right Adam yeah right what are you talking about bro I see you do a spear off the top of a ladder that's like that's the highest fear in WWE history that was stupid I don't think so too yeah I watched it because you know I'm trying to do these like crazy stunts and someone sent me and I was like dude that that's a move you gotta like bite the bullet for you just can't think no you can't you just all thought right right out of your head okay but you've done you've done that too some of the jumps you do are like I watch I watch them from the sidelines and I'm curious do you still look at him as like a part-timer like how do you guys in the locker room still like look at they call me a part-timer like the the jaded malcontents are always going to have something to complain about right here's how I look at it you step in there you're good with me got it and I've always looked at it as if you can bring our eyeballs to our product you're my friend that's what it's about trying yeah but but that that's if you're truly comfortable in your position within wrestling within this company then you don't sweat that you welcome it you know where I get a little cognizant of my position is guys like you and the in the traditional wrestlers who are showing up every week you know 52 weeks a year to do their Smackdown the Monday night raws dude I have I have four four events a year like at least this year you know you know it's it's a different path for everybody though yeah it just is you know for me I saw this when I was 10 and I went that's it I have to do that you know I I can't go slap hands with the Incredible Hulk but I can go to Maple Leaf Gardens see Hulk Hogan hmm so for me that was kind of like I love the larger than life it was it was kiss it was wrestling it was comic books it was that's my era so when I saw wrestling I was like well I need to do that and there was no you couldn't dissuade me from it at all I feel like most people in the WWE now have had that exact reaction to when they first saw wrestling they had to do it yeah yeah for the most part but not but not all the time you know and there's no one path into this it's a weird gig but it's amazing and there's so many different ways to get into it yeah I guess I just feel kind of not bad but man you have you have the weeklies who are or who are really like actively building this organization every single week and I get to come in and capitalize on the Goodwill that they've sacrificed their bodies for I got four times a year yeah and by the way I'm not gonna stop but the rest of us listening to this I'm cognizant of it and I appreciate your hard work that I get the benefit off of four times yeah but I think but I think what you do on those four times a year and I think that you you realize this is that you you really have to show up those four times like I was afraid I'm gonna slip or something like bro when he when he shows up those four times a year like you'll even say it I'm sure like I from the outside it's just been insane to watch like some of these moves are crazy and and what's really interesting about that because if you perform less I find it harder for me personally because if I'm in the grind and I'm continuing to do it I used to do 220 shows a year there's no way I can pull that off now I'm 49 years old right so but I find it harder to do one every three months or so does it get rusty yeah yeah I got to keep that we call it the bump callus right every bump you take kind of builds up a little bit of callus and it's so real it is and we talked about it you were like how do you like keep going after you fall well you just get used to it eventually your body and we're all stupid so you you eventually just your body gets desensitized to it and it starts it's amazing what the human body can put up with yeah yeah if you push it if you push it and it's much easier to push it when there's 15 000 or a thousand sixty thousand people watching some about jumping off a ladder is a little easier yeah many people watching you my god when we were doing it in front of no one in the Thunderdome dude screw that and I could hear the crew fart while I'm doing a match and I'd be like inside just landed I just took a choke slam from Kane or something which really hurts especially with no people and could literally hear a dude farting that's like me on this podcast with him every time but sir I remember the landing and I went and it hurts so much more okay of course oh of course so I I don't I don't I don't think I could have done that I don't think I could I could have ever subjected my body to that kind of Torment without the the big payoff you know I'll just say it and the payoff being that instant gratification right so that's what I've found like in any acting I've done it's great acting's really fun it's a creative Outlet it Taps into that vein and I need that in my life but um nothing for me hits me in the heart in the soul and like all of it like this does when you have entrance music and as soon as that first chord that first word that first instant and those people explode you know it's easy for you to say because you have the greatest they're saying it's one of the best walkout song of all time I mean it I'm biased but yeah I think it is but um it's just it's amazing to get that that reaction and you you do you feed off of that I mean [ __ ] I got a triple fusion on my neck I'm not supposed to be doing this but yet I get out there and I don't feel a thing how did you make your walk out song like how did that come about because I had two and then at WrestleMania I'm gonna date by the time this comes out we'll have debuted my new one that I like worked on and actually like feel really good about but it's a hard process to to pick that that music it is and I'm very Hands-On with all of the creative aspects of her character like I'm really Hands-On and I always have been probably to the point where when I first came in they're like who's this kid who wants his music this way and who want who draws his own tights yeah and who designs his trench coats and his t-shirts and but I've just always been that way I'm I've always been artistic and I want to be involved in that process so if you see it on me I was a part of developing that yeah and that to me is important it's a brand it's a brand and with the music to honestly it was the most important aspect of this whole thing yeah because it kicks me into gear and if it can kick me into gear then I'm gonna throw as much energy as it gives me at the audience and if I throw it at them they should throw it back at me twofold and now you've got this reciprocal thing going on and now it's like the closest thing I can think of is like a like a concert or maybe like a stand-up even where if if the set's killing and you feel that energy from the audience and if it's not ooh gotta switch it up yeah but with the music um a buddy of mine uh I went to a Metallica concert when I was out with my first neck surgery so I'm wearing a neck collar and everything he goes hey I want to come meet my brother and I said sure went over his brother's Mark Tremonti who is the guitarist for Alter Bridge and uh they hadn't released an album yet though he goes here check out this album so he played me the whole first album I heard the fourth song I was like hey when I come back from my neck can I use that really yeah oh so you got like a man oh man and he was like I own it so sure and you're so lucky they're really strict about that now yeah like I I tried to use potentially music that I already liked yeah like a friends uh an artist even who who I'm friends with they they won't let me well it's because of you know perpetuity yeah yeah of course it's hard yeah but Mark just said yeah take it use it and he was smart because he owned it so there was no like record company getting in the