TRICKY CHICK - Deep or Shallow?

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all right Billy this time Billy wake up because Billy Billy sleeping he's home he just finished up a Costa event and he'll be here in a few days today's video we're just gonna open it up we're just gonna be calm cool and collective you know why cuz this is day one of the FLW Tour Chickamauga Chickamauga this actually Chickamauga but I like st. Chickamauga it's uh the land of the giant bass to tour events left we're down to where the rubber meets the road having a good season so far sitting in a second that's right for a walk it's gonna be a whole different attitude this tournament here very proud of my boys getting some victories around the house here what I'm gonna focus on this one I've never won Chickamauga never won this tournament but I've had some good finishes here that's all I'm gonna say about that all I do know I'm not running around waking everybody up I don't they can sleep all day they can all sleep look at them all look look tom-toms over there x over there Andrey's right there b that's right here yeah they sleep all day guys I don't care that time good place to take a nap right here today day one I'm going fishing I'll send them some pictures in a little bit [Music] this tournament is gonna be a little difficult to figure out how to win it only because we're at the time of the year where you've got a split between the fish some are gonna be out deep and some are still gonna be able shallow you've only been here in the past it's been more a June timeframe and it's pretty much 100% offshore it's gonna take a little bit for me to figure it out I might have to split my practice a little bit between shallow and deep but I want to find them out deep if I can find them on a swimbait I can find them schooled up out there that's how you catch a monster monster bag but I'm gonna let the fish tell me what they want to do I'm just going to go fishing figure it out along the way I love it not a keeper but it's a fish five cast into it I had another one hit me just a minute ago it's good sign I love this like I found this ledge it's a keeper not a real big one but through the participants went over and graphed it the Garmon clear view and I can see look like a little Tic Tacs dude right at the ledge and turn around fire that swim bait in the first cast they caught that fish pretty cool deal oh my gosh dude if these are bass dude we just found the freaking mega watt oh yeah they're here a bunch of them dude I mean there's like 100 oh just like that I just want to see how big he is more than anything cuz you see that Wow so there's one here and one there you know depending on how many I see up on the beds that's gonna dictate to me how many fish are out you know big schools offshore because I mean the main population is still up shallow then there's not that many schools out might say there isn't a winning school out but finding a school a bunch of schools might be a little harder if they're just spawning everywhere and right now we haven't gone but just like 50 feet and see two of them they're a little tricky to catch here that one doesn't want to play here yes here guess he's in strike mode he's in strike mode we're gonna wait and see I thought he was a two and a half and I think thinking pretty close two and a quarter so he's a little lighter than I thought that's that's a no go fish wise but that's the first one we found we haven't gone 50 feet like literally and there's another one there another one there so we'll let him go oh hey do me a favor guys real quick here's what I want you to do here's what I want you do huge favor big deal I want you to share the videos this video especially okay all you got to do is go when you're watching the video hit the little button says share copy the link post it if you have a facebook account post it on there I would love to have you guys be sharing my videos out it would mean a lot to me so thank you very much for that just again copy the link share it and let everybody know about it that'll really help the channel grow and so thank you team SMC go let's do it how you doing there Robert bye-bye now so you hung out with B lat Oh like all day how many tips I'll shoot one well you're efficient all right it's time to go Gus time to get serious go find some more fish that's a big one right there that's a big one they don't swim bait without one big old Hunchback of Notre Dame alright see this is what we do to make these shots look cool guys I catch one and then I have to like pull it back out of the water and everything for Roberto that was cool a little line through swimbait I don't know what it was on it was just up there kind of a crazy deal it saw a couple more back there in the back but they weren't real big okay five of those every day four days in a row there's like 15 of them right here it's just a small one a wacky worm I was little little slim shake hook right in the middle lights out there's a bigger one over here that's kind of swimming around kind of crazy in the biter they're not big ones that's the problem got it he's a good keeper it's just a weightless slim shake two and a half pounder I'm gonna put a little washer this is a little tip for you guys okay check this out there dude get another swing shake right there any key phenomena makes these this company right here gambits he gave these to me at the classic and it's this little clear deal okay a little band get these pliers just put that in there like that right in the