EX Boyfriend Kidnapped My FAMILY! (Full Movie)

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today I was in bloxburg picking up my son from school when I noticed he was nowhere to be found suddenly his teacher appeared from school freaking out and said that baby hyper was missing nobody had any idea where he was but I have to find my son guys I cannot believe this what do you mean baby hyper is missing are you sure he's nowhere around here I mean it's not like baby hyper to just like go off with a stranger or anything like that he said I'm positive I've been looking around all day for him and nobody has seen him anywhere oh my gosh you guys I dropped him off this morning so unless he just decided to skip school for some reason and I guess he really did go missing teacher Thomas just said I'm so sorry ma'am I'm a failure as a teacher did you check all of the cameras I mean this school has security cameras everywhere so I'm sure they already did I just want to check all of my bases wait a minute no we didn't H he said that's a genius follow me okay you guys um I cannot believe they didn't actually check the security cameras yet but um that should be the first thing they do maybe once we find baby hyper we'll have to find a new school okay it looks like the teacher is checking the security cameras right now and hopefully one of these cameras catches baby hyper so I'm just going to ask uh do you see anything guys I said all right I've set the cameras to today's date he said hm I don't see anything yet oh oh he just said oh oh my my gosh oh my gosh what did he find what is it he said I found him that's bad what move move move move move move let me see let me see let me see oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no okay there's baby hyper he's just playing on the playground oh my gosh oh my gosh wait somebody kidnapped him I can't believe this what am I going to do we have to call the police or something I can't believe baby hyper got kidnapped te Thomas said but that guy looked at the camera that's true that's true he did look at the camera he said do you know who he is is I mean guys I'm not 100% sure I couldn't totally make out the usernames and he was wearing a mask but eyes looked kind of familiar oh no oh my gosh this is bad guys I might have an idea of who did it but if I'm right pink paper is in big trouble all right you guys I am pulling up to my ex-boyfriend Tristan's house because after watching the security cam footage I don't know man those eyes seemed real familiar and I am pretty sure they were Tristan's I don't really have any other proof besides that but my instincts are telling me that I'm right so let's see if he's got baby hyper you guys I have no idea why he would go and kidnap my son but if I'm right I am totally going to rage hello Tristan oh guys okay there he is there he is guys I would never willingly just go to this guy's house but just for times call for desperate measures he just said Carrie are you finally here to confess your love for me no okay and I'm not here to joke around where's baby hyper okay where where are you keeping him Tristan said what baby Hyper's missing okay don't play dumb here you guys um maybe I need to intimidate him a little bit I'm just say um obviously you know I recognize you in the security footage I'm going to say now fess up before the cops arrive I mean guys I haven't actually called the cops yet but I'm just going to intimidate him a little bit and see if he just confesses and then we can get this over with he said I'm glad you think about my face but I'm telling you I had nothing to do with this okay first of all I don't think about your face second of all what do you mean you had nothing to do with this guys he's not acting that suspicious like he normally would be he just said I've been cleaning my house the entire day the whole day um maybe he is innocent you guys I don't know normally he'd be like kind of Tweaky right now or something I'm just going to say are you sure he said honestly I'd like to talk to you all day since I love you but I have some work to do so goodbye hope you find baby hyper wait wait Tristan what the okay um guys that was my only clue to who kidnapped baby hyper and he denied everything and he just said he was home all day so I don't know you guys I don't trust him regardless and my maternal instincts are still kicking in so I'm going to trust my gut I need to find another way to investigate this house all right you guys I am back outside Tristan's house and I am under cover in a cop disguise because I still think Tristan has something to do with baby Hyper's kidnapping okay there's got to be evidence inside his house I just need him to let me inside and luckily I already told him that I was going to call the cops earlier so this is the perfect chance to look around I'm going to go ahead and KN and maybe he won't act weird since it's not me oh there he is you guys he just said hello officer how may I help you I'm going to say uh hi sir I was reported um about a a kidnapping and I'm here to look around all right you guys I'm trying to just be super professional and very straightforward he said ma'am I assure you I have nothing to do with it okay guys he is still denying things and technically I can't force him to let me inside cuz I don't have a warrant so I need him to let me in there he said is there anything else I can help you with okay here we go you guys I have an idea I don't know if this is going to work work I'm just going to say uh listen man you seem uh like a nice guy and I don't think you're a kidnapper but there was a report and uh if you just let me look around um I can leave you alone he just said hm all right that makes sense go ahead and come inside yes okay okay you guys I actually did it I got him to invite me into his house so I'm doing nothing illegal right now except for impersonating an officer but it's fine all right you guys so far everything in here looks pretty normal I don't want to blow my cover just yet he said I'm going to be reading in the front here just let me know when you're done oh okay okay guys that's good I thought maybe he was going to like follow me around or something but this is perfect now I have free rain is that me okay that's weird um all right he just has a random picture of me in his living room but we did all know that Tristan was creepy uh but guys if he has baby hyper hidden somewhere then that means there's probably a secret door to some type of little like dungeon or something or cell I just have to find it so far everything looks pretty normal it's a little glitchy over here but I think that's just the wall regular bathroom okay guys oh man guys if I can't find anything I don't know what I am going to do so an office in here um wait guys this is suspicious um there's just a circle of books right here and oh my gosh I see a handle oh my God can I open this guys I just found a secret latch this has got to be where he's keeping baby hyper ha I found it I can get him out of here and get Tristan arrested I oh jeez okay um so it's not baby hyper it's just a weird Shrine for me or wait guys it looks like there's a note or something over here hold on okay it looks like it says did you really think I'd fall for your cute disguise say hi to the cameras wait huh ah oh my gosh there's a camera there's a camera guys I I walked right into some trap that he had set for Mees does this mean that he does have baby hyper but wait guys oh no I left Tristan at the front he knew I was here and I left him at the front holy cow holy cow where is he where is he oh no the door's open you guys is car