middle and trying to get more and gouging for money or anything like that he knew this was going to get played every week in 120 countries yeah it's their most downloaded song it's all of those things so that it worked out for both of us because man my my career feels different without that well that walkout music it's like anybody can relate to this whether they're a wrestler or not like when you go to the gym you put on you know I listen to a day to remember I listen to [ __ ] that pumps me up yeah it makes me want to work out work hard you know so I couldn't imagine having like a song that didn't get me in the zone when I had to walk out to 30 40 000 people to perform yeah man in the first couple of years I had one like that and I was like just every time I came out I was like I don't feel this it's not it that's what I was feeling and that's hard it really really is especially if you're you're trying to present this overall package it's important yeah you're super super Hands-On I was I was sent the uh the documentary that you sent me is it out it is out what's it called what's your doc what's your dog called the reason I got a few but I don't know the most the most recent of your comeback yeah yeah well there's ones I don't know I know second Mountain second Mountain okay that's not the most recent one that was no way when it first came back um and uh that's the other great thing about that song is the lyrics have I can actually relate to them Adam not not just Edge like Adam can actually relate to what that song says and even more so after coming back this time because I was retired for nine years like that ship hadn't sailed it was like on the [ __ ] other side of the world this episode is brought to you by manscaped and what a perfect time considering April is testicular cancer awareness month to help raise awareness and to fundraise for a good cause the leaders in below the waist grooming partnered with the testicular cancer society to remind you to check your golden nuggets this month for anything not so golden and while you're down there shave your balls while you save your balls support a good cause and go to manscape.com and use the code Logan to get 20 off plus free shipping since April's National testicular cancer awareness month I want to take a second to talk about men's health issues that are important to us did you know one guy every hour every day is diagnosed with testicular cancer so this is a reminder to all the men listening to check yourselves manscaped in addition to providing the right tools and solutions for safe and easy manscaping has partnered with the 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awareness month now back to the program so to get this thing back um after all that time like nine years a long time to not do this and I had another neck surgery in that time had two little girls in that time and it was actually them they were the impetus for me to like I was falling into dad bod Zone [Music] um yeah and I was like I was wearing cargo shorts and flip-flops and I was about 260. I went Sandler I know and I just thought ah I get tired walking up the stairs just now I need to I need to be around for these girls because we started having kids after I retired the first time when I was 40. so I'm an older dad I I knew if I want to be there at 70 and look like Gandalf then I I better I better get some stuff get it together get some stuff but man I just uh I dialed in my diet and started using a meal company built a gym in the house and that changed everything oh nice oh you like working on at home I hate working out in gyms anywhere else oh got it because if I'm their work I'm not there to look at my phone take pics to like I just saw a dude watching a movie while he's doing crunches and actually went over to him I was like what are you doing what are you doing man do you like trainers no here's the deal I got a fused wrist right I got half a peck attached here I got no labrum I got a triple fusion in my neck I got a torn Achilles this Peck completely torn off this tricep torn off I got a tailor my based on the day almost based on what I'm feeling based on my injuries based on you know what I've been through right so I I even built the gym with that in mind specific equipment specific you know everything's very specific to my needs and my capabilities got it I find that the environment that I'm working out in really affects sometimes the quality 100 yeah this thing is just it it's my tastes yeah it's it's everything that I like and no trainer either no trainer it does that is that because you don't like being pushed by someone else or or someone telling you what to do um I don't really know I think I just I always feel like I have a good knowledge of my body well yeah and part of that is from wrestling you really start to understand you know just the Dynamics of your body and and the mechanics of it like I can see somebody fall and know what's going to hurt right I can see it yeah I go oh okay he just reached back he's gonna feel that in his elbow his shoulder collarbone yeah and if he lands like that he's probably going to land lower back first lower back can be real sore then he's gonna Whiplash his neck so all of that is going to be affected like I'm this weird analytics machine yeah you know you know I I see a bump and I go should have talked yeah tucked that ahead yeah so like my kids now when they're playing them like you fall that way this is what's gonna happen and they're like whatever Dad I'm like okay all right yeah you talk you talked a couple minutes ago about uh Adam and you like you you basically separated the two absolutely entities and we we just had uh Rey Mysterio on obviously who's whose entities are so detached so masked on one side and then the other side is completely different what are the core differential uh differentiators between Adam and Edge so it slowly grown closer especially with this run and coming back after the the retirement and the second next surgeon everything it's a lot closer to Adam now and I really made that conscious decision to go out there when I have a microphone it's not many filters you know obviously I got to ramp it up I got to get intense I got to sell tickets got to do all of those things but I also try to be really relatable and by being relatable I just throw at them out there and because everybody sees the documentaries because they see the story that it took to get back I mean that's all Adam that's got nothing to do with Edge it's just to get back to being Edge um but I've always I meet somebody it's Adam nice to meet you everybody's character do you do you think that that's a kind of a direction that the WWE has started to move as an organization to be a little bit more relatable and transparent because when you when you compare it to the days of like the Attitude Era right and to now it's such a drastic difference and it's it really is an Ode to how um good of at branding the WWE is because that's the way that the that society and the internet has moved they want more relatable more transparent characters they want to know who these people actually are and they want to see what goes on under the hood so do you think that that's the reason why you're moving and WWE is moving in that direction or I mean I I was always kind of that direction like I I didn't do the whole when I'm outside uh the ring if like if I meet you in a Waffle House um or it'd be funny because you get on talk shows and they say oh so can you growl and I'm like no yeah I'm a human I just sit here and growl like well I'm not a trained monkey like I wear tights for a living sure okay but I'm not wearing them now you know so uh I love talking about wrestling I love talking about like the layers of story and to me it's that's what we are it's just a different form of Storytelling