TRILLIONAIRES Had A DARK SECRET.. I Exposed It! (Full Movie)

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today I was in bloxburg and saw a guy advertising a hotel for trillionaires only it looked really fancy so I went to check it out but when I got there the owner kicked me off the plot because I looked like a poor ugly rat and then I didn't deserve to see what was inside this made me really mad so now I have to get into this hotel no matter what I cannot believe how rude that hotel owner is I mean I am not an ugly rat and I'm going to get inside that hotel and I know exactly how to do it but it'll require some help okay guys here is my big plan I am disguised as a box right now and Pat is going to deliver me straight into the building and that's how I'm going to see what's inside here we go oh Okay it definitely looks a little strange but you can't see me and that's all that matters okay here we go here we go hopefully Mr diamonds doesn't notice anything suspicious oh he said hi how may I help you uh Pat doesn't speak English oh okay he just barked he's acting normal come on Pat play the part you're the delivery man Mr Diamond said oh a package great I'll take that from you don't open the box don't open the box if he opens this box my whole disguise is ruined he said what a heavy bot it is not that heavy he said I'll need to open this later oh that's good that's good he said I'll put it away first okay perfect wait where the heck is he taking me right off the bat though this hotel looks crazy no wonder it's for trillionaires only wait where are we going oh storage room okay you know what maybe he called me a heavy box but at least my disguise wasn't ruined it looks like he put me in some sort of like storage room which I'm not complaining about putting back on my regular clothes and now the only way I'm going to be able to explore the rest of the hotel like I want to is if I have a different disguise so I'm hoping in here I can find some type of like old employee uniform or something to help me blend in a little bit oh hey the heck's this wa okay these are some fancy clothes that I just found in that box who just leaves all of these clothes laying around I look like a princess but this is kind of perfect it's not an employee uniform but I look super super rich now so this is kind of the perfect disguise now I can totally explore the hotel what the heck is this door over here I mean I thought this was just like a loading dock but this giant door has a weird creepy lock on it that is super suspicious that is definitely the first thing I'm going to check out uhoh uhoh Mr diamonds he said um excuse me ma'am who who are you and what are you doing here uh I'm going to have to lie myself out of this one I um I'm I'm a guest and I I got lost in in here um looking for my room yep yep that's what happened I just wandered in here I mean he fell for Pat being a delivery man so hopefully he'll fall for this he just said oh welcome yes it worked he said I hope you enjoy your stay but please remember the rules guests aren't allowed to Snoop around that's very suspicious what a weird rule to have um I'm I'm going to play along and be like you got it my my don't don't worry about a thing thank you thank you okay okay you know what I got myself out of there I am now officially inside the main part of the hotel and Mr diamonds was acting so weird in there but he didn't kick me out so I'll take that as a win this hotel might have more to it than I thought so going to need to gather some more info all right guys I've been checking out the hotel and it is legitimately made for trillionaires I mean everything is covered in diamonds this place is kind of crazy but now that I've kind of seen the layout of everything I want to talk to a couple other uh guests that are staying here and see if they've noticed anything weird or suspicious about Mr diamonds as well because I don't know something about how he was acting in the storage room was really strange oh oh oh there's some guests over there and guys they look so rich holy cow oh it looks like Marissa Money Pot is coming over to me oh my gosh she's literally got like a hula hoop of diamonds around her what the heck oh but we both have Tiaras moriss is said ooh looks like this hotel has another guest it is so nice to meet you guys she's being so friendly I'm going to take a guest and say it's because I also look like a trillionaire uh but I'm going to play along and I'm going to say uh hi so nice to meet you too how how are you liking your stay here you know see what they think of the hotel oh Mike money pod just came over here I'm guessing that's her husband but they also kind of look like siblings so that's strange but they're both covered in diamonds so Marissa said I just love it especially since we don't have to deal with any gross poor people okay so it is not just Mr diamonds that doesn't like poor people that is so mean what the heck they are being being very open with me right now so this would be a perfect time to ask so uh what do you think of Mr Diamonds oh oh speak of the devil there he is oh my gosh okay wait who the heck is that he said hey y'all super sorry for bothering but I wanted to introduce you to our newest guest wait that guy Joe Schmo he's said he's not rich so be nice hi Mike even said hey how is he at the hotel if he's not rich I don't understand they literally just said that they don't like poor people Marissa said you got it we'll show them around come with us Joe we'll see you later Carrie okay wait that guy he's allowed in the hotel he looks like the most generic guy I've ever seen I mean literally his name is josmo how is he in the hotel for trainers something definitely weird is going on here I have a super bad feeling about this why were they being so nice all of a sudden I have no idea where everyone went and I still have no idea why Mr diamonds let someone in the hotel who's not a trillionaire I mean I was kicked off the plot just for standing in the driveway so I don't really know what's going on but I have a very bad feeling about it oh oh oh I guess that's like uh one of the janitors of the employees here is cleaning man John I think I might have an idea hopefully this works let's see how much information this guy know knows excuse me Mr employee man I saw a poor person in this hotel I demand to know why they're here I kind of feel like a super super rich Karen right now oh we're going to see how he reacts he just said hello I'm so sorry ma'am they won't be here for long they'll soon get sent to the basement wait what the heck what is this guy talking about what do you mean they're going to get sent to the B basement oh Mr diamonds go seriously why does he keep showing up everywhere he said Carrie have you checked out your room yet um was uh heading that way now super super tired I'm probably going to take a nap or something seriously every time I'm about to get some information he shows up very suspicious he said fantastic have a good nap yep thanks okay holy cow holy cow I got to get out of there oh my gosh I knew it I knew something bad was happening at this hotel as soon as Mr Diamond said that the guests weren't allowed to Snoop around and according to cleaning man John whatever's going on here is happening in the basement okay this room is actually super fancy but I can't even enjoy it right now because I need to get access into that basement and I have a feeling it was that really crazy locked up door that I saw in the storage room but like I said it has a big giant crazy lock on it uhoh what the heck what the heck oh somebody what is at my door in cleaning man Johnson ma'am I'm here to clean your room wait what I literally just got here my room is spotless I haven't even gotten the bed yet he just whispered to me he said play along can't be seen out here talking wait what the heck uh okay uh come on in oh he said looks dirty to me yep okay come inside what the heck is going on right now he said I know who you are and I know you're not a trillionaire oh no no no no no no I've been exposed I thought I had such a good disguise I look like a freaking princess wao what the heck he said I'm undercover and need your help to take down this hotel they're doing bad things here but all I know is that it's happening in the basement