middle okay see that little band right in the middle it's clear now what I'm gonna do just hook that hook underneath that pretty cool little system now it won't come off Thank You Sheena keep you gotta appreciate that crazy dude to me that looks like a big fish guys I'm gonna sacrifice if I can catch him just cuz I really want to just see him it's important for me to a judge with these fish are yeah I can see that fish that's like a four pounder sure oh yeah he showed yourself pretty good there partner oh yeah they don't like that these are the everyevery Lakes different it's so crazy because like some like SIA they don't want it any like aggressive movement they want real natural deal here it's like that you got to kick them off a little bit you went down on it hardcore hardcore how big is it guys okay so stop right now pause the video drop a comment right now how big do you think this fish is now you can't see it but I can I think it's a four pounder that's what I think see who gets it right just for laughs and giggles so pause now drop comment okay now you're back let's see if we can get him to buy he's a four that was a four okay Jack Doug yeah I'm sorry definitely a four pounder though so if you guessed four along with me I think we're good very cool guys what did I find that I don't even know I mean I've caught bigger fish up shallow but we've got two more days of practice and I know that offshore bite is gonna get better every day that's a fact for sure so if I can find a few schools the liable I have some bigger ones come tournament time a lot better ones I'm head on in [Music] this time to wake up boys I don't know what y'all doin there's just time to go I have to go dude it's like 6:30 I'm the first one up again who's John but John John's just showing up for the fans the first couple of videos that he actually works hard he really wants to sleep till noon today huh cuz he doesn't need to get up he catches him anyways when I grow up I'm gonna be just like John Knox come on Rob we don't work to do I know some of y'all are wondering what happened to Billy he fished in a Costa Series tournament and he went home to spend some time with his family which is much needed so he will be here probably tonight I would imagine tonight work tomorrow at the latest and I'm sure things will get back to normal with a little wakeup but you know what this is a serious event I've got work to do so it's no time for fun and games no time for fun and games matter of fact I'm going fishing dude y'all can sleep all day that's up to y'all you don't have to live with your decisions my friend I'm leaving them all leaving every one of them tired begging them to get out of bed right into oh y'all we're getting left this morning I know there was one big one I saw on a 2 pounder oh cool the Walker popper action Dobies that's an awesome bite was awful I caught a dang goose oh my gosh broke my line though luckily oh my gosh she got so lucky I got lucky he got lucky we both are lucky all right midday update I don't I don't have much found to that and I did funny schools the fish out I don't know what's up the one thing that I'm noticing I'm a father at the lake and the water temperature was actually colder than she a lock for the Hiwassee River dumps out folder water makes this part of the river a little more got to pay attention to that a little bit too we're gonna flip some trees now I'm losing my life I'm gonna run up here pitch them lay down see if I can't shake off with you wrong size oh dude okay all right bye-bye now I found one over there about three and a couple more small ones but had one pretty go and pick it up right there oh he chased it again he's a feisty one so I found a big one around the corner another one about three pounds and that's it so far in here I've not really found the amount of fish I've just I don't know man it's just weird it's just weird certain second guess my eyes now I was a two three didn't really want to catch him but just needed to check my eyes real quick online I called him a two three and I didn't wane but I guarantee he was basically a two three well alright so the last spot for a couple two and a half three pounders that's good see if we can find a few more in here you know I I need to make the cut for me to really do good for points I just need to make the cut and then we can go from there so I need ten the way I look at is I need ten good fish and right now I have I don't know five or six some of those are going to get caught but not all of them I mean it's Lakes big there's fish everywhere so at the end of the day it doesn't matter how many fish are up it matters that I need 20 pounds so I need ten four pounders or makes it a couple six pounders just in time all right that's not too bad pretty good so how about polarizer on we have the polarizer on and with it Laura's glasses on which is a double polarizer man I'm gonna pinch your head so guys hey y'all good how y'all do you catch them alright - well time for dinner sushi good morning I didn't get a sushi like a bunch of it - I think I ate more weight than sushi and I'm talking about yesterday well lookie there job talks himself I'm ready go you're ready to get it's that day it's it's the time of practice for your stomach starts to hurt you're like dude I'm not on anything I gotta find more oh my god right actually I think Tom did leave yeah yeah I think he did he did I heard somebody at 3 in the morning no I'm pretty sure it is time do you wake up it's the championship room so y'all won