it's a it's a different like okay it's entertainment you got movies on this Branch you got television on this Branch you got podcasts on this Branch music on this Branch you got wrestling over here it's all the same tree um and I love telling stories in the ring it's amazing it's it's the secret sauce of this industry yeah that I wasn't entirely tuned into and I'm still not totally but it's the thing that I think really draws me in you're you're telling a performative art story with badass physicality and a dance partner and you're your own stunt person yeah and there's no yeah of course yeah but I've I've yet to encounter anything that like is this fondue pot of just amazing elements that's what it is it's a fun it's a fondue pot of of epicness it has every almost every aspect of entertainment that people are drawn to in one and I think by opening up and cameras everywhere and all of those things I think the audience and an outside audience besides the hardcore really got to kind of like oh okay they peeled the the curtain back now yeah you know it's not um you're in your character 24 7 and there's no form of entertainment in this it's all like an athletic contest and the winner is the win it's like okay we there's more to the store yeah this is storytelling right and I love it I think when people are drawn to characters as well who maybe aren't sorry I think people who maybe aren't traditional WWE fans are drawn to and invested in uh a character and a person it really helps the industry as well like kind of what Mike was saying the difference between between Edge and Adam and the line is getting more and more blurry but I think it's good because people people want to know who you are well yeah you know they become invested in the person behind the camera yeah yeah you know and where wrestling is strange though is like I've always said you don't go up to like Johnny Depp and go Mr Scissorhands yeah yeah oh my God right right but everybody'll come up to me and say etch which is cool I get it we'll we'll think of think about it for a second I mean one of the biggest things about being a a celebrity or any kind of personality is relatability and if if you were just the edge it would be very hard for me to relate to that person like I don't jump off the top rope very often I'm not spearing people I'm not going up against the Undertaker then you're smarter than me you know what I'm saying but but when I find out that Adam you know had you know something happened in his personal life all of a sudden that takes on a whole new meaning to me and now I have an attachment to that character in the ring because of the attachment that I have to Adam as a person I think that the WWE along with a lot of orgs have gotten smart to that and have said yo this is our route into relatability to the audience I think other forms of Athletics have started to discover that too yup you know like I love hockey right my favorite sport I'm Canadian I got no choice but the one thing about it is it's like there's not a lot of charismatic hockey players there's not a lot of behind the like the curtain kind of thing and it's starting to and guys are starting to get it you know and I I looked to Conor McDavid and I see like he totally got it he was he was being a pro wrestler yeah yeah Conor McDavid yeah with a hockey player Conor McGregor I'm sorry I'm like look I'm like there's a condom with David got it that's fair Connor Mick uh so McGregor was uh was doing he was doing vents yeah yeah yeah yeah and and slash Roddy Piper you know it's crazy how if uh an athlete can unlock that Charisma their stock value goes through the roof and that's what every wrestler because people will buy yeah to see you either get beat or win yeah you don't want apathy apathy [Music] yeah maybe chill yeah I drink those before my workouts they get me yeah they get me cranking yeah but yeah you're seeing it with hockey a little bit too like um like there's the the one um maybe you don't know but there's a the one African-American player who's been very vocal about his struggles as an African-American in the hockey space yeah there's Ryan Reeves um there's quite a few uh Wayne Simmons plays for my team Maple Leafs and um that's changing too they've really I think the the powers that be within hockey have understood like this just can't be a sport for Farmers from Saskatchewan I didn't know that it was that crazy until he started I I feel bad because I can't remember his name now started speaking out about it but that's another output of people being relatable in the space because now when someone at that level uh says there's an issue in the space now the audience is gonna say oh okay we gotta change this yeah and and an org is not going to change until the money and the audience says yo you need to [ __ ] step up and change it and also why would you in any way just like there's a whole new market there there's a whole new market of children who could play now and just imagine the freak athletes you're gonna get you know so but hockey's my thing that's why I went to Conor McDavid and thankfully somebody uh I was talking about the best hockey player in the world Jesus um it was this thing as someone who is super Hands-On with their brand which you don't always find in any industry and and the WWE um and I assume the the org likes that input right or I I'm sure I probably get annoying sometimes you know because I'm the same way with my matches too I'm the same way with my storage okay like I write my promos I uh so I kind of just started to dabble in that because I I want to be a team player and and do what I'm told but at the same time as someone who's like Mike I don't have a character bro I'm just myself yeah I gotta like be myself yeah but I'm I'm curious were you always want to did you always want to become like the edge that you became and did it did it go the route you wanted did you have a vision for who you wanted to be when you first started the WWE or or were you adapting on the Fly based on the audience and the org a little bit of both you know I had a vision um but sometimes that Vision wouldn't take like I thought it would yeah or I couldn't get the foothold that I thought it would um you know when I first came in there was no real direction for what my character was it was just like okay we want you to be this guy yeah and you know they they wanted me to quote poetry and like and and I was like like one of the one of the descriptions was kind of like Jim Morrison I was like yeah I don't know what I can do take acid then there was one point where I wasn't gonna be able to speak or hear just a deaf mute yeah what are you talking about yeah so these are all things that I was like and then a vampire like just like over here and when we started the brood I was like okay this I can sink my teeth into but I'm here all day but that's where I first started feeling like okay okay we got something here right this is fun this is a character now now I can and we got this musical kind of bouncing to it we're coming up in a ring of fire and like that was that's when I first started to feel like okay I can make it here that was that was such a like visibly and like brand different time for for you know the organ like do you do you notice that absence of like Darkness nowadays that like Monsters vampire type character Undertaker like character and is there a chance it ever comes back it'll be coming back this Sunday oh so oh so all right you've already seen it so okay so I didn't know this so if you saw WrestleMania you know what he's talking about but so wow yeah maybe we'll return to the darkness yeah you know it's it's kind of nice because it it's neat to like dip into like an alter ego of a character right so I have Edge and he was the ultimate opportunist then he was the rated R superstar he was in