Trinny Woodall: Reinventing herself & Floppy Bunny pose | The Late Late Show

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time behave yourselves behave yourselves now my next guest is a fashion icon Who Sold her house and her clothes to roll the dice with a business idea she got turned down 40 times with before she got the backing she needed just seven years later she's now built one of the most successful brands on the planet which has taken Ireland by storm this week would you please welcome triny [Applause] Widow [Applause] feel [Applause] [Music] feel hello see you how are you I'd say what's the crack what's the CRA my favorite expression I have an Irish from very close to my heart every day and he teaches me little things little things well the crack is that you are here meeting the Irish fans how's it been it's been amazing it's been overwhelming and it's been from women whove sort of car pulled from Cork nurses to come down to Brown Thomas to um ladies who lunches and it's just been an amazing amount of women I probably met about a thousand women in two days wow yeah it's been great that's that's a good new story I mean a lot of people see you they know you I don't think they know your story which is extraordinary some people don't even get a second act in life triny London is your second act tell us fourth yeah or third or fourth um tell us how hard that was to to make that leap from where you were selling the house selling your clothes to now having a brand I'm gon to say it it's worth about 200 million I have no idea what it's worth well idea buing it I have an idea you're still building and it's amazing so so well I did I had a few careers I used to trade Commodities and that was terrible I go into work with the financial times on the outside and the Daily Mail on the inside because I was a fraud and I hated it I thought I should do it and then I'd always like making over women and girlfriends and then that became my work and I was journalist I did Telly and then after the world doing Telly in England you know other people came along gwan everyone else and we were like no longer FL over the month so we went abroad and then we did lots of shows in many countries and then I'd had Laya and I was just it was it was a lot and I came back to England I'd always wanted to do this idea so I thought all right I'll do it and then I went and I had bought the house of my dreams you know we always see that house down the street I think one day we'll own that house and I had a huge mortgage on it and so I thought I want to start the business but I'd stopped any money from everything and I you know did the first little bits of the business I made these pots in my in my uh um bathroom and I was sort of putting together the idea and then I needed to fund it more so I thought all right and I'd followed this guy called Gary ve on Instagram and he's like what can you sell in your house sell your trainers boys he was you know encouraging entrepreneurs so I thought all right and I had clothes I worked in fashion for 20 years so I opened my house up and I sold 90% of my clothes had a lot of clothes and then I also real I couldn't afford to live in my house then I rented out my house and then I had to sell the house cuz I just thought by that stage I thought I think this will work and it's that little Point by which you think I think it could work so I'm ready to let go of what I think I've dreamt of all my life that I can no longer afford to live in and so it happened just listen to you say the words this seems like you know this is just how life is but you know at that time I know that your ex-husband had just died you were a single parent the idea of just selling everything and rolling this Dice and going into rooms with people who were saying no yeah and it was that's a big big risk it's I think so I don't know when you make those decisions I don't think we ever learn the most in our life when we're having the best time we learn it when we're having a tough time and I turned 50 and Johnny had killed himself and Johnny was your your was was my husband and lyla's father and I remember I had some very good friends who said to me they knew I want to start the thing they said triny maybe you should go and just get a job because you need to support lla and you you just need to have something you can rely on and I thought okay so I said I'll think about it and I went you know I was thinking about it and first of all I thought what else can I do oddly I thought I I you know when you've worked in Telly and stuff and you've been yourself it's very difficult think what job would I get I could get any job yes but like there was this thing I was so passionate about and I just thought if I don't if I don't try it now like this is the hardest time to try it so if I don't try it now on L do so I I called them up and I said I'm afraid I got to do it you know and and you're talking about being over 50 and you're going into rooms with with people who were just saying no like what was the biggest obstacle when you were going into those rooms was it was it your age was it the fact you were a woman it was a mixture like sometimes there were lots of men and you know we all have a certain body language so I'll be sitting in a meeting and I'll be like talking like this excitedly and uh I was with somebody else as well in the meeting a woman who went to some of the meetings with and Sun i' be in meetings and I hope you can't