one this year and y'all say well we don't think it up we already did our job this year so we're too sleepy sleepy you notice how I hadn't gone past the line right here on the floor I have been in this room yet yeah it's like an invisible wall right here only champions can enter I win did wrong we're all gonna sleep in here I must pecan on the floor right there blow a bed right on the floor hey Billy I'm gonna call Billy wakey wakey time to get up all you're gonna do Brandon needs to be woken up so give him a call right now Oh give him a call well you're already yeah I'm in the room I woke you I woke you up with be Latin Andrew yeah so good call you'll call Brandon he needs to be woken up Brandon yeah you don't get no answer Billy gonna answer Billy uh-huh he's calling you well here he is I see what he's got to say hello really yeah yeah yeah he got up mmm he wasn't answer the phone he was he was mad at your calling he said you always mess with him he's mad at you hey listen this video is not about laughing that's a serious tournament here okay so it's too much laughing going all the boarding max for lemon out of laughing for the day I gotta get serious and go in the water I'll see you are you coming tonight being being adventure today yeah yeah come on with it all right I got to get Brandon and I mean a B lat and Andrew they're not they're not winking out did or not become Larsen now go get up I'm going fishing appreciate you so you do okay bye all right guys that was a little long of a day three wake up but I'd mix it up a little bit a little curveball on you time to go fishing we found this an up spinner wrapped my trolling motor ah coupons becomes today fix it fix it now fix right now that's not cool not funny man my boat a boat it works I promise [Applause] [Laughter] maybe he'll film himself would be nice if you'd film is reaction it's time to check some of these deep fish to see what we're dealing with on size jug in the water it's like right where I want to cast my lure what's on it mr. Hardwick mr. Hardwick SiC stuck way way way stuck what is it what is it Oh something's on it something's on it oh just pulling back oh it's a rock well I moved it mr. Hardwick apologize put catfish trotline right on a really good bass fishing hole and you don't want to catch bass when you're catfishing you want to catch bass you need to put that in a catfish whole different spot dude good how y'all doing man oh really I appreciate it well thank you very much what's your name all right nice to meet you man sure doesn't look like a bed that's where that fish is that's a spook team or something you sit on that bed pretty good it's a five stand put just good oh oh oh yes yes that's yes yes yes ten fish right there yeah that's a good fish man it takes like a four pounder dolly just another one right there I'm even bigger all right gots to check this out so I don't want to mess up and catch one of these fish I'm gonna put a hitchhiker on which is one of these little screws that you can come on Sunday book okay I got it rigged up take this fluke now they can bite it all they want because there's no hook okay by the way I'm still digging these luer lock boxes by the way like a foot below pool like 681 or whatever 681 that's well that's above sea level I mean there's all different depths everywhere you go yeah it's it I'm not from here but it's up five or six foot from there I think it's if you go to the website it's full pool 682 a book yep it's a pretty ridiculous question it's the depth the lake just depends on where you are when I said 681 which is above sea level what's the lake level he's like a 680 feet deep [Music] right that's crazy what now I used it I used it today I know I know it's late it's dead empty I used it today really oh thanks man that's funny I wish I had oil to help you out with man I yeah that's crazy dude cool man well good luck dude thank you thank you alright that was pretty cool so I come around the corner I hit dudes just flailing his arms everywhere I don't know what's going I'm thinking they're broke down and he was a huge fan he was just telling out of a guy like maybe cool scum or came around the corner and then I come around the corner he was tripping so so he was a cool dude nice being your bro last cast Chickamauga 2019 baby right there beautiful thanks guy in the background thanks for hanging out with me so far videos not over by the way we're gonna have fun with the boys do a little dinner talk a little trash see if be let noticed his a met spinner be that it's gonna be like put it back put it back now are you excited you excited to see me I'm on Instagram live or something no no not yet you live in a minute are you excited are you putting faces on hey yeah no way yeah I have like a funny face no yeah story this week you are yeah I don't did it like six times what's like on the way over here oh yeah driving and everything I didn't drive yeah see we've been missing Billy the whole time the whole time it's just been boring dude boring it's been boring yeah why are we so late I don't I think they're ready for me to leave it's been boring every way how's the mornings been why sleeping we're just he's cuddle up like a little like he's like uh he's like a caterpillar dude you know like it was cocoon things he just all kind of pill it up yeah there's usually some loud noise when warning it's been quiet and Brent and Brandon believe it or not I go in there to wake Brandon up and he's like just talks normal he's like hey I'm up morning I don't know