The Brood so brood Edge I can bring brood Edge out now from like 25 years ago and dip into that character when I feel like it can fit right so I got a hell on a cell against the dude who calls himself the demon oh yeah okay then I'm bringing that camera and now I can dip into some some acting chops too and like because I'm not really a [ __ ] vampire I'm not really the devil but you know I I can I can write a promo and craft a story right and so far away from Adam because this incarnation of edges become like I said a lot of Adam in there um and that's really fun but that only comes like June is my 25th year with this company since my television debut so with that equity and that time like I grew up in front of these people yeah I started here when I was 23. you know you've seen so much you've seen it all and and they've seen me see it all right so there there's a certain relationship that you build with an audience through time and just through wraps and through all of those things um but uh and more than anything I'm just still having a blast this is probably the most important thing it is because then I wouldn't do it otherwise yeah you know like it's hard man especially like I'm sure your body doesn't take damage like it used to no no you know what it is it's I'm okay in there it's the recovery long longer you ice bath ice bath sauna everything all the things I never used to do because it's just like oh okay yeah we're the next show tomorrow got it where do I gotta be Jackson Mississippi okay 300 mile drive got it well you you obviously went through that whole party phase too like of I was never part no no I just didn't as the rated R superstar I know I know I didn't I didn't live on any of that you had somebody you had some vices though right like what were your here was my thing I was always to me if any time I went out and and did party I felt like crap and it affected my performance and to me the performance was the most important thing I didn't I didn't see that as a kid and go I can't wait to become a wrestler so I can party I I want to go out there do this and I'm I'm also like I just love to read yeah really really so I just go back to my room and I'd read no way I swear to you I see that coming I read 72 books last year what yeah I carry a book with me wherever I go do you have a couple favorites I hate I hate superlatives but you ever read any real transformative books there's this guy uh uh Ryan holiday has some really interesting like stoic philosophy books that are that are pretty interesting yeah and um this guy Tim Grover man he helped train Kobe and Michael got it Tim Grover Tim Grover Tim s Grover Relentless someone just connected us on a text thread and I was books Logan didn't respond no I you should he sent me a message and he said hey if you're if you ever need anything I'm here but like I didn't I don't know him so I don't know what that means but is is he's phenomena he he is his mindset is amazing I should have a conversation yes all right yes do what do you are you into that kind of stoic stuff uh I am but not all the time you know like I I try to carry myself a certain way all the time um but for me when it comes to books I'll read anything read my book all right I'll send it to you I'm in it's a great book yeah I think you'll love it yeah I just I love devouring whatever I can get my hands on interesting but I'm still one of those guys that likes to carry a book smell the pages open it feel the buyer so paper paperback I'm that guy you don't have a vice though you drink smoke so I occasionally uh if there's a good hockey game if I got something to celebrate no it was a hockey dude you have no idea so you come to my place I I've been sequestered to the back corner of the house and I got a hockey it's actually a Toronto Maple Leafs room it's not even a hockey room it's just Maple Leaf size and I sit back there with my scotch this sounds great that sounds awesome and I sit there with my scotch and I got my 30 years I got my my 25s my 20s my 16s my tens my twelves all in there but Scotch Scotch is my thing and I didn't I didn't even fully understand it I I had a gig on Vikings so I was on Vikings for like four four seasons and we'd be standing out there in these Irish Winters just damp you're wearing wool you're wearing leather it just gets in your bones so I get back to the to the condo and they didn't have logs so you put in these like peat briquettes in the fireplace and the scotch kind of tastes like that smelled and it worn me right and I was like okay I think I gotta I got a thing now dude wrestling and even just your stature your your big guy and you probably easily could have played hockey or like any other sport just as well as you you did you did wrestling but you chose wrestling have you ever thought about what life could have looked like if you chose a different athletic career path Well here here's like I played everything as a kid okay um basketball hockey volleyball uh baseball uh soccer I played it all um enjoyed it all too uh we didn't have a football team though so I can play that but uh hockey was my other love but it was too expensive for us because it was just me and my mom so um we were we were kind of like meal to meal so after two years of hockey she was like Adam I can't we can't pull this off yeah you know so I had to just kind of let that go and about two years later then I saw wrestling I was like I'm good and and truly like I I believe that I was I was put here to do a couple things entertain people and be a dad did both and I'm doing this I'm doing both I'm doing both you know what I'm it's funny that you brought up that angle of kind of affordability with wrestling man I remember sitting watching WrestleMania when it was Ultimate Warrior and it was like you know you know Razer and all and and all those guys and it didn't matter who you were what basement you were in as long as you had some pillows or something soft to a an old mattress beat up mattress and a sleeping bag whatever a pile of clothes you had a ring yeah you had a ring and and that's so interesting and probably so relatable to a lot of people out there that you know like sports are expensive yeah yeah that's that's an interesting that's an interesting take that I hadn't heard before yeah and and again our household like it just I had to come to the realization pretty young that that just wasn't in the cards and and kind of wrapped my mind around that and go okay well what can I do and uh and then I saw wrestling I just thought man I I gotta do that what I was first making videos as like a 10 year old yep and throughout High School my peers would look at me and be like what are you doing dummy like you're not gonna get famous right and now my kids my little nephew come up and they say I what do you want to be YouTuber YouTuber no it's it's insane it's it's the one thing I got really lucky on really early like that I I bet on this industry and I happen to be right you bet on yourself yeah and anybody who's successful at multiple stages throughout their life have to bet on themselves I agree and if you're afraid about on yourself then you're not going to do it always better myself always you got to but where I'm going with that is I was made fun of for like making videos which you know have their elements of non-coolness from time to time I imagine as a wrestler like you you were your peers oh encouraging or or was it like dude what are you doing you want to be a professional wrestler Adam the only person who thought I could do it was my mom yeah that makes sense she was the only person of course and and from day one bless her heart man she just she was so supportive like she was my rock and it was just her and I against the world is what it felt like too right so you know the all of those elements and everything and then when I