are you kidding me if this place is doing something bad enough to have a secret agent here and he looks like a pretty serious one then this has got to be very bad what the heck did I get myself into he said the key to the basement is in the manager's office but I can't get it alone because he won't let cleaners in but I can distract him for you to steal the key oh my gosh oh my gosh this sounds really dangerous but if it's as bad as I'm feeling like it is I can't not help so sure okay that works for me holy cow I am freaking out I can see Mr diamonds and Marissa money poot talking right now if I get cut snooping around Mr Diamond's office I don't even want to know what he's going to do to me Marissa just said ha you're so rich is she pitting on Mr diamonds right now what about my money pot what the Drama Oh My Gosh Mr Diamond said yes I am I'm the richest man in blackburg oh my gosh what is going on right now I don't know how the heck I'm supposed to get past them but Mr Diamond's office is literally right over there cleaning man John better have a good plan for a distraction oh oh there he is he said said sir there's an issue the IRS is here looking for Marissa Money Pot Marissa said the IRS I won't let them take my money I don't think you're supposed to fight with the IRS what the heck there's no way this is actually going to work Mr Diamond said come with me Marissa I'll hide you hiding from the IRS what the oh my gosh it it actually worked that definitely bought me some time now it is time to get in here and try and find that key luckily he left his office open here here we go here we go oh my gosh is that a solid diamond chair are you kidding me right now what the heck got to find this key okay I can do this I can do this I just have to look fast why are literally all these empty and also doesn't look like he has ever touched a single book in here which would honestly explain a lot why he's hiding from the IRS there's nothing under the desk I'm thinking maybe if I could see under the chair look at me I'm so fancy sitting in a fancy chair oh that is not that's not the point right now Carrie don't get distracted it says wait a second wait a second there there I see a key hidden right behind these books thank you I'll take the key okay it is time to get into that basement it is just time to make it to the storage room I'm going to check to make sure the coast is clear I'm not seeing anyone so that must mean that they are still in hiding from the IRS here is the storage room going in I'm going in here we go let's get this door open boom okay okay yep and it is a dirty scary uh disgusting basement with a creepy stairwell oh man oh I've seen these before they're never good I feel like I do this every day oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh there is a salad that's joeo what happened to him oh my gosh he said ah get away from me I already gave you all my money wait what dude chill out I'm not I'm not a bad guy he said but you look rich uh yeah that that's the the point I I'm here to help what happened he said this place is evil I just wanted a vacation but they trapped me down here and stole all of my money oh my gosh when Marissa said she would show him around she probably took him down here are they all working together what is going on right now he said apparently they do it to a bunch of people just like me no wonder Mr Diamond stays so rich and this place is so expensive they just steal from regular people and that's how they get all their money that is so much more messed up than I thought can you get me out of here oh oh oh yeah yeah sorry my bad my bad don't worry I'm I'm getting you out of here Joe B said uh-oh what dude the door's open just turn around around oh no Mr diamonds he said not so fast how the heck did he deal with the fake tax people so quickly Mr Diamond said well well I did some research on you and found out you aren't a trillionaire no I I am look at my tiara only a trillionaire would have a tiara right it's like you're just a regular person uh well yeah so what okay you're a crazy person and I'm not saying anything about that until like right now he said any who since you've been caught it looks like I'll be making even more money oh no I have absolutely no idea how to get out of this situation I was supposed to be helping Jo oh this is not good it looks like we're both going to get trapped in there he said let's make this simple Carrie okay jeez Lise he just said something that got so hashtagged out I don't even want to know he said give me your bank info wait what no no way he said and you won't get hurt he wants me to give him my bank information absolutely not Joe said that's what he made me do well why would you do that that is so bad uh no way I won't do it I'm not dumb enough to do that you're literally crazy and you can't possibly get away with this I mean seriously trying to get People's Bank information is said who's going to stop me that is a very fair question I actually don't know Joe said protect me what what the heck am I supposed to do I'm in a ball gown cleany man John holy cow holy cow clean man John's said I don't think so and did he just knock him out with a baseball bat what kind of secret agent is he he said sorry I'm late had to finish arresting those other Rich guys for stealing money well you know what I'm not even mad good timing he said let's get you guys out of here and joeo said so do I get my money back honestly just be grateful that we're not locked in that cage right now and that we also helped expose a crazy trillionaire Hotel I am so getting out of here today I was in bloxburg when I was told to come to the police station because of a top secret mission this lady's millionaire friend went missing in my server and they wanted me to find her this seemed pretty crazy so I have to check it out guys I cannot believe officer goody wants me to go on this Mission but before I accept I need to know where exactly they went missing at because that could make this a much different situation where did you last see him she said he got on a cruise ship for trillionaires only that's all I know what uh huh how did he do that if he's only a millionaire that doesn't make any sense officer goody said that's exactly why it's suspicious you're the only one we know that can act annoying and Rich enough to get on that ship rude but you know what fine fine at least it's on a cruise ship so I'll I'll help this lady out I'm just going to say um I'll do my best and be annoying I guess okay you guys this is the cruise ship and it looks crazy I mean it literally says SS Trill which I'm assuming is short for trillionaire and it is like all diamond and blue and gold and this place is crazy but I need to be really careful because apparently somebody went missing on this ship no matter how fancy it is oh oh oh right over there that must be the captain I guess he's like greeting people coming onto the ship and hopefully he'll let me on or or at least just give me some information about said missing millionaire Captain trillionaires oh he definitely looks Rich I'm just going to say hi my name is Carrie I don't know who's behind all the missing stuff so I'm just going to be really nice he just said you don't look like a trillionaire this ship is for trillionaires only so go away poor girl I I barely had a chance to introduce myself are you kidding me you know what fine I won't be so nice anymore I'm going to say well I know that's not true because a millionaire was let on board so what about that oh gosh guys he doesn't look happy he said that's not true excuse me here go away you poor trash wo whoo wao okay okay guys he is really buff and he is like okay fine fine fine I am leaving jeez okay he was definitely lying about something and that is even more suspicious so now I definitely just have to find a better way to get on the ship and see what else I can find out about this missing millionaire all right guys my next game plan was to just dress up in a trillionaire disguise and then that should get me on this cruise ship okay there is Captain trillionaires over there and I think I look pretty rich right now all right here we go guys I'm going in I'm going in hi I am a trillionaire and I would like on this ship thank you you said sure I just need to see your