is gone oh my gosh guys I know 100% now that he has baby hyper now I have absolutely no idea where he went okay you guys I am back home and I've have already reported Tristan to the cops I cannot believe I was so close to catching him and I just let him slip right through my fingers hopefully the cops get here with some type of update soon because I'm breaking out baby hyper has been missing all day now and it is already like 900 p.m. oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh just knock on the door knock on the door yes off are goody just going to say do you have any updates come on maybe they already caught him he just said hello ma'am he said that's why I'm here up okay I'm just going to throw some question marks answer my question do you have any updates he said we got a tip that someone matching his description was seen oh really oh oh my gosh oh my gosh well did you get him he said unfortunately oh no we don't have enough manpower to go after him right now what what does that even mean you're the cops what it's one guy it is one guy what do you mean you can't go after him right now he said but I can send my men after him ASAP okay that won't do baby hyper is missing okay that is my son he said ma'am please don't do anything impulsive okay um there's no time to wait all right what's the address fine but please take this tracker so we can find you later okay fine fine fine oh okay I got the address you guys don't worry baby hyper I coming for you all right you guys I am pulling up to the address that officer goody gave me and we are seriously in the middle of nowhere right now oh but this building looks super sketchy you guys what the heck okay I'm just going to pull my car up right here hopefully I can just run in Snatch baby hyper and get the heck out I have to be super careful though because I don't really know what Tristan has planned and he is a psychopath so maybe I could just catch him by surprise what the are you kidding me I already fell into a trap all right okay you oh wait guys there's a sign on the wall it says welcome to the games if you want your son back just play along he's making me play some stupid game just so I can get to my son guys I feel like I say this every time but he is crazier than I thought what kind of messed up person would do this but it doesn't seem like I have any other choice or any other way out out of here so I guess I have to play these dumb games and I I'm just going to try to get to my son as fast as possible all right it looks like it's just like a quiz so far question number one why aren't we together anymore uh because I'm crazy or you made a mistake I made a mistake obviously it's because he's crazy guys I he said try again okay clearly Tristan is treating all of this like a joke because any not crazy person would definitely pick this answer but I guess I'll go into the one where it says I made a mistake wow shocker got that one right okay okay we've got another one question number two who is a better man me Tristan or Dylan bad guys he basically gave me the answer right here on the poster thing obviously Dylan is better but he wants me to go through this one I I knew that okay here we go guys got that one right we're kind of zooming through this this isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and what the the heck is this okay I guess I'm in some type of mall but guys I don't see a poster anywhere what what am I even supposed to be doing in here I don't have time for this okay maybe it's like a find the item type of thing oh oh here's the poster here's the poster he said you found the challenge this one's easy you just seem to get dressed up there's plenty of outfits to choose from what why do I have to change outfits that's the entire challenge okay guys I guess I'll just pick something out doesn't really matter okay okay here I got dressed up whatever it's fine I guess that was pretty easy so I'm not really going to complain what's next oh oh my gosh okay guys there is a different looking door back here that has got to be a good sign right baby hyper are you what the a kitchen are you kidding me okay uh you found the challenge let's test your cooking skills make me a meal and you pass the final challenge okay this is the last one he said and bring it with you okay he didn't specify what exactly I needed to cook so I'm just going to cook something really fast and then hopefully get baby hyper and get the heck out of here okay um actually you know what just to be Petty I'm going to make me corn dog you just have to bake them you don't have to do anything okay easy there we go come on come on come on come on I need this oven to go faster I am literally only playing along with this stupid joke just to get my son back and then I'm going to try to get Tristan arrested so that I never have to see him ever again oh they're done they're done they're done yes okay here we go and guys I just heard the final door unlock okay I can finally go confront Tristan and save my son okay you guys here we go oh my gosh there's lava and Tristan and baby hyper oh my gosh oh my gosh guys he is in a cage over The Lava and there's a dinner table what what is going on baby hyper just said Mom help me what is this let him out now oh my gosh I cannot believe he trapped him in a cage all day long Tristan said oh relax he's fine I'm so glad you decided to dress up and make dinner for us though shall we eat what you did this whole thing just so I'd have to eat dinner with you are you kidding no you're crazy he said if you sit down and eat with me I'll let him go how about that I'm going to take a big guess here and say that you won't I don't believe you at all okay you're a psycho wa wa oh my gosh oh my gosh guys Tristan is freaking out he just said uh why do you have to make things so difficult can't you see how much I'm willing to do just to have dinner with you how dare you say that oh my gosh you guys he is throwing a whole tantrum right now guys I've never seen him get this crazy before he said just date carry oh no way okay you think after especially after acting like that and kidnapping my son never he said fine what about now oh my gosh no no oh my gosh you guys there's a rope pulling up baby hypers Cage's going to cut the rope wait wait wait okay uh I'll I'll I'll eat he said sit down and eat or else oh my gosh oh my gosh guys I guess I don't have a choice okay guys he still has the weapon he just said good okay he is sitting down right now guys I have to eat dinner with him now I guess but I have no idea how the heck I'm going to get baby hyper out of here especially with him holding that axe wait officer goody he just said stop right there you're surrounded oh my gosh yes yes officer goody came he said what the how did the cops get here OMG the tracker guys I I totally forgot officer goody gave me a Tracker before I came over here he said you are under arrest for being a psycho now give up oh I don't know what he's going to do Tristan is still holding that axe he just said uh you'll never catch me alive where the heck is he going to go oh wait he's running oh he had a secret entrance are you kidding me okay guys Tristan is trying to escape but it's like officer goody has that covered baby hyper just said Mom I'm going to say don't worry I am getting you out of here okay I'm going to try to let the cops their actual job and I am going to go over here and get baby hyper all right come on come on come on okay okay you're out and you're safe and everything is fine he said I was so scared that guy was so scary I'm going to say I know but you're safe now now let's go home okay and