Tricks with construction tools

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hey guys welcome back from classic work today I was going to show you all a little bit about how to get the most out of your hand tools and some of the techniques I'm going to show you today a lot of people are gonna think well that's just common sense and maybe some of the other ones that I'm going to show you be like wow I never thought about it like that and there are some really cool techniques that you can do that I didn't know for a long time about a lot of this stuff and somebody to show you on a job or you see it on the internet and you're just you know you might be amazed by it or you may be like well I've done that for years well so you know cool about that and what I'm basically trying to get at is there are a lot of really cool techniques that you learn out there through sheer necessity a lot of times that you're just trying to figure something out it just happens to work that way and I'm going to be showing you all some of my favorite ones that I've learned over the years and I hope you enjoy the hook you get something out of it so let's get started this first one I'm going to show you is an old framing technique is how to square a corner with nothing but a tape measure and then you do this it's called the old 3 4 & 5 square trick what you do is you hook onto your corner that you're wanting to square take your tape measure you come out to anything that has stood 3 come out 3 inches where you come out 3 feet if you want to be accurate go longer so we're gonna go 3 feet take some more take your square they're gonna hook on the other side of your corner I measure out four feet down here okay once you've done that you can take your tape hook on to that four foot that you marked out there on the end and come to your three foot that you parked and that's at five feet in which case it is it's squared and once you do that you can take a stiff back which is nothing but a little piece of wood and now she saw that she won't move now and now you can do your other corners and check them for a parallel and everything and that's a quick way to check if something's square this here's another trick that you'll see in construction a lot and well maybe not a lot it's a little less common but you will see it in pipe fitting in others as well is the old square trick it's a check there's something's parallel now I'll get these two beams right here and they look parallel you saw the pan that understood on both of them and they look like they're in the same plane of each other but just taking two framing squares and put them right here where they join you notice that there's a crack down at the bottom so to see the top halves are touching up here there's a big crack at the bottom meaning that this point right here needs to come up a little bit so you can take some a shim put it up under room whatever thickness you need it's big and come back with your squares check it again I want too much about that right here about better that's a pretty cool trick that you can use to check to make sure things are parallel with them the same plane it's pretty active too very accurate another really cool trick that you can do and you can do this one with a speed square is use a speed square as a level and that kind of ways using a square for a level but it can be done and it is accurate believe it or not what you do is you take your speed square and you lay your your 45-degree leg on the part that you want check for level and then you're going to take a plumb bob which you don't have to use a real plumb bob pump plumb bob you can use a washer and a piece of string and you can take that string and put it right up through the pivot and get your plumb bob stop swinging and look in your numbers here on your square and if it goes through the 45 which is your center point is square I mean well it's level and the smaller the string that you have the more accurate it's going to be if you use like fishing line for instance it would be very accurate the only problem with this method is you only have 10 inches of surface area so it doesn't it doesn't do good as a three foot level or anything but if like say Larry or Bob borrowed your level you know from your job and you need to check this really quick this is one method that you can use and mother nature she never lies so it's always going to be accurate as as accurate is 10 inches but if you don't think that that's accurate think again another trick that we do a lot of construction is straightening beams and a lot of times what we'll do is pull string on them and sometimes that's a little bit more challenging than it seems but a really easy way that we that we do it is take you a screw or nail and you're gonna put it right there in the corner of your more beam that you're trying to straighten so I just hit it as close as you can not like so put your another screw at the other end just like that one okay from there you can pull your strand across okay and now you can see which way you need to pull your beam in or out as you can see we're almost probably 3/16 out up here I should have got some better light in here but you can see how much it's out and that's a just a really easy way to pull a strain on a beam this technique right here is just for laughs if you can see I've got a little nuke all stuck up on the roof and this is happened to me before where you have a tool that you left on the roof if you were doing a roofing job and you need to get it down and say you boss then take all of your ladders and you can't get it down so one thing that you can do with a tape measure if you got a good tape measure is you can get it that's if we can get it off Just for Laughs I hope y'all enjoyed it hope you got a few laughs and I hope you also have learned something from all this it's just things that I've picked up and I just wanted to share with y'all if there's anything that I could tell you all the best advice I could give is to listen to the folks that you work with and you pretty much pay attention and get creative with things that you come up with cuz you'll amaze yourself sometimes and stuff that you see birthday so I hope you enjoyed this once again please comment subscribe me if you like and have a great day and take care as always from classic boy you
Channel: Classic Work
Views: 3,440,594
Rating: 4.5409899 out of 5
Keywords: Construction (Project Phase), Tool (Taxonomy Subject), square, string, Trick
Id: 71zqfPDeO3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2013
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