said you know when I'm 10 years old saying I want to be a wrestler she was like okay okay you know and she'd sit down and she'd watch it with me cool now when I was 17 and I want an essay contest to to get free wrestling training and I was driving down uninsured to go to wrestling training every week she was like okay do it do it uh she was a rock isn't that crazy how important parents are so I mean it's just so it's just insane it made such a difference because everybody at my school like I tried to hide it from people at school because I started training with still in high school right you know like I was voted most likely to become WWE Champion and all those things so it got out and people would come to like weekend shows and I'd be like I'm in spandex hi Todd how's it going you know ah there's there's Bethany Lee oh man that thing right of course so um but I I grew past it eventually I went to college for um radio broadcasting because I thought it would help me with my inflection my tone oh cool that was the idea for that and a week after I graduated I got my first call to do a WWF match in Hamilton cops Coliseum May 10th 1996. at the curtain Ultimate Warrior was at the curtain all those guys were at the curtain waiting for me to fail I think and I got through the back and they're like wow good it was a good job nice I was like that's a tough crowd okay I'm doing something right that had to be a masterful rager pulled me aside and he goes man kid you got it you just got to figure out how to work in front of 10 and take it to ten thousand yeah how did how did that feel for you because I because I I think everyone has those moments where they look back and they get that credibility Boost from a meaningful per I mean he was a big one for me I've had a number of other guys along the way that have kind of given me that boost how did that feel for you it's a validation yeah you know and and once you get that validation from people who have succeeded exactly it's like I'm not crazy anymore yeah okay all right there's something to this like the feelings that I'm having are warranted because other people are seeing it yeah and I just got those 10 000 people who did not know who the hell I was I got them to react now all I did is go out and dance in a very Caucasian fashion and I I did this horrible running man because like I just got to get a reaction yeah and they all started booing and you got that validation and all of a sudden that spandex started feeling a little bit more a little bit more comfortable yeah a little bit isn't that crazy how that works yeah yeah and and um and then from there it was just God what a wild ride like I I but I I truly I can look to like wrestling I met my wife here yeah you know I have two kids because we met here like my entire life the the entire trajectory of my life has been changed because of this job and then to not have it for nine years and get it back dude I don't I don't look like every nanosecond I'm doing this I appreciate it because I know like that it can be gone yeah it's like you have a second life yeah absolutely I'm I wanted to dive into this I'm incredibly fascinated by this uh this injury that you had it was it was a neck injury yeah you had one surgery yeah and then the WWE told you like essentially you're a liability guy you you're not in wrestling shape you have to retire so what what had happened was I um I ruptured two discs in my neck at 29 years old again all those ladder matches right they take a toll so um and then uh so I had to get a double Fusion they took the bone from the hip and blah blah blah and it was like a year at that point to recuperate from so I came back from that wrestled nine more years and they said listen this you know the disc on either side are going to slam off that Fusion off that titanium plate your career is going to be shorter it's like all right well I haven't been World Champ yet and I gotta do that like I've I checked off all the other stuff and it's entertainment it is but but being given an opportunity with the world championship it's like you're trusted you're being given the Oscar or the tip of the hat like you are trusted with the baby and I had to do that so in those nine years I came back and I became this vile you know just no redeeming qualities villain and I really leaned into it and when we're talking about things that I would tap into I was like okay I want to be like the Guns and Roses of wrestling just that slimy gutter dwelling guy that you wouldn't want anywhere near your woman because he'd probably steal her yeah and then beat your ass so and then you'd play his song afterwards yes yes so in November Rain yeah um but in doing that I was wrestling all of the top baby faces in the company who just happened to be like Undertaker Big Show Batista John Cena Kane who's the one getting thrown around that's my job right So eventually it did take its toll and I just assumed it was normal because I got a double fusion and I land on my back for a living okay I'm always going to have a headache that's just the way it is I didn't realize that isn't just the way it is I had developed spinal stenosis which is a narrowing of the spinal column and it shuts down your spinal cord so it's being pinched like a straw and we didn't realize that the full extent of that until after WrestleMania 27 I was World Champ did the match yeah they said we want you to get a little testing got the testing and that's when we found out I was like oh okay I didn't I didn't expect that at least at this stage I was 37 I figured I'd go to 40 right and uh so I was like oh [ __ ] I better wrap my mind around this and figure out what it is I'm gonna do and um acting fell in my lap because this executive producers show Haven wanted to tie in with wrestling they saw my retirement speech you know one episode 241 and then I realized okay I enjoy this it's not quite like wrestling but I still enjoy it and then got the second neck surgery yeah so now I have a triple fusion but that was the one right that was the one that second next surgery so so this this is where I am I get a little fuzzy was it an amazing surgeon that happened to heal you right up was it just because the second surgery opened so the second surge you took the pressure off my cord and they fused me a level up so I should have lost Mobility but I haven't and I all I can equate it to is that I really work on my neck like I I train my neck oh really what yeah what kind of stuff do you do so I got this thing called an iron neck I think I have it is it the circle around your head Halo looks like a [ __ ] oh you look like The Great Gazoo yeah yeah it's dated reference but um but yeah do this thing yeah all the next and okay okay and for me um what that did was attack and strengthen all of those little muscles that get attacked when you bump yeah the surroundings yeah it's it's not so much the fusion it's making sure all of this is like good and ready to go um between that my diet and honestly my mentality I I there's I don't know if there's another way to put it in Dr maroon who did the surgery is is kind of agreed to the same thing he goes I really don't know if I can fully explain it except that you just think differently wait a second Dr maroon was the one who medically retired you yeah and then he also did the second surgery and then the unretired yes eight years later right nine years later yeah because I I in the doc your your wife especially by the way shout out to her yeah what what a great person she's the best I heard no biased but yeah I mean bro she she has that supportive uh uh like she really loves you and as much as she wanted you to do the thing that you love she she said what you have to be medically cleared by like a bunch of doctors that she has to see it for herself and when he did it it sounded like she didn't