maybe we'll put you in a school with better security guys my daughter went missing apparently my neighbors saw who took her which means I have to track them down and get her back guys I'm starting to kind of freak out right now she doesn't ever just like run off hey what is going on you guys I'm back in bloxburg today and I've been having a super good time I actually adopted a daughter named Hannah Daisy and guys she is so sweet we've been playing for a while now and it's been going really well we've just been having a good time right now she's outside she was eating and I'm sure she's playing around or something and I actually just finished cleaning so I'm going to go ahead and go outside and see what she's up to you guys um wait wait guys she she's not here um okay uh let me look around back here and and maybe see if she's like hiding somewhere um guys I I she was literally just out here I don't know I don't know where she went um guys I'm starting to kind of freak out right now she doesn't ever just like run off like that so um um guys okay okay I need to calm down I I can totally find her I just maybe I just need to ask around and and see if somebody else saw her or something okay there's um this neighbor over here and he's the closest house to me so I figure like if anybody has seen what happened to her I mean maybe maybe he saw something maybe he saw her run off or something guys but that's so unlike her I I honestly don't know where she could be okay wait somebody's coming to the door um it's Rodriguez Butters okay I'm GNA say uh hi I lost my um daughter um oh okay I'm GNA say uh her name is I don't want to get hashtag so I'm just going to try and separate it up um okay she was outside playing um I don't he just said oh no okay um I wonder if he like maybe saw her like run over here or get lost or something guys I'm kind of freaking out she's so little he just said oh okay um outside playing you mean right over there okay okay um uh yes okay um I'm going to say uh did you see anything um he he seems pretty intrigued so maybe he knows something like saw a car or someone guys I I don't know who she would talk to or where she would go he just said hm oh oh oh okay I'm just going to throw some question marks um okay okay guys this is really my only chance he just said I saw someone with a red hood walk by before a a red hood um I I I'm going to ask uh did she walk with him I I mean I don't know I guys I don't even I don't know who he could be talking about that's a little vague honestly um I don't know he just said yeah I I think they were talking oh no no no no no no no okay um and then I saw them walking away guys why would she walk away with just some r random person that's so not like her she said do you know anyone with a red hood um I mean wait wait guys this might be crazy but my ex-boyfriend Tristan baseball always wears a red hoodie she he just said sorry I'm not much help um I'm going to say uh it's okay thanks okay okay you know what you guys um I mean that might be pretty farfetched for Tristan to do something like that but he is known for being crazy so I mean it can't hurt to just check it out okay I joined a server with Tristan and I've just kind of been looking for his house you guys um I mean I don't really know this really could be a long shot there's no telling if wait wait a second I've been looking for his house you guys I just drove by this mailbox is that is this really his house oh my gosh it is huge when did Tristan get so rich oh my gosh guys it's literally on top of a mountain it looks like he has a garage door in the mountain what the heck okay um that's a little crazy I guess okay but that's not the point here I'm just going to you know run up try and be nice so he'll like talk to me or something guys um I I don't know first of all I got to find the front door this place is so big holy cow okay okay okay you know what I just got to take a deep breath and and I'm just going to I'm just going to knock and hopefully I don't know I mean I I feel like he has a history of being crazy so this might be what happened um okay this is a little awkward you guys I'm just going to say um hi he just said oh hey Carrie oh gosh it's so nice to see you how are you oh wait he's being so nice he just said please come on in um uh I'm going to see uh wow hi um this is weirdly nice I don't know I didn't expect him to just invite me in so fast um I guess I'll go ahead and he just like take a seat or something he said it's so good to see you what's up um I'm going to say um actually I'm looking for my uh daughter um you know maybe maybe I'll I'll ease into it a little bit before I just like ask ask him like did you take my daughter or something um I mean he he does give me a creepy Vibe still even though he's being super nice he just said your daughter um okay can I help somehow okay okay this is the time to you know bring it up I'm going to say well my neighbor said um she walked away with someone in a red hoodie I mean I I feel like maybe he'll kind of get the idea because he's literally always wearing this red hoodie um guys I totally uh messed up that sentence but hopefully he gets the picture um I don't know he could get a little mad at me or something I'm really hoping this like works out I'm wait he just said wait you think I took your daughter um I'm going to say um well it uh popped into my head you know uh I I guess uh I mean why else would he think I'd be here because I literally he's the only person I know that would have some reason to come after my adopted daughter he just said Carrie anyone can wear a red hoodie red hoodie is such a common color LOL um you know guys he kind of does have a point um I mean literally anybody could have been wearing a red hoodie he just said do you need a drink drink you seem a little out of it okay you know what you guys I don't care about his food or drinks or anything clearly this conversation isn't doing much for me because it literally could have been anyone I probably shouldn't have jumped to conclusions but um I'm going to say uh no thanks um and uh I'll see myself out you guys okay guys that was a dead end I really got to figure out where else she could be I'm really starting to get worried you guys I mean thought maybe like Hannah would have like maybe she went off to like play with one of her friends or something but guys I I really don't know at this point I mean Tristan was really my only like suspicion whenever my neighbor said a red hoodie and I I don't know you guys honestly I I still have like this gut feeling that that he's got something to do with it I mean wasn't it kind of weird that he was so nice to me that entire time and and I mean look at this house you guys like last time I saw him he did not have this kind of house or that kind of money so I don't know it just feels really suspicious you guys and I don't know if this like is intruding or anything but guys my gut has never led me wrong whenever I feel like something weird is going on it normally is so I don't know I mean maybe maybe I just need to look around one more time or something if anything just to like put my mind at ease that Hannah's definitely not here so I'm just going to go ahead and park my car like on the street over here kind of across the street and luckily I do have this like little kind of like sneaky burglar outfit type of thing just for when I'm trying to look around and I don't want to be noticed by anyone so guys I don't know if she has her she's definitely not keeping her in his house because I feel like he knows that is way too obvious I mean Tristan is like kind of crazy but he's