10+ Bonus Tips Taking the Mystery Out of Using a Speed Square & Framing Square

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hi everyone welcome to Popov workshop today we're continuing the beginner series and we're going to be talking about it framing square and a speed square and we'll show you a lot of the tips and tricks that these two tools will be able to do so one thing that I'm not going to cover in the beginning series is how to cut a roof in other words being able to cut the rafters for the common rafters and the hip rafters that will be for a whole nother video but there's still plenty of tips and tricks that I can show you with these two tools so let's get started [Music] the first thing the Freeman Square has been around for decades many many decades and was a vital tool to all framing contractors for literally decades and then the speed square came along and this was something that you literally could just throw in your apron and have with you all the time and it does have some definite advantages but both tools serve a very vital role on the jobsite and the first thing I want to show you is just as simple it is a square you can take mark it and you will have a square line this 90 degrees that will be 90 degrees and you can cut your wood the framing square you can do the same thing you hold the framing square along this edge and you let it drop down just a little bit and that forms a good solid surface and then you can mark your line the next thing that you can do is actually have it where you can mark 45-degree angles did you know that the framing square can do the same thing the numbers that are on the outside will be starting at this point right here at the corner is a starting point for these numbers with one two three four and so on and the same thing going this way well what you can do is take a number LM just going to use six and we'll find six on this side then I can put that down on my board where it aligns to here and I slide this up to my six and then I can mark it guess what that's a 45-degree angle also and you can verify it the next thing that works really well is to use this as a guide to support the saw so I can put that right there and be able to make the cut and it'll keep my saw nice and square the one thing you want to be able to do is put this square on the top this gives a long point here to be able to support the saw to begin with when you start to make your cut some people will do it this way and it works but you do not have this space down here to support the saw you literally have to support the saw beginning onto the wood itself this square the framing square can do the same thing you said it where you need to be you hold it and remember we're holding this add a little bit of an angle so as a result this forms a ridge that the saw can guide on just fine and this will give you a lot of support out here for the saw so using the framing square and the speed square as a guide is an excellent use of the tools and the important thing is it doesn't have to be just a circular saw you can use this with a jig saw as well with both tools and that will make it where it'll keep your saw straight and cut this straight line the next thing that I want to show you you can use a speed square just as a ruler because there are your inch marks and it's broken down into eighth inch increments and for our framing environment that's really all you need so if you need to measure for one mark to another mark you can just simply put that down and know that's four and three eighths and you got it you don't need to grab the tape measure the next thing that I want to show you on some speed squares you have this little diamond this diamond is actually set at three and a half inches because a lot of times on the job site you will need to mark for three and a half inches to be able to do that I can just put this down and roll my and that gives me three and a half inches no need for a tape measure now on this section you have this a 1 a 2 and a 3 in here and what's nice about this is oftentimes on the job site you need to be able to lay out where your stud is going to be and next to it a jack stud for like a door opening and to be able to do that everything's already here so the bill will show you how that works if the first studs going to go right here and it's going to be on this side it's the placement of the stud then all I need to do I can mark it right there that gives me that inch and a half and then without moving anything I can just go over here to my 3 inch line and mark that and then I had that mark so that's what my stud and this would be the jack stud and that would be the location so it makes it very very quick to be able to lay it out now how can you do that with a framing square with the same thing well the interesting thing about it is the framing square is the inch and a half wide at this point which is the same width as the 2x4 so the question becomes why is this calll a 2x4 when this is actually an inch and a half by three and a half inches well the reason being is at the mill when this board was rough cut it was for 2 inches by 4 inches after the milling and the planing it gets planed down to the inch and a half wide by the three and a half inches so the framing squares are designed where this piece right here is an inch and a half wide so we're using the same example where we need to have the stud and a jack stud I can do that and there's my jack stud slide that over and there is my stud so it's still very fast to be a to do the layout you just do it in a little bit different manner hi everyone I've got a special announcement today one of the things that I have struggled with over this last year and a half is been able to create a lot of different projects on a minimal budget and many many of those projects have come from this crap bin well one of the things that I have done is I have launched the patreon website so that is up at live and I'm currently uploading a lot of different videos into that and I've got some special content that's behind the scenes that's only going to be for the patreon family so if you would like to be able to help contribute to this channel please consider going over to the patreon and joining as a patreon member and realize that that site is just beginning and I'm going to have a lot more content in it and we're going to be doing some live streams once a month with the Pantheon members and we've got