think in any world he was going to be the final clearance for you to wrestle she she equated him to the big boss in the video game yeah yeah yeah yeah and and for me that's what I thought too like even going in I was like I know I'm good I can do this but that doesn't mean anything you need to hear from Bowser they Bowser needs to tell us right exactly so and then um man as a doctor who who who saw who medically retired you he certainly he was like this can't this can't be right how how has this recovery happened yeah we've had some pretty incredible discussions and um I I think he's as dumbfounded as me sometimes I I thought for sure he'd be inclined to be like no no you're medically retired you I know how bad this is it's a miracle and it literally it's what it sounds like well I think also too it's like I'm on a different schedule now you know I'm not trying to maintain the like I said the 220 a year is not not feasible not possible like and and nobody needs to see me 220 times a year so let's face it but one but but something else that's like so apparent about you as you speak here about your regimen is that you put in the work and I mean like into all of the individual details of this uh uh you know specialty that is you know your career and you look at a lot of these other guys and you know not not taking anything away from but there are the party guys there are the guys that are more focused on this or focused on that you you live this and I see I actually see a lot of it in him as well he this this this thing is what he does yeah he doesn't want to party he doesn't want to go out vices don't exist to him he is locked and loaded into this 24 7. and I and I guarantee you that a lot of those unretired people are the ones that are willing to put in 15 20 hours a week working out their neck to become unretired like not everybody's willing to do that I was just in the gym with two other dudes who have had really bad neck injuries and surgeries and we were in there and we were going right it's just a it's a different yeah yeah I mean that's a different mindset the neck is I need to get in and out of this industry dude seriously every single person every wrestler that sits in that seat just tells me how messed up they are and all these injuries and it's already happened and I I just want to watch my health man yeah for sure but here's what I've also learned that's also a mindset as long as I keep moving I keep moving but also it's interesting no but it's a dedicated no because you can do this but it's a dedication dude it's like look at any sport I mean he he for his whole life he knew he wanted to do this obviously when you watch it you know it's not going to be you're you're going to be prone to some hiccups but dude like look at every basketball player look at every Legacy hockey player every Legacy football player this is an athletic there's a price to be paid yeah there's a toll for sure and it's worth it I think I I believe it is because I I look at the life I've been able to you know Supply to my children yeah and you know I know that's why my mom busted her ass working two jobs is so that I'd have the opportunity to be able to supply it for her grandkids and and I'm able to do that and and it I've been able to do it by doing something I absolutely love and I realize how rare that is in everyday Society take 100 people ask them if they absolutely love what they're doing yeah do you absolutely love it me I do the same way he does I do oh wrestling yeah I don't think so I don't think I love it like you love it I'm a different beast when it comes to wrestling I am I'm a lifer and and you know even though I love acting and even though I've had some some good chunky rolls I still fought to get this back what percentage of of guys do you think have that have the mentality that you have where they're they are they saw it they wanted it from day one and they're and they did it I think you can tell who they are yeah you know I think the Undertaker I think yeah you know I think great yeah you kind of have you have to challenge it's the guys that are still around to be honest like I've seen Undertaker walking around backstage Triple H what the first one more time one more time the first episode out of four 400 about where we've had someone that's able to communicate with us behind the scenes and we don't even want them communicating with us the fact that just happened is horrible we're in a great place no no no but it's good it's good yes that's a good trip you turn down at least I've been told but I'm the production team is that you turn down the idea of taking away the the championship belt from Undertaker the Wrestlemania streak correct yeah so when we were uh we're gonna be man I got a snort there too um the main event WrestleMania 24 and I think his streak at that point was like 15-0 and uh it was it was kind of thrown by me like what do you think and I was like absolutely not absolutely not like why would we do that that makes zero sense to me I'm already a made man I'm in the main event WrestleMania What's it gonna do for me sure it would it would do something I guess but like let's save that let's save that for somebody who can really use that boost and to me as the year started to go and go and go I was like Reigns is that guy and let's save it for that but it wasn't my call obviously but when when it was brought to my attention or at least thrown by me as an option I just thought no because it was just as important as the world championships at Wrestlemania so why take away one of our Marquee attractions that's the real Team player's [ __ ] yeah for sure you know again I was already made if I'm the main event of Wrestlemania I don't need the street I don't need to break that did you ever regret that decision not at all not at all do you think ruining not well yeah ruining a street eventually was a was a poor decision yes by the orc yes I I people go back and forth on this I do and and the only reason I say that is because I don't think Brock needed it he was already a world beater yeah you know he was already UFC heavyweight champion he was already all of these things whereas Roman was just on the cusp and if he were the first guy oh man I mean obviously it still worked out pretty well yeah but um but I think it could have sped it up you dude first I want to say this before I forget watching from the outside and being having the opportunity and blessing to sit here with you and and and people from the organ and hearing your takes on what the world has seen is so interesting to me because this organization it you could make a a full series of movies about it like it is it from from the the level fan engagement and intensity to the corporate team to the events themselves to the injuries to the the personal life trips insane insane so thank you for coming on and talking about it but I want to ask you is the taker to you like the ultimate like you know symbol of of greatness in the in the WWE Andy I mean he's he's got to be you know one of them for sure because if you look at in terms of longevity and Longevity at the top that's the hardest part yeah for sure that's the hardest part to be able to maintain it like to be able to be a Tom Brady and to be able to like and yes what we do is entertainment but I don't care you still have to be in great shape mentally on there's so many plates that you have to keep in the air from smashing when you're out there and to be able to do all of those things for that long with a character by the way who initially like the dude's dead How's that gonna work on paper it was a bit odd absolutely yeah how's that going to work and guess what he made a [ __ ] work yeah we had an and he had a good partner for a long time well absolutely but like without him as that that uh that driving force behind you know Reinventing