not stupid so I'm hoping that maybe maybe if I can find something like by the trees I mean he did build his house on this Giant mountain so maybe there's like some way in there um okay guys I'm just kind of like slowly looking around to see if I can find anything but there's nothing on this side okay okay um I mean I'm not losing hope yet you guys I I I'm just kind of like really nervous because she's been gone for like almost an entire day now and I'm sort of freaking out about it because like we always like told each other where we were going and we're really safe about if she was going anywhere by herself okay guys okay there's there's nothing else on this side um I I I don't really know what to do okay it's pretty late at night you guys so I'm just going to keep on looking I mean I feel like I must have missed something um I didn't really look around the back here okay okay uh you know sometimes there's like little secret traps by the trees or something so I'm trying to walk by every single tree just in case I missed anything okay um let me just it looks like there's like these little layers or something up here so maybe if I go back around one more time kind of zoomed out I can maybe get a better view of what's going on okay okay um so far there's nothing um guys I mean there's no way that something weird isn't going on here I mean why else would he just invite me into his house I mean it's not like we necessarily left on like good terms or anything so I think it's a little weird that wait wait wait wait wait wait I think I see like a hole up there oh wait oh my gosh you guys there's like a there's like a cave but I don't I don't know how I'm supposed to get up there okay okay um I just need to find a way to get on top of some of these trees um okay I'm not I'm not having any luck just jumping on them let me see if I can like get up a little bit higher okay okay guys I'm going to go back up his driveway but I have to be super sneaky here because if he sees me he's going to know something super weird is up and his house has a lot of Windows okay okay um okay he has like this little this little patio thing right here I think I can get over to this tree and jump on that I'm just GNA kind of have to jump from tree to tree you guys so hopefully I can get down to this little ledge okay okay I got that one I just have to jump and be super careful guys he definitely made it pretty thin so uh this could be a little dangerous oh no no no no no okay okay okay I I think I know what to do I just have to try it one more time you guys I think I may be losing chances because if Tristan notices me then this whole plan is totally blown up but I I have got to see what's in that cage okay okay um I think I think I can get over there just by hopping on some of these trees I think the entrance is right there okay guys I am so close okay okay okay here we go here we go almost I'm almost there oh my gosh you guys okay okay I made it in um what the heck this is like a hollowed out tunnel or something this I knew there was something weird going on you guys there is literally no way way that something weird wasn't happening okay wait is this just like a a dead end or something what the heck wait wait wait I found a crack okay okay um I don't think I can get through it like this I'm going to try and go in first person to see if I can kind of like wiggle through here or something I mean it's it's pretty small okay wait wait that worked okay um guys guys guys guys guys it's Hannah okay um oh my gosh I literally knew it I knew that something had to be going on he has her trapped here in like a cage oh she just said mom is that you um I'm going to say uh hi um uh I'm here to save you um what happened oh my gosh you guys she must be so scared she's literally the sweetest girl on the planet so I'm sure that she didn't think anything weird was happening she just said some man in a red hoodie said he knew you um oh okay okay um I mean he said and he asked me to come with him guys I don't know why she would answer that and go with him but you know if she thought that maybe we were friends or something she just said I'm so sorry Mom oh my gosh you guys I'm sure she feels so bad I'm going to say it's okay I'm here now okay okay okay I'm going to let her out and um I don't know I guess hopefully she can make it back through here um okay okay I'm just going to tell her I'm going to say um follow follow me and go slow okay okay um I definitely don't want her to get lost or stuck or anything okay you kind of have to wiggle through that hole too okay she's following you guys okay okay okay did she make it come on come on come on Hannah okay okay here we go you guys okay I I have to be really careful here I'm going to kind of like creep around the walls to make sure that nothing that like he's not showing up anywhere I mean I'm sure he comes in here to check on her at some point okay okay um I'm going to say um on the count of three um jump okay okay I'm going to say one two and I'm going to zoom in a little bit just so she can follow me out and three okay okay okay and now just you have to just jump off come on come on come on wait oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no trist's right there I'm just going to say run oh no no no no no he just said what's going on here okay okay come on Daisy follow me we have to get out of here oh my gosh oh no no no no no no no I don't know if he has like crazy bodyguards or anything this time okay okay you guys I think we made it off the plot everything is okay now I just need to take Hannah home and explain to her why we don't talk to strangers today I was in bloxburg with my son baby hyper everything was going fine until my ex-boyfriend appeared and snatched my son he drove off before I could do anything so now I have to find out where he took baby hyper and save him seriously guys I am so confused Tristan just kidnapped baby hyper he just showed up out of nowhere oh my gosh I have no idea where they drove off to and we all know Tristan is crazy so I'm going to need some help if I want to save my son guys I literally just sprinted to the police station to hopefully find some help Tristan hasn't had baby hyper for very long so I'm hoping if I get there in time he can't get too far oh there's officer goodie officer goody officer goody listen baby hyper was kidnapped by my exboyfriend officer goodie said o that sucks what that's it we we have to look for him I I mean what are you talking about that sucks I need some help here he said I'm on lunch right now lady excuse me this is a police station is it not is this not what the police are supposed to do officer goody just told me to come back later you've got to be freaking kidding me whatever okay I don't know why I thought he would be any help today oxer goody nine times up done doesn't help very much anyway so I guess I'm looking for baby hyper on my own so my next best option was to bring Pat and hopefully he could sniff out some Clues and he leted me to This creepy abandoned warehouse which honestly is pretty on brand so I'm having some High Hopes here but Pat is still sniffing around oh pat pat he's literally barking Pat get out of there you can't just go into an abandoned warehouse what are you doing Pat be careful oh gosh okay okay going in through the window oh oh he's barking back behind the stairs did he find something wait what is this note looking for me Carrie if you want your son back meet me at the restaurant for our date you have got to be freaking kidding me I I know Pat I'm mad about it too Tristan definitely left this note here and now I have to go to