ticket ma'am oh okay okay good news is that he doesn't recognize me bad news is that I don't have a ticket I I don't have one and maybe he'll just say never mind he said well you can't get on the ship without a ticket okay okay you know what I can do this um oh i' I've um never been on a cruise before my bad what all trillionaires have been on cruises are you sure you're a trillionaire oh jeez uh I'm going say of course but I got rich really really rich recently um so this is my first time oh he just said ah well there's a booth over there but if you're not a trillionaire you won't even be able to afford a ticket thank you I don't know why you was so mean about it there's literally a ticket booth but I'm a little afraid about how much this is going to cost hi um I need one ticket please you just said OMG he said do you know CPR because you just took my my door at the way what e are you serious this guy is trying to hit on me right now oh gosh okay okay okay you know what please one ticket thanks he said anything for you that'll be a trillion dollar a trillion dollar for one ticket guys I don't have that kind of money but maybe I can work with the fact that this guy is clearly a Sim I know what to do I know what to do here no that's that's too much money uh I'm I'm I'm too rich to pay for that he's said wait don't cry here it's on the house thank you guys I can't believe that worked okay okay here we go here we go here we go I'm getting on this ship he said hm I guess you really are a trillionaire he said you can go on in Oh My Gosh guys I can't believe that actually worked holy cow now that I am officially on board I should definitely go ask some other people on ship if they know anything about this missing millionaire oh oh oh oh there's somebody in the cafe right now she looks nice enough to approach and she's by herself so I'm going to go up and be pretty casual I'm going to say hey OMG I love your outfit she said a thanks it's customade she said I can give you my designer's number if you want wow okay uh that's really bougie um so uh have you met any millionaires on this ship she said what of course not millionaires are losers Captain would never let one on the ship okay okay that was that was a bit more intense than I expected it to be oh I I I was just gossiping rich people love to gossip right I'm just going to say I was just gossiping cuz I I heard one was was let on on the ship I'm trying to trying to play it cool you guys oh jeez this might have been a mistake she said the lady that told you that was lying obviously she's just poor and jealous of our money wait guys I didn't say anything about about a lady she just said now go away I'm eating okay okay jeez guys she got so defensive are you kidding me that was real suspicious I will say that was definitely strange but I still don't have any more leads guys I have been looking all over the place and the ship is so huge that I haven't seen anything weird yet but there has got to be something suspicious looking I mean there's literally a gazillion hallways and gazillion door oh that door is different from the other doors you guys oh my gosh I knew it I knew I would find something suspicious and it's locked it's locked it's got a giant lock right on the front you guys ohoh Captain trillionaires pleas said excuse me what are you doing here um I'm just going to play dumb and say ha got lost on on on the ship it's so big he said you should be getting ready for the party tonight so get out of here I didn't didn't even know there was a party I'm going to say oh I I I totally forgot so what's this what's this big lock for he said I don't know how you got rich being this stupid that's none of your business I'll go to your room fine fine I'll go to my room and get ready for this dumb party if I want to get behind that door and try to find the missing millionaire I guess I have to go to this party all right guys I am ready for this party and I'm hoping that it is really busy so that I can sneak out without anyone noticing me and oh oh oh I can see like a chat bubble up here what the heck Miss DOA bills and Captain trillionaires what are they talking about she said all right I don't think anyone is around Captain trillionaire said so any updates Mrs dollar bills oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh there they are Miss doll Bill said I found another Millionaire on This Server Captain trillionaire said that's great the more millionaires we can find the better I I thought they didn't like millionaires what the heck is going on I'll get them on this ship tonight oh oh oh oh she's she's leaving she's leaving oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh luckily she didn't see me oh my god oh y Captain trillionaires again he just said hey what are you doing over here I told you to go to the party I'm just going to play dumb again and say uh I I got distracted he said right you're on my watch list no he said if I see you acting suspicious one more time I am kicking you off this ship got it got it got it okay okay guys I am going to run just holy cow I guess I have to be going to this party guys I am at the party and there's just a bunch of trillionaires here I'm hoping that since they're all pretty occupied I can just sneak out of this party without anyone noticing and catch up to miss Dolla built Mr chi-ching just said hey you over there come join us it's party time I don't want to party with these people oh my gosh I literally don't want to talk to them okay you know what I'm going to say uh I'm I'm going to find the the food party please have food he said where are you going we were just about to make it rain oh my gosh seriously he just threw a bunch of money out I guess I'm just going to have to entertain these guys and then I can leave yeah party time yeah I love partying okay I'm just going to dance a little bit oh seriously meline has money just said this boat is sick no poor people and Money Man Mitchie just said Woo and then Mr cha-ching said yeah poor people suck these guys are ter terrible I do not want to be spending my time with them I want to be solving the mystery of where these millionaires are going off to meline said too bad so sad they should have been born rich okay guys they are so messed up I can't believe I have to entertain this oh money man Mitchie just said hey I need to talk to you come with me uh oh oh okay okay guys uh I'm I'm going he seems really serious have I been exposed oh maybe I wasn't partying hard enough oh jeez this might be bad bad hopefully he doesn't know that I'm not a trillionaire he just whispered and said I know you're not a trillionaire no no no I have been exposed he said relax I won't expose you I'm just here to tell you I know the captain's up to no good my gosh guys what do you know okay guys I finally have some sort of lead here okay he said look all I know is the captain and Miss doll bills are having a secret meeting tonight in the room with the locked door I knew the lock door was something weird Okay I I know I know where that is uh how do I get in I have to figure out what they talk about in that meeting he said the captain has to let you in he's got a key to the secret meeting room but he only lets in people he likes and so far he only let in Miss doll bills because she's the meanest trillionaire of them all how am I supposed to get him to like me I'm already on his watch list and M do bills definitely doesn't like me I might have an idea I'm just going to say thank you I got this I really hope this works okay you guys I am right out outside of Captain trillionaire little steering room and I have a plan to hopefully befriend him very quickly so I can get into that meeting so I'm just going to go ahead and go in excuse me hi to get his attention a little bit okay he looks very focused right now I'm going to say you're doing an amazing job steering this ship guys I am just going to try and compliment the heck out of this guy and hopefully he gets me off his watch list he said oh thanks it's about time my work gets appreciated it makes sense that this ship is for trillionaires only being around poor people sucks yeah oh gosh I feel like a terrible person he said that's right I'd rather drown than let poor people on my ship holy cow this guy really is a jerk but I've got to keep