Trick Daddy on Pointing Gun at Former Friend Who Said He's "Banned" from The Hood (Part 14)

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okay so here you are you're you're at the top of your game right now that next year though 2003 you end up getting into an argument at a basketball game and you get hit with a gun charge I that I found that I had Loopers all that at one time oh the dude who I got the dude who pressed charges on me that I thought it was I thought it was my friend damn we had did a lot of [ __ ] together we had spent a lot of time together and it was all over a basketball game it was all over the fact that a lot of times you have to when you in this business and you in any type of business where there's money involved you have to be careful of who you dealing with and in life because people think when your business blow up y'all business blew up people think when you made it we made it we made it right that's why I always tell the young athletes NBA NFL I give what you do be careful everybody been kiding you ain't family be careful how you move be careful how you talk be careful how you dress be careful how you go around them had I pulled up in a rgy old car not looking good not feeling good he probably think oh yeah he still one of me hear him tell me I'm barred off the park I can't come back I'm the terror in this [ __ ] neighborhood what you mean I can't come back when I got in the car I realized I had my gun on me I was like well that nothing but God so I told my cousin I said ride around the park when we got back around the park he he said um man [ __ ] that [ __ ] bro you got too much I like stop this B man I'm not stopping I reach and I grabb the [ __ ] sing um the shift stick shift out his hand that b before that [ __ ] stopped good I was out that [ __ ] yeah and what really hurt him was the things I said to him his brother and Daddy had got it up his brother and his daddy on different time different occasions Within a quarter mile from each other got an altercation with somebody that came back to kill them so once he called me [ __ ] and flaw and I can't come back once he tried to hit me in the face with the ball when I wasn't looking I told him I came back to kill you like that [ __ ] came back and kill your brother I came back to kill you like the [ __ ] came back and killed your daddy over there and you better not cry before you die cuz you Tred me like I was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and I showed you nothing but love dog I said one tear drop on the barrel of this pistol while I Jam this [ __ ] in your nose and blow your brains out and I don't want nobody I'm I'mma call your grandma and I'mma tell her what I just did I don't want nobody to call her I got when I got in the car I was like why the [ __ ] did you do that why the [ __ ] did you say that I was hurt I thought you was my friend you went to jail when you was in college I helped you I coach you through it you needed a girl I put you down with my sister in college you already you already talk to my step sister I put you down with my other sister in college and my step sister don't even know I did this and now just because I'm selling records and I got I got a nice house and nice cars now I can't come back on the park no more I ain't come on bro I don't think I'm better than you I got my first million dollars I said that I told Ted don't give me that I said I give me a piece of paper and a pen I wrote down everybody that helped me sell that mother that make that million dollars everybody got 20 or 30,000 a piece wow every [ __ ] body don't talk to me like that bro don't do that [ __ ] to me and then got a restraining all on me and every time I came to court he stood about elevator when I ready walk in he walk in and every time I went to a club he came and I got to leave when I caught my friends trying to do something to him I said please if y'all do something to him I'm going to prison just leave him alone bro I'm just G to stay out of his way damn I got the lawsuit a lawsuit he sued you damn you sent me to jail and you sued me damn yeah from that day on I realized that money was the root of all evil man the the [ __ ] that people would do to you for you for some money if they'll do it for you they'll do it to you
Channel: djvlad
Views: 90,439
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Id: B9X9Fl1kMAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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