what's calls in the morning know I tried to call him if he said he said a few bad words I think Brandon did y'all do the venture today yeah you did yeah Montlake challenge Montlake monstre challenge yeah really alright so if you guys have been following the channel which hopefully you have been Billie and Brandon's excellent adventures it's another episode today I'm not real sure what happened but I think it's gonna be a good one they went to the Montlake it's a two hundred fifty feet deep did you hit the button let it go down didn't touch did it really it just kept going really there's like Biggins in there this time did you really yeah three days of practices in the books and uh tell me about I have no worry about I have no words right I need to know I need food just go eat what about a prep spinner you ever thrown one of those why you got one pot on your rod then just cool I've told you what a good idea put it back now are you looking at me I don't know you look guilty I swear you look at me again like that good morning you know how quiet it's been in this house house call last week how quiet I was just like it's been so today so quiet what you eat can I see this frittatas the Tatars they look like muffins to me I know you always thought muffins it's just like a big word for a sophisticated muffin Spanish I guess for say like routine and stuff like that eggs bacon cheese the guns down fantastic whose room is this like walking out in here hello hi hey what's he doing watch a DC let's if you see who's that just to come out oh really I don't know if it is hey that's terrible is it yeah but anyways you just don't know deston con el lead singer for Soundgarden was so you thought of music it was something Carnell and then he died a couple years ago so I didn't know it was him I knew it what shaking us off guess it's itchy dude just itchy I can't do it I thought you're gonna grow it out yeah well it'll get past to eat you guys cheering along Union do it Benjy breakfast yeah okay whatever y'all want not gonna buck whatever Benji wants I put it through hell this week to sit over there in that chair don't say that now the handlebars does it get makes me look cuz this is getting down to the nitty-gritty you got to get tough for these last couple tournaments we might try something else where you think yea or nay no why don't you do that that would look awesome know you can have a red red handlebars if I saw if I saw him without a beard it would look yeah it looks very weird that's the next challenge that they lose either Billy Billy's got to do something or you gotta shave your beard oh oh you won't shave your beard will you baby face do you who wants to see Brandon's baby face give it to the handlebars I don't think this works alright what about this one all right it's my rocks for tomorrow topwaters swimbaits got a site fishing toys right there ChatterBait and i have some white googan baked Bandito bugs that I had them for special for me so I'm excited about that it's um just kind of break down the tournament just a little bit or at least the practice for me mm-hmm you know for me it was confusing in a way because you I had to kind of split my time up between deep and shallow because this time of the year is at transition time it's that time of the year that the fish start to gradually go out to those ledges and I think that's starting to happen now found a few schools obviously you saw me catch a few out there but I'd never really hit a big wad of them out there now the last day of practice I graphed over a spot and literally it was the most fish I've ever seen on my graph I didn't catch any there but I'm gonna hit in the tournament if I can get on it I found some site fish obviously there's some fish and fish like top water fish and stuff like that so tomorrow for me it's gonna be basically try to catch as much as I can sight fishing mmm try to get on some of the deep stuff if I can if there's not a boat on it just to kind of see but what I'm wondering what I'm hoping to do is catch enough fish tomorrow site fish and find enough fish for day two my overall goal here is to make the cut and win the tournament can't win it today's one and two you can only put yourself in position so make the cut off site fish then start transitioning to some of my deep stuff on day three and four if I can make it that far because there'll be less boats on that stuff it would just be an easier way to fish deep so that's kind of playing guys you know thank you for hanging out with me thanks for watching day one of the tournament starts come on it's gonna be a whole new video so let's get a-goin team smc all the way and appreciate all the support guys so be sure to like the video share the video and drop some comments below appreciate all support and we will see you in the next video day 1 fo to our Lake Chickamauga starts in the morning good night [Music]
Channel: Scott Martin
Views: 100,560
Rating: 4.9470992 out of 5
Keywords: Scott Martin, Scott Martin Challenge, SMC, fishing, bass fishing, flipping, giants, giant bass, huge bass, huge fish, big fish, LunkersTV, Googan Squad, jon b, apbassing, alex peric, andrew flair, dallmyd, blacktiph, legends, roland martin, crazy, insane, how to, how to fish, lures, jigs, instructional, spinnerworm, billygottabass, smallmouth bass, swimbait, win tournament, flw tour, bassmasters, vlog, top water, tennesee, practice, chickamauga
Id: 6oWIc7aDCNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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