playing along if I want to get on his good side I'm going to say yeah uh the the world would be a better place without poor people in it he said I'm glad we see eye to eye okay guys it looks like he's warming up to me a little bit here's a $1,000 tip for your services all right you guys I'm a literally about to spend $8,000 on this guy but if it gets me in that meeting and figures out what they're doing to these other millionaires it will have been worth it oh he just said wow well how about that you're not like other trillionaires are you definitely not especially in the sense that I'm not actually a trillionaire I'm going to say uh I like to spend my money on true friends oh jeez oh jeez come on please I have a feeling that this guy is actually just really lonely and sad so he wants affirmation and friends oh he said I like you how would you like to go to to a top secret meeting with me and Miss doll bills looks like you hate poor people just as much as we do oh my gosh yes guys I did it clearly flattery does get you somewhere so I'm just going to say I'd love to okay yes guys I got in the meeting perfect okay you guys it is time for the secret meeting I am following Captain trillionaires to the locked door all right here we go here we go I'm about to see what is behind this door oh gosh oh oh my gosh there is Kyle has cash that the missing millionaire and and Marie Millions it looks like Mills already captured another millionaire Captain trillionaire said we have a special guest Miss doll bills and she said you let her into our secret meeting okay clearly she uh still doesn't like me from our little interaction in the cafe he said I'm sure you'll like her too Miss doll bills oh my gosh oh my gosh she said she hates poor people just as much as we do guys I cannot believe that they have them in a cage over here M doel said all right if you say so oh my gosh oh my gosh you know what guys I am in the meeting right now so I'm going to go ahead and ask um so why are they in a cage oh my gosh guys I don't know what I'm going to do here Captain said this is how we stay Rich huh he said we're going to rob all the millionaires we can find and become the only rich people in the world what guys this plan is insane they can't just capture every single millionaire oh my gosh oh my gosh okay um I need to figure out how thought out this plan is so I'm going to say um so what what happens if you get caught you know I mean what happens once they rob the Millionaires and then they I know go to the police or something she said we won't once we drain these losers bank accounts we'll get rid of them with wait where is she going oh my gosh oh my gosh where is she going what no freaking way there is a pirate plank into the ocean guys this is crazy they make them walk the plank oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay Captain trillionaire said get them out of that cage Miss doll bills we got to get started wait right now oh my gosh I I have to do something I'm going to wait wait oh my gosh um I'm going to say you can't do this this this is so messed up oh my gosh oh my gosh I want to say no no matter how rich or poor they are this is wrong oh my gosh I cannot believe they built an entire pirate plank Captain trillionaire said excuse me why are you defending poor people you're supposed to hate them all right you guys you guys this is it this is it I have to just expose myself okay I'm going to say I am not a trillionaire I I'm here to expose you oh my gosh oh my gosh okay you know what I'm doing this hopefully they will just be scared enough Miss doll Bill said you're what Captain said ew you're a poor person that means you're going to walk the plank too wait huh no no I can't walk the plank oh my gosh oh this was a bad idea oh ah they God they have weapons they have weapons oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh I didn't think this through guys it is a 2v one right now guys this is is crazy I do not know how I'm going to get out of this one I don't have any weapons and it doesn't look like the millionaires have anything either he said there's nothing you can do now get ready to be shark bait M do Bill said it's time to walk the plank oh my gosh you guys I'm really afraid of heights and open ocean oh my gosh oh my gosh this is bad this is really bad come on what can I do what can I do to get us out of this there is no way I can make that jump and survive so I can't think of anything I don't have any plans guys I don't know what to do I don't have any plans and I don't want to walk the blank oh man oh man officer goody what the where did you come from Captain said what the guys I I am just as confused as he is I didn't call the cops this was not in my plan I really thought I was about to walk off this plank money man mie said Terry I figured you might need some help so I paid for the cop's ticket to board the ship wait guys this guy must be a super trillionaire if he bought a second ticket holy cow officer goody said good work Carrie you saved the day well I was about to fall off of this plank so I don't think I did but I'm going to take the credit anyway he said now these two are going to jail oh my gosh I can't believe this I actually found the missing Millionaires and got the evil trillionaires captured okay I am just glad that everyone is finally saved and honestly I never want to get on a cruise ship ever again today I was in bloxburg and saw a school for Rich Kids Only but when I went to check it out a teacher appeared and kicked me off for being too poor you guys know places like this always have a secret so I'm going under cover to find out what it is I cannot believe Miss Goldie bars just kicked me off of her plot oh God she's coming over here she said can you not read go away before I make you leave poor girl oh my gosh okay okay guys need to get out of here but I'm going to get into that school no matter what okay you guys I am back at the rich kid school and I figured the best way to investigate was by going undercover myself as a super super rich kid so now they have to let me in because I look loaded even my headband has stacks of money on it oh oh oh there is Mrs Goldie bars hopefully she doesn't remember my name she said hello there are you a new student I'm just going to say I yes I am she still looks kind of grumpy though she said you look very rich so you love this school okay I mean I guess I kind of expected something like that she said especially since there's no poor people here okay wow um I knew that she didn't like poor people but to say it to a student that is kind of messed up oh oh oh oh there's the there's the Bell okay she said it's time for class all right you guys there's definitely something going on at this Rich Kids Only school and I'm going to find out what it is it looks like I found my first class you guys it is time to see what rich kid class is really like and right off the bat I mean this place is super fancy our chairs are like literally golden Miss Goldie bar said Carrie you made it have a seat we're about to start class okay okay okay going over to my seat there's not too many kids in here but I'm assuming there's not too many kids that can afford to go here I don't really know she said I have a big announcement oh okay uhoh class as everyone knows our school is only for the rich and being poor isn't a low all right clearly that is what they're teaching in the classes too so it's definitely as messed up as I thought Tommy your parents got fired from work and your family is broke now so you're expelled Tommy said wait huh oh my gosh wait is that the announcement they she just said all of that in front of the entire class oh my gosh Miss Goldie bars is call calling for security he said you're coming with me broke boy are you kidding me Tommy said no I love the school wait where are they are they like kicking him out what the heck Miss Goldie bar said okay now then time for class I was wrong this school is way more messed up than I thought all right it's lunchtime now and I'm going to try to get in with a couple of these other students and see if I can get some information out of them because that class was insane oh okay okay here is Samantha and Arya and they have an entire salmon platter in front of them what kind of school lunch is this okay I'm