this restaurant for whatever date he's talking about because he might have baby hyper with him come on Pat I'm at the restaurant that Tristan told me I was supposed to be at but I don't see him outside anywhere oh wait wait wait there he is talking in chat he's talking to someone says is everything ready at my house and he says yes sir what's happening at his house hold on you guys I'm going to see if I can like peek into the restaurant and try and find him somewhere oh oh I see a chat bubble I see a chat bubble there's Tristan he said good now go make sure it's perfect who the heck is he talking to oh who the heck is that oh my gosh he hired a bodyguard what the heck does Tristan need a bodyguard at his house for that must be where he's keeping baby hyper oh my gosh okay okay okay he has got to be at Tristan's house but if he's got a bodyguard there I can't just push past him that means I'm going to need Tristan to invite me over to his place okay let's see if I can do this that might mean I have to play along with this whole date thing here we go here we go I'm going to walk in like I didn't even see anything oh there he is hi Tristan I got your note I'm going to try and not be a crazy mother here and be really nice to him he said Carrie I'm so happy you made it I knew you'd find it are you ready for our date guys I don't actually have a plan here um this is a little spur of the moment wait wait wait I got an idea um I'm going to say actually I hate this place it's so gross would you maybe cook dinner at your house yes that is a good idea Tristan said really I would love to I just said perfect yes okay now we are heading to Tristan's house and then I can look for baby hyper okay guys my plan is working I made it inside Tristan's house and he is cooking dinner now I just need to find an excuse to get out of here and start searching for baby hyper Tristan said the food is almost ready Carrie I'm going to say uh great I I just have to use the the the bathroom real quick I'll be right back he said fine but make it quick I want to keep looking at your face e e e ew whatever whatever I am not even acknowledging that that is so gross okay okay let's see let's see I made it upstairs we got up here okay here's the bathroom good to know I guess bedroom I mean so far the house looks kind of normal I'm looking anywhere for secret floors Secret secret bookcase H what do we no no not a secret Shrine room oh you've got to be kidding me honestly I should have been expecting this it is my ex-boyfriend's house after all Tristan oh oh my gosh oh my gosh he said I knew you'd go snooping around too bad but baby hyper isn't here wait he's not then why did you send that guy here a big scary bodyguard man Tristan said I sent him to set this up wait you hired a bodyguard to literally set up an entire creepy Shrine that is so weird and a waste of money what the heck he said you aren't allowed to see baby hyper until our date is done and we're in love are you kidding me that's literally craziness but I guess he's the only one who knows where baby hyper is so fine okay what next I guess I have to play along with his stupid little date plan but if it gets me baby hyper back I don't care Tristan said haha it's a surprise lovely can't wait to see what that is Tristan made me come to the pier and get on this stupid Ferris wheel with him and he's acting really strange but honestly he surprised he said have I ever told you how beautiful you look I cannot believe I have to go along with this say haha a few times yeah he said ah I could see us being like this forever isn't this date nice well um it would be nicer if if I had my son he said it is not the end of the day yet we still have another place to go fine whatever you say I guess I cannot believe I am literally doing this right now this is such a waste of my time okay you know what one thing down how many other places to go can there be and if Tristan doesn't tell me where baby hyper is after this place I'm going to have to take some drastic measures Tristan took me up here to the observatory and he's acting more weird than he has the rest of the entire day so I'm a little concerned he said I had to bring you here to ask you a very important question he's being very dramatic oh really and and and what is what is that seriously I mean he I don't know he's giving me extra weird Vibes right now what the he just said Carrie will you marry me are you kidding me absolutely not I mean are seriously you kidnapped my son that's the whole reason that I've gone through this whole mess all day long he said is that all you care about you're supposed to be in love with me the literal audacity you're crazy I just want my son back otherwise I would have never done this whole day he said don't call me crazy I'll throw you in my stupid basement just like stupid baby hyper he's in the basement I knew it I knew he was at your house I freaking knew it oh he said wait no I I don't think so I don't think so got past you now I'm getting to Baby hyper you can't catch me come on come on be unlocked be unlocked be unlocked I'm getting out of here you can't run faster than a car there's Tristan's house come on come on come on I have got to get into that basement and save baby hyper here we go oh yes the door's unlocked uhoh it's The Bodyguard he said you're not getting in there well I kind of have to find a way by him or else I might be in trouble wait Tristan oh my gosh he said no more running Carrie uh-oh TR ran a lot faster than I thought I'm surrounded wait TR no what are you what are you doing H ow my head what the heck oh no no no no no no I in a cage why am I in a cage how did this even baby hyper oh my gosh he said Mom I'm so glad you found me he found is loose term I uh was also um trapped but I am so glad to see you it just kind of almost totally takes away the shock of being knocked out and put in a cage baby hyper said what do we do don't you worry okay I'm going to get us out of here whether Tristan likes it or not he crossed the line this time now I just need to find a way out there's got to be some type of hole or something I can climb on these are pretty sturdy walls oh Tristan Tristan I have some Choice words for you he said since you wanted to be with your son so bad I trapped you in here with him now you can have him and we can be together forever oh seriously he he thinks that's still happening I don't think so I will never be with you again he's just laughing at me he said you learn to love me as if I literally will not he said you'll change your mind after being locked up in here you have to let us out okay Dylan will look for me oh not the stupid bodyguard he's the whole reason I couldn't just get baby hyper and get out of here I'm mad at you too he said guard the cage I got to plan my next date I am not going anywhere with you I don't care what you plan oh jeez oh jeez okay okay the cell is being guarded by the crazy bodyguard this is awesome I'm having a great time okay don't panic Don't Panic if you panic baby hyper panics the guard just said hey keep it down oh really you keep it down uh stupid head baby hyper just said what are we going to do um honestly I wish I had some type of plan but I don't really know what to tell him he said we have to get out of here like I don't know okay it is not time to be a smart alec baby hyper oh jeez oh jeez okay okay let me think we have got to find a way to distract the guard and then find a way to escape wait p p oh my gosh how he just fell from the ceiling what how did he even get here he said stupid dog who let you in hey oh oh no oh no Pat's looking angry he said get back