special behind the scene things that we're going to be doing so it's going to be a lot of fun so please consider joining the patreon family the next item that I want to show you is all these lines across the bottom these are in degrees so 5 degrees 10 degrees 15 and so on all the way across so what this does this creates a protractor for you see with the speed square you don't need to have to worry about having a protractor with you okay to be able to use this I'm gonna put this down right here and this is going to be my pivot point as I rotate this over and let's say that's the 10 degrees I can make my mark and that begins at shows as a 10 degree line and yeah I'm using a carpenter's pencil too any idea why a carpenter pencil is flat yeah that's for another video I'll talk about that next time the only thing that I'm going to touch on these numbers along here are for your common rafters and this is for your hip and Valley and we're not going to really go into those a lot but realize that these are angles too so for an example this right here is a four and what that was signify is a four 12 pitch and that means that the roof goes up four inches for every 12 inches of run so that would be the angle so to be able to show you and this is all I'm going to show on the roof part I would bring this over to where it has four and that would be my line so this would represent a four 12 pitch for the roof now how does that work with a framing square we're going to line this up let me get this in the camera here where my four is right on this line and then this four is on the outside so I come across to my 12 so I have my 12 right here and my four right here and you know this that's exactly the same line so this tool is designed specifically for being able to layout your roof you can use the framing square as a protractor too but more specifically it's really designed to be used as a method of being able to cut the rafters and you can use this same method to be able to lay out the stairs the next thing that I want to show you is when you're laying out a wall and let's say that wall has the studs at 16 inches on center the first thing that happens is you're going to have one at the very end so I'll take my framing square and I can mark that and then a lot of times what people will do is take the tape measure and every 16 inches which is marked in red and we've talked about that before that would be the centerline of the studs now how does that work with the Freeman square so what I would do on this first one you just set my square at the 15 and a quarter and I would mark that and that would put it directly into the center and when you move to the next Doug all you have to do is put this at the 16 inches right here at this point and then whoops I'll put this at my 16 inch line and draw it and that will put it directly into the center and then I can continue on down the wall just like that and I don't even need to have these marks so this is a very very useful tool for being able to layout the walls the next thing I want to show you is you can actually draw a circle with this and to be able to do that you can put it right back at the pivot point measure over where you want and let's say you want a two inch radius so that's a four inch circle all you'd have to do is just put that on here and just go around and you can see the idea on being able to do that and it doesn't take a whole lot of effort and it's still going to be a whole lot quicker than being able to have to do this if you didn't have a compass the next thing that I want to show you now just grab something that was round but if I needed to find the center of this how am I going to do that that's really almost impossible to find the center of it but here's the trick you take the speed square and you set this up where it forms that 45 degree angle right here and then you just slide this over in place you do a pencil mark there you can rotate it and there's your center point you know exactly where your Center is on any circle so that's a lot better than having to carry another specialized tool this will do the trick for you now one more thing that I want to show you on some of the speed squares they have a CL here and that indicates centerline now with the string line with the plumb line hanging down I can adjust that holding this on my centerline until that comes right to that point and I know that that's level and the last tip that I want to show you you'll see that these numbers are actually a little bit hard to read well one of the things you can do is take some paint and I just used acrylic paint and I just rubbed it across filled in where the numbers are and then wiped it off so that makes it where it's much easier to be able to see and read so there you have it you have about 10 things actually more than 10 things that you can do with the framing square and a speed square that really speeds up what happens on the job site because speed is critical on the job site now the other thing that I mentioned to you throw out a little hint is why is a carpenter pencil flat this is a very very useful tool on the job site and we'll cover the next time in a short video now don't forget in this beginner series we've talked about the drill and we've talked about the jigsaw I've got several different projects that I'm working on right now that I'm only going to be using the jigsaw and the drill hi everyone thank you for watching my video today if you liked the video please go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below and the little bell next to it so you'll be notified on the different videos that I upload also check out the videos over here to be able to stay up to date on the happenings in my shop so again thank you for watching my videos
Channel: Paw Paw’s WorkShop
Views: 473,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventables, Easel, how to, create, establish, rustic flag, torched flag, scout oath, CNC for beginners, DIY, april wilkerson, i like to make stuff, steve ramsey, izzy swan, dude perfect, war hammer, the king of ramdon, 5 minute craft, build a fence, wood fence, saw blade holder, storage, build something, socket storage, shop orgnization, sharpen saw blades, woodworking for mere mortals, inkscape, pen turners, Beginner woodworking, jig saw basics, EDC, cabinet building
Id: gmhoArc0bcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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