going to gree myself I'm going to sit say I'm going to greet myself I'm going to greet them I'm going to say uh hi guys can I sit here okay this is always nerve-wracking asking to sit at a different lunch table Samantha said oh hey Arya said hey of course okay okay I'm going to go around here I'm just going to sit down act casual Arya looks a little evil I'm not going to lie she's got like flames in her eyes or something she said you're the new kid wasn't it cool when that poor loser got dragged out of class this girl is clearly very mean she's laughing about what happened to Tommy oh my gosh okay I definitely need to play along though before they get suspicious so I'm going to say um yeah uh such a I don't know such a loser I feel bad insulting that kid I mean it wasn't his fault Arya said seriously he was okay she is really doubling down on that and wait Samantha just whispered to me said hey um I don't think Tommy got expelled wait why is she whispering to me right now Arya is just talking openly in the chat she said listen I don't hate poor kids like everyone else here does and you don't look like you do either uh I don't why don't you think Tommy got kicked out she said the teachers here seem super sus I think they're keeping him somewhere wait um I'm just going to say got it thing got to go to the bathroom I don't know good enough hopefully Arya doesn't make fun of me for that but I have got to go do some more investigating I actually have no idea how I'm supposed to find out more information I mean everything in this school looks super spotless super pristine honestly I can't think of another way without just breaking into the teacher's office but that seems a little dangerous okay I'm going to check that the oh oh there's Miss Goldie bars and the security guard that took Tommy away hold on they're talking he said the trash has been placed in the trash can miss Goldie bar said good work you'll get paid later after I go check on it why does Miss Goldie bars need to check on the trash that doesn't make any sense and he's oh oh oh there he's running he's running ooh that was close I almost got caught right there they definitely have enough money at this school to hire a janitor and a security guard so I don't know why the security guard's talking about the trash either unless they're speaking in a code what if Tommy is the trash then that means Miss Goldie bar said you'll get paid later after I go check on it oh she's on the move she is on the Move where is she going she's out of sight okay I'm going to try and sneak around to this door and see where she went oh oh it looks like she went into the library guys this is going to be my best chance at finding Tommy there she is there she is I need to get into the library I'm going to go through these doors since she's got her back turned there she is there she is what is she doing I mean it's literally lunchtime right now shouldn't she be on her break or something like that there has got to be something going on in the library there is no other reason for her to be in here right now oh my gosh she just opened up a bookshelf OMG one of the bookshelves is a Secret Door holy cow what is she doing down there that has got to be where Tommy is wait I think I see her usern name she's coming back she's coming back wait is she leaving oh my gosh she is she left okay I guess that was her checking on something which is a little suspicious don't you think okay okay this is my chance I still got a little bit of time left Ive got to go see what's behind this secret door oh jeez hopefully she left it unlock she did she did she left it unlock I bet she thought because it's a secret door no one would find it in the first place just on her oh jeez oh that is a big staircase leading to a scary basement oh jeez okay okay I have a very bad feeling about this I have got to see what's down here but I'm not going to lie I'm really scared oh my gosh there's another door okay okay okay I can do this I'm brave I came here for a reason I came here to find out the problem that's exactly what I'm going to do here we go here we go I'm going in oh my gosh there's Tommy and who the heck is Jason and jelly beans what there's multiple kids down here are you kidding me Tommy said hey you're the girl from my class what are you doing down here and Jason Jelly Bean said who are you I should be asking the same question but but that's not the point I'm here to help what happened how the heck did you get trapped I really honestly thought they just kicked you out of the school Tommy said well we're poor so the staff of the school forced us to take care of the school at night he said that's why it looks so perfect my gosh that makes so much sense no wonder I didn't see a single worker in the kitchen I cannot believe this I knew Miss Goldie bars was mean but she's using poor kids for free labor Tommy said hey uh are you going to leave us trapped here hello oh oh just give me a second okay so the first thing I would need to do is find a key because they are locked in here really tight then once I get them out I'm going to need some type of distraction in order to sneak them out of this G enormous school okay okay okay um Tommy just said well okay clearly patience is not a virtue here he said it's been longer than a second look um I think I might have a plan but if this is going to work I need to work quickly so just hang tight right there oh jeez there's everyone everyone is standing literally right there all right here we go let's hope this works fire fire fire fire everyone run get out there's a fire there's a fire in the building go go go go go come on come on come on let me see hopefully they're running into the courtyard go go go go go it's uh burning the the whole building down someone called the fire department my gosh Arya is freaking out they're all in front of the school okay now it is my chance I don't think any of them saw me not run out of the school so now I just have to go find the key to the cell I'm checking with my first instinct and that is going to be in Miss Goldie Bar's office but I have to be really careful right here because everyone is still in the courty yard the door to the school is literally wide open Miss Goldie bar said everyone stay calm help is on the way okay they have already called for help for the quote unquote fire so I don't have a whole lot of time all right all right her office is unlocked now let's just hope Miss Goldie bars didn't stop and grab the key before she ran out of the building otherwise her priorities are seriously messed up all right let's see let's see anything appear nothing come on come on show me a key literally I I kind of feel bad Samantha is was totally freaking out she said I'm so scared I hope the school doesn't burn down she was actually the only one who was kind of nice and normal you know what it's from the greater good okay I've got to get those kids out of the basement key key anywhere no okay okay that's fine that's fine that's fine hey oh a key a key I found it I found it I found it yes there we go there we go thank you I will grab that all right all right I've got the key I've got the key now it is time to go get those poor kids out of the scary basement don't you worry guys I'm coming for you I see their usern names are clearly still there yes okay okay Tommy said OMG you're back what's happening up there uh long story but I got to get yall out uh Tommy said you took long enough I I'm doing my best jeez okay here we go here we go now listen I need y'all to listen to me you have to be quiet and very fast all right Tommy said all right and Jason said okay okay uh Jason still looks a little hysterical right now so hopefully he can handle this come on guys we have got to get out of here but you know so far so good my plan's actually kind of working and I haven't had any hiccups all right here we go here we go now on my word book it out the door okay three 2 one run run run run run run run run oh no uhoh uhoh uhoh back up back up don't run don't run oh miss Goldie bars is here she said what do you think you're doing and guys why does she have a giant gun Tommy said what do I do now dummy you know I'm I'm not even dealing with that right now miss Goldie bar said I had a feeling there wasn't really a fire but I didn't expect to find