no no no it looks like the guard is going to not hurt Pat because Pat just took down a a fully grown buff bodyguard what the heck pat pat oh my gosh oh my gosh he let us out he let us out holy cow okay you know what you're a good dog that's all I've got to say you are a good dog all right well I guess that was a little easier than I expected now I just have to sneak us all out of here and at least the bodyguards out of the picture hopefully Tristan is not anywhere around okay baby hyper just follow me luckily I have been in this house before so I think I can make my way to the door and it won't be a problem okay here we go here we go I've got Pat now we just have to be ultimate sneaky town all right I'm going to peek through the window okay the the door is wide open and I don't see Tristan baby hyper said I think it's clear all right all right here we go here we go all right time to be quiet and very stealthy Tristan must be upstairs doesn't look like he's anywhere downstairs oh Tristan he said Carrie how dare you escape run run go to the car go to the car go to the car here we go here we go here we go go go get in the car baby hyper get in the car we are getting the heck out of here oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay trist's chasing but he can't catchup I am so glad I got my son [Music] [Applause] back I'm finally back in bloxburg and I found car's house so easily I can't wait to make her fall in love with me again you guys Pat is literally freaking out right now he never barks like this and it is literally pouring outside seriously what the heck is going on why are you even looking at what the heck is that my ex-boyfriend friend standing in my driveway wait wait wait it it so is Tristan just said in chat Carrie I see you in there come outside I don't think so on top of that I am going to lock all of my doors I do not know why the heck my ex booyfriend is back in bloxburg but oh no no no no I'm not messing with that I'm leaving the game y'all I went to his profile to make sure that it was actually my ex-boyfriend in bloxburg and not some creepy fan that dressed up as him or something and it is actually priston baseball 234 my creepy super weird ex-boyfriend and you are not going to believe this look at his profile right now it says Carrie guess who's back time to fall back in love can't wait to make you mine see you soon and then he just spams my name like a gazillion times he is definitely a lot more intense than I remember him being but if he is back that means he's definitely got some weirdo plan which means I have to figure out what it is before it's too late all right guys so I managed to join a game with Tristan in it on an under cover account I feel like I need to get inside his house to see what the heck he is planning so I'm going to show up as a house cleaner and hopefully he needs someone to help him clean if he sees through this disguise so screwed hello oh oh there he is there he is okay play the role I'm a house cleaner you just said uh hello hi I'm uh looking to see if you need a house cleaner I I don't charge a lot you know super cheap wait that was easy he just said oh that's perfect my ex is coming over soon and I want the place to be clean for her oh no he's definitely planning something I'm not coming over soon oh wait he he just said come on in I got to play along um cuz I definitely need to Snoop around and I guess he got a new house so no that's my face on the wall he has a lot of posters there's more posters on my face oh gosh oh this is not good um but I don't want to send off any red flags I'll just say um I'll get to cleaning he just said all right I'm going grocery shopping you can lock up when you're done um and there it goes it just left okay you know what this is good at least I have a bit of relief now because I am alone I'm really creeped out being in this house I am walking through this house and it just keeps getting creepier there is even more posters oh that is a big big poster of my face okay didn't want to see that today okay Carrie just calm down everything's fine at least you alone this is exactly what you wanted I'm here to Snoop around and try and find anything suspicious because he is clearly up to something I mean he literally said his ex-girlfriend was coming over today and I would never voluntarily do that aside from kind of right now but that means he's definitely got some type of plot going can see anything in the kitchen and whoa okay what kind of bathroom just has clear doors this is a very strange house so far besides the posters of Me no red flags wait he's got like a home office or something in here what do we got what do we got guys we all know an office is no bueno this is always where they keep something weird and I've been in quite a few of these so I know what to look for yes I know it I know he was up to no good oh no oh big scary staircase going down he's not home right now so I'm safe there it is the dungeon with skulls on the wall and a creepy cell whatever I thought he was up to it's clearly way worse but but but but but on the bright side I have evidence now so I just need to find a phone and call the police and then get the heck out of here okay now I just have to wait for the police to get here and then I can get the heck TR oh my what the heck why where are you back so so soon I wasn't expecting you and where all your groceries he just said why aren't you cleaning well I oh no hopefully I haven't been caught or at least hopefully he still thinks that I'm a regular house cleaner he just said Carrie you were supposed to get our house ready for our date tonight oh oh no oh no who's that I I don't know I don't know Carrie sorry I don't know her he said I always know what you're up to oh he Chang his face Ellie Chang his face he said I always know what you're up to Carrie now that you're here there's no way I'll let you leave you're telling me he knew this entire time and he just let me pretend to be a housemate oh this is weird oh this is weird you know what I saw everything he just said Carrie I need you to accept my love no way dude okay I saw everything all right I know I know you're up to something weird he just said I'll do anything to get you back anything oh this is not good oh what am I going to do he just blocking the front door completely right now he's laughing and acting super weird I can't get out the front door the back door get out the back say another Tristan I am getting out of here I've got to run faster trist is way creepier than I remember him being okay guys it has been a few days since I ran out of Tristan's house and he totally caught my maid disguise and I wish I had some better news but I don't because I just got a letter basically saying that Tristan has kidnapped Dylan and I know that this is probably a trap but on the off chance that it's not I've got to go save Dylan so this is the address I was given and it looks like a creepy abandoned warehouse which honestly isn't that shocking Dylan Dyan are you in here Tristan come out here and tell me where my boyfriend is I know you're here somewhere okay okay there he is he just said Carrie I'm so glad you came to see me yeah well I'm not where is Dylan I'm not messing around okay I don't want anything to do with you he just said sorry darling but I can't tell you that I need him for my plan first of all ew don't call me that second of all what plan I I saw your whole plan okay he it it's over you just said boys come on out what boys oh there's a c oh they're right there oh this is not good body guards seriously get her oh gosh no no no no no no they're getting closer to me