himself because that's a lot of what this is too then it doesn't work if he were still just sitting up and like painted white with purple under his eyes then that's not going to work for longer than it did and he was smart enough to realize and focus was he a Hands-On creative like yourself maybe not I to an extent I mean I was I'm like you're still you're super I mean even watching you draw your your outfits like like well by the way I was really impressed you're you're attacked you're in the trenches yeah to like uh it can be exhausting at times I'm sure I'm sure for the teams sometimes they're like bro the amount of notes I get back on blah blah yeah and then like the baffle just sit there and like like I drew the storyboard for my entrance this year no way yeah okay yeah because I see it in my head and I'll explain it and they go but but I'm like what is it what are you doing uh they'll still have seen it the other okay so uh I got Slayer South of Heaven and I figure we're hell on Cell like I should come up to the South of Heaven [Laughter] yes and uh this incarnation of brood Edge is kind of morphing more into the devil so I got some giant Wings made oh shoot sick I had that in my notes for a thing I wanted to try you had wings made yes I'm jealous and you've got drawn it instead of just they would have been able to visualize so last year I was like all right if if I get to do this character again this is what I'd like to do and then I'd pitched the idea I was like if you got me in Balor we should we're missing an opportunity here if we don't do brood versus demon and do it in Hell in a Cell so initially it was going to be at Royal Rumble I was like Romania I mean it's right around the corner maybe we should say for that and uh so then I I started drawing wings and I had this amazing woman uh Sylvia Jensen Warren star she makes star she makes closer rock stars and she made these Wings do you have a can I see them yeah it's on my phone okay I actually really want to see here here is my note can you hand can you hand him his phone dude we need at some point KP will be on the podcast yeah all right here's my note here's my note get shot up out of the tunnel with wings that spread like a Maverick face away at first then turn question mark question mark so that and then I got this as well cool so but again in trying to explain I'm like okay so when the drums kick in if there's a single Spotlight and I'm going to be wearing this mirrored skull cowl and that's the look I get like you're gonna I don't I don't really grasp what you're talking about yeah yeah and then after that when the lyrics kick in I'll do the wings and then if we have explosions there and then it's graphic there's a bunch of souls yeah they're just if a bunch of souls are being kicked to hell off of these Cliffs that'd be really cool and it's like right yeah sure yeah and then you get these things at me and Jesus who knows what'll come up now you're going bro I uh you're good I I pitched I think I think on my first WrestleMania ever I was like I want to come in on a zip line and they're like calm the [ __ ] down but then this WrestleMania they're making it happen I'm zip lining in there you go and it almost didn't happen even this year I was told no and then I pushed back I was like is it like a liability thing is it an insurance thing I'll sign whatever and uh Kevin made it happen now it's the T the team's and there there's been times where I was like I want to use this music and they're like well this is what it'll cost I'll pay it like I'll pay it cool whatever you know because and you got Slayer yeah that's [ __ ] yeah do you think you would ever do a live sex party I don't even know what that is yeah right does it involve the LoveSac because I'm gonna say my wife probably wouldn't dig that too much no wait wait we got something in our the gimmick of the rated our Superstar oh it says here led to a live sex party with Lita as a celebration yeah oh my God yeah sorry I just said celebration I said party a sex celebration yeah that was the night after I won the title for the first time and that was brought to me I was like ah I really don't want to do that but these things live forever here we are decades later you're gonna have some idiots asking about it at some point it's always coming no pun intended so my uh but now like where I'm at like in terms of like I'm full on Dad yeah you know so when I think I'm like oh gosh dude that might happen like even for example this past weekend at WrestleMania that's actually tomorrow yes I'm gonna be in the front row dressed as Prime with a bunch of porn stars and in like three or four years I'm probably gonna be married to like a normal yeah not not that they're not normal but like a normal nice girl and have to explain what I was doing with these four stars in the front row WrestleMania talking about live sex parties there you go how was that transition out does it is it possible well I mean clearly okay you know so I because because I I wake up just like every other dagger ah oh come on girls like this early it's Saturday we don't need three girls two girls two girls two girls so you're you're the only guy in the house yes what is that like it's uh there's a lot of estrogen yeah a lot and so I had my husky he was the only other boy in the in the house he was and and I lost him on Easter just old age and uh but I'm getting another one oh another husky next week oh wow you're so excited huh puppy husky puppies oh you got him I got him first pick mail do you have them named I got it I got a list Odin cool Stone nice Wendell my favorite hockey Gordy Gordy house so yeah so so so so biased Odin is a sick [ __ ] name right and there's a there's a kill streak in Call of Duty called the Odin and it's a sick [ __ ] kill streak and I like the sickest and that name is just dope also I have those made for the entrance too so for the dog no that's yeah to go on your arm yeah oh it's like it got spikes it's a bunch that looked like Odin could wear it yeah okay I gotta I gotta find him here real quick real quick super excited about him and he's he's awesome that's um that is a yeah Siberian so all white with like some red around the back of his ears and uh blue eyes and yeah you got a boy back in there I got I got some more testosterone now yeah I can imagine I feel like a lot of I feel like a lot of wrestlers have only daughters it seems like it and it's called the Restless curse wait really is that what that's what it's called The Rock I think even Triple H all girls just daughters daughters daughters although all of that being said I realized that like I was again put here to be a girl dad at the way I'm wired the way I I love it yes well that father-daughter relationship is the craziest man it also you also realize like instantaneously oh I can murder someone [Laughter] oh yeah like I didn't know that chip was in me and I'm like oh it's there oh yeah because if somebody touches these girls I'm gonna bite your throat yeah like it's okay and that's a weird thing to come to terms with but um I sound like Like a Freak no every dad is like yeah dude um jet Jed listening to this he's like yeah I I know it's just yeah and and but God like it's so amazing like I know you always hear parents say that and it's like well you don't know what it's like until you but man it's just I won't say that because everybody has a different path and everybody has a different you know like they're wired for different things man I was wired to be a dad for those two little girls and it is amazing are you are you Scandinavian at all yeah yeah what's the what's your bloodline so so I've never met my dad it's I was just me and my mom so for my mom's side Scottish Irish anything like your your mom I know so I did the migratory path I did the DNA whatever in me and all that stuff so the migratory path is fennel Scandia like 48 or 50 so Sweden Norway Finland then it goes down to the orkney Isles the Scottish orkney Isles down to Ireland across to Iceland and then together oh so you actually are a viking yeah I mean it makes sense we were watching this documentary and my girlfriend was like he he he has a little Scandinavian in him because she's Danish and I then I looked directly at her and I was like baby you you guys actually kind of look alike yeah it's like you can watch a movie on my forehead like it's a viking it's a Viking helmet and not because I'm losing hair just because I got a big forehead speaking of losing hair someone I wish that was on the show for the first time ever Greg Paul if Greg Paul sat next to this man dude they would click yes no they do they have a Vibe it's a Vibe it's a Vibe it's a Vibe my father you guys would have had a great conversation yeah you ever chop wood yeah yeah got to live in the mountains smoke a cigar however yeah all right my wife can do it too no way did you ever kill a snake yes chop its head off yeah had to you got to you have to sometimes you got to right and seriously we live in the mountains so like there's all kinds of Critters we killed the Snake once in front of Mike and he was not having it Mike Mike's not a hunter well wasn't the killing part it was here I'll tell you why it was beyond the realm of what I would consider to be a threat to the home yeah like it was way out so my thoughts generally are like if it's out there like Let It Be sure but he but for good reason I didn't know this he uh Greg Paul he want to eat the thing he [ __ ] ate it he kill he ate it that's his rule man which is a great rule I respect that heavily sure enough this was this was Copperhead in the deck I was like nope oh no those got to die no no this was this was a [ __ ] rattlesnake which by the way not that one obviously because it perished via the hands of Greg Paul ended up killing like two of his cats yeah these cats run around can't take that chance you know it was it was on the property it wasn't like in the woods he was like he was under he was under some stuff some wood so yeah he was out in the he owns uh uh Ranch the name again Timothy Timothy Leary so like still you'll be walking around there and you'll see that yes you'll like find these like little hawks with these like scroll drawings on the wall and you try to put yourself back to what was happening at that time what they had ingested yes and how they saw it 100 million tabs of acid were produced at that ranch it was rated by the FBI they arrested seven hippies yeah they're just like under a floorboard yeah yo really quick because I know we're probably about to rap I want to touch back on one thing that you that you said today because I think it's really extremely important for the audience you talked about that moment of uh credibility Boost from from uh from uh Razer and from Ultimate Warrior uh and and the time before that being this this being in this place where you're trying to prove to yourself and you're trying to stick with something that there's there had to be parts of that that you had doubt times where you had doubt in your mind and I want to just kind of you know reinforce this with the audience you never know how close you are to getting that credibility Boost from doing something that makes people that are already in the space look at you and say wow this person has something real to offer and so to those people who are out there still in that space before getting that credibility boost keep going keep keep going out there in the spandex because it could be right around the corner honestly for me the mindset was failure is not an option I I truly like my everything told me I'm doing it yeah you know and I initially I just wanted to do it because I loved it and I wanted to buy my mom a house right that that was the goal and did both of those and I was like wow all right this is let's see what else we can do now you know and now to to being a dad and you know wrote a book and been a bunch of TV shows and stuff like I've done stuff that I didn't expect on top of all the stuff that I did expect which come on you know so I'm I'm a lucky dude but uh and I hate to be that guy but I love my life I really really do I love it good for you good for you I wish everybody could feel the way I feel yeah you know yeah yeah for sure good for you man I don't I don't I think we're we're in a weird spot in society where like I'm not sure if happy people make other people happy anymore I feel I feel like I feel like putting yourself out there and finding internal joy for some reason rubs a lot of people the wrong way and I think it's I think it's nasty I think people are really maybe feeling unsatisfied with their own personal life and feel the need to bring others down but like coming from a place of love like I wish I wish that for everyone and and don't be ashamed to say good good for you for loving your life good for you for crafting a life that was uh didn't have a blueprint and you made it work and you deserve you deserve all of it bro so good for you well I thank you I appreciate that yeah yeah it was uh it's been a fun ride good bro well I was going to ask when when's uh when are you getting off the Merry-Go-Round like how much longer can you go before you gotta retirement so I I don't want to stick around to the point where it's like oh there he is uh yeah you know like okay [Music] ladies and gentlemen yeah I don't want to get there right now when I come out now I feel I feel the explosion man I feel like all of that to throw her at them and and that's still there I don't know if that for me would ever go away you know um but I feel like in this last run like the Rocky Balboa movie which I watched two nights before my comeback and I was in tears because Stallone's monologues in it were all things that were going through my mind and I realized I got to get this out of the basement because I didn't have the chance to end it the way I wanted to this time I'm gonna get to do that and now I got two little girls that I gotta spend the rest of my life taken care of so I got a little wish list of of things that are still to do um but it's not long and neither is the time yeah you know uh I think at most I I might have another year in me to be able to do it at this level and still be able to do it at an elite level where I can still hang when I gotta get in with Austin theory was 25. and you know he wasn't born when I had my first match for WWE you know what I mean yeah so you don't wanna you don't want to be going out like Mickey Rourke and the wrestling no no I want to be you know sitting on my mountain and watching you guys do your thing and just going man good for them you know respect bro ladies and gentlemen Edge damn do it it's so good we're gonna put some ad spend behind that guys thank you for listening to this episode of impulsive make sure you watch this guy Edge wrestle he's incredible follow him on social media at uh Edge rated R on Instagram and Twitter boom branding we love you guys hit that subscribe button we'll see you next time take it easy peace
Views: 1,250,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, logan paul, edge spear off ladder, brock lesner beats undertaker, wrestlemania 24, is logan paul ruining the wwe, roman reigns losing, edge turning down undertaker match, edge, wwe edge, rated r superstar, edge podcast, adam copeland, vikings, razor ramon and edge, edge retirement, edge walk out music, edge neck injury, edge wins wwe championship, hell in a cell, greg paul, wrestler's curse, wwe podcast, wwe
Id: NTqOb4KPrfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 4sec (4264 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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