a rat in my school just everyone calm down okay oh jeez you know what you're crazy and I'm exposing you for trapping these kids Jason said yeah okay this is not the time to have my back now she said shut up they should be grateful to even be allowed in the building are you serious right now what the heck she said the least they can do is work for us all right this lady clearly does not feel sorry at all Jason said all right Carrie what do we do okay Jason is now panicking even more said she has a gun I know I have got to get these kids out of here but she has a giant weapon and that is the only exit to the entire School looks like we're going to have another worker once we catch the three of you you I don't even think there's a single open window what are we going to do uh maybe if we just like all split up and try and run around her but I don't know I don't know if I want to risk it with the giant weapon oh oh my gosh oh my gosh officer goody he said I'm here to stop a fire wait this Goldie bar said um officer goody said you're a teacher why do you have a weapon she said this isn't what it looks like oh yes it is she's trying to attack us as oer goody said you're under arrest lady Miss Goldie bars said wait no oh my gosh oh miss Goldie bars is on the Run holy cow holy cow officer Good's chasing after go on guys run we've got to get the heck out of here oh my gosh I cannot believe officer goody showed up at the perfect time and even though it was kind of a close one I'm going to consider that a success today I was in bloxburg and saw a guy getting thrown out of a gym apparently this gym was for celebrities only and this guy wasn't famous enough anymore so they were kicking him out he seemed really angry and even threatened the trainer before running off now since I'm a YouTuber I thought I could get inside but when I tried to walk in the trainer didn't believe me and said I looked like a loser I cannot believe how mean that stupid gym owner was what does he mean that he doesn't think I'm a YouTuber just cuz I'm not flashing money around no flash not every YouTuber can afford a Lamborghini and you know what I want to know what's so special about this gym as especially since that other famous dude was so mad about getting kicked out so I guess I'm just going to have to look famous enough to get inside all right you guys I am back out in front of the gym with a total makeover okay I put on the fanciest clothes I could find that I feel like probably only fancy super famous people would wear I've got the Gucci pants I've got designer headphones headphones I've got designer sunglasses and I also got full face of makeup on because I feel like people wear full faces of make make up to the gym sometimes I got my phone in my hand because you always got to be posting on social medias when you're famous so hopefully this works okay you know what he's not standing outside at least so at least I can get into the lobby here we go oh there he is there he is hello I am super famous he said you again I told you this place is for celebrities only well I have over 1 million subscribers so what about this he said hm that is enough to enter but you're going to need to prove it what how the heck am I supposed to prove it he said step on the famous machine and I'll check how famous you are is that that's what this little thing is right here seriously if this is all I had to do I could have just done this in the first place and I had to change my whole outfit what's what's supposed to be happening here is there like a light or a flashing thing I don't understand how this works he said liar you aren't famous get out of here what seriously what what kind of machine there must have been about function or something he said Sho jeez okay okay you guys this guy is totally ridiculous something's wrong with the machine I have no idea how I'm supposed to get inside this gym but I really want to see it huh what the wait Jamie loves YouTube just said OMG carry hi I love your videos oh she's got my hoodie on I'm just going to say hi she said I'm your biggest fan oh my gosh wait that's so sweet thank you jro Marcus said excuse me kid do you know this lady oh my gosh you guys that is the perfect way to get into this gym and prove that people do watch my videos Sub sometimes Jamie said um duh she's Carrie hi she said she's my favorite Roblox YouTuber oh my gosh wait she's being so nice this girl is so cute she said everyone that watches her videos needs to sub oh my gosh period on that she's being so nice to me Marcus said so you weren't lying after all you can join our gym carry oh really okay okay you know what I mean it was kind of a pain but at least I get to go inside the gym now wait Marcus said I'll even be your personal trainer I'm just going to say okay cool and honestly guys because of all the security to get in here I'm even more suspicious about this place I feel like they might be hiding something okay guys I just left after talking to Jamie for a little while and now that I am inside the gym this place is actually really fancy I mean I can understand why celebrities go here because it looks really nice for now go meet some of the other celebrities in the cafe I'm going to set up for our first training session and I'll let you know when it's ready I'm just going to say got it okay honestly maybe this place is just really exclusive because like they've got all personal trainers and it's really fancy they've got a whole Cafe and everything oh oh I see someone else and since they're in here that means they must be a celebrity oh my gosh Superstar Emma you guys literally she is so famous I cannot believe this she's got her whole little gym bag her outfits so cute she said hey girl are you new to the gym I'm just going to say yes I am wait guys this is kind of fun she said don't you just love this gym I'm going to say uh yeah I just got here but it's so cool she said I've gotten in such good shape I'm going to say that's great I mean clearly other celebrities are happy here I wonder what that guy must have did to get kicked out though she said and the best part is we don't have to deal with dumb regular people she said I don't even know why those twerps go to the gym okay I mean people go to the gym to be healthy she said they're all ugly anyways H that was really rude I didn't know that Emma hated regular people so much oh Marcus is back he said Carrie you ready to work out I'm I'm just going to say sure I I don't even know how to end that conversation right now but I guess we'll see you know if at least like the workouts really good okay it's looking like this is the main workout area and uh it's kind of intense over here but since this place is for celebrities only I'm hoping that the workouts pretty cool I'm not exactly sure what all it entails I'm kind of nervous he said all right let's get our sweat on okay all right you know what I can do this I can put some reps it oh Gym trainer Jack said excuse me boss we need your help with the special training uh what's the special training is isn't that what personal training is I he said sorry Carrie the special training is for our celebs that really need some help getting in shape I got to help with that so I can't work out until tomorrow whoops I what the our workout session was literally about to start I don't know how to use any of this by myself so much for a personal trainer okay guys I just got home from the gym and what a waste of a cute little workout outfit I am going to go back tomorrow though just because I'm really curious about this special training they were talking about I don't know something about this gym seems kind of off to me who who the heck is that wait a second feel like I've seen this guy before famous guy Ben he said hey you did you just start going to the celebrity gym oh my gosh you guys this is the guy that got kicked out how does he know where I live uh I'm just going to say uh yeah I did what's up he said have you seen what they're up to what I I I mean it it seems pretty normal I mean besides the occasional snotty celebrity he said that Jim is up to no good when I started asking questions about the special training they kicked me out and ruined my career be careful hey you can't just run off after saying something like that that's why they kicked him out and to ruin his career I mean that's pretty harsh okay you guys that was a really strange honly enough I kind of feel like I can trust that guy I don't know whatever it is I feel like it has to do with the special training okay guys it is the next day and I'm back at the gym and this time I going to try and ask about the special training for my personal session and hopefully I can get some information without Marcus being too suspicious of me and trying to kick me out so there he is there he is okay I'm running over he said Carrie sorry about yesterday I am so ready to train you today though hey no worries I'm actually a super beginner so I was uh wondering about the special training he said oh really I'm going to say uh yeah I I need so much help he said well the special training is very expensive can you afford it uh yes I'll pay any amount for results okay and hopefully it's not too expensive because I don't know that might back fire on me but we're going with it he said perfect follow me me you're going to love this oh okay I guess it's not up here uh oh oh we're going in the elevator are we are we going to a basement or something guys I have a really bad feeling about this this might have been a mistake Marcus said we need to go up to the third floor for training okay I didn't know there was a third floor but guys at least it's not a basement it just looks like a regular J what the what is going on in there is that like a prison cell door who is Chris loves cookies is just running on a treadmill but guys I'm prettyy sure he's locked in there why does it look like he's being forced to run right now okay I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this this is our special training this is the motivation room where you can watch fat people run to feel better about yourself excuse me that is awful and also like get with the times that is such a mean thing to say if that's where you get your motivation from you should probably uh check yourself he said and it gets better that's only for motiv ating you next I'll show you how to get quick results okay guys I don't know where he is leading me right now but if it gets worse than this I don't know what I got myself into oh jeez this is going to be bad isn't it what the heck is this what some kind of science lab hold on and there's movie guy Jeffrey and Kyle buff boy in there wait he said this is our body transformation machine this is how we help celebrities get the body they want watch this oh my gosh wait how how the heck did that happen movie guy Jeffrey just said sick I'm buff now wait he didn't even do anything H how does this even work I am so confused he said we trap regular people with nice bodies and give them to celebrities this is how you can get buffed without needing to be in the gym 247 that is so messed up I just said ready for your turn wait my turn no guys guys I cannot do this I I I got to I got to pee real bad real bad sorry sorry I'll be right back I'll be right back got to go got to go got to go oh my gosh you guys I don't know what I'm going to do but I've got to find a way to stop this and I am definitely going to need some help okay okay you guys I made it back to the main area of the gym and I called for some backup but until they arrive I'm going to need to find a way to stall Marcus I mean I can't be in the bathroom forever so hopefully I can figure something out oh oh speak of the devil oh my gosh he said Carrie why'd you run all the way over here we have a bathroom in the special training section too didn't know my my bad didn't know about that other bathroom he said that's okay I'm ready to get you in shape though so let's get to work guys I do not want to get in shape like this this is so wrong going to the gym is about taking care of yourself not trying to swap bodies with people oh yes the backup he said hey stupid Jim bro guess who's back uhoh Marcus is mad he said you again you're B from this gym loser oh oh Ben's running he said oh really you're going to stop me from working out Catch Me If You Can holy cow wait wait this is my chance this is my chance now I've got to go save all of those people that are trapped and get the heck out of here go down to the basement come on come on come on hopefully that other trainer is not down there honestly guys I didn't even think about that here we go here we go oh my gosh okay Chris and Kyle are both in here Kyle still looks super weak after going through that whole experiment so I probably am going to have to carry him out but Chris actually seems okay even after being forced to run that whole time so he might be able to follow me out Chris said who are you um don't worry I am here to help get y'all out just follow me and everything is going to be fine let me just pick him up okay okay okay actually I'm I might be stronger than I thought and Chris said uh that might be a problem uh why oh no oh no uhoh Marcus is here he said stop right there what are you doing okay you know what uh this is so wrong and I'm getting this place shut down okay Marcus said shut down yes you can't do this to people he said who cares they're regular people and you're famous he said they don't matter don't you want to get in shape well um not like this and just because somebody's body looks different than yours doesn't mean it's wrong everybody is a beautiful body how many heard that and even if I did want to go to the gym I definitely don't want to do it at this place he said well you should have thought about that before you signed up for special training now I can't let you leave you are not going to ruin my business oh well well I just don't know how to get across the floor to the elevator um wait Chris just messaged me he said hey I think I have an idea he said when you get the signal hit that big button you know what you guys I don't have any other option so I'm just is going to say okay he said time for my revenge oh what the oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh he just picked him up and is running into the machine wait oh is that the queue is that the queue okay I'm pushing the button holy cow oh my gosh oh my gosh Chris and Marcus just swapped their bodies Marcus said no my gains Chris said haha I finally got my body back he said Marcus swapped our bodies right when I got here that must have been how he got trapped oh my gosh okay but now that their bodies are swapped he can't catch us anymore come on come on come on Marcus said you'll regret this Christian said nah come on come on in the elevator in the elevator here we go here we go we are going all the way up and actually I don't think we're going to regret this because I am going to get this place totally shut down and every celebrity and trainer that was involved is definitely getting arrested now let's get the heck out of here darling we're poor we can't even pay our bills what do you you me we need to make money fast and I know exactly how to do it all right guys I am just now getting back from getting my parents groceries since they haven't had time to go and oh what the uh Wesley Richie 09 just said perfect Carrie is finally help uh who the heck is Wesley Richie 09 uh my mom just said we're poor and you're going to save us by marrying this rich man wait huh Wesley Richie 09 just said I'm going to be your new husband you're way better looking than my other wife wait other wife you're already married what the heck is happening right now he said oops my ex-wife she dumped me so I hate her but you'll never leave me wo wo wo wo wo mom this this isn't going to work I mean there has to be another way to make money right I don't have to marry this guy no there isn't now it's time to get you a wedding dress already you've got to be kidding me I have got to get myself out of this you guys my mom took me to Wesley's like crazy mansion and his maid already had a wedding dress ready for me you've got to be kidding me right now his ma Stephanie just said Wesley is going to be amazed when you walk down the aisle I don't know maybe I can get some information out of her she looks a little nervous uh I got to play it off casual though so I'm just going to say haha so um what do you think about Wesley she just said why do you ask um you know what maybe I'll just try being blunt I'm just going to say well uh this is my mom's