you don't want to kidnap me you you don't want to pupp me down put me down okay I swear you don't know what you're doing I I'll fight you oh oh no Tristan said ha Carrie you're coming over for dinner I did not agree to this somehow I still ended up in this stupid dungeon I literally saw the entire thing and I still ended up getting trapped in here this is ridiculous Tristan just said this is wonderful I beg to differ he said I'm so happy you're here with me um excuse me you kidnapped me he just said are you ready to know my plan to make you fall in love with me again um I mean not really but you're probably going to tell me anyway wa whoa whoa whoa whoa are you crazy you're literally just dressed up as my actual boyfriend he just said Tada see you don't need to actually date me when I can just become Dylan oh heck to the no okay you are so not Dylan okay I'll tell you that right now you're a great a great you just said hey you get used to it really cuz I don't think I would now if you don't let me out of this stupid cell I he just said oh dinner's ready I'll be right back my love don't call me that this is so weird I mean there was a couple of things I expected like the cell I guess but for him to just completely turn into Dylan wasn't expecting that curveball and I do not know how the heck I'm supposed to get out of here or how I'm supposed to save Dylan hold on is that a i Hammer there's literally a hammer on the floor right now I mean okay you know what I think this will do I am getting myself the heck out of here now I don't exactly know how strong this lock is but let's see what I can do here okay that definitely did something come on come on oh it's rattling yes yes I did it I broke the lock I broke the lock I am out of here all right all right now I need to look around for some type of clue that could tell me where the heck Dylan is O I'm just seeing creepy skulls I hope those aren't real hey there is a whole other door in here okay okay come on come on come on Dylan Dylan I am so glad to see you and I am so sorry that Tristan tied you up in this stupid chair and hey feel unconscious okay I guess I will talk to you when you wake up first things first though we have to escape this house okay okay wait Tristan just put in the chat he just said la la la so I guess he's occupied hopefully he's not in his office here we go okay okay coast is clear coast is clear here we go we're moving okay I definitely hear some type of like cooking sounds he just said she's going to love this dinner okay okay okay I need to see where the heck he's at right now the coast is clear I'm going behind this wall there he is there he is oh I forgot he was dressed like Dylan that is so weird and I don't know what he is saying that keeps getting hashtagged out and honestly I want to know all right all right there he is okay he's pretty occupied so I don't think he's going to notice if I make a run for the door okay come on Dylan we are getting the heck out of here Carrie are you ready for our dinner Carrie I guess she escaped that's okay she'll be mine eventually my daughter was kidnapped I reported it to the police but they weren't able to do anything and then then a letter showed up at my door who has my daughter and what do they want with her I have your daughter how do you feel oh no no no no no I I have to I have to call the police they they need to change their game plan they need to be looking for a criminal I don't know they just they put this letter on my doorstep and I I I looked around but there was there was nobody there but someone had just knocked on my door I have no idea how they got away without me seeing anything or a car or anywhere won but they did and and now I have absolutely no idea where baby Cary is and I'm freaking out what am I supposed to do I'm going to get the team to Deep dive into this and they'll figure out what's going on are you sure I I don't really know I mean it it seems like we don't have a lot of time come on in what do you need hey uh Carrie the delivery man just dropped this letter off for you another letter wait what did you get a good look at who who dropped it off I wasn't uh really paying attention sorry you weren't paying attention well well H how did someone even deliver a letter to me here how did anyone even know I was at the police station this doesn't make any sense okay um well where's the letter here right uh okay um you know uh thanks for all the help officer goodie uh I uh I I need to be excused really quick uh thanks for everything oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I I can't believe this no problem we'll be in touch this is so much more serious than I thought I I I've got to get out of here let me think let me think let me think I am panicking right now I have absolutely no idea what to do okay okay let me just let me just look at this letter again car if if you want to see her again come to the warehouse near the mountain heart what who who would send a letter like that okay clearly I was right car baby Carrie was definitely kidnapped um but what kind of horrible person would leave these like crazy notes saying that like what he has her in like a warehouse what the heck and and why would he add a heart at the end of it this is so messed up I have no idea what to do but I guess I have to find the warehouse oh my gosh okay I I think this is the place but if this is where whoever kidnapped baby Cary took her why would they take her to somewhere like this just like a horrifying overgrown definitely abandoned warehouse what the heck is going on here but okay you know what I don't really have any time to waste even though this place is absolutely disgusting I mean look at all of these Vines and stuff how long has this place even been here okay you know what I'm just going to go for it and uh what the heck kind of room is this where even am I I I'm so confused right now what what is going on I I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing in here it's just like an empty room what hello welcome Carrie your daughter is in here somewhere will you be able to find her what wait so baby Cary is here wait what kind of game is this who who are you where where did that even come from hello this is so messed up what the heck okay um okay I I I I guess I'll just go farther in what do you mean will I be able to find her what the heck is this I have to go find baby Carri so I've got to just try and make it through this obstacle course okay okay here goes nothing here we go okay okay okay I made it to the second one oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I am freaking out right now how did I get mixed up in something like this who who could even have the mind to do something this messed up okay okay okay I'm doing good I'm doing good everything is fine everything's fine you know I I I'm moving forward this isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be I I guess I'm just so nervous I am literally shaking right now okay see I am I am getting through this all right your obstacle course is nothing for me all right I have done plenty of of crazy messed up things like this now no one has ever stolen my daughter before but but you you just be ready because because I am not going to go easy on you when I figure out who the heck did this and and who you are oh my gosh I am so out of breath right now but but I I I can see the door I can see the door okay baby Carrie must be on the other side of that door all right all right here we go here we go baby baby Carrie baby Carrie come on come on are are you are you in there are you in there hello Carrie you did well but there's