see my knickers but you know it would be the men would be like that and uh we walk out and she'll go they're never going to invest um because this body language was sort of like that and then I went into one meeting where there was one woman and eight men like a horseshoe and they were all saying you know it should be I love the idea cuz there was a lot of tech involved a lot of personalization but you know it's um it's for 18 to 25 year olds and I was like but I really love a woman over the age of 35 because I think she's slightly ignored um and I think there's stuff that you know resonates what we do that will resonate with her and I want her to feel totally present all her life you know they didn't kind of get that but in this there was this you know they were all doing that again and there was this one woman going like this and I held on to that one woman cuz afterwards she said I know the company turned you down but can I invest you know I've got five grand can I invest my salary kind of thing and I just that one woman actually kept me going until then I did another you know 35 meetings and then one per you know one company then said yes and you got it in the end yeah um the book is called Fearless yes how much life do you need to live triny to to be Fearless because you have lived you know you mentioned it yourself you know a few lives yes uh you were a Trader first business when you were 16 you were in rehab in your 20s yeah 20s I was I didn't love I how many people here love their 20s so you might be in your 20s and having the time of your life but I found my 20s a bit challenging and I was an addict and using and I wasn't so happy and then my 30s was um catching up with my friends you know I felt like I had a lot of catching up to to do and I was trying to get a career 40s was learning to be a mom CU I was a late Mom and 50s was getting into being an entrepreneur so and 50s I sort of realized I didn't worry what people think and I think that's such a release you know it's a big big thing yeah it's a big thing we actually had Marian keys on the show last week and she said something similar that you get to that point where you you don't care yeah and the 60s because I'm now 60 is um is that I I I know what I yeah is yeah Darlings it's it's all the skin care and makeup and you can get it at around Thomas and I'm there tomorrow morning but um it's all the 60s for me is about um I know what I don't want and it's such a great thing in life to know what you don't want because then you just cast aside negative people or people who drain your energy or just people who don't want to have joy in their life you know you you want to obviously help friends who are having a tough time but you just I try and surround myself with people who really want to live in life but you also do this thing you know online yeah that you're one of the few people online that just tells the truth you you you are this is me warts and all and is that why you think the triny tribe just follow you your your followers are just there for you more than anybody else I think online I think that um we speak a language where where you know I'll say it how it is if I'm having a really shitty can I say that you can say shitty here if I if I'm having a you can say a lot worse you're in Dublin to be fair I'm having a really bad day um I'll say it and I'll and you kind of need to hear from other people when life is not great as well as it's all shiny and you know I've had Botox done and everything but I don't filter I don't fakery I don't I don't suffer fools I'm very Mite but I'm very um candid and sometimes we just want people to be candid so so maybe that's why and also during covid you know I there were a lot of Irish women who I met over the last few days and we kind of connected but I started doing things live I do these exercise videos strength training things I'd do this you know like we'd be if you are are you ever tired in half the way through the day so we do this thing stand up with me okay do you ever get tired oh okay so stand up here so like I got to kick my shoes off so like if you're you can all do it too actually but I don't want to so but if you're really tired we're going to do this thing called floppy Bunny and you're going to like and then stop stop and then you'll feel this kind of endorphine rush you feel it through your body yes I do yeah that's what you do it's like things like that that's amazing yeah we just got it's like we got to kind of you know just feel we can convey to each other if we need some energy from somebody or we need somebody we feel need some energy we just give it to them can I just say just even standing beside this woman you are the energy you really are there go thank you so so much H triny's SP Fearless there it is is now give it up one more time triny what there we go done still to come and she's gone we
Channel: The Late Late Show
Views: 16,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: late late, the late late, late late show, the late late show, patrick kielty, kielty, late late show rte, the late late show rte, irish, ireland, interview, Trinny Woodall, trinny, trinny woodall late late, late late trinny woodall, fashion, sytle, Entrepreneur, make up, zara, cos, outfit, ootd, street style, colour analysis, shopping, spring 2024, summer 2024, trinny and Susannah
Id: qoOIgX_5vHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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