idea and I don't know he seems a little uh off she said off what do you mean off he's not hiding anything I didn't say he was hiding anything so that must mean he is what is he hiding what's going on you better tell me right now she said if you keep snooping you'll end up just like her his ex oh no oh no got hashtagged um uh his his other other wife forget what I said just go and enjoy your wedding day you have got to be kidding me okay my suspicions are definitely confirmed and the only way to stop this wedding is to figure out what the heck Wesley Richie is hiding the wedding is literally about to start right now they're trying to force me down the aisle this is happening so fast my mom just said hurry up Carrie it's time to get married oh oh jeez oh jeez um I have to be I have to be I have to be I have to be oh gosh okay okay um well at least that about myself sometime and now I just have to get back to his house so I can investigate what's going on here for myself okay guys I am back at Wesley's mansion and I am determined to figure out what the heck he is hiding hopefully my bathroom stunt bought me enough time hold on a second I think this there's a sign by the pool house that says no entry I don't know about that you guys but I think that's a red flag to me wait a minute there's a weird Square on the floor yes I found it yes yes ew ew ew okay it's uh watery that's gross I'm sneaking come on yes yes it's unlocked here we go whatever he's hiding has got to be behind this door oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh there is a girl in a cage in here you've got to be freaking kidding me she said I his exwife he trapped me here when I tried to divorce him that must have been what the maid was talking about if I kept snooping he must be planning on holding me hostage too she just said you have to get me out of here okay it's locked how there's there's nothing over here she said there's a key but he must have hidden it somewhere in the house okay uh don't you worry I will find it ASAP just hang tight like you have a choice come on I'm not seeing anything down there that mostly just looks like plain decorations I'm going to check upstairs maybe in his bedroom there it is Wesley's Butler Carrie why aren't you at the wedding um he said should I call Sir Richie oh no no no no no no no no no uh that won't be necessary um I'm here because he forgot the forgot the Rings forgot the wedding rings oh really he never forgets things he likes oh gosh you guys the butler is acting kind of suspicious I wonder if he's in on the kidnapping um but I got to double down on this uh um he's probably just uh nervous you know wding Jitters he said that's true any man would be nervous marrying such a pretty girl he said have a good wedding thank you okay you guys he left I guess there is no checking upstairs right now oh but he has an office over here he has an office okay okay okay this is perfect not looking like these cabinets open and so I'm just going to check these shelves come on there has got to be oh the key the key I found it I found it I found it thank you all right time to go get Mandy out of there don't worry Mandy I'm here I'm here I'm here I I got it she said yes now let me out okay here you go here you go bada big bada boom I did it now the only problem is that I definitely can't marry Wesley if this is what he's doing to his Ex-Wives so I don't really know what I'm going to do but if I'm gone for too long he's definitely going to start looking for me but it's already been kind of a while for a bathroom break wait Mandy just said go back to the chapel huh wait she said stall the wedding I have a plan what okay I mean I guess I trust her but I don't know how long I can stall this wedding for I am back at the chapel you guys it looks like everyone is still in there my plan is to try and fake being sick but I'm going to have to really convince everyone if I want this to work oh oh there's my mom there's my mom Carrie it's time to walk down the aisle okay hopefully this works here we go oh my mom literally didn't even know notice she is moving let me all right let me really play it up here wesy said my love are you feeling all right okay here we go no I feel awful um oh okay make it bigger make it bigger uh the room is spitting um I feel like I'm going to pass out here here we go here's for the pengu come on did it work did it work did it work oh oh he just said she passed out this wedding is a disaster yes yes come on come on come on he said someone call an ambulance yes it worked okay I should be good at the hospital for a while and that should give Mandy plenty of time to finish out whatever plann she's hopefully got in the works oh no oh no Wesley's here he said Carrie you're finally awake um oh gosh I cannot believe he's actually here honestly I thought he'd just be annoyed and leave but I still need to go along with it and uh I'm going to say ha sorry for getting sick sick he said don't be sad my love we can still get married right here wait what no no we can't uh it's a hospital we can't get married in a hospital oh no guys I didn't see this coming he said sure we can I kicked out all the other people so it's just us and Pastor Stan okay oh this is bad this is bad okay you know what um why don't we just um think about this okay we don't have to do it right here in the hospital what's the rush Wesley said no no more waiting we are getting married right now oh gosh okay okay you know what I don't have another choice this is like my plan Z everyone stand back okay get back now I'm not marrying anybody Wesley said huh are you breaking up with me but we're in love I do not love you okay you're crazy okay so just don't even get near me I have a green syren and I'm not afraid to use it oh he said I'm not crazy holy cow um no you you definitely are you are definitely crazy uh-oh he said fine if you won't be my wife then I'll have to trap you forever oh guys he's not afraid to the syringe he's going to trap me like Mandy I got to get out of here guys I don't know where he got the hatchet from but I'm going to need something to defend myself a little bit better since he's got that oh no he said I won't let you leave me Carrie oh gosh oh gosh go I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running oh jeez oh jeez um okay the only way I'm going to do this is if I catch him by surprise oh he's just running around oh he's swinging the axe okay okay I'm climbing climbing come on come on let me get on the roof come on let me up here please okay I'm going this way I'm going this way let's see if I can find a better way up there okay okay I'm going to hide in here for just a second let's see what do I have come on come on none of these are going to work out all right all right you guys this just might get him only if he doesn't see me oh no he said where'd you go my love we still have to get married oh gosh there he is there he is all right I'm going to get up here I'm just going to wait for him to walk into the right direction and then I will plant the bomb here it comes here it comes here it comes perfect I'm going to try and drop it right behind him there it is there it is all right here we go come on there yes yes did I get him I did it I did it he's down he's down he's down oh my gosh I can't believe it I actually got him but where the heck is Mandy ow my head hurts well that's what you get okay for trying to capture me and your ex-wife okay you're insane the police the police and Mandy are you kidding me she said Carrie looks like I made it just in time after I had already handled it by myself you know what fine maybe she's late but at least she still showed up oh okay Officer goody said you are under arrest sir Wesley said why do you both hate me I want why um because you trap people Mandy said take him away officer oh my gosh okay there he goes all right well at least I don't have to marry that creep
Channel: CariPlays - Roblox Movies
Views: 403,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox movies, cari, cari plays, cari plays roblox, cari roblox, roblox cari, Roblox Movie, RobloxRP, Roblox Story
Id: 6yK6nmaFTaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 36sec (4236 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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