more to do if you want to see your daughter again she misses you there's more to do are you kidding me this is this is so wrong I can't believe somebody would do something this terrible what kind of horrible person are you what this is some kind of sick messed up game I I I swear I I am going to tell I I'm going to figure out who you are and the police are going to come arrest you for your entire life you will not get away with this okay what is this next room okay it's not an obstacle course or anything so oh oh the next door is just right here but it's locked it's locked you locked the door what the heck let me out of here I have got to get to my daughter what is wrong with you what is happening what even kind of room is this what like a snack break are you kidding me you st vending me machine or something let me through this door come on there has got to be a way to get through here um wait wait what what's going on here are these walls like what like matching up with the colors on the cups okay you know what I I see I see the big game whoever you are I know what's going on here all of these rooms what are they just like challenge rooms or something to so I can get my daughter back is that is that what this whole thing is I I can't believe this okay um all right all right all right you know what fine I will play your stupid game just so I can get my daughter back and put you in jail forever okay okay you know what uh first purple cup uh I'm assuming goes in the purple like little desk thing okay okay white cup white cup goes on the white wall uh see your games aren't actually that hard and and you're going to be in jail sooner than you know okay and I am going to have my daughter back and you will never do this to anyone ever again a baby Carrie really has such a smart Mom I'm sure you miss her by now Carrie you should really hurry are you kidding me of course I miss her what the heck is wrong with you you are a psychopath just let me through this stupid door okay and what all right what is this next game you have what the heck is this like a are you kidding me you put to Spot the Difference rooms in your like kidnappers obstacle course crazy house you seriously are a lunatic okay um oh oh oh here's the difference um the paintings on the walls are on opposite sides so so that's one oh oh and there's a stack of cards on the back and there's not one over here um oh gosh I don't know I don't know I don't know um let me think let me think okay okay uh the rug is green the floor is brown the cabinets are white can you even tell me how many differences there are or just am I just running around guessing until you unlock the door hello not going to say anything now oh whatever you know what fine I'll just just I'll just do it without you um let's see let's see uh okay okay let me think oh oh there's a laptop over here and a desktop over here so ha in your face I figured it out okay um now on to the kitchen room uh the the walls are the walls are flipped okay that's different um the walls are flipped there's a there's a painting on this side not on this side and um everything's like uh opposite of each other was that on purpose or uh I don't know I don't know I don't know I I don't see very many differences in this one are the oh oh the the jars on the countertop those are different oh no oh no oh the chairs the chairs are different the chairs are different and and and and and what else there's there there there's nothing else right and then um um let me think let me think let me think uh okay no there there is nothing else different now now let me through this room let me see my daughter what is wrong with you all right I did it I I finished your stupid Guess the difference game or whatever you're literally so messed up you're just doing this crazy like escape room thing for your own pleasure so I hope you've gotten some crazy laugh while you've kidnapped my daughter and are causing so much problem so many problems for literally everybody else okay the police are going to find you and you are going to go to jail but just let me find my daughter okay okay go ahead and see your daughter okay okay you know what I I'm not even messing with you anymore baby Carrie where are you baby Cary oh oh my gosh wait mom don't come close baby Cary baby car oh my gosh I can't believe this wait no no no no no no what the heck just happened hello hello baby Carrie wait no what hello where the heck am I what I can't believe this no no I just fell right into this criminal's trap I can't believe this how could I be so stupid why would somebody like that let me get to my daughter that easily I can't believe this whoever did this let me out of here right now seriously who the heck even are you let me out hello who the heck is doing this let me out of here come on hello anybody hello no no way Tristan what the heck are you doing here you did all of this whoa hello there Carrie okay I knew you were crazy but I didn't know you were this crazy why would you do something like this let me out of here right now let me and baby Cary out of here it was so cute watching you play along in this fun house of mine did you enjoy your day did I enjoy my day are you kidding me you kidnapped my daughter and then made some sick old game up so I could think I was getting her back and then you trapped me in this cell just let us out right now before you regret it it's pretty good idea of mine right no it is not a good idea because when I get out of here the police are going to find you and you are going to be in jail for the rest of your life oh all let you out eventually don't worry well eventually better be right the heck now because because I am going to going to get out of here regardless and and you just you just need to let us out well for now I think I'm just going to keep you in here for a while until you start to go just a little crazy you are seriously so messed up you what what did you do just just kidnap baby Carrie to mess with me what is this like all some game to you uh Yes actually I cannot believe this you you are the worst I am I am going to get out of here okay I don't actually know how I'm going to get out of here but I I have to figure something out right I'm going to ruin both of your lives no no someone is going to come find you okay and and they're going to get us out of here and well I'm actually really excited about this I'm having a great time okay well you know what you are not going to get away with this and and you are going to be locked up for a really long time and and wait wait what is that Sirens wait oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't believe this what are those ha I told you I told you the police were going to come find you and we were going to get out of here how did you get the cops here well that is actually a very good question I'm not exactly sure how the cops got here I didn't tell them about the note or anything so I guess we just got lucky with that one but ha in your face okay the cops are here and we are getting out of here and you are going to get locked up for a super long time probably forever fine you win this time but don't worry I'll be back I can't believe this I I I can't believe the cops are actually here to save us
Channel: CariPlays - Roblox Movies
Views: 69,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox movies, cari, cari plays, cari plays roblox, cari roblox, roblox cari, Roblox Movie, RobloxRP, Roblox Story